Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 16,657 total)

  • Franfit and jojo, I agree that life is never as easy as it looks from the outside when we are looking in. I have two family problems that look like they are never ever going to go away and nothing I or anyone else can do about them. I do get caught up in these threads and it helps to take our minds off everyday problems. JIP

    etherial, that sounds really tough, if you’re doing two fast days a week and eating only 1400 calories on non-fasting days and living a pretty active life and are losing just over a pound a month. It’s not like you’re 4’10” and 125 pounds, either. I’m not sure what the answer is. The usual problems are people either overestimating what their TDEE should be, or they’re actually eating more calories than they think they are (my own portion sizes were too large). I’m beginning to wonder if some people who do not lose weight with calorie-restricted diets may have a problem with too-high insulin levels that don’t come down, keeping the fat in the fat cells instead of letting it out to get burned for fuel. Have you ever tried restricting carbohydrates? I guess another alternative would be that you basal metabolism might be unusually low. Have you had your thyroid checked? It’s pretty difficult to actually get your basal metabolism measured.

    At least with 5:2 their are health benefits in addition to weight loss. It sounds like it must be very difficult for you to avoid gaining weight, you must have to watch what you eat constantly just not to gain.

    jojo : glad to hear all your work is paying off. The biggest payoff is that you sound happy and energized, and that is a reward of its own.

    While still working full time I don’t have the free time to devote to such a broad range of activities, I am nethertheless inspired by you and the others who are investing in your health that way.

    You ladies are amazing.

    Just waking up good morrow to all.

    I know reaching goal is tough but it is worth it. My point of view is even if the scale stalls is better than the yoyo effect. What I like about the 5:2 approach is it can be a life long way not only to lose weight , also to explore many delicious healthy low calorie days .at least for me fast days wrte not just about the calories but how to put in ass much vitamin and minerals inti 500 calories.taste good and feel sated.

    For me . When I have family problems .well at least the small ones. Is to forgive. Many time in my first marriage I would get annoyed by her personality. We were very young to marry and she didnt mature as quickly. This was sooooo annoying. That we began to fight. At least that was communicating. ., but without children. There was very little we had incommon as we got older. I believe if we had learned to forgive eachother a little more especially over thr little annoying things . We would still be together.
    I hesrd an intrrview once that said to celebrate more often. Many times were so focused on future goals we dont stop to celebrate reaching . Goals. This can cause some problems because as one partner may still want to put in even more. effort the other simply my not. This can be what creates resentment. what the dr said was at that pointvlearn to forgive f I r either quiting or pushing on. Stop to celebrate each step of the goal. Thats the important because it gives an opprotunity to discuss wether to push on .

    Please forgive my posting of such terrible Grammer πŸ™‚

    Also I picked up another insight of life ill share. Its about dealing with change. Sometimes when a person win a lottery they do alot of things they wouldnt have for about a year . Then they return their true self. My understanding is its similar for something that devastating to. A person get abit depressed but about a year later returns to who they were.
    As for me ill just try everyday to improve situation . Wether its shopping and cooking for myself, or reading some new insights. I still believe I can transform. I forgive myself for being obese. Though Idesire to go further with fat loss. Ive come a long way. I happy with my new clothes. And that im out of the shackles of being sedentary. Very pleased.

    Ok going to spend time getting my daughters 11 birthday in order for a sleep over. Looking forward to all the happy laughter that comes from a room full of kids

    Good afternoon FastTrackers,
    Having felt sure it would be 2 lbs off this week the scales let me down, only 1.
    Having analysed why I believe it is because I have not been as active and have twice strayed from home cooked food. So back to the drawing board. I am very happy with 1 pound off but I do not want this to become a trend especially as I did three fasts last week. Weird isn’t it I actually feel much slimmer and fitter than I ever have since starting 5:2. Wonder what the scales will tell me tomorrow, they can be a fickle friend.

    Anyway no time to mope, played bowls this morning and off to gym this afternoon. I don’t think I can add any more activity time into my schedule but I can probably do some activities faster, might not work in Yoga though, teehee, I am already called Speedy.

    Ethereal, my TDEE 1200 on non fast days because 1400 does not work for me. I am very, very active and still almost 5 stone overweight. I am 5′ 5″ tall and 58 years old. Just a thought, but in your job isn’t there a lot of ‘tasting’, that is probably using up 200 cals. I think you need to analyse what you are eating, some foods process quicker and more effectively than others, these are different per individual. I can’t lose weight eating salmon whilst others do well on this food. Luckily I love all fresh fish and seafood.
    Try zero noodles instead of carbs, I dont’t eat bread, potatoes, rice or pasta anymore unless out for a meal. I gave up tea and coffee in favour of herbal or green tea. I drink 4 pints of water everyday even though it drives me insane with visits to the loo.

    Most importantly I feel happy and confident that I can and will lose this weight. This is a scientific process for me. What works, what doesn’t, what are my emotional triggers for needing food, how can these be avoided. Let’s be honest here, we don’t eat because we are hungry and we don’t stop eating when we are full do we? We need to learn to do those things and we will never worry about food again.

    I have faith that we can all do this – let’s do it together. This time next year I will be 10 stone, that my friends is a fact.

    SAMM, good morning and thank you for your lovely post. Forgiveness is indeed a divine medicine and I hope to partake of it in time. First I have to get through just feeling the hurt. I am not into holding onto grudges, they are poison. It has to do with the rather sudden death of a member of my Family of Origin who was very unhappy and spread the unhappiness to everyone around him; the way he talked to me the last time we spoke while he was in hospital, and some things that some others in the family have said, done and not done. It is hard when someone is very unhappy and chronically angry and you just can’t bridge the divide, no matter what you do. It just hurts, and in order to move on you first have to feel the hurt. But I try to do it in small doses. I would be overwhelmed and paralyzed if I let it all wash over me at once. If my own family doesn’t want me, maybe I can help someone else. You are right that the process takes time, like maybe a year. Hopefully I won’t be too crazy in that year or so. Only one night of nightmares so far, but several when I woke up but couldn’t get back to sleep. With my CFS/ME, that makes it hard to get through the day. I signed up for a knitting class to put a little more structure into my life. I’m an expert knitter and don’t need the instruction, but the socializing in the knitting groups is wonderful and it gives me a new project and a goal to keep on track with. Plus, none of my beautiful hand-knit sweaters fit me any more! I need new ones! One of the benefits of losing weight, a lovely excuse to knit a whole new sweater wardrobe — even some of my socks have gotten very baggy — time to get those needles flying!

    Having to be sedentary is like a set of shackles, isn’t it? And being able to move feels wonderful!

    Speaking of tasty low-calorie recipes, we tried the leek and lemon shrimp from the FastDiet Cook Book this week, and it was delicious. I used frozen shrimp and served it with a large salad, and rice for my son. I even ate 30 grams of rice myself to soak up the delicious juices from the pan πŸ™‚

    I like it that you enjoy the sound of lots of kids in the house, so many people just find it annoying. I hope you all have a very happy birthday party πŸ™‚

    jojo, congratulations on your positive attitude and the pound lost. I lost only 1/2 pound this week for 38.5 pounds lost in 39 weeks, the scales are indeed a fickle friend, my week was not significantly different from others in terms of eating and activity as I was able to do a complete 500-calorie fast day yesterday. I am impressed with the amount of activity you keep up and the way you don’t let the things that try to get in your way get you down.

    jojo, you mentioned that your nutritionist thought you should eat more dairy and carbs for your level of activity and I was curious about her reasons for thinking this. I personally would not want to have to add more starches or sugars while working on losing weight. That’s what I’m always trying to cut out, they don’t deliver much in the way of protein or micronutrients for the amount of calories they serve up! Dairy I’m OK with eating a fair amount of, as a mostly vegetarian I have to think more about getting enough protein than about making sure I don’t get too much. A sprinkling of parmesan can add a lot of umami to a fasting day dinner. I like cheese, but I think yogurt is my favorite dairy. I like to make raita- or tzatziki-style cucumber and fresh herb salads with regular low-fat yogurt. I also use it a base for salad dressings, adding a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon or two of lemon juice or vinegar and some herbs to 1/4 to 1/3 cup of lowfat yogurt for dressing for a salad for two. I like to mix low-fat Greek yogurt with an equal amount by weight of thawed frozen fruit, especially a mixture of cherries and raspberries; or mix about 6 oz. (170 grams) of it with a teaspoon each of cocoa powder, instant espresso powder, no-alcohol vanilla extract, and agave nectar. Those two things work for me as breakfast, lunch, snack, or dessert. I prefer the flavor and texture of low-fat to non-fat yogurt, and having a bit of fat in a meal helps me with satiation.

    Hi Franfit,
    Well done on your weight loss, we are running together, almost, but I am including my weight watcher loss too.
    Started 17 st 10 lbs last year, now 14st 11 – weigh to go yet!

    My nutritionalist say carbs are necessary as the fuel to build muscles, or something like that. I have cut mine to only those in veg so I am not getting enough. My dairy was also non existent because I don’t eat much cheese, perhaps as a sauce occasionally but not often, I don’t have milk and I couldn’t trust myself with yogurt and ice cream so stopped buying them. I may eat three eggs per week. I do cook fish in my ceramic pan but only need one teaspoon of butter or oil. So basically I live on fish and veg which is healthy but not very balanced in terms of food groups. It is however working for weight loss. I do need to think about long term health because it is going to be a long term diet, so she is working out a way for me to include everything I need without changing the calorie level. Good luck with that.

    I had a very destructive relationship with my father-in-law, but I chose to not take anything he said personally. A Buddhist friend was very helpful and recommended I read some Buddhist literature. They believe you can only develop as a person by doing no harm to others and by helping those in need. I volunteer with local charity events and am helping to preserve and improve some local woodland. It’s very good for the soul and you meet some wonderful people. Just don’t join any committees, they always get involved in back biting and politics. I just do practical activities like planting bulbs. It’s very rewarding and enjoyable and takes very little of my time.

    I have been doing yoga for over twenty years, it keeps me calm and positive, give it a try, they are lovely people and if you have physical problems they find alternative exercises you can manage. Alternate nose breathing is excellent for reducing stress.
    I am sending you calming ‘om’s’ as we speak.

    Have you thought of joining your community choir? it’s very uplifting.

    Jojo xxxxxx

    P.s. Where is Ply, hope she is ok?

    Hello JIPWGP and LUVTCOOK,

    How are you both getting on?

    It’s so much easier when the sun is shining don’t you think?

    Off to do some planting now.

    Keep drinking(not booze) tee hee

    I have a new mantra( tune- mulberry bush) with a nice sing song voice ‘ I’m going to lose some weight today, weigh today, weight today ( repeat) and then then I can be bright and gay.

    Obviously ‘gay’ as in cheerful, I don’t plan to change my preferences, well not this year, who knows?

    Hi Samm, There is a song called ( count your blessing name them one by one ) start with that lovely daughter as No. 1
    I wish happiness and good health.
    There’s also a song on you tube it’s by Pharrel Willams called Happy, just type in Happy and there’s a young black guy laying on the bonnet of a car at the start. I bet your daughter would like it too and you could do the dance together a good laugh will make life a bit nicer I’ve done the dance, not a pretty sight but no one was looking. LOL. JIP

    Hi Jojo and all, just come in from a beautiful day out shopping in Swansea with my sister, it’s not a fasting day so we had a toasted sandwich for lunch, hope to have walked at least half the calories from the sandwich off. LOL Well a girl can hope!
    I fasted yesterday (Friday ) but put on 1/2 a pound, I am hoping it’s only water retention and does anyone know if diet coke adds to their weight on a fasting day? Because of the gain I am think of doing a B2B tomorrow and Monday. Happy fasting all. JIP

    This program stopped working for me, so I wish everyone good luck and happy losing. I’m going back to the 6 week body makeover. It’s restrictive, but the scale moved like crazy. Like 46 lbs. in 6 weeks with no hunger. I just miss wine, dairy, and salt. I’ll drink again when I do THAT again.

    Good luck to you all!

    hello and good bye Etherial, but before you go, because I have never seen you on here, can you tell me if you will, did you have a lot of weight to lose to do 46lb in 6 weeks if I read you right? That seems amazing! I lost 3 stone in 6 months and I thought I was amazing with taking steroids and thyroxine. Please let us know before you go and I wish you all the very best with what ever way we get this weight of ours under control. JIP

    Hi Etherial,
    46 pounds in six weeks would be considered dangerous. There are serious health hazards to such program’s and you do not learn the control that is vital to long term weight management. Please re-think your decision for your own sake. You know that people doing this diet will regain immediately.
    You will get support and help here, please stay.
    Hi JIPWGP, shopping trip sound great, my sisters live too far away to go shopping with which is a shame. I had dinner at home with my daughter. In the middle of this my washing machine decided to spill water and soap all over my kitchen floor from the soap box area. Great, a whole mess to clear up and it made loads more washing.
    I have stopped back to back now because I think it is less effective than alternate day(for me).
    Look after yourself and good luck.

    Hi jojo, thanks for your kind post πŸ™‚

    It seems to me like you must get plenty of carbs from veg because you keep your protein to 20% of calories and I know you’re not eating much fat. And there are whole cultures that get along fine without dairy, even if I do like yogurt and cheese myself and rely on them as a protein source. But I’m sure your nutritionist knows more about it than I do. BTW, I have a new ceramic pan and I love it, it is wonderful to be able to use only a teaspoon of fat to saute things on a fasting day and it cooks things beautifully and cleans up so easily.

    My part-time work is freelance elder care for elders with dementia and/or depression, which is work that you can only do well from a place of compassion, and I volunteer help with the knitting class at a senior apartment building on Mondays, but you remind me that I also want to volunteer with the group that cleans up and plants things where I walk in the woods down by the creek. I definitely believe in doing no harm to others and helping those in need. It is hard not to take personally the criticisms you heard from childhood, even if they were untrue and made no sense even then. But I try.

    Yoga is really tough for me because I am so stiff from the CFS/ME, osteoarthritis in my spine, and myofascial pain syndrome in my right shoulder/upper back/neck and my left hip/thigh/knee. I tried a class once and couldn’t stop crying because I couldn’t do any of the poses. Even in Zumba class I’m a complete klutz, can’t do lunges because my balance is terrible, spend half the time just doing the basic cha-cha step at half speed. But at least I’m doing something. Walking/hiking is still my favorite form of exercise, although I have had four falls in the past six months. I have to be careful just not to trip over my own left foot. My son commented today on how much faster I walk now, though πŸ™‚

    We had a *gorgeous* day here today, high of 66F (19C). My son and I got fresh grilled burgers (mushroom/artichoke/peppers on half a bun for me, grass-fed beef double cheeseburger for him) at our local food co-op for lunch, I took two walks for 11,000+ steps, started a summer knitting project, and made spaghetti with tomatoes, capers and olives for dinner with a side of cauliflower with lemon/parsley/basil/capers/olive oil sauce. Fast day all planned for tomorrow.

    I don’t recall seeing any posts from ply recently, hope we hear from her soon.

    JIP, it sounds like you had a lovely day, we did here, too πŸ™‚ You definitely did not gain a half pound of fat on a fasting day, that’s for sure. I can fluctuate up to a pound and a half a day for no apparent reason. It’s annoying when it fluctuates up right after a fasting day or on official weigh-in day, but I remind myself that I know for sure that I didn’t do anything that would cause me to gain that much fat, and so it will go away again. Not sure if my weight loss is slowing because I’m closer to goal or if it’s just the usual stall or slow-down I run into every 10 pounds or so, meaning it would then pick back up again if I just carry on.

    Good morning Franfit,
    What a lovely cheerful message to wake up to this sunny morning. I plan to do an hour in the garden, watering and planting followed by an hour at bowls. Then I am going out for a pub lunch in Sandwich( the place not the food), a real treat, Sunday as you know is my favourite non fast day. I may have bread with soup or roast potatoes at lunch,who knows? whatever takes my fancy. But I will not have another meal at tea time which I would have done in the past. I made some vegetable soup last night, using up all the odds and ends, quite a spicey job so I may enjoy a bowl of that. I cook so much more now, I may even take a few lessons after retirement, I fancy learning about Thai or Indian cookery.
    I decided not to weigh in today because I am becoming a bit obsessive about weighing, I will save the surprise for next Saturday. Eventually I would like to weigh on the first of each month, like a normal person, I still plan to get 7 lbs off this month, I know I can do it. I am waiting for the fast beach diet to arrive, it’s been dispatched.
    My nutritionalist has now worked out a plan for me, not too drastic. I have to include a small portion(3 oz) of dairy daily, yogurt, milk or 1 egg. I should get my carbs up to at least 20% of my daily food with a goal of 30 % gradually included. She is monitoring all them complicated blood tests so I do not get run down. Still taking garlic daily and kelp at each meal. Awaiting the results of vitamin levels which has been tested.

    Gosh your health problems sound a nightmare, I consider myself very lucky, I have bursistus in my right hip which can be very uncomfortable at night especially after long walks and I have a dodgy back, lower spinal weakness due to extra curvature but they are nothing to unduly concern me at the moment. Carry on regardless, that’s me. You should have seen me bowl yesterday, my back was killing me, each turn was hell but I stuck at it for an hour. My delivery was not the best but I need the practise, I have a match in two weeks. Don’t want to let the side down.

    Enjoy your woodland work, my bluebell and primrose area is coming on lovely. Now growing some more wild flowers, greater periwinkle, so colourful. I wanted to add snowdrops but they wouldn’t let me, non native plant (apart from the last 200 years of course). Where do they get off these purists? It’s not exactly Japanese knotweed.

    Ah well enough rambling, need a cuppa!
    Enjoy your Sunday

    Ply and LUVTCOOK, how are you doing?

    I don’t think we can help Etherial, she sounds determined to do the crash diet.
    Well done you though, 3 stone in six months is great. That took me 18 months with weightwatchers many years ago. I am 1 lb off 3 stone now which is why I was hoping to lose another pound this week, took me longer than three months though. Remind me how far you need to go now, memory like a sieve, I have, old age.

    Morning jojo,franfit and co. It’s another beautiful day in Wales, so I am fasting again has I have already said, today this will make it 4 fasts this week if I count Monday to Sunday as a my week. I have been thinking back to my weight loss with WW and when I was very committed to get it off ASAP, I used to walk even more than I do now and I would stop eating after 7pm every day. It’s my non fast days that I must get under control I am under the illusion that 5-2 is going to do it for me and more the (2) so from today I will not be eating after 7 pm.
    I have a pot that is called an actifry it’s only takes less than a tablespoon of oil for 1kl of veg and cooked in 40 minutes. It’s the best thing I have bought for years. I do think we need a little oil in our system to oil our insides. LOL.
    I was sorry Etherial is going back to another way of eating, I did look it up because that is what I do if anyone thinks something works. It’s a way of eating every 3 hours. I have already tried every diet going cover my life time so I will stick with my WW and 5-2 I can not give up now with the end in sight and with all your help I know I can do it. JIp

    Hi jojo, I also read all these lovely threads and get very mixed up on who is who and what we all have done, I lost 42lbs in 6 months like I said but 10 months to lose that last 10 lbs and I might have given up if I had not persuaded my sister to join me at my WW class. I wieghted in at 13 stone 13+1/2 lb. I was just glad I was not 14 stone and then I would have another stone to crash. I am 5ft 3 inches and my goal is/was 10 stone 1 pound, I know this is the top of my WW weight but this is what I like at 68 years! I know that I am not going to look good at 8 or 9 stone, I have never been small. 9 stone in my 20/30 and 10 stone in my 40’s etc etc. I am 10 stone 3.1/2 lb so 2+1/2 to get off. I would like to get under 10 even if only by a couple of pounds.
    I hope you have a lovely day out and enjoy your lunch I will only dreammmmmm.

    Good morning fast track friends! I apologize for being out of the loop lately. I have kept up reading all your posts, just have been very busy at work and home. It is once to hear that all are enjoying the spring weather. I am so glad to be finally past the long, cold winter we have had. Suddenly there are only about 5 weeks left in the school year, and for the first time in a very long time, I do not have a lot of summer work lined up, so I am looking forward to an active, yet relaxing time.
    Jojo, something slow cooked and warm sounds perfect for Sunday dinner for me too. I may steal your vegetable soup idea! Franfit’s shrimp and leeks sounds nice as well. SAMM, I hope your daughter’s party was wonderful for her and her friends. I do miss having kids, young and old, around the house!
    I followed my usual plan this week, but the scales did not move. For the first time on this plan, I felt hungry all week! I stuck to my calorie limits, however. I am not discouraged by the scale not moving, and I am confident it will next week. I pre-ordered the Fast Beach Diet book, but the iBooks version will not be available for a few weeks. As soon as it comes, I will try the plan. I am shooting to reach my goal of 35-40 pounds lost by the end of July, when I have a reunion party with high school friends and a physical scheduled with my doctor.
    I love reading all the posts, and I am filled with admiration for the positive attitudes, overcoming obstacles both physical and emotional, and the willingness to make the world a better place, in ways large and small.
    Happy fasting, all! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and posts!

    Hi everyone.
    Seems fat loss is fat loss no matter what your condition is. What seems to be the biggest difference is wether were active or not, wether we keep strong or not. I’ve started a new journal to track all I need to track. Just all my other serious attempts to control food. I have a more focussed attitude when I journal every little thing. I’m off fasting , but on calorie counting and keeping fish and the high vitamin foods.

    I went out and bought a coffee/tea maker. I’m committed to having perfect hydration. A doctor all but forbid me to drink alcohol when I was 33. Can’t remember exactly why, but wines for Heath are out. This leave me to explore water beverages. Im already off sodas, so I bought the water maker. I believe I can put a lot of nutrients into hot and cold waters , and the new appliance I now keep where the TV will be ever-present in reminding me to hydrate. Hmmm I mean also to say that my daily journal time is also my tea time. I live in the states. So tea time is not yet part of my routine. Like readers that settle into their book nook , I plan to journal everyday with a cup of healthy hydration. I still plan to transform from obese to an althete.only more carefully. After I adjust to diabetic trends I’ll go back to lifting for about 90 minutes a week. And H.I.I.T 3 times a week. My goal is to still to get to 174lbs. Currently 232.

    This morning drinking warm cherry and blueberry with stevia in a green tea.
    Also I starting to see that may keep the high energy days and the low energy days as long as I don’t mind trying to compensate daily instead of trying to get 1 number to fit everyday.
    Active days followed by rest days. Too match the calories and calorie types to match. I think it’ll be like riding a bicycle. Once I learn to manage diabetes , I’ll be able to manage fat loss and understand trends.

    I don’t think I’ll use fasting for weight loss any time soon. But when I do it will be on what I cal a fat attack week. When I go back to a diet geared for fat loss my goal will be 5 lbs a month. 1lb for 3 weeks then a 2lb week. For now I’m returning to calisthenics after meals only.

    Good luck everyone

    Hi Samm I like your thinking, I lost 3lb in 4 days on my first attempt at 5-2 and thought this was my salvation, loss has slowed down and I was wondering before I read your thread whether to go back to just WW’s only for 2 weeks and then have another fasting go. I only want to get a few ponds off and the meds I am on do not help on any diet. Good luck and please keep in touch. JIP

    Good evening Fastrackers,
    I am still full to bursting, I couldn’t eat all my roast lamb dinner, too much food on the plate. Hopefully I burnt it off by playing bowls this morning plus three hours gardening. The weather was so lovely, I could not stay indoors.
    Just having a nice fruit cuppa and watching country file Spring Special, then BAFTA’S.

    Probably got a few more mosquito bites today. It did occur to me today that taking anti-histamine for the past two weeks may be slowing up the weight loss. Anyone know whether this may be true? I will check with my friend(Doctor) to see if it causes fluid retention. I do not have any choice though, the bites get to dinner plate size if I don’t medicate, just allergic to the buggers.

    If you are up for a challenge this week, how about we both cut our fast day to 350 cals, basically just dinner, drink for the early part of the day only and do three alternate days? It may help you shift those last few pounds. And I can do some catch up. But one week only, I am not a saint. (Franfit and Ply – welcome to join us)

    Good to hear from you, seems we are both struggling at the moment. How much have you got to lose now. I am looking forward to fast beach book too, but I know I can do this anyway. More gardening this week will burn a few calories, plus lots of walking.

    SAMM, good luck with your new plan, I agree with journaling too, keeps you focused.

    Keep on fast tracking all. Slim and Sexy is where we are headed.

    Hi everyone, having a good fasting day here, walked and hiked to work this morning and back, took a nap (that’s me, work half a day, have to take a nap, lol), went for a short walk in the late sunny afternoon around the track twice at the college and over to our food co-op for a few things, 12,000+ steps. I miss gardening, no space for it at this apartment building and even my balcony only gets an hour of early morning sun a day, last summer a few lettuces and some begonias did thrive out there, but if the weather gets too hot the lettuces bolt, since the concrete balcony gets very toasty. Saving my calories for dinner, having the Vietnamese sea bass from the FastDiet Cookbook again tonight, it is really tasty and striped sea bass are in season here and won’t be for long, so we will enjoy them while we can. I’ll stir-fry some mushrooms, asparagus, scallions and spinach to go with it, use the same sauce for the veg that I use for the sea bass, heat up some leftover rice for my son to have with it. Then broil half a grapefruit for dessert, that is surprisingly tasty, too.

    My son wants to make pizza again tomorrow, and strawberry ice cream for dessert, well, I will enjoy it for sure, but eat less of it than I did on Mother’s Day. Sharing the cooking seems to keep both of us motivated to try new things and make something yummy. So even on non fasting days, if I’m hungry in the afternoon, I don’t mind saving my appetite for dinner πŸ™‚

    jojo, I have been wondering the same thing about antihistamines, the pollen and mold have been so bad here lately that I was taking loratadine daily plus two diphenhydramines every time I went for a walk because my nose kept running down my face whenever I went outdoors, this pretty much corresponded with my weight loss slowing, so now I’m trying to go without, just taking some diphenhydramine when my nose is running really annoyingly.

    I ordered the FastBeach book too, it’s supposed to be on its way here to me from the UK, it’s not available on Kindle here. Not sure how much I can up my game, but I would like to see if it has any tips I can use. Not ready for 350 calorie fast days, although, if I was actually doing 25% of my TDEE, I would be doing 400 calorie fast days. Will have to think about that if weight loss stays at 1/2 pound per week.

    SAMM, I think journalling is a great idea and I have confidence in your ability to master your diabetes instead of letting it master you. Don’t worry about not fasting, we like you just the same.

    JIP, I really like your determination to reach your goal and stay there πŸ™‚

    ply, how many more pounds to go to your July goal?

    jojo, I’m glad your nutritionist’s plan does not sound too drastic. It’s good if your pain doesn’t stop you from doing what you want to do, that pressing on doesn’t make anything worse. I am kind of used to my health problems at this point, I had three different things try to kill me between ages 41 and 47, as long as nothing is trying to kill me I try not to complain (much). I could get really tired of hearing myself talk about it, lol.

    Onward and downward, everyone πŸ™‚

    Not sure of the sexy path for me. It would be a different level of confidence thats for sure. Im heading towards stronger and capable of defending myself and others from inside and out. May the fast be with you. Good luck this week fast trackers!

    @samm, walk the sexy path with us!! πŸ™‚ btw, after your post last week about he neighborhood and dangers, I am sure you are aware from all your knowledge and research about the effect of constant stress on one’s mind and body…elevated cortisol and all that…combined with the physical stress of your job, it is a concern. I hope you are finding ways to de-stress while you are at home, but I kind of get the idea that you are somewhat of a Type-A personality. Stay safe and stay healthy.
    Jojo and Franfit, I am 18.4 pounds from my goal of 40 pounds lost. My goal weight is 126, which is quite ambitious for me. I am only 5’2″, but I seem to have dense bones or something, because I have never been able to maintain anything below 130. More than once a doctor has asked me to step on the scale again, because the number did not match my appearance, i.e., I looked thinner than the number on the scale. About 7 years ago, I was at 128-130 and feeling great, had maintained it for quite awhile and felt like I had found the secret. Then my son was in a horrible car accident and ended up in a wheelchair. My other son took it very hard. It was a nightmarish 6 months, with him in the hospital and rehab, and I gained 30 pounds that year, certainly stress-related. Please know that he is an amazing person, and within 8 months was back at college, graduated 2 years later, moved to Washington DC and worked for a senator, and is now at Harvard Law School. He is starting work tomorrow as a summer associate at the most prestigious law firm in the city. So, he has clearly bounced back, and I am still struggling with the weight, but am completely confident that 5:2 is the answer.
    Not sure why that story had to come out at this moment, but there it is! Looking forward to a good fast day tomorrow!

    Hi ply,
    Your son obviously takes after you, he is one in a million, take pride and enjoy the success. My son gave me grief for ten years I was on the point of giving up on him when he got a new girlfriend and took on the mantle of being an adult. Hooray! He is now holding down a successful career as a Graphic Designer. Everyone he meets say what a charming and charismatic lad. That’s my boy! I am proud and somewhat surprised, sorry but it’s a fact.
    I cannot wait until my goal is within sight. However my ex husband announced yesterday that he has put on a stone since I left him which means he is a stone less than me, now there is a short term goal. I have a feeling he might buck his ideas up if I pass him on the way down. He can lose it very quickly and is used to starving until the evening. However he shares my daughters love of sweet things and we all know where that ends.
    Anti-histamine can in rare cases cause weight gain, it’s official, now that is news I could do without, with four new mosquito bites. Ok prevention is now top priority. They bit me through thick leggings yesterday. Today I am buying Deet. Any other less toxic ideas guys I will try them all. Still on garlic capsules. I am seriously considering night raid on next doors pond to poison the fish(not really).
    I simply could not live without my garden but I am really missing running water and electricity as I live in an upstairs flat. May need to consider putting a socket in and possibly a third water butt, crazy I know. But my garden is therapy, it’s a colourful haven of hanging baskets and flowering bushes, climbers and millions of pots growing herbs, veg and flowers. There is also several comfy seats. Unfortunately no grass. Added to that is lots of solar lamps.
    Anyway must sign off, I have a man coming to fix my loo. Sounds rude but not really, just washer.

    Hi Franfit,
    I have decided to go ahead on 350 tomorrow and Saturday as I have a friend staying Wed to Thursday this week. She is a long term ‘at goal’ ww so it won’t be too harsh on the diet. She is also a vegetarian that eats fish so there will be no change to my evening meal.
    If any one had told me 6 months ago that I would be volunteering to eat only 350 cals in a whole day I would have thought they were totally insane. I feel so powerfully in control these days, it’s great. If I have what I want I don’t despair any more and give up, I just put more effort into the next day. I wonder how much of this is the diet and how much is down to cutting the shackles of a dull marriage.
    Ok, toilet fixed, now I must walk the dogs before ballroom fitness class. Enjoy your lovely sunny day fast trackers.

    You too can be sexy when you get that body builder body.

    Hey fasttrackers,
    Fast Beach diet is still unavailable in e US, but the app is available for download. It tracks all your food and exercise, and includes a lot of information as well. Between the app and what I can glean from the forum, I think I can figure out the Fast Beach plan without the book for now. I would like to start ASAP, and would be very happy to get down 10 lbs in the 6 weeks. I have been very faithful thus far, but I am sure I can tighten up the calories a bit on fast and non-fast days, and incorporate more intensity in my workouts. Check out the app and see what you think!

    Morning jojo and all, Jojo I do not think I can join you on your 350 cals fasting days even if it is only for 3 days. But I have read the rest of your thread and I also take antihistamine tablets and I take them all year round for few reasons/complaints that I have I have just read the enclosed leaflet and amongst other things it says trouble passing urine, would this be the same type of thing as water retention?
    I am feeling very proud of myself this morning and I would like to share the reason with my pals on here.
    Checking my pedometer this morning it says
    82,870 steps for 6 days
    33.97 miles plus I played bowls twice, Tuesday and Thursday.( mind you my steps for bowling are included in the total.
    I must be going to lose weight tomorrow.
    Happy fasting all JIP

    Sounds like a lot of steps, JIP!

    “Powerfully in control” love it Jojo, an awesome mantra for sure!

    Just a quick note
    Out tonight, badminton – so I may not get time to comment later.
    Tried tesco ultra slim snack, sour cream and black pepper flavour crisps – 90 cals
    Interesting and you can certainly taste the pepper. Just fancied having something crunchy and salty.
    I have done ballroom fitness(bloody hot) and yoga( very relaxing) today. Also walked my dogs around a very hot park.
    Off to do some gardening now
    Hope you are all enjoying the weather
    Good luck Ply with you fast beach, join you next week.
    JIPWGP, very impressed with you step count. I really must get my pedometer out!

    Good Morning Fast Trackers,

    Well I am going for it today, wish me luck, 350 cals only. I will drink water and fruit/herb tea all day and then prawns stir fry with peppers, onions, noodles and tomatoes for dinner. Luckily I am working today and I have choir practise tonight. I will do gardening after work and have a bath, long soak after choir. Keeping busy is the only way for me. Actually I also have a pile of ironing and about 8 books queuing up for me to read so no time for slacking.

    I suffering from lack of energy yesterday (left badminton an hour early last night) which was not helped by constant snacking(all counted) which is strange. Perhaps I had too much sun on Sunday, I did spend several hours in the garden.

    Weighed in this morning, same as Saturday, so I will be able to measure the effect of losing a further three hundred calories this week but more importantly avoiding the three meals per day that I have done since I started fasting. I have read successful stories of many fasters on here who lose weekly by doing this(proper water only fasting) so it’s my turn to give it a go before I start Fast Beach next week. Just walking planned today, nothing much, possibly 5000 steps total.

    Bye for now my friends, supporters and muse’s.

    Good luck Jojo and good morning, fasttrackers!
    am debating whether to go back to 5:2 for a week or two. 4:3 is getting a little tiresome, and I don’t want to lose motivation. I did a HIIT workout last night, and am feeling a bit sore, in the good way that makes you know you pushed yourself a little. I liked the feeling of giving it my all, albeit for a short time, but that is what HIIT is all about. I am going to add in 3 of these workouts to my regular routine. I also plan to incorporate some strength training starting next week, since my traveling is over after tomorrow and I will have a little more control over my schedule.
    I may try a 350 day tomorrow, since I will be giving a presentation, then driving a long way home. I can easily avoid food all day, then look forward to dinner when I arrive at home. Hoping to shock the scales into moving…iI would love to reach the 25 pound mark by June 1, which is 3.5 pounds. Happy fasting and think thin, everyone!

    I like the variety in your 350 cals. what about brocoli?
    Thst almst a stir fry?

    Great job on the hiit in a 4:3 week ply !

    Hi all,
    Well so far, so good, I honestly have not been hungry all day. I was walking from 10.30 to 12.45, very slow pace with children but also buggy pushing over grassy areas, quite hard work.

    I will have dinner at 5.30 pm before choir. This is doable twice per week. Let’s see if it works.

    Ply, I admire you, I still haven’t got into hit, just don’t enjoy it. Keep trying but not sticking with it. Shame we don’t live nearer we could do it together. Good luck with the 350 cals. Honestly it is so much easier than I thought.

    I still can’t get over how much I have changed in my relationship with food. Saying that I have just picked Seabass and Eton mess from a menu for Friday night at a restaurant. A group of us girls are seeing the new Mondrian Exhibit at the local gallery then eating in their restaurant overlooking the sea. Can’t wait. Tomorrow night I am going to a dance show at the Marlowe in Canterbury, Vincent and Flavia from Strickly Come Dancing. Should be good too. Sorry SAMM you need to live in the UK for the last TV show reference. Are you a dancing sort of guy or a head banger( rock music reference) ?

    Today I have had a few moments to think about my retirement and the endless opportunities it presents me. Courses in landscape design, Indian Cookery, more gym classes – I am really up for it.

    Life is good, so happy.

    Bye for now from your fasting friend Jojo

    Sounds like you are doing great, Jojo! I envy your social events. It would be nice to have a buddy to HIIT with!!
    And I especially envy your retirement plans! Glad you are looking forward to learning new and exciting things. You will surely be slim, energized, and ready!

    Hi ply and ft’s
    Just hitting the sack, it’s been a very busy day with lots of organising, phone calls, letters and emails. Choir was a struggle as we are learning new songs. The sopranos always sing the melody which is why I stay with them when I should probably be an alto. We are doing two numbers from ‘les mis’ which are great and others are focused on WW1 concert. Not exactly cheerful songs but good choral numbers.

    I think it’s a bit ambitious to say I will be slim in time for retirement as that is in July, only 9 weeks away but I hope to knock off another stone by then(still will be 4 stone overweight, still better than 7, over half way point) If my body cooperates I think I can do this. Beach diet book still has not arrived so I may not be starting it next week, no time to read it until Saturday anyway, I am assuming there will be lots of shopping to do for it. I don’t have time to go out daily. Yes I am having fun at the moment, catching up on all those years of staying in watching telly, eating rubbish and being bored witless. No blame being placed, I was too stupid and scared to leave my marriage

    Ok Franfit and JIPWGP, I got out my blue ‘bonus buddy’ ww pedometer, aim for 10,000 steps tomorrow. I vaguely remember my dog walk being about 4,000. I am at a Forest School tomorrow too so that is all walking and standing. Feeling tired already.

    Night, night, slim tights

    Hi jojo, JIP, SAMM, ply, all fasttrackers, been very busy here, but still on plan πŸ™‚ will catch up soon.

    I’m not agreat dancer. I have fun dancing , but usually get a lot of pointing and laughing. Slow dancing is nice when I’m with someone I like. May be boring to other ,but I’m more of a nature lover. I love being in the woods or on my boat with no sounds at all except the critters or waves and the wind. I guess my favorite sound In whole wide world is listen to children laughing. Second is race cars, and third is the sound my sail makes the first time I take the boat out in spring, after get away form the dock. After turn the motor off and raise the the sail, point aside the wind and it makes this great puff sound as it catches the wind . And like a toy I’m carried across the waves.
    I do like a uk tv show that comes on in the states. Called last of the summer whine. I only have one daughter so I try to expose her to different cultures and age ranges. We giggle together watching that show from the DVR .

    I gained 2 lbs so now I’m 231. 174 is my goal, and I’m stil in a reading frenzy. I’m glad I learned to eat new foods while on 5:2. It has given me great confidence to adapt the healthiest diet and appropriate exercise for my situation. H.I.I.T will become apart of my life. As well as eating foods that trickle sugars rather than gush.
    I finding it very difficult to turn off my wanting to fast. Now that I mastered it I mean. Just whining I suppose. Ive decide to try lose weight once a month. 2lbs a month I feel will be safe. While I’m learning this new menu. That’s still 24 lbs a year. Short term I can’t help but notice how close to 50lb mark I am starting at 274 , now 231. Know I’ve lost some muscle although it’s very tempting to press on to a frivolous diet goal number. I’m taking the advice to stabilize , read and learn, change and grow. As for obsessing over food? I still obsess over what I drink . Using food as my calories and drinks for my health. Im loving to make dark powdered chocolate unsweetened in Icee. I was experimenting with daughter and found just the right spike. Using stevia balance it. Instead of pizza or other unhealthy foods that we used to sit and eat together. She and I chat with healthy drink time before. Bed time. I had to learn to keep my mouth shut about obsessing over health benefits . And just enjoy the company , and mostly just listen. I find the time very worthwhile. Much better than trying to parent while hustling about.

    For all my dieting effort , my friends are hardly interested, I mean besides 5:2 friends. It’s a personal journey and what I realize it’s less about the weight and more about portions. Learning not to over eat. Learning that fir me personally I exercise more within a group. Looking back to last year when I got my wife and child on exercise balls a few evenings to watch tv I stead of lounging on the couch. My daughter still sits on the balls. I was so surprised when she started turning the TV off and invite me to play child games on balls. We even sword fight with those swim noodles. She’s thinking of the fun , I’m thinking to myself I’m glad were moving around. They grow up so fast. I’m very glad to give her attention nowdays. With health as the routine instead of junk foods and tv.

    SAMM, you are such a sweetie, I loved reading about you and your daughter spending time together πŸ™‚ They do grow up so fast, don’t they? Hopefully you did not lose muscle, I don’t really see how you could have with all the exercise you were doing. I would be in a reading frenzy, too. I know you will figure this out.

    When I get more experience with the diabetic diet ill start a thread here on 5:2 that I geared for any diabetics. It really is a tricky health factor. Using diet to get into DNA repair mode vs losing weight. While monitoring blood sugar. However its possib l e but restrictive. Not exactly 5:2 but just like5:2 is a variantof adf because it something that is doable. I believe there may also be a doable days for diabetics.

    Especailly the exercise threads

    Just a quickie, had to let you know, 1.1/4 lbs off since yesterday, so 350 and all day fast worked for me. Passed 3 stone marker too, hooray, hooray!
    Love to all.
    Pedometer on today
    SAMM – lovely posting.

    Congratulations Jojo – 3 stone is amazing!

    Cath x

    Congratulations! Keep up the good work!

    Let’s hope I don’t undo all the good work while I have my visitor and three social nights ahead of me. I think I will avoid breakfast and lunch again on Friday before my meal out.
    Just enjoyed a very filling lunch of spicey home made vegetarian soup and prawns, I even had two small slices of brown bread and butter, naughty but nice. So full now!
    Theatre tonight, can’t wait
    Be good fasters!

    Hi ,

    I recommend to β€˜change foods’ rather than restrict them. I want to find which workouts work for fat losing that do not cause too much pressure to the whole body. I am looking for a strategy that performs weekly and is maintainable. I cannot pressure enough that it must be a proper and balanced strategy, I do not see the factor in making myself ill.
    in my opinion you will use green vegetable in your food and paleo diet food is the best for all..

    Hi Samm, jojo,franfit and club 5-2.
    I admire your determination, one of the ladies I go to WW with was 19 stone and lost about 4 stone for her son’s wedding day shortly after it she lost her husband very suddenly after a very short illness and of course WW was the last thing on her mind, a oouple of years later she gave WW’s another go this is when she joined my sister and a few other at WW’s class. She had put a stone back on and wanted to minimise the damage, she has lost over 50 lb in just under 2 years. We all go to al lovely coffee shop after our morning weigh-in. One day she said I will treat us all to a custard ice slice when I have lost 2 stone, 2 stone came and went and she kept moving the goal posts. We will have one when I get to I to the 13 stones, well on reaching the 50 lb we celebrated, there were 6 of us ladies that morning and she bought 3 cakes asked for 6 plates and to have the cakes cut in half. Her reasoning was she was going to spoil us all but not our effort to reach our goals. We all had a good laugh and enjoyed our little indulgence. We can do this together everyone. Abip

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