Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 16,101 through 16,150 (of 16,657 total)

  • Amazon, I love Piccadilly, beetroot relish and pickled onions and the veg chill sounds scrumptious. As for jam, the only time I attempted it, I didn’t boil it long enough, and burnt all the sugar onto the bottom of the very expensive Maslin pan, which then took 3 days to clean off, having been soaking in caustic soda in the garden. Not been tempted since.

    HCB, the Inner Goddess comes from a birthday card I was sent, which shows two cartoon ladies in what appears to be the downward dog position, and one says, I can’t seem to get in touch with my Inner Goddess, can you, and the other one say, I can, and she says she really likes pie.

    HBC, the rhubarb plants are brilliant as “cut and come again” food. You just twist off a few mature stalks, any time you need some, chop into about 2″ long pieces and put in a saucepan with some chopped cooking apple, cinnamon and some sugar (or none if you are tough๐Ÿ˜) and a VERY little water. Stew for a short while. They cook pretty quickly. Store in the fridge or freeze and serve with full fat, unsweetened yohurt.
    Most plants I grow are like that…just walk outside, pick and eat fresh.
    It’s amazing how cooking all day can feel as if you HAVE eaten, isn’t it Amazon?
    Fasting again today with a planned dinner out tomorrow. Cheers P

    Oops…forgot to say…discard the rhubarb leaves…they are poisonous ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    Purple good to know! In my mind I was already sautรฉing this gorgeous leaves. I will wait until the stems turn into red.

    Done with Fast. Not that I was will powered today. That talking scale told me so. I had no choice.

    Spent most of the day researching on what I want to do when I grow up.

    Good night or good morning to you

    Hi HCB,
    If you don’t want to add sugar you can cook the rhubarb in zero cal lemonade then drain when soft and rinse through. Plenty sweet enough and no extra calories. However I strongly recommend its best in a crumble with custard. There are low cal versions of both. Yum my favourite pudding.
    Weather beautiful yesterday afternoon so I watched my friend win a shield as part of a mixed pair team. It’s a great achievement as she has only been playing two years and had to win 6 games to get there. She was in tears when presented, so happy. Us 60 plus ladies can achieve miracles when we set our mind and energy to a new Sport.
    Have a great day today, keep your options healthy.

    Well I cooked my rhubarb just in water and didn’t find it too tart.

    You can stew it with apple or orange juice if you’ve got a sweet tooth.

    Jo, are you talking about natural lemonade or a fizzy diet drink?

    Whatever. I’d definitely recommend you DON’T rinse your rhubarb once it’s cooked HCB, you’ll lose the flavour and the lovely rhubarb juices! Best not to cook it in something that then needs washing off ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    We had rhubarb in the garden when I was a child so I’ve always eaten and loved it. A friend of mine loves it so much she had rhubarb crumble for dessert at her wedding feast.
    Rhubarb can be simmered on the hob or roasted in the oven. I often add some ginger and the juice of an orange. I prefer it sweetened as it is very tart but I use sugar sparingly and then taste it. I love it warm, in crumbles and pies and cold stirred through yoghurt, cold proper custard or even some lightly whipped cream.
    If you wash it after cooking you are washing away the flavour and most likely all the goodness so I wouldn’t recommend it.

    Happy, I’ve no idea how I’m going to keep the Piccalilli for a few weeks for it to mature as it is divine!

    It’s overcast this morning but warm with sunshine forecast for later.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Indeed Amazon! I had more than would fit in the jars I’d sterilized, so decanted it into a small pot…which we emptied that afternoon. I’m wondering how it could possibly be improved by sitting…alone and lonely…for a few weeks ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not sure it will get the chance.


    Re: rhubarb and crumble being your favourite pudding, I thought that was bread pudding? But I’m sure you’ve posted several times that you don’t have a sweet tooth…so now, unless I’m going mad, I’m wondering if there’s two Jojo’s here (your evil twin or alter ego maybe?!) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy, I disliked mustard as a child and never went near the jars of yellow stuff, albeit shop bought so I’ve no idea what it tastes like. Homemade is usually far superior and I would never have thought about making it until you mentioned it, and I am amazed at how good it is, so thank you for giving me the idea ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

    I’ve been out to buy some more jars for the next batch of chutney and I went into the local supermarket to collect a prescription and buy some fruit for the Rumtopf. I decided I wanted to try my raspberry jam so bought a bagel.

    The jam is very good and I’m really pleased having never made it before and so wanting it to be OK after the effort of picking a kilo of raspberries.
    Needless to say it’s 16:8 today ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Time to get on with the next batch of chutney ๐Ÿ™‚

    I didn’t discover the 5:2 Forum until I had reached my healthy goal weight, after a year, and wanted to thank Dr M.

    Today, I was just looking at one of the books I found invaluable, back in 2013, when I was still trying to lose the weight…Kate Harrison’s 5:2 Diet. It has some really easy references on foods. I frequently referred to it. I used it to work out where our healthy weight for height range sat and then calculated how many calories someone of that weight, and sedentary, would be. I figured it was best to eat as we would for the rest of our lives from the start, with 2 days of 1/4 TDEE thrown in.
    The calculation for me came out at 1350 cals per day. So that is what I worked on. Have a look at the calorie count on processed food and you quickly realise 1350 calories can be reached mighty quickly. Hence we have to cut out unnecessary, unhealthy foods and only consume the very best if we have any chance of maintaining our healthy weights. Lots of fresh vegetables and home prepared foods is the obvious answer. You are in control of the content โ˜บโ˜บ
    As Happy says, maintenance is harder than losing the weight initially (as you have fewer calories to play with), but the alternative is simply not the option.
    Come on folk…eat to your healthy weight. Choose your food wisely and live life to the full. P ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Aww! Purple how kind of you to remind us about our home work.
    To all of you dedicated and experienced Fasters as well – thank you! Your know who’s you are (sorry RT – wink back to you).
    Happy said so and she is right and who said “eternal vigilance”, I forgot – sorry.! Absolutely correct. If you blink stairing at some fermented juice or the sweet goodies. BAD
    Watch, watch and watch! Focus, focus and focus.
    Xoxo ๐Ÿ’‹

    Yes here here Purple I have set yfee on that exact path over the last 2 weeks establish the goal weight and eat to the TDEE of that and 25% of that on the fast days as you quite rightly point out many times may as well get the brain accustomed to what the intake will be now and not wait for the end โ€œItโ€™s not about the destination itโ€™s about the journeyโ€
    Happy fast Thursday Folks
    โ€œRemember that reserve of fat you have on your body already and realise you actually donโ€™t need food, you just want it.โ€

    Morning/evening all,

    Sunny but breezy this morning with 22C forecast. Perfect for my walk this afternoon ๐Ÿ™‚ โ˜€

    Purple, you are absolutely right about working with goal weight TDEE and it is what I’m aiming for. It is also less than the amount I would consume in a single three course dinner with drinks, no wonder I became obese!

    The hardest thing to accept is that we must eat much less EVERY day but if we don’t we’ve wasted our efforts and it is what I’m struggling with and why I’m leaning towards one meal per day every day until I reach goal and then allowing myself a small something at midday on non fast days.

    I’m fasting today and meeting a friend for a walk in Kew Gardens this afternoon. My test will be to have tea without cake.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well I’ve never been a calorie counter and didn’t when I started 5:2, except to get an idea of what 500 calories looked like. I knew what my issues were, despite everything being homemade with quality ingredients – too much bread too often, refined carbs with each meal, top much added sugar, etc. I didn’t want to lose weight and carry on with unhealthy eating habits, so added sugar is back in it’s proper place, an occasional treat, and refined carbs are not a feature of every meal, and not even on the menu daily. That, together with a bit of mindfulness (I am aware of what an adequate portion of food looks like, although I may sometimes overindulge ๐Ÿ™‚ ), has worked for me so far.

    Fasting today, just approaching 22 hours…it’s so easy these days not to eat, and so liberating to be freed from constant thoughts of food ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted: “‘Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don’t know where I am”. The man below replied “You’re in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You’re between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude”.
    “You must be a technician.” said the balloonist. “I am” replied the man “how did you know?” “Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you have told me is probably technically correct, but I’ve no idea what to make of your information and the fact is, I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help at all. If anything, you’ve delayed my trip with your talk.”
    The man below responded, “You must be in management”. “I am” replied the balloonist, “but how did you know?” “Well,” said the man “you don’t know where you are or where you’re going. You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you’ve no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it’s my fault!

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Peace RT

    How true that joke is! Especially about management.

    Happy- I like rhubarb crumble for pudding after a meal when I have a pudding( very rarely)I like bread pudding anytime(I don’t think I have ever eaten it after a meal) and find it almost impossible to resist. Sadly it is often available at the bowls club.

    It was zero cal fizzy lemonade drink that I cooked rhubarb in to sweeten it. It still has lots of flavour after a quick rinse I assure you and no extra calories. This was just a suggestion, take it or leave it! I would do this in preference to cooking in juice or sugar. The apples from my tree in the garden are also very sharp so need sweetening.

    It’s true that I generally choose savoury foods in preference but occasionally I crave something sweet. I also eat apples and oranges every non fast day.

    I had a day in Hastings yesterday which included a nice meal, starter baked goats cheese with salad followed by scallops and salad, delicious. Great seaside town with lots of activities.
    Fasting tomorrow and considering extending it this weekend.

    Interestingly Happy, it was by counting calories that I worked out straight away, without considering insulin spikes, that there was absolutely no place for white carbs in a limited calorie diet. We cut them out almost completely for a year, learnt how to live without them and now they are just not part of our basic menu. I only needed to count calories for the first month. It doesn’t take long to recognise which foods are a good choice.

    Sugar is so rarely used in our house, it goes hard. Not because we actively avoid it any more, but because we don’t feel we need it. There is so much sweetness already in natural foods.

    Nice joke RT. Thanks. P

    Hi P,

    My recent encounter with rhubarb stewed in water only has really brought home to me the value of not consuming added sugar. I don’t know that I’d say I’ve lost my sweet tooth, but I’ve definitely lost the sickly sweet tooth that food manufacturers target!
    And I’m now quite intrigued by the idea of making something like a fruit crumble without any added sugar….sadly I suspect that I’d enjoy it but couldn’t serve it to guests…


    Lunch sounds interesting. I do like baked Camembert but I’m always wary of goats cheese as I had an encounter with one once that tasted and smelled just too much like old goat!

    Just off to bed, fast day complete,…

    Happy, I used to have dairy goats. If goats milk or cheese tastes or smells like an old buck, I can assure you it is VERY, VERY old. Don’t eat it! I was staggered how long it takes for fresh goats milk or cheeses to develop that odor. It’s a shame that so many have been put off by the poor handling and slow sales of this fabulous food. It was very common, in the 80s in Australia, but seems to rarely happen now.
    I loved making goats cheese, but don’t miss the twice daily milking though. ๐Ÿ˜‘

    Hello all,
    Very funny and very true RT. Married to an engineer for over 40 years, I can vouch for the technical brain! Husband sees the world quite differently to me! But his cool logic is very useful when I am getting in a lather about something that life throws up!

    I have also learnt that processed carbs have to be a ‘treat’ food only. Difficult to resist when you love crusty bread, baked potatoes etc, but I have realized its a simple choice – a trim figure and good health permanently vs some short lived pleasure! I would never have been able to accept this though if my uncontrollable ‘sweet tooth’ had not been tamed with fasting. I still really enjoy a taste of sweetness, but no longer crave it. Fasting for 2 years this month has achieved that, very worthwhile.

    Jo I am like you with bread and butter pudding – simply cant resist, especially with sultanas scattered through it. Therefore I can’t have it in the house! I would not manage seeing it at bowls regularly!
    Also I could not enjoy rhubarb without sugar I am certain – way too tart for me. Re cooking it in low cal lemonade, didn’t we have a discussion here about the latest findings around artificial sweetners? Jason Fung, among others, pointed out that the body is fooled by artificial sweetners and still reacts by releasing Insulin in readiness to transport sugar into the cells from the bloodstream. For me its better just to stick to the berries and melon type fruits I think. And have rhubarb and yoghurt as an occasional treat!

    By saying I can’t have certain foods in the house, I am not being a martyr. I just accept the simple fact – why put temptation under your nose. Like wandering through a shopping centre with no money, no point in tormenting oneself!!

    Amazon my mouth has been watering reading about your ‘cook-a-thon’, what a week you are having! Everything sounds delicious. My culinary adventures this week consisted of trying a new dessert for husband’s birthday dinner on Wed. I made Mango Pudding which was delicious, plus tried a recipe for an Uncooked Carrot Cake. Cake ingredients pretty healthy – raw carrots, walnuts, dates, raisins, cinnamon and sugar into food processor till just a paste. Pressed into cake tin and topped with processed macadamia nuts, dash of honey and small amt coconut oil. It was voted a success but I don’t think I would bother again. It held the birthday candles though!

    Its been a really busy month, between helping out with injured son, supporting (very) pregnant DIL (sending cooked meals as that son can’t cook to save himself) and wedding preparations (2 weeks). Very grateful to be retired and able to help them. Starting to get really excited about both ‘big’ events.

    Have a lovely weekend all. Think of me at a first birthday party tomorrow, trying to avoid the (Italian) Nonna’s fabulous cooking……… Enjoy the finals RT!

    You are quite right about insulin spikes but luckily I am not in the ‘risk’ category, blood sugar levels fine. Obviously it’s still best avoided for storing fat and I would only eat something sweet on rare occasions. I usually partake of a very small slice of birthday cake when on offer unless it is chocolate which I really don’t like. There are some blessings in this world I am not tempted by anything chocolate.
    Sounds like you are too busy to eat Nama, exciting times though, enjoy!

    I agree PVE, strong odour goats cheese not recommended. I prefer goats cheese to cow alternatives but mostly I have the salty Halloumi option( squeaky cheese). Apart from crisps(another red light food) it’s the only salty thing I like. I prefer nuts unsalted too.
    We lost our Ladies League games yesterday by one point and sadly our top ranked position. We did our best but the green was really hard work, very dry and bumpy, precision was difficult for both teams. The home team won, they did well to improve their ranking from 6 th last year to 1st. Great effort for a very small club.
    Tomorrow I am in a Ladies singles final against a very good player, should be a tough game. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain.
    Changed my mind about fasting today as I had a shocking night, very little sleep, definitely fast tomorrow.
    Must get on with some vacuuming before I escape the drudgery for bowls. Have a good weekend everyone.

    Morning/evening all

    Friday already, another week gone ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    I ended up having a fish and chip dinner yesterday which was all I had all day, no alcohol ๐Ÿ˜‡ and I’m fasting today and tomorrow.

    The first time I had goats cheese I was having lunch in a restaurant with some friends and couldn’t decide what to have so ordered the same as one of my friends which was a warm goats cheese salad. It was very strong and put me off trying it again for several years. Someone recommended a mild soft Welsh goat cheese and I bought some and loved it. I’ve tried many different types since both hard and soft, and I love it.

    Jo, if the Halloumi is squeaky it is undercooked.

    Nama, I don’t include potatoes in the forbidden carbs bracket as they are unprocessed. As for bread I have no intention of giving it up but it is going to be an occasional treat and usually home made so I know what it in it.

    My cookathon isn’t over yet. I shall be steaming mini Christmas puddings today. For the first time in more than 20 years I’ve deviated from my tried and trusted recipe by using some figs and prunes rather than raisins and half the amount of sugar. I forgot that the recipe includes breadcrumbs and I only had half the required amount in the freezer so made up the weight with porage oats. It also has a small amount of stout which means opening a large bottle and you can imagine where the rest usually goes, so I used the juice of the orange and lemon I had zested and added an extra nip of rum ๐Ÿ™‚
    The ingredients have been sitting together overnight getting to know each other and will soon be steaming away.

    I have a lot of veggies sitting there waiting to be used so a batch of curry is in order to go into the freezer with the chilli. More healthy comfort food.

    My back has been misbehaving this week so I’ve stayed away from the gym and am taking anti-inflammatories. It seems to be improving so fingers crossed I can get back to the gym next week.

    Have a good weekend everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Amazon, do you do 16:8 every day or do you just do it on certain days as your fast day? If you do it every day, do you also have a fast day where you eat nothing at all? This sounds quite interesting, I may give it a try as it would probably be easier than trying to go 24 hours without food three times a week.

    Hi Jim,

    I’ve been eating dinner only on FDs and following 16:8 on non FDs for quite some time. I’m having problems on non FDs at the moment as despite only having an 8 hour window I’m over-eating. In order to tackle this I’ve decided to try no food at all on FDs and only one meal on non FDs as often as I can manage which means going without food for 48 hours so it isn’t easier.

    On fast days I’m drinking tea and coffee with a small amount of milk plus lots of water so it is food free but not calorie free. On non FDs I’m aiming not to eat earlier than 5pm and then have a single meal and no grazing once I’ve cleared my plate. I’m doing this because I’ve been going round in circles for several months regaining and losing the same weight and I need to get back into losing weight and keeping it off.

    Keeping busy is the answer because as soon as I sit down I start thinking about eating. I also ensure I don’t have any unhealthy/addictive treats in the house.
    Someone gave me two boxes of chocolates a couple of days ago. It was impossible for me to say no so I accepted them graciously. I’ve already given one away and am giving the other to a friend when I see her on Monday.

    Hi All,
    I met a very, very obese man today in the jacuzzi at my gym. He was a similar size to those seen on a TV programmes, 30 stones plus. He can barely walk and has a stomach flap which reached his knees making walking very difficult. He looked to be in his 30’s. I told him about my experience of fasting, he is thinking of trying it. He told me he has been suicidal for five years due to his food addiction. He is currently awaiting surgery which he hopes will literally save his life. He told me he has been fat all of his life as were his parents and it has stopped him making friends. He has just started going to the gym and found that the people there have been incredibly kind and friendly which really surprized him. He now attends daily because swimming relieves his back pain. I really hope he can look forward to a healthy future, I felt very sad for him. At least my own weight problems have never prevented me from walking, swimming and enjoying life.

    Anybody out there?
    Are you all busy watching tennis and Paraolympics or just chilling out in the garden?
    I didn’t win my final bowls game but got a runner up cup, it was of course a technicality, she had the cheek to get her woods closer to the jack than mine. Still smiling though.
    Happy weekend everyone, off to console myself with a nice swim.

    Hi Jojo

    I’m here. Great about your silver bowling medal. We have been biking the local rail trail – called la via dolce. Will do a second stage tomorrow. It’s 30ยฐ here so a bit too hot, but tomorrow should be a few degrees less.

    Fast today so a bit hungry after ride-

    Enjoy your swim.
    xx Wiwi

    We are back from travelling the Land of the Long White Cloud – but not today, it was a spectacular sunny day to come back from New Plymouth, past the cloud-free cone of Mt Taranaki, and to see the mountains of the Central Plateau across the spring-green land. I love my country!

    Well done, Jojo. We are all rooting for you. Well done the ABs, too, and our wonderful lasses and lads at the Para Olympics.

    Morning/evening all,

    After a day of โ˜” yesterday which was much needed, I’ve woken up to a warm sunny day with a clear blue sky โ˜€, and the forecast for the next few days is hot, 31C on Tuesday ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŒž

    I am practically pain free this morning, no sciatica, no knee pain, no back pain and only slight stiffness. I don’t like taking anti inflammatories for more than a day but it was the right decision. I’ll not take any tomorrow and see how it goes as I’m meeting a friend for a walk. Fingers crossed it’ll be OK and I can go to the gym on Tuesday.

    I was socialising yesterday which involved ๐Ÿท and ๐Ÿ so I’m fasting today.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    What a glorious day today, sadly I spent most of it cooking up a storm in the kitchen at the bowls club, finals day today. All the meals were served In double quick time, everyone happy, hoorah.

    We have a new Champion of Champions, last years female captain beat one of our best male players. Great game. Girl Power! The loser was a great sport though, still laughing when he had not put a score on the board in the first 2/3 rd of the match, just not his day. He did blame the sausage curry he had for lunch though, hopefully he was joking.

    I made a prawn curry this evening, delicious. Fasting tomorrow.

    Barata- Beccy most impressed with weather in NZ but I can honestly say your summer will need to be good this year to beat our last 8 weeks and more promised. If this is the future I won’t be putting plants in pots or doing hanging baskets next year. So much watering. I am supporting NZ Paralympians too if they are not up against UK.

    Evening/morning all,

    It has been a glorious day here, I’ve not seen a cloud ๐ŸŒž
    The weather in this part of England has been wonderful this summer but other areas haven’t been so lucky, cold, wet, floods. I’ve been counting my blessings ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve been keeping busy today doing my least favourite thing which is housework, but it can’t be put off forever…….
    I also washed and polished the car which was hot work in the glorious sunshine.
    I had dinner today and the previous FD as taking anti inflammatories makes me quite woozy if I don’t have anything but it’ll be back to food free FDs on Tuesday.

    The Paralympics is in full swing and the spectator attendance is better than the Olympics. Team GB are doing incredibly well, 44 medals 20 of which are gold and we’re only halfway through day 4.

    It’s the last day of the USO today, womens doubles and mens singles ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    What a finals series so far 2 upsets IMO eagles gone and the Swans beaten at home the Bulldogs wow what fantastic good news story there and of course my lads got the job done.!!
    DIL returns to work for 8 weeks placement for her nursing so we have picked up the baby sitting while our son is at work and so let the fun begin Yfee is is full of beans but not full of milk ๐Ÿ˜‰ Nama you have a full on couple of weeks ahead with weddings and impending grandchildren so good.
    We or I have proven that if you do not eat today but have plenty of water black coffee tea etc you lose on average 1lb a day that is fact at weigh in tomorrow. Reading Joโ€™s story of the very big chap who she met I guess we all have fallen for the eat less move more option but it does not work.so it staggers me that while fasting has its share of critics by doing absolutely nothing complete rest and by eating absolutely nothing and for example having water only like the water fasting experience at the โ€œTruth North health center โ€œclinic run by Dr Alan Goldhamer great youtube here
    good weight loss with excellent health outcomes by doing nothing.
    Monday fast day get the job done eat fast and live longer
    โ€œItโ€™s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedโ€
    Peace RT

    RT, fasting is definitely the trick, but the spectacular weight losses reduce as the body gets lighter. I used to be able to shift a kilo a week, when I first started, but now fasts lower my weight infinitesimally. ๐Ÿ˜

    When I compare a very active day and a normal one, my fitness monitor registers very little difference in calorie burn, but I know I feel better.

    Conclusions: Fitness is for mental health, flexibility and reduced injury risk.
    Fasting is for body and mind health, control of appetite and an easy way to still fit in tight jeans. It is an excellent tool for achieving a healthy body weight and for retaining it.

    Have a great Monday fast and enjoy grandparenting. ๐Ÿ˜Š P

    Morning All,
    RT- What you say is true for weight loss RT but I still am firmly in the ‘keep moving’ especially walking and swimming camp. You will benefit from the ‘feel good’ factor and tighten up those muscles. Like you Purple I now am lucky to lose 1 lb after 2 zero cal fasts. I imagine it will get even tougher when I get to goal. I am now calorie controlling non fast days at 1500 cals still mainly fish and veg, very few carbs( only potato) and some fruit(mostly berries) nuts are used as snacks( unsalted). I particularly like spicy food as seems to provide more satisfaction. On fast days I drink water or fruit tea every 30 minutes to keep hunger at bay. Have a good Monday/ Tuesday everyone. Active day for me, walking, swimming and bowling.

    Hi all,

    I had a ‘re-feed’ day yesterday (also known as eating too much every once in a while!). I suspect it was a physiological need, since I had gone down with a stinking cold yesterday and spent last night propped up in bed dozing between coughing fits, sweating and shivering ๐Ÿ™

    How can you be running 7km uphill one day and then a pathetic damp dishcloth (with attendant germs…) the next?!

    Anyway, I will be fasting today I think. Certainly I can’t think of anything food-wise that appeals….

    Morning/evening all.

    Happy, sorry to hear you’ve caught a cold and I hope it doesn’t habg around too long.

    My day out has been cancelled at short notice as my friend’s youngest is poorly.
    We were going out for a walk and then having coffee and cake. I might still do the walk but pass on the cake and go for 23:1 today.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi All,
    Phew it’s hot out there, I was nice and cool after swim but 1 hour in the garden pottering(actually rescuing seriously pot bound plants) has left me sweating. I am on ‘keep busy’ mode as fasting today. Happy I also ate too much yesterday but no excuse just greedy. Get well soon, I know you have a great ‘antibiotic free’ immune system so it should kick in quickly. Feed a cold and starve a fever isn’t it? Sounds like you have a fever with the shivering.

    Amazon- I actually fed the birds my bread pudding portion that I was given yesterday for helping out at bowls. It physically hurt but I don’t want to get dissapointed on the scales tomorrow. Stuck fast again!

    I am joining Slimming World tonight, not for the right reasons. I just need Support and encouragement plus a weekly weigh in. Sad that I can’t rely on myself but I have come to the conclusion that it’s just too hard on my own. I know they are a con and the advice useless and misguided and I will continue to fast 2 days per week. I realise most of you will think me crazy and see it as a waste of money but I need help and I am not too proud to ask for it.
    Let you know how it goes!

    Hello all,

    Happy I am sorry I gave you my cold!! Been coughing and spluttering here for a week so my bugs must have travelled a long way! Finally over the worst I think/hope – I don’t want to be sick near my first grandchild (now 3 days post due date)! I hope your bugs vanish quickly.

    Jo I wont criticize you for joining Slimming World, I say “whatever works” As long as you are careful not to believe any of their spin and use it just for the reasons you mention, ie support and accountability to their scales. It may even renew your commitment to fasting! You obviously believe in the power of fasting and are prepared to admit your weaknesses, hopefully the extra personal support might help. Well done on giving the bread pudding to the birds, it would have hurt far less than feeling angry with yourself after eating it! Though Happy may say you are poisoning the birds….. I did feel very sad for the poor chap you met at the pool, hopefully the support he is now getting will help him.

    Well done on the great win RT, the Adelaide Crows could go all the way this year! I bet your wife will be enjoying the babysitting for the next 8 weeks, lucky DIL to have such help. Nursing is a great career to fit around your family, so many options of areas to work in and shifts to work.

    Good Monday fast done: water and coffee all day, then a treat of 2 Brazil nuts with my kefir yoghurt tonight! What a feast it was!

    Hi everyone,

    Jo, if you think being weighed weekly at Slimming World will help you then go for it.

    I’ve been out to a specialist cooking equipment shop as I needed more rubber seals for Kilner jars and some kitchen twine which is very difficult to get. I can’t believe I’m the only person in London who uses it………
    The shop is an Aladdin’s den of fabulous things and I have to talk myself out of buying something I really don’t need every time I go in. This time it was a Humpty Dumpty egg timer ๐Ÿ˜›

    Now that I’ve got some rubber sealing rings I can use two more jars, I just have to think of something to fill them with. I am considering marrow and ginger jam…………

    It has turned into a beautiful day ๐ŸŒž and I should go out for a walk but having been out twice already it isn’t going to happen.

    Thanks for the kind words! It’s a nice day here too, but not roasting. Judging by what everyone else is wearing I’m guessing it’s quite warm, but I’m in a vest, long-sleeved t-shirt and fleece and still cold!

    I’m toying with fasting through til tomorrow to let my body focus on ousting the germs but have a few odds and ends of ham and cheese that really need eating so perhaps an omelette. And I’d like to get some chilli down to help with the cough.

    Nama, are you a bundle of nerves or managing to stay calm? I bet you’ll all be relieved to get the baby out!

    Jo, I’m not going to criticise you for joining a more formal support group. I’m with Nama and Amazon, if it gives you the discipline and accountability you need to get back on track then it won’t be money wasted.

    Amazon, we’re both suckers for old fashioned kitchen shops stuffed full of everything you ever need (and lots you don’t!). I think OH is even worse than me…or perhaps it’s just that prising treasures out of his sweaty paws before he gets to the till gives me a bit of perspective and puts a brake on my tendency to want everything ๐Ÿ˜€

    I think an omelette with a little chilli added to give your germs a kick would be the perfect comfort food if you’re feeling a bit poorly.

    I’ve had a really nice bacon and avocado salad followed by spiced plum compote with yoghurt and seeds. I am now talking myself out of eating the two squares of 70% cocoa chocolate left in the fridge. If I start nibbling I’ll be in trouble and go over my TDEE which I am determined not to do.

    The cook shop which is called Kooks also sell really nice greetings cards and I often go in to buy one and find myself picking up all manner of thing that have to be somewhat reluctantly put back on the shelf!

    I should be living in a big house with an enormous kitchen so I could satisfy my wish to own every tool and gadget I see, but I don’t have space in my little kitchen which is probably a blessing in disguise……

    I am pleased with my two new books, the River Cottage preserving book is brilliant and I’ve read it from cover to cover and want to move to the country so I can pick stuff from hedgerows and turn it into delicious jams, jellies, sauces and chutneys :daydream:
    Hugh F-W will give me inspiration through the winter for lots of new food combinations.

    Nama, whenever I go to Kew Gardens if I see anyone feeding the waterfowl with bread or cake I tell them off. I was watching Bondi Vet (I know, very sad but Dr Chris is rather cute) and he treated a duck that lived in the local park. It had very swollen feet with nasty sores on the underside. The diagnosis was gout caused by poisoning from all the bread etc that people were feeding it.
    Having said that, where Jo lives the bread pudding was probably eaten by seagulls who are avian dustbins ๐Ÿ˜†


    Good on you! Pleased you’re educating people!

    The gulls may be avian dustbins, but still prone to health problems from an unbalanced diet. The problem isn’t so much Jo giving the birds the odd bit of bread, which is fine fed along nuts, seeds, fats, etc. but the people who buy a loaf of white sliced and chuck it all in the pond/canal/lake. Its got no nutritional value and too much bread causes ill health, affecting ability to fly, reproduce and ultimately survive. And uneaten bread causes algal blooms and pollutes water bodies and watercourses…

    You’ve talked me into an omelette ๐Ÿ˜€ Although now I want your salad โ˜น๏ธ

    I’m sorry but the salad is all gone.

    Poor Jo will be wishing she had eaten her bread pudding ๐Ÿ˜•

    Hi All,
    Actually the bread pudding was eaten by the dogs, poor birds did not get a look in.

    My garden birds get the best selection of seeds.

    Thanks for your support and understanding guys

    Jojo I agree with everyone else pal . Do what is best for YOU . Some times just having someone weigh you can do the trick . We can cheat on ourselves but not if you are being checked on . GL and hello everyone else I am not MIA . we have got a new garden shed . We had 20 years of junk to clear out before the old one was dismantled . New one up now ( pictures on FB) we love it . I now have lovely matching containers in the new one and everything back in ( minus the rubbish ) . Take care everyone . Today I was doing the fence with Red cedar . Got about a third of it done xxxx

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    My take on exercise maybe different than the rest of the world I feel I get in 10000 steps a day and feel the buzz or a high as the dopamine release into my system but that is just my WOL Nama swims regularly but I donโ€™t class that as dedicated exercise if you join a gym I suggest it is for the express purpose of exercise and I donโ€™t think that is a requirement and taking on board all evidence including DrM โ€œthe truth about exerciseโ€ and my study of one think it is not. Jo I don not know what slimming world is but if the outcome is achieved then all power to you. Gee 2 brazil nuts and kefir yoghurt very la dee daa Nama ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think itโ€™s a bit much to expect these young nurses to work full time with zero pay on placement some fly in from interstate and have accommodation and transport expenses plus mortgages personal loans and credit cards if they have kids as well as husbands and partners to leave behind or organise I did not realise the sacrifices required on a personal level so far she has had nearly 40 weeks placement for no dollars thatโ€™s outrageous IMO.
    Crows can beat the Swans (sorry Purple) I am confident but GWS the following week that is another story they are the real deal and such height pace and power impressive..?
    Have a Happy Day All

    โ€œItโ€™s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedโ€
    Peace RT

    Just back from diet group. It is run by a man that has lost 5 stones and there were three other big weight losers tonight, 8 stones biggest which took 3 years. There was only 2 that had gained weight and 2 more had stayed the same. The group has jointly lost 5.11 stones tonight alone, about 60 people. Each member is asked to target what they want to lose for the next week, only one said one pound, most planned to lose 2-4 pounds.

    It was a very difficult evening for me because I don’t really agree with the whole ‘eat as much as you want – ‘free’ foods. Treats are classed as syns and encouraged. I think I will just need to go and sit up the back and keep quiet(that will be a challenge). I will continue to do my own thing with fasting and healthy eating and use the weigh in. Heard a couple of good recipes which might be useful so it wasn’t a total write off.

    If nothing else, Slimming World will be an interesting experience Jo…see how others struggle. Hope it works for you.

    Don’t worry, RT, I’ve given up on the Swannies and the Roosters (NTL), but the Wallabies are ok (at oresent ๐Ÿค) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your chilli, ham and cheese omelette sounds perfect, Happy. I think I’ll have one too. Get better soon.

    Hi to Nama (nervous granny), Wee (shed owner), Amazon (culinary queen) and all other happy FTs ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š P

    Morning/evening all,

    Beautiful morning here, 31C forecast ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŒž

    I’m off to the gym after a two week break and I’m really looking forward to getting back into my routine.

    Jo, Slimming World sounds interesting. I have to say that denying someone treats doesn’t work as people feel deprived which leads to overeating or even bingeing so having one now and again is a good idea if calorie restricting on a daily basis and is included in the calorie count. Maybe that is why the group are so successful.
    We all know that there is a downside to longterm calorie restriction so maybe you can cherry pick the best tips and ideas and incorporate them into IF.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

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