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This topic contains 1,073 replies, has 83 voices, and was last updated by  abop 6 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 951 through 1,000 (of 1,075 total)

  • Day 28…..Florida…..just seeing where the day takes me

    Still not a 100% feeling better but better than I was. It’s been nice to lounge around for the last couple days but it would have been much better if I felt like myself.

    I did manage to get on the scale this morning surprisingly, I’ve had a semi whoosh. I sat semi because I’ve never had one before. But yesterday morning I weighed in at 130.2 and this morning I weighed in at 127.8.

    Now I know I’ve been sick and I have been eating as well, so hopefully, It was just my time. I will be mindful today of what I take in, in hopes not to have a major gain.

    I am contemplating when I get down to 125lb., that I’ve done enough and go into full fledge maintenance and start the toning process. But again, I am sick and this maybe my brain playing tricks on me. I guess I’ll wait and see when I get to 125lb.

    Well….Im headed inside …… finally able to sit outside, I woke up to no rain but it’s starting to get a bit windy…..

    I dream of living in a world where a chicken can cross the road and his motives are not questioned!

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Had to take my poor sick cat to see the emergency vet yesterday, she was given antibiotics and an injection that has stopped the sickness. She’s eaten a tiny breakfast this morning and seems to be on the mend so I’m feeling happy.

    Today’s FD is one of those where I am really hungry, going to have some carrot soup and a pear and hope that keeps me going until my fish salad tonight……..must drink more water!

    Have a great day everyone x

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Officially today is a NFD but I hope to do it a OMAD with lots of fluids going into me. It will be another very hot one in northern Illinois, so likely I will do a lot of reading outside on my lounge getting some Vitamin D therapy.

    Hope today is great for everyone. Onward and downward.

    USA day 28 FD

    I know I won’t make goal this month but haven’t given up yet! I have so few pounds to go and they really are the hardest!

    I envy everyone living in Europe. When you all venture out on a vacation, you don’t have far to go to visit another country, another culture. That must be fun! It is a major undertaking when we do it from here. Right now I am working on a Caribbean vacation with my sister and her husband. My daughter and her husband are there now. Our weather here is awful! Saturday was 90 degrees F and today is only 53. We had so much rain, thunder, and lightning yesterday, it is a wonder we didn’t wash away! Hope everyone has a great day today!

    Day 28 North Canton NFD

    My weekend started well, I was very motivated and ready to stay within TDEE. I was pretty successful Saturday and Sunday morning. After church service on sunday, we lost our internet service, could not get tech support to respond and then my phone stopped working and it all fell apart from there. I am sorry @flourbaby, I was thinking about you as I stuffed my face with scones and pecan tarts. I was also having a difficult time filing a claim on my phone. It took a day and a half to get someone to talk to and because of the public holiday, I can’t get a new phone till Wednesday. This is going to be challenging; my phone is my trusty personal assistant and I feel like I lost my right arm.

    I will have to reset in the morning. Today I am going to try to enjoy the public holiday with my family. We are cleaning up and setting up our backyard in our new home, lots of manual labor involved. We also installed our first bird feeder and entertained our first winged guest a few minutes ago. It’s so beautiful out here; a bit far from everything but I enjoy being so close to nature.

    June begins in three days, I promised to host in June and I have set up the spreadsheet and link so that we can seamlessly transition over.
    My best to you all

    Thank you Basyjames! I am hoping June will be my month for success!

    Day 28 – UK – NFD and again it will be a bit over…..
    Day 27 – CD
    Day 26 – NFD but a bit over at least not a Feast Day!!!!

    Sorry I have been absent all weekend but a busy time socialising – my FD on Day 25 ended up being a relatively OK one at 567cals.

    May has not been the best month but I’m still maintaining if a bit nearer my trigger weight…….I’m hoping for fairly good end to the end of the month will not be able to do a FD until Wednesday this week.

    Been out all day and we have friends coming round this evening so just a quick visit on here to try and be accountable and make sure that today does not end up being a Feast Day…….

    Thank you @basyjames for setting up the June Challenge and taking over as our host – I’ll definitely be joining and hoping for a more controlled month even though it is my birthday month – a big one this year!!! and I know that if “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 28, Finland, FD

    Before anything, @arelkade I am terribly sorry about your brothers diagnosis. Enjoy the time he has left and make some more wonderful memories. I hope you can find strength in your love for your family.

    Today was meant to be a FD, but it hasn’t lasted that way. I made it until 3pm, and that was that. While I haven’t bought anything bad, I have eaten over my 500cal. And I can’t get food out of my mind, like yesterday I just want to eat, eat, eat. I don’t know is it that TOM, but I could eat everything in sight!
    I will have another FD on Wednesday before end of month, and then a better month ahead. Despite todays FD -> NFD I have managed to finish of May much better then it started, and that is good news for June. Already starting to think about goals for June.

    Hope fellow FD’s had a more successful day, and may the scales always be in your favour.

    Day 28, UK, FD

    Its been a good FD so far, lets hope it stays like that 🙂 . Keeping busy and being out and about definitely helps. Rearranged and cleaned my bird feeder as well, I hope my little birdies like it 😀

    @mogaman good to hear from you, hope you are enjoying your trip 😀

    @arelkade just wanted to send you a virtual hug 🤗

    @missybear glad to hear your cat is feeling better ❤

    @daffodil2010 thank God for that stop to buy icecream, I was cringing reading that! Stay safe 🤗

    @basyjames thank you for stepping up to host June challenge, I was just about to ask who is doing it 😀

    Only few days left now in May, lets do the final push 💪

    Day 28, Guildford UK, NFD! Yeah, yeah, yeah, chocolate day

    So no fasting but will be below TDEE.

    @ccco I decided it was important just to say that I am an abused wife as I think it’s an important factor in weight gain and loss. It complicates and thank you for sharing your experience it means a lot to me. @cornish-jane it’s stress and it does encourage sugar cravings, I used to eat 8 Oz bags of jelly sweets before I got a grip! Uggg

    @bert1802 you have been awesome on the loss so far. Hats off to you.

    @snowflake56 the dresses were amazon and luckily I can return Them! Means a trip to the post office. I bought a lovely belt on Ebay instead. Since I am a clothing nutcase with champagne taste and tap water funds I use charity (thrift) shops a lot and Ebay. Underwear from supermarkets and some basics from there. I am fed up with yoga pants or cycle gear.

    Belts! I haven’t worn any kind of belt (other than a basic neutral one to hold up my too big jeans) looks odd though so I need a new pair of jeans, charity shops here I come.

    Feature belts? Noooooooooo

    But I have unpacked my feature belts which we were in an attic suitcase, some are so tatty they had to go and others are lovely but still don’t fit. So I bought a new belt on Ebay with more nectar points. Got 10x on my underwear which has given value towards my new belt. It’s desigual and classssssie. To show off the revenge bod I am going to have.

    @flourbaby we curvy girls can wear some beautiful things, I have decided I am never wearing clothes that aren’t great on me ever again, even if I have to buy charity shop and Ebay. I still have some really lovely size 10s in my wardrobe and by hook or crook I am wearing them again! I have discarded the size 14-16 already (kept some winter coats) and now the bigger 12-14 are headed out the door too. A couple of things I have altered but mainly the clothes were very cheap brands which haven’t endured. Hence new strategy of second hand better quality.

    @sarahbob congratulations on your first b2b, the first of many I am sure. How did you find the experience?

    @dykask I have researched the metabolic effects of fasting and it appears that water fasting or even dry fasting doesn’t reduce metabolism like continuous reduced intake. I like water fasting and it’s easier than food fasting for me, after 3 days I have no hunger at all and can keep going. Green juice fasts are easy too. There is a caveat because water fasting requires me to be prepared by clearing my life of carbs, dairy, junk, meat, alcohol and coffee. Then I can water fast for up to 5 days, in fact it’s easier for me to do one long water fast than short water fasts. That’s because day 2 is usually the hardest for me, followed by day 3. That’s my personal experience.

    Onwards and downwards

    I am going to make June an alcohol free month, already been free of alcohol for 8 days.


    @basyjames thank you so much for stepping into the helm of our little ship on the cyber seas for June

    Day 28 OREGON

    Hi all … busy weekend for us and about to busy on here : )
    I did have a thought I’d like to share with you all

    First, I do love the 5:2 fasting idea and have done other fasting stints in the past, so not actually that new to me or my bod for that matter.

    Some other things that turn out helpful :

    1. I love the feel of my belly when it’s on lean and empty (as long as metabolism=blood sugar is fine) — So, to add that into my own meditations so to make that internal “image” or “feeling” or even “memory” ha ha stronger and more a part of every day feels REAL GOOD to me.

    2. To increase the times that happens, I do need to pay attention to how often and what I eat during every day. I could set up a log in which I check off every day I have that feeling and see if I can make a real “streak” of it. Or add this feeling to some other streak like thing I might be using at any given time.

    3. So that means that this “aim in life” is to cultivate the feeling of a healthy, lean and empty belly on a daily basis. Cool, huh ?

    4. Now another thing is this: I am a musician and all the people close to me play instruments or sing. So “Practicing” is something squarely in my personal and our friend and family vernacular. Here are a couple things I’ve lit upon to Practice, just like a practice my guitar and singing vocals:
    a. Practice eating 1/2 portions as many times as possible in a given day. This will help the Empty Belly but can also be done by eating slowly and mindfully, as well as with some other little tricks.
    b. Here’s one that came to me this morning : I have a bit of an “addiction” to a 3:3:3: mix of organic peanuts, macadamia nuts and raisins. (so what’s to suffer! lots of cals in that no matter how else good – a very “cal dense” food indeed and can easly just swallow up to abt 5-600cals without even sitting down!!!). …… So the thing I’m going to Practice is to have a clamor (i.e., “craving” for this thing – or of course, something else – another thing I like too much is real good craft beer, India Pale Ale please with at least 85 IBUs). So, first NOTICE the clamor/craving and SECOND, ha ha just say NO. Meaning that for this particular clamor/craving, I will not reward it. I will simply NOT give in to it. Do something else. Put it into a meditation and watch what’s happening in my mind and heart and bod while I am holding off. ETC !

    All best today !


    Day 28 OREGON

    Hi all … busy weekend for us and about to busy on here : )
    I did have a thought I’d like to share with you all

    First, I do love the 5:2 fasting idea and have done other fasting stints in the past, so not actually that new to me or my bod for that matter.

    Some other things that turn out helpful :

    1. I love the feel of my belly when it’s on lean and empty (as long as metabolism=blood sugar is fine) — So, to add that into my own meditations so to make that internal “image” or “feeling” or even “memory” ha ha stronger and more a part of every day feels REAL GOOD to me.

    2. To increase the times that happens, I do need to pay attention to how often and what I eat during every day. I could set up a log in which I check off every day I have that feeling and see if I can make a real “streak” of it. Or add this feeling to some other streak like thing I might be using at any given time.

    3. So that means that this “aim in life” is to cultivate the feeling of a healthy, lean and empty belly on a daily basis. Cool, huh ?

    4. Now another thing is this: I am a musician and all the people close to me play instruments or sing. So “Practicing” is something squarely in my personal and our friend and family vernacular. Here are a couple things I’ve lit upon to Practice, just like a practice my guitar and singing vocals:
    a. Practice eating 1/2 portions as many times as possible in a given day. This will help the Empty Belly but can also be done by eating slowly and mindfully, as well as with some other little tricks.
    b. Here’s one that came to me this morning : I have a bit of an “addiction” to a 3:3:3: mix of organic peanuts, macadamia nuts and raisins. (so what’s to suffer! lots of cals in that no matter how else good – a very “cal dense” food indeed and can easly just swallow up to abt 5-600cals without even sitting down!!!). …… So the thing I’m going to Practice is to have a clamor (i.e., “craving” for this thing – or of course, something else – another thing I like too much is real good craft beer, India Pale Ale please with at least 85 IBUs). So, first NOTICE the clamor/craving and SECOND, ha ha just say NO. Meaning that for this particular clamor/craving, I will not reward it. I will simply NOT give in to it. Do something else. Put it into a meditation and watch what’s happening in my mind and heart and bod while I am holding off. ETC !

    All best today !


    Hey, @bert1802 you and I are quite alike in status and goals here !
    It’s not easy losing scale from “normal” BMI, that’s for sure !
    My aim is 120 but 125 will be just fine – right now at 132 still.
    : )

    Day 29 – Japan – NFD 78.4kg

    @rainbowsmile I probably wasn’t clear. Fasts of less than a week typically increase metabolism. At some point though with longer water fasts metabolism could slow down. The turning point might be 5 days for one person and 10 days for another. However that prob00ably isn’t a permanent slowdown just like the short term increase is temporary. Some people see as much as a 14% increase in metabolism with a four day water fast. My own personal experience is my average heartrate is higher the day after my 36h fast. During my fast it depends of how hard I workout.

    With the 5:2 fasting there is little risk of metabolic slowdown and most people may see an elevated metabolism. I don’t think very many people here are interested in water fasting more than 4 or 5 days.

    Day 28 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Just caught up on some posts.
    @michelineme – you made me laugh out loud when you mentioned planning to talk with your mother about her birthday and her funeral… It’s great to keep a sense of humor about all manner of things in life.

    So enjoying time with my son in Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands. We took in a substantial hike today that afforded some amazing views. No fasting but keep to 16:8 over the last few days.

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    2nd B2B

    Loss of nearly two pounds water weight, but still higher than I have been for the past two weeks. The ultimate goal of 125 was so close on Friday but now it’s 4lbs away. Keep going and never give up.

    To be honest, I have never felt better, and all of a sudden my DH keeps commenting on his much I have lost….telling me he will have to bring me out to dinner to fatten me up (yes please DH 😄). We took photos when we were out and about on the motorcycle this weekend and it was great to see that I did not look like a tiny Michelin Man in my suit. Motorcycle gear is so unflattering unless you are a willowy 6 foot model type 😉).

    @annemarilyn I googled San Juan islands, they sound so tropically exotic, but they are in Washington state. I look this forum for introducing me to new places. Enjoy your trip, you sure have great travels with your son ☺️

    @shinything I hope your neighbours gripes over your bird feeder be not stopped you. I cannot keep up with the demand on mine now! Birds have nested in the trees and bushes around my house and now there is a constant clamour from all the fledgling birdies demanding to be fed. I have so many different varieties feeding off the fatball feeder at the same time….I will have to introduce a ticketing system ha ha 😀

    @bert1802 You and I are in the exact same boat…..waiting to hit 125 then make the decision to head into maintenance. Not long to go now I hope.

    Pocket List Day 29

    Day 29 – Dubai – FD#18

    Just checking in to try to stay accountable :).

    Day 29 – Dubai – FD#18 Second Post

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket List Day 29

    Day 29, London, UK, FD

    Quick, quick post, as I’ve an unreasonable deadline to achieve at work!!!!!

    Unfortunately, despite @metatauta’s inspirational post, I didn’t manage to stay controlled yesterday, although, at least I didn’t wallow in self-pity either!!!! However, the carb dragon visited uninvited after he stopped off at @basyjames’s kitchen. All I can say is ………….…. There was bread ………………M&S Robust Rye sourdough ……………. Sounds healthy, but it’s still BREAD!!!! …………… enough said!!!!!

    I’ve chosen June as the month where I get off of these bouncy-bouncy scales (I’ve said the same since January! LOL!!) Upping my exercise again to boxing, Pilates, Yoga and adding Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred. I really had expected to be nearer to maintenance now, but I’m just too lenient with myself and reward/binge/fasting is NOT the way to go!!!!

    @basyjames, thank you so much for hosting, it takes a certain type of person to herd us cats!!!!

    Day 9 – UK – Reading – FD

    Oh, I was doing so well and then someone brought home pizza last night. An instant 1kg gain. So, so unfair. So trying to undo some of the damage this week. Adding myself to the pocket list:
    Pocket List Day 29

    PS So nice learning little snippets about everyone through your comments ..

    Day 29…NSW Australia…NFD
    Hi everyone!

    Day 29…..Florida…..FD

    I do not want to go to work today, just thought I’d put that out there. Although, I am feeling a better, I still feel like I wasted the weekend away by being sick!

    I was surprised to read how many others are in my weight range, fighting the last few lbs to go into maintenance. I really think, I’m ready but at the same time a little hesitant. I guess it’s the fear of the unknown that gets me. Plus, these last few lbs have been so difficult.
    Only 2lbs to go, so I’m assuming, I should be practicing maintenance sometime in June.
    Well…..I must be off or I will not make it to work on time!

    I dream of living in a world where a chicken can cross the road and his motives are not questioned!

    Day 29, Emden Germany, FD

    my FD started well yesterday but I discovered a forgotten Snickers bar and ended the planned FD way over my TDEE. Weight up today so I’m going for B2B2B to get the weight down before weighing in.

    @rainbowsmile your post really lifted me up! I threw all my underwear on the bed, sorted out everything old or ugly,found things I had forgotten I ever had them, 2 silk nightgowns are now drying in the bathroom. I found bras with names like Multi Plunge Wonderbra or Skiny Multi Bra, lots of different staps in the bra box. I also put on a nice tight dress and nice shoes. Why do I mostly look like a ????? (don’t know the right word for this) when at home? Just stupid, I buy nice clothes but don’t wear them because I have to throw them out when worn down and I bought them because I liked them. Somehow this doesn’t make any sense at all. So thanks for reminding me of forgotten things!

    @daffodil2010 how glad I am nothing happened,an ice cream to remember!

    @basyjames thanks for taking the lead next month, I will join.

    Adding myself to the pocket list

    Pocket List Day 29

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B2B

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 29 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I was hungry most of yesterday but clung on to the FD wagon by constantly reminding myself of the delicious breakfast I could have today. This morning arrived and I wasn’t feeling hungry???? So I went for a lovely walk before enjoying blueberries, banana, a handful of mixed nuts and Greek yogurt 😋

    @snowflake56 and @rainbowsmile you have both made me think about the clothes hanging in my wardrobe that I save for ‘best’ and end up never wearing. Think it’s time to smarten up and put my smaller self out there in decent attire!!

    Happy Tuesday everyone 😎 its a glorious sunny day again here in Pembrokeshire.

    Day 29 UK NFD

    Well my first b2b went well and wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. In fact I had so much energy yesterday and I got lots of exercise done. And this morning I am down another 2 pounds, which takes me back to the same weight as the end of April. While I know I am never going to meet my target for the month at least I haven’t gained.

    Hopefully June will be a better month for me and I won’t have a period that lasts 3 weeks!!!

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Day 29 London NFD
    Day 28 NFD
    Day 27 FD

    I’m on the brink of a new weight range, quietly excited that a planned FD tomorrow will push me over so going to be very vigilant today.

    Sunday spent at my mum’s trying to heal and understand a rift that has developed between her and my brother. Sadly no further forward with this.

    @rainbowsmile – I’m just understanding the affect of having grown up with confusing relationships from others, always blamed myself and sort comfort from food. I seem to be controlling or have no need to comfort eat like I used to. Can’t put it down solely to 5:2 as I have spent the last four years working things out in my head and thankfully fasting has entered my world at a time when I have the mental strength to do it and a determination for things to be different.

    Looking forward to wearing ‘feature belts’ and getting into smaller sizes, dilemma though as all are in storage what with the house moving limbo!

    @shinything – what’s not to like about a bird feeder?

    @snowflake – Forgotten snickers bar, what’s one of those??

    @ktcaroline – those unplanned things, are often our downfall, frustrating, but dust yourself off and put it behind you.

    @michelinme – hope there was a lot of love and laughter when helping your mum plan her life celebrations. x

    @basyjames – many thanks for running with the baton in June and a seamless handover from the fantastic job @michelinme has done. Thanks and good luck to you both.

    Ta everyone, have a good day x

    Day 29 North Canton OH FD.

    I would like to finish up the week with a stretch of B2B fasts to ring in the summer. I had a great weekend, and even though I destroyed my TDEE on the extended weekend, I did not feel bloated and angry like I usually do; just ready to reset and continue the journey.

    @arelkade sending you virtual hugs from Ohio and thank you for the reminder about how important family is. I gave OH and kids extra hugs and kisses all weekend, and told them how much I appreciate them. After my phone stopped working everyone knew to avoid me, because I was a raging maniac, but then I calmed down after a few hours and it was all good 🙂

    @rainbowsmiles thank you for reminder to dress up. I used to wear ratty clothes at home and doll up when I stepped out, but then I thought why care more about what other people think than the people I care the most about. So I started dressing up at home too; OH and the kids were so appreciative of the change.

    @ah-tee I also love the feel of a lean empty belly

    This week my virtual health coach has asked me to incorporate mindfulness in my daily routine. I believe that is what we do here, mindful ingestion of nutrients, and I would like to extend that into other areas of my life, mindful communication, mindful ingestion of information, mindful responses, mindful reaction to emergencies.

    It’s the final week of May, let’s make it awesome. I am adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List Day 29

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B2B
    @basyjames Day 1 B2B2B2B

    Day 29, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Baked chicken legs, onions and potatoes. I didn’t have potatoes except a small piece.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone, onwards and downwards

    Day 29, FD, US

    I’ve been out of action – well, off the forum for over a week it seems. And if I’m not posting, I’m not doing 5:2 properly. Talk about avoidance!!! I did have a very fun weekend with family – but too much eating and drinking. So, this week I’m aiming for 3 FDs.

    Thanks for hosting next month BasyJames. I hope it’s a good one for us all!

    Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Had a good CD yesterday – actually only about 1000 calories, so almost a semi-fast day. OMAD with my mid-afternoon apple for regularity, then big salad with supper. Lots of liquids all day in our heat wave in the Midwest.

    @ah-tee — I thoroughly enjoyed your analogy to practice. Yup, our WOL is almost a constant practice of control. They call doctors and lawyers exercising their practice too, but I never have equated that to our musician form of practice. Oh well, all a bunch of semantics.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    @annemarilyn, glad you’re enjoying time with your son! @flourbaby, no credit is due here; I feel far from “inspirationa”! @Snowflake65, you made me laugh out loud with your graphic description of trying on the ugly undies! @sarahbob, you did very well with 5:2 for May even though you were sick a lot lately; glad you are feeling better! @dingping, I made a proclamation about 18 months ago that I would never wear a belt again as I had almost a size 40 waist! Amazing that this WOL can shave off inches as well as pounds. I’m now looking at all the belts in my closet that are too big! @basyjames, great to see your phone is working again; hop back in the saddle like the rest of us after a holiday weekend! @penz, glad you enjoyed your holiday!

    Day 29, UK, NFD

    Yesterday FD was a success, under 500 cal, and scales decided to acknowledge that finally! I saw 53kg, my target weight for May! 💃 🎉 It will probably bounce back a bit now, but it doesn’t matter, once you see it it will become new normal soon 😀

    @daffodil2010 it hasn’t stopped me feeding brdies, I think they were just a bit shocked, as one can be, with the bunch of noisy starlings that just fledged and were demanding food and attention from parents, I was too haha 😀 . You made me laugh with the ticketing system for your feeder haha 😂

    @dingping I don’t understand whats not to like about bird feeder, it gets a bit noisy sometimes with starlings but its not a bad noise, and definitely nothing like some people make with their wild all night parties. The whole issue put a downer on me though 🙁

    @@Arelkade hiya hun 🤗

    I couldn’t help but notice that some of our friends are missing from the forum, and I hope everyone is ok and just busy 🙂 .

    Have a great day everyone ❤

    Day 29 UK FD

    Another stormy day here thunder & lightning for the last few hours and wet enough to be motivated to stay home. I’m throwing in a B2B to try to butt-kick my May Challenge – or whatever the end of a kick-start is? Hoping to undo the 2-day carb-tastic slide and Monday’s pine nut blow out, while reminding myself there are far worse things to have blown calories on! Only my 3rd B2B in 6mths and the second day seems so much easier than the first I’m wondering if I can stretch to an extra day or two…

    Fasting seems to be good for concentration, self-discipline and better balance. I’m definitely motivated to stick to this B2B and see how I feel tomorrow. It’s a slightly complicated week as yesterday’s Bank Holiday was mostly about resting & my mother, tomorrow will be at least half taken up with a hospital appt but deadlines are looming. Project work has been mounting up and needs some attention, time to put in focused time so I don’t find myself firefighting or letting others down. I’m reminded that every Yes to something is also a No to something else, and sometimes that something is Me

    Yesterday with my mother went pretty well. She’s midway through a COPD rehab course and enjoying trying gym equipment for the first time at 79 3/4! She’s working on letting go of the fear and difficulties of lung disease, the challenges of a new tremor, cataracts and increasing OA pain. We mostly talked about her health appts & activities and plans for meeting up with old friends, while I was encouraging her to celebrate and enjoy everything she’s doing rather than getting frustrated with what’s not possible. She’d like to celebrate her birthday with a family meal at her local Italian restaurant, we’ll go there together next month to try it out and I’ll contact the family to explore a date that works for as many people as possible. Took lots of notes of things she’d like for her funeral and I’m going to type them up for her to look at next time. Phew!

    @basyjames thank you for hosting the June challenge 🙂
    @kerryn73 i’ve found a food diary has made all the difference in understanding what I’m eating, and particularly how much! I seem to have made steady progress when keeping it and slowed down when not 🙁
    @missybear Well done for staying on the waggon yesterday, and hope your cat is getting better
    @rainbowsmile thank you for talking about abuse, and the emotional relationship with food. My last relationship was an abusive one and I’m only now exploring and understanding some of the issues. I love your determination with clothes. You’ve inspired me to look with new eyes at what i wear and why and to allow myself dress up at home 🙂
    @daffodil2010 how wonderful to enjoy seeing yourself in pictures!
    @annemarilyn san juan islands look amazing
    @sarahbob sometimes not gaining is every bit as good as losing – well done x
    @penz welcome back, hope you had a good time 🙂
    @shinything like @daffodil2010 feeders have led to nesting birds. The last couple of weeks i’ve enjoyed seeing fledglings – sparrows, blackbirds, tits and now a baby robin all coming close. Birdsong is easily audible as I come down the street towards my house – I now say I’m catching up with twitter and topping up the twitter-feed 😀

    Just a couple more days to go of the May Challenge. Why not end the month with our heads in a good place ready for June? We can do this!

    Pocket List Day 29

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B2B
    @basyjames Day 1 B2B2B2B
    @michelinme 2nd of B2B

    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    Second post: @shinything, love your comment “once you see it, it will become your new normal, speaking of the low end of what @dykask mentioned as our weight “range”.

    second post, really dragging at work today. Love 3 day weekends but really messes up my productivity at work

    @dingping huge yay for your threshold!!! so happy for you
    @metatauta my phone is still quite dead. I filed a claim and a new one will arrive tomorrow; I did not know what to do with myself at first but now I am kinda loving the freedom of being unplugged. Plus I get an upgrade from Note 4 to Note 8, so what caused me so much frustration has been quite a blessing actually. There is a life lesson there somewhere.

    welcome back @penz, you were missed. Now gotta get back to work 🙂

    Day 29 – USA – NFD
    Second post: @shinything, love your comment about seeing the low end of a weigh-in and it becomes your new normal, which goes along with @dykask‘s comments about weight “range”, not just a specific number. My lowest so far this month is 157.6, even though my “range” has been 157.6 to 161.2. So I know that with a whoosh before the end of May, my lowest in the range is reachable.

    Day 29 2nd post

    @metatauta @shinything @dykask thank you for your combined wisdom – i’ve just had a lightbulb moment reading @metatauta ‘s post! My new weight range this month is 153-157lbs, so with a good B2B a month-end weight of 153 might yet be doable 🙂

    I popped back to share the wonderful website What Size Am I? which a helpful friend just sent me to guide my clothes-hunting as my fat suit shrinks! NB buying preloved clothes worth remembering that sizes have changed over the years – and clothes may have shrunk too 🙂

    Day 30 – Japan – NFD 79.3kg

    USA Day 29 NFD

    Late accountability! I started my day okay and ended with a bad slide downhill. I have the same problem all the time. My eating program goes well until 3 or 4 pm. Then I start eating. Since most of the time I am not even hungry, I know I am stress eating. It leads me to eat everything in site. My June goal will be to overcome this issue and I know it will be hard! 🙁 If I can do that, I know I will be able to do anything! Tomorrow is another day!

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Another 16:8 but also celebratory food.

    @daffodil2010 – there is so much to see in this world. It was fun exploring the San Juans with my son & yes they are lovely.

    Heading home & back to work tomorrow.

    Day 30, Emden Germany, FD

    @dingping a Snickers bar is a chocolate bar with caramel and peanuts, don’t ever try it when you find one, very addictive.

    Pocket list Day 30

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames 2nd B2B2B2B

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 30, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Planning on doing my final May weigh-in on Friday 1st June – that makes a 5 week month for me and maximises the potential loss for ‘tortoise’ month!🐢

    I’m having to adjust to eating less now I weigh less – the only downside of weightloss!

    Our lovely 2hr yoga group only had 5 people attend yesterday and the teacher is threatening to wind it down! Trouble is people get busy in the summer with visitors etc and she has to ride it out to September when they will return. I suspect its not easy earning a living as a yoga teacher! I so hope she carries on, as TV-yoga just isn’t the same, and all the alternate classes are miles away.

    @daffodil2010 – scary story about the ice cream. I bet you felt very strange afterwards.

    Day 30 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Nice loss after my B2B and just 2lbs from goal. A CD of less than 1000 calls today, then the final FD of May tomorrow and hopefully goal. No matter, I am very nearly there, so confident that although June is a busy month socially with visitors and my birthday and weekend trips away and DH’s birthday at the end of it…phew…I am confident that with this WOL and this forum I will stay accountable..

    Amazing weather we are having… one of the halls in the Glasshouse it’s getting up to 38c in the afternoon 😎 It’s not so bad, I like heat, but if it was this time last year being 35lbs heavier I think I would be suffering more.

    @shinything Yes, those starlings are super squabbling and noisy but so beautiful. I love how the sunlight catches the silky colours in their wings. Right now I am listening to continuing cacophony of fledglings, have been since 5.30…☺️
    @michelinme LOVE it…catching up with Twitter 😄
    @cornish-jane yes I felt quite somber on Sunday and Monday. What possessed him to drive at speed on a motorway weaving in and out of traffic. A blessing that nobody else was killed.

    Right off to work…Factor 50 and insect repellent liberally applied…things I never had to do when working in an office 😉

    Day 30 – Dubai – NFD

    Well yesterday’s FD was a good one and I’m at 145.4 pounds. Just .4 pounds to go until I meet my first big goal. Of course I would really like to lose more than 5 pounds in a month but in order to do that it means not having the occasional blow-out. My last treat was a delicious M&S volcano cake – they come in a package of two but I only ate one – I count that as a win!

    Thanks @basyjames for hosting next month, much appreciated – count me in.

    Thanks @michelinme for the encouragement. I just might try another FD tomorrow after your inspiring words!

    Day 30 – UK – Reading – FD

    I just got so distracted reading everyone’s posts that I almost forgot to post myself! I’m miles off May target, but not unhappy with progress. So another FD today as we will be away walking in the Breacons at the weekend and no doubt cooked breakfasts will be involved.
    So adding myself to the pocket list:

    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B
    @basyjames 2nd B2B2B2B

    Day 30 North Wales NFD

    Thanks @basyjames for hosting the next challenge please count me in. I seem to have had a good maintenance month so far. FD tomorrow so my final weigh in will be on the first. Hope everyone has had a good month.

    Day 30. London. NFD

    Hi. Just dropping in to say hello. Please count me in for the June challenge. H

    Day 30 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    May has flown by, thanks @michelinme for being a terrific attentive host and loved the size guide link, it seems I am a size 10 in some stores. I can’t wait to go shopping now!! Tomorrow will be a FD so official weigh in for my first month of maintenance will be Friday.

    Enjoy today and keep on keeping on 🙂

    Day 30 UK NFD

    I’m going to try and eat mindfully today as it’s my birthday tomorrow and I know I will be overindulging. Hopefully I won’t do too much damage for final weigh in of the month.

    I will definitely be signing up for the June challenge.

    Have a good day folks.

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