Hi all,
Ending a successful fast day. Hi to Canucky Woman, welcome!
Salma, interesting on the progesterone. Wonder if giving estrogen too to balance it all out would have helped? Did the progesterone improve your mood while on it? I’ve heard it’s one of the happiness hormones too! I just can’t get my head around the whole hormone thing. Of course all those doctors are happy to prescribe them, but I don’t think anyone really knows what the potential downside is to the bio-identical (I know there’s a downside to the synthetic!). I really DO have to try out Mr. McKenna!
Lori, it certainly doesn’t sound like you should have gained. I think it’s the darn humidity there (and here in San Diego, ugh!) which can cause water retention. As you know too, alcohol does also make you dehydrated and retain water. Drink a ton of water over the next day or two and you should lose that weight and then some!
MM, Oh yes, I remember moving the date to early September on the under 130 lbs. challenge. Works for me, as it may take that long after this past weekend’s indulgences!
Milena, glad to hear you are at least enjoying your time off plan and not feeling too terribly guilty. Just like the rest of us, you will get back on that wagon, however difficult it may be to find it and hoist yourself up 😉
Have a good one all!
1:08 am
18 Aug 15