May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

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May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

This topic contains 2,268 replies, has 131 voices, and was last updated by  Moammad 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone,

    It’s been 1 whole year since Coda started this series of monthly challenges and so many of us have had each other’s amazing support to start and continue on our 5:2 journey. So it’s a privilege to say the least, to be leading the May challenge with such a wonderful bunch of people from all corners of the globe ๐Ÿ™‚

    So, here’s how this works (same as it has always been):

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD) or a non-fast day (NFD) (e.g. for 1st of May it would go something like “Day 1 | London UK | NFD” for me).

    2. Give a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies. A brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this way of life (WOL). Also your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. I will record this on the spread sheet

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or any thing you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We’ll all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life… so if you want to share it – post it. Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another can clarify things, offer advise, support etc when needed – this is the great thing about this global forum, there’s always someone online!

    4. I will check the posts daily and tick each person off on the spreadsheet, also specifying if it s a FD/NFD/etc. I will also record your weight/dimensions (hip/waist/bust) at the beginning and end of the challenge – then publish the gains, losses and maintenance details after the challenge has finished.

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set them selves a target of a 0-cal/24h/48h fast and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket fast – it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    Any questions or anything unclear – please ask.
    Good luck everyone!

    โœจThank-you @pissupoosa for hosting the May Challenge ๐Ÿ˜Š 1 year Anniversary of @coda ‘s origination of the 1st May Challenge โœจโœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
    I’m looking forward to posting my weight and sizes on May 1, 2017!

    โœจAnd so the adventure continues! โœจOnward and downward!โœจ
    โœจStay positive, stay motivated and you can make it happen!๐Ÿ’›โœจ๐Ÿ•Š

    Count me in!

    In for may ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    Melbourne Australia

    @pissupoosa thank you for hosting. I joined the original May 42 day challenge and would love to be part of the May anniversary one if you’ll have me. I’ll be travelling and won’t have daily access.

    My 5:2 journey:

    September 2014 โ€“ 74.3kg (starting weight, BMI over 29 โ€“ goal to reboot health.)
    April 2015 โ€“ 59kg (goal)
    July 2015 โ€“ 54.5kg ( lowest weight, not quite sustainable)
    March 2016 โ€“ 56kg (happy weight)
    January 2017 โ€“ 58.7kg (whoops)
    Feb 2017 โ€“ 57.2kg (reboot โ€“ onwards and downwards). Joined the February challenge.
    March 2017 โ€“ 56.6 kg
    April 2017 – 55.6 kg. Dress size: Australian 6-8.

    My goal for May is to maintain below my happy weight 56kg. I’ll post my starting weight on May 1st.

    I’m newly retired, in my 60s and committed to remaining as healthy and independent as I can for as long as I can. Iโ€™m a big fan of Dr Mโ€™s basic 5:2 plan combined with a mainly LCHF Mediterranean diet.

    A big, big thank you to @coda and the many wonderful hosts who have kept this supportive, global group together. Twelve months is very impressive.

    Hi! I’m new to the forums so I’ll start with an introduction. I did 5:2 for about a year starting in late 2013 when I turned 40. At the time I was slightly overweight (5’2″ and 142 lbs) and ended up hitting a low of about 128lbs a year later. Job changes and general apathy helped me abandon 5:2 and now 3 years later, I’m back to 142. I picked up 5:2 a couple times over those 3 years but didn’t see any weight loss which was disconcerting. I’ve been doing a little fasting for the past few months and started in earnest again last week!

    My goal is to stick with it and get to a comfortable weight of 132. I’m also trying to do things a little differently this time by 1) limiting my Diet Coke consumption with a goal of not drinking ANY Diet Coke on fast days 2) skipping bfast/lunch and only eating dinner to increase the length of the fast on fast days and 3) throwing in a couple 16:8 IF on the non-fast days.

    I’m in!! I still concider myself a newbie (I started end of March, 2017). But I feel like I’m getting in the groove of this fasting business. The FD’s seem to be getting easier. However, I’m not really losing as fast as I would like. (I would probably never lose fast enough. Lol). I plan to stick with this for one year and see how I feel. I know that’s a long time/commitment but I need to make this a way of life.

    I started at 172 pounds….gulp!! I am now 166 pounds. So onward!!!

    Count me in please. Will post more on day 1 Pissupoosa.

    I want to join as well…I am back after a long time not committed… I am back to where I started a few years ago so this is it for me…I will post my data on day one…looking forward to the accountability aspect . Emel.

    I did well in the March challenge then bombed totally in the April one. So here I am again determined to make the May challenge count. Thankyou for organising it @pissupoosa.

    I’m in!

    Count me in! I hope to make it through losing in roughly four months (and a bit, probably, at the rate the loss has slowed down) and this will be number 3, here we go! Hopefully the remaining days of April will take me into my goal area, so I will only post stats and goals on Monday.

    Many thanks for hosting May, @pissupoosa!

    Hi @pissupoosa – thanks for picking up the baton for May.

    Can’t believe it’s been a whole year since Coda kicked this off. My weight has gone down when I follow the plan, then back up when I ‘go it alone’, so I’m pretty much at the same point I was 12 months ago…

    Please count me in!

    Hi @pissupoosa count me in for May. Been doing 5:2 since January an posting since March. This group keeps me sane on F ads and accountable. Will post target at the beginning of May (depends how well I do against April๐Ÿ˜)

    Hi, I’m considering joining the May challenge. I seem to have managed OK so far on my own with this WOL change, but since finding the forums I am seeing so much useful information and the April group has thrown up some additional inspiration as to how to make this a WOL not just a diet.
    I have been overweight (by BMI) as long as I have taken any notice of my weight (mid 20’s), but since having children the sugar content of my diet escalated and in an effort to control those cravings I have been making changes over the last year or so, without really doing anything to lose weight. I read the blood sugar diet before Christmas as was starting to feel very lethargic and not convinced that was entirely due to the sleep thieves. While I don’t think I was diabetic or pre-diabetic, the science made sense to me and gave me a basis for doing something once the scales hit 100kg in January and I found some motivation.
    So, at the start of February I started a restricted calorie diet (too many sweet treats in the house to make it a new year’s resolution so waited for chinese new year), reducing sugars and carbs where I could but without being rigorous about calculating, and aiming to keep daily calories below 1000. I managed to stick to this reasonably well for 7 weeks, some high days but only 1 I think that was way beyond what I would now call my TDEE. This was very effective in weightloss (11kg) and inches lost (3″ from the waist), and the lightest I have been in 10+ years. I also reduced a clothing size which was very motivational :).
    At the end of March I decided to switch to a 5:2 plan, although I am still getting to grips with that as I work out how fast days work best for me and allow the NFD calories to increase a little without increasing my appetite and cravings.
    This last week or so has been difficult, as neither of the children are gluttons with their Easter chocolates so there are opened packets in various storage places. In January I would have eaten them so I am proud of myself that I’ve only had the odd nibble – but those odd nibbles do release the cravings…..
    Sorry, this has turned into a long post.
    I’m not quite sure yet what my target for May is. My initial target was to get below 90kg, which I have done, with a secondary target of a BMI of 25 or less, which for me means about 83kg. I think I should probably push it a bit further as I am fluctuating around 84kg at the moment and there is still fat to lose. However I have added in more exercise and I am not sure what impact that is going to have as yet.
    I’m in Northumberland, UK, so it is very cold at the moment (which normally triggers comfort eating), but thankfully the threatened snow seems to have passed through yesterday, for now. All 4 seasons in one day is the norm for April here.

    @pissupoosa count me in please!
    And…. @okeydokey …many thanks again for all your hard work so far with the April challenge. I’ve dropped the ball a bit over Easter, but that’s more or less my first month on the 5:2 completed. Which is pretty good. I know I’ll just have to learn how to negotiate the holiday periods. Cheers!

    Hello May Challengers……. welcome to any newbies!
    I will be posting more about my awesome self later, just wanted to let you know I will be here Day 1.

    A big thank you to @ pissaupoosa for hosting this month….. you are fabulous, my darling!

    Hi Pissupoosa, thanks for running May challenge. I have had April off as I just needed some head space. Has been a crazy month though with health issues for most of the month and a complete deviation from my fasting habits and not able physically to keep up with my exercise program. Am on the mend now though still some limits physically, but am really keen to join back in for May. Need to get back into it. Will post more on day 1.

    Hi everyone! Count me in!

    I’m a student and so far I’ve done the March and April challenge. March was great, April was great at the start until I went on holiday and ate anything and everything. Still, there’s a few days left of April back on the fasting to see if I manage to shake any of the holiday excess. So I can’t report quite yet on how much of a success April has been yet haha.

    My aim for May is to stick to my ADF fasting/4:3 and lose 2 kilos too! I would love to break below 60kg…


    Cornwall UK/ FD

    Hi everyone. I’d like to join the May challenge. Never posted on the forums before but just sick of watching my weight creep slowly up.

    My aim would be to lose 2-3 kg in May for a holiday but my overall goal is to lose 8 kg.

    Good luck everyone! x

    April 25, Mountaintop PA

    Just got to goal weight of 150.0 lbs this morning and excited to finish April and move on to May forum. Will post weight an measurements on Day 1. Started the challenges in January after beginning IF Fast 5:2 in November. My losses are slow but steady. No water fasts or B2Bs for me. Monday and Thursday FDs are my pattern.

    Will post May 1. Thankyou @pissupoosa for hosting May!

    Hi Folks

    I’d like to join the May challenge. I’ll set a target at the end of April for May. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Looking forward to it already. C’mon fasters!

    Well done @steffieagle. Congrats on reaching your goal. How much have you lost in total?

    Hello, pissupoosa & fellow fasters!

    Thank you for continuing the tradition Coda started last May.
    I’ve been here off & on since Coda’s very first call to Challenge. And will admit: when I am on the forums, checking in with this global family, I meet with success. When I fade away from these Challenge threads, I forget about Fasting & the scale creeps back up.

    The magic here is in the *Support* & *Accountablity*

    Please count me in for May. I have a vacation to Florida coming up in June & want to make some progress toward my goals! Some of which include feeling comfortable in summer shorts & bikinis!

    Hi @pissupoosa!

    Count me in :0)

    See you in May…

    @belfastsink Your WelcomeโœจYou did great in your first month. โœจ I can tell you learned a lot in April, that will be valuable in May. Wishing you peace and many blessings.โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซ

    Hello everybody from freezing Scotland! I started the 5:2 in April, I feel very positive although I hardly lost 2 kilos – Easter didn’t help, neither the wedding I went to a couple of weeks ago (big motivation at the beginning, but then I ate a lot on that day…and the following 2!!!). I am getting used to fasting, yesterday was not a problem at all, although I struggle with binge eating in my NFDs, especially when I’m tired (easy with two kids under 3!!!). Reading your posts helps, and I hope taking part in this challenge will be an extra motivation. My final goal is to get back to my “pre-kids weight” (about 54-55 kg). I’m around 60-61 now and I would like to reach 58 by the end if May. I have two weddings in June and would like to wear a dress that fits me when I’m 56-57 max!

    Hi I’m new to forums and the 5.2diet I started my journey on 3rd April lost 4kg and hope to be on target by October how do I join the May quest?
    add me to the May challenge because I’m in for weight lose.

    Hi pissupoosa
    please count me in for May. Will post weight and goals when I have weighed and decided what to aim for!
    Thanks to @okeydokey for doing such a great job in April.

    Thank you so much for hosting the May Challenge !

    I am in. My goal will be much the same as my April goal. I have been at maintenance weight for a couple of months now. When I started one of the Fall challenges, maybe September, I weighed 153. My goal was to be below 145 as my morning weight each day. Yes, I weigh each day – morning and night. It has kept me honest! For me weighing is as routine as brushing my teeth, morning and night. Part of my health and fitness routine.

    My goal is to continue the trend of weighing around 143 in the morning and 147 at night.

    I shall continue to exercise as I truly love it and continue drinking lots of water/lemon water/green tea – trying to avoid sweet drinks and really sugar in general.

    Looking forward to spending the month with you all.

    Put me down, please @pissupoosa for May! These forums have been so wonderful for support. This will be my year anniversary since joining @coda! Maintenance since November has been my recent journey after losing about 33-35 pounds since March 2016.

    I appreciate your taking on the reins so much.

    Steffieagle – congratulations on reaching your goal! You say you’ve just steadily done the 5:2; not B2B etc. Are your NFDs very different than your FDs? I believe walking has been your main exercise. How long has the journey been for you?

    I am in. I started with Coda a year ago. I had great success, but slowly dropped off. I would be a liar to say I do not want to lose weight. I do. I am 45-years-old. While I have been an average size my entire life, my weight is always up or down within a 10 pound range. I’m not sure exactly how far I’m off, because after 35 years of weighing myself ever day, I recently stopped. I would have never thought I could do this, but I felt the need to break this habit. If I had to guess, I’d say I’m back at the top end of those 10 pounds right now.

    While I always want to be as lean as possible, at this stage in my life, my goal to be as healthy as possible, avoid medication and age well, overrides my goal of seeing a certain number on the scale. I totally support others weighing themselves, btw, and wouldn’t dream of trying to talk someone out of that. I’m just sharing my own story.

    I have never had better accountability than when I was participating in this group here. Thank you to all of you wonderful people for your dedication, and for keeping this going.

    I will use the way my clothes feel to measure my success.

    Would like to join the May challenge. Live in the US. Back to 5:2 after two year hiatus. Would like to try it again, I didn’t stick with it very long, about a month, but I lost 6 lbs that month. Gained it back, so want to get back on track. Will post more May 1. Don’t have that much to lose, 15 lbs or so, but it’s been impossible:( And I am short, so makes a difference in dress size. Thanks for hosting the challenge!

    I’m in too.

    I would like to join again too please. In May I will reach the six month point in my journey towards better health. I have done ADF most of the time except for the last month when I switched to the BSD after getting frustrated with a three week plateau. I just switched back to ADF and will be doing that in May. I was probably 240-50lbs when I started last November, I don’t have the exact weight as the scale wasn’t working due to exhausted batteries. Now I am just over 190, I’ll post the exact starting weight on May 1st and decide on my goal for May by then.

    Hi everyone,

    Please count me in for the May challenge. I’ve been avoiding the scale for the past few days after a week of overdoing it, so I’m not sure what my starting weight/goal would be for the upcoming month. I had a great March, and the start of April was good too, getting down to between 129-131. But, I can tell by the way my clothes are fitting that my weight has crept back up by probably about 5 lbs. I’m optimistic about May though, and know that having your posts to read is a great way for me to muster the willpower to keep on. I’ll post on May 1 with more concrete goals for the month. Until then, I’m going to try to finish April strong. Best of luck everyone!

    I’d love to be involved. ๐Ÿ˜€

    T minus 5 days!
    Hello everyone, a warm welcome to the May forum. We’re 45 strong already, wow!

    Here’s the list so far in alphabetical order. Please let me know if I’ve missed anyone out (and apologies if I have).
    @10se @and…exhale @annemarilyn @at @belfastsink @bert1802 @brightonbelle @Chitown Gal @ciren2 @cleo120 @coda @cream tea @debster251 @edzeko @emel1962 @endellion @et64 @fatrabbit @fivetwofan5252 @fordprefect @happymargo @Imrenfrey @jennferb @JonnyR @lilymartin @lindasue @lou Belles @lumat @metatauta @minnygirl @mogaman @neostaford @okeydokey @onahealthyhigh @pamie @pissupoosa @saffy420 @shera10000 @skinnylove @songbirdme @steffieagle @Strawberriesandcream @suse13 @technicole @triplet

    I’m populating the spreadsheet as I go along. Will be updating weights/measurements/locations etc in the next couple of weeks as well.

    Hi count me in for May!
    I will set my goal and measure at the end of the week.
    Thanks for hosting!

    Welcome @krisnia. You’re added.

    Hi all
    I’m keen to follow into May as well if u could add me to the spreadsheet
    I’ll post properly from 1May

    @johnnyr I lost 40 pounds since January 2014, so that is 3 years and 4 months. Have been walking since that time and hit 32 pounds lost in November 2015 from walking nearly every day and keeping track with my Fitbilt. Maintained for one year and last 8.5 pounds gone with Fast 5:2 since November 2016.

    I eat reasonable meals 7 days a week including the FDs which are 700 to 800 calories. Works out to about 1/2 pound per week. Slow and steady. Have patience. DH also on program. Never counted a calorie in his life, but his oversized belly was noticed by our 3 year old granddaughter who asked “is there a baby in your tummy, Papa?” That did it. Our daughter, a PA the mother of the eagle eyed 3 year old introduced us to the Fast 5:2 and we are all in. DH lost 22 pounds so far and this WOL is working for us.

    Thanks for your interest and good luck to you. It is not rocket science. It is common sense.

    I’m in ๐ŸŒˆ Thanks for hosting ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒŸ

    Thanks for doing May @pissupoosa tis a natural weigh in day for me on the 1st so let you know weight then….thanks

    I’m in for May please. Thanks for doing May @pissupoosa – I hope May will be a more successful month for me than April has! I seem to have lost my way in April (only myself to blame) only 7 lbs to lose to my target which was to be end of June, now it’s December. Without this forum, I would never have lost the initial 9 lbs. in January – but nothing since then. Most frustrating…but won’t give up.

    Thanks for adding me. I’m from erst midlands in UK. Start weight 177.5lb

    Thank for adding me. I weigh on a wednesday so starting weight is 71.2 kg. Heaviest I’ve been in ages and I have a holiday booked for five week today. Feeling really motivated for this challenge x

    @pissupoosa thank you for hosting. I joined the March and April challenge and would love to be part of the May anniversary Challenge if I may.

    My journey so far:

    I began January 2017 weighing 70,9 kg by cutting out sugar and most carbs. Started 5:2 in the beginning of February. Decided it was a bit lonely so joined the March Challenge. It worked well, I benefitted a lot from the good advice and support the others gave, there are a lot of carers and motivaters around here. If you have a bad day, someone will help you up.
    Today’s weight 53,9 kg, so down 17 kg. Plan to maintain at ~ 54 kg from now on. Will give you my measurements on May 1st.

    @pissupoosa – I’m in for May – thanks so much for leading! I joined in Feb & have lost close to 20 lbs – will let you know next week after final weigh in! My goal is to lose 4lbs from that number.

    I work seasonally April- Dec at a large ocean front resort here in our town, Ogunquit, ME. Ogunquit is an American Indian word for “beautiful place by the sea” & it truly is. I toyed with not joining the forum in May because, with being back at work, I felt like I was spending too much time on my iPad. However, I realized that this forum not only lends the support I need, but keeps me focused. Nobody else cares about my food plan or progress…there are a lot naysayers & people who would rather see you fail than succeed. My biggest fear is developing diabetes & I feel this is the only chance I have at keeping it at bay. I have learned so much from all of you, so, as many of our co-fasters sign off: onward & downward, my world-wide amigos, have a successful month of May!

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