Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,160 replies, has 90 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 6 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,051 through 1,100 (of 1,162 total)

  • Day 28 2nd post

    Manyy thanks @ShintTning – you are a shining star for hosting April in have some time now so I will update the dates etc now then we are all set for April ☺️

    Day 28 – 2nd post
    @shinything – thank you, thank you for hosting April. I have some time now so will pop into the spreadsheet and update the dates etc. Thanks once again, so glad we can go on into April as a team!!

    Day 28, FD, US

    I’ve been away with work and missed many days worth of posts, so still in catch up mode.

    Hope you sort things out with your friend, @saffy420. I’m with michelinme and others, though, of starting to let go of “friends” who cause me more grief than joy. If you are constantly on tip-toes around her, sounds like you can’t be your genuine self with her – and what kind of friendship is that? With the upcoming wedding though, I can well understand the desire to remain friends and clear the air before that upcoming event. Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.

    I’m probably feeling unforgiving at the moment though so take the above with a large dose of salt. I’m having a bad time at work where it seems no matter how hard I try I’m not being acknowledged or included. It’s really dragging me down and I am having trouble sleeping. I wake up at 2am and then my brain starts ruminating. So I’m tired, and that such makes the whole cycle worse. I’m doing a FD today and there’s a huge part of my mind screaming at me to just chuck it all in, because it’s too hard, and why bother and and and!!!! All this negativity. Sigh.

    So I’m on the forums reading all your inspirational posts and thanking you in advance for your forebearance with my rant.

    Speaking of work issues, are you happy with the proposed change of role for you @bert1802? I don’t know you that well but I get the sense you’d be awesome in the showroom and wonder how you feel about being the builders’ point of contact instead? And belated happy birthday!

    Love the Picket Lust. I’m adding that one to my favourite forum words – “good lunck” is another fav.

    Thanks ShinyThing for offering to host next month.

    Hi everyone!

    Just checking in.. day 2 of 4 fasting. Headed to the gym now but wanted to say hello and hope you have a great day!

    I will do measurements and weigh in when I get back.

    Sorry I did not comment on posts:( I am on my phone so it’s hard to type a lot!

    More latter. Thank you for your support!

    Second post

    Ok, I made a new topic for April:

    Thank you @fatfingers and Daffodil2010 for offering to help with spread sheet, I think its ok(ish) but lets see if anyone needs anything and if everyone can access and edit it 🙂

    Welcome @helg :), I moved you to be in alphabetical order on our spread sheet. We are friendly international community here, I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful, I know I do 🙂

    Have great day everyone 😊

    Day 28 – Atlanta, GA, USA – FD

    Today is a unplanned fast day as i might not be able to fast tomorrow, so far im good.

    Good Luck Everyone

    Day 27 and 28 – UK – NFD

    Having some lovely sunshine at the moment so making the most of it – getting out and about on the fells and enjoying the great outdoors

    Last night went to see Bernstein Centenary – Live from The ROH – The programme included two world premieres by Resident Choreographer Wayne McGregor and Artistic Associate Christopher Wheeldon. At the heart of the programme was the first revival of Artist in Residence Liam Scarlett’s “The Age of Anxiety” created in 2014 to Bernstein’s soul-searching Second Symphony. I particularly like Wayne McGregor’s Yugen.

    @dykask – well done on getting back to under 81kg – fingers crossed for a positive downward trend
    @michelemm1 and @frances-federer and @ Helg – it’s never too late to join so a big WELCOME TO THE MARCH CHALLENGE – it will help set you up for the April Challenge – this has now been set up by @shinything
    @rainbowsmile – hope that nasty cough does not linger to long – a friend of mine up here has had it for the past week and said she has felt awful and lethargic with it x
    @bert1802 – Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY a youngster at 44 – I’m pretty sure you will have a fab time and be thoroughly spoilt by the family 🎂🎈🎁
    @saffy420 – 🤗True friendships should be a two way thing “Friends make the world beautiful” Some great advice from @coda and I’m sure you will find a way to resolve the issue that makes you happy and gives you peace of mind🤗
    @michelinme – doing a B2B Fast when you are ill is probably not a good idea – your body needs healthy nourishment and a bit of self love goes a long way…….Thank you for volunteering to host the May Challenge and I’ll be happy to help by setting up a spreadsheet for you if you like!
    @borealis – I’m sure you would be a great host for a challenge but I do understand if you don’t feel happy yet to take on that role. I too love MFP it is so helpful to keep me focused and I love the weekly reports on my food and exercise levels!
    @diana123 – what a wonderful feeling when that 👗 fits perfectly – I believe that that feeling will keep you focused until the wedding at the end of May
    @basyjames – great news that the move is now completed – yes you may be 10 pounds heavier but you know what to do to get back in maintenance – a few days or weeks does not a crisis make – press your RESET BUTTON and you will be there sooner than you think – @michelinme has also volunteered to host the May Challenge, perhaps nearer the time you can decide between the two of you as to who will do it@
    @shinything – THANK YOU for volunteering to host the April challenge – these are for you 💐 and you are a 🌟 What a beautiful welcoming post – Most of us hosts have copied from each other and added our own twist to it just as you did 🤗 I will update my details and will try to stay on track whilst in Australia – I fly out on Tuesday 3/4 and return on Friday 4/5

    Hope everyone is doing great to end this March challenge on a high note – 3 more days left after today, every little bit makes a difference so stay strong and remember Together We Are Stronger!

    Day 28 UK NFD
    @bert1802 hope you’re enjoying a lovely birthday. 🎂🍰

    Today was meant to be a FD but OH brought home some hot cross buns from M&S, just couldn’t say no. First of the season for us, and they’ll be out of the shops next week. I’m enjoying this lovely spring weather we have today, feels like we’ve turned a real corner.

    I’m meeting my friend for coffee tomorrow, we’ll have a chat about what happened. Thank you to everyone for their advice. I’m a 56 year old woman so why is it so hard to have an honest talk with someone!?

    @shinything thanks for hosting April. It’ll be a big push (hopefully) from me. I can’t do it without this forum.

    Onwards everyone.

    Day 28 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Great CD yesterday and happily staying at maintenance. Just home from water aerobics (some incredible exercises, great for low impact but high energy) so I am really hungry now!

    @shinything – I look forward to April and having you host for us!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28, Emden Germany, NFD

    @bert1802 Happy Birthday!
    @saffy420 how good you have a talk with your friend tomorrow. Try to express what you feel and sort out for yourself what you expect from this friendship in the future. Good luck and stay calm and do what is best for you.
    @basyjames how wonderful your move is over and you can take a rest in your dream home, enjoy it!
    @shinything how lovely you take the lead in the april challenge.

    Have a good day/evening everyone!

    Day 28 California NFD

    After a CD yesterday and a FD on Monday, I’m down to 59.1 from 60.9 on Monday morning after a very out of control eating weekend. It amazes me how much my weight can change over a few days. It probably has to do with water weight, but still…

    @bert1802: Happy Birthday! Hope you day has been a wonderful one!🎂

    @saffy420, I’m sorry to hear about the troubles with your friend. Sometimes it’s better to just walk away when the dynamics aren’t what they once were. Just fading into the background and not initiating contact anymore is sometimes the best way to go. It saves any confrontation that could end any possible future interaction. Letting her initiate any future meetings on your terms might be helpful. And if she doesn’t, she wasn’t much of a friend anyway. Life is too short.

    Day 28 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Super full day. Glad for a lunch break – literally broke my 76 hour B2B fast at lunch. Needed a moment to breathe. Will catch up with today’s posts a little later.

    Have a great day!

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 28, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    @shinything: Thanks for hosting April! ⚘⚘⚘

    Have a good evening/morning everyone! 😊😊😊

    Day 29 NZ

    Fast day, doing well so far but only 11am! haha

    Day 28 Belfast NFD

    Playing catch-up wit h all the posts.
    Happy belated birthday @bert1802
    @cornish-jane that has to be the sign of a good class. My yoga teacher does a great commentary to shavasana, which is totally sleep inducing.
    Thank you @shinything for hosting next month. It is very motivating. Count me in please.
    @saffy420 – I agree with the general consensus here. I was in a similar position about ten years ago and am now no longer friends with the girl. It was the best move. The wedding is an issue, but if you can find a way to pass yourself, that would avoid any embarrassment to other parties involved. Then I would move on. Your own well being is the most important.
    @penz – I hope you get on top of your work problems. Functioning on lack of sleep is no joke.
    @at your programme sounds really interesting – work I’m not familiar with.
    It seems funny @nesslock2018 that your starting a new day as I go to bed!
    Off to bed now. Night night.

    Day 28 UK unexpected FD

    Just lost a long post – hah! That’ll larn me to get cocky & not copy post before posting! Nothing particularly exciting: tales of food eaten or not eaten, of feeling better – yay! – and of having a busy and full day that was an unexpected FD. What a difference a day makes!

    @metatauta i also had an upwards 3lbs whoosh overnight after a FD. Perhaps upwards whooshes are more of a “Pshaw!”?? 😀

    @borealis thank you for kind offer to do spreadsheet. V happy to take you up on that when I host 🙂 Which may be May – or perhaps June, if @basyjames would like to host May as a way of keeping close to the forum? I’m happy to form an orderly queue 😀

    @basyjames welcome back! So glad your move is done & dusted, sounds as tho there’s much to be thankful for. And you can now settle down and enjoy making your new house into your home – how wonderful 🙂

    @bert1802 hope you’ve had a very happy Actual Birthday today – and enjoying the memory of yesterday’s cake & buttercream icing 🙂

    @penz sorry to hear about your work problems, and the impact on your sleep. I’ve been in that situation and it felt really horrible. Hope there’s a helpful way forward v soon x

    @at thank you x2 – i’m feeling much better after a day of eating lots – mostly vegetables & some protein – far less viral and more grounded back into my body again

    @shinything Thank You for offering to host the April challenge – yay! I’ll be there, either side of my holiday hiatus. The friend I’m going to stay with is going to use my visit as a hook to get back into a healthy eating pattern, so will join me on this WOL for a week – yay! 🙂

    Bedtime! And only 620 calories consumed 😀

    ccco USA Day 28 FD

    Just came off my water fast and feel wonderful! I think my waistline is shrinking! Hurray! I am not going to weigh or measure myself until the last day of our March challenge and celebrate then. My feeling is that my March challenge will be a successful and am looking forward to April! Have a great evening, everyone! See you tomorrow!

    Day 29 The last FD of March… Auckland

    The FD is hard work somehow today. 5.30pm, time for Macintosh and I to go for a walk and get some fresh air!
    Apologies for not volunteering to host. Our lives are too unsettled. We’re off to install an art exhibition at an out of town institution next week.
    @fatfingers I’m so pleased to hear you have your wedding ring back on!
    @basyjames How nice to be settling in to your forever house. My lovely garden is so overgrown. It’s a wee bit overwhelming having both the inside and outside of the house pretty well trashed…
    It’ll give me something physical to do rather than sitting in front of a computer when we do get to move back in.

    Cheers everyone, stay strong and welcome @helg.

    Day 29, Cornwall UK, FD

    After 3cms lost from my waist last week, it seems 1cm crept back while my back was turned! I am realising that water retention/loss affects my shape quite a bit – hoping its water and not fat that returned! Ever the optimist.

    I’m feeling the need to get controlling over easter food. Chocolate, hot cross buns and roast dinners are traditional in our family and none of those things are a good idea! We are at home so maybe I should plan extra veges to fill my plate instead. And I’ve found a flapjack recipe made from oats, plantmilk, mashed banana, raisins and seeds that may be good as a pudding substitute. I need to change our family traditions as they were ruining my health! Hope my mum does not mind.

    Thanks @shinything for volunteering to host next month as I need these challenges.

    Day 29 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Last FD of March ☺️ Where, oh where, has this month gone? I plan a liquid only FD today and the big weights and measurements spectacular will take place at 5.30am tomorrow morning 😀🏆. I am fairly confident that March goal will be reached, I have already got there but lost it over the weekend.

    Yesterday was a good CD, in fact it was almost an FD at the higher end of the calorie scale at just over 800 calories. I was busy in the evening doing some research for a trip to Manchester in April for DH’s youngest daughter’s university final year exhibition…….anyway time flew ahead of me and did not eat until late. Slept so well though.

    Eating later in the evening really seems to help my sleep…must check it out on other days.

    I was out for my usual 6am morning walk and it was glorious. It’s gone back to pre-dawn again at that time but it means that I am walking along listening to the amazing dawn chorus. I swear there is a blackbird following me on my walk, flying from tree to tree, beautiful melodious sing as I walk by. Feeling grateful right now to the universe for the wonderful life I have ☺️

    @michelinme so glad you are feeling better, take care of yourself my friend.
    @saffy420 Good Lunck today with coffee with your friend. Do what is right for you X
    @cornish-jane the season of chocolate is nigh, hope you can get around the family food traditions for a good Easter

    Setting up today’s Picket Lust 😀😀😀 for Day 29

    Day 29 North Wales FD

    Adding myself to the Picket Lust 😀😀😀 for Day 29

    Have a successful day everyone

    Day 29 – UK – Reading – FD

    Finally! A successful FD for me – it’s been a stupid week, but finally a loss. So one more FD and then I’m going to take my foot off the brake and enjoy Easter. But quite agree, roasts and hot cross buns do nothing for the waistline.

    Onwards and downwards, fasters …

    Adding myself to the Picket Lust

    Day 29, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Happy birthday @bert1802 – hope you have some sunshine.

    I’ve read a few posts over the last week but am really not up to date. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. @Anne-Marilyn – I remember you asked how long we’d had our dog. She was 11 years and 8 months old. She came into my life at the same time as my OH who had helped her mother deliver her into the world.

    My foot is mended and I’m starting to take exercise again. Got half a stone of regained packaging to recycle into energy!

    Together we are Stronger.

    Just popping in to say hi! I really needed to have a break. Sorry it co-incided with your hosting AT. Hope everyone had a great month? Still managing to stay under goal – 4 years below goal anniversary in April. Not sure I am ready to come back and post daily. Wishing you all a successful journey. It does work!

    Day 20 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿??

    Should be a FD but feeling out of sorts so will just see how the day develops.

    Day 29, UK, NFD
    80.7 kg. I managed to crash another FD yesterday. The month has not been good. Hoping I rediscover my mojo in April!

    Day 29 – Amsterdam FD

    Wow it’s been an age since I’ve been on the forum, woops! I had a great week skiing, though I was 1 kg up by the end – but I imagine a lot of it is muscle – next month I am measuring myself so I can see when I in fact still lose weight!! I feel my clothes are looser, so that’s something. Had a successful FD yesterday (we have a new intern at work who started Monday so I wanted to stick around for lunch to welcome him). Took away that sneaky kilo, plus more!

    Hoping today’s FD goes well. My issue is I badly screwed up my neck whilst skiing – a beautiful face-plant into a floor of solid ice! Didn’t realise what I’d done to my neck till the next day (so much more concerned about my nose/teeth/chin – all fine). Now I’m finding it really tough to fast whilst still having awful pain in my neck 🙁 Going to see a chiropractor but found him a bit useless, expensive, and not thorough at all – my 2nd appmt lasted all of 6 minutes! It’s my first time seeing one, feel like he’s taking me for a ride!

    Good luck on the FD today everyone! Adding myself to the Pocket List

    Day 29…..Florida…..FD

    Today has got to be a strong FD, I still up 3lbs, I really need to get this under control. It’s reallybeen a minute or two since I’ve had a really good solid fast.

    Thank you again for all the wonderful birthday wishes!

    @penz…….I’ve put you in my prayers, I hope all straightens out for you. I know how tough it is to be at a job when peace seems like a distant memory. I wish I had a solution for you.
    I am looking forward to being more hands on with the builders, as it stands right now, I do some work with them. So, this will definitely throw me more into their wild world.

    @ona healthy high……It’s nice to hear from you again, I hope all is well!

    Okay I’m off…..

    When someone yells stop, I don’t know if it’s in the name of Love, it’s hammer time or I should collaborate and listen!

    Day 29 UK FD?/CD?

    Wiped out but cheerful today after non-stop Weds. Not sure if it’ll be the scheduled FD – which would make a B2B to end the month – but I’ll start a FD and go with how I feel.

    I hit so many deadlines yesterday that I’ve very nearly got to the end of my list of pre-holiday project work, despite having forgotten that this is actually the last working day before my holiday! I have the luxury of some help, a bit of breathing space/planning time, a bit of sunshine and a lovely friend coming for tea – who has carefully made a gluten-free cake.

    Feel a definite sense of spring, the end of Lent, pre-holiday and relief at having survived the term. It has been unexpectedly full-on since the first week of January and strewn with crises and difficulties. And I’m still here! Nearly 20lbs lighter and definitely wiser for the experiences:)

    @cornish-jane I’d really love your flapjack recipe please. Amazingly I’ve got a fridge full of soft bananas and box of gf oats plus a request to provide something sweetish for Easter Sunday breakfast 🙂

    Good luck on the FD today everyone! Adding myself to the Pocket List

    Day 29 UK FD?/CD?

    Wiped out but cheerful today after non-stop Weds. Not sure if it’ll be the scheduled FD – which would make a B2B to end the month – but I’ll start a FD and go with how I feel.

    I hit so many deadlines yesterday that I’ve very nearly got to the end of my list of pre-holiday project work, despite having forgotten that this is actually the last working day before my holiday! I have the luxury of some help, a bit of breathing space/planning time, a bit of sunshine and a lovely friend coming for tea – who has carefully made a gluten-free cake.

    Feel a definite sense of spring, the end of Lent, pre-holiday and relief at having survived the term. It has been unexpectedly full-on since the first week of January and strewn with crises and difficulties. And I’m still here! Nearly 20lbs lighter and definitely wiser for the experiences:)

    @daffodil2010 thank you! it’s so wonderful to feel better after feeling pretty yuck – feel like Tigger with new bounce 🙂

    @cornish-jane I’d really love your flapjack recipe please. Amazingly I’ve got a fridge full of soft bananas and box of gf oats plus a request to provide something sweetish for Easter Sunday breakfast 🙂

    Good luck on the FD today everyone! Adding myself to the Pocket List

    Day 29, Finland, NFD

    Nothing much happening today, just checking in. So hi everyone!I have changed my usual thursday FD to tomorrow as I am back at work tomorrow, and like many FD are easier at work.

    @diana123 well done on getting into your dress, and so close to maintenance, congratulations!
    @helg sounds like we have similar goals…welcome!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Day 29 – Iceland – FD

    I just made it to my March goal, but had already planned 2 FDs at the end of the month and will keep to the plan to see if I can lose a few grams more before this challenge is over.

    @basyjames – congratulations on moving into your new home!
    @shinything – thank you for hosting April, I’m in!

    Good luck on the FD today everyone! Adding myself to the Pocket List

    Day 29, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Just checking in. Good luck to all on a FD today.

    @penz – sorry to hear about your work troubles. Do you have a work colleague outside of the troublesome group whom you can confide in? It’s awful when people play these unpleasant exclusion games. It’s happened to me, too. Reminds me of the playground! As long as you have acted with integrity, then you have nothing to worry about and every right to sleep soundly. Wishing you strength at this difficult time.

    @saffy420 – good luck with meeting your friend today. I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you a happy resolution to the situation.

    @merryapple – thanks for the congrats. It’s actually my eternity ring I’m wearing currently, which is a size bigger than my wedding ring. Still, it’s all going in the right direction!

    Just a couple of acronyms that are confusing me: what is a MOB dress, and what is an EFS day, please? I wonder – would it be helpful to have an acronym list to help any newbies? I could set one up on a separate thread, if that’s helpful.

    Have a good day, everyone.

    Day 29 of a crazy but exciting month. FD!

    Thank you guys so much for all the good vibes sent in my direction. I will be happy to host in June @michelinme if you take May. That will probably be best anyway, as I eye the piles of stuff and boxes that I need to sort through to turn our house into our home.
    @shinything thank you so much and bless you for hosting April.
    @bert I missed your birthday. I wish you a very happy and fulfilling year. Gotta get back to work, deadlines are calling my name. I had a successful FD yesterday and I am planning a cauliflower and veggie stir fry this evening for dinner.
    Take care y’all

    Day 29, NFD, US

    Thank you all for your support. With an Easter long weekend to escape to, I’m feeling a bit better this morning.

    @fatfingers: I’m guessing MOB is mother of the bride and EFS is an Epic Face Stuffing day; you know the sort when that wicked dragon is unleashed and demands to be fed! And thanks, there are some others in the office who are also feeling the lack of support and morale so at least my misery has company! It’s nice to know it’s not just me – but of course, apart from that mutual support, it doesn’t help the wider organisation.

    Oh well, just like 5:2, onwards and downwards!

    Happy Easter all.

    Day 29 – USA – NFD (I think)
    Blew my fast day, believe it or not, at almost 9pm last night….was at 477 cals. and a friend called and I automatically settled into a nice long gf call and popped open a couple of beers. Despite that, I woke up today to a nice whoosh – down to 158.8, under goal for March. I’m ambivalent about whether I want to try for another FD before the end of this month – we’ll see.

    Day 29 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    @fatfingers MOB mother of the bride dress LOL. Today is going to be a CFD since the scale hasn’t move this week. I really want to break through these last 2lbs before the end of March. Really busy at work as the warms everyone wants their boats back in the water from a long winters nap.

    I want to take a moment and thank all of you for your words of encouragement.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Day 29, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 29 Stevensville Maryland USA

    2nd Post @at you are a wonderful host thank you, @shinything thank you for keeping me on the April spreadsheet.

    forgot to add myself to the Pock List


    I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday. Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Day 29, Cornwall UK, FD

    2nd post
    @michelinme – Here’s the link to the healthy banana based-flapjacks. It is a Plant-Based recipe that discourages both sugar and oil/butter, but should be better for it. I’ve no idea what it will taste like but I’m going to try it too!

    Day 29 🇺🇸 Utah visiting – NFD

    Very good CD yesterday, but today likely will not be so controlled. Just ate a very good breakfast, will be going out to lunch with Silver Sneakers (new) friends, then watching Utah basketball tonight at daughter’s fiancé’s house. He’s a great cook, so I have no clue with supper will bring. I hardly ever eat 3 substantial meals in a day anymore.

    @bert1802 – Happy birthday, dear Bert 🎶🎶 happy birthday to YOU! Have a terrific day! 🎉🎂🎉

    @onahealthyhigh – good to see you again.

    @catch87 – so sorry you sustained a neck injury while skiing! Ugh… I haven’t skiied so far this season, mostly due to scheduling of family stuff, but I also feel very fortunate to never have sustained any injury. Hugs to you and may you heal quickly!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29, UK, FD

    Its been a good day food wise, still haven’t had any food 🙂 , but energy wise its not so good. Struggled to drag myself out of bed this morning, not a nice feeling or start of the day 🙁 . But hey, we solder on …

    @michelinme I’m so glad you are feeling better 🤗

    But oh my, that sounds like a very uncomfortable injury indeed @catch87 , neck pain is very painful ad sometimes incapacitating. Hope it gets better soon 🤗

    This will be my last FD in March, and even though I will weigh myself tomorrow, I know I wont reach my March goal 🙁
    On we go to April 😀

    Here is the link for April challenge if anyone missed it:

    Have a great day everyone 🙂

    ccco USA FD Day 29

    Well, I was so excited about losing another pound yesterday that I continued with a FD today. So far so good! I am exhausted, though. I can never sleep when I fast. 🙁

    Cornish-jane: I love it when people oat they’ve lost centimeters of the waist! …My goal, too!

    Daffodil2010: Glad you feel so chipper! I seem to feel the same! Spring is in the air!

    Strawberriesandcream: Glad your foot is mended!

    Onahealthyhigh: Can’t wait to join you on maintenance!

    Missybear” Feel better!

    Catch87: Ouch! That’s awful! Feel better soon!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – FD

    Don’t know if I’ll make it to March goal but giving it my best.

    @onahealthyhigh – so good to see you pop in. Keeping under your goal weight for 4 years is a great accomplishment and an encouragement to our journey!

    @catch87 – so sorry for your neck injury & that your chiro experience wasn’t helpful. All chiros are not equal has been my experience. I have a phenomenal one presently & it makes all the difference. I’d encourage you to try another.

    @michelinme – 20 lbs lighter as great! Woohoo!

    @ccc0 – I don’t know if you only do water fasts. For me, even when I do a LFD, I do water, coffee with a little heavy cream and bullion or broth sometimes. Later in the evening I usually end with a decaf coffee or dandyblend (an herbal coffee substitute) with a little heavy cream or nut milk. I usually sleep really well.

    Day 29 Pocket list


    Together we are stronger!

    Day 29, Emden Germany, NFD

    @strawberriesandcream glad you’re able to take up exercise again, it lifts my mood when I do it.
    @onahealthyhigh well done, you’re 3 years ahead of me, today one year ago I reached my goal weight, hope I my weight will be as stable as yours the rest of my life!
    @borealis as being Dutch I have the same language issue, but other than you, I even don’t know anything about spreadsheets, never heard of it before being here.
    @mogaman how are you?

    Have a nice day/evening everyone, just 2 more days this month!

    2nd post

    Forgot to add myself to pocket list 🙂

    Day 29 Pocket list


    Day 29 2nd post

    Thank you for the flapjack recipe @cornishjane! I’ve printed it out & will try it on Saturday 🙂

    Sadly today hasn’t been a FD – my friend came with homemade orange cake, gf with ground almonds, orange blossom & lovely things – a Spanish recipe, served with blueberries & raspberries; it was both beautiful & yum. And hugely calorific.

    Lovely to see her & catch up but we both got exhausted after a mere 4 hours talking – sore throat, headache and aching all over. I’m getting ready for tomorrow & going to bed as early as i can.

    Day 30…NSW Australia…FD
    Hi everyone
    Only 1 day to go – best wishes for success in meeting your goal for this month. I’m so happy with the flexibility that our 5:2 lifestyle offers. The support and encouragement, from all the posts, on all the forums on this website, is amazing – thank you everyone!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to today and bye for now!

    Day 30 – Japan – FD 84.3 kg

    I actually feel trim but my weight is up over 3kg in two days. That would be mostly water and some food inside. The last 3 days I worked out pretty hard so today I will probably do something different. My legs are feeling a little worn from a lot of stairs that I have been pushing in. ~150 floors a day. I might try a run later. Upper body I’ll hold off until tomorrow, I don’t want to tear down upper body and not eat.

    Cherry blossoms are flying everywhere as they are falling off trees. There are even pedal drifts. I’m finding I need anti-histamines to make it through the day. That might also have in impact on water retention.

    Day 30 NFD Auckland

    May it be a CD today otherwise I have no show of hitting the 85kgs… was 86.3kg this morning. I would love to start April in a new zone!
    @catch87 sounds like you have a classic whiplash type injury where your muscle fibres are over stretched and you get microscopic bleeding in between. Clots form and the muscle fibres can’t move smoothly. A physio or someone who can do the right treatment in the right time sequence should be able to help (ice, heat etc).
    @michelinme I’m loving the description of your yummy cake!
    @dycask I’m tired just thinking about 150 floors… Take care of your Achilles.
    @shinything Thank you so much for setting up the new month. It’s like having a fresh start and an opportunity to refocus!
    Stay strong one and all. The final months weigh day is nearly upon us!!!

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