Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 16,657 total)

  • I see my GP on Wednesday. I don’t feel ill at all. I haven’t had a physical 1 year 6months . So when the scaledropped I made an appointment. Right now I would just be guessing. I usually get ten pound drop when I plateau. Which woulsseem odd because I haven’t fasted for very long this year.
    I keep thinking I’ll go in and be more knowledge about my foods than the GP. I’m not going in for dietary advice , but rather make sure I’m healthy in all other aspects from a simple exam point of view. I know there were days I was was just flat out out of food fuel , but pushing on. Like in a mad rush of anger adrenalin competing. Sweating like a basketball player for hours on end, yet incorporating the compound lift movements , like pull ups and squats, alternating between marching, and speed walking. Starting to sprint for 20 seconds. I’m just guessing , than some of is a combination of muscel, fat, and fluids. But im still at 231. Thing is. I was expecting a 3-5 loss at my monthly weigh in. Only got lb loss and felt disappointed . Then. Was 15 lbs down on the same scale. Stepped on 4 other scales to make suremine was accurate Today. Only other factor is a round of cold and flu went through the warehouse. I had mild symptoms, I kept on on zinc , vitaminC , good water, salt water . An I was an exercising fool through it all four days of symptoms. I understand that the flu can sometime increase metabolism in addition. I had an average daily calorie restriction of 500 calories less than sedentary from
    BMI ,So I’ll have to wait and see what my GP says. I don’t care how I lose weight ad long as it’s safe and promotes better health. Even if takes 5 years. , getting to goal in safe healthy way is my approach. 5:2 seems to offer a flexibility to enjoy life while losing a little , but more importantly not gaining weight.

    At Franfit
    I really hope you get a trampoline, however I suggest jumping jacks until you do.
    Until this moment I have only thought about jumprope for lymphatic circulation. But yes trampoline does sound like great family fun and has the same effect, maybe even be that elusive exercise that be practiced on fasting days. Without triggering appetite. I’m going to look for deals! Thanks made my day.

    Guess where my stall was, right next to the bloody cake stall. Usually this would be ok because they sell out quickly but today was wet and windy so no such luck. I am sorry but I let the side down, carrot cake, rock cake and lemon butterfly cake all consumed during my four hour shift, do I feel sick? No! Not a bit. So lunch and dinner cancelled in favour of soup. This does not bode well for the scales tomorrow. What caused this lack of will power, worry. My daughter was at the hospital today, we thought she had strep throat but it turned out to be severe Tonsillitus. She is in a very bad way every swallow is agony. She has been given liquid medication so let’s hope she can get it down and keep it down.
    Great write up, sounds like you are well organised and determined. SAMM please try swimming if you get some free time, this was my physio after my foot operation last year. I swam for an hour per day, it really helped my foot become mobile again especially after the cast was removed.

    Great work on the 1/2 lb, how far from your goal now? I am sure you can get bra’s that cope with two cup sizes, a friend had one – I will ask her.

    My thoughts – I think 2lb per week is very achievable and I don’t think plateaus are inevitable. I truly believe we need to analyse everything we eat and find out what works for us. I do not think carbs and sugar work for anyone that doesn’t exercise strenuously for one hour minimum per day. I think we all need to drink more water, not tea or coffee.
    I think we need to identify early in our lives if we are at risk of getting fat, look at parents or get tested, then adjust our lifestyles. Everyone should weigh in at least monthly, no burying heads in the sand(like I did). Everybody needs to walk 10,000 steps per day if they are physically capable, if not ‘chair exercises’ or swimming is essential.

    I think all parents need to educate themselves and their children about healthy food, schools already have too much to do.

    Trying sage tea today, have loads in the garden, it’s supposed to improve the metabolism. i know it tastes vile because I tied it for a throat infection once but I am determined to improve my metabolic rate.

    Good luck all, off to bounce for a bit, in more than one sense of the word.

    Thumbs up on all that cake. If ever there was a away to live out a cake fantasy .I suppose I wouldn’t want to miss out on that life experience either. I mean why the hell not. What is intermittent mean if not to have and have not.

    As far as bras. Well what can a man say? I’ve gottem, but know one cares! I would suppose this would be how I would approach. The best jobs go to the best job hunters is the advice my mom always gives to me when looking for a job. I think that would apply to a specialty bra as well. There must be a market for them.or a seamstress out there just waiting on your call.

    Next I want to try 5:2 if my GP says I’m ok. What I’ll do is start my fast with my last meal at 5am lunch Friday morning. And have 600 calories till 5pm Saturday. will look like this.

    Thuds day 11pm 500 calories.
    Start work at11:59 pm
    Friday 5am 500 calories
    Off work at 11:59am
    Saturday 5 pm 300 calories
    Sunday 5am 300 calories
    Sunday 11pm 500 calories

    So that would be 600 calories in 43 hours , but 16 hours sleep.
    This would give focus on food energy calories for work.

    During the work week I’ll try to just do fruits and vegtables. Mostly.
    Planning a typical day

    Meal 1 1hr before work 11pm 500 calories
    Oatmeal with red grapes and nuts. Mixed with pumpkin for variety.

    Meal 2 at lunch time 500 calories.
    Vegetables and Fruits that can be eaten raw.
    Whey protein shake.

    Meal 3 with family
    Mostly fish or chicken. 500 calorie counted.
    Cooked vegetables.

    This will put me at 6000 calories below sedentary BMI for the week just under 2lbs .
    Which will leave room for all the other stuff that I don’t plan to eat , but somehow get in there anyway.

    I’m going to back off the jump rope to just twice and move to after sleeping when I wake up. Because I do t want to stop improving my jumping skills and stamina, but also want to use it a metabolism booster. When eating the oatmeal.

    I agree with education on sugars . I don’t think I quite understood the role sugar plays in when we burn fat!
    Eat to much and it turns to fat even if it was fat free food.


    jojo, isn’t it good that tomorrow is always another day? I’m fortunate in that worry, grief, sadness, etc. make me lose my appetite rather than reach for the food. I’d be happy to loan you that next time you need it 😉 I hope your daughter recovers quickly.

    I’m 9 to 14 pounds above goal, depending on how I look and feel when I get there. I’m tending to think, just lose 50 pounds even (12 pounds from goal)), and maintain in a range 3 pounds up or down from that; I’d be in pretty much in the high center of my baseline adult weight range. The lower end of the range (97-98 pounds) was really too low, even I thought so at the time and would eat more to gain if I got that low.

    I think education about food not only needs to happen at home, it primarily *does* happen at home; whatever we eat, whatever our relationship with food, whatever we feed our kids, they absorb all of that, both good and bad. So it pays to be mindful of what we’re modeling. What they hear and see at school is secondary, even though it can seem dominant for a while.

    SAMM, glad you’re feeling OK, hope you get great blood work results when you see your GP, and I think you probably do know a lot more about food than the vast majority of docs!

    SAMM, I wish your blood tests turn out great! For me you are a constant inspiration, especially regarding the systematic way in which you approach things, and also thank you for your advice on how to cut down on smoking, I think I will try your suggestions:)



    I think looking at something like this got it rolling for me.


    Many years ago as the Internet was fast becoming a place to see information in image equal to a thousand words.
    Pick one factor every year and replace with something that decreases mortality risk.
    This year I’m eating more grilled fish.

    Smoking is the hardest, and will change the metabolism ,is easier to pack on pounds, but after five years the metabolism returns to pre smoking. Well I have no reference to pin that on. Really though it was micheal Mosley’s video that. Just plain spoke to me on my obesity. Where I had no hope – there was a way. As I started working on improving my situation . The more I want to apply what I’m learning.

    The biggest factor in my waiting smoking. I have to say was I was simply determined to be a non smoker. That’s it! Everything else was just a tool. Oh. Except to avoid caffiene. , because it makes you Ancy and if anything makes a person want to lite up it would be feeling Ancy.

    I went to bed early also . Avoided my smoking friends. Weird how smokers can bond in the area. I took up cigars. To stay in the loop. Big mistake! I got addicted again even though I wasnt inhaling it! I mean WTF! I quit smoking, drinking, speeding, eating better, and got fatter and fatter till I lost all hope. Not sure if it micheal that suggest the concept of 5:2, but it was his journey that he shared that had me give it a go.

    Well that made my Friday nights a whole lot more boring. Until I put more effort into social aspects of my life. A man I encounter in a waiting line once said.
    You can be what ever you want. If you want to be a sky diver hang out with sky divers. If you want to be a police or fireman? Hang out with police and firemen . If you want to be a druggie hang out with druggies.
    I believe the same is true for smokers. If they want to be a non smoker. Hang out with the non smoking crowd.
    This is exactly what I’m doing right now. I want to be a dieter. I’m hanging out with dieters. I already drove my Facebook friend nuts with my before pics. Lol I’m not pretty! ;p

    It’s the chart.
    It’s the people.
    It’s the determination !
    Do what works for you and try try again!

    Ok going to eat. Help metabolize the food by Raising my heart rate from calisthenics. And then cut the grass. Then I believe instead of an alcoholic beverage I’ll drink a blueberry antioxidant beverage and play scrabble with the neighborhood kids.

    Good morning FastTrackers,
    Not surprisingly I only lost one pound this week, but frankly I am lucky it was one when I look at calories consumed and exercise taken. But I am not on the slippery slope and have vowed to loose 2 pounds this week. Starting today I will add an extra fast day 4 : 3. I will also ensure that I have two hours walking per day, I have spent far too much time on the sofa this week.
    The sage tea, made in a pot was actually ok, much better than I remembered so I will drink that this week instead of fruit tea. Still drink four pints of water though. My body still doesn’t get used it it, does anybodies? I am in the loo every half an hour without fail.
    My daughter is on the mend thanks, liquid medicine, what a blessing, plus soup and even a little rice pudding consumed to build her strength up. I suspect she will loose a few pounds.
    I too, was a smoker once, best thing I ever did was giving it up, lungs were taking a real beating. I think everyone has an addictive gene, used for good or evil as far as your body is concerned.
    Do you all have your before pictures in prominent positions? My slim picture is on my fridge door right next to my fat one. Just keep reminding yourself you can look good again. In my case I am one third of the way there so it will be a long journey.

    Back on track girls and boys, lets go!

    Hi SAMM,
    What was that link, number of deaths and causes?
    I could not believe it?

    I am the queen of grilled fish, what have you tried? Are you buying from a fish monger? Are you checking it is not farmed fish?

    Good morrow JoJo.
    Yes! In fact those are the statistics for the number of preventable deaths each year. 
    I quit smoking in 1991 and cravings for ten years.
    Only thing I can say I believe that quitting is contagious!

    Then it’s poor nutrition?  Hard to believe isn’t it.   Mostly in poorer regions,  but ever human being matters, and so should be included in the statistics.  I think that one is just for the US though.

    Why it matters enough for me to share that ?  I have this idea in my head about why many obese people whom exercise frequently still live into their 90s.   There getting a lot of vitamins and minerals and don’t circumb to deficientcy.   However when obese don’t exercise they have good chance of being on that government chart.   In fact I’ve been noticing that the smoking and obesity rates change only slightly , but always a magnitude above all other preventable deaths.   

    This why my approach to fasting isn’t to avoid hunger as primary goal.  It’s to get 50% or more RDA of vitamins and minerals from the foods I eat.   Then the secondary goal of a fast day is to avoid hunger pangs.
    The whole other factor is exercise which is recommend  if it is possible.   The wonder of 5:2 is it is unlikely to cause malnutrition, yet still lose fat slowly  even if sedentary.

    My personal issue was that even though I was strong enough to exercise , my pain made it unbearable and trying to overcome it brought on feeling of being overwhelmed. 
    Watched the Eat, Fast ,Live Longer video and it made sense that I could lose some of my weight even while sedentary.  Then I watched The Truth About Exercise. I took from that that I could avoid the Manu hours of pain of exercise by doin it 
    luckily after getting professionally fitted shoes , lots of therapy . And perhaps long long healing I’m able to walk and pain of walking is less than a bee sting now.  Im so used to it that. I just accept it will always be there. And So!  I choose a job specifically to increase my N.E.A.T and on third shift to avoid UV  exposer.
    Since I love to sail on weekends I decided I would minimize my sunlight exposer during the week. HAW sort of 5:2 for UV exposer just occurred to me.  

    YES, I drive to New Orleans to buy their Catfish  which has vitaminD. Because I’m avoid sunlight I know I still need vitaminD. I’m not fond of milk and vitaminD in milk is fortified anyway.   I this concept the best vitamins and minerals are most likely superior if another life form had metabolized it and them I’m eating that as my food,  especially fruits and vegtables.   Don’t get me wrong I like COWS I love to eat them, just in the right measure.  Which cut way way way back, cause I used to be a supermarket butcher.  I got great deals.   
    I read an article about what is about meat in general that is the dark side.   Almost 70% of animal meat in the US is infected. It must be cooked not to make it taste better , but because it may make you sick if you eat it.  Further more. The amount of animal fat in the infected meat is a burden on the immune system .   Hence the hot dog message that eating hot dogs everyday can kill you.      While there is a message for that .  The article I read many years earlier put it this way.    Eat only 20 meals a month of meat, .      

    This made think and think , because it very difficult to change eating habits.     only 20 meat meals a month?

    All breakfasts ceral
    All lunches salad
    Meat for dinner 5 days a week 
    Spaghetti one day, beans another.  

    Look familiar?    5:2

    When added fish two days a week  and chicken 1 , BBQ ribs 1 day.
      1 favorite steak a week a big fat juicy rib eye ith mashed sweet potatoes, corn bread,carrots and spinach salad as a feed day meal.

    This was my typical diet before turn to 5:2.  Except I never ate fish.  

    So now with 5:2 my focus on animal fat is easier with fish three days a week. I actually see the boat it comes in on. For the second time I’ve made the trip.  Wife made use a rental car .   

    Anyhoo .  This 5:2 thing it’s like I put in a little effort in include all the recomendations about what eat and not to eat. This 5:2 IF does have room to fit it all in.  I surprised that even 4:3 could get all the nutrition in too .  7 vegetables on a fast day is easy,  by using fish instead of chicken,pork,or beef makes fast days simply simple.

    Here’s the second surprise I found by using fish, cat fish in particular.  Both catfish and red kidney beans have a substance in them that help you become sensitive to being full.   Nothing else comes close.   They don’t make you feel full they make sensitive  to the full feeling.  So soup and lots of it right after eating. Followed by tall drinks.   

    When I go 4:3 I do feel hungry for  15 hours during the week , but the red beans for lunch and catfish for dinner are able to avoid hunger pangs.
    Hungry , but without hunger pangs.   And that that I’m getting 150% RDA 
    It’s no wonder im strong advocate of this 5:2 concept.

    It’s just that the catfish tastes like catfish!  It’s better batter dipped, but it’s still tasty grilled. I love salmon, but it’s too far to drive to Alaska  for their vitaminD wild salmon.  I do get it from a market near the airport, and the owner let have a look as long as I didnt take pictures. I’m happy with what I get.  

    The only other thing is with chicken.   I boil it in water as to let the fat rise to the surface , and skim it off leaving only the meat.   Chicken is 30% fat. And most likely infected. So I take no chances.   Even though it tastes best at 150 degrees I boil it up to 220 and smother it with BBQ .   

    I dare say I eat better on 5:2 than any other time in my life.
    I don’t miss out on meals with family and friends . If I was next to cake booth I’d be first and last in line too!

     Sadly my enthusiasm is quelled.  This job I took is more demand than I can  put 5:2 on. However as remind myself of the preventable death statistics.
    Ad long as I’m getting the correct nutrition , it will only be a matter of managing my macro nutrition , carbs, protein, fats.   
    I’m just not  using starchy foods, animal fats, or sugary drinks. To get energy boost.  I keep dried fruits and some nuts in a baggie at work in my pocket.  When I start feeling low energy, I nibble,  I also keep a water melon in the fridge in commons area. I share with everyone. As water melon has the best water intake. My understanding is watermelon water assimilates even faster than tap water.  But it has sugar calories.     All things considered  and not forgetting watermelon is antioxidant rich.   I believe my job is sort of like they are paying me to lose weight a long ad count my calories.   I estimate 2-3 pounds per week.

    Sheesh where the time go.   
    Hope you have a good day.  

    Quitting smoking was just following a plan,figuring out that nutrition needs change, and is actually hard to get just enough without going over.  Then exercise and adjust for that?   It no wonder the statistic is so high. 
    There to many choices !  And many companies add stuff for profit reasons only.  Its enough to spin heads off!  

    So for me it was making it simple.  Cereal and salad lunch.
    Fish 3days a week  MWF
    Tuesday Meatless spaghetti
    Thursday Beans –   Actually hummus stuffed peppers  yummy! 
    Steak Saturday
    BBQ RiBs Sunday

    I plan to skip rope H.I.I.T on the beef and pork BBQ days.

    I mean HAY!   This is dieting?  The scale  says it is albeit very slowly. 
     42 lbs so far. 

    Ply24 great going!

    Good evening fast trackers,
    Well I have had a good fast day, no cakes or bacon butties for me today. I have been a very good girl. I walked with the dogs for an hour and played bowls for an hour.

    SAMM, your postings are so long, have you thought of writing a book about your experiences? Only joking, focus on the diet and healthy lifestyle. I rarely eat red meat or even chicken, mainly fish, seafood and vegetarian options. I like omelettes and have put some very unusual fillings in them. Try onions, peppers and zero noodles with sweet chilli dressing added. Honestly it’s fab and filling. Skate wing and red snapper are delicious too, lightly pan fried in a ceramic pan with a glass lid, minimum butter, one teaspoon only. I don’t eat bread, potatoes or rice so my carbs are all from fruit and veg.

    Keep drinking all, another week before weigh in, here’s to success! Should be ok this week as three fasts planned and only one meal out booked.

    Hi jojo, congratulations on a good fast day. I’m making some modifications for Mother’s Day, since I usually fast on Sunday (I work half a day, so it works out well for me), but my son has made coffee ice cream and will be making homemade pizza with artichokes, mushrooms, mozzarella and pine nuts — no, he’s not trying to sabotage me, it’s what I asked for, he’s really good at pizza and ice cream — so I’m doing 20:4 ahead of it and will do a 16:8 tomorrow with roughly 50% of calories both days, maybe a bit less tomorrow, but I work a split shift tomorrow and then a full day on Tuesday. Have a complete fast planned for Wednesday and a 16:8 that I may change to a fast day Friday, depending on how I feel. I don’t want things to slow down as I get close to my goal, but it may be inevitable at a lower TDEE, we’ll see. I’m starting to think about transition and maintenance. I might do a couple of 16:8s every week in addition to 6:1 to get the benefits of fasting, I feel like there’s going to be a visceral fat problem even at BMI ~ 18.5.

    Good morning FastTrackers,
    Another pound off, only 2 days late, not bad, 500 cals really works for me. Thanks goodness for zero noodles which are so filling with some stir fry and prawns. Miso soup is brilliant too, so few calories. Any other low cal, low carb ideas folks?
    I need a change from porridge or egg for breakfast, any ideas? I prefer to food generally.

    Today is my full on exercise day, ballroom fitness, yoga, gym and badminton. I also need to squeeze in a dog walk, shopping and tending for the sick so time is of the essence. This is not a kettlebell or bouncing, skipping day – I alternate these with gym days but strongly recommend them – altogether they take 35 mins and leave me cream crackered and very flushed.
    Start the day on 2 boiled eggs, miso soup for lunch, stir fry of pepper, onions, leeks, green beans, brocolli, noodles and plaice for tea. Interspersed with 4 pints of water, sage tea(increase metabolism)plus supplements of garlic(ward off biting insects) and kelp tablet per meal for bulking and nutrition.
    Anything else you recommend?

    I have found 30 grams of almonds interspersed with 30 grams of dried fruit works well, crunch and sweetness, keeps me away from chocolate and crisps in the evening. Ply I never forget my Brazil nut either but .i treat myself to a whole one, just no control, what can I say!

    We all need more info. If we are going to win this battle, keep sharing your tips please.

    Enjoy your Mothers Day Lunch Franfit, it’s great when our kids to something for us for a change isn’t it. My son cooked Christmas Day lunch last year, goose, it was amazing. Only took me an hour to wash up afterwards, every pan used, teehee. I have to admit pizza has never been my thing, I am a pastry girl. Now beef Wellington or Cornish pastry – homemade of course – heaven.

    I may try fish pie with sweet potato and noodle topping, could work if I cook the fish first, make a change and still low carb. We need to prevent food boredom, it’s a slippery slope.

    Raining here again, fed up with this weather, need some sun. I really enjoy gardening and sun bathing with a good book. I feel a trip abroad coming on! Half term can’t come soon enough for me. Up, up and away!

    Good luck all, keep fasting!

    Good evening FastTrackers,
    What a day! It did not go according to plan at all. Got to the car this morning to do my shop and found a very flat tyre. Upon inspection I discovered the inside rim worn through entirely. So I had to empty all the ‘forest school’ gear out of the boot and change the tyre. The jack( never used before) was the worst thing ever, so slow and laborious both raising and lowering. All that effort just to drive it to a garage two miles away for them to replace both front tyres with new ones and adjust the tracking. Still it could have been worse it could have blown when I was travelling at speed. £200 quid bill, just what I needed after ordering my new bowls (£120) this morning. My neighbour was truly impressed that I had not requested his help, except to use his swarfega hand cleaner and outside tap. Which reminds me I must teach my daughter to change a tyre.
    Anyway I missed both dance and yoga which I am really fed up about. I am off to book club to present ‘the shock of the Fall’ by Nathan Filer, tonight, then on to badminton for an hour.
    My food plans all changed because I had to eat at my daughters, quiche salad for lunch followed by a creme caramel dessert( don’t worry) all counted, then soup for tea( pea and bacon) yum. Supper may be a banana sandwich as
    I am feeling the need for some carbs.
    Fasting tomorrow – how is everyone doing?

    Good grief, jojo, you have had a day! Good for you for changing the tyre, my mother taught me how when we had a flat when I was 16, but have not had to do it in many years. Most cars in the States now, they screw the wheels on with a mechanical wrench, you really can’t get them off with elbow grease, not even if you jump up and down on the tyre iron thingy (I’ve tried, albeit at the lower end of my weight range), you have to call the auto club to renew the membership you let expire because you hadn’t needed them in so long, and then wait for them to show up, lol.

    My plan was to do a 16:8 at 50% of TDEE today to make up for Mother’s Day homemade pizza and ice cream (which were delicious), but woke up at 2 am and could not get back to sleep and had things to do today, so, ate a 300 calorie breakfast instead of planned 200 calorie mid-afternoon snack and am walking less than I planned to, it’s also very warm and muggy here today, like 20 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than we were having, I’m not used to 80-some degrees F yet. If I push myself too hard I just risk a CFS/ME relapse, it’s not worth it. Plan for a 500 calorie dinner. So still kind of a half-fasting day.

    BTW, I apparently cannot do arithmetic correctly. Even though I lost only 1/2 pound last week it still came to 38 pounds in 38 weeks 🙂 and I saw the number 118 on my scale again this morning, have hopes of holding it there for 39 pounds in 39 weeks 🙂

    Just got home after my first ever 16 hr day ! On the clock and out paced everyone. I just can’t believe it.
    Sorry for not reading the other post , just scanned. Ready to shut the eyes.

    Let’s see let’s see. I dieting tip, says JoJo?

    A whole coffee bean , a raw Lima bean , a whole Serrano pepper. These are thing that the digestive tract is irritated by and will work to expel it faster. I swear I heard it from an American doctor from India!
    Not even getting on the scale today. On the positive ,but odd side , my pants fell down at the worst possible moment in the break room, my new size 38s fell down! . :O

    I’ve been watching marching videos on you tube, it helps with walking so I’m strong in more than one type of stride. I also walk sometimes to a particular. Item in the warehouse with my muscles as flexed as can be. Opps fell asleep……….

    SAMM, congratulations on the 16 hours and the 38s falling down 🙂 Now get some sleep already!

    Good morning FT’s

    I am very worried of about you, there is a reason for an 8 hour working day, this will end in tears. Are you driving after a 16 hour shift? Please be careful. Do not risk your health to prove a point please. It may be macho but it is also asking for trouble. Sorry to nag but very concerned. Those hours are inhumane, especially if you are on your feet most of the time.

    I ate over my TDEE yesterday but am on a fast today. I am going to avoid the scales until ‘weigh in day’ Saturday because sometimes they are counter productive. I really enjoyed two hours of badminton last night even though I was not ‘on form’ in fact I lost every game. At times I felt like my feet and brain were in different rooms, brain saying you have to move to get that one, feet saying ‘oops, too late anyway’.

    Fasting today, taking my new soup flask to work, that should help. May take some berries too for a mid morning snack.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today,

    More rain expected here but tomorrow it is going to brighten up, maybe even low 20’s. I really think that getting some sunshine will help. I really envy those of you currently experiencing high 20’s and even 30’s.

    Time to do the dog walk and listen to the birds singing, can’t really complain.

    jojo, happy fasting today 🙂 I must say doing two days of half-way calorie restriction was much less satisfying than doing a 5:2 fasting day properly. Worth it because my son made a special effort for Mother’s Day, but not something I plan on repeating. Looking forward to a *real* fasting day tomorrow.

    Happy good weather, too! Rain predicted here today, but, since I have to work indoors all day, I can’t go for a walk anyway — have Zumba class tonight, so I will get to move some.

    Hello all,
    Well so much for the soup flask for lunch today, it was useless, the soup was cold, how annoying?

    I have been removing dog hair from my car as I am giving two friends a lift to choir tonight. Now that was a workout, took over an hour, more like two in fact. On the bright side it probably burnt some calories and the car looks lush.

    Weather wasn’t too bad today and should be good for forest school tomorrow. Must cook dinner now as I need some nourishment to sing.

    Thanks Franfit, it was a good fasting day. Enjoy your fasting day tomorrow.

    Bye for now!

    Lol thank JoJo I worried about me too ,so dont get me going or I’ll be telling the doctor everything I have according to the internet .

    Actually I totaled my car so on top of working those crazy hours I also have to take three buses. To get 3/4 mile from house. So I get a nie c walk. After all that. I can’t believe I do it.

    You are exactly right about falling asleep at the wheel,, did you the the profession that incurs the automobile accidents are resident doctors. Typically after a 16 hour shift ending at 8am.

    Big thank you for concern, I’m glad to say I make other co workers take me home if it’s raining .

    I tried to think of an egg replacement , only two thing I can think of is the japneese. Bean cake that covered in sweet . Since I’m not a slave to chocolate , meaning I can eat it and just eat one. Never pigging out on it. Dark chocolate powder is actually good for you antioxidant wise.
    Last year I bought unflavored whey protein and tried it on about everything. I mean mixing cacao and whey protein. Rather than tell you what I put it with I’ll let you think about. Psst. Dark chocolate flavored protein. Crazy right! Some people can’t wrap their heads around what I would eat and lose weight.
    Sweet , salty, crunchy, chocolatey, filling , for 200 please. Plus when I put on puff rice cereal I was getting a bunch of fortified nutrition. A little almond milk to coat a bran cereal and it still fits on a fasting day! But just barely. Hard to believe a fast day can be that chocolatey. I had to eat it on infant spoon or I would inhale it. Not kidding. My neighbors wife says the stuff is better than crack and orgasms . Because when I share it with other. I put a reeces cup and macadam an nuts and sugar free whip cream.
    But seriously it can be measured out to 200+. Scale still at 231.

    Take care everyone. Enjoy what you have!

    Hang fire Samm, while read that all over again. lol JIP

    Hi jojo and co, I am sorry to say I have blotted my copy book today by putting on 1+1/2 lbs got to confess I relaxed a bit even though I did my fasting days OK, my non-fasting days need to be tightened up ASAP. JIP

    Hi JIPWGP, relax honey, quickly gained, quickly lost, it’s a fact.

    I am finding it really easy these days when I don’t put myself in ‘too much’ temptation each week, but I am a gad about, no denying it. I have tried to replace many of my nights out for active ones, eg bowls, bowling, badminton, swimming – get the picture? Even choir involves lots of standing while you screech out the harmony.

    Dieting has been much easier since I got my own place but that is a bit drastic, lose weight by losing a husband. I am not surrounded by the foods he bought like chocolate, bread, biscuits, cakes etc.

    My treats are almonds and dried fruit – counted in allowance on non fast days. Cutting out bread, potatoes and rice has helped. Zero noodles are a godsend. I only really eat fresh fish or free range eggs as a protein meal, I have found high toxin food such as chicken and salmon cause weight to shift more slowly because the body is focused on neutralising the chemicals instead of burning fat.

    I am not saying I don’t crave a sandwich, but they are what got me to where I was at, morbidly obese misery, so I have put Satan behind me until I reach goal. I will reintroduce foods gradually after that and in a controlled way, if I still need and want them that is. I find I have changed my tastes dramatically since I have been fasting.

    I have finally succeeded, after 4.5 months in controlling my protein to 20% daily! never thought I would manage that! it will be a big turning point for me.

    I still set my 2 lb goal weekly, or 7 lb monthly, it helps me focus, I try not to think of the stones I still need to lose, too depressing.

    SAMM, you are totally insane! Life is too short to work 16 hours in a day, stop it! I left my husband because he was a total workaholic, even when his health was at risk he ignored the warnings. You can’t help some people, I tried for 27 years. In that time we only had five holidays together, how sad is that? He couldn’t or wouldn’t take time off.

    Non fast day tomorrow so I have made a huge vat of vegetable soup. May have a nice mushroom omelette too.

    Happy fasting for those of you doing tomorrow, be strong.
    Keep drinking and keep walking.

    Yes working wayyyy too much!
    But I’m in a pickle for money, I’ll lose a whole summer of weekends at the lake if I don’t put in some hours for two or more months. Plus since I’m getting very very very strong doing the lifting in the warehouse. So since I suspended my fasting days till I know for sure my health condition. I’m eating the foods of weight lifters. And Im hoping I continue to lose weight by increased muscle mass when I’m sleeping. Though I’m not having a drastic calorie restriction right now I’m still aiming at 2lbs leaving room for all the junk food that gets bought and left out for me 🙁

    Since I’ve already lost mor than ten pounds in two months 2014 my focus is the exercise, I’m little bit behind on getting it to be a fully engaged lifestyle to do exercise routinely. My plan is to continue to work on skipping rope , continue work on getting winded. 2015 my goal is get into lifting in a way like body builders, not for life mind you. But to poise myself for a year of extreme weight loss. As body builders say to cut. I believe I’ll do it for a year then lose intrest, but I use it like tool . It’s my understanding that fat can get old , I don’t quite understand the risk of having old fat, in the body. But I don’t believe their are sever risks to replacing losing the fat. And regaining it albeit at healthy weight.

    So I guess I’m just typing as I think . 2014 I’m getting strong enough to body build 2015 . 2015 is the year I focus on transformation. Moving from walking and neat . To HIIT . 2016 is too far away but I want to be under 200lbs and poised to lose 2lbs a week with enough muscle mass that I eat big satisfying meals and lose fat, kind od like high school wrestlers. Maybe take a martial arts course. I do practice the tai chi poses. That’s my goal for post weight loss lifestyle is I plan to very thin , but very strong and able to defend myself . I live in a very bad neighborhood, crime is out of control . I live between two gangs. And it’s enough to be aware that I need to be strong and ready to defend at all times. I have reputation for being a a scary mutherfreaker with hidden weapons everywhere on my propery. Is why I go to lake to just be a normal guy there to relax. But there’s nuts there too sometimes. Sort of like I have been in enough situations of my life experience to know that it’s better for me too ready to actually kick ass and keep bettering my fighting skills than too just let it happen. Not like a Bruce lee or Steven segal. More like a daddy thats prison guard. Ive been mugged and beaten up a few times. So I just keep trying to be ready for the next time. I’ve actually had a guy try to beat down my front kicking it in . And I nealy shot him with a shot gun. Wrong house he said.. That’s where I got the scary reputation because I held him with a Bowie knife across the neck. And marched him to gang house. I got arrested. It was ten years ago , they leave me alone. They know I’m poor and will use deadly force. As scary as all that was and still is. I like the tai chi . More meditative than aggressive , like going a little further than yoga poses to more fighting stances. What I learned as a prison guard is if you’re out of shape. You have 1 minute to fight before getting winded. I don’t want to be so easily winded anymore. Or so easily beaten on either. My fantasy is to use body building and skipping rope to poise myself to practice sword fighting. Not like Conan , but more like samurai. I love the japanesse films , of zatoichi . So I figured a few years ago I would start collecting martial arts weapons a get an understanding and some day learn the skills and practice some discipline. Not be a bad ass, But because it’s interesting to me. Some folks like to go to a gym. I like to go out to the garage and beat up the punching bag. Neighbors think I’m scary and left alone for many years. About six years ago a landlord let a gang rent out the house across the street. When my nieghbors got into a brawl. My guard experience let me understand how to approach it in a way that only the gang members went to jail. My neighbors trust me now. The gang house is further away. They see me out there , I know they do.
    That’s where I’m motivated to live stronger, live longer. Live in way I enjoy and thrive. I’m not really a fighter at heart. I’m a son of son of sailor. What I think is all that drama has made me realize I can turn to the martial art poses somewhat like yoga, while yoga has it’s place in my life. So does the need to ready to defend myself at all time. Luckily I enjoy it. I guess in the same way joggers like to jog I like to
    box but more fun to play with weapons. However my obesity is a serious obstacle, especially when o got bed ridden . So the 16 hours days are temporary for this summer to keep me out the my neighborhood summer troubles, I’ll ve at work , or at the lake. If my wife wants to be with me at the lake , I want for that, other wise im just stay away from where the trouble could be .

    Tomorrow I get my check up. Looking forward to a professional opinion after an examination. Can’t imagine them saying I would be better off obese now matter my condition. So it’ll be good to know what direction to put my determination towards. Best wishes everyone!

    Morning Fastrackers,

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. Aim for 2 lbs per week and stay focused.
    Are you all drinking enough?


    Move,move, move, right away from that area.


    My doctor checked my blood sugar, then had me go do blood draw. My blood sugar was over 300. My understanding is that’s diabetic. That’s what she said too, but have to wait for a A1C. I’m glad I made an appointment. She said no fasting till I have my sugar level under control. I guess I’ll have to do some reading to find out what this exactly means, she said I’ll be on medication for it?

    Sorry for the drama post yesterday. Its hard to move to a much smaller place for the same money.
    After they burned the house next door down , I bought the property. So it’s like a buffer . I fenced it in with 7 foot fence . Been quiet ever since. The neighbor was the one that would get into it with them. They leave me alone! Still I keep a low profile.

    Ok I guess I can report that a weighed in at the doctors office @ 229.
    Starting weight. 3/02/2013- 274
    5/14/2014. —- 229lbs. 35lbs.

    Good night! And good luck

    Hi JOJO and co. I am fasting today I have been very good I have been walking,
    I don’t know if anyone knows South Wales I live about 20 miles from the City of Cardiff I had bus to it and walked across the new water barrage that crosses to the town of Penarth started out from home at 10.40 and got home at 5.40 other than stopping for a large skinny cappuccino and a look around the shopping area. Walked almost 16000 steps 6.34 miles
    I had chocolate flavoured Whey 90 calories before starting out
    1/2 a banana ( shared with hubby)
    1/2. Tin of chopped tin tomatoes
    WW yoghurt
    One carrot.
    May have another cappuccino ( skinny of course ) later.

    Hi JIPWGP,
    Incredible distance you walked today. Sounds like the food is under control too.

    I am fasting tomorrow and looking forward to it. I had fish and chips for tea- fear not – it was all planned and totally controlled. Small cod in batter, dogs got batter, small chips and dogs had half the portion. I had two eggs for breakfast and a cup of homemade vegetable soup for lunch. I spent the afternoon digging and laying weed control fabric on my drive before adding pea shingle. Three hours hard labour. Just tidying up a weed ridden shambolic area. Looks very tidy now.

    Walking for three hours tomorrow, should be nice weather so I am looking forward to it.

    Determined to lose 2 lb this week, if it doesn’t like likely by Friday am I will add an extra fast day. Just watch Great British menu, yum.

    Sorry to hear about your medical problems but not surprised, take care!

    To all other fast trackers, be strong, I know you can do it!
    Are you OK Ply?

    I put the wrong amount of weight loss.
    To date I lost 45 lbs

    I like this portion control Thingy.

    I’ll be shying away from fasting, but will need to better control my foods with monitoring too. I think this thingy is perfect for help shrinking the appetite through portion control, and thought to share with the 5:2 fast trackers . Because it would be an easy way to control on non fasting days.
    I suppose it could be accomplished with cup cake holders too.

    Take care friends!

    jojo, hope your fasting is going well today. I had a very hungry fast day yesterday because I woke up really early again and couldn’t get back to sleep, resulting in eating a 200 calorie breakfast so I could wake up enough to work, but I had a 400 calories dinner and did 10,000+ steps — a few months ago, I could not have fasted and walked that much in the same day! So the scale was up by 1.2 pounds this morning. Just goes to show you that a certain amount of weight fluctuation is just unexplainable. Have a 16:8, 800-calorie day planned for Friday.

    SAMM, I am incredibly sorry to hear about your blood sugar of 300+, when you have been working so hard on your health.

    My understanding is that type 2 diabetes is not incompatible with intermittent fasting, but you have to have a good understanding of the medications you take, how they work, and your own reaction to them, and make adjustments accordingly. I wouldn’t, personally, fast while starting out on medications for diabetes. I would wait to be stable on medication and then (cautiously) re-start IF.

    The good news is that, as you continue to lose weight, you may be able to reverse the diabetes. The physical activity level of your current job should help with that. In fact, if you were not that active, your blood sugar would probably be much higher.

    A few years ago a good friend of mine developed diabetes and his doctor put him on the South Beach Diet as well as medication and daily exercise. He felt completely overwhelmed at first, so I helped him with learning how to cook, measure portions, count calories, and eat properly, and he was able to lose weight, get his blood sugar in good control, and cut back on his medication within a few months with the diet, exercise, and medication. You already know how to take care of yourself so I trust that you can do this. Unlike my friend’s doctor, a lot of doctors and dieticians are still not recommending carbohydrate restriction in diabetes, but that was the way before the low-fat craze set in, and restricting carbohydrates can be quite effective for lowering blood glucose and the need for medication in type 2 diabetes, sometimes even reversing the diabetes instead of just managing it.

    I wish you the best. I was so upset when I read about your blood sugar, I couldn’t even respond right away. You work *so* hard, you didn’t deserve that. But with your positive spirit I know you will find and do the right things for yourself.

    jojo and all: back to say hi and check on your progress. Have read lots of your notes about LOTS of effort. Are you finding the 2 lbs a week is doable for those of you that are over 55 (on average)? I have not found I can get over the 1 lb a week without outrageous effort. Still trying to decide to I take the “long view” and plod along, or is the outrageous effort paying off?

    LUVTCOOK, glad to see you back! Everyone has been supportive of my commitment to maintaining my 1 pound a week average weight loss (I’m 57 with multiple medical problems). For me, a pound a week is not slow, it’s spectacular! Never could do that before 5:2. I like the commitment and intensity on the thread, I’m eager to reach my goal and be able to start buying myself a new wardrobe for this fall and winter, and keep the weight off so I can fit into it for life 🙂 — so I guess we need to take the long view in any case!

    SAMM, sorry to hear about your blood sugar. But all is not lost.

    What you need is a good understanding of diabetes and nutrition. There are doctors who treat type 2 diabetes with intermittent fasting with very good results. You need to learn how we become diabetic though, what triggers insulin resistance and weight gain. Look up the various blogs by Dr. J. Fung, starting with the obesity blogs.
    If you do you will learn that a calorie is NOT a calorie. The effect different foods have depend largely on the type of food and its effect on insulin levels. Dr Fung uses various forms of IF on his diabetic patients; the fasting goes hand in hand with a low carb high fat diet. It’s hard to get your head around it at first because we have been brain washed into thinking that carbs is what we should eat.

    Give it a go. Get a blood glucosemeter and check your levels regularly. Try and get your blood sugar under control by fasting and dietary changes, it can be done. franfit has already told you about her friend, you can do it as well.

    I just want to tell everyone:

    Keep up the good work! It’s worth it!

    This afternoon, after I got my chores done, I dropped my knitting bag off at the knitting shop and took a long walk before sitting down for knitting social hour. I had a lovely walk all over the local college campus.

    I’m telling you, I can really move compared to when I would take that walk nine months ago, weighing 33% more than I do now. Walking feels *so* much better. I also have to say that my petite self feels really great parading around in my size 4 skimmers and medium knit tops, instead of what I used to wear 🙂 I even feel like I look fine compared to those college kids, and I’m 57!

    It does take time and effort, but it is ***so*** worth it 🙂

    Good morning FastTrackers,

    Thanks for your post Franfit, nice positive message, sounds like life is great for you now, I am 30% down too but still in large sizes, three stone away from medium, me thinks. Lucky you, I envy you, in a nice way of course. Enjoy your new slim body, you have worked hard for it.

    How is it going with you all? Are you in control? Have any of you started the new diet ‘fast beach’ by Mimi? I think I may order it today, see what she has to offer.

    I am looking forward to a quiet day, just a dog walk followed by Yoga. I need to so a little shopping too and some housework but I plan on enjoying the warm weather outside today. Possibly read my book in the garden for awhile, why not? Diet hard, relax as a reward.

    I am feeling slimmer today and quite hungry post fast day, we will see if this translates on to the scales tomorrow. I saw my nutritionalist last night. She is not happy about the lack of carbs and dairy in my diet for the amount of exercise I do. So I need to introduce yogurt and cheese or put milk in porridge. I am going to add carbs, probably potato only, on non fast days and gradually build it up, but I am concerned that this will negate my losses, guess I will find out. She is pleased that I have finally got the protein level under control.

    The garlic pill has not kept the Mosquitos away, two huge bites on my leg, any other ideas? As I want to avoid anti-histamine, it knocks me out.

    Looking forward to feasting today. Feeling fit and healthy.

    Good luck if you are on a fast day guys.
    Keep drinking ! Keeping looking at what foods work for you?

    Good morning Jojo!
    I use a citronella spray against the mozzies. Would this be helpful?

    Glad to have you back. I am still on track, as is ply. I am 57 so I definitely qualify as over 55. I dropped to one pound on one week when I had a lot of socialising to do but I am back on course now.
    I think 2 lb per week is doable if you are very active, I mean 10,000 steps plus per day and other active lifestyle choices e.g. Badminton, gym, aerobic classes. If you are inactive I think you can probably only achieve it by doing ADF or possible ‘BeachDiet’.
    I have never felt fitter or slimmer in the past 15 years so it’s working for me.
    So is the effort worth it to see a noticeable difference every week, yes, for sure. But if it slows down to one pound I will continue to stay on 5:2 long term as it’s better than any other diet for regular losses.
    Most importantly I am gaining knowledge and control of my eating which is great because it means I don’t need to worry about regaining weight later.

    Thanks ChrissyinBrittany,
    I will get some spray today, worth a try. I think the insects are attracted by next doors pond. I wouldn’t mind but they never sit in their garden. Mosquitos really ruin my summers and holidays, I am very allergic to them.

    Hi franfit, I could not agree more, it’s a nice feeling to walk into a shop and know they will have a size that fits. I walked 6 miles on Wednesday on a fasting day and the last bit was all up hill my hubby said it’s about
    1 in 10 but after the rest of the walk it felt more like 1 in 6 but I did it and no stops, I could not have done before.
    although I have lost 4 stone and gone from (in some clothes) a size 20/18 I am in size 12′s my boobs are still out in front with a size 34 F cup and nothing I do will make them any smaller. but I still like what I see in the mirror after all those years of not liking it. I think my walking keeps me thinking of what I eat and as it’s been said before coming on here keeps me out of the kitchen too. JIP

    Sorry the garlic tabs did not work. I do take them all year round so that they are in my system ready for my holidays, glad there are none of the devils in Wales. LOL JIP

    Thanks, jojo and JIP. Got to run, work this morning and this afternoon and thunderstorms interfering with walking/getting there, lol. Planning a 16:8 at 50% of calories or maybe full fasting day if no walking. Will see.

    SAMM, where are you? Are you OK?

    jojo and everyone, got all my work done this morning, raining hard here, went for a short walk and got soaked from the knees down, so 500-calorie fasting for me today.

    I did order the Fast Beach book, here in the States it’s not available on Kindle, so waiting for it to arrive. I agree that 2 pounds a week weight loss is realistic only if you are able to be very active, and I mean sports in addition to 10,000 steps/day. Probably also if you are a very large man, thus have a high TDEE, it gives you something to work with. I am personally thrilled with 1 pound, even though at first the thought of needing a year to reach my goal seemed kind of discouraging. Nothing else ever let me lose a pound a week, that’s for sure! It represents a 500 calorie per day deficit, which the fasting days only really give me 2/3 of, so the other 1/3 of a pound must be from increased activity and (somewhat deliberately) underestimating my TDEE leading to mild calorie restriction on non-fasting days.

    Happy Friday to everyone 🙂

    Just laying down after very long shift.

    I’m great! I have a plan! I think that’s all I really need. Not to be out of control and unmonitored.
    I don’t think I’ll make it to 100 ! But ill still do my very best to stay active. Unbelievably my sister in law is facing the worst conditions diabetes can offer. I’m very sad for her. I know that the plan and the monitoring of my own condition help to avoid such unpleasant issues. I’ve seen it take people I thought were invincible. I know I’m not invincible ! I will bring myself to understand as much as possible. I do know that weight loss is key , but not sure why exactly. I like the idea of suspending my weight loss goals for a few months. And focus on this disease. Then return.

    I’ve lost another three lbs. I’m guessing more musle not fat. My understanding is that’s what happens at first, if left unchecked could have done much worse damage. Very glad I went to the doctor e en if it was bad news. , I still love life, my friends and loved ones . Even soft spot for my stupid cat Hairy Larry ! Life goes on. And when I’m ready I’ll get back to preparing for the other age related diseases!

    So sorry for just writing about myself. You all rock, and have been trying so hard too.
    Stay Calm and Keep On Keeping ON.

    Ill write another chapter in this book over the weekend. 🙂 I want to take some time to write out how great I think y’all are!
    BTW. I’ve never felt better or stronger. This hasn’t stopped me from getting out , working, exercising , and have good food with great friends. Best wishes!

    SAMM, I’m happy to know that you’re OK and to hear your still-positive attitude. I think that kind of news might have knocked me on my behind for a few days! Sorry to hear that your sister-in-law is having complications. I know you will do what you need to do to avoid them as long as possible. Who knows, maybe even make it to 100 in spite of the danged disease. Even if you can’t fast right now, please stick around. I’m looking forward to reading the chapter you promised us this weekend. Your attitude is inspiring.

    JIP, losing 4 stone is a wonderful achievement. I know about the chest size not decreasing enough, though. I’m stuffing myself into a 36DDD that doesn’t really fit right for the time being, until I reach goal, when I will try to get properly refitted. Only a few stores here in the States sell cup sizes above DDD, and even finding DDs in 32s and 34s is very hard. I will probably have to order online, try things on, send them back, over and over. Or talk a friend with a better car than mine into driving to a big shopping mall where the have Very Expensive Department Stores That I Never Shop In, and trying to get fitted there. Even the specialty and post-breast cancer bra stores in my county and the nearest city don’t carry the kinds of sizes I’m going to need to try on. Small rib cage, big boobs, no bras. Then there’s my right breast being a cup size smaller than the left due to two lumpectomies. To get something to really fit I would have to buy two bras in two different cup sizes, cut them in half, and sew them together. Very expensive! But, I looked in the mirror today and my belly isn’t even sticking out all that much 🙂 so it seems like putting in the effort to find something to hold me up properly so I can look really good in my clothes would be worthwhile. Oh, the problems of the thin, eh? 😉

    Count me in! I’m so sad because I’ve been on 5:2 for over a year and have only lost 14 lbs. I am 58 also and am very active during the day as a culinary arts student. I graduate next Saturday. We lug around heavy pots and bags of flour, etc., and I’m on my feet from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You have to hustle in the kitchen to get the food out. Also, there’s the walking up and down stairs and across campus to get to classes.

    Two weeks ago, I resumed my workouts, very strenuous, but I’m only back to 3x a week. I was hoping for a major weightloss, but the 14 lbs. seems like “that’s it” for me. Not losing anymore, unless I totally skip eating. I’ve even tried just eating two Jimmy Dean Delights per day which is 500 cal. total. My goal weight is 135 lbs. and on non-fast days, I try to eat like I already weigh that and consume 1400 per non-fast day. I’m 5’6″ and at present weigh about 181.2 lbs.

    A few years ago, I lost 46 lbs. on the Michael Thurman program, but it was sooo darn restrictive. No alcohol, dairy, or salt on anything and your meals had to be small, 6 a day and you had to drink about a gallon of water a day, too. The weightloss was fast and I lost everything in just 6 weeks, but who can sustain such a bland program? Most of the people that were on tv have since gained back most, if not all of their weight back. NO MORE YO-YOING for me. Really tired of that.

    I have the fast diet cookbook, but since I am a chef/new, and have been cooking for over 40 years, I do know nutrition, but I’m certainly not doing something right.

    Please, any tips would help. Thanks.

    jojo, it’s funny, losing weight can sure make you feel great, but it doesn’t make your life great. I have been going through a very painful family problem for which there is absolutely nothing that I can do that will make it better in any way, hence all my posting, it keeps me distracted in a good way. I am definitely lucky that being upset/stressed/distressed/sad does not make me reach for the food, because it would be a monumental struggle for me if that was the case. I sympathize with those who have to deny themselves a favorite comfort in times of distress.

    Evening franfit, sorry to hear you have trouble getting bras in USA, I always thought UK would be harder to get things, I hear of lots of Brits spending all their money on clothes when they visit. we have lots of special bra shops and there is also Marks and Spencer I am sure you must have heard of that store, there’s one of these stores in every town and city. JIP

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