Marvellous May 2023

This topic contains 252 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  MissyBear 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 255 total)

  • Day 5 country west Australia CD
    Almost going to do a FD but WFH today and cooking for DH so thought I would just be sensible and eat a small amount of the slow cooker casserole – beef and veggies in a homemade tomato sauce.
    Nothing fancy but nutritious and healthy. Appetite is almost back to normal but I am finding it much easier to not eat or not eat nearly so much, so I will take it while it lasts.😊
    @northgeorgia, well done on swerving the pizza. I mean pizza!!! That takes some self-control.👏😇
    @merryapple, please send some of your rain west. 🙏
    We are really short of rain here and desperate for some so we can start our seeding programme.
    Ground is currently too dry.🥵
    @dingping at least you are back on the wagon and we are here to hold your hand 🤝because yes, it IS a bumpy road as most of us can attest!! 🙄
    @stitchincarol, as we get older it’s often EO(n) but the EO(ff) is MUCH harder. Plus the Fat Fairy uses such good glue to stick that spare tyre around one’s waist……😱
    @missybear and @brightonbelle, remember the club Tortwah named by one of our members some years ago ? I am a definite member !! Seems like you may be too! 🤗
    @malee57, glad to hear that you are back on track and your weight is heading south. Here to help in any way I can.🤝
    @daffodil2010 and @stitchincarol, living in the country, people often just ‘ drop by/ drop in’ . Not as much as they used to but I always have biscuits or fruit on hand in case of someone ‘ dropping in’. I enjoy it, Unless it is an inopportune time.
    And Murphy’s law – no-one ever seems to drop in when the house is tidy, floors swept, everything looking nice. They always seem to come when the house looks like it has been burgled !!🤭
    @funshipfreddie, I’m with you ; if I don’t eat then I don’t feel the need to eat. But that first bite and the ghrelin kicks in and then I could eat and eat and eat. The longer I delay eating the better.😁
    Off to do some chores.
    Have a good Day all.

    Day4 USA FD800
    Joining the May challenge a bit late but happy to be back. Finally got it together to do a FD800 today to get back on track. Will probably do another in the next few days before I am brave enough to weigh in. lol

    DH still stable but not able to stand or walk and his days are spent mostly sleeping. But not in pain or suffering so very thankful.

    Looking forward to catching up with all your posts. Sorry for taking a break but had trouble focusing.

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    FD over with. It felt like a long one. This morning I equalled my previous low of 67.6 kg from the end of April.

    @maui & @daffodil2010 – welcome back! Still lots of absent fasters this month – @snowflake56, @penz, @gardenlily, @matpi, @linda.b, @michelinme & @mariaelena – I hope you’re all doing okay.

    @stitchincarol – ‘innate determination’. I like that. Sort of like RESOLVE. Or “Do or do not. There is no try”. I am like a dog with a bone once I’ve made up my mind about something. Probably not always a positive trait though 🤔

    @northgeorgia – well done on swerving that pizza! 💪🎯

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    “Don’t try to rush progress. Remember — a step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Keep believing.” ~ Kara Goucher

    Day 5-No.VA-FD

    One step forward, two steps back; two steps forward, one step back…seems to be the pattern. Overall, weight is down over the past month, so that is good. Amazing how a little bread or alcohol seems to slow things down though! I weigh daily for accountability; some days, I cannot explain the deviations on the scales. And some days, I can!
    I agree that for me, eating triggers more eating, so delaying meal till end of the day seems to work best. We are varied in our approaches to this WOL, but all determined!

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. My reward for avoiding the pizza and finishing my 3rd FD of the week. Next one will be on Monday due to a lab coming in to do biometrics at work (if you have to fast 9 hours before, why not fast 24 – 32 hours before?) Got to run, as today is our college’s graduation and I have to look pretty on stage with my regalia 🙂

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TDEE – 153.4

    An almost perfect WF yesterday, with the exception that I ate two hard-boiled eggs (140 calories). It had been so long since I’d had a true and successful WF that I was concerned I’d give in to the real thing–rather than sparkling water–when we went out for drinks after the play and I wanted the protein to shore up my RESOLVE; as it turns out, we were all too tired at the end to do anything but go home…so much for partying hard, eh??? 😂 The play we saw was “The Play That Goes Wrong”; the premise is that a cast is putting on a murder mystery and everything that can go wrong, does–the characters trip on the stage and fall, the mantle on the fireplace won’t stay up, the curtains fall down, etc., etc. Put on by the drama department of The University of Nebraska at Lincoln, it was well-acted with the characters keeping a straight face during the silliness, but the lines were sometimes difficult to understand because articulation wasn’t the finest, and delivery was often simply too fast. Nonetheless, a fun evening, and it was good to see our friends.

    @merryapple Congratulations on being down a kg!

    @lilymartin So glad your insides are starting to be back to normal!

    @maui Glad to have you back with us. I sure understand the difficulty in focusing when in the middle of all you’ve dealt with concerning your husband’s health. I’m so impressed at the progress you’ve made, and the discipline you show. When I’m struggling to follow through on my food plan for any given day, I often hold you up in front of me, to remind myself I can do it, “just as @maui has/does!” 😍👍💪

    @funshipfreddie “Like a dog with a bone” once you’ve made up your mind about something…No, probably not ALWAYS a positive trait, but certainly helpful where 5:2 is concerned!

    @excelsior12309 I’m another, like you and @funshipfreddie, who does OMAD on an actual FD–once I start eating, it’s tough to stop. Sorting out the precise combination of behaviors that will give us success can be challenging. And, something that’s slowly sinking in for me, I can’t do what I did “before” to maintain my former weight of 132, because “before” was when I was in my 30s and I simmply don’t burn the same amount of calories now as I did then. My mind still wants to eat the same amount of food, and my mouth and stomach are fully on board with that plan…but the scales are playing by different rules!

    @northgeorgia I’m so impressed you swerved the pizza last night; well, well done, and better than most of us would have managed!

    As it’s Cinco de Mayo, we’re either going to have enchiladas tonight, or go out for Mexican–any excuse to enjoy a cuisine we love! The challenge is to get through the day without overeating, and I’m still sorting out what to do and when to accomplish that, but some serious organ practice for my upcoming hymn fest is on the docket. No yard work as it’s going to rain all day, apparently.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day6 NFD NZ CORONATION DAY🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇳🇿

    Have swept all the autumn oak leaves off the paths, the weather is gloomy and warm but not raining (yet). I’m eating lightly – tea and toast before I get cracking on assembling step two of the trifle. I dyed some blanched almonds with red and blue to do the decoration. Then it’s out with the family silver. It probably needs a clean because I don’t think it’s been used since my mother gave it to me. My friend has a lovely large dinning table so I’m going to set it like my grandmother would have. That’s the nice thing about the Coronation Day – Tradition. My nephews have no sense of this because the world has changed into something new and different.
    I hope everyone has a lovely day.

    Onward and downward or a least sideways!

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD – 👑 Coronation Day 🇬🇧

    Drama here already at Somerson. We’ve been here barely a week, & apparently my neighbour two doors away has ‘lost’ her cat, Popsie. Aspersions are being cast on Boo Boo 😳 Cue the ‘Law & Order’ theme tune. I’m considering getting her lawyered up. Piers next door asked me straight out, “do you think Boo Boo has anything to do with Popsie’s disappearance?”. I told him, “no, I don’t think so. She hasn’t brought home any corpses recently anyway”. He wasn’t amused, & I think I could’ve put that a little more delicately. But I really think it’s just an unfortunate coincidence. People always blame the newbie. Boo Boo’s hardly been out of my sight, & I don’t let her go out at night. I heard Popsie’s gone missing before. She was found 3 days later, jammed inside someone’s car engine, & they had to call the fire brigade to get her out.

    I just got today’s Wordle on the 2nd attempt?! And a 90 day streak! 💪 Sorry, no clues guys 😅

    Dr Michael Mosley’s weekly article. How to increase your metabolism:

    I’m going out for an earlier-than-usual brunch, then back to watch the Coronation. We’re only an hour ahead of the UK anyway. CAT – Central African Time

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 6 Herefordshire UK NFD & 👑 day!

    Miserable wet weather here at least I won’t feel guilty not being in the garden whilst watching the coronation! We have a village afternoon tea tomorrow to celebrate the coronation so being food sensible and not eating too many carbs might go out the window but so far things have gone well.

    @merryapple – Congratulations on being 1kg down.

    @lilymartin, @stitchincarol, @funshipfreddie & @excelsior12309 – I’m the same re setting of the food dragon, the longer I can delay the better. Is there any science about why this is for some?

    @funshipfreddie – Hope Boo Boo is exonerated soon!

    @merryapple & @funshipfreddie and to anyone else watching and celebrating enjoy the coronation and all the pageantry.

    Have lovely days everyone

    Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. Next FD will be on Monday. Enjoy the weekend!

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TDEE – 155.2

    Yesterday was a combination of excellent behavior–I didn’t snack one calorie between lunch and when we were first served at the Mexican restaurant that evening–and off-the-charts noshing, when I had not one or two, but SIX cookies. 😵‍💫🙁 So today, I have another opportunity to eat with restraint and appropriateness.

    I chose the BBC tv station to record all the preparations and the coronation itself and then simply slept until I woke up–7:30, which is 1:30 London time. And now I’m watching and am so entertained by all the pomp and cirumstance.

    Have a grand one, everyone! Oh, and @funshipfreddie, so unfortunate that BooBoo is being suspected! I hope Popsie shows up very soon!

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @stitchincarol @dingping – Popsie’s alive?!! Her owner Marie said she came sauntering in ‘like queen muck’ on Friday evening. I only found out yesterday afternoon because I hadn’t been added to the Whatsapp group. Anyway, Boo Boo is no longer under suspicion & I can relax – phew? 😅

    What an incredible spectacle yesterday? Shame about the weather, but I loved every minute of it. I hope everyone else who watched it enjoyed it too.

    A brief, behind-the-scenes video posted by the Prince & Princess of Wales:

    @stitchincarol – shame about the cookies – oops?! I wasn’t so restrained yesterday either, hence today’s FD

    The weather’s a bit gloomy here today, so I’m staying in, keeping busy & away from food.

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍓

    2nd Post – Day 7

    @dingping – I haven’t seen any theories as to why some people find it easier to fast all day & some can’t manage without eating earlier. This is Michael Mosley’s answer to ‘Do the calories have to be in one meal or spread across the day?’ under FAQ’s

    “There have been different studies using different approaches. People who took part in Dr Krista Varady’s studies of Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) had just one meal a day, at lunchtime. Those who took part in Dr Michelle Harvie’s studies of the 2 Day Diet ate several small meals a day. Michael prefers having two meals a day, breakfast and an evening meal. Mimi prefers several small meals. Which approach is better? The one you can stick to. Some people find, for example, that eating breakfast actually makes them feel hungrier later in the morning.”

    Day 7 UK NFD

    We always knew boo boo was innocent @funshipfreddie

    Hoping for an improvement in the weather today

    Have fun all

    Day 7-No. VA USA-FD

    Joining @funshipfreddie on a fast day. Weight has been gradually edging down, I have lost almost 8# (3.6 kg) since mid-March. This shows me yet again that if I can consistently keep to the plan, it will succeed. I have also tried to up my activity with some online exercise videos, but it is nothing extreme. I wonder why I wasn’t able to get my fasting act together before now?

    Enjoyed the Coronation activities (on BBC) way more than I thought I would (though I am a bit of an Anglophile at heart anyway.)

    Also, I am glad that the wrongly-accused Boo-boo has been vindicated!
    Pocket list, day 7:


    Day7 CD NZ

    What a day/night! The Coronation was truely magnificent!
    Our dinner party was great fun. I didn’t have seconds so fingers crossed all will be OK with the scales at the end of the week.
    @funshipfreddie I hope Popsie apologised to BooBoo for going AWOL and his/her/their human’s behaviour.
    Off to bed for an early night.

    Onward and Downward

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Got a lot of No fasting Sundays this month… will shift it to Monday in most cases. Booked a few days near a beach next month for my family. Hopefully, it will be nice weather.

    Day 8 FD NZ

    Went to a friends for dinner last night and was served a big bowl of rice and Indonesian fish curry. Delicious but I would have served myself a quarter the rice. Did I have to eat it all up? Possibly not but c’est las vie.
    My plan this week is for two good FDs and to eat simple food on small plates to get back in the groove. As your advice says @funshipfreddie Do what works. (Did Wordle in 3 today)
    @excelsior12309 Good for you
    @stitchincarol Weren’t the children lovely. I do feel the Duchess of Sussex should have been there. Duty is duty. King Charles walked her up the isle on her wedding day…

    Have a good day.
    Onward and Downward!

    Pocket List

    Day 8 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’m back to keeping the bingeing under control. When that is okay I will go for another FD. I’ll get there, but I’m not there yet.

    @Maiu good to see you back and that things are sort of going in a routine.

    @funshipfreddie of course Boo Boo was innocent. Your new neighbours will get to know you both and realize that she would not harm anyone (except maybe a mouse).

    Day 8 country west Australia FD
    Day 7 NFD
    Day 6 NFD
    Went to dinner with friends on 6th and managed to have just ONE biscuit with a small sliver of cheese 😇and NO chips/crisps 😇 and NO alcohol….😲.
    Lovely dinner with no seconds except for another small piece of pumpkin which I love.
    Thought we were going to watch the Coronation as our friends are monarchists – but no!!!!
    So will watch one of the many repeats .
    Re-reading ‘The Clever Guts Diet’ by Dr Moseley and trying more fermented food for gut health.
    I Love sauerkraut. Sugar is affecting my gut adversely since the bug so cutting out much as I can.
    @funshipfreddie, your neighbour does not have a sense of humour. I laughed out loud at your reply 🤣
    @maui, glad you are back. And glad your DH is not in pain. 🤗
    @malee57 good to hear you are keeping the bingeing under control.
    As Tom Venuto ( previous world champion natural body builder who has good exercise programs and advice ) said today ‘ Commit – do not quit.’ And also ‘ You are only ever the next meal away from getting back on track.’ So I am holding to those quotes this week.
    @northgeorgia, your stats show you are heading in the right direction. I hope you and the family enjoy the break. Still impressed at pizza swerving!!😲
    @merryapple, going to dinner with friends can be difficult can’t it? Fortunately our Saturday dinner was chicken with veggies followed by a small serve of apple crumble with a small dollop of cream. More than what I would have usually have but not a disaster.
    @excelsior12309 congratulations on the weight loss.

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was a toughie. I woke up way too early. I think it’s partly just the novelty of being in a new place, & wanting to get the place organised. But I persevered, & all the boxes are finally empty & stored in the garage.

    @merryapple – That’s the best advice for everyone; no point trying to copy what someone else is doing. Do what works for you, because everyone’s different. I got Wordle in 3 today too; a 92 day streak! I don’t think Popsie’s & Boo Boo’s paths have crossed yet, which is weird considering how close they are. Maybe they’re just very wary of each other. I’m sure half the complex will hear the racket when they eventually ‘meet’ 🙀 I’m glad the Duchess of Drama wasn’t at the Coronation. I don’t think she or Harry understand what the word ‘duty’ means. And what they put the Queen through towards the end of her life is unforgivable.

    @lilymartin – well done on your weekend restraint! A pity you missed the Coronation as it happened. I felt quite emotional when the King & Queen were entering the abbey. Although Queen Elizabeth has been gone for 8 months, the beginning of the Coronation somehow really underlined the end of her reign. For me, the anointing & the choir singing the anthem ‘Zadok the Priest’ was the highlight of the ceremony

    @malee57 – Boo Boo is no angel! 😅 She’s great with people, but doesn’t play nicely with other animals. She’s brought home several dead birds & rodents, & killed at least one snake I know of.

    Wishing RESOLVE & Tuesday morning PFDS for the Monday fasters 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD 800

    Morning. Such a busy weekend we all had it seems. I was so busy that I have not seen one single clip of the coronation so I will rectify that later just to see how it went. I also missed the big concert last night as I was asleep in bed from 20:30 😱

    We were at a suprise 80th on Friday night, which involved being in the audience of a live late night talk show. Really enjoyed the buzz and fun of that, the Green Room, seeing how it all works off air and on air, then back to the hotel for more partying and did not get to bed until 3:30am when it was starting to get light 💃

    Busy Saturday too and another late night. Hence super early bedtime last night. Food wise I was good, cocktails and champagne wise, well, hmmmmm

    Looking forward to being GOOD this week and looking forward to a weekend ahead with nothing planned for me, (DH off to the UK for The weekend so I am free 😀).

    @funshipfreddie, not good however that new neighbours cast accusations at poor BooBoo 😡

    Have a great day all xxxx

    Day 8 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 220 lbs. Well, a bump upwards to be expected, although I could have behaved a bit better yesterday.

    This week, we have a faculty/staff appreciation lunch on Thursday, so of course, that means a M-W FD week. Maybe I’ll have a good result Thursday morning, but don’t talk to me a week from today after a NFD string from Thursday to Sunday which includes Mother’s Day weekend haha! I will have to watch myself on the days without feasts.

    Should be inching closer to that 213 lb target for the month!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏

    2nd Post – Day 8

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TDEE – 154.8

    I was actually thrilled with my weight this morning; given how fat my belly is–an uncommon thing since weight usually goes to my hips, butt, and thighs–I was sure I was going to see 157 or 158 this morning. Like, sure. I weighed twice, I was so astonished. The boys were up yesterday, and we didn’t actually eat crazy: some cheese and crackers and prosciutto with a glorious wine a little after noon, and then a GF pasta with a pork-neck-bone sauce and ricotta sauce (new recipe, and quite good) and a garden salad, then a GF cream cheese bars dessert. The wine flowed rather freely, but I suddenly realized I preferred my sparkling water and was done. So perhaps I showed more restraint than my belly indicated, LOL.

    And that’s my chatter because I was woken up at 6:45 am by many feet on my roof, LOL!! The parsonage has hail damage so the roof is being reroofed today–seriously, in one day–and new siding soon, and new windows (because the existing windows are original, so over 80 years old and not energy efficient at all, and the congregation figured this was the logical time to do it). So I’ve been outside talking to the project manager several times and it’s only now 8am! Not a typical Monday in any way, but I will sure get lots done, I imagine.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 9 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’m still here. This is all that is keeping me trying to get to a healthy weight. And I love reading everyone’s updates even though I rarely comment.

    Day 9 country west Australia CD 80.8 kgs
    Good FD yesterday and surprisingly easy.
    Keeping the hunger dragons caged seems to be the key for me.
    The first bite of food has me wanting more. If I don’t eat, I usually don’t feel hungry.
    Planning on getting into the 70s this month…
    Glad you are hanging in here @malee57

    Day 9 NZ NFD

    @ LilyMartin I wish I could send rain your way. We’re getting 35mm per hour at the moment and the powers at be have just declared a state of emergency… again. Which means the same poor families are being flooded… again.
    I made cheese scones for lunch. It’s that kind of day. Dinner will be veg and protein, no carbs.
    The Buena Vista Social Club from 1989 is playing. What a great doco, great music, great musicians… and great big cigars.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Nothing much to report,keeping on keeping on. Interesting article from M Moseley regarding lower metabolism, I completely agree as I feel mine has stopped 😄

    I do drink green tea, eat spicy foods, daily resistance exercise, I could up the high fat dairy and meats though. It’s been so ingrained in us to eat low fat that’s it’s hard to change.

    I have recently re-discovered butter, cannot beat proper Irish butter on toast, and although I don’t eat much of it I have told DH that we will never have anything but real butter in the house again 👍

    Oat bran and blueberries for breakfast, Lunch is mackerel salad and black olives, and spicy chicken and peppers for dinner. Xxx

    Day 9 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Just a quick hello to check in and say I’m back… fab holiday and now weighing in at 160lbs so my stint at goal was very short lived 😂 but will aim to get back there by end May. EOEO hopefully! I’m actually surprised it wasn’t higher.

    Have not caught up on posts but will do so today and will be back tomorrow. I hope everyone is keeping well and hello to any newcomers. 👋

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list day 9 🏖️ Anyone joining me???? Go on go on go on 😃

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    It’s a perfect autumn day here, 20 °C, clear blue sky with a slight breeze. My new place is starting to feel like home now that I finally got around to putting up some pictures.

    @stitchincarol – I hope your new roof & windows are all finished & looking good 🏡

    @merryapple – we could do with some of your rain here too. We have a serious water crisis in Nelson Mandela Bay where I live. Our dams are only about 13% full, and roughly half of that is unusable. Winter is technically our rainy season though, so 🤞🤞

    @daffodil2010 – I love butter too. Can’t understand why it’s so expensive though. I always smear some on my veggies at dinner. My mum always bought Blue Band margarine when I was a kid, thinking it was ‘heart healthy’, I guess. So my grandmother would bring me some Lurpak every weekend 😅

    Off out for brunch. Have a good day y’all 🍳 🌞

    Day 9 UK FD

    Glad you had a good holiday and I’ll join you @jaifaim – these long weekends are very bad for me , back on the straight and narrow today

    Pocket list day 9 🏖️ Anyone joining me???? Go on go on go on 😃

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Tomorrow will be another FD; maybe something good will show on the scales before my obligatory work luncheon on Thursday 🙂

    Sort-of, not really, a ZBC… packed my mixed nuts to break my fast after this morning’s biometrics at work.

    Hope you all have a nice Tuesday 🙂

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD –

    It’s hard to know where to begin. Our house got all the shingles removed, new underlayment and new shingles put down, and all the mess beautifully cleaned up yesterday: the guys arrived at 0630 and drove away at 1950…that’s a LONG day for them! And for us, since there’s a lot of noise connected with all that! 😂 Wanting to watch all the commotion–and keep an eye on my plants so they didn’t get crushed by falling debris–I spent six-plus hours outside weeding and cleaning up various beds. And had some severe back spasms before I even began! All the stretching and reaching helped, I think, but of course it also made me stiff, requiring a soak in a hot bath. I had seconds of the casserole I made for supper, but am certain I burned off more calories than I ate, even though it was a lot. So glad today gets to be a quiet day teaching piano lessons, LOL!!!

    @funshipfreddie Well done on getting all your boxes emptied and stuff put away–that’s a daunting task and so easily put off, so your perseverence is to be admired!

    @malee57 As someone who’s on here and chatters most days but isn’t losing weight, I may not be an authority on this (!) but it strikes me that if you post more frequently, you may be able to more easily persuade yourself to avoid whatever behavior you’re wishing to improve (for me, it’s eating/drinking too much on five days each week!)…maybe? We’re glad to hear from you, however often you post, however.

    @daffodil2010 You do eat so WELL…I’m in awe of your wonderfully balanced and varied diet.

    @jaifaim Welcome back, and well DONE on not gaining any more than you did!! And, yes, I’m joining you!

    Okay, cleaning lady comes tomorrow, but I have to be gone all morning, if not all day, because my car needs new brakes and sundry other things fixed, so I’m off to do the needed tidying before I leave to teach. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list day 9 🏖️ Anyone joining me???? Go on go on go on 😃
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 10 NFD NZ

    The wind and rain are swinging around to come from the south bringing rain, snow and plummeting temperatures. If I don’t turn the heating on, according to MM it will help with keeping my metabolism up along with eating saturated fats and more protein! Sounds OK to me!
    @jaifaim Good to have you back!
    @stitchincarol Nothing like an honest day’s physical work to make food taste better.
    @Daffodil1020 Butter all the way! We produce dairy products and are having to pay exorbitant prices for them. Butter, milk and cheese have literally doubled in price… My jams and marmalade are quite fruity/tasty so I don’t use butter on toast now.
    @funshipfreddie Your water shortage doesn’t sound too good… Lovely to hear you’re all moved in!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 10 NFD country west Australia
    @stitchincarol, I agree that posting is good for accountability, motivation and helps me to eat less/ not eat etc when tempted.
    Often come to this forum if hungry on a FD especially in the evening.

    Day 9, second post

    I just realized I won’t have a chance to post in the morning as I have an appointment for my car to get new brakes and a couple other things, and I have to be out the door at 8:15. I’m happy to report that today’s WF went just fine, and I persevered. My treat tomorrow is that I’m going to get a Starbucks Skinny Latte while I wait for the car to get fixed, then DH and I are going out tomorrow night to celebrate the end of classes he’s been teaching on Wednesdays.

    I’ll be back on Thursday morning and I wish for myself and all of you RESOLVE to stick to your Wednesday plan!

    Day 10 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’m working tonight so have packed some almonds and fruit for my break. I had a lovely swim this morning. Swimming is a great all body workout and I had a lovely pre work nap afterwards. I’m trying to get more vegetable in my diet as opposed to fruit. But it is just so easy to put in a few pieces of fruit. I usually have some snow peas and carrots to snack on but need to do a shop and restock.

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Busy day ahead of me, a mistake I made in work was realised yesterday evening so I have reached out for assistance on how to fix it (suffice to say it’s not a quick amendment and involves money in trust and UK revenue 😱), so I have girded myself with boiled eggs for breakfast and heading out now to face the challenge of the day!!!

    Welcome back @jaifaim

    Hh ha @funshipfreddue, you brought back memories with Blue Band margarine. We lived off that stuff as kids. Urgh!

    Happy hump day

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – wow? that was quite a day you had?! And a WFD too! You’ll be ravenous today.

    I should be fasting today, but I’ve got several errands to run. I know I’m going to finish up at my favourite mall, so brunch there is a must. I’ll definitely be on the list tomorrow though.

    No downsides to IF –

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫🐪

    Day 6, 7, 8 and 9 Herefordshire UK NFD

    Things went a bit wobbly Sunday and Monday as OH who works away four days a week came home and my good intentions disappeared whilst having to prepare meals for the two of us. Tiredness also a factor which also makes me eat more to try and feed the tiredness away. We have our daughter staying with us at the moment and she will be here awhile as she is leaving her husband. She’s just come back from a yoga retreat and has declared she wants to eat healthier, so that’s a plus for me, an ally in the battle. Not that OH isn’t but he likes his food so bigger quantities get cooked and I get wobbly! Yesterday was a good day, drank a coffee, loads of fizzy water and a banana during the day because I was ultra busy around the house and garden. Finished the day off with Ottolenghi’s roasted sweet potato with tomato sauce and feta cheese – it was delish!

    @funshipfreddie – many thanks for your info on why some people find eating sets off a hunger dragon. I had a look around and couldn’t find much more on the topic. Some say it’s to do with what you eat, as in not enough fibre and protein to fill you up. Medically it’s linked to glucose intolerance. I think naturally my rhythm is to eat later anyway, I’ll skip breakfast most often whether I’m eating consciously or not. If I do have breakfast then I’ll graze through the day with a hearty lunch and supper with tea and cake in between too!

    I do enjoy reading all your posts despite me being an irregular contributor, they are inspiring as well as reassuring when I get the wobbles!

    Have good a good day everyone.
    Ta x

    Day 10 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. As tomorrow is our appreciation luncheon, I’ll make today a FD.

    Pocket list – day 10

    Day 11 country west Australia FD 81.3 kgs
    After a very good week of a FD Monday , very controlled eating Tuesday and Wednesday , this morning I jumped on the scales happily , only to find they were UP 500 gms
    The vagaries of the numbers on the scale are a mystery.
    Anyway ,resolved to have another good FD today and see what the number is Saturday which is the day I actually record.

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Scales show exactly 69 kg this morning, so all my wiggle room is used up. But I’m still down 4 kg since I quit the 🍷

    @lilymartin. The number on the scales can drive us crazy, especially when we know we’ve behaved. But why not record you weight after a FD rather than a NFD? 🤔

    @jaifaim – welcome back!

    @daffodil2010 – oops?! I hope you managed to sort out your error at work?! 😳

    Good news for not-so-active people who manage to get their 5 a day:

    Just been reading about Trump’s CNN debate with Kaitlan Collins. I’ve got to watch that later. I love American politics. Never a dull moment 😅

    It’s very quiet on here. I hope everyone’s doing okay. 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥚

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Managed to resolve my mistake in work which wasn’t actually as bad as I thought it was and was easily fixed with a couple of apologies for the inconvenience and nobody made a loss, and no tax issues. Phew!!! Thanks @funshipfreddie for the Shout out.

    DH is leaving for the UK tomorrow to spend the weekend with his Mam for her birthday. I have a gloriously free weekend ahead and am looking forward to it indeed.

    Hope all ok, it is indeed quiet xxxx

    Day 11 Herefordshire UK FD

    First fast since returning, fingers crossed, not feeling tired, have a busy day to keep me occupied so feeling positive.

    Pocket List – Day 11


    Day 11 UK FD

    Pocket List – Day 11


    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Both a work lunch and a chamber dinner this evening. Egads! Anyway, we will see how it goes. Long day ahead!!

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 153.4

    Another busy day today. They gave me a loaner car yesterday while they changed the oil, put on a new serpentine belt, and worked on my brakes–the pads were almost down to metal, so it was clearly time!–and I did a little shopping and then hung out with my sons for several hours. The car still wasn’t done at 3:15 yesterday, so they suggested I simply drive the loaner car home (45-minutes) and drive back today to get my own car. So I did. DH is going to “Muffins and Mimosas” at the senior living facility where his mom lives (along with his three siblings) this morning in celebration of this Sunday’s Mother’s Day, So I’ll be doing my usual Thursday work, plus practicing for the Ascension Hymn Fest one week from today (YIKES! I’m not feeling ready!) and then driving to Lincoln for the car, and then to Omaha to teach lessons…crazyness, eh?

    It is indeed quiet. @daffodil2010 I’m so glad the fix was far easier than you feared, and already accomplished!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 11
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day12 NFD NZ

    Made it through a FD y’day combined with a big drop in temperature… not a good combo! I had Mr Mac pestering me for more food too. Hope your first FD @dingping went well.
    Ottolenghi has just been here which focused our attention on his great recipes. He hung out with his friend Peter Gordon, another chef I admire greatly. He’s training up kids with difficult backstories in his kitchen and doing a lot of work with refugee communities here.
    @funshipfreddie There sure wasn’t a dull moment in the interview… People who have lost such a grip on reality are usually certified…
    @daffodil2010 Enjoy your peaceful weekend!
    @northgeorgia Hope you managed to graze lightly y’day!

    Onwards and downwards!

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