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This topic contains 1,073 replies, has 83 voices, and was last updated by  abop 6 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 901 through 950 (of 1,075 total)

  • Day 25 – UK – FD
    Day 24 – NFD

    Day 23 did end up being a liquid FD just around 100cals and I also did a yoga class although it was a restorative one 🙏

    Yesterday was a busy day starting with an early aerobic class, meeting with friends, catching up with the housework and cooking a yummy curry from scratch for dinner.

    Today has been a FD around 600cals and included a lovely 1.5hr walk this morning. So I’m tucked up in bed with a cup of herbal tea and catching up on the forum……..

    @coda – lovely to hear that you are in a good space and doing well x
    @annemarilyn – how wonderful to still have both your parents around – hope they both had a lovely day on their respective birthdays – enjoy your family celebrations tomorrow – precious times xx
    @arelkade – thinking of you and your brother – healing thoughts
    @missybear – 17 months in maintenance and I still do 2 x FD most weeks for exactly those reasons – “allows me to not have to count calories on 5 days a week ” If it works why change it ……..
    @bert1802 – hope you felt me holding on tight to you today so that we could both stick to that FD……hope the cold does not get too bad and you can enjoy your 3 day weekend
    @sarahbob – hope you start to feel better soon
    @ah-tee – great advice from @metatauta and remember not to add extra calories to your intake for any exercise you do as that is already accounted for in your TDEE worked out on this site 😇

    Have a good weekend everyone wherever you are in the world and whatever you are doing – ENJOY LIFE AND MAKE THE MOST OF EACH DAY AS THIS IS NOT A REHEARSAL……..“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow” Albert Einstein

    Day 26…NSW…Australia…NFD
    (8.30am Saturday)

    Hi to everyone

    So sorry if this post causes any distress!

    Thank you so much for your kind words and wishes for my Brother – he has been unwell for about 4 months. He was told by his Specialist, yesterday, he has pancreatic cancer. The outcome is not good.
    I’m devastated, shattered and feel overwhelmed by this diagnosis – tears flow freely – my younger Brother is suffering and it will continue. No one deserves this. I just hope I can support him in any way possible. I feel this post extremely difficult to write. I know no one can change the inevitable! I’d like each one of you to find that little bit of extra time to let your closest family and friends know what they really mean to you and spend more special time together. You never know when this special time will be taken away.

    Have a good and fulfilling weekend and bye for now!

    Day 26 – Japan – NFD

    Day 25, UK, NFD

    I am the same weight despite successful FD, but I don’t stress about scales right now, I feel slimmer and thats what counts.

    @dykask I totally agree with you about loosing weight slowly on a sustainable diet, long term its much better imo 🙂 . Thats why we belong to Club Tortoise 🐢

    @weymouthgirl well done on 1 1/2 lbs loss, it is very encouraging to see the drop in weight, keep going 🙂

    @cornish-jane you must stay focused, must stay focused….. 😀 , you are doing really great!

    @dingping that is a very unsettling thing to dream indeed but I’ve heard that dreaming about one’s death means actually a very positive thing for that person 🙂

    @arelkade I am so so sorry to hear that devastating news about your brother. I can not even begin to imagine the pain 🙁 . Your posts always put a smile on my face and I always found them gentle and uplifting, and I will think of you and your loved ones and pray that you have strength to get through these dark times. Love, hugs and prayers from me ❤

    @arelkade – sending so many hugs and prayers that you and your brother will be able to bond even more than ever.

    @arelkade – sending so many hugs and prayers that you and your brother will be able to bond even more than ever.

    I think this is such a lovely prayer @songbirdme and I included this as my prayer for you @arelkade in my daily votive.

    Much peace to you both


    Day 25, Guildford UK, NFD

    @shinything I am the same no weight shift despite fast days however I do whoosh from time to time and they are permanent losses. My last whoosh lost 2.5 kilos! This WOL works in odd ways.

    I am confirming my commitment to host August thread, if that is free? I will need some guidance of course.


    Last post should be day 26!


    hello everyone day 26 healthy eating day NI

    @arelkade – I am so sorry to read about your brother and the devastating news. I pray that over the challenges of the next months for strength to see you all through this difficult time. I hope during this time you can all reflect on what a wonderful relationship you have and take comfort in this. While the physical bond may be ending sooner than you would wish, know that love never dies and he will be with you all ways.
    I am certain over the next while you will take every opportunity during this precious but sad time by telling him how much he means and maybe laugh at some good times gone by. I know I will be sending messages to all I hold dear.

    Today is my sister’s birthday she would have been 64 but she was killed in a car crash just over 24 years ago and we never got to say good bye – so although the next months will be so hard – reminisce of good times while you can and hold each other in the hard and painful times. Love x

    Day 26, London, UK, NFD

    @arelkade, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

    It seem as though I’ve been awake for ages, an early hairdressers appointment meant no Saturday lie-in for me. I’ll need to keep busy for the remainder of the day so I don’t eat everything in the house, as I’m hoping for an OMAD.

    I’m hoping to follow in @rainbowsmile‘s footsteps, because I seem to have stepped back onto the plateau!!! I need a whoosh ASAP.

    Stay strong everyone!!!

    Day 26, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Just back from a 2 week holiday so this will be brief. Hubby and I enjoyed a wonderful walking holiday in the Greek islands. I feel healthy and invigorated! Best of all, I managed to lose 2lb due to all the exercise and (relatively) careful eating – allowing for the odd beer or glass of wine! I did fit in 3 fast days on the travelling days. It didn’t feel like deprivation at all – in fact it saved the hassle of sorting out food when travelling to/ from/ between islands/ airport. Once again, it shows how flexible and accommodating this WOE can be!

    Will catch up on your posts later – bye for now!

    Day 26 UK NFD

    @arelkade i’m so sorry to hear about your brother, and will hold you both in my prayers. My sister died of cancer and I remember all the details and feelings as tho it were yesterday, the all-consumingness of everything. Be present with your family and with your feelings, enjoy the time you have and allow yourself to mourn what you will not have. Life is short and love is to be celebrated xx

    @shinything @flourbaby @rainbowsmile I’m also on this plateau, gone 3lbs upwards despite successful FDs. Yesterday I decided to have a carb feast as I’d had two whole weeks of CDs & FDs. All at the healthier end of the spectrum – lots of rice, some butter and cheese and a chocolate mug cake with blueberries. I had the weird & wonderful post-carb drugged effect despite no wheat or gluten 🙂 No whoosh today, but back on the waggon while making a small oat/seedy loaf for the week ahead

    @rainbowsmile thank you for offering to host August 🙂
    @basyjames are you still OK to host June?

    Coming to the end of the May challenge and just the last corner to go – look past the long weekend and see the home strait, those hard-won May goals are nearly in sight and the effort will be worth it.

    Wishing you all a weekend of whatever you need to feel restored, refreshed and ready for the week ahead. Together we are stronger x

    Day 26 London FD

    Dear @arelkade – my heart goes out to you and your family, especially your brother at this very sad and ‘hard to come to terms with’ news. Utterly devastating for you all but a time to love, cherish and hold each other. Seeing my family this weekend and I will give them extra big hugs and tell them all I love them.
    Love and best wishes to you, your brother and your family xxx

    @basyjames – I hope it’s a mind shift as I managed an FD despite weird mood yesterday, feel more determined, especially as I can see rewards on the scales at the moment, a great incentive. My new determination fits in with @shinything the positive meaning of dreaming your death. I googled it and it appears, if you believe in these things, that it is all about inner change, self discovery, leaving the past behind you. Maybe I am entering my new personal paradigm and the new me!

    @michelinme – sorry to hear you didn’t get your whoosh, it’ll happen.

    Have a good w’end everybody.

    Ta x


    Day 26 Wales NFD

    @arelkade so very sorry to hear of your brother’s diagnosis, may you and your family find the strength to support and care for each other at this difficult time, love and best wishes xxx

    @dingping I recall feeling very emotional and weird when we were house hunting and during the move. I was told that moving home is the third most stressful life event (after death and divorce). Forewarned is forearmed! Take care x

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Day 26 – USA – NFD

    @arelkade, my thoughts are with you, your brother, and your family as you deal with this diagnosis. It gives one pause as to what is really important in life.

    Yesterday’s FD was a bust….I went food shopping yesterday. Note to self: do not go food shopping on a FD. Nuff said. I’m thinking of doing a bunch of CDs or 800 days until the end of May since I am closer to my maintenance goal and in no hurry to lose the last few lbs.

    Am so excited must share.

    This morning I cleared the underwear drawer of the bad, saggy, grey dingy too big undies.

    Sainsbury has a 25% discount this weekend (UK sorry folks), and I cashed in some nectar points and invested in 9 new bras and kicks to match. Cost 91 sterling with nectar 52 sterling. Some were on the sale rail.

    The new style bras are great they have wide straps which don’t create huge dents in the shoulders. For well endowed gals like moi that’s so much more comfortable. I sport big shoulder dents from nasty bra straps that dig.

    Rock n Roll. Yes.

    Just saying

    @michelinme my whoosh always occurs on day 3 following the feast day. Also I loo a lot and am thirsty too. I think it’s the extra salt on the feast day.


    Day 26, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Arelkade I’m so sorry for your brother s illness. I lost a brother and a sister through cancer. Prayers and virtual hugs 🤗 for you during this sad time.

    Today I had a chicken salad. This evening it will be half a pizza. Tomorrow is my nephew s wedding. Then I’ll fast from Monday by doing B2B2B

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Finally feeling much better today. Had a day of pampering myself and now I feel much more of a happy bunny. Thank you for all your kind words. 😁

    @arelkade sending you and your family love.

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Out today on the motorbike with DH and happily wearing my size 10 motorcycle suit ☺️ He told me that the bike was riding so much better now …..he could barely feel me on the back at all. I guess the 35lb loss since last year has made a huge difference to the suspension 😆😆

    @ktcaroline Gosh no, not 50kg! Now there I have not been since the 80’s 😀 I meant heading into 8 stone land from 9 stone…I want to maintain at circa just below.

    @arelkade My thoughts and prayers for you and your brother. Cherish this time. It’s devastating news. I lost a younger brother 20 years ago, he was knocked down by a car accidentally in the US on Thanksgiving 1998. It’s his 20th anniversary this year. I was so glad that I had visited him that summer and spent good fun times with him, but it was so terrible to lose him like that. Sending you lots of love, I always like that you are usually our first poster of a new day. Hugs 🤗

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) NFD

    We’re hot, sunny, sweltering today in the Midwest — but after the extended winter (very short spring) I am not complaining. Our backyard pool wasn’t ready for this, though, and still getting the winter water cleaned up!

    @rainbowsmile – your kind words touched me so. I lost my big brother just a year ago, and we only had short bonding moments as he was ailing in California while I am in Illinois. It was tough. I feel for @arelkade and what lies ahead for them. So happy for you and your shopping spree! It’s wonderful to clean out old undies, isn’t it!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 – Japan – NFD family day

    @arelkade I’m sorry about your pain and your brother’s pain. Thank you though for your thoughts about family.

    Day 27, Emden Germany, NFD

    @arelkade, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother’s diagnosis. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Day 26 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Kept to about a 16:8 today. Enjoyed several hours celebrating my parents – Some putting & bocce ball before going out for a meal together.

    Then down to Anacortes for the night. Catching a ferry to the San Juan Islands tomorrow.

    I appreciate this worldwide family.

    Day 26, Guildford UK, CFD

    Wet weather was going to work in the garden. Hot and humid so time to study and work on my accounts.

    Bomb looks like a kitchen fell on it or visa versa! Been doing some clear out of old food in the kitchen too, exH had lots of unhealthy food in the cupboard, sweet cereals, miscellaneous cans and mystery packs mixed in with jars of gloop, jams chutneys, jellies and junky custards. I found two big boxes of Christmas puddings and jars of chocolate drinks. For recent joiners information I was a victim of domestic abuse in a late life marriage and it’s taken a long time to get free. I was glad I was able to share my troubles and as a result I had so much support from this board and particularly from the monthly challengers when times got so tough. I shall be so grateful for that help and encouragement.

    Bought a couple of dresses and they are completely wrong for me. My hips look enormous enormous in both of them. Eye opener!

    @songbirdme last year was a year of sad losses, my lovely loving dad died at 97 and a wonderful friend too. Thankfully both my younger sisters are really well. Although my middle sister has type 2 like me and wasn’t on top of her health or sugar intake but she has lost a great deal of weight and got it together. So proud of her.

    Reminiscing today.

    Enjoy the sun or rain


    Day 27, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Been craving sugar for some reason and I’m not a big eater of chocolate and sweets! Maybe a psychological craving for comfort. I am making plans to expand my small business and I think comfort-eating is a way my brain tries to distract me, as it involves taking some scary risks!

    I definately eat to protect myself from danger. It seems an odd thing to do when over-eating is also dangerous! People blame over-eating on a lot of things – evil food companies, no time to cook properly, too much screen time, etc – but for me its mainly a ‘brain’ problem.

    Not to let those evil food companies off the hook…or celebrity chefs who tell us to eat healthy and serve up unhealthy calorific meals in their restaurants.

    @arelkade – sorry to hear about your brother’s cancer – stay strong for him.

    Day 27 – Ireland – NFD

    May has been a write off for me but just checking in ahead of June when I hope to get on track. Between holidays and family time this month my focus has drifted but there have been two days each week where I’ve thought about fasting so all is not completely lost😀.
    @arelkade I am so sorry for you and can totally understand your sadness. you are so right about spending time with friends and family while you can.. 💓

    Day 27 UK FD

    Wahooo, I’m feeling loads better today and have been out for a lovely walk with the baby this morning so I’ve already hit my 10,000 steps! 😁

    I’ve decided to have an extra fast day and I intend to try my first b2b fast by adding it with my usual Monday fast day. Be interesting to see how I get on.

    Today’s pocket list:


    Day 26, UK, NFD
    Day 27, UK, NFD

    I haven’t been eating very healthy last few days, not too much eating, just not my usual healthy food. And I think it affected me as I feel very low on energy today.
    My mood hasn’t been help with my neighbour whining about my bird feeder 🙁

    I’m going for a walk, weather permitting, and hopefully I will feel better after.

    Have a great day everyone ❤

    Day 27….Florida…..CD

    Good Morning! I’m sorry I didn’t touch base yesterday. I rest the majority of the day, but I’m feeling a bit better this morning but definitely not going to push it.

    @arelkade…..My prayers are with your family. My friends boss has prostate cancer, stage 5 and he did this thing called proton therapy and it helped him go into remission. Maybe it’s something you and your family can look into!

    @at…….Thank you for holding on tight….. you helped considerably yesterday when all I wanted to do was munch on not so good things. There’s always something about having a sore throat that makes me want to eat. Like eating will help it!

    @dykask….. I agree with you completely. I have been doing this WOL for a year and a half now. I have slipped off the wagon many times but by far it’s been the easiest diet so to speak. I slip up, I regain my composure, I hit very long plateaus, I don’t dispair, I keep at it. I lose weight slowly, my body always shows more than the number does. But I’m still here…. still making progress! It definitely is something that it maintainable.
    I have done every diet under the sun, only to lose a few lbs and become bored. With 5:2, I pretty much do it with out really thinking about it. I still enjoy food and everything about it.
    In the end, it may take me a month to lose 1lb, but the other benefits are so much greater than the weight loss. So, I’m a lifer now!

    So today will be another lazy day for me, just trying to feel better. It actually may even turn into a FD, as I don’t feel like getting into anything in the kitchen.

    I hope everyone enjoys the day!

    I dream of living in a world where a chicken can cross the road and his motives are not questioned!

    Day 27, London, UK, NFD

    Usually the last week of a challenge is an opportunity to reset after a (probably) not so focused 1st 3 weeks and have a big push to the finish line. This time around ……………….. not so much!!! I’m feeling a bit deflated & the revisit to the plateau is so frustrating; coming so close to the end of the month I’m doing ‘that’ thing I used to do some days and saying, ‘Well I’ve messed up so far, so I might as well eat that blueberry muffin ………………… and his friend!!!!!’

    On the positive side, my increased exercise is going well, and I can SEE where the toning up is happening …………………… maybe that’s caused the increased appetite??????

    Anyway, still trying, but I realise I really, really don’t want to be what I clearly am …………………………….. 100% tortoise!!!

    Keeping faithful to this WOL …… there really is NO alternative!!!!

    Day 27 Wales NFD

    One of our cats is sick, she started vomiting last night and can’t hold food down so she’s fasting today and not happy……and it would happen on a bank holiday weekend, the vet is closed till Tuesday. We’ll fast her until tomorrow morning to rest her tummy.

    Have a good weekend everyone and keep on keeping on 🙂

    Day 27 – USA – NFD

    @flourbaby, I see the same issue in myself with increased exercise = increased appetite! However, I still proudly wear my badge as honorary member of Club Tor-twah…in my experience, if those pounds are not dispatched slowly, they will come back with a vengeance! Toning is now my focus. Another note to self: don’t just slather on self-tanning lotion like moisturizer, rub it in; otherwise you will get orange and white striped legs and people may look at you funny, lol! @missybear, hope your kitty feels better soon…Murphy’s law prevails that she’s sick on a holiday. @sarahbob, so glad you’re feeling better!

    So only 1 FD this past week; one more to go in May, and controlled days until 5/31. Haven’t weighed myself this week on purpose so I don’t fret over it.

    USA NFD Day 27

    Sorry I have been out of commission! Still have been reading posts, though. I am babysitting my daughter’s two dogs while she is wile the way the hours in the Caribbean and wondering why I am not there too! 🙁 Anyway, I’ve overdone my exercising and am now trying to recover which means the only exercise I am getting is walking her dogs and even that’s hard. A few days ago I had a moment where I thought I was young again and got overzealous! I really need to stop that!!

    I am on a seriously restricted NFD and will do alternate day FDs and NFDs with some serious restrictions until the end of the month! I’ve had a very stressful May but I hope June will be better!

    Rainbowsmile: I remember your plight and my thoughts remain with you! I understand having been there, too! God bless!

    cornish-jane: I am right with you! I believe I suffer from the same brain problem!! LOL Even when I step and ask myself if I am really hungry (and the answer is usually no), I still grab the food. When I was younger that was a good moment to go out for a run instead. I can’t do that anymore! It’s harder now for me to find a distraction! 🙁

    Have a great day and/or holiday everyone!

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Up & out early after brief yoga & meditation, having a day of going with the flow. Feeling well reset after yesterday was mainly spent resting and getting head into a better space

    Great conversations with visitors from the US, then helped out with a community lunch project of homeless refugees & asylum seekers – mainly people from outside the EU without recourse to public funds. Such a wonderful community of acceptance and connection; amazing conversations about fasting – some are keep Ramadan – even while street homeless – art, languages, creativity, neuroplasticity, health/illness, theology, knitting & psalms. When feeling down and struggling there is no greater gift than to go out to serve those who have least, and finding I have been given so much more than I offered.

    Sadly I forgot my no-sugar pledge and ate a handful or two of jelly beans, but reset my head and had a small healthy veggie lunch and no cake, despite being on cake cutting duty. Came home and had egg sandwiches & two apples, that’s me done for the day. Wondering if a B2B might be helpful to see me through to the end of the month..? It’s a full week and some deadlines still to hit, so good self-care and focus would be wonderful.

    Going to do my daily 10 minutes trimming the hedge then prep for tomorrow & get an early night. I’d love to use my Bank Holiday Monday to do yoga, meditation, some focused writing & a piece of project work. Around 4pm my mother is coming for tea, hoping to sit in the garden and plan both her funeral and her 80th birthday – in that order, tho I fervently hope the latter will come first, esp as it’s in July!!!

    Here’s a hand of encouragement for those who are struggling, a shout out for those who are ill, a big cheer to those who are doing well and a round of applause for us all. Together we are stronger.

    Thank you, michelinme. That is a nice post! 🙂

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Congratulations, Australia & Will Power on the great Indy 500 win!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    We arrived from the wedding about one hour ago. Mass for the wedding was at 12.00. We had a great time and ate lovely food. My eldest daughter managed to get me on the dance floor as we surrounded the happy couple with other dancers. My son and two of my daughters danced a lot more but my expectant daughter didn’t. It was such a happy lively wedding and there was my sister who came from Milan as she is a sister from a congregation there and my brother and his family who came especially for the wedding from New York.

    Tomorrow the first of a B2B2B

    Good night 🌙💤 everyone.

    Day 27 Marina di Ragusa, Sicily CD I have been traveling for weeks so I haven’t recorded here but I have maintained the Spreadsheet. It’s been diffficukt to stay on track, but with 18 months of discipline behind me I’m doing okay. I won’t be near a scale for a long time but my clothes are fitting fine. The temptations in Sicily are Pastries, Gelato, and Bread. Pasta is not a problem because I’m very accustomed to small portions. Good luck to everyone!

    Day 28 – Japan – FD 83.4kg

    Weight way up, but I was really drinking a lot yesterday, eat a lot too and didn’t exercise. So mostly this is just water and food waste. Today I get back on the wagon. Yesterday though I had a Japanese tell me that I was slim looking (at least for a westerner.) Japanese are really into being slim so that was nice to hear what someone other than my wife thinks. It came up because we were having a conversation about food which came up due to my avoidance of cake/break. That doesn’t have anything to do with 5:2, just how I’ve always been.

    @bert1802 – I agree this is a WOL. I don’t know if I’ll always stick to 5:2 style of fasting, but I can’t see myself not fasting in the future. The gains in body and how I feel are tremendous. The fasting has shaped my eating and it is far healthier than I ever eat in the past. Mostly it has been really easy. There are a few times I struggle a bit, but mostly it is just easy.

    Day 28 country West Australia FD
    I have absent for a while due to unexpected events, but it’s all good.
    Had a rushed trip to Sydney. Such a Beautiful city. Walked everywhere and swear I got a lot fitter in those few days than in the previous 2 months!!
    Alas a large quantity of wine, coffee, chocolate and scrumptious food was involved.
    Well we DID have a royal wedding party on the Saturday night to celebrate with Meghan and Harry.

    Anyway, back on the wagon and it feels so good. My body just loves me when I don’t over feed it and when I make healthy choices.
    @arelkade, thoughts and prayers with you and your family regarding your brother’s diagnosis.
    You are right about letting loved ones know how you love them 😍 and taking the time to be with them, phone them, visit etc.
    Life is so short.😔

    2nd post – Even though I felt sluggish and seems to have tweaked a shoulder a bit, I did a run. Now my weight is down to 81kg. That is how it goes with water weight, up fast, down fast. 2.4kg sounds like a lot but it is only 2.4L of water. The human body is any where from 50% to 75% water although most of the time it is problem in the 60% to 65% range.

    Anyway, the workout was one of those where I’m happy about it after it was done. However it wasn’t too hard. I might feel it a bit later in the fast, we’ll see how that goes. I’m already 15 hours into this FD.

    Day 28…NSW Australia…CD

    Hi everyone

    Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts, prayers and hugs re: my Brother’s illness. Life is sometimes very tough for us all, and it’s comforting to know there are some very special people out there who can acknowledge and show they care with lovely words of comfort! I very much appreciate your time, compassion and support.
    This is truly a wonderful forum!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 28, Emden Germany,FD

    After this weekend a FD is needed, only 4 days to go this month.

    @missybear hope your cat is better now
    @rainbowsmile what a great buy, this is fun isn’t it? Can you change the dresses so they fit or bring them back to the shop?

    Pocket list Day 28

    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD 1st of B2B

    Did not get to log on yesterday but I am back this morning all set to lose the weekends wine weight and hopefully reach goal by 1st June.

    We were out on the motorcycle again yesterday, lovely day for it. On the way home e we stopped at a garage for an ice cream. We were just leaving when police cars with sirens sped by, lots of them. Off we went and oh my goodness there had just been a terrible fatal collision. A car had been driving,at speed, in the overtaking lane, ….the wrong way on the motorway😱 and the police had been rushing to divert him. One minute earlier and it could have been me and DH in that collision 😱 The road was closed and nobody could leave for two hours but my goodness. Even one of the policemen told me that that was a lucky ice cream we had had 😨

    Needless to say we got home safely and spent the evening in quiet reflection whilst sipping wine. I believe that we were so lucky. Seize the day and savour life.

    3rd post – While I’m pretty sold on the benefits of 36h fasts, I’m not so clear about fasting longer, at least very often. As we shift into ketosis we do lose some protein although it is mostly probably junk protein. However at some point, probably past 5 days of fasting the metabolism will likely start to slow down. How much probably depends on the person but it could be as much as 25% for some people. It might 30+ days of fasting to get there though. The first week of fasting likely sees increased metabolism.

    The other more pressing concern to me is nutrition. I really try to eat a lot of nutritious foods on my NFDs to help make up for eating nothing on the fast days. That is one thing with a couple 36h fasts a week, it is a whole different matter if one is fasting for many days. Sure you can take a multi-vitamin, but the may not be very effective, especially fat soluble vitamins.

    For now I think I’m going to keep my fast to the 2 36+ hour fasts a week with a rare multi-day fast here and there.

    That being said, the results from 5:2 have been awesome.

    Pocket list Day 28
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD (It WILL be a CD!!!)

    Well, Darn it @metatauta, I was wallowing in some serious self-pity there until you burst my bubble!!!! I read your post at 8pm so at least I got a good 7hr pity party in!! I agree with you; been there done that, with the quickly off soon to return lbs; a period of ADF last year was great, until reality struck …………. & punished my foolish pride!!! Sometimes I write cr*p in the hope (subconsciously!) that someone will respond saying something along the lines of ………….. “Just pull your finger out, get on with it, and stop making excuses ………. ALL YOU NEED IS A SWIFT KICK IN THE PANTS!!!!!!” So now, I’m just getting on with it ……….Thank-you my friend!!!

    @rainbowsmile, I know that revenge bod is coming along nicely, we were designed to have ‘sticky-out bits’ including hips ……………… as much as I love them, Davina & Jillian Michaels are just FREAKS of nature!!!!!!!

    @daffodil2010, never has an ice-cream been so justified!!!

    Today will be a beautiful sunny summers day, but the cleaning won’t do itself, maybe I’ll fit in a walk around the lake a bit later.

    Onward & downwards people!!!!

    Day 28 – USA – NFD

    Day 28 UK FD

    My fast day went well yesterday and I slept well but I have to admit that I am feeling pretty hungry now. But I am determined to get through my fast today.

    Hope everyone has a fab day.

    Pocket list Day 28
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B

    Day 28 UK FD

    Lovely sunny day, woke tired and went back to bed! Now half the day is over and playing catch up before my mother comes for tea. Not sure what to feed her on my FD, and don’t want to get distracted.

    I’m feeling post-carb puffy rather than a whoosh. My carb day and taking my eye off the ball last night hasnt helped my oomph. Somehow I thought I didn’t need supper and then kept going back to the kitchen until late, first time in a while.

    Back on the waggon of planning and structure, early nights and balance. Aiming to get a good couple of FDs in this week or I’ll be ending the may challenge back where I began.

    @daffodil2010 wow, what a sobering reminder of the fragility of life. So glad of your ice-cream break.

    Pocket list Day 28

    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B

    Day 28, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Snowflake56 thanks for adding me up on today s pocket list.

    Mogaman enjoy yourself in Sicily. We’ll be in marina di Ragusa in Sicily on 6 June but will be staying about one hour from there. Enjoy the Sicilian food but mind their pizza. I always over eat when I’m having Sicilian pizza.

    Today I’m babysitting my granddaughter.

    Have a great Monday everyone, onwards and downwards.

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