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This topic contains 1,073 replies, has 83 voices, and was last updated by  abop 6 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 1,075 total)

  • Day 7 UK FD

    One of those days when it takes a dozen goes to actually get a post to post – huge apologies if you get the individual emails, but it’s not appearing in the forum yet – 13th time lucky!

    A lovely sunny bank holiday Monday and I’m looking forward to enjoying some downtime today. I’ve got my sights on an overgrown lavender bed for a gentle sit & weedpull later on, but it’s 36C there right now so I’ll wait for it to cool down. Going to aim for a good FD of 500 calories – I can eat a lot of salad for that!

    Amazing night’s sleep for the 3rd time, woken only by dawn around 5am. I can imagine this will get me right back on track with earlier nights and earlier starts (BH Mon excepted) But I also had a significantly swollen abdomen again last night and wonder if anyone else has come across with magnesium oil? I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the body rebalancing and drawing a lot of water into the guts – come morning it’s all gone down again.

    My weight’s been stable (yay!) but my size is fluctuating wildly. I’ve not had anything else that’s new to me the last few days – homemade salads, no processed foods. It might perhaps be the oatbread – homemade from gf oats, yogurt, seeds, baking soda – which I had a lot of on Sat and a little yesterday. I’ll give it a miss for today’s FD and see if it makes a difference. I’d be gutted to lose the miraculous benefits I’ve had with 3 nights of magnesium oil – restorative sleep, calm mind and better concentration.

    We’re a whole week into the May challenge already and have gathered a great group from all corners. If you’ve got off to a good start – well done! If you need to press the reset button – why not do it today? Every day is a new chance to get back on the waggon. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can – the best is yet to come 🙂 xx

    Fasting Pocket list Day 7 – if you want to join us just copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7 North canton OH FD.

    So Saturday was not as controlled as I would have liked but I did pretty good on Sunday, I succumbed to the temptation of one croissant but stayed on track the rest of the time. When motivation is lagging, discipline has to step up her game.

    Day 7 Pocketfasters:
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7 UK NFD

    I’ve decided to move my normal fast day to tomorrow and also give myself abit of a break from the exercise today. I went for a lovely walk and a pub lunch with the OH & the baby. I intend to spend the rest of the day enjoying the sunshine and playing in the garden with the kids.

    Thank you for all your kind words, support and encouragement.

    Sending you all happy, positive vibes. 😁🌞

    USA Day 7 FD

    Just checking in quickly! Am on my way to yoga. Snowflake, can you add me to the pocket list? Wasn’t able to do it! Thanks! Be back later! Have a great day, all! 🙂

    USA DAY 7 FD

    Michelinme: I thought I would just pop in for a minute to respond to your post. I am thinking your bloating may be due to the amount of roughfage you are eating! I am thinking your body may be adapting to it. I’ve had this happen to me before! Your food sounds very healthy! 🙂

    Day 7 – North Carolina, USA – FD

    Such a great weekend, made even better by a successful weight in! One of my goals this month is to try to negotiate social events successfully by focusing more on the joy of the experience and less on the delicious food that usually accompanies the event. I want to still enjoy the good food but make intentional, thoughtful decisions so I can learn to be reasonable. I have a sweet tooth so that is hard for me when I’m faced with a 20 feet desert table!!! In any case, I had a work lunch on Friday and stuck to a 360 calories salad which helped me stay in my normal calorie range for a NFD.

    On Saturday I had lunch with a girlfriend and stuck to a salad/no dressing and thoroughly enjoyed myself in spite of my small lunch. She’s very thin, so I was relieved she ignored my order entirely and didn’t push me toward a heavier choice. I feel like sometimes people are bothered my choices to find healthy options. I get comments like “You’re starving yourself, it’s not healthy” or “This is not the time to deprive yourself, live a little!” Not sure if she watches what she eats but I was happy she didn’t mention it and proud of myself for not trying to explain myself or posture down.

    And on Sunday I had to face a decadent buffet line and the dreaded 20 foot long desert table. I choose to eat super light the night before and skip breakfast. I was afraid it would make me even more susceptible to temptation but I was wrong. I tried to be the last one through the line so the food didn’t look at appetizing as it might have before 100 went through. I stuck to a large salad on one plate and a reasonable portion of chicken with lots of steamed vegetables on a second plate (passed on all starches). And when it was time for desert, did the same thing. I tried to go on the later side and I took a saucer sized plate, chose one desert that I knew I would absolutely enjoy, and got a small slice of the chocolate mousse pie. It was delicious but I committed myself to not going back a second time through the line and managed to stay in my chair in spite of my tastebuds arguing with me in my head. I tried to keep busy by taking lots of pictures and by chatting away with friends. Phew! I was worried about having had sugar still so when I got home I had a huge salad for dinner and called it a day.

    I’m happy to report, I managed okay. I started the weekend at 135.4 and finished the weekend at 134.8! I could not be more pleased!!!

    I was supposed to have a dinner with co-workers tonight but since it’s a FD, I have cancelled. I don’t want to break my fast and not eating at the restaurant would attract too much attention, so I chose the easy way out. But that’s okay. Sometimes, abstaining after 3 days in a row of fun is what I’ll need to do. Especially since Friday, I start again with 3 days of celebration out of town for my son’s college graduation… I’m very scared about that one, but this first successful weekend is encouraging.

    Thank you @metatauta for the honorary induction into the club :p and thanks for the advice @onlyhermes. I log my weight every day, but on a different app, I’m logging only my Monday weight (after 3 NFDs) to see the bigger picture. It gives me great perspective and calms my anxiety about the zigzag line.

    @michelinme, thank you for that link on Friday and also @flourbaby, thank you for the link to the video. I definitely want to watch that! I need to go back through all of your posts, and see where the info on the magnesium oil is. It sounds wonderful!

    Adding myself to today’s Pocket List:

    Day 7 Pocketfasters:
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Have a fabulous week everyone!

    Second post. So sorry for the novel above!!!! I started typing and forgot to stop I was so excited about my weekend!

    Day 7 (USA Utah visiting) FD

    I am going to get in a FD today despite maybe eating more like 800 calories. That’s okay with me.

    @mjrbcd44 – nice to know you’re right at the doorstep to wine country! OH and I would love to do a trip to Oregon and Napa sometime. Let’s say it’s on our agenda for when life gets more back to normal?!

    Onward and downward

    Day 7 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    I too am very please with my weekend of three CNFD’s. Still doing 16:8 everyday and today is a CFD. With my daughters wedding at the end of the month I am scared to just do one FD a week, so keeping it at two for this month.

    Thank you to everyone for the prayer for my brother, it is really starting to take it’s toll on him. 🙁

    I am grateful to be super busy here at work as the weather turns, everyone wants their yacht in the water yesterday, it helps my CFD and keeps my sadness in check.

    The best preparation you can do for tomorrow is be your best today. Have a great Monday everyone.

    Day 7 – Atlanta, GA – FD
    Day 6 – Atlanta, GA – NFD
    Day 5 – Atlanta, GA – NFD
    Day 4 – Atlanta, GA – CD

    Adding myself to today’s Pocket List:

    Day 7 Pocketfasters:
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7 – SW WA USA – FD

    I was able to watch both videos on the weekend: Fat vs Sugar and The Magic Pill. The Fat vs Sugar was quite interesting but The Magic Pill more helpful. I shared on FB that I was watching The Magic Pill on Netflix & my daughter, across the state, started watching it also. She has seizure issues. I’m hoping the documentary gave her some hope. Food makes such a difference in our health.

    @coda – you’ve got a great start to the month of May!
    @michelinme – yes, I saw both posts. I’m glad you are sleeping well with the Magnesium. I’m thinking I will use some tonight. Do you just spray it on your feet or rub it in?
    @mjrbcd44 – I hope you got some sun yesterday. We’re having mixed cloud and sun just north of you.

    Adding myself to today’s Pocket List:

    Day 7 Pocketfasters:
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    We can do this!

    Day 7, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Tonight our Eucharistic meeting is celebrating mass and afterwards everyone brings some food and/or drinks and we have what we call an agape. So while I controlled what I ate up till now ie low calorie lemon chicken plus half a banana, this evening I’ll eat and sample from the prepared food. I’m taking small pea and ricotta cheesecakes plus lemonade.

    My son is doing his biology exam right now and it will soon be time to pick him up.

    Have a great Monday everyone. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 7 – USA – NFD

    2nd post today

    Adding myself to today’s Pocket List:

    Day 7 Pocketfasters:
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7- Essex, Uk, FD
    Day 6- NFD
    Day 5- CNFD

    Evening everybody, hope everybody has had a lovely day, its certainly been lovely weather here. I found today quite easy, it got to dinner time and I wasn’t even that hungry but I ate dinner still because I was worried that if I didn’t I would suddenly become ravenous and then overeat. I came in at 420cals today. Saturday was a good day food wide for me, Sunday not so good but a lot better than the previous sunday.

    @Emma1202- Wow you sound really in control of what you are eating at social events! It is one of the things I struggle with, staying moderate when I am out to dinner or at social occasions where there is food. Good for you, I hope you enjoy your son’s graduation next weekend.

    Pocketfasters list Day 7

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7,UK, CD

    I lost a bit of my mojo so I am trying to motivate myself to at least not over eating. I think I am ok but ate a bit too much carbs today. Out with the kids gave me some exercise, plus gardening, so I am going to pretend that I have done my daily exercise!!!
    Tomorrow is another day. FD definitely. It will be a busy week at work and at home since my husband is on a business trip. So, fasting will be easier (I am a believer!) and I might actually try a water fast only tomorrow and another regular or water fast on Thursday, depending on how tomorrow will go. Bit nervous about it but I know that I can always switch to a regular fast, if that’s too difficult.
    Emma1202: I completely understand you when you are talking about “well-intentioned” friends who know better than yourself what’s good for you!! It is actually not helping and I find these comments so annoying. That’s why I don’t discuss my diet and if my colleagues ask why I am not eating at the buffet, I simply say that I will have my lunch later or I am not particularly hungry now. If they insist, I just say that what I truly want is a coffee “because this meeting will ( or was) be challenging”. Usually the gossiping birds pick up on that and forget about me not eating!!
    Of course, on a more formal setting, it is more difficult and I am still to find a tactic!! Ahah
    Anyway, I wish you all a wonderful end of this so beautiful weekend!!!

    FD today. I’m stiil very much motivated. Noticed that i’m watching the clock for dinner time. That is usually when I have my main calories. Hope everyone has a great afternoon. Adding my name to the pocket list.
    Pocketfasters list Day 7

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7 Belfast NFD
    Home from an indulgent weekend and pressing that reset button tomorrow
    Thanks for the link @flourbaby.  It’s a great programme and I shall revisit when I get home.  Don’t you wonder with so much sound information out there how the message fails to get through? I guess you have to want to see it.
    @diwantsthin congratulations on your decision.  You’ll never look back.  I retired front primary teaching when I was 61 and love it!
     @mjrbcd44 that’s some amount of weight loss your son  has achieved.Congratulations to him
     @Emma 1202 your self control is amazing!
    @diana123 I love the quote.  Wishing you the strength to deal with your difficult times.

    Remember: the man who moves mountains begins by carrying away small stones

    Enjoy what is left of your evening

    Day 7 – Iceland – FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    Had not planned to fast today, but was too busy to eat during the day so decided to have a light dinner and make it a FD, already looking forward to breaking the fast at noon tomorrow😋☺️

    @emma1202 – well done resisting all those weekend temptations!

    @annemarilyn – I had noticed The Magic Pill on Netflix, now I am excited to watch it! Already watched Sugar vs. Fat couple of years ago.

    Hope everyone has a great week! Onward and downward.

    Day 7 – UK – FD
    Day 6 – Feast Day…..😈

    Very busy since my return from Australia – catching up with life here after an absence of over 4 weeks! Went for a fab walk on Saturday – perfect weather and good company too!

    Thank you for the warm welcome back and for your positive thoughts of my maintenance but I have to report that I had a very overindulgent Sat and Sun – it seems that I gave myself permission to go overboard as I had maintained during my holidays……..not sure what that was about!!!!!

    Anyway today was a much needed FD – so was very pleased to see that @snowflake56 had added me to the Pocket List for today as I needed to firmly press that reset button today!

    Went to my regular yoga class this evening – it really inspired me and made me realise how much I had missed it 🙏 to my wonderful teacher.

    @diana123 – Well done on that 2 size drop in your jeans 👖and also @debster251 – what a wonderful feeling 💃
    @sarahbob – stay strong and positive – sometimes it takes longer for a weight loss to register……
    @songbirdme and @mjrbcd44 – that Pinot Noir was from New Zealand – Central Otago Nanny Goat Vineyard 2016 – try it if you come across it 🍷
    @diwantsthin – Congratulations on that 2 kg dispatched in the last two weeks! Hope you enjoy your retirement as much as I did – I actually stopped at 55 and have never regretted it – so many new things to discover and so much to do and enjoy in life

    Looking forward to tomorrow – going for a hike with my regular Tuesday walking group and then meeting with DD for lunch and a catchup – so planning on carrying on with my fast until lunchtime – 40+hrs in total (471cals consumed)

    Must go get ready for bed as my eyes are closing on me………😴

    “Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction”

    Day 7, Brighton UK, festival time

    Yes, yes, yes


    Second post – Thanks for the support! Let’s hope I can do it again next weekend :p

    And thank you for the tip about The Magic Pill. My husband is working late tonight so I will watch it too –especially since today’s fast is feeling particularly long.

    Hi! I used to be here a few years ago. just could not make it work. Wondering if their is a buddy system program where I could talk or email a “friend” for a needed boost.

    Just let me know. I want to be successful this time.

    Day 7 from the Pacific Islands (Fast Day)

    It’s so great to see other peoples’ success here! Well done, everyone!

    @emma1202 : WOW! Nice work with the dessert bar, that can be so hard! I also love what you said about lunch. I find it difficult when people criticism my similar food choices. Here in the Pacific that’s a huge problem! People will actually order and pay for things I don’t want!

    @sarahbob It’s so good to know and respect how you’re feeling and what your body/soul need. A sunny walk and time in the garden sounds fantastic. 🙂

    I was doing well until Friday hit and I’m having some weird stomach issues: not unheard of here, since my diet HAS to be completely different than at home just due to the limited food available. This has been both a blessing and a curse. Blessing: fewer temptations. Curse: fewer healthy options. Given that I really love and crave healthy foods, it has definitely been difficult. What’s life without broccoli and salads?

    I had to skip my workout yesterday due to nausea. I always feel annoyed when I have to miss a workout, as I’ve come to depend on them for my sanity here. Plus, I always feel a bit uneasy about fasting when unwell. But, today I’m a bit better and I’m not feeling worse for fasting, so I’m doing it! Perhaps it will help. 🙂

    Hopefully this sickness will clear up and I’ll be back to my normal routine!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

    Day 8 – Japan – NFD 80.6kg

    My FD was harder than normal but I made it through. I had a lot worse days when I was using calorie restriction so it wasn’t that bad. My wife does really well with calorie restriction … my metabolism is just not as robust.

    For those of you still fasting, you are getting close to the finish line!

    Pocketfasters list Day 7
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7 FD➡️EFS Oregon USA

    Yep. Actually Skittles and wine.

    Just a general derailment of my low carb week and obviously FD.
    Emotional eating pure and simple.

    @applecrisp I would be happy to be an accountability partner though you would likely be having to pick me up week in and week out. 😞

    Long exhale….
    Do I have a choice but to reset?

    Day 8, Emden Germany, FD

    FD yesterday went well, consumed only 166 cal.

    @at you’re welcome,I’m so glad you’re with us again. You always find the right words to comfort and encourage everyone.

    @emma1202 I admire your resistance!

    @diwantsthin well done on the weight loss. I only just retired, it’s great, should have done it earlier. So much to do but I’m so relaxed.

    @mjrbcd44 just try again, are you with me today?

    @mychoice7 just push the reset button, that’s the great thing about this WOL. I’m with you today, it’s easier to do it together.

    Pocket list Day 8, if you want to join me, please copy and paste and add your name to the list.

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 8, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Went AWOL over the weekend! And need to catch up on posts. We had such glorious weather on the south coast. The beaches were packed. Full of pink sun burned bodies. Feels odd to go from snow to scorccio in such a short time.

    I decided at the last minute to sell some of my plants and seeds at a local country market at the weekend and it went well, so will do more of them this summer. Its helped my confidence to lose some weight and go out and meet people.

    I worked on the holiday yesterday so I could go to yoga today! 2 hrs during the working day for yoga is a bit of a luxury when its busy, so just shows what you will do if you really want to!

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 FD
    1st of B2B2B

    Well, no chance of an FD yesterday. I finished work around noon, sun was blazing, so far so good. My sister in law contacted me and told me that Dad was over with them (they live in a nearby village) and my youngest brother and his son were popping by, and they were thinking of having a small BBQ”……so off I went.

    In fairness it was great to catch up with both my eldest and youngest brother, chat to Dad, nephews and nerves, plus, my older brother and wife have started with Slimming World so the BBQ food was actually healthy and tasty. Not a carb in sight!

    When I got home I had some wine out the garden watching the bird feeder shenanigans. So it’s a reset today.

    @shinything I do get a large variety of birds on my feeder but I think it’s because it’s been there a long time, years even, so the birds know there is a food source there. As its nesting time I have noticed quite a few varieties have built their nests in trees and bushes close to my home. (Some of them were even trying to build a nest in the mortar of our roof so we had to do a big fix up job on the mortar double quick before they had actually nested 😁). Keep at it, the birdies will eventually expect the food available to them on your feeder and you will be rewarded. I sat there all evening watching them, the starlings in particular are noisy cheeky little fellas, but I love how they all (all the birds except for Ravens and crows) happily feed together.

    @michelinme I have never experienced bloating with magnesium oil, maybe it was the oat bread? I sprayed MO liberally on my feet last night but a local dog just spent the night barking 😡 We had the window open as it was so warm but I eventually had to close them. So not a restful night for me. Will try again tonight.

    So a great bank holiday weekend weather wise, not so much for me resting wise, but today is a big RESET and I am joining you guys on the Pocket List.

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B

    Day 8 is a big RESET and I am joining you guys on the Pocket List! Copied your words @Dafodil2010

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of B2B2B


    Day 8 – UK – Reading – FD

    No major damage done over the bank holiday weekend, which was surprising. Lots of exercise and walking probably helped, but also downgrading food in importance in my life. If that makes sense? Hoping for a proper FD today. Adding myself to the pocket list:
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of B2B2B

    Day 8 UK FD

    Right bank holiday weekend over & I had a fab weekend. I have 3 & 1/2 weeks until my Birthday & 6 weeks until my Birthday night out. Time to be good and lose some some more pounds.

    Sending positive vibes. 😁

    Today’s pocket list

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of B2B2B

    Day 8 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was 800 calories so need to keep within TDEE for next couple of days then a lower FD on Thursday as I’ve committed to a four course Italian themed dinner on Friday and I know it won’t be my interpretation of the Mediterranean diet!

    Lovely to hear that so many of us enjoyed a sunny weekend, it really does lift the spirit. Here’s to a successful week everyone 😊

    Day 8, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B)

    I’m trying to be kinder to myself, but again feeling the urge to kick my own a*se!!! Anyway, it’s another week, and another chance to reset, I fear that button will be worn out soon!!!!

    @coda, good to hear from you and glad you’re counting the mindfulness & control as successes – at the moment the control is missing from my life so it’s a bit All …………..or Nothing!!!!

    I’m with you @shinything, after-all NOTHING has ever worked before, so what else can we do but carry on??? The mind is a powerful tool, I must practise using it only for good, rather than evil self-sabotage!!!! @onlyhermes, I must re-read the transcript you posted, it was a lightbulb moment at the time, then as with lots of things these days, I blinked & it fell out of my brain!!!!

    @michelinme, I’ve never had any issues with MO, just a little underarm soreness when I over use it as a deodorant. I would think it’s the bread causing the bloating, could your GF oats be contaminated and not as GF as you expect??? …………………… or was there 1 slice too many????

    @emma1202, congratulations on the fantastic swerve of the dessert table, I’ve used magnesium oil as a deodorant for a couple of years now, and also I spritz it on the soles of my feet (apparently bigger pores so better absorption – who knew??) before bed and I wake up in the exact position I fell asleep in, refreshed & wide awake, I think there are additional benefits to transdermal absorption rather than tablets. Have a look at the benefits of magnesium oil, it really is a ‘miracle oil’ – I buy the flakes and make my own to the recipe below,

    Stay strong @mjrbcd44, you can ALWAYS press that reset button, we don’t like it, but if it wasn’t there I would have thrown in the towel by now and be drowning my sorrows in chocolate fudge cake & red wine!!!!!

    I refuse to start a cycle where I have a good month followed by a bad month!!!! Nightmare!!!!

    Today’s pocket list, copy, paste and add your name if your with us

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of B2B2B
    @flourbaby 1st of B2B2B

    Onward & Downwards folks, we really have got this ………………….90% of the time!!!!!!

    Day 8 London NFD

    As another recent retiree I can only concur. It’s the best thing ever. Wish I’d done it forty years ago. I’ve now joined the ranks of annoying retirees who are soooo busy we can’t fit everything in. Off to the pool this afternoon. Going away soon so trying to get my head into the opposite of EFS ( epic face stuffing) mode cos I know I won’t manage too many FDs in Italy.
    Have a good day all. H

    Day 8, Amsterdam – FD.

    Having a delayed fast day due to the weather ruining my attempt yesterday! Again today is a beautiful day but I am going to be stronger. Seeing a friend for a picnic in the park after work and I suspect I may end up more as a CD but going to try. I’ll be saving all my calories for hte evening (so hopefully a supermarket salad [400] plus a canned gin & tonic [because I’m just so classy haha!] should be OK.

    Pocket list:

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of B2B2B
    @flourbaby 1st of B2B2B

    Have a wonderful day today everyone!

    Day 8, UK, NFD

    Yesterday was a successful FD with just under 500 cal, happy with that 🙂 . Its really odd how the scales wont budge, the weight is the same, but yesterday when I got into my work trousers they felt much looser! I was delighted with that 💃

    @michelinme thank you for such a supportive post, its always good to hear 🙂 . And
    yes, the best is yet to come 👍

    @onlyhermes well done on yet another loss yay 😀 . Keep it up, you’ve got this.

    @emma1202 it was enjoyable to read about your success, your enthusiasm and positivity is contagious, so no need to apologise 😀 . Its a good feeling to be in control, well done! 👏

    @annemarilyn thanks for that mention of The Magic Pill, sounds like an interesting
    program, will find it and watch it 🙂

    @borealis I like having one of those ‘surprising’ FDs , when it just happens 😀

    @applecrisp welcome back, being here alone is a step in the right direction 🙂 . I know its not the same maybe, but this forum is very active and supportive, if you decide to give it another go we will be here for you 🙂

    @mjrbcd44 ouch , and yes, reset button needs to be in action *nods* . You can do this! 💪

    Thank you for encouraging words about the bird feeder @daffodil2010, I hope I get to watch the bird feeder shenanigans one day 😂

    @ktcaroline great job on downgrading food in importance in your life, I firmly believe that’s an excellent long term plan for keeping the weight down 🙂

    Have a great day everyone and keep it up, we’ve got this! 🙂

    Day 8 UK CD

    Pretty successful FD yesterday at c650 calories. Two apples during the day (I’m becoming addicted!) and evening meal of large salad & hard boiled eggs followed by half an apple, a little fat-free greek yogurt, raw cacao and a few almonds. Just the brain boost I needed & seriously Yum 🙂

    No problems with bloating yesterday evening without oat bread; it may be contaminated oats, an intolerance or simply I had too much of a delicious thing over the weekend 🙁 Thank you @daffodil2010 and @flourbaby for sharing experiences. I’m really glad it wasn’t the Magnesium oil, likely to be significantly better for me 😀

    Slept really well again! Although not yet enough to begin to balance 20 years’ deficit (!) my quality of sleep is massively improved and I simply don’t feel anxiety to the same degree and have so far had fewer muscle spasms. I also managed a more structured evening after a quiet bank holiday so earlier night and a better start to the day. Must try to get to bed even earlier tonight.

    Lots of stuff to pick up, prioritise and schedule today. It’s all in the planning! What’s not on the list doesn’t get attention, so I need to name it in order to make sure I make the time and plan to do it. Not only project work but home admin, health stuff, social time and building in time away. Learning new ways of spending time and energy, more mindfully and holistically, hopefully part of building a better, more balanced life.

    @mychoice7 @rainbow well done on the reset
    @borealis wow – congratulations on the B2B2B! Have you done this before? Be interested to know how it was for you
    @applecrisp great to see you have a partner in the wise and wonderful @mjrbcd44 🙂 You’re very welcome to join the May Challenge too! It’s a lovely supportive international, sharing our different stages and experiences, struggles & successes
    @azh2016 sorry you are sick, and hope you feel better very soon. Healing sometimes takes down a different path than we’d expected; it’s important to listen to your body and go gently – you’ll get there 🙂
    @mjrbcd44 reset it is!
    @deborah2010 sounds like a lovely family gathering – and a carb-free BBQ!
    @ktcaroline changing our relationship with food is one of the potential side effects of this WOL 🙂
    @sarahbob great to see your mojo back – what a difference a mindful day off makes!
    @flourbaby i don’t think the reset button ever wears out – luckily! 😀
    @shinything well done on the baggy trousers 🙂

    Here’s to being present today and making wise and gentle choices xx

    Day 8, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Yesterday I ate what’s offered at our Eucharistic meeting agape. I enjoyed it.

    Today I’m having low calorie beef stragonoff with konjac rice. I’m cooked basmati rice for the family and my pregnant daughter loved it. This was a relief as she’s having issues what to eat and keep because she’s nauseated all day long and doesn’t eat dishes she used to. Yesterday I made her some pancakes too which she liked.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone, onwards and downwards.

    Day 8, USA, CD

    Good morning! Just checking in. Have a great day everyone! 🙂

    Day 8 North Canton OH NFD

    @emma1202 that is really celebration, worthy you should be excited!! I am still working on being mindful at social events. I am not sure I have the will power to walk past a 20 foot long dessert table and not sample EVERYTHING in sight.

    This week is nurses’ week and my organization a week of festivities planned to celebrate our amazing nurses; I was able to withstand pizza delivery yesterday but only because I excused myself and left. My consolation: In three months my body will thank me :)

    @diana123 continuing to pray for your borther, you and your family

    @annemarilyn thanks for ther referall, will try to watch both sometime this week

    @mjrbcd44 I agree with @flourbaby reset buttons never wear out, they are there to prevent you from hitting the “I give up” button

    If you know a nurse or teacher, please celebrate them for their service and for making the world a better place.

    Day 8 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Pretty good FD yesterday (accompanied by poor sleep last night) at about 850 calories. Going to Silver Sneakers class this morning. I don’t often skip breakfast before exercise, but I might today and come home to get a good, healthy lunch.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 8 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    @emma1202 it is exciting to know that I am not the only one being mindful of our choices when it comes to what we intake. I found this WOL mid January and I have learned so much about myself thru the process. Now that I am at healthy weight and feeling better than I have in years, I want to stay this way. Food has a new meaning for me I eat for life and live for pleasure.

    Thank you everyone for continued prayers, it is thru my Faith and kindness of others that is getting me thru these difficult times.

    God gives you what we can handle and he trust that we will. Have a great Tuesday everyone. Together we ARE stronger

    Day 7 WI, USA

    Today is a FD. Had a long weekend, and things went okay. Looking forward to a productive day and good outcomes. Lots of water, a cup of coffee, a plate of raw spinach/veggies, olives for lunch and the same for supper. Will hit my 10K and 60 modified push ups today.

    Thank you all for your inspiration. I am not responding to posters individually, but I am reading them as often as I can. May you all feel loved and content with who you are today, because you are amazing!

    USA Day 8 FD

    Trying something new! I am having a FD everyday this week but at different caloric levels until I reach a water fast day! So far, so good! Already had my personal training, so I am good with my exercise. Yesterday, I added my one hour yoga class to my personal training and at the end of the day I was exhausted. Usually that doesn’t happen to me, so I am thinking that the smaller amounts I have been eating impacted that!

    Good luck to everyone on the FD pocket list today. I will be thinking of you all!

    Catch87: Amused! Never heard of a canned gin and tonic! LOL

    To all recent retirees: I am retired, too, and isn’t it wonderful!?! (:

    Have a great and beautiful day everyone!

    Day 8 – North Carolina USA – NFD

    Good FD yesterday. For some reason it was harder than it had been so far. I was hungry and tired (probably from my fun weekend) so I was anxious to have it end. 1 down, 1 more to go this week.

    Congrats on all the successes so far. You are keeping the rest of us inspired! And it’s heartening to hear all the new mental breakthrough we have on this WOL beyond the weight loss.

    @flourbaby, I don’t think that reset button can ever be worn out. lol. Awesome job hanging in there and recommitting to what you want. In the big picture, I don’t know that these little detours off the path are that consequential when we reset. We’ll still get to our destination ultimately. I genuinely believe that. It may be a month early or a month late, but every stride in the right direction is a positive steps for our health and quality of life. A stand still or a step backward doesn’t undo all that 🙂 Also THANK YOU for the link to the oil. I’m absolutely going to make some. And my son who will be coming home from college for the summer has insomnia so I will try it on him. It has to be better than the sleeping pills he uses every night to knock himself out.

    @basyjames Thanks for sweet words and the reminder about teachers and nurses, I need to send a few emails to say thank you!!! Great job on avoiding the pizza yesterday. It’s so so hard! I just know if I stick around the food, I’ll crack so I do think it’s easier to leave. But it’s hard in social situation because you still want the friendliness and camaraderie of the gatherings. Hang in there this week with all the temptations.

    @diana123, sending continued prayers to you brother and your family. Wishing you strength and peace.

    And for those of you fasting today, make it a great day!

    Day 8 – SW WA USA – FD

    Completed a good LFD yesterday. Going for a 500 cal FD today. Keeping intake LCHF.

    @basyjames – yes thanks for the shout out to nurses and teachers. There’s a luau lunch planned by the classified staff for us certified folks today. I’ll go check to see what they’re offering.

    @ccco – so you’re retired too. I have 28 more days to go. Lots of mixed feelings. I feel a little like when graduating high school – excited but uncertain not knowing what the future holds.

    @mjrbcd44 – we’re here for you, take heart my cyber friend and climb back in the wagon.

    Pocket list Day 8:

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of B2B2B
    @flourbaby 1st of B2B2B

    Anything done alone is tough! Together we are stronger!

    Hello everyone, day 8, FD in NI

    So far so good and just some Kefir and one coffee to date – off to yoga shortly so hopefully will make this a very good fast day – if I can avoid any thing more for the rest of the evening. One day at a time.

    Day 8- UK- FD

    Aaah, just burnt my pretty vegetables! That’s how engrossed I can be when I read this forum! Hopefully will be salvageable.
    FD is going well, got a little surprise this morning on the scales! I stepped in with one eye open only, scared like when I am watching a zombie movie and I am waiting for the beast to jump out of nowhere. But, I was at 68.2kg ( no change from last week). After 3 not-so- controlled days! Good motivation for doing this FD the proper way.
    So far, so good ( apart from the burning incident). I should be well in the 500 kcal, maybe less!!
    @snowflaked: thank you so much for the kind words and for adding me to the pocket list!

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