Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,073 replies, has 83 voices, and was last updated by  abop 6 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,001 through 1,050 (of 1,075 total)

  • Day 30 – UK – FD
    Day 29 – NFD

    Definitely need a strong FD today and hoping to finish the last day of May with a CD………May has not been my best month, for some reason lots of feasting and fasting but definitely bad food choices and too much wine!

    Even though my weight has stayed below the top of my target range I have not felt my usual self, lacking in energy and feel bloated and off colour so I have to step up my game and improve my food choices and reduce alcohol intake in June – that will be hard as it is my birthday month and the BIG 60 is looming……but maybe it is the perfect month for thinking and working on my long term health……….

    Pocket list Day 30 – Thank you for starting one @snowflake56 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @snowflake56 – 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 2nd B2B2B2B

    Hello all day 30 healthy eating day from another glorious day in NI
    Day 29 fast day

    May has been a good month and I am making downward progress – I have dumped 8 lbs (previously lost and then found so this time dumping them for good) Focus has remained good – long may it continue, need to make as much progress while it lasts before I hit an inevitable bump in the road. Take heart everyone – everything in life has ebb and flow – make the most of the good and know the tough times don’t last.

    @missybear – hope pussycat is feeling better

    @basyjames – many thanks for taking the reins for June.

    @daffodil2010 – divine intervention perhaps – a guardian angel looking out for you.

    @ah-tee – an ice-cream was calling my name yesterday but I held strong and resisted and did not give in. When I had my final weigh in for the month I was glad I did.

    @snowflake56 – I think what @dingping was hinting at was a ‘forgotten’ snickers – who can forget they have a snickers lol

    Thank you to all you mentioned a range target – perhaps rather than set a number we all aspire to reach, if we have an acceptable range – would that ease the stress of nearly getting there but not quite reaching that specific number?

    I too have bird feeders and love all the goings on – I heard the most amazing thrush singing from the top of one of our trees. I think I go through more seed and food this time of year than during some winter months.

    Thank you to all – winners each and everyone of you – for the light bulb moments, experiences, good, sad and inspirational shared.

    I hope my focus continues through June as I would like to see a little less of me as we have a holiday to Norfolk at the end of the month.

    @michelineme – these are for you for hosting in May – many thanks for the inspirational posts

    Love to all x

    Day 30, London, UK, FD

    Another FD today, so much easier to contend with whilst at work!!! Yesterdays’ FD was fantastic because I completed the 30 day shred workout 1 in a fasted state, then I didn’t feel particularly hungry, so a small bowl of vegetable soup sufficed!!!! My mood has lifted dramatically, just from 20mins of (rather intense!!) exercise & no cashews or cheese after dinner – the kitchen stayed well and truly closed!!

    I’ve now put the guilt, associated with the weekends terrible eating, behind me, I’ve put my big girl pants on, taken a good look at myself and realised that I’m worth more than the self-sabotage – June WILL be my month!!!!

    I’m aiming to repeat yesterdays’ success today, just Greek yoghurt & clementine segments for 4pm brunch, 7pm exercise followed by soup at about 8, now that should make for a successful FD!!!

    @coda, lovely to hear your mojo has stuck around!!! I couldn’t possibly aim for a weight range at the moment……………. my mind would definitely go with “Hhmmm, let’s say 140 – 170lbs range!!!!……………… Success”

    Hang in there everyone, stay positive, positive, positive!!!! We’ve got this!!!!

    Day 30, Surrey (UK), NFD, 159lb

    Almost at the end of the month. I’ve shed another 2lb since returning from holiday, making ~ 5lb loss this month. My hubby, who does not need to lose any weight at all, has lost half a stone. Must be the effect of a different diet/ warmer weather/ lots of energetic walking.

    Getting close now to my target weight, 150lb. Happy with my waist measurement at 31.5″. Fingers are still fat though, no chance of wearing my wedding ring yet. It seems something happens to the body’s tendency to deposit fat in the extremities as we get older, which makes it harder to lose fat from those areas. Can anybody explain what is going on with my fingers – and feet as well? I’ve gone up 1.5 shoe sizes since my thirties.

    Day 30 London FD

    Going to do B2B fasts as my vigilance yesterday was shameful!

    @metatauta – I can’t remember the last time I wore a belt or showed of my waistline (probably 20’s). I’ll be pleased when I finally can tuck something in, as for being ‘beach ready’… well, that’s pure fantasy! So pleased for you that all your old belts are too big, great job.

    Loving the bird chatter and the imagined tweeting from all your bird feeders, @shinything, what a sad life your neighbour must have that such a joyful thing is something worth moaning about, poor you.

    Thanks @basyjames. What a positive end to your phone dramas and glad you found pleasure in your enforced tech freedom, probably would do us all good, for a day, maybe?!!!

    @ccco – hope you find an inner balance moving into June. You’ve done it before so you can do it again, good luck.

    @snowflake – I did LOL with your apt description and will be sure to continue to avoid them but @coda put it better than me as ’who can forget they have a snickers bar’. Not me!

    @sarahbob – happy b’day for tomorrow.

    Positive vibes to all for the last push.

    @basyjames I’m in for June, many thanks.

    Ta x

    2nd post
    Forgot to add myself to the p list
    Adding now and rounding up @coda and @flourbaby as well.

    Pocket list Day 30 – Thank you for starting one @snowflake56 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @snowflake56 – 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 2nd B2B2B2B

    Day 30, FD, US

    2nd day of B2B. Had to dip into the peanut butter jar last night, but as I usually do a LFD, I’m still counting yesterday as a success.

    Had a shocking night’s sleep though. When is this MO going to work for me?? Took 3+ hours to fall asleep, then, because OH has a cold and is very congested, I got woken early to the sound of his snoring…

    Happy fellow fasters today!
    @snowflake56 – 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 2nd B2B2B2B
    @penz – 2nd B2B2

    FD-Upstate NY
    I’m not officially part of the may challenge since today is my first fast day in months! But I need to start some where!! I’m doing a 500 cal fast but I’m also trying something new that I’d like feedback on. I’m still on my 16 hour fast so I’m fitting all of those 500 cal into an 8 hr window. (12pm-8pm) My husband did just this type of fasting (no calorie cutting) for 6 months and lost 20 lbs. Does anyone else do the 16:8? or is it 8:16? Also thank you to all the “maintenance” posters. You’re inspiring. I’d like to think that with some time I’ll join you and pass the torch:)

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Yesterday turned out to be an unplanned FD, 461 cals.! Woo hoo! I’m really liking the “range” idea – it takes so much pressure off of that specific number and gives me extra permission to gain/dump 1-3 lbs.

    @sarahbob, happy happy birthday! @michelinme, thank you for hosting May amidst your busy, but well constructed life! And thanks for sending the size chart; it was very helpful. Please count me in for June. @basyjames, thank you for hosting May.

    Day 30 North Canton OH FD

    That size chart was super helpful @michelinme thank you.

    Busy day today and I am starting a bit late

    thank you for adding me to the pocket list

    Happy fellow fasters today!
    @snowflake56 – 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 2nd B2B2B2B
    @penz – 2nd B2B2

    @lorky35 – if it works for you then go for it. I think this WOL is finding, tweaking things around to enable you to drop weight and still have a life. It needs to be something you can live with – forever or it will be just another yo-yo – lose, gain. The fact that your OH has the same routine and lost weight would be easier to work round as well. I believe lots do the 16:8 routine

    Day 30, UK, NFD

    Today was a nice day, and quite light food wise, been too busy to eat. I like days like that 🙂

    @ccco you have a good goal for June, and you can do it! You can! And we will be here for you to support you 🤗

    @daffodil2010 I agree, starlings are very beautiful and very funny! I saw one
    fledgling yesterday landing accidentally on this poor mild natured dove who happened to be near by, it was hilarious 😂

    @ktcaroline as long as you are making progress its all good. Just keep going and you will be happy once you get there 🙂

    @molij good to hear you are doing well maintaining, its encouraging 😀

    @at I thought you’ve been more quiet than usually, I hope you feel better and that
    bloatiness and lack of energy goes away, its not fun. We are here for you 🤗

    @coda its always good to hear from you, and congrats on dumping those lbs 💪

    @flourbaby you really made me laugh with your “Hhmmm, let’s say 140 – 170lbs
    range!!!!……………… Success” 😂

    @dingping I know, some people are just mean 🙁 .

    @lorky35 welcome 🙂 , its never too late to start/join this forum. @coda said it well, if it works for you go for it, just remember to think long term/for good and not another short lived diet.

    @metatauta I like the range idea too, and its really true. We have to thank @dykask for bringing it to us since he started talking about it first 🙂

    @michelinme thank you for that link, thats helpful 😀 . And thank you so much for being an awesome hostess this month! I enjoyed reading your every post and I always look forward to them. These are for you 💐

    One more day and it will be FD in May. Lets do it! 🙂

    Day 30, Finland, FD

    The end of the month is nearly here, and time for one last push to the finish line. Today is a definite FD, but as I have a long day at work tomorrow, 7am – 9pm, I feel I should be able to make it a B2B, but let’s see. As this monthe was a very loose goal of getting back on the wagon and a minus, I will meet my goal. Definitely a stronger target for next month.

    @rainbowsmile great to hear you are throwing out 14-16 clothes…that is what i want to do one day!Once I get to 14-16 of course!
    @michelineme I am glad you had a nice time with your mother. My mum is only 68, and has had a ‘death’book for quite awhile, listing here funeral details, and anything we might need to know after she is gone! She’s a planner that’s for sure! I am also going to try and keep a food diary, it is easy to forget what one puts in ones mouth every day.
    @flourbaby I am with you! No more bouncy scales…. June is only down!
    @@snowflake funny how everyone can interpret things differently… I also thought @dingping knew what a snickers bar was…but the concept of forgetting one in the cupboard was something new! Perhaps that is because if I have chocolate in the cupboard there is no chance of it being there long enough to forget!!!

    Happy fellow fasters today!
    @snowflake56 – 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 2nd B2B2B2B
    @penz – 2nd B2B2

    Hope everyones day is going great, and may the scales always be in your favour!

    Day 30 – NC, USA – NFD

    Back from a week of travel for my father in law’s memorial. The trip was emotional with all the love and warmth of family reunions, but also all the crazy family dynamics and dysfunction that one might expect.

    I respected my FDs but my NFDs were all over the place. I ate cakes, pies, breads, and chips and tried to regain control when I could, but truth be told, I have a lot of room to improve in the emotional eating department during family reunions, lol. The scale was kind this morning and I registered at 131.2 so I’ll take it and be thankful that while I didn’t make my 130 goal, I didn’t jump 5lbs in the wrong direction. I’ll get there in june 😀

    One more business trip on Friday, and then this crazy month of non-stop social engagement will be done. Most of it has been a lot of fun, but eating wise, I’ll be glad to be home and settle in into some type of routine.

    I have not had a change to read all the posts from the past week but I’m hoping I can catch up tonight or tomorrow after work. In the meantime, congrats to all of you who lost weight and and a high five for all those who reached your May goals. For all of you (and me) who might not have quite made it, let’s celebrate the successes we did have and jump into June with gusto! We’ll get it done!!!

    Nothing like a look in those mirrors in fitting rooms to keep your focus on the journey ahead – they certainly don’t pull any punches 😢.

    @at and @bert1802 hope you both feel better soon x

    @flourbaby 🤣 only you lol

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Back at work for a couple of days. Going for a controlled day. It will include retirement celebration #3 and final one; this one put on by the district teachers’ union.
    The lovely getaway with my son was possible with the help of personal days I need to use up before I retire. Planning on using a couple more shortly that will include the ocean.

    @sarahbob – Happy Birthday tomorrow!
    @at – I agree that what we eat really does affect so much more than our weight. May you sort things out so you get to feeling better.
    @lorky35 – yes, I generally also do 16:8 most days whether it’s a NFD or FD.

    Enjoy the day knowing that together we are stronger!

    Day 30, Gozo, Malta nfd

    Today s fast day turned into a nfd.

    Sarabob happy birthday,🎁 many happy returns.

    Michelinme thanks for hosting the May challenge.

    Basyjames thanks for hosting the June challenge, please count me in. How do you stick to four consecutive fast days? My maximum was three.

    Tomorrow I have to prepare lunch for eight people as my brother and family are coming for lunch. I’m cooking meat balls with yogurt as starters, fresh brown fish filled with capers and grape tomatoes served with simple rice salad and then I’m serving ice cream which I bought.

    Good evening/night everyone. Onwards and downwards

    Day 31 FD Auckland

    Clocking in for the last day of May at 82.6kg. That’s a loss of 1.1 kg for the month and a total of 8.7 since I started this WOL mid January. Not toooo bad considering but could be better…

    Have just returned from Dunedin in the Deep South where I was delivering three works to the University of Otago. I took Macintosh the Westie with me because we stayed with our BFs who have a Westie and a Scottie. They love the cold weather and had a great time racing around in gail force winds straight from the Antarctic… We’re back in Auckland. I’m trying to shake a nasty upper resp tract cough before we fly out to Hong Kong on Saturday to temperatures in the mid 30s.

    When I get back life might hopefully be a wee bit simpler and I can concentrate on organising myself better on the 5:2. Amazing though to think you still loose weight by following the FDs and nothing else!

    Look forward to meeting up with everyone for the month of June. Cheers!

    @basyjames Yes please Sign me up!

    USA Day 30 NFD

    Happy Birthday tomorrow Sarabob!

    Just checking in! Played golf this morning and napped all afternoon! No real time to eat! I am marking this as a NFD but it actually could be a FD! Not quite sure! Have a great evening everyone!

    Day 30 UK FD – 3rd day of B2B2B 🙂

    Added in another FD today bc – why not?! – taking a pinch of my own medicine and finishing the month with a bit of a push. Going to try and take it forward to tomorrow’s regular FD, an epic B2B2B2B. I’m beginning to understand why some people do their fasting in chunks bc the first day seems to be the hardest, and then it’s a bit of a roll.

    Today was shaped around a hospital appt which for some reason had made me feel really anxious, probably bc tired. Unexpectedly complicated when I found myself being x-rayed and offered foot surgery – I honestly thought they’d confused me with someone else until I remembered the torn tendon in my toe that doesn’t hurt bc nerve damage! I’ve got used to it and don’t particularly need that toe so politely declined, & dropped off my night splints for refurbishment, which is why I thought i was there. Such a complicated process, but at least it only has to be negotiated every few years

    Went directly to long catch up meeting with a colleague. Discovered we’re both behind on all the projects we’re doing together, neither having had any time to pick up actions since our last meeting. So the pile is still there and the deadlines are still looming but I feel much better about it!

    Late home after an evening service and informal supper – a kind companion brought me a side plate full of salads to eat with my boiled eggs, which hopefully brings me in around 600 calories for the day. That’ll do me.

    So glad I’ve picked up again after the weekend’s slip-ups. Success seems to breed success, and all it takes is a small reset of the head – positive language, focus on the bigger picture and reminding myself that I can always chooose to do it different, & start Right Now.

    @cornish_jane I hope your yoga teacher keeps the class open – fingers crossed
    @daffodil2010 35lbs!!!!!
    @stoic wow, well done in only eating one from the packet. Hope you have a good extra FD 🙂
    @ccco many of us struggle with evening eating. I find it helpful to have a plan ahead of time, so I already know what i’m going to do differently before the tempting time comes round. Changing our patterns makes it easier to change our behaviour. May be worth thinking if you could sit somewhere else, do something else at that time, put up a sign on the fridge/cupboard with an inspiring message, brush your teetch and close the kitchen – with an actual sign! – or find something to do with your hands – crafting, crochet, knitting.
    @ktcaroline well done on progress! Maybe worth setting a gentler goal for June
    @missybear isn’t it amazing re the sizes?! I thought i’d be a 16 and am astonished to find i’m a 14 already
    @sarahbob happy birthday for tomorrow! Hope you have a lovely day 🙂 x
    @at thank you for continuing to inspire others even as you are feeling less inspired post- holiday. I hope you feel better soon – with a wonderful birthday to be celebrating 🙂
    @coda 8lbs – wow!!! Love your reminder “tough times don’t last”. And thank you for the flowers 🙂
    @flourbaby way to go! So glad you’ve found an inspired – and inspirational! – end to May Challenge
    @shinything thank you for your kind words 🙂 x I feel as tho i’ve been wittering away, but I know how much I love reading the chatty posts about people’s lives and miss them when they’re not there.
    @anna6 still loving your menus and family snippets. You conjure up such a wonderful vision of family lives and love around the dinner table, i enjoy picturing you each day 🙂
    @lorky35 welcome to the May challenge – it’s never to late to join! Hope you’ve had a good first-in-a-while FD. NB one more day here and we’ll be migrating across to the June challenge – do come on over
    @merryapple congratulations on amazing progress since January – i don’t know how on earth you do it while moving around so much, good on you!

    Almost midnight and into the last day of our May Challenge! Do check in and let us all know how your month has gone. Not just the numbers or how it feels today but what are you pleased about, what have you learned or what will take forward to June?

    It’s been wonderful spending the last 31 days in this corner. Thank you to everyone for your great companionship, shared wisdom and your warm & wonderful encouragement during the journey. Together we are indeed stronger 🙂 xx

    Day 30 2nd post

    @emma1202 sounds like a really emotional time, well done for keeping your FD

    @rainbowsmile still inspired by your clothing mantras, thank you! Today I gave away 2 dresses and a jacket which are too big for me and warmly by their new owners. Kept back two favourites that a friend is going to take in for me when she visits in July 🙂


    Thank you, michelinme! They are all great ideas and I am determined to get rid of the evening food monster!

    Day 31 – Japan – NFD 79.4kg

    My body fat measurements have been coming in around 16% which I’m happy with. The bad part is about 10% of my internal body is fat, a better level would be 7%. The only place I’m carrying fat that can be pinched is my midsection. In fact I have a bad habit of pinching it all the time. Not sure what people think about that.

    Day 31, Emden Germany, FD

    @sarahbob Happy Birthday!

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge

    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping 2nd of B2B?

    Will post more later,it will be hot again today so I have to do a bit of weeding.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 31 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD

    It’s the final day. Two lbs to go to hit goal so today will be an LFD and early night and fingers crossed for 125lbs in the morning ☺️ May has been a pretty good month nonetheless and I am very happy with progress.

    Things that work for me
    – 16:8 every day except Sunday when I gave cooked breakfast with DH
    – normally I break my fast at 1pm lunch time, but sometimes earlier at 10am
    – I have kept a daily food/exercise/feelings diary since the beginning, logging in each day’s weight. This is interesting to look back on to see where things worked (and haven’t)
    – daily walk at 6am to start my day….this despite working in a very no sedentary job that leads to at least 16k steps a day….my morning walk alone focuses me and keeps me mindful
    – My DH working 2 – 12 midnight during the week – I can concentrate on my fasting without his intervention 😆😆
    – lots of liquids, at least 3-4 litres of water a day plus herbal teas

    Things that don’t work…
    – crisps, beer, chocolate and snacks at the weekend…..surprise!!! I find if I snack on popcorn and keep to wine I don’t load on so much weekend weight 🤔
    – White carbs…..rarely eat them now but when I do….bloat

    Might pop back in later this evening for final inspiration and accountability. Have a great last day of May. I am there with you guys on the Pocket List but iPad refuses to copy and paste today 😳

    Day 31 London FD

    Squeezing the last few ounces out of May so another FD, will report back tomorrow with my final results.
    Thank you @snowflake56 for adding me to the pocket list and I’m happy to add @daffodil2010

    Good luck to all of us.
    Ta everyone x

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge

    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping 2nd of B2B

    Day 31 (How did that happen?) – UK – Reading – FD

    Well, ups and downs, downs and ups. A mysterious 1lb gain from yesterday that I don’t think I deserve. But equally, I wasn’t a saint. @daffodil2010 – a very interesting list. I’d add stuffed crust pizza to the list. A surprisingly fattening choice.

    Will try and behave today and like @dingping, report back tomorrow.

    And thank you to @basyjames – please count me in.

    @michelinme – a gentler goal? Hmmm that doesn’t seem to be in my DNA. But equally, I can accept a more windy route to my destination.

    Onwards and downwards!

    Day 31 – Dubai – FD

    I too am squeezing one last day out this monthly challenge hoping to reach 145! Adding myself to the pocket list and good luck to us all.

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge
    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping 2nd of B2B

    Day 31, London, UK, NFD,

    I’m out for dinner and a show tonight, so it’ll be OMAD with controlled booze consumption!!! I really don’t want to weigh-in tomorrow morning & register a disappointing May result!!!

    @dingping, thanks for rounding me up yesterday, my head is definitely back in the game at the moment …………………… this bodes well for June!!!!!!

    Welcome back @lorky35, I remember you from the March challenge last year!!! Most of my FDs are 20:4 and I TRY to stick to 18:6 for NFDs or OMAD if it’s a meal out, breakfast really isn’t my thing so it’s not too bad unless I wake up ravenous (it’s been known to happen!!) and make unhealthy (carb-y) choices which releases the completely uncontrollable dragon – that’s game over for me and the day is a bust!!!

    @sarahbob, Happy Birthday, hopefully the cake & champagne won’t derail your May efforts!!!!

    On the forgotten snickers debate – never going to happen – those evil calorie bombs whisper soooo loudly, even from inside cupboards, that my chances of forgetting are ZERO!!!!!!

    @coda, I swear, Next fitting room mirrors are disturbing to say the least, the ultimate ‘Fake News’, I’ve had to do a triple, maybe even ‘quadruple-take’ a few times in there, querying who the dumpy, squat woman with awful posture looking over her shoulder at her ginormous a*se is ………………. It still gives me chills!!!!! I’m all for a single mirror, who cares what the back looks like!!!!!

    @michelinme, I do love a B2B2B, simply because day 1 is easy after a NFD, Day 2 a bit of a struggle but more mental than anything and by day 3 I wonder if I need to ever eat again!!!! They become easier and easier the longer you go……….. it’s the NFDs that I need to work on!!!! Thank you for hosting this month, you’ve been very welcoming & supportive throughout!!! I’ll post my Final Results tomorrow, until then, I’m crossing everything!!!!

    I did another 30 day shred last night followed by soup, the exercise curbs my appetite and the kitchen doesn’t call my name, either that or the pounding heart & gasping for breath drowns out the cashew nut call!!!!!

    ‘Til tomorrow people!!!!!!

    2nd post

    @flourbaby – LOL ‘I’m all for a single mirror, who cares what the back looks like!!!!!’ Thanks and total agreement.

    Ta x

    Day 31 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @sarahbob wishing you a Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy a fabulous day 🎉🥂🎁

    Good luck to all my fellow Thursday fasters, let’s have a great last day of May.

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge
    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping 2nd of B2B

    Hi all, another month whizzing past, day 31 in a damp NI, Fast day for me

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge
    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping 2nd of B2B

    Happy birthday @sarahbob – hope its a good one

    @flourbaby – lol ‘I’m all for a single mirror, who cares what the back looks like’! You have such a way with words that make me laugh – it captures the moment perfectly lol.

    @anna6 – I too love hearing and picturing your family round the dinner table – love just oozes.

    Welcome back @lorky35

    Have a good day everyone and see you all on the June challenge x

    Day 31 – Iceland – FD

    Happy birthday @sarahbob 💐🎂 Have a great day!
    As @dingping @daffodil2010 @ktcaroline @stoic and probably others too I will be trying to make the most of this last day of May and be back with final results tomorrow.
    @michelinme – thank you for being a wonderful host this month, always love reading your inspirational, thoughtful posts! 🌷

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge

    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme – 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 – 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping – 2nd of B2B
    @borealis – 4th of B2B2B2B

    Good luck all!

    Day 31, Cornwall UK, FD

    Last fast day of the month and last chance for progress before the dreaded weigh-in tomorrow. 😨 will let you know how it pans out. Too much beer I fear. 🍻Then I am always a bit gloomy the day before I weigh!

    Preparing to go to my second country fare on saturday with my plants and seeds. Part of my expansion plans to get in front of people more with a wider range of things and not rely entirely on on-line business. Hope it goes well.

    @lorky35 – i always skip breakfast on fast days and I’m so used to it now I don’t miss it at all. Sometimes skip breakfast on non-fast days too, especially if exercise is planned. Feels natural and no bad side effects. As long as it does not cause you to feast later, so make sure its right for you!

    Day 31, UK, FD

    Final fast on the final day in May, so will report the final result tomorrow 😃
    I am at work and can’t copy/paste so thank you for adding me to pocket list.

    @sarahbob Happy Birthday and many happy returns, have a fab day 💃🌹🎉🎁

    Ill post later in the evening when im home.

    Have a great day everyone and stay the course for this finish 🤗💪

    Day 31, NFD, US

    Wow, last day of the month. Thank you @michelinme for guiding us through the last 31 days.

    No meaningful loss to report, but I feel like I’ve finally got my head back in the right space. Perfect timing for June, right? 5:2 is easy, really easy. The hard bits (those screaming Snickers bars, half empty wine glasses that leave room to be topped up, the rumbling tummy) are short-term hard bits. They pass. I need to focus on the bigger picture (actually, that should be a slimmer picture!!) which enables me to see past those temporary, hard bumps in the road.

    Stay strong everyone, and see you next month.

    Day 31 North Canton OH B2B FD #3
    @coda, those mirrors will get you every time
    @anna6 Day 2 and sometimes 3 are the hardest, after that it’s pretty easy; like @michelinme said you’re on a bit of a roll by then. As a matter of fact my most energetic days are day 4 and 5 and I usually do not want to break my fast at that point because I feel like I’m flying – it’s weird but I’ll take it. Love the menu, I have never had meatballs with yogurt. Do you dip the meatballs in yogurt?
    @dykask 16% body fat is pretty awesome I think, super well done!!
    @flourbaby you never disappoint, I am still rolling at your very descriptive comments about fitting room mirrors 🙂

    Thank you for the pocket list and for adding me. Onward!
    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge
    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme – 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 – 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping – 2nd of B2B
    @borealis – 4th of B2B2B2B

    Day 31, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    My brother, his wife and daughter came and had lunch with us today. I ate two meatballs with pine nuts, currents and dipped in yogurt, then it was baked fish stuffed with tomatoes and capers and topped with lemon juice, olive oil and seasoning served with a simple basmati rice salad. Then I had an after eight manium ice cream. I also drunk two glasses of sparkling wihite wine, an asti.

    This evening I’m dining with my sonns in law mother. I’ll take only one plate.

    Have a great Thursday everyone. May is over. See you on the June challenge. Onwards and downwards

    Day 31 – NC, USA – FD

    Wrapping up the month 3.5 lbs lighter than I started. It’s not the 5lbs I wanted, but I’ll take it 🙂 Onward and downward has become a favorite mantra inside my head for sure. That, and remembering that being in the tortoise club is just fine. I have a long life in front of me to keep at a healthy weight. Whether I get there this month or next doesn’t matter a great deal as long as I get there.

    @dykask 16% body fat is FANTASTIC! Congratulations! And thank you @michelinme for hosting the challenge this month. It was my first one, but I’m excited about joining the June one. This board was so helpful in keeping my head in the right space. Thank you everyone for that!!

    Adding myself to the pocket list for one last push.
    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge
    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme – 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 – 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping – 2nd of B2B
    @borealis – 4th of B2B2B2B

    2nd post

    When buying underwear fitting mirrors are always depressing, the front looks fine, the back not so.

    @dingping, @coda, @kerryn73 and @flourbaby aha, misunderstood! I’m not really a fan of chocolate, so I don’t look for it, I eat it when I can’t find anything else. I’m more for cheese.

    @michelinme thanks very much for hosting us this month, you did a great job! Will post my final result tomorrow.

    Thanks everyone for posting and encouraging eachother!

    Day31 North Wales FD.

    Thanks @michelinme for hosting and thanks to everyone for helping to keep me on track.

    Day 31 UK FD 4th of B2B2B2B

    On what planet did i think i could do a v long day yesterday AND eat gluten, tomatoes, onions and peppers – all of which I’ve avoided for a few years bc joint pain – and bounce back today? It’s not been the most helpful day today, but what has been helpful is realising that!

    Today I struggled to wake up, get up, move or think. Amazing friend came late morning to help with garden. Rather than going back to my desk I watched her, suggested and chatted, and began to realise how tired I was and how much I needed some self-care. Decided to take time to cut the hedge – good to balance my days, strengthen my arms/hands & upper body and make the most of the moment. Today has been declared a rest day, picking up only the most urgent of project things and plan to a really early night. I’d rather get my head and body into a better place, begin v early & hope i’ll have better focus to deal with the rather substantial load.

    This afternoon I’ve had significant levels of burning pain in joints, nerves and muscles. Could be my body doing something with inflammation as consecutive FDs or a result of eating without thinking yesterday? It’s increasingly difficult to think of anything else as the pain dials up. I’ve had c2.5 litres/water, a hot vegemite and a salad of eggs, beetroot and lots of green leaves. Pain levels are still going up and awful tinnitus in my right ear which is the side with most of the nerve damage. I think I remember at least some of this from my first ever B2B but can’t remember what if was helpful, if anything 🙁 Off to research burning pain and fasting, otherwise hoping that a shower, distraction and sleep might help.

    Really enjoying reading people’s reflections on the May Challenge, looking forward to learning more from this wonderful group xx

    USA Day 31 FD

    Just checking in! I am ending the month with a 24 hour FD! Hope everyone is doing well and will see you all in June (tomorrow)!

    Day 31, Finland, 2nd day B2B

    Thank you whoever added me to todays pocket list. It has been a successful B2B, and I am looking forward to standing on the scales tomorrow.

    Happy birthday @sarahbob, hope you have had a great day!
    @michelinme hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you have had a terrible day.

    I hope everybody has ended May on a high note…. see you all on the other side!

    2nd post

    It’s 8pm and I am in bed!!! Kitchen is CLOSED! Was liquid fasting all day today but decided to turn it into an OMAD and have a wee bowl of oat bran porridge with a sprinkling of nutmeg, ginger, and turmeric…..and now tucked up in fresh bedsheets, windows open on this balmy 22c evening (in Ireland 😄), Listening to the birdies outside, I am feeling sleepy and nothing more to do but read for a bit then sleep.

    Final report tomorrow.

    Thanks @michelinme for hosting May. You were great 🤗 I hope you feel better soon.
    Until tomorrow 🏁

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Thank you for all for the birthday wishes. I have had a fab day. With all the unicorn gifts I received you would think I was 5 not 35!!! Lol 😁

    It’s fair to say that I have over indulged today so I know that the scales will not be kind to me tomorrow. But oh well, tomorrow is the start of a new month and I am determined to see good results.

    See you all in June.

    USA Day 31 FD
    second post
    Well, I am well into my 24 hour fast which will end tomorrow, the beginning of our June challenge! I am coming into my witching hour, so I hope I can fore bare! This is my new challenge for the month of June, learning to control my evening snack attacks, especially since I am not even hungry. I have two rewards looming in front of me for meeting this goal, a nice massage and a trip to New York City to see my family, shop, and, perhaps, see a play! Onward and downward!!

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – FD

    One FD to end the month before final weigh-in for the month.

    Thanks @michelinme for your able leadership!

    Pocket list Day 31, last day of the May Challenge
    @snowflake56 – 3rd of B2B2B
    @basyjames – 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @michelinme – 4th of B2B2B2B
    @kerryn73 – 2nd of B2B?
    @dingping – 2nd of B2B
    @borealis – 4th of B2B2B2B

    Let’s finish well!

    NSW Australia NFD

    Hi everyone

    I guess it’s still day 31 somewhere in our world. For me it’s Day 1 in June. This year is going so fast.

    Surprisingly I’ve lost 600gm in May. I know it’s not much, but I’ll take it. Hopefully my self discipline will improve from now on. I’ll continue to enjoy all your wonderful, inspiring posts – thank you all!

    Special thank you to @michelinme for hosting May – you are an inspiration and I appreciate all your wisdom.

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

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