Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 16,657 total)

  • I am not an alcoholic but I am practicing? LOL

    For me if I had to choose between losing visceral fat and belly fat. I would target visceral fat.

    My understanding is belly fat can be healthy in a protective way. To over simplify without visceral fat , and if exercising regularly in the very active range. The belly fat has no effect on longevity.

    I could be completely wrong, but that’s my understanding .

    So I was trying to make sure I used H.I.I.T and neat to target visceral fat after meals. I mean to target fat in my blood that natually occurs After eating. And to fast regularly as possible. Basically it’s two sided benefit , target visceral fat and belly fat will come off too., but target belly fat and the visceral may still remain.

    I’ll get a trampoline too , but will continue to invite others to jumprope with me after dinners out In the parking lots. My goal is a 1 year goal to improve skipping skills. Remember it’s less impact on knees than walking. But if we can’t. We can’t, and thankfully we can use trampoline to help circulate the lymphatic system. However remember to include lymphatic pro health foods.
    This is a quick read with pictures.
    DO NOT WEAR TIGHT RESTRICTIVE CLOTHES unless you want to slow your lymphatic flow.

    I’m mean if your dressing to break hearts then by all means ladies. But especially when exercising dont restrict the lymphatic flow with tight clothes please.

    I’m being embraced by the diabetic community. They understand my goals , yet almost all of them so far disagree with my approach. I need to humble myself and listen to them. However. A bacon and egg breakfast everyday seems counter productive.

    If still Intrested in reading about fat cell processes ?
    This is a quick read too!


    Good evening fast trackers,
    Well I did the measurements and good result, mostly subcutaneous fat at my middle, bad news is I am very high risk for cardiovascular disease.
    So you measure the widest point between belly button and breast bone, body depth when standing against a wall, feet moved forward to flatten back agaist( a very cold wall, bare skin) then you take body width in the same way, widest point. These measurements are then taken supine( laying on the floor) knees raised and feet flat to push back into floor. Measure depth and width again. Record all measurements. If it is subcutaneous fat it will spread when supine, if not it will not change. Hope this helps you all. Check out author and information on google especially Franfit as you have a high risk.

    Sorry you were disappointed with weight loss this week Ply but you still have time. I still have another pound to loose by Friday but I have two fast days to go. Good luck to you. There are lots of recipes in this book, what type are you after? Which meals,
    which proteins?

    Jip, I really missed my roast today, just a prawn stir fry, but I am having berries now.

    My pedometer fell off today at lunchtime, so I only recorded just under 6,000. How annoying, at least I found it in the car, I thought I had lost it at bowls this morning.

    Good Luck everyone, we are still going strong, we are winning this challenge.

    jojo, congratulations on subQ rather than visceral fat, and on another successful fasting day πŸ™‚

    JIP, I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed for you.

    SAMM, so happy you are being embraced, mutual understanding will come in time, I am sure.

    gorgeous, gorgeous weather here, I hiked back from work but am going out for another walk now (my fourth today — a fasting day — oh, I could not have done this a few months ago!), but with my Kindle to stop and read more about visceral fat in the beautiful outdoors.

    Then home to make eggplant and mushroom curry for dinner, with some dahl, cucumber raita, and a bit of bulgur.

    Hi All and Happy Birthday,
    This thread has been running since 26th April( 5 weeks this Sat), it seems like yesterday when I started it. I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as me. I look forward to logging on each day to see how you are all getting on and what new exercise you have come up with to burn a few more calories away. The goal was 2 lb per week, I know SAMM and Ply and me will have lost 10 lbs, how about the rest of you? I would not have managed it without your support and suggestions.
    Looking forward to the new challenge of the Fast Beach Diet, mind you I haven’t finished reading the book yet, got side tracked by the Eames book. Luckily I don’t plan to start until Tuesday.
    Anyone else giving it a go?
    Love Jojo xxxx
    Gosh Jip that curry sounds good and you sound very energised.
    Fran – you will make it on Tuesday, cut carbs on Monday.
    SAMM – keep posting, you are very knowledgeable about fat burning and I am sure you will soon learn everything there is to know about diabetes.

    That plucks my effeminate side. Getting to know some of you has been inspiring to say the least. I have learned a lot in those 5 weeks. I am very grateful for your open invite thread. Very grateful for the challenge. I will weigh in on rocky’s monthly thread too on Friday.

    Good morning all,
    Happy Bank Holiday Monday, I guess some of you will be relaxing, some working and others fasting. I am off to the gym with my daughter but before that I have a dog walk to do and an hour bowls practise. If the weather improves I may get a sunbathe in as my gym has an outdoor pool with loungers. It’s not quite as lovely as it sounds because the only view is Tesco’s car park, but it is heated so that’s good. The sea is too damn cold this time if year. This afternoon will be spent planting up my new shrubs and flowers. My poppy has a new flower on it today, glorious. My extreme workout this week will be cleaning my tatty paved area without a pressure hose as no outside tap, wish me luck?
    Another 1/4 lb down today guys on course for the end of the month, yippee.
    This will be my fastest loss month even including my first month. But I am not making this 10,000 steps per day, I am going to need to rethink how I do this, how long will it take( roughly) if I do it in one walk daily? I am guessing 1 hour thirty mins what do you say? I may need to get up earlier, possibly 5.30 am, in which case I will need to bring bedtime forward to 9.30 pm, May give it a go tomorrow, worth a shot.

    Morning Jojo and everyone, Jojo can I let you know tomorrow if I am pleased with my weight? Fasting today and playing bowls, trampolining and a small walk. Keep up the good work everyone happy fasting. JIP

    @franfit…1.8 pounds, good for you! I managed to miss that post the other day, but it certainly deserves notice! I seem to be following the same pattern as you, with a plateau about every 10 pounds. Hoping for a good loss next week so I can keep my 2 pound per week average!

    I am still waiting for the Beach Diet to be available for iPad. Wish I had just ordered it in print, but I am ready to start the souled-up version. I think most of us on this thread are already doing a lot of the suggestions in the new book, but I would like to have all the details at my fingertips.

    At a coffee shop right now, waiting for the scones to come out of the oven…not a fast day today! I am technically on vacation, albeit a brief one, and I am not thinking about food restrictions for the next 8 hours. I walked down to the coffee shop, at least!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Happy birthday to the thread, and thank you Jojo for starting it! It has been tremendously helpful to me!

    I think your estimate for 90 minutes to make 10,000 steps is about right. Many days I get my steps in just by doing my work for the day, especially when I am giving presentations, but sometimes I need to get at least half on the treadmill or with a dedicated outside walk. 90 minutes would often feel impossible to me to fit into an already busy day, so I find it helpful to do at least 30 minutes first thing in the morning, and to be really conscious through the day about getting as many steps as possible. I use the bathroom 2 floors down, take the “long way” when I have to go to another classroom, etc. it works surprisingly well to get extra activity into the day. If SAMM and I have the same definition of NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), this king of activity is what it means, I.e., all the activity you do that is not dedicated exercise apart from the regular activity of your life.

    @jip, good work, keep it up! Hoping to join the happy scales party soon!

    @franfit, I think your idea about a goal range is a good one. As long as you are within that 3-5 pound range you are okay, and your clothes should still fit. If you hit the upper end, be more careful or add a fast day for that week, if you hit the lower end, add more healthy calories.

    Your family time with your son sounds just lovely! My sons are grown and live away, and my husband works an opposite schedule from mine, so I am alone making dinner most nights. I am a non-expert knitter, but I dabble. Even though it does not burn calories, it keeps my mind and hands busy, and it is impossible to eat while knitting, so no nighttime snacking!

    Good morning and happy birthday, fast trackers and happy fasting to all Monday fasters πŸ™‚ Here in the States we have a holiday, Memorial Day, today, and I actually have the day off work πŸ™‚ The weather is predicted to get very warm, I plan to walk a lot, read some more, and try to work out my visceral vs. subcutaneous fat question.

    jojo, 10,000 steps is about 4 miles for me; it used to take me close to two hours, now I can do it in an hour and a quarter if there are no significant hills or uneven ground on my route. I kept myself walking through the awful, cold, snowy, icy winter we had here by walking for transportation, my car overheats if I drive it more than 2 miles at a time and is not worth fixing, so I’m waiting until goal weight to replace it. I’ll do things like walk two miles to the pet store and bring back 2-1/2 cubic feet of pet bedding on the bus. I keep bus tokens in my bag in case I get too tired too far from home. For some reason I find walking uphill daunting first thing in the morning, so I’ll take the bus uphill halfway to work, then walk the other half, most of which is downhill, then by the time I leave I’m good to walk the whole way home (and then I’m really ready for a nap!).

    I’ve lost 3-1/2 pounds in the last 5 weeks, 5 pounds in the last 6; this works out to losing 0.7% of my body weight per week, which I am OK with at this point, in spite of my impatience. I think weight loss has a tendency to slow down in the lower end of the normal BMI range/at lower TDEEs and it’s better for me not to get too hyper about it. Last week’s 1.8 pound loss was 1.5% of my body weight in a week, I don’t really expect to maintain that, as I’m not able to do really vigorous physical activity. That said, I still want to reach my goal weight within about a year of starting (by sometime in August), so that I can shop for pre-season bargains in new winter outerwear in the right size to keep for years to come — that stuff is too expensive to buy new every size or two! That works out to 5-12 more pounds lost in the next 12 weeks, so I need to keep working hard. So even though I’m not actually trying to lose 2 pounds a week, I really appreciate the goal-focussed, find-a-way-to-do-it approach on this thread.

    My eggplant and mushroom curry did turn out really well, my son also really liked it (and he’s both picky and honest), I’m quite pleased, as I made it up out of my own head because the eggplants at the co-op looked really good. I really like to be able to cook that way, by just seeing what looks good in the produce section and coming up with my own recipe, and it feels good to be able to do that successfully with a fasting-day dinner. I started by roasting the eggplant, mushrooms, and tomato in the oven; sauteed the onion, pepper, garlic, and spices in a bit of butter and oil; added the roasted veg, simmered a while to blend, added the low-fat yogurt. Roasting the veg first really brought out their flavors and gave them a good texture, it didn’t just seem like a mushy, boiled bunch of veg with some spices tossed in, but like a real menu item. I served the dahl thin, as a soup, it has black mustard seed, ground cumin, cayenne, and garlic sauteed in a little butter (didn’t have ghee), then I added boiling water and red lentils and simmered. Served with rice for my son, 30 g. bulgur for me, chopped cucumber and cilantro with low-fat yogurt on the side. I looked up calories for all ingredients, weighed and measured everything going in, weighed and measured the results to work out calories/gram and divided up my portions to leave enough room for 100 grams of fresh local strawberries for dessert. It was a bit of a project, so I’m glad I have enough left over for another fasting-day dinner, lol.

    ply, thank you for the compliments πŸ™‚ I feel for you, having to spend your evenings alone, I have a lot of difficulty getting motivated to cook for just myself, whereas it’s something I really enjoy if I have at least one other person to cook for. Trading off the cooking keeps both my son and myself motivated, neither has the drudgery of having to cook every night, and we’re just competitive enough that neither wants to present the other with a blah, so-so dinner when the other recently made something really good πŸ˜‰ Unfortunately he is technically grown up, but not yet a fully-functioning adult, which has its worries. But, he is a good person who tries to do the right thing, and is good to live with, and I appreciate him for that as well as for being my son. It is wonderful how you can’t knit and eat at the same time, isn’t it? And it’s wonderful to have something tangible to show for your time spent waiting (in doctor’s offices, riding the train, etc.) and relaxing in the evening. I’m glad I bought the FastBeach Diet book, even though, as you said, most of us on this thread are already doing a lot of the things suggested, except maybe HIT. It’s good to have all the suggestions laid out in one place.

    JIP, you are happy with your 36″ trampoline, don’t feel like it’s too small or you might fall off or accidentally bounce too close to the edge? My son will not be happy about me bringing another item into our small space, but maybe I can persuade him that he will like using it, too, and not have to keep it in my room. Of course I can do as I like, as I pay the bills, but he actually has a point, it easily gets crowded in this one-bedroom apartment, and there are more things I would like to put in here. An 85-year-old friend would probably will me her beautiful floor weaving loom if I had the space to put it in. It would be cool to be able to weave as well as knit.

    So, today I should get walking before it gets hot out there — going up to 83F (28C) today!

    WHOOOEEEEE, gang, it’s going to be very warm here today, so I just put on a white skort (mini-skirt with shorts underneath), tucked in my top, added a belt and sandals, and it actually looks GOOD! πŸ™‚ A year ago, I sure wouldn’t have thought that could happen!

    Off to the food co-op; daily marketing is a wonderful way to avoid buying more food than we need while making sure I get out every day πŸ™‚

    Hooray for you, Franfit! It’s a great feeling…work it!!

    Thanks, ply πŸ™‚

    Good afternoon FT’s,
    Well I have been very active today, bowls 1 hr, ballroom fitness I hr, yoga 1 hr and dog walk I hr. Pedometer still under 10,000, I may consider buying a new one, can’t believe it! Haven’t eaten much today – porridge with prunes, ww soup with two slices of buttered toast(at the gym-food not great there – least risky option)

    Spent the last hour finishing ‘The Fast Beach Diet’
    Much of it I have already embraced in my exercise lifestyle and eating habits. Here are my thought of items that I could now take on. Also quite interesting recipes.

    Firstly HIT – I am now going to be doing this three times per week from today. My flat has stairs so I am going to run up them for 30 seconds on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I will start with 2 sets and see how it goes. Better get the oxygen ready!

    I am starting an unplanned fast from 2 pm today until 2 pm tomorrow – water and fruit tea only, if I survive until tomorrow I will repeat this on Friday till Sat. Chose today because I have no plans tomorrow so I can stay in bed if my energy is low. Not looking forward to it, especially getting some sleep tonight. But I have discovered that I need to break habits and customs and I certainly would not have entertained this idea before Christmas last, actually I might not have considered it last week. I thought ADF was drastic.

    I have added multi vitamins and calcium + vit D to my daily kelp and garlic tablets, this should aid my now ‘lack of dairy consumption’ and ‘fat burning’ level by 30 % with moderate exercise. I will also eat two oranges daily on non fast periods(no longer days)

    I will make a veg juice on Saturday and Sunday to be taken before main non fast meal. I will consume a light veg broth( soup) before other non fast day meals.

    I will freeze diluted elderflower cordial to make lollies because ice cream season headed my way and I love to be out in the sun.( sounds good too).

    I will try PHO and Ceviche (fish) this week, probably Friday, can’t say ?I am not game for something new?

    I will make a skimmed milky drink on non fast evening bed times, I will add nutmeg, dash of vanilla essence and cinnamon stick stirrer. Really would have liked to try this tonight damn it. Can someone else give it a try tonight? Report please, drooling here.

    I will let you all know how these changes effect my life.

    Challenge – what are you going to do?

    JIPWGP – can’t wait to hear your scales result
    Ply – when the going gets tough, the tough get going, I am relying on you!
    I am happy to post you the beach diet book but how can you give me the address securely? Not sure?
    Fran – what a lovely posting, you son sounds delightful, you have made my day. Go girl you sexy mama!

    Finally I need a favour, please help me – I have a very dear friend who suffers chronically with IBS, I would like to help her get off carbs and sugar which are her main food stuffs. She also drinks far too much coffee. Has anyone any experience of helping such conditions? She is not tolerant of fibre (causes the trots) so I don’t really know where to start. She has had the condition for over 25 years since her dearly beloved father died. Her Doctors have been far from helpful and only offer pain killers and anti -spasm drugs. She is in her mid 50’s but looks 10 years older and very pale. She is the kindest nicest person in the world and I cannot bear to see her suffer so much. Please help me!
    My first thought was zero noodles and chicken soup, what do you think? She doesn’t eat red meat or drink alcohol.

    Hi ply and co, I think 10,000 steps is about 4 miles that is according to my pedometer, I did not play bowls as I intended today. I went walking instead I walked to the shopping centre, Tesco Curry etc., I had 3500 steps on the pedometer when I left home and it now reads 22,953 steps and reads 9.41 miles. It took me 1 hour and 5 mins to get there and an hour and 15 mins to get home. My feet know I have done this walk. I’ve got my feet up and I do not intend to do much but if I come back from the dead I will do 1000 on the trampoline. Fasting today and I have had 350 cals and it 6.40pm and I try not to eat after 7pm. WW’s tomorrow I hope those scales are going to be kind to me, if not I think I will have a good cry. JIP

    Positive thinking please!
    My guess 2.5 lbs down
    Jo xxx

    jojo, thank you for the lovely compliment πŸ™‚ I’m with you on getting a new pedometer, or at least replacing the battery.

    For the challenge, I will take a baby step with HIT by finally learning how to do the plank, ask my son to check my form, if it doesn’t aggravate my shoulder or any other problems do it each Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, working my way up slowly. Will also dig out my free weights, find my old exercise/physical therapy books, and plan some strength training. Be careful with the stair-climbing, jojo, I tried it and it threatened me with relapses of CFS/ME and my knee problem. I’ll also commit to measuring my abdominal diameter standing and lying to check on visceral fat, and making my physical therapy appointment (for my knee) this week. I think I should re-read about supplements in FastBeach as well as reading about them in the Eades book.

    JIP, if I walked that far I’d be in bed until tomorrow, at least! If those scales are not kind to you tomorrow, I’ll cry with you.

    Back from the market, having lunch, getting ready to go for a long walk, bringing my Kindle so I can read in the beautiful outdoors πŸ™‚

    Hi franfit, the trampoline is small but I watch TV while I am running on it ,the edge of it is covered in silver shiny material and it does make you think were you are putting your feet. JIP

    Franfit your outfit sounds great it’s a shame we cannot see it. JIP

    Hi Jojo and company, regarding IBS, just for starters would De-caf coffee make any difference, I drink this 99% of the time. Still thinking! Hope you get some help from our fasting family. JIP

    Thank jip,
    I did suggest that as a starting point, I cannot understand why she hasn’t already done it, I don’ t drink coffee, does de-CAF taste horrible?

    Actually I don’t drink tea much now either, another 5:2 habit broken, used to have 8 per day. I am sure my liver is very pleased with me.

    She does drinks lots of water, a plus.

    Franfit, there are lots of safe plank and other strength building techniques using an exercise ball, we do some in Yolalates, they are fun too. Don’t worry about me and the stairs. It wasn’t too bad, bit puffed and hip joints didn’t enjoy it much. I am sure it will get easier when I have lost another couple of stone.

    Feeling hungry as I haven’t had enough protein today. May need to have some fish, it will break my fast but it’s my own fault because I didn’t plan it properly.

    jojo, thanks, I just have to start any exercise with baby steps. Glad the stairs weren’t too hard on you.

    JIP, thank you for the compliment — I couldn’t stop looking at myself in store windows I passed, is that really my 57-year old self there??? πŸ˜‰

    I don’t know that much about IBS, but have the impression that at least some people with IBS have a problem with carbs and/or gluten sensitivity as well as difficulty handling fiber. Is she super lactose sensitive, or can she eat yogurt? Does she like eggs, eat fish? My main non-meat, no-fiber sources of protein are yogurt, cheese, eggs. I much prefer bean/grain combos, yogurt, cheese, and nuts to fish and eggs, really, but fish and eggs are a good way to stay away from fiber as well as carbs and still get your protein. Of course carbs can be hard to get off of if you have a problem with them, and it’s hard to eat the unrefined varieties of carbs if you can’t handle fiber. What are her favorite things to eat? What has she tried that didn’t work?

    For some reason (maybe the sudden increase in ambient temperature) walking up hill was really tough today, so I meandered through the rose garden and every other garden I could find. I did finally make it all the way up to the water tower, just not briskly, and only 8,500 steps so far today. The peonies are almost all in bloom, as are several roses — the ‘Gertrude Jekyl’ was smelling divine — many clematis and spirea, some dianthus, a gorgeous dark purple salvia, and some interesting trees and shrubs. I discovered the Garden of Reproducible Results, which features several varieties of Japanese maples, the Pollinators Garden, and a tiny garden of cacti tucked in a corner. I also tested the suitability of several garden benches for reading in the shade πŸ˜‰ It’s nice living across the street from a college campus that’s also an arboretum πŸ™‚

    My son is making pizza and ice cream for dinner again today. Although it is a holiday, I’m beginning to wonder if he’s trying to tell me that he thinks I’ve lost enough weight — he’s never seen me this thin before. I think I’m getting close to goal myself, my ribs are showing when I wear a low-cut top. Got to bite the bullet and do those visceral fat measurements.

    Hi Jojo, so sorry for your friend’s struggles. You and I have spoken about the Plan before. Would she be willing to try an approach like that? One starts with a very limited set of foods, and gradually tests others to gauge reactions to try to figure out food sensitivities. I am a believer in food as medicine, and it seems that this is a somewhat scientific approach that one can do.

    For ibs I would be guessing , but probiotics seem the way to go. If iron is a concern buy her an iron skillet to make eggs on. I making a wild assumption that the lack of red meat is indicates iron intolerance. This s normal think of iron intolerance as steps. If you need five units Start with 1 then increase slowly to five. Going to five straight off cause nausea followed by lumpy intestines.

    The only other thing I might add that doctor would not.
    Think of the intestine as long hose. If you eat in a way that it gets lumpy that can cause irritability. , twisting and kinking, well theoretically.

    The best way to think of intestine health is to go down to the nutrient level. A hose completely full will have it’s contents rub along the inner walks tightly. Fiber. Without it then less opportunity to nutrients in a kinked , loosely packed hose.

    Additionally. It is gobbledegook but worth a non med approach. Try understanding what PH score is.

    This isn’t recomended by dietians. And fir good reason. Changing blood acidity is unpredictable. However. Understanding how it works. Understanding how to pair foods. So their combined acidic score is better tolerated. If that points in the direction.
    Dried apricots help with improving the acidic score after it leaves the stomach.
    Also. Would try from time to time the pineapple diet briefly. As its said to help with fat in the intestinal tract.
    Would also look carefully at the spices , like cinnamon journal taking them out of the diet and log trends.

    Perhaps also make homemade pasta? Instead of store bought , trying different flours. Perhaps quina flour. With an egg substitute.

    Finally. This is way way way out there even for me.
    There’s a way to figure out how much vitamin C. You can have before. Your body expels it. in high doses can be an intestinal issue. Perhaps a way to test. Is. Is get vitamin c from natural sources for three months. And journal for trends , perhaps on excel.

    If has acne from time to time. Then perhaps gluten allergy. Buy whole foods

    Sorry this want well written just a jotting of ideas as they came.

    Use four fingers to press into the intestinal area. And rub large circles from right side of the body to the left. It cam help with regularity.

    Learn shiatsu pressure points to help with stopping sudden issues. It’s good to know where pressure points are anyway. Easy to look up online you tube.

    If I had that condition. Perfect hydration would be my cornerstone . And water melon would be in my diet.
    In fact it is. Also raw pumpkin from can in oat meal.

    I eat it that way for about two weeks , it’s very high calorie. However personally I don’t have ibs, My morpther does. I would say I have it very rarely. Like once every 4-5 years for a few months then mysteriously fades away. Talking with mom made look into it and ask her what she does. She use a soft fiber like green peas and oatmeal , instead of detox solutions.

    Not sure why she take so much beano , But I think it has to do with gas and bloating , while eating foods that help if not for the gas

    If you’re going the walk route Im happy for you. I can’t wrap my head around it . But it’s the proven longevity exercise. No issues with it.

    If you look up the reason people quit walking for health. It’s falling injury.

    Minimize the risk of falling injury. Buy practicing two approaches.

    Core strengnth for walkers. Is an exercise ball routine.

    And this is difficult for me to explain. So I’ll just blurt it out.

    Strengthen the muscles that you use to catch your balance !

    This done buy standing on one foot and leaning over near to loosing balance, good to have a buddy .

    Also use you arms like a tight rope walker with arms spread way out. Too sleepy to organize this into to better outine, Rough draft today ,
    76,577 steps today. Exhausted!

    Thanks for the offer to post the book Jojo! I thought the iPad version would be available much sooner. I went to Amazon to order it, and it said it would arrive in 24-28 days!! I think I can glean enough from forum posts and online sources to start with you this week. I started HIIT last week, and will continue. I will be tightening up my food intake all days, and will avoid alcohol for the next six weeks.
    I remain committed to this lifestyle, even after some disappointing weeks.
    I was inspired by Jojo, Franfit, and JIP to check out some new outfits in my own closet today. I tried on every pant, skirt, and dress and found that many that I have not worn in some time fit and looked great! I also got rid of four large bags of things that were too big. I am excited about the warmer weather and feeling good in my clothes!
    Happy fasting, all!
    Crossing fingers and toes for a big loss tomorrow, JIP!

    Good morning FD’s,
    I am still in bed, can you believe it? I am dressed and reading but I have decided to rest this morning, no matter what! Dogs patiently waiting for me to take them for a walk, poor things. I am waiting for an electrician to fit a light outside, I want it to come on to deter burglars and so that when I come in at night I don’t step on the myriad of snails always on my path.
    When will this wet weather stop, lovely for the garden but just makes you want to snuggle up with a book indoors. God I may even be forced to do some housework!
    I broke my fast last night, sleeping without hunger seemed more important than long fast trial. Lose more weight if you sleep 8 hours regularly apparently. Personally I love my bed but usually average 6 hours so I need to bring forward my bedtime.
    Looked back on early comments on my thread, I said I would not go below 500 cal minimum, seems I am committed to trying it. My friend who visited yesterday could not believe how slim I look now, comparatively of course. Hopefully this will spur her on to change her diet for her IBS.
    In reply to questions – she doesn’t like red meat, not medical, she rarely eats fish, she does eat pasta and chicken mostly(Italian mother), she has tried food combining with no effect.
    Ply – I think you are right -elimination diet probably best option, I will support her. I am getting into more outfits that have sat in my wardrobe for an age, far too small, unrealistic bargain buys, but now just waiting for me to lose another stone. I have decided to ‘take in’ old favourites( dresses) but purchase new trousers – just ordered some on line, fed up with hitching others up. I had forgotten how annoying belts are when you have to visit a loo every 15 mins. I think it will be next summer before I wear short clothes but really looking forward to that. May arrange a holiday somewhere hot for next April( when I will have reached my goal).
    It saddens me that you and Jip will probably not be on the thread then, moving on with you maintenance and weight reducing lives behind them. I feel our teamwork has been so beneficial. I wish LUVTCOOK would return too, I remember she had a similar amout to loose as me. Hopefully SAMM will stay too. But I am overjoyed that you have both succeeded, almost, wel done, be proud.
    Ordered some new dance shoes yesterday and plan to join the advanced class on Fridays in July, after a bit more practise of routines. I can do about 70 % of the routines but some are too fast or complicated still. Determined to catch up with them sprightly 70 year olds, can you believe it they do Zumba and Shabam too, respect!

    Looking forward to Jip’s weight loss posting, silly but it was the first thing I thought of when I woke up today, I would love to have been ther to see her face when she got on the scales. Imagine that smile, glued on all day.

    Speak later guys

    The Telegraph has an interview with Michael Mosely today
    It introduces the Fast a Beach Duet and a run down of the main points


    Hi jojo and co,
    De-caf coffee tastes fine to me and I like coffee to look like a coffee.
    On the wieght side I am so disappointed I could cry I did not lose an oz, on Sunday after fast Fri and Sat and the scales showed a lose of 2 lb I felt sure I would get to go my goal wieght again today. After all those steps last week 83k in 6 days, over 22k yesterday and Sunday was the only day when I had a roast lunch with one potato and lost of veg but real home gravy,which should not have made that much of diff wince difference? Next week I am going to a B2B Sunday and Monday and see if that will do the trick, also going to cut my odd and I mean odd is unit to and no alcohol for the week,
    I like what I see in the mirror but not on my WW card, my friends say I am too hard on myself and it’s not a magic figure but it seems to be for me. All my adult life I have always wanted to be 9 stone and later on 10 stone I do not want to look skinny just nice. Playing bowls this afternoon, I did 10 minutes on the trampoline before WW today and got off the bus 4 stops before my desertnation pedometer reads 9376 now and it’s no 1pm yet. I need a virtual paper hanky please. JIP ( feeling very sorry for myself.)

    Hello jip,
    God I am so sorry, I have a lump in my throat as we speak. Bloody scales, do you trust them? I wouldn’t, what do your ones say. Please remember WW are there to make money, they actually don’t want people to lose weight and stay at goal. This is why they manufacture sugary foods and keep you hooked on sugar when they know it is very bad for you and addictive. Sorry but think about it? Do you need them? Really? Couldn’t you and your friends weigh on one set of scales and use the money as a savings account for a night out? I would.
    I would really like to help you as I have my weight under control at the moment. Back to back has been good for my weight loss but I don’t really enjoy it. How about doing a non food fast from 2 pm Monday to 2 pm Tuesday, that should tip the balance. I will be doing that on Friday so I will let you know how it goes. I broke my fast yesterday, had some fish then strawberries and some nuts, just knew I needed them.
    Are you going to try Fast Beach Diet? I am now on it.
    Don’t eat as a reward for your disappointment, buy a new handbag or shoes.
    I think that your exercise may be causing water retention, kill it for three days before next weigh in, trust me, excessive exercise causes you to hold on to your weight.
    Here for you
    Jo xx

    JIP, I’m so sorry I don’t even know what to say πŸ™ jojo already had some great points. You work so, so, very hard! If it’s any consolation at all, after hitting my new low number on Saturday morning the scale immediately bounced up a pound, and has stayed there each morning since, even with a fasting day. Almost every time I see a new low number it doesn’t stick around, it takes a few days before I see it again. I am really learning from your experience how important it is to avoid re-gaining even a few pounds. I am so impressed with your determination to press onward, with the way you stick to your goal and don’t give up, but keep on problem-solving and making new plans!

    I know you are very well informed but I thought this reminder may help you be less hard on yourself. If you haven’t got scales that measure body fat you may want to buy them or find some you can use regularly. If weightwatchers were seriously into health this is the measurement they should use rather than stones and pounds.

    A common comment when looking at the scale is that β€˜muscle is heavier than fat,’ which is misleading,” Dolgan says. “A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, however the volume of muscle is denser than the volume of fat, and therefore heavier.” When you start to change your body composition with your workoutsβ€”by building more dense muscle mass and decreasing your body fatβ€”your scale weight may increase, while your body fat percentage may decrease. These changes happen over weeks and months (not hours or days) so the scale is useless when tracking them, Dolgan says.

    I googled why scales don’t reflect exercise taken, this came up

    Jojo xxx

    Now that, JIP, is a gyp! Don’t mean to make light of your disappointment…I know well how it makes one feel when the scales do not reflect one’s commitment and effort, or they are so capricious from one day to the next.

    Keep fighting the good fight, I find your determination admirable and inspirational!

    @ Jojo regarding HIIT and “hitching up”: be sure to wear pants that have a drawstring to tighten the waist a little bit (not to the point of constriction, of course) since the intensity of the intervals can make them fall down! I wore the wrong ones to the gym the other day and had to hang on to them with one hand while I ran!

    @jojo, for your friend, she might check out information from Dr. Mark Hyman, which would go along with the elimination diet.

    Laughing with you ply, laughing with you. Actually you made my day! I just giggling about it.

    Only 32,887 steps today.

    Thanks Ply,
    She has agreed to low sugar and wheat detox so moving forward. I spent hours on the net last night doing research and coming up with a list of do’ s and don’ts. She read it and confirmed she had done all these things in the past to unfortunately all to no effect. How depressing many actually made her worse.

    I tried a new tea today, winnings purify, cucumber, nettle and aloe vera, quite refreshing. Oddly it tastes of peppermint mildly, I don’t drink peppermint because it’s a stimulant (stops me sleeping). I also had a new soup for lunch today – butternut squash, sweet potato and Parmesan (yum). I won’t be getting to try Pho this week after all, no Vietnamese restaurants in Thanet. It will have to wait until I visit my son in London in two weeks. He is very upset at the moment, his car was burgled and his mac laptop stolen, they broke the window. He had forgotten to take it out because he was carrying shopping in to his flat. Also he had booked and paid for a holiday in Thailand which is now under Marshall law, so he may lose everything. No insurance on either of course.

    I am now at my lowest point in weight for 15 years and on target for 7 to 8 lb this month (possibly more if the ‘no food fast’ goes well on Friday) which pleases me very much. I feel very slender which someone of 10 stone would find difficult to understand. It’s just that I have been carrying this weight for so long.

    Wearing leggings today, until my new trousers arrive, I will get some sports pants with a tie, good idea. Your gym trip sounds risky.

    Time to get back to my research of vitamin C levels.

    Hi fast trackers πŸ™‚

    jojo, I’m happy your friend has agreed to try limiting sugar and wheat and hope that something helps. Congratulations on ordering new trousers and on feeling slender and good πŸ™‚ I at least know what you mean about being more slender than in a very long time, 25 years for me. Thanks for the link to the article, it was interesting. I don’t drink any alcohol, and I’m pretty sure that helped me lose the weight. I don’t find it necessary for socializing, either, no one ever comments on my ‘no, thank you’.

    ply, you made me laugh πŸ™‚

    SAMM, if only I could ever write ‘only’ 32,000 steps! Half that much wears me out!

    Progress report:
    Abdominal diameter front to back, standing: 9.25″
    Abdominal diameter front to back, lying down: 7.25″
    Not sure how to interpret this.

    Did 2 sets of 2 LaPlace in Place x 10 seconds yesterday.

    Did 1 set of 2 20-second planks with my son checking my form.

    Then made a mistake. Felt OK, so went on to try modified push-ups. I could only lower myself a few inches, but my son saw me shaking on the third one and told me to stop. Within moments the myofascial trigger points in my right upper trapezius were in spasm and my left knee was hurting. Still some lingering trouble today. No more push-ups for me for a while. If recovered tomorrow, will resume plank and add bicep curls and triceps extension.

    Trying to make physical therapy appointment, they don’t answer their phone.

    I have been struggling with Zumba and not having so much fun any more because, in addition to doing everything at about half the speed and intensity as everyone else and not being able to really do the lunges, some of the squats and most of the kicks, it seems to be taking me forever to just catch on to the most basic steps. I’m so frustrated that I’ve even considered not signing up for the next session. So I approached the director of recreation at the senior high-rise where I volunteer and asked if I could join their Zumba for seniors class, and she said yes! Hopefully this will move at a much slower pace and I will be able to actually learn how to do the steps. It seems like exercise classes are designed for people who already know how to exercise and just want a little structure, not for the seriously unfit/klutzy who are completely clueless and actually need to learn what to do from the beginning and then learn it again, and again, and again, until we finally get it. I would totally slow down twelve other people if I was constantly asking how to do things, but it gets frustrating. Every exercise class I have ever tried has been like this. But I’m really hopeful that in a room full of people in their 70s and 80s who haven’t been doing Zumba for all that long I will finally catch on. And I don’t even have to pay for it!

    One thing to note: helping with a client’s shower today, I’m the one able to lift the client to her feet and hold her up, even when she’s soaking wet, and the two twenty-somethings can’t πŸ™‚ So maybe I’m not as weak as I feel. Or maybe I just know how to lift someone, lol, and they don’t.

    10,000+ steps so far today and Zumba class scheduled for this evening. Usual non-fast-day eating for me, but I need to think up some new lunches. Glad summer is coming, will do more salads. Maybe more egg salad. I like lunch to be quick and easy or something I can make in large batches once or twice a week. Got some small whole wheat tortillas (110 calories), maybe some wraps. Like smoked salmon or hummus.

    JIP, how are you?

    Samm 76k plus in a day? Blinking heck. JIP

    Hi jojo, do you really think exercise can put on wieght?
    Th ALS for all you comments, I have had an easy day today, eating wise but I have still 17857 steps today with no effort what so effort. Walking and bowling.
    I am getting the beach diet from the library tomorrow I will let you know.
    I would not like to ask my friends to give up WW I got to goal and they are doing well and I do not pay anything because I am within my 5 of goal.
    I do have a sweet tooth so I will watch it, I also like a rum and diet coke but that is once or twice a week on a non fast day of course. So I am going to have 10 days with out it and cut sweet stuff to a limit. I am going to fast to tomorrow and again on Thursday if I am not bowling. Then again Sunday and Monday. With all all other bits I cannot see what else I can do. I have thought about decreasing my steroids by one gram per week but of course if I feel ill I will go back to my usual dose.
    Thanks franfit, I will not give up.
    Jojo, I will give fat and muscle some thought and look it up.
    Thanks ply it’s nice to know I have understanding pals on these threads.
    Thanks everyone, calling it a day without another calorie passing my lips.
    Good night. JIP

    16 hour day.

    I think that’s 47 miles. It hurts when I stop si just keep going. It was holiday too.
    Rolling back over. Started my week like that, makes home time bed time. Looking forward to my weigh in this month, not looking at the scales anymore a long a my clothes still fit. Wore 36 waist to dinner. I still have some fav jeans from 15 years ago. To save money, but I do but new belts. I was 30/30 when. Graduated high school. So I guess that my goal. I can feel the 6pack under there. Motivating me too!
    Got a compliment on my belt! I guess I was getting checked out. BUT it was from a guy. Ackkkkk
    Not the attention I was seeking. My wife cracked up!

    SAMM, I don’t know how you keep going! Please get some sleep! Congrats on feeling the 6-pack. Glad you guys at least had a laugh πŸ™‚

    Good morning FT’s,
    I know it is early but I am awake and in pain, kept awake wood amount of the night. Guess I won’t be running up the stairs for Hit, my right hip is agony. Using a hot water bottle as I am trying to avoid pain killers. I have my first bowls match today so not good timing. Maybe rain will stop play, depends how bad it is I guess. I passed yesterday abd they were plaing in very heavy rain, saddists.
    Just spotted an error on my post to you Ply, bloody auto correct, it’s Twinings Tea not winnings tea.
    SAMM, is I had to walk that far I would be in agony but it must be doing you good. Make sure you have enough sustenance though, don’t get injured or sick. Six pack, sounds good even if it attracts men. (I once had an offer from a girl, quite flattering, she was georgeous, but I had a steady boyfriend who also had a six pack, car mechanic, so I wan’t tempted to the pink side). Maybe in the future I will be considered attractive again, that would be nice, good for the ego.

    The measurements mean that you like me have subcutaneous fat because it moves when you lay down, it would not change if visceral fat, look on line at diagrams on line which describe it. But you also need left to right measurements. You must use a hard rule not a tape measure, distance at widest point between belly button and breast bone, standing and laying. You will need help to take measurements.

    I ordered a new pedometer, old one not working properly even with a new battery, my 45 min dog walk only recorded 178 steps, don’t think so? Should be here in a couple of days.

    I know what you mean about ‘keeping up’ but don’t under estimate those 70 and 80 year old’s my class is full of them and they are all better than me and keep up with all the routines and speed. They have been doing it a year and are mostly slim, I have been doing it three months and am the fattest there. But I have natural rhythm so ?I will keep going. It will be fabulous to use these skills on a dance floor some day, my dream, doing a Fred and Ginger on my 60 th next September. I may even hire a dance partner, why not? I may change out of the Supergirl outfit for it though, not quite the effect I want. But I will be 10 stone, that is for certain.

    Jip, muscle is denser so heavier in mass, so yes. If you are weighing the same it probably means you have lost fat and gained muscle, you need to check the ratio weekly when you weigh, it will explain your readings and make you feel better about your fitness which of course is more important than weight. 30 % is the ideal fat for women, 25% for men.

    I think your friends would get better results with fasting than weight watchers and it’s free. Have they tried it? Get them on the forum too. We will all support them. That time at weight watchers could be your communal walk or exercise time. You could still pop in for a free weigh in if you want.

    Have you thought of drinking green tea instead of normal tea for a week, I found it really effective. I assume you are doing the 4 pints of water? Do you sleep well?
    It’s changing lots of little things that combine to get great results. Don’t allo any regular habits to slow down your weight loss. I even change my soup for lunch every day, homemade best for weight loss of course because you know what’s in it.

    Good Luck for next week, we are all here to support you. I may need some support through this ‘no food’ fast, never attempted it for 24 hours, sounds like a lifetime, I may need to be hand-cuffed (teehee)

    Ply – thanks for the book tip, hope all is well with you? Progress this week?

    Bye for now

    Hello Jojo and co
    Jojo you are not going to lose me I think I will be here for the duration, I have been a diet since I was 16 years old, when my idea of dieting was when Birds Eyes peas came out, I had three bus to get to work in the morning and again home at night and I was always in a hurry to go out dancing I would have a tea plate of peas and a slice of bread and welsh butter and a knob of butter on the peas and thought I was dieting. LOL
    Thanks of thinking of me and my last few pounds, I am taking in everything from the threads and I am going to shake up the weeks food and exercise. The stop exercising is making me think I will go back and look at my food as well.
    I am sitting in a lovely new hospital waiting for my husband to have an op on his hand, it’s going to be hours so I have brought I own lunch and I will walk because they have stairs here and I do not have stairs at home now that’s a different exercise! Fasting today and tomorrow. Happy fasting. JIP

    Thanks Ply, I have been told on more than one occasions that I am like a dog with a bone, not only with dieting. JIP

    Sorry to hear about your son’s bad luck, I hope the devils get no luck and get caught. JIP

    Oh, Jojo, what a shame about you son’s car and trip! I hope there are good outcomes for both. Nothing like worry over our children to keep us up at night.

    I am sure you are stronger than you think, Franfit. You and SAMM are outdoing all the youngsters at your respective jobs!

    @jip, I have seen this quote a couple of times, and your peas & dancing post reminded me:


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