Make March Mine

This topic contains 339 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  lilymartin 1 year, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 350 total)

  • Day 6 A Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Off to Malta in the morning!! Thanks @jaifaim for the tips, will look into them!
    Haven’t been able to catch up with all posts but loving the Africa vibe from @funshipfreddie and missing a lot of those old posters too as name checked by @snowflake56.

    See you all next week after my sunny relaxing holiday 😄

    Day 7 NFD Auckland

    @lilymartin @snowflake56 Amazing to see all the quirky names!! And recall the people attached to some of them.
    I’ve reversed my increase but it’s going to be like doing a month of 5:1s in 3 weeks…
    I’m off to the Spinners and Weavers Guild tonight for TNT – the Tuesday night textilers.
    All the best one and all!

    Day 7 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    My PFDS is post fast day satisfaction rather than smugness. I’m happy with how it went, but it could have been better. Which is fine as I am not aiming for perfection, and I need to keep enjoying my life.

    I did not have a good sleep today so tonight will be a long night at work. Hopefully it will be relatively busy so I don’t have time to feel too tired.

    @funshipfreddie I really like the poem about Africa. One of my favourite Agatha Christie books is The Man in the Brown Suit and is set in SA and the poem really reflects the way the narrator talks about how she feels about the country.

    @dramaqueen6 I do the calf stretches but maybe need to up the frequency.

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – ‘grotty’ – I never realised that was a British/slang word?! I’ve heard the word ‘escrow’ before, I think when I was working in the cash desk on the ships.

    @snowflake56 – thank you – my back is tons better today 🙂

    What a frustrating day yesterday?! I’m STILL trying to sort out the lecky account. I went to the 3rd place yesterday, only to be redirected back to the 1st place I went to last week. When I got there, I was asked for the attorney’s letter stating the property transfer was completed. So I was searching through my email for it, when the power went off. I was told I’d have to go back after 2 pm. Then I went searching for a store that sold kitchen units. When I eventually found the mall, I discovered the store had closed down several years ago. Back to the lecky place to queue again. I eventually got my account number sorted out, then went to queue at the cashiers to pay a deposit. And eventually I was told there was a ‘system error’ so I’d have to go back to the place I’d been to in the morning. But it was too late to go then, because by the time I got there they would’ve closed for the day 🤯 🤬 So that’s where I’m going, right now. Wish me luck….🍀

    Day 7, Germany, NFD

    @daffodil2010 Enjoy Malta! It would be so nice to get updates from past members, not about their weight but just how their life went on.

    @funshipfreddie How annoying, I hope you get it sorted out today, good luck, you need it, it seems! 🍀

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 7 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Good morning all. I had a good FD yesterday and feel I’m now firmly in the Make March Mine zone… I needed a brain retweak and think it’s happened – but won’t believe it until I’m a few weeks in. So I won’t talk too soon…. But I am the only one who can do this… no one is going to come stop me popping food in my mouth or force me to eat things I shouldn’t… they might try urge me to join them but I’m me… and want to be a slimmer me… so that’s it.
    Beachbrave in April ⭐️

    @funshipfreddie sorry to hear about the issues you are having ⚡️ but very glad to hear the back is on the mend.

    @malee57 bravo on PFDS – a good FD is a good FD ⭐️

    @stitchincarol come on don’t be sad… you know that this just a momentary blip… I had the same on Friday… back up by 2 for no real reason… feel it’s gone now but will see Friday.and I do think popcorn and rice are our enemies.. little tiny blobs that hold into so much water… just my take… 🍚 🍿.

    Well done @ccco you sound strong 💪

    @at so glad to hear AF is going well.. I have to say it works so very well for me. I had the most delicious AF cocktail on Friday… I’m sure there was a good bit of sugar in it but sometimes it’s a trade off so happy to make that call.

    @snowflake56 and @merryapple – the names being back so many memories… and yes it would just be nice to know all are ok… 💕

    Have a fabulous time @daffodil2010 and bring us back some sun ☀️

    Have a good day everyone.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 7 – Dorset – FD

    Morning, wet and cold here!!

    @funshipfreddie – how frustrating! Are you resigned to the traipsing back and forth or does it get to you in the end?

    @daffodil2010 – have a lovely warm time in Malta!

    Pocket List
    @dramaqueen6 🙁 I feel very lonely here

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 1min plank ✅ – 154.2

    Up another pound, and, honestly, I’m thankful it’s no worse. I didn’t go nuts yesterday, but it certainly was not restrained. The mistake I made was twofold: 1) I didn’t pledge to you what and when I’d eat, and 2) when I did eat–not until 1:45!–I decided to have some leftovers, figuring that, after all, the not-eating-until-1:30 thing was to support a WF. Big mistake. The hunger dragon was unleashed, although it wasn’t even hunger, but merely desire and boredom. Lesson learned. Protein only at 1:30, even when there are lots of leftovers that need eating; after all, better that food goes to waste than to waist…or hips and thighs!

    @daffodil2010 Have a glorious time!

    @funshipfreddie Years ago–decades, in fact–I worked at a title company, the business that takes care of buyers and sellers. I was astonished when, here in Nebraska, DH and I bought our first house and we simply went to a lawyer. Weird, LOL! Every state has slightly different ways of accomplishing house sales, but talking about whether you’re still in escrow, or if it’s closed, is the same in all states I’m guessing–it has been in the three states I’ve been involved with real estate. And, oh, GOOD GRIEF! What a comedy of bureaucracy and errors! I hope this morning was successful for you at last!

    @jaifaim What a great little speech about us each being responsible for the choices we make. Loved it, and will read it again to encourage myself!

    @northgeorgia How are you doing? I imagine the sorrow is really kicking in now that the immediacy of losing your father has passed. We’re here for you when you’re ready.

    @matpi Where are you??????? I do hope all is well!

    I got a fair amount of tax work done yesterday, and got it organized in such a way that I can accomplish something even if I only have ten minutes to sit down and give it my attention. So now begins the juggle of taxes, editing, and normal life…I used to do loads more editing and the juggling was normal, but I’ve become accustomed to a more leisurely pace. I appreciate being able to say whether I will or will not work, and being well compensated while being able to work in my house, sitting on the sofa in my jammies, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone! And never fear, @dramaqueen6, I’m joining you!

    Pocket List 💪🏻
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 7 – UK – FD800

    Had a good FD800 yesterday and woke up feeling positive so decided that today will be a B2B FD800!

    Gorgeous sunny winter’s day here – went out for a walk with my walking group and after coffee decided to walk home instead of the lift back with friends, which added another 5miles to my walk, nearly 18,000 steps today – Blue skies and sunshine so could not resist……

    @northgeorgia – thinking of you and your family 🤗
    @daffodil2010 – hope you had an uneventful journey to your holiday destination in Malta – have a fab time enjoying the warmth and sunshine
    @funshipfreddie – all sounds so frustrating but nothing else you can do but get on with it….good luck!

    Now we are 3 on the pocket list – we have got this as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Pocket List 💪🏻
    @stitchincarol WF
    @at FD800

    Day8 NFD NZ

    I have grown some super hot chillies that are just starting to ripen so I’m onto chilli recipes – guacamole, bean soup, frijoles con carne, tomato chilli jam… any recommendations??!!
    Back on track but am still .5kg above the Feb weigh in. Just have to keep at it… I’ll endorse your statement @jaifaim and hope it works for me too!
    @funshipfreddie that sounds like an episode from Seinfeld…
    @at your level of exercise is inspiring and something to look forward to when I drop those excess kg…
    @stitchsmith lovely to hear you’re getting on so well
    Onward and downward!

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Had a successful FD on Monday – an easy one. Like the S in PFDS being satisfaction, @malee57 – tht described me yesterday morning. Yesterday-day turned into a bit of an EFS with a nicely catered workshop then pub trivia (with beers and chicken parmie) in the evening.

    I love the term bog-snorkling, @gardenlily. I don’t have term for the same action, but when my dogs do it, I call the Swamp Dogs.

    Getting the painting done is a great start on your new house, @funshipfreddie and I’m most amused you used your sore back as the justification/motivation to do so. Lovely poem, too.

    Day 8 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    I had a FD 800 in the end yesterday…. Totally accidental actually but I’m very glad.
    I’m delighted my little thought process might help others… I am holding onto my focus… day by day… poca a poca… where is @linda.b?

    Ok early start and it’s very cold.. 🥶

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 8 ⭐️

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Success?!! Only took me a week, but I finally got my electricity account sorted out 🥳️ Why do I feel like I conquered Everest? 😅 But I’m quite impressed with myself for not losing my cool or raising my voice during the entire fiasco 😇

    @jaifaim – good question! Where is @linda.b? 🤔

    Gotta dash, I’ve got someone coming to measure up/quote for blinds this morning…

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫🐪

    Pocket List – Day 8 ⭐️

    Day 7 – unexpected FD800
    Day 8 – UK Cam – NFD

    WHOO HOO!! down 1.5lb on last week – 136.2lb :):)

    Yesterday turned into an unexpected, unplanned FD – took DD for long dental procedure and had 2 hrs to kill so wandered a new shopping mall – amazing how many little plastic items you suddenly find you need – garden (membrane) pegs, garden hose hanger, lidded food containers for freezer, windowsill propagator – all on offer, of course! BUT no food – yay – so nibbled a small pouch of cashews, drank lots of water and was so tired (all the excitement??) by evening, just picked at gammon steak supper and had an erly night. So very happy with this morning’s weight and now more than ever motivated to Make March Mine – very much onwards and downwards. I am striding towards that March goal.

    @merryapple – I make chilli & beans (often use quorn rather than meat) – freeze the sauce, add the beans when you reheat it – great for pouring over baked/jacket potatoes on cold days or adding to rice. Otherwise chilli & apple jam – sweet and spicy.

    @jaifaim – definitely endorse your thinking – it’s all down to us, we are the ones making the decisions. Just need to shut our ears/minds to the inner dragons who sometimes take over.

    @at – yes, it was a glorious day yesterday – managed to get an hour’s dog walk in the sun, out of the wind, before shopping/taxi adventure. Striding out along the drainage ditches and through the birch trees with blue sky and brilliant sunshine.
    Certainly lifts the heart and soul.

    @funshipfreddie – we usually post about the same time so hope to see that your back is keeping OK and the painting is going well. Any particular colour scheme or theme? I did a bit of reorganising in the little bedroom so I could get the ‘incubator’ (plant propagator) next to the window on Monday, took me three times as long as expected as bit of a jigsaw with furniture and now need to repaint a whole wall 🙁 Try finding the original paint tin in the garage, after goodness knows how many years …. I do have a load of new, tester pots – hmmmm, might try a ‘daubbed’ paint effect lol

    Talking of super hot chillies – guy who did our talk last month at garden club suggested buying the potted chilli plants from supermarket (usually with the parseley and fresh herb pots), repotting them and keeping them either on windowsill or greenhouse – saves starting from seed. Just repot, feed and nurture. Might give it a try this year, anything for an easier life.

    Time to crawl out of bed, pile on the winter walking gear and take hairy hound out for brisk walk in arctic weather – actually, doesn’t look as cold as forecast (-4C) so may be good walk. Looking forward to my porridge and berries when I get back mid-morning.

    Come on, everyone, Make March Marvellous!

    Day 8, Germany, NFD

    @funshipfreddie This must be a very Happy Hump Day for you!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Sorry haven’t posted for a few days – teeth sorted but still have the infection in my face which is partially closing my eye which makes reading my phone tricky

    Will aim to catch up this afternoon

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 1½ min plank ✅ – 151.2

    I rarely feel any great sense of satisfaction after a WF because they’ve become so much of a habit, it would rather be like satisfaction that I followed through on, say, teaching piano lessons, or going grocery shopping. But I found an astonishing deal on 6lbs of hamburger yesterday ($1.60 per one pound pkg!!!), so bought some ground pork as well, and when I got home from teaching lessons mixed up my 9lbs of meat with all the ingredients and made 3 large meatloaves and 4 small meatloaves and got them in the freezer! I always sautee the onion that goes in, and the smell was the absolutely the most tempting part of it all, but I got it done with no nibbling–yay me!

    @at I’m dazzled that, after a walk, you added on 5miles!! And 18,000 steps?? Wowza. That’s the kind of exercise that actually helps with weight loss, LOL!

    @merryapple I believe you can simply throw your extra peppers into a bag and freeze them to use through the winter. Have you tried that?

    @penz Yeah, I can see what you called it EFS on Tuesday…but it wasn’t a bag of chips/crisps, a entire package of of cookies/biscuits, and five beers, right? I’ll bet it wasn’t actually as awful as it felt.

    @jaifaim Well done on an accidental FD800!! Those are the best, aren’t they?

    @funshipfreddie How fun to be fixing up your new home; it’s a joy to listen to your progress! And well done for keeping your cool; it couldn’t have been easy!

    @gardenlily An another accidental FD800; well done, YOU!

    @snowflake56 Thanks, and you too!

    @brightonbelle Good grief, but this tooth stuff is an absolute plague for you, isn’t it! Are you still on antibiotics? I’ll bet you’re impatient to have things back to normal.

    @northgeorgia We miss you. I’m worried about you, and suspect everyone is. Say hello, okay?

    My eldest sister (80yo) is having her left shoulder replaced today; she lives in California, so I don’t have the option of being there when she wakes up, or going and cooking for her. Her DD and family live close, however, so I know she’ll be wonderfully cared for.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 8. FD800

    Better late than never to jump in here. I have been so busy but I am reading all the posts. I am happy to see that I have already dropped one pound. Hopefully, I am on a roll.

    Pocket List – Day 8 ⭐️
    @ccco. FD800

    Hope everyone is enjoying the day! It’s windy here but very nice!

    Day 9 FD NZ

    Drinking hot water as I read and write this… Oh for tea and toast and homemade marmalade in the morning…
    @gardenlily I have never heard of Quorn! I looked it up and see it’s at our local supermarket so I’ll give it a whirl. Love the idea of chilli and apple. Sounds perfect for pork dishes. I made Peter Gordon’s Tomato Chilli Jam recipe y’day. He had a fantastic restaurant (Providores) in London but returned to NZ because of COVID which is our gain!
    @stitchincarol Yes I keep chillies and ginger in the freezer and grate them. Mmm meatloaf. My Scottish grandmother used to make Aberdeen Sausage.
    @brightonbelle Gosh that’s quite an infection if your face is still blown up… take care… Let us know when your cheek bones reappear!
    @ccco happy to hear you’re on a roll
    I’m getting my first Wonky Box today. A young couple are sourcing fruit and vegetables that are not perfect looking from growers and delivering it to subscribers. I’ve signed up for a 3 weekly box to increase my ‘5 a day’.
    @penz I too love bog snorkling – y’day I watched a beautiful young woolly Border Collie go bog snorkling with it’s owner standing on the hill yelling at it…
    Onward and downward!

    Day 8 – UK – CD

    Busy day – yoga class followed by coffee and chat with fellow yogis ☕️

    Volunteer meeting then afternoon of volunteering at our Evergreen club – poetry afternoon today!

    Home – cup of tea – cooked dinner – Butternut Squash Risotto with deep fried sage leaves and extra oven roasted butternut on top – a hug in a bowl on a cold winter’s day – shower and now getting ready for an early night and hoping for some snow tomorrow ❄️☃️ as would love a snow hike!

    Hope to catch up on the posts tomorrow

    Day 9 Melbourne, Australia FD

    Yesterday was the usual EFS recovery day after night shifts. Today will be a FD to recover from yesterday’s recovery day. I’ll do a 24 hr fluid fast and then salad for dinner tonight. The salad is already made, and I have lots of fruit in case I don’t survive without food until 6pm. I’ll be fairly busy so hopefully won’t have too many difficulties getting there.

    @maui hopefully you have been able to get a routine happening with your DH at home now. And so well done on keeping on with your usual things as well.

    @stitchincarol inspired by you I did a 20 sec plank this morning. My abdomen is very wobbly indeed. And having strong stomach muscles will help support my back which is not strong.

    @merryapple I don’t think I had ever realized how many ways one can use chillis. In the past I had them given to me and then just put them in whatever I was cooking.

    Pocket list Day 9

    Day 9, ?, Aus

    Oh dear. It’s Thursday so it should be a FD but I’m uncharacteristically hungry this morning and wavering.


    Day 9, Germany, NFD

    @stitchincarol I hope your sister’s shoulder replacement goes well, not the easiest part to replace.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 9 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hi all well it’s another super busy week here but that’s good for my focus and resolve.
    Still not quite there with the pain etc but have resolved to reduce the medication as it was making me feel awful and I have recently applied myself 100% to my cranial physio exercise, meditation and accupuncture. That and getting back to good food and exercise seems to be helping my general feeling of positivity and pain relief.
    Generally feeling less wobbly and more “able”.

    @stitchincarol I am always so impressed with your WDFs and you seems to sail through them with such ease…. I hope all goes well for your sister.
    @gardenlily that’s three of us who had unplanned FDs this week- seems to me that habits are forming and that has to be cause for success ⭐️
    @brightonbelle you poor thing…. Well done for just being here while feeling so sore 💕
    @malee57 – wow another fluid faster – good on you! What fluids do you take in?
    @at – hope your snow hike wish comes true ❄️. Your risotto sounds delicious! I don’t eat lots of rice but you’re right, that does sound like a big hug in a bowl and sometimes just a spoon of risotto is enough to warm me up…
    @ccco well done – you are on a roll 🎲 ⭐️
    @penz I hope your resolve came through…. 💪
    @merryapple – wonky boxes – great name! I love veg and try to get as many different veg in in a day. it’s great to know the wonky ones get used too… we are not all perfect but that’s all you see in the shops 😂
    @funshipfreddie well done on keeping your cool and that’s great news ⚡️ as @snowflake56 said I’m sure that was a very happy and relieved hump day for you!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I nailed my FD yesterday. And a new low, 69.3 kgs this morning. But I think I ate some dodgy chicken the other day, & I was feeling out of sorts yesterday. Still, a silver lining & it was probably my easiest FD ever.

    @gardenlily – the whole house was painted a pale grey colour a couple of months ago. No way I can leave it like that; I’d feel like I was living in a hospital ward. So I’m doing each room a different colour. One of the bedrooms will be Sour Lemon & the other one Overboard (pale yellow & mint green) the lounge will be Beau Tie (sort of between lilac/purple & the dining area & hallway will be white. Some of the blinds will be installed next week, so I’m frantically painting around the windows before they arrive.

    @stitchincarol – I hope your sister’s op went okay. 80?! That’s quite a big age gap between the two of you?

    I met one of my neighbours yesterday – Marie – pronounced ‘maa-ri’, like the biscuit – & she told me she’s been stressing because she heard I had a cat, & she’s worried her cat ‘Popsie’ will try to kill mine?! I mean, Boo Boo’s been known to catch a snake for breakfast. So I suppressed a chuckle, & told her it would probably be the other way around. But after exchanging several cat tales, it sounds like our pets have very similar temperaments. We’re hoping they’ll be friends, but if not, I think at least Marie & I will be.

    Busy busy…..

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍓
    @penz…? 🤔

    Day 9 – Dorset – NFD

    Morning all,

    Failed at eating anything healthy yesterday! Went to London for a haircut and met my daughter for a quick chat! Lovely day, except when I got back to the train car park someone had pranged my car, but bless her, she had left a note on my car with her number and her Mum’s number, she had only been driving a year!

    @stitchincarol – hope your sister will be ok.

    @funshipfreddie – thank goodness you managed to sort out everything, you have been very patient!

    @brightonbelle – you have really been suffering with your poorly teeth, hopefully it will get sorted soon.

    @jaifaim – I hope you will be on the mend soon, it sounds extremely unpleasant

    Have a lovely day everyone and those in the UK north of the Watford Gap, keep safe.

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 1½ min plank✅ – 151.4

    That weight is proof that I behaved myself yesterday, as it’s up only 0.4 from yesterday morning. I had 2 eggs at 1:30, 7 (huge!) strawberries at 3:30, and then waited until our church supper at 5:45 to eat anything else, and that’s exactly what my daily goal is, so I was pleased and am feeling oodles of satisfaction this morning.

    @malee57 I’m delighted I inspired you to do a plank yesterday morning; are you going to continue doing so? I started doing them because I want a firmer stomach for my Easter skirt (a straight thing in linen, where a poofy stomach is noticeable) and also because it’s so much easier to lean on my dresser when I’m putting on my jeans in the mornings, which I’m certain is caused by my core not being strong enough. That’s enough to make me feel OLD, and I got tired of it, so started planks! 😂🤣✅ I’m certain I could be increasing the time more than I am, but I’m also certain I’d start to resist if I did, so this very slow approach will give me eventual results without depleting my resolve too much.

    @penz How’d you do with fasting as planned? Pull it off???

    @snowflake56 Thanks for the good wishes; her surgery went very well, and she’s well on her way to recuperation and the important PT.

    @jaifaim Thanks, I do indeed sail through WFDs with ease…it’s those darn NFDs that trip me up if I’m not UBER careful, LOL! It’s clearly a mind-over-matter thing that I can do a WF but struggle not to eat all day on NFDs, so I’ve spent lots of time simply thinking…thinking about challenges I’ll face, how I’ll overcome them, how I’ll behave, what I’ll choose to eat, and when…etc. I have high hopes I’m going to touch my toes into the 140s tomorrow, and it’s all down to THINKING! 😂😂👍

    @funshipfreddie Yup, when I was born, my siblings were 16, 15, 10, 6½…I was an “oops,” LOL, as my mom was 40 and my dad 47. Funny story about neighbor Marie and her cat concerns!

    Thanks, everyone, for the concern and good wishes for my sister; once she came out of surgery (sooner than they’d thought, even) and out of anesthesia, I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn’t truly worried…but surgery is surgery, and 80 is 80! She walks or swims five days a week, so is in good shape, and I’m sure that is going to help with her recuperation.

    It’s currently snowing, but the temperature is precisely at freezing, so there’s not much that’s sticking, and it’s supposed to warm up a few degrees any time now–whew. I can stand one more solid snow day, but I’m not interested in much more than that!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍓
    @penz…? 🤔
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    My resolve absolutely fled yesterday and OH and I ended up with a bottle of wine with dinner. Mmmm. Not good!

    How nice you’ve met some neighbours, @funshipfreddie.

    Terrible news re your car, @dramaqueen6 – at least the person who did was good enough to leave a note. That almost – almost! – makes it ok. So rare to hear of people doing the right thing these days.

    *phew* re your sister, @stitchincarol!

    It’s a long weekend here for us – lots of social activities planned which won’t be good for my waist line but will be good for my soul! Chat on Tuesday everyone.

    Day 9 – UK – TDEE

    No snow staying on the ground during the day but snowing now and expected to continue overnight so should be interesting tomorrow!

    Unexpected visitors so a busy day hence the late check in tonight – so pleased to have ended up with a good below TDEE day 😇

    USA. Day 9. FD800

    Again late but better late than never! I did read all the posts. I will try to respond to them tomorrow. AT least I was able to stay on point with my diet today. I am getting impatient to move along a little faster!:(

    Anyway, joining the pocket list (also late).

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍓
    @penz…? 🤔
    @stitchincarol WFD
    @ccco FD800

    I hope everyone had a lovely day! 🙂

    Day10 NFD NZ

    Weighed in this morning. I’m 100gm above my March weight… and it’s the weekend and I have two birthday parties and a picnic (in the rain) to go to…
    I went for a 60’ bike ride y’day but food calories are worth 1000x more than exercise calories… so I might have used up the energy in a square of chocolate if I’m lucky…
    @funshipfreddie Your decor scheme makes me think of Miami Vice/ Art Deco. Wish we could post images!!
    @dramaqueen Bad luck about your prang…
    @malee57 and StitchinCarol What are planks and how many do you do?!! I think I need to do some!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I had a builder/renovator round yesterday, & told him what I wanted to do with the bathrooms, the kitchen & the bedroom wardrobes. And I don’t want to spend a fortune; cos I haven’t got a fortune to spend. So now I’m waiting for the dreaded quote. Everything is so expensive these days. Taps?! Why are taps so expensive? The taps cost more than the basins, it’s crazy. I just want to wave a magic wand & have everything done; if only it was that simple…

    @merryapple – I do love art deco & bold colours. I think I was born too late. Durban, where I used to live, has many art deco & colonial style buildings & houses.

    That’s some nasty weather you’re having in the north of England & Scotland?! Nebraska too. But, it’ll soon be spring up north 🌱 🐝

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 10 – UK Cam – NFD
    Well, that was an interesting couple of days -lots of snow falling, some settling for a while and now it’s pouring with rain – dog suspicious of snow to start off with and then went bonkers racing around trying to eat it and now reluctant to go out in rain! I picked up a tummy bug Wednesday and spent most of yesterday either in bed with a hotwater bottle clutched to my belly or in the bathroom – nuff said. Feeling better today but tender. Need to be fit for quilting day tomorrow other side of county – it’s a Project Linus day when we all get together to make/finish quilts. I have 3 to deliver and will be making some quilted tote bags for kids leaving hospital with their home care kit (cancer patients). I have some lovely ‘sky at night’ fabric (all stars and planets inbright colours) which I will make into window scene for one and the other is an Ohio Star pattern using the same fabric with a pale blue contrast. I prepared the ‘kits’ to take last weekend, thank goodness. Just need to get up and get moving today! Loads of chores to catch up on.

    @funshipfreddie – the colour scheme sounds delicious – wonderful that you can use all these colours. DH is a ‘magnolia’ all over type – we had ‘words’ when the living room was redecorated a few years ago and I wanted to have the book case areas (open shelves in alcoves) painted dark red … I hope you and your neighbour make good friends (or at least the cats do!)

    @merryapply – enjoy your weekend with your friends – you can catch up with 5:2 afterwards! I have to keep reminding myself that this is a WOL not just a quick fix so it needs to be a Way of Life – relax some days, fast others.

    @dramaqueen – how annoying about your car but at least you can sort it out with the culprit, at least you had a super day out and a hair cut.

    @stitchincarol – yes, please do share your ‘plank’ with us, I wonder if it is the same as a bridge in Pilates? Sounds like a good exercise for tummy tone.

    That’s it for now, need to get moving. Eating carefully today and will try for a FD tomorrow (busy day, no food about).

    Have a good Friday everyone – weekend tomorrow 🙂 🙂

    Day 10 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    On the right track : 159.1lbs

    Oh I’m so happy! I had another good day yesterday as I was at the theatre last night and didn’t get to have dinner beforehand and then figured I was fine and didn’t need too much food afterwards…so that’s four good days this week with two true FDs… and I’ve been rewarded with a 1+lb drop since start March but it has been bobbing up as far as 164 these past two weeks …. Hurrah! 🤩 @maui I’m coming for you 😂 and @stitchincarol I may see you briefly in 150ville 🤩 I’m not planning on going anywhere ⬆️ but you may be on your way down.

    @stitchincarol I’m so glad to hear your sister is well!

    @at – that’s a shame you didn’t get to do your snow hike ❄️. It was horribly wet and so cold here yesterday… I’m generally good with the cold but had horrible pain in my fingers once I got wet when out walking.
    @funshipfreddie so lovely to hear your use of colour 🎨

    @dramaqueen wow from Dorset up to London for a hair cut! That’s a decent trip… hope you had a lovely day out despite the prang…what a shame.. but so honest of the young driver.. I’d say she was very stressed about it and many would not be so understanding…

    @ccco you’re doing great! A drop is just around the corner but I know the frustration all too well. And @penz enjoy your long weekend! You can hop back to it next week ⭐️

    @merryapple your bike ride sounds lovely. I’m due another long one this weekend but the weather may scupper that plan 🥶❄️ 🌧️ 💨

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 10 – Dorset – NFD

    @stitchincarol – lovely news that your sister is out of the surgery.

    @merryapple – have a lovely weekend, it sounds wonderful!

    @funshipfreddie – I agree with the others, fantastic colours. I too love Art Deco, a hotel near us has just been refurbished in the Art Deco style, absolutely beautiful with lots of flamingos (not real) !

    @jaifaim – well done on your week, do you feel better as well?

    @gardenlily – I just looked up Project Linus, what a wonderful charity. The video of Noah and his blanket was so beautiful.

    @penz – have a lovely busy weekend!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone, keep safe during this inclement weather.

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    I haven’t fasted since Feb. 27, the day before my father passed away, but I plan to start back next Monday. It has been very difficult; thankfully, my brother and I live in a more “19th century” arrangement, with our houses adjoining each other’s properties and also my parents’ home. With that, we’re able to give each other daily support and work through everything. I apologize if I’m repeating this story. It was more akin to losing a loved one due to an accident as opposed to a health issue; he went into the Emergency Room on Feb. 27 after complaining for a day and a half of a back that was really sore, feeling more out of breath than normal, and loss of appetite. After a blood test, they discovered his white blood cell count was 10x the normal range. Ironic, because he just did a blood test on Feb. 14, and his white blood cell count was not only normal, but towards the lower end of normal. The ER doctor came back to my parents and gruffly said, “hasn’t anyone mentioned leukemia to you?” No, of course not. What a way to find out. My brother picked up his kids from school and it was a toss up later that evening if I or my brother would pick up our mother from the ER. I said I’d go, so he could stay at home with the kids. The plan was to transfer him to a hospital in Atlanta ASAP to begin treating the leukemia. I swapped out with my mom for a quick visit. He told me to take care of my mother. I hugged him and he told me he loved me. Apparently he told my mother to take care of the grandkids. He must have already known. If we had known, we’d have brought everyone down that night. The next day in Atlanta (he was transported at 3 a.m.), we went down and he seemed worse — on oxygen, having difficulty breathing (they mentioned the leukemia had already gotten into one of his lungs), but they had given him something for pain so his back wasn’t hurting (also an effect of the leukemia). The doctors explained they planned a course of chemo later that evening, but first just wanted to get platelets transfused in his blood and do a “cycling” via a port to clear his blood of the extra white blood cells. They said things looked bad, but they were hopeful the procedure would at least get him breathing normally again so they could start a course of chemo right away. My dad signed off on the procedure. We left the room as they put the port in. As it was to take about 20 minutes, we went to the cafeteria for lunch. It was still ongoing as we returned, which I did not take as a good sign. Another doctor visited us as we waited saying his creatine and uric acid levels were excessive, a sign of kidney malfunction on top of everything else, but again seemed positive. We entered the room finally. The first 10 minutes of the procedure seemed fine, but my father started getting restless and complaining he was hot. They allowed my mother to wipe him down with a cold cloth. From my seat, I could see my father try to put a hand on her back while she wiped, or reach up to her face. Things suddenly got worse. He flatlined. My mom came to me in tears, weeping as we tried to comfort each other while 30 doctors entered the room attempting in vain for half an hour to revive him. He was gone. We stayed a few hours afterwards saying our goodbyes. My brother felt horrible for not having a chance to see him one last time — we assured him he would definitely not want to have had his kids see him in that state. Even though I was there both days, I really didn’t feel like I properly said good-bye. In fact, the last thing I remember saying to him was, “the doctors said you might feel worse before it starts working, then you should feel a lot better” as he signed off on the consent form a few hours previous. He had AML style leukemia, which apparently is a very aggressive form. In this case, he was diagnosed with it and died in less than 48 hours. Even the doctors in Atlanta seemed shocked. We didn’t opt for an autopsy, but one doctor suspected a blood clot went to his lungs. The nurse on duty mentioned his blood was as thick as syrup. It was just his time. No matter what course of action we would have taken (and believe me, we’ve run it through our minds several times), it would have ended the same.

    I hope to go back to the office and start posting and fasting again on Monday. People brought by lots of food, and somehow, I’ve managed to keep my weight below 220 the past two weeks. New challenges await our family, but I thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and condolences.

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 1½ min plank ✅

    Weight? No idea, actually. I was excited to think I might get into the 140s, so at 4am I weighed and was DUMBFOUNDED to be at 149.0!!! I actually got on and off the scale three times just to be sure it wasn’t a dumb mistake, and was so excited it stayed there. Then when I got up at 6:30 to potty again, I was 148.8. Even more excited!!! I went back to bed just to think about my day, and got up for real at 7:15, managed to empty my bladder just a bit more…and weighed 149.8.


    Yeah, and it stayed there. So what does that mean? What do I actually weigh? I’m choosing 149.0 because there’s no need to be greedy, but I’m flabbergasted at how weird the whole weight thing was this morning!

    And yesterday’s WF wasn’t the breeze it normally is–I spoke too soon, @jaifaim, LOL! I think the problem was that I’d eaten little enough on Wednesday that I had nothing much in me to “tide me over.” But I made it through, and my pledge is that I won’t eat today until I have two eggs at 1:30–oh. I’ll be getting a pedicure starting at 1 o’clock. Okay, I’m going to be uber strong, and have my eggs when I get home around 2:15; I like this weight, and want to do what I can to ensure I don’t shoot up to 154 in 48 hours, LOL.

    @at I smiled that your weather was doing exactly what ours was: it snowed all day on Thursday, but nothing stuck at all–at all. Sure was pretty to look at, though! And so very impressive you ended below TDEE even with unexpected company; well done!

    @ccco Good for you to have stuck to your plan on Thursday! That’s what makes success, is a day by day list of following through, so well done!

    @merryapple Here you go: And there’s more good information here: Apparently my habit of doing a full minute isn’t the best; I should only do 30 seconds at a time. That surprised me because, when I had a personal trainer for a few months back in 2015, she had me up to several minutes–four, maybe? (I was way stronger and in better shape then!) So I’ll continue to my goal of two and a half minutes, but I’ll do them in 30-second intervals.

    @funshipfreddie In the states, we have stores that are devoted to sinks and taps–they are amazing stores with amazing products. We also have what are referred to as Big Box stores (Lowes, Home Depot, Menards) with a little of everything needed for remodeling, and their sinks and taps (faucets, here in the States) are significantly cheaper. (The quality is also lower, and can be problematic over the years, but not always.) Do you have such stores where you are?

    @gardenlily Oh, my sympathies on the tummy bug! Hope you get back to normal quickly so you can have a lovely time tomorrow; your projects sounds gorgeous.

    @northgeorgia I’m so glad you’re back. And I’m in tears after reading the story. I will keep all of you in my prayers for comfort and peace and healing from the sudden and shocking sorrow. And you’ve stayed below 220? That is astonishing and very, very impressive.

    The next few days are going to be a challenge, as I need to keep making huge progress on my editing job even as I need to get the tax paperwork done, and I’m going with DH to a conference next Monday and Tuesday, so will be forced to take off two days. So I’m going to scoot and get some more done on the taxes as they are currently the more pressing job.

    @michelinme Where are you?? I miss you!
    @matpi @missybear @lilymartin (I’ll bet you’re busy with sheep work) @linda.b @litprof @maui @stitchsmith
    I miss you all also; some of you it’s been a couple days, but some have been silent a long time. And while I’m at it, @basyjames, I miss you also, and think of you regularly!

    Okay, I’m stalling; I must work! Have a grand one, everyone!

    2nd post
    @northgeorgia – I feel anything I say is just ridiculous, but, my heart goes out to you and your Mother and your Brother. It feels so painful for you all. I am sending love and virtual hugs to you all. Be kind to yourself. xxxx

    Day 10 – UK – FD800

    Woke up to a white world ❄️ only about 2″ of snow overnight but for us that is a fair bit ☺️

    Coffee ☕️ with friends then out for a solo hike of 8miles and some 1000ft of elevation with blue skies and sunshine ☀️ with lovely soft snow ❄️ underfoot – wonderful views too!

    Feeling good, so I decided to aim for a 3rd FD800 to end this week on a positive note – weigh in tomorrow morning to see if my alcohol free Lent and my resulting good behaviour with food has a positive result 🤞”Cruella” is kind to me tomorrow

    @northgeorgia – you and your family are in my thoughts – “The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives.”

    Wishing everyone a fab weekend – whether you have a busy one or just a lovely slow relaxing one 🤗

    USA. Day 10. FD
    Second Post

    Well, I managed another day coming in at around 800 calories but I feel like I should be eating less. Even though I am carefully measuring all my portions, I feel so full that it seems like I am eating too much. Tomorrow, my plan is to have a water fast.

    For all of you still having snow, I am amazed. We used to have snow here but we haven’t had anything more than some flurries in recent years. A changing environment, I suppose.

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, good luck with your house updating. I need to redo my old bathrooms and put new tile in them and my kitchen. I used to be motivated to do these things but I don’t seem to be so much anymore. My updates will be simple.

    I have my little granddaughter over tomorrow, so I am not sure if I will be here tomorrow. If not, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @northgeorgia – good to hear from you. But what a horrible ordeal you & your family have been through?! Can’t imagine the shock. I lost my mum to leukaemia. She was diagnosed at the age of 60, & died 9 months later. She spent much of those 9 months fighting it in hospital having courses of chemo. At one point we thought she’d beaten it, but it just came back more aggressive than ever. So we had time to prepare, which may be better for the loved ones left behind, but maybe not for the person lingering/suffering.

    @stitchincarol – weighing yourself at 4 am?! 🤦‍♂️ And such odd fluctuations? Maybe you were sleepwalking/dreaming? Re bathrooms, we have several too, CTM (Ceramic Tile Market) Tile Africa, On Tap, Bathroom Bizarre, Builders Warehouse.. I went to CTM yesterday. But I just feel overwhelmed by the choice. I made some notes of what I think I want; but I just sort of want someone to tell me so I don’t have to think about it too much. Dunno if that makes sense? 🤪 I think I’ll need to make another visit or two before I’m sure of what I want, but at least I’ve made a start.

    Abs & Core exercises on Netflix. Haven’t seen it, so no idea if it’s any good.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 11 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    On the right track : 158.6lbs

    @northgeorgia I am so very sorry for you and all your family. You have had such a traumatic and sad time and it’s difficult to find the right words but know that you are remembered in my thoughts here. I am glad that your family are around you and that you are close to each other so can support each other physically and emotionally during this time.
    My thoughts go out to your brother 💕
    Reach out to anyone who can help you all though this very dreadfully sad time and don’t rush to try get back to normal too quickly as “normal” may be a little while off but routine is important.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 1½ min plank ✅ – 150.8

    Yesterday went really well until we got home from the fish fry, then DH and I were on the prowl for sweets. Sadly, we found some, and I ate too many, but I’m hopeful my sheer stubborn RESOLVE will get me through today with nary a stumble. My pledge is not to eat until 1:30 when I have 2 eggs, and then go to church to work and thus stay out of the kitchen and away from temptation until supper when we’ll have one of those meatloaves I froze the other day.

    DS31 has always had intestinal woes (and, in fact was the only one of the three that gave ME massive intestinal woes during much of my pregnancy) and DS26 (they live together) noticed about a month ago that the elder has one of his reactions after eating Ramen…so, mostly gluten. After thinking back on all the attacks the elder has had, gluten could have been the culprit in all of them, so he cut it out. He says that it’s a night-and-day difference, that he’s having no more attacks AND he feels as if a fog has lifted. I’m so sad he has to deal with the realities of gluten intolerance, but so glad he’s found a solution to years of woes! We had him tested for various issues, including IBS, about a dozen years ago, but no cause was found then, and he’s known some things to avoid in the years since, but this has made the hugest difference, so it’s reason to celebrate, even as he’s learning to omit gluten. Tomorrow, the boys will be up for the day and we’re having Biscuits and Gravy, trying out a gf recipe I found. Do any of you have gluten intolerance?

    @at I’m so dazzled at the l.o.n.g. hikes you go on–and in the snow! Go you!

    @ccco I thought you were in upstate New York somewhere, and I know that area gets lots of snow usually…am I wrong? My DD in Indianapolis says it’s an amazingly mild winter, little snow and temps seldom below freezing…the first “normal” winter will shock her, I’m sure, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie LOL, yup, I do it. And, no, I wasn’t sleep walking, and no I am sure because I got on and off four times at 4am because I was so astonished by the 149.0. Yeah, I’m always one for dramatic fluctuations, but in that 3-4 hour period is odd even for my body. I’ll bet it’s decision-fatigue that had you overwhelmed at CTM! Oh, and thanks for the link; I’ll check it out later.

    @jaifaim What a lovely weigh-in you had this morning; congratulations!!!

    I am just about done with tax paperwork and ready to make an appointment! We have freezing rain coming down now, so I’ll wait to run to town for some needed things until late this afternoon when it’s supposed to be nice, and warm enough to melt everything; the piano tuner coming this morning for the church piano just rescheduled for three weeks from now because it’s so icy where he lives, twenty miles away. So, yay, a reprieve from having to go out in this, LOL! Another hour of tax paperwork and I can get back to my editing job; I thought about the characters off and on all day yesterday, and will be happy to start back in.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 11 – UK – TDEE

    Managed a good FD800 yesterday and on waking today weight was 59.6kg – that’s 1.4kg/3lbs down since the start of my alcohol free Lent 💃

    Not much sunshine today, went out for another 8+ miles hike but with only around 700ft of elevation gained today – no snow left in the village, but some still on the fell tops.

    Back home in plenty of time for a lovely hot shower and a relaxing afternoon of Rugby 🏉 watching – Italy v Wales and England v France – Wales and France won – brilliant games

    Mary Berry’s Beetroot and Feta cheese tart for dinner tonight – a simple but lovely recipe and managed to end the day under my TDEE 😇

    @dramaqueen6 – long way to go for a haircut – reminded me of going back to Suffolk for a haircut when I first moved up here (5hrs drive away!)…..bad news about your car but at least the person causing the damage was honest!
    @stitchincarol – I enjoy hiking and being outdoors but I have to admit to usually only being a fair weather hiker, would never set out in the rain for a walk 🤣 unless it’s a pre-arranged group walk!!!! I do hope your sister’s recovery continues on that positive note – sounds like she’s doing well, especially in view of her age but she sure sounds a very fit 80y.o
    @funshipfreddie – I totally understand being overwhelmed when it comes to making decorating decisions – I’m pretty hopeless at that sort of thing 🤣

    Re the posts about planks – it reminded me that a few years ago on these challenges we had a plank pocket list @snowflake56 @lilymartin @brightonbelle you might remember them!!
    Here’s a couple of useful videos to start…..but google for more – there are plenty of them around
    *Planks for Beginners: How to do a Plank properly:-…

    I am feeling motivated to keep striving to get back to that 58kg mark once more – “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 12 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    @at well done you are doing great! -3lbs is fantastic! I was a planker (not to be confused with a “plonker” 😂🤪) back in the day…
    Some of us got to quite impressive times – I can’t remember exactly but I think I might have got to 3 or 4 minute planks… I think it was early on in the pandemic and we were keeping ourselves busy and fit.
    I plank sometimes if I’m watching television but might try get back to it as it’s just brilliant for the core…
    We also had squatters… and I remember someone (maybe @flourbaby or @brightonbelle definitely one of the UK gang) squatting 10 times each time they went to the 🚽 😅 to try incorporate it into their day)

    Thanks @stitchincarol I am very happy as it has been so frustrating recently to be doing all the right things for quite some time now but not budging… it really affects your focus and positivity but something I’ve changed in the past two weeks is helping… I’ll just have to work out what it is… or maybe it really was just a case of delayed reaction for my body.

    BTW i have always thought gluten was an issue for me but it has never come up on tests. Also not all gluten intolerance issues present in the gut… most do, but some people react in different ways… sore joints, headaches etc

    How is everyone else? It’s quite quiet here but I hope you are all ok? No doubt @funshipfreddie will be here later for a sunny Sunday FD ⭐️

    Have a lovely Sunday! I’m off for an early, hopefully not too rainy, hike here… 🌧️🥶

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @jaifaim – I’m here! 🙋‍♂️ Boy, did I sleep last night?! From 10:30 pm til Boo Boo got very vocal at 7:40 am. I always feed her last thing at night before I go to bed, but she always behaves like she’s been starved for 3 days in the morning. I painted for maybe 4 or 5 hours yesterday, then spent an hour prepping another room with masking tape & removing old aerial cables etc. Doesn’t sound like much, but I was finished last night. I take my hat off to people who do this kind of work for a living. Not too long ago I could do this all day, then go & work a night shift at a casino 😵

    @stitchincarol – that’s so interesting that your son has found he has a food intolerance after over 30 years?! Sad that he has to deal with it, but I’m sure he’s delighted he’ll be so much happier & healthier. And there are so many gluten-free options available nowadays. Even in Africa 🌍 😅

    @at – congrats on the 3 lb down! 🎯 I really must try these planks; I’m not sure I’ve ever even done one.

    Busy busy – should be an easy FD today. No fridge or food to tempt me yet at the new place 🙂

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚

    Day 12 – UK – CD

    After more snow flurries last night before bed I woke up to a damp day, rain washed the snow away last night and more rain expected today – decided to have a lazy day…….

    ODI 🏏 between England and Bangladeshi – Eng lost the first one and this was a bit of a cat and mouse game – very tricky pitch……wonder who will win this one???

    Plan is for a cricket morning and then a rugby afternoon Ireland v Scotland with a planned walk into the village in between just to clear the head and get some fresh air

    @jaifaim – it seems that you have found your mojo too – stay positive and you will reap the rewards
    @funshipfreddie – sounds like you are into the decorating mode……physical effort = a good sleep 😴 Good on you for a FD on a Sunday too!

    Definitely quiet on here this weekend…….hope everyone will be back tomorrow

    Day 12 country west Australia NFD
    Apologies! Apologies!
    It’s been so hectic for the past several days – death of a friend, funeral to organise; death of a cousin; ahhh!
    Life settling to a more even keel hopefully.
    Will be back cat herding on the morrow.
    Night all.

    FD Monday13th Auckland

    Felt like Friday the 13th when I got on the scales…
    I was in reasonable control but having 4 social lunch/dinners has done me in… I have young houseguests staying which I’m loving. They’re still in bed so I’m hoping to get my FD in without them noticing then will make a nice dinner for them.

    @northgeorgia Thank you for letting us know how you are and about your poor father. It’s comforting to know he didn’t suffer for long on one hand but on the other, it does leave the family in disarray with no time to adjust. I’m sure we’re all thinking of you and your family and hope with time it will become easier. Much love to you and yours.

    Day 7 country west Australia NFD
    @snowflake56, ye i9t is difficult when one has visitors .
    We Still have visitors and no hope of doing a FD with them in the house ! Purely self-inflicted but that is when I often cook new recipes which I over-indulge in when tasting etc.
    @funshipfreddie, thanks for the lovely poem. It is vey evocative . Africa does seem to get into one’s blood, according to friends who come from there.
    I do hope your back is improving .🤞
    @ccco , well done on the calorie counting.👏
    I had never counted a calorie until I started 5:2 in late 2016 and started using MFP.
    What an eye opener it was!!! 😲😲😱
    I don’t get obsessive but it does help me stay on track. I think if more people counted their calories occasionally and realised how many they were actually consuming it could help .
    Those pesky little varmints turn up everywhere and in the most unexpected places !!
    @stitchincarol I’m sure Cruella will be more pleasant after a couple of WFDs. You have done well so far.
    @jaifaim, thank you for the correction. I still remember the Charlie Hebdo attack. It was terrible. The people there were so brave.
    I often think of many of the people who were on this forum previously and loved hearing about their 5:2 journey and their life in general.
    It is interesting how people cross your path for a season and some stay and some move on.
    @dykask was amazing with his WFs and @simcoeluv was so knowledgeable.
    A big ‘hello’ to both of you if you happen to be lurking! 🤗
    @at I am alcohol-free but not really by choice. Sadly the booze no longer agrees with me so I now enjoy soda water with a lime slice. Better sleep is such a bonus and can’t be understated. So much research is being done into the effects of sleep or lack of. Isn’t ‘zephyr’ such a gorgeous word ???
    I love the way some words sound – some are soft, some harsh, some make no sense at all !!
    @stitchsmith, well done on the loss to date. Hare and tortoise…. Back in the day on this forum, someone coined the ‘ Club tortwah ‘ for those of us who lost weight SOOOOO slowly…🤣
    @brightonbelle, logging in for accountability certainly can help keep one on the straight and narrow !
    @dramaqueen6, plantar fasciitis can be SO painful. Yes, tight calves can be a cause so calf exercises/stretches are really good.
    So too is rolling a horizontal bottle of frozen water under your foot like an ice massage.
    @gardenlily, good luck with the nursing skills!! Being organised and prep is key for success.😇
    @songbirdme, I will have a look at the link when I have a moment. It will be good fun to watch!😁
    And today’s word : Aprosexia – the inability to concentrate.
    Onward and downward

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