Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,160 replies, has 90 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 6 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 1,162 total)

  • Day 20, USA, NFD.

    Hello all! Jumping on board. I started this second round of IF on the March 6th, but have been hesitant to join this group because I did once last year and then quit. 🙁 Getting over it though, and ready to join. I am reading through the history, it’s motivating and helps me feel in the loop. I went ahead and filled out the spreadsheet dating back to the 6th. Back to catching up…

    metatauta – Love that you are “a tortoise” but are still here, still plugging away, and still encouraging! Thank you!

    cornish-jane – I totally identify with your statement that you don’t know what a healthy weight is because you haven’t been there in your adult life. I am so there! I just picked one and started, but have to be open to changing it if needed. It’s been 19 years since I’ve been at my current goal, 125 pounds. We shall see…

    AT – thank you so much for this piece of advice “*Stick to the basics for the first month or two and see how you get on, then if you want to you can start tweaking things around but the basic diet works and is sustainable as a permanent way of eating.” I did IF for a month or 6 weeks last year, on week 3 this year and forget that I really just need to do this as written for a while!

    hyacinth – love the clothes hanger reference. Here’s hoping it reinvented it’s identity as a stationary bicycle throughout the month (I’m only on page 2!).

    catch87 – congrats on telling your colleagues about your plan! So glad that you got support there. Telling people is really hard for me. I think that was a huge contributor to me quitting last year. SO far I’ve only told my 1 office-mate and my kids. Hubby wasn’t around at that time and while I don’t mind His knowing it just hasn’t come up. Still not ready to broadcast, but trying to be more open this time around.

    Breaking for now, 2 pages read. This may take some time 😉

    Day 20 Stevensville Maryland USA FD

    Yesterday was a fast day so I guess this is a B2B fast day 42 hrs so far and I don’t feel hungry, drinking bone broth, hot tea and 3 liters of water so far. Welcome spring my butt, it is 32 degrees and raining, forecasting snow tonight. I am so over winter.

    Not sure if I will break my fast at dinner tonight, we are having clams for dinner so we will see, might just stay under 500 calories until tomorrow at noon. This is what I love about this WOL, I get to choose how I want to do this. If I stay under 500 calories tonight an break my fast tomorrow at noon, it will be a 66 hour fast. I never would have believed I could have done this 3 months ago.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer that I was yesterday. Have a great evening everyone and stay warm.

    Day 20, Emden Germany, NFD

    Springtime has arrived, we bought 2 cherry trees and one apple tree to celebrate.

    @strawberriesandcream I’m so sorry for the outcome, enjoy every day!
    @debster251 thanks for the idea but I have to use my laptop for my work, the computer people don’t want me to go to clouds, if I get a virus on the computer all our work for the day in the practice is lost.

    My dress still doesn’t fit so an other FD tomorrow.

    Pocket list day 21, if you want to join me, please copy and paste and add your name to the list.


    Have a nice day/evening/night everyone!

    Day 20 NFD Oregon USA

    Daily weighing still happening and weekend’s 2.5lbs is eradicated after yesterday’s FD.
    Hoping that by Friday this week I’ll see the low number that I did once before this month. And just keep on going down even though next week is vacation. It will be an active one, so I hope with any sense of control I’ll maintain or even keep losing.

    @Hyacinth–thank you so much for the information on Getty. Will definitely check it out and let you know if we go.

    @Metatauta–your post to @at reminded me of how much you are dealing with. Just ❤️️. Each day is one more step forward.

    @BigViking–so many congratulations! Just being able to say it’s my one-year anniversary is a great accomplishment let alone the weight loss success.
    Truly, to all of our “longtimers”–your very commitment to the forum and this WOL says so much about you all and is really inspiring. It will be a MAJOR accomplishment for me when I say it’s my anniversary. (👑 Queen of three month diet plans here.)

    @strawberriesandcream–so sorry about your dog. It’s so hard to let go. You sound like you are getting as prepared as you can and focusing on the gratitude. Hugs through it all.

    @AT–simply put, you are an exceptional host. Just so thoughtful and I wanted to be sure to just say it out loud here. I know we all appreciate you so much. 🍷 *(You get a calorie free glass of wine from me just because)*

    Happy Spring to all of the Northern hemisphere–it’s a beauty first day here in Oregon. 💐

    “Old ways won’t open new doors”

    Second post
    Spring really arrived today. Good for the soul!

    @flourbaby – your post gladdened my heart. I can feel your elation from here!
    If you reach that size 10 I look forward to seeing a picture of you posted in all your glory, leg warmers, the lot!
    @Strawberriesandcream – make the most of your time with your fur baby. My heart goes out to you.
    @missybear – absolutely amazingly well done! I’m so pleased for you.
    @bigviking – never lose sight of the weight you’ve lost. It’s a fantastic achievement, and you WILL get there. Just hang tight.
    @penz – your post really struck a chord with many of us. As a very skinny teenager, I too had a very light or no lunch and an evening meal. And definitely no snacks. I’ll follow your journey with interest.
    @songbirdme and @Penz- thanks for the links
    @nelly89 very well done for your weight loss
    @basyjames – I KNOW you can do this!

    One of the over-riding themes of this forum is the surprise when we fit into ‘ordinary-sized’ clothes. I have a friend who always wore black tent-like clothes. As she lost weight she bought one or two items of clothing to wear when she went out. The compliments started coming thick and fast, and her smile and self confidence grew daily. She’s now a size 12-14 and her wardrobe is full of wonderful brightly coloured items. She’s a new woman with a smart hairstyle and a spring in her step. I think it is really important that we are not defined by our weight. Delight in your journey, however slow. Get that new hairstyle, new lipstick, pair of shoes. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself. You’re worth it.

    “Maybe you have to let go of who you were in order to become who you will be

    Day 20, Surrey (UK), NFD

    FDs a little bit out of sync this week, due to social arrangements. Still, there was a small whoosh today, following an indulgent Saturday and an unplanned FD on Sunday! Trying to keep within TDEE otherwise, and managed it today!

    @penz – a fascinating insight into cravings! Thank you! It reminds me of some CBT techniques I learned about last year, and am still practising! It’s a real skill to be able to “step outside of yourself” and experience your feelings in a detached way. I’m still learning to do it but have managed it a few times…it’s a fantastic feeling to know that I’ve ridden the wave, whether it’s a food craving or an emotional reaction to someone or something. I can’t remember who said that this WOE is 80% in the mind, but whoever it was…you are so right!

    2nd post

    Just popped in to say what a wonderfully supportive group you all are. There is so much help, assistance, comments,memories, laughs and giggles, all over the past few days……I am so glad to be part of this forum. You guys are great ☺️

    @foodfreedomgirl Welcome! This is a great place for encouragement and motivation 🤗

    And also wanted to say that my first batches of yoghurt and kefir are wrapped in towels in the kitchen and I eagerly await to taste my first attempt. Roll on tomorrow

    Night night everyone.

    Day 20 – 2nd post

    2nd FD of B2B done 292cals for the day…….teeth brushed so nothing to pass my lips now except water!! So time to catch up with the posts before bed.

    Such a beautiful sunny day again today 🌤 if a bit chilly – does make you feel better to have longer days again and the sun cheers you up no end…..

    @anna6 – Thank you and it is so true – hope you feel better soon x
    @strawberriesandcream – Make the most of the time you have left with your furry friend – he to enjoy his life and know that he is so loved and you to have more great memories to cherish 🐶❤️
    @snowflake56 – Friends like that are cherished because they are always there for you……
    @okeydokey – Hope you feel better soon and great job on your 4 FD’s B2B with liquid and 500 cals or less and getting back to your weight of 152 lbs! Never in any doubt that you could achieve – I’m sure your Dad had a fab birthday with you all helping him celebrate x
    @ccco – This is a plank challenge that I started during the August challenge if you are interested “This is a link for a plank challenge if you have done them before – as you get more proficient you can add 5/10 secs increments to each of the variations”
    @songbirdme – Congratulations on a successful concert and you looked fab in your pink dress, thank you for sharing. Safe travels to your daughters and enjoy the family time celebrating birthdays x
    @mjrbcd44 – Good to hear that your sister, your Dad and yourself have been able to talk – Thank you for your lovely words and sentiments 🤗
    @flourbaby – Very descriptive post……new knickers and bra are definitely called for 🤣
    @nelly89 – A few inches lost here and there and 4lb lost is fab news!
    @fivetwofan5252 – Have a great FD tomorrow and then go enjoy your holidays – did you tell us where??
    @aimingforhealth – Just pop in when you can to let us know how you are doing – sometimes just doing in to read the posts gives you strength when you are struggling on a FD
    @michelinme – Hope your daughter’s concert went well – proud mum moment 👩‍❤️‍👩
    @diana123 – That is the strength of these challenges – being able to share with no judgement but lots of support and understanding – well done on your 40hr Fast
    @cornish-jane – Totally agree that yoga is easier on an empty stomach – I started my fast after supper on Sunday night and completed a 90min yoga class on Monday evening and again tonight and have another one tomorrow morning and will break my fast after that so some 62+hrs fast with only 676 cals consumed in that time yet I have been full of energy and strength for my classes 🧘‍♀️
    @daffodil2010 – So much colder in Ireland than here in Cumbria – great job on waving goodbye to that plateau 👍Hope you enjoy your homemade kefir as much as I love mine – had a glass this evening as my main calorie intake for this FD
    @rainbowsmile – Great attitude and so happy to read your post “revel in the fact that I haven’t gained and even if the loss is minimal it’s ok considering the past few months of extreme stress. In the past I would have gained, yet I have held on with a tight grip” so pleased for you – so positive and strong and you will soon fit back into those size 10!
    @bigviking – That 🍷😈 has so much to answer for – I can totally sympathise. Congratulations on your first anniversary on this WOL and what a success – give yourself a big pat on the back
    @ktcaroline – hope you feel better soon 🤧
    @saffy420 – Hope you got back home safe and also managed your planned FD
    @basyjames – You can do this – hold tight to us and we will pull you onto that wagon
    @hyacinth – A holiday with no weight gain is a definite win!!!!
    @penz – Thank you for sharing that post on cravings – I just love “Explore the dragon, don’t feed it.”
    @bert1802 @lilymartin @emma-taylor @beachgurl62 and any others who have been absent for a little while – Are you OK???

    Also thinking of @coda @happymargo @dingping and any others who have not posted for a long time

    “Optimist: Someone who figured out that taking a step backward after taking a step forward isn’t a disaster, it’s more like a cha-cha.”

    The number on the scale might go up and down every other day, but that’s OK – this journey is about living a healthier, happier life, not just about fitting into a certain dress size. We’ve all got to deal with setbacks, whether it’s missing a workout when we’re sick or having to grab something from the vending machine when there’s no time for lunch. Keep your eyes on your long-term goals!

    2nd post

    Managed a good FD at 270kcal with lots of tea and a small garbanzo salad for dinner. Might go for another one tomorrow.
    @songbirdme – thank you for the link, so true and I should be watching these videos every day to remind me of the damage sugar does to one’s health…
    @nelly89 and @scribbleartist – congratulations on the eradicated lbs!
    @foodfreedomgirl and @aimingforhealth – great to have you with us
    @debster251 – very wise words and moving story about your friend. I also know somebody who used to wear those black tents but luckily (thanks to a wonderful online forum) she is on the right path to a more colourful wardrobe… @flourbaby LOL at “colours warranting sunglasses”!
    @daffodil2010 – so true, there is so much warmth in this forum ❤️ excited to hear how your kefir experiments turn out!

    à propos kefir, sourdough and gut health, recurrent themes on this forum, I found this article quite interesting:

    ccco USA Day20 NFD

    Srawberriesandcream: I just wanted to say my heart goes out to you and your furry friend. I have had plenty of them myself and am a true animal lover. Hugs to you!

    Today I had a very successful day on my low carb high protein and fat diet and have lost all the weight I was hoping to lose during the March Challenge! I didn’t think I would make it. I am increasing my challenge weight loss and will begin with a water fast tomorrow. I should be able to lose a pound or two shoveling snow!! LOL What a way to start Spring! LOL My neighbors over the weekend had some wishful thinking and went outside to garden. Now we are shoveling snow and ice. Already all the schools will be closed tomorrow. Ugh! Will it every end!! 🙁

    Hi @at!! Thanks for asking. All fine here. Going very slowly down. Still dryza bone this year. No alcohol at all since Xmas day. I’d like to but I know I’ll never be a moderate drinker again. I just don’t think it’s possible so I’ve stopped. Never mind. I’m v happy, 5:2 is going slowly but well.

    I’m making loads of hand made clothes in the style of Alabama Chanin – very labour intensive and v beautiful.( hers, not mine…). My patterns keep shrinking to match my body. Hope all is well with my fellow fasters, wherever you are in this big wide world. Night night northern hemispherers.

    PS. I had a discussion with a friend today who was talking a lot about her body and how she had to lose weight, and I said – that’s only about what you weigh. Its only a tiny part of what you ARE. She is really nice but somehow thinks how much she weighs is a measure of who she is. That’s just nonsense.

    Day 21 – Japan – NFD 83.5kg

    I love my NFDs!

    NFD A sunny evening in Auckland on Day 21

    Woohoo I’m into the 86kgs! Soon it’ll be the 85s then I’ll start my “5kg Drop a dress size” campaign!

    @strawberriesandcream Thinking of you. We’re going down to see my brother’s dog, Oscar, in Wellington next week. He and Macintosh share the same father, a grand champion West Highlander called Junk Yard Dog. He’s 15 and has a tumour so we will be saying our g’byes. Heartbreaking…

    @debster251 It’s all muscle! It weighs 21/2 times more than fat!

    @penz Interesting! I remember really craving Vegemite in the Tropics and I realised eventually that I was short of salt. But I have also been lured into the dark side of my Id by ice-cream!!!

    @cornish-jane Where about does your sister live? Do you get to visit?

    Cheers, everyone! Onwards and downwards…

    @anna Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    Day 21, Cornwall UK, NFD

    @merryapple – my sister lives in palmerston north. I used to visit quite a bit but havn’t managed it recently. She comes to us most years so I get to see her, which is lovely.

    I am still making sauerkraut as I really like it. I’m trying a recipe with grated carrot added. May also try a celeriac version. Celeriac is a favourite vege at the moment and I even like it grated raw with chilli.

    I’ve been reading about the health benefits of herbs. I just think of them as flavourings but I see they are packed with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and various nutrients and are best eaten super-fresh so I’ll grow my own this year and eat lots more of them! Starting with oregano, dill and parsley.

    Day 21 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    I have reached a new low point since I started the 5:2 journey in July 2017. I am now at 132lbs. My goal for March was to reach 130lbs which was a bit stretching considering the two month plateau, but maybe, just maybe, it can be achieved in the next 11 days 🤔

    Delighted. It’s a CD today and I don’t plan to go over 1000 calories. Then another FD tomorrow. I feel in control these days.

    @borealis. My kefir and Bulgarian yoghurt have not yet taken so I suspect I put in too little of the bacteria compounds. They remain snuggled in hand towels on my counter and I will leave them for another 12 hours. Trial and error at the moment. And thanks for the links, I will read them later after work.

    @cornish-jane Seeing as I work in a glasshouse where we specialise in herbs and micro greens, I must look up the health benefits myself. I often chew a sprig of parsley, mint, or fennel while I work to help with tummy problems or keto breath. Or to stave off a hunger pang. We grow mustard, pak choi, red amaranth, celery, coriander, sorrel, oh so many little micro greens which are bosh full of nutrients ☺️

    @penz interesting about exploring the craving and not caving. I had something like that when stopping smoking. The craving was a monster on my shoulder wanting to be fed, I had to recognise that and realise that not feeding the monster will kill it. And it did 😄

    Have a good Wednesday. It’s Equinix so every last one of us on this forum has the exact same hours of daylight …no matter where we are. I love this!

    Day 21…NSW Australia…CFD
    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    Bye for now!

    Day 21 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧.

    Day 21, Emden Germany, FD

    just a quick post today.

    Pocket list day 21, if you want to join, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 21 – UK – Reading – CD

    Morning all. A successful(ish) FD for me yesterday, despite winter sniffles. You grow sorrel Daffodil? How fab! I have great difficulty finding sorrel, you must let me know where you send it.

    Day 21 Belfast FD

    @borealis – great link thank you. I hadn’t tried kimchi or kombucha but it’s on my to do list.
    Well done on that weight loss @ccco
    @EmmaTaylor – congratulations on your continued willpower. I had never heard of Alabama Chanin. I love the style.
    @daffodil2010 – I’m interested about your ‘Bulgarian’ yoghurt. I started my own yoghurt with an organic whole milk shop bought type. I might branch out to see the difference.

    Pocket list day 21, if you want to join, please copy and paste and add your name to the list
    @steve toon taxi driver
    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 21 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Wishing everyone a successful day 🙂

    Day 21, UK, NFD
    79.9 kg. Yesterday was not as controlled as I wanted.

    Day 21 (2nd post) Australia NFD

    I had a small victory today – wore a pair of trousers that didn’t fit me at the end of last year – feels sooo good to have options!

    @dykask – Yes, NFDs are the best! Getting up some days knowing that you have to be careful is not easy. 500 cal is tight – doable, but tight. It really depends for me if I am at home or out and about. Out and about is so much easier.

    Day 21, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Congratulations @daffodil2010 on your weight loss. You inspire me to get there too! Interesting to hear about the microgreens. I’ve been thinking about trying them – how do you grow them, in normal soil or just some form of matting? And I believe you harvest them really early, after just a few weeks?

    Day 21, London, UK, FD

    I had a lovely OMAD yesterday, although the wine was flowing rather freely!!!

    Feeling good about todays’ FD too, although I think I’m dealing with a minor hangover, so I must drown the dragon today. I’m still a bit apprehensive about my All Inclusive week away next week, I must try to remember to keep it as low carb as possible and load up on veggies and protein. Much like myself, my mum is made of flour too (and a size 10 her entire life!!!!), so it may prove a little tricky …………………… I must step away from the bread, I must step away from the bread, I must………………………

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today, the snow and ice of last week are a distant memory as the sun is shining and it actually FEELS like Spring has finally sprung!!!!!!!!!

    Day 21, Newcastle UK, ???????

    Well, I guess I am a comfort eater – 2lb up in 2 days – and back into 10 stone land!!! Let’s see what I can do to undo the damage before a meal out with friends on Friday night and dinner here with friends on Saturday night. I’m already planning to be driver on Friday, so that should help for starters.

    Thanks for your kind thoughts about our lovely girl @snowflake56, @metatauta. @rainbowsmile, @debster251, @michelinme, @mjrbcd44. @at, @ccco & @merryapple. Knowing what’s what is actually helping us cope with facing the inevitable. She’s nearly 12 and had a good life.
    @flourbaby & @snowflake56 – I am a self confessed exhibitionist when it comes to singing and dancing! Give me an empty floor and I’m in heaven. I used to be involved in amateur dramatics – something I may go back to yet. @michelinme – how wonderful to see your daughter – I would just love to have been a professional singer. I will dream on……
    @mjrbcd44 – Bridget Jones is brilliant – its got to be time for another sequel!
    As you say @basyjames – today is the first day of the rest of your life. With your stressful house move behind you – it’s onwards and downwards.
    @metatauta – ahhh – Sedona, AZ – what a wonderful place. I remember my visit with happy nostalgia – singing Dierks Bentley’s ‘Free and Easy (down the road I go)’ at the top of our voices as the sun was setting. Simply stunning.
    @annemarilyn – Thanks but I don’t deserve to be congratulated as I’m on an upwards spiral right now. Since joining the challenge in February 2017 I’ve officially lost only 6.5lbs as of this morning. Where did that low of 133.3lb disappear to???? Well I know the answer to that. Must try harder and get my backside back into gear. With foot just about mended and Spring, springing, I need to get out power walking and get started on my Yoga. Huge congratulations to @missybear though!!
    @penz – thanks for sharing – interesting stuff. And wise words from you @debster251 – ” I think it is really important that we are not defined by our weight. Delight in your journey, however slow. Get that new hairstyle, new lipstick, pair of shoes. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself. You’re worth it.”
    @songbirdme – good to hear your concert went so well – I look forward to seeing you in your lovely dress.
    @daffodil2010 – wow – fantastic – congratulations!!
    @emma-taylor – congratulations to you too – I’m both impressed with your progress and embarrassed about my own fall off the dry wagon. However, I am a whole lot better than I was, and will continue to build on that. I bumped into an old friend the other day. She is 62 and I’m coming up 58. She stopped drinking 10 years ago and looks years younger than me.
    @flourbaby – as someone said a few days ago (sorry can’t remember who but it was good advice) – focus on what you can eat, not what you can’t. I know, I know, that’s rich coming from me right now – but it did sound like a good strategy.

    So it’s lunchtime again and I’m still in my dressing gown and pj’s – better get going!

    Onwards and downwards – together we are stronger.

    Day 21, NFD

    Urgh – I’ve also got a slight hangover today. So much for exploring my dragon and not feeding it!!

    Day 20, UK, NFD
    Day 21, UK, NFD

    Too busy to post yesterday, but managed to read all the post. It was an ok NFD, but then I got hold of some chocolate in the evening 😳 . Dark chocolate, 90% cocoa , which is supposed to be good for you, or at least that was my excuse 😂

    @debster251 I posted a link a while ago for the site where I get my Bulgarian kefir and yoghurt starter, I make them all the time and they are delicious, very creamy and mild taste 🙂

    @Strawberriesandcream so sorry to hear about your beloved dog, that’s heartbreaking 🙁 . I hope she has a smooth last days, I’m sure they will be full of love.
    That reminds me, and I’ve been thinking about it few times, we haven’t seen @mogaman around lately , after the tragedy with his (her?) service dog Gabriel 🙁
    I hope you are doing ok @mogaman.

    Another busy day here ….. off I go ….

    Have a lovely day everyone 🤗

    Day 21, Guildford UK, CFD

    @bigviking you had me thinking, when is my anniversary? Turns out it’s more or less the beginning of June 17. Doesn’t time Fly? Your humour has kept me smiling and please please don’t underestimate the power of persistence. You have that in spades, redoubled.

    @at thank you, this is a journey

    @flourbaby, sounds like my size 10s too are similar, but they are newer so I was obviously buying 80s style 10 years ago (except the puff ball skirt……. because all my skirts looked like that without being puff ball). You rock! And colour is desperately rigeur, you and I can go knock em dead in our vintage gear. It’s quite the thing……

    @merryapple, I think you mean denser rather heavier, thankful muscle looks lovelier than fat. I fool myself anyway that I look better when I exercise because I put on muscle but in fact as women that can’t be much. Still it’s a useful thought.

    @emma Taylor going to Google Alabama Chanin, how clever you are to be able to create your own style. Sadly I do feel awful about myself even if I am a little overweight. So I understand your friend, I tell myself all the things you say but as long as those lumpy bits are on my tummy I just don’t believe myself.

    @ccco I am planning to do the plank challenge next month so will start a pocket list. Trying to limber up in readiness.

    @michelinme the clothes available seem to improve markedly at size 16 well I think so and there are more on eBay and in charity shops, there are tons more clothes available at that size. At size 18 a little more than at size 20, but fewer ranges above that. So my sense is size 16 was a big step for me for clothes buying, off the peg and stylish and fits!

    I do sometimes think clothes are bigger now, perhaps that’s why the size 10s seem so tiny.


    Day 21 NFD Oregon USA

    Well I made the mistake of drinking two cups of coffee BEFORE weighing. I figure that’s 16 oz(one pound) but was back up this morning to the 2.5 from Saturday morning. Sigh.
    Went for a good walk yesterday and thought I was making reasonable choices but probably ended up over TDEE and fairly high sodium.
    Will be more controlled today and hopefully fast day tomorrow will show true progress on Friday.

    @at you reminded me of so many others to be thinking about. And someone else mentioned @mogaman–really hoping all is well with many of our regular posters.

    @daffodil2010-brilliant weight loss! Congrats my friend!

    Work day for me today so off I go.

    “Old ways won’t open new doors.”

    Day 21 Stevensville, Maryland CNFD

    Only 1 1/2 hours to go to complete my 66 hour fast. Feeling the ketosis really kicking in around 50 hours of fasting. Feeling the hunger pains as well. Will gently break my fast at noon today.

    Staying home from work today due to all the snow we are getting, would have been an easier fast if I was at work. But I will push through.

    I might not be there yet, but I am closer that I was yesterday. Have a great day/night everyone.

    Day 21 USA (Utah) NFD

    Good travel day yesterday – keeping at maintenance. It takes me a little while to acclimate to the elevation here, so likely I will not go to exercise for another day.

    @debster251 – yes! We do need to feed our needs to be a different woman with our weight loss. I fully agree that simple things can truly make us want to improve or at least maintain!

    @at – thanks for your kind remarks. Finishing a concert always feels good for days.

    @penz – so many cravings we experience. He talks about so many other places than food! This research is fascinating. How we control our cravings (or we don’t) is truly a learned behavior, obviously easier for some than for others.

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post,

    Hey @bert1802 – Did someone shout ‘STOP’ for real????? Hope all is well with you & yours.

    Day 21 – UK – NFD

    Eventually broke my fast after 60+ hrs fasting, at lunch time today, after my 3rd yoga class in as many days all done whilst fasting; enjoyed a bowl of sweet potato soup with crispy kale on top…….Yummy!

    Busy afternoon of volunteering – just back home for a rest before going out to see a film with my film group “The Ladybird” followed by an Indian meal after and discussions about the film……hoping to stay at TDEE – reminder to self – MUST NOT OVERINDULGE!!!!!!!

    @emma-taylor – great to hear you are doing well – I had to look up hand made clothes in the style of Alabama Chanin – a new one for me but looks fab on investigating – you must be a good seamstress and long may your patterns shrink until you reach goal x
    @merryapple – well done you x
    @daffodil2010 – well done on reaching a new low point since you started the 5:2 journey in July 2017 – I’m positive that you can achieve a 2lb loss by the end of the challenge – HOLD TIGHT to the group……
    @jemima-puddleduck – fitting into a pair of trousers that did not fit you last year is a definite victory!!!
    @penz – sympathies for that 🍷😈 – he is a real trouble that one…….
    @shinything – Thank you for reminding us about @mogamam – thinking of you and hoping to hear from you soon xx
    @diana123 – well done on your 66hr FAST – hoping you have a controlled day coming off the fast

    Remember that “Food, Like Your Money, Should Be Working For You” 😇

    Day 21, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    2nd post

    Browsing the forum while waiting for the garage to ring about my car 😬 Guess I am not getting it back today 🙄

    CD going very well. I have had a light lunch and just now had a mug of my first homemade chicken bone broth. So much more palatable than beef bone broth.

    @ktcaroline Yes we grow red sorrel as a micro green. It is harvested at a very early stage, when it is only tiny little green leaves with the cutest red veins. Our customers are Irish food distributors and restaurants, so they are used mainly for garnish I reckon. I don’t think they are exported to the UK though 🙁

    @cornish-jane Micro-greens are all the rage now. In our glasshouse we produce varieties of growing micro greens sown into recycled mulched paper in little tubs! Much cleaner and easier all around for our customers. They are harvested after a couple of weeks, but we have black rooms, light, and heat, so it may take longer growing at home. Basically we are harvesting at true leaf stage. They all look fabulous and taste so good though.

    Oh yes! Great excitement last week as a programme was aired on our national TV station which featured our glasshouse and its products! An Irish celebrity chef has a series where he visits various Irish food producers and restaurants and cooks a meal at the end. I was on the telly! Smiling away at the camera as it panned across our workplace. Stardom ha ha 😆

    @debster251 my first batches of yoghurt and kefir are not that great, I will try again as I may have used too little culture or the temperatures were not right. @shiny Thing posted a link a few weeks ago for the Bulgarian yoghurt
    @shinything I am just starting out and have every confidence that soon I will be making the most delicious yoghurt and kefir ever. Thanks for the link back then ☺️

    Thanks @strawberriesandcream and Mjrbcd44 for the good wishes. And @at yes, I will cling on to this group for the next 11 days and channel myself to reach that goal.
    Thank you all 🤗

    ccco USA FD Day 21

    I thought I had better check in before the day is over! My water FD has turned into a FD with some food and is going well! After looking out the window earlier, I realized I will need as much energy as possible to shovel that snow!!! …and it is still coming down heavily and will until the wee hours of the morning!! What a welcome to Spring this is!!!! If anyone has come up with ideas in how to fall asleep on FDs, I would love to know! I have tried melatonin, magnesium, yoga breathing, just about everything short of having someone knock me over the head! LOL I have read a number of online articles online about fasting and not sleeping and it seems to be widespread!

    Last night when I should have been sleeping, I found another online 5:2 Forum. It is now called the FastForum. It has lots of good articles on it about 5:2 and other fasting methods, if anyone is interested.

    I will be back later, if I am not shoveling! Right now I will read all our wonderful posts and am glad for everyone who is actually experiencing Spring today! Most of you deserve it after all the snow you’ve gotten that we didn’t this year! 🙂

    Shinything: I thought I would just jump in here, too! I haven’t seen Mogoman either. I hope all is well with him. Perhaps, he’s just reading our posts!

    Day 21 California NFD

    Maintenance is still going well here with 2 FD per week. This truly seems to be a sustainable WOE.

    @strawberriesandcream I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. Sometimes they can surprise us, even with a serious diagnosis. We’ve had pets rally for many months. Right now we are giving daily subq fluids to a cat who is holding his own after being given weeks left to live. That was over a year ago.

    Day 21 – USA – NFD

    Day 21, USA FD (500)

    Second fast day for the week. Loving reading all of the posts for today. Nothing much to say in particular as I just try to get to know you all. I do feel motivated reading about others on this journey though.

    Yesterday was my husbands birthday. The big 40! I had planned not to eat sweets, having indulged a bit when we celebrated this past weekend, but at the last minute I decided to have an ice cream bar. Ended up eating 2! – so over my TDEE yesterday.

    Will run tonight after work before my 500 calorie dinner. Suppose to make it to 50 degrees here today. I am really hoping. Snow still all over the yards, but roads are finally clear enough to run outside!

    Day 22…NSW Australia…NFD

    Hi everyone. Just checking in. It’s Thursday morning here with top temp expected 21’C and raining – much different to 45’C a few weeks ago, and so nice!
    It’s also quiet dark – daylight saving ends on Easter Sunday!

    Weighed in at 76.1kg yesterday – goal for March is 76kg, so fingers crossed I can stay focused and achieve desired results. Only 9 days to go!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 21 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Well controlled NFD so far and its 3:30ish. Have wrapped up parent teacher conferences for the day…

    @Strawberriesandcream – any Greek in you? The way some of my Greek fellow graduate students danced as you describe yourself, made me wonder. They danced so passionately and as though no one else was in the room.

    Off to some appointments. Carry on as together we are stronger!

    Day 21 UK FD

    Yesterday was CD after Monday’s FD. I felt really weird after eating bread despite it being home made with gf oats & yogurt. I don’t normally have any problems with this bread in something like 12 weeks of making it. Awful burning guts, joint pain and felt generally pretty unwell – certainly too unwell to do anything mental or much physical – but annoyingly resisted going to bed & ended up falling asleep sitting up quite late 🙁

    Wondering if maybe it was the quantity (100g!), bad food for breaking my fast or perhaps bc i ate it at lunchtime? Last time this happened was eating 3 hot cross buns when i was doing gluten tolerance test last year. But those contained actual gluten, unlike my gluten free oats – which i’ve been using for weeks.

    Woke up aching all over and feeling dehydrated, despite yesterday’s 2.5litre water. Maybe the busyness of the last week caught up with me? Changed today to an extra FD to give my poor body a break, and squeezed in some mediation and adapted yoga to get me started on a day of gentleness. Long skype then went into town for project meetings & my Lent course, still feeling rough and pretty weary.

    Amazingly people couldn’t tell I was running on empty and told me how well I was looking! I certainly felt the benefit of a fasted brain, and the wonders of meditation and yoga 🙂 There’s something about being gentle with myself, making time to switch off negative thoughts and getting in touch with how my body is feeling. It really helps me to be able to send out a gentler, more positive energy into the world. Some great conversations and interesting connections, feeling quite miraculous.

    Had a baby banana mid afternoon, an apple early evening then two eggs and a carrot on the way home, plus plenty of peppermint tea and water. More water & tea, perhaps a hot vegemite and bed. 281 calories and feels like a weird day’s food, but my body doesn’t want to eat any more just drink.

    Day 21–USA—nfd

    So I had something exciting happen to me today. I went to my local grocery store for a quick shop, wearing my pretty loose comfy yoga pants. As I was walking around the store, I could feel my pants slipping lower and lower. I thought that they were going to fall off! I had to keep pulling them up!! I have only lost about 5 lbs, but I think that with FDs and more walking, the fat has shifted enough that I have lost more than that in inches. Who would think that the most exciting part of your day would be that your pants almost fell off?!!

    @daffodil2010 Do you have a link to share of the TV show that you were on? I’m sure we would all love to see it!

    Day 22, Cornwall UK, FD

    I’m up for a plank challenge next month @rainbowsmile and @ccco and others! I do them more often when we have a challenge on the go.

    @daffodil2010 – thanks for the info on microgreens – I’m all interested now and will try them. I did some bean sprouts a few years ago and it sounds like you take them just a little further to the leaf stage. I’m looking for salad ideas now spring is coming and want to grow more of my own so they are super fresh, free of chemicals, and packed with nutrients. I sound like an advert!

    There was talk of baggy knickers – how about baggy bras?! Yes, I have those too. Fortunately I have loads from years ago to shrink into. The dilemma is whether to throw the baggy bras out? A real test of whether you trust yourself to keep the weight off!

    Day 22 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Busy today. Off to see the granddaughter singing and dancing as Marty in Grease in her school production. Guaranteed to have a lump in my throat at some point tonight. Having a good week so far hoping to keep it going till Sunday,then we can start again on Monday.

    Day 22 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I now believe that the function of that oh so annoying plateau is to test your strength and willpower to the nth degree, so that when you keep on keeping on, never giving up, never surrender (best Winston Churchill voice)…..the body eventually shrugs its shoulders and gives up the fight to hold onto the pounds……..and once the plateau is breached the scales keep coming down. 👍

    So another loss today after my less than 1000 calories CD yesterday. I feel I will make March goal by the 31st. And today is another FD.

    I rushed down to check my yoghurt and kefir this morning and there is definite improvement and thickening going on. I will leave them covered on the counter until I get home from work then into the fridge. I will have some kefir at bedtime. So excited!!

    In fact now I am looking at all different ways to DIY food and cleaning products. My DH suffers from rosacea and uses this fab cream from an Australian company called MooGoo. All super natural ingredients. They sent us samples last week and I washed my hair in the shampoo and conditioner. Looks great and feels amazing this morning. I suffer from itchy flaky scalp so maybe a natural DIY shampoo would be better than the expensive silicone store bought brands?

    We will be like Tom and Barbara from “The Good Life” before I am through 😆

    @shinything what do you use for your yoghurt? Full fat, low fat milk? I think I might get a full fat milk today for my next batch. I also read about double fermentation where you pop a bit of lemon peel in after the first fermentation and it beefs up the flavour and nutrients?

    Got to fly. Today is a good day to have a good day.

    Day 22 Pocket Fast List – Copy and paste to join – Together we are Stonger

    Day 22, Finland, NFD

    Today is meant to be a FD, but I am at home so am moving it to tomorrow when am back at work.
    Although I said I wouldn’t stand on the scales until Monday, I did! under 97, and I have decided I don’t want to see 97 again!
    @Strawberriesandcream sorry to hear about your dog. Enjoy your time with him.
    @bigviking congratulations on your anniversary and well done on your great work. You are such an inspiration to a fellow WOL:er starting at 100kg. It is great to know with the commitment and hard work can come success. Thank you!
    @at i will be having a look at the plank challenge, and @rainbowsmile will join you in a pocket plank challenge list. I find it really hard to get motivated with exercise…it will be my next months target.
    @ccco I too am wondering when winter will end. The spring equinox yesterday began at -19 degrees C! Today it is above zero, but still snow on the ground.Summer time starts next weekend, so at least it will be brighter…perhaps that can motivate me to get off the sofa in the evenings 😉

    Have a great day everyone!

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