Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi Jo,

    Here’s the article. Interesting and good to discuss!

    Calorie counting won’t solve the obesity crisis
    Jenni Russell
    Published at 12:01AM, February 18 2016
    Evidence is growing that the destruction of our gut bacteria by processed food is the real enemy
    Something very curious happened in Britain in the mid-1980s. Obesity rates had scarcely shifted in the 20 years since records were kept. They were more or less steady at around 7 per cent. Then, overnight — or overyear — they rocketed, going into a steep climb for the next 20 years. Obesity almost trebled and every age group was affected. Whether they were 16 or 60, people suddenly started getting fat.
    Exactly the same thing happened in America, except that it took place five years earlier. The US graphs show a slow rise in adult obesity from 1950 to 1980, from around 12 per cent to 15 per cent of the population, an increase of only 1 per cent a decade. Then in 1980 the line on the graph starts shooting up rapidly, both for children and adults, so that by 2000 the adult obesity rate had more than doubled to 35 per cent.
    Nothing in the pattern of physical activity in either country explains this dramatic change. Increases in car use and television watching, and declines in physical activity and housework, all show a gradual trend. There were no sudden spikes, let alone any that are parallel with the obesity figures. And the fact that all age groups were affected at the same time means that single explanations for one group aren’t sufficient.
    Nor does an increase in calorific intake provide a simple explanation. In America, it’s true, the number of calories in the food chain shot up over those two decades by around a sixth. But in Britain the number of calories consumed per person actually fell markedly. From 1974 to the early-2000s our average daily calorie count dropped by a fifth.
    If neither calories nor physical activity explain the surge, that implies something else must have changed: the way our bodies work. There must have been an alteration in the way we process food and use the surplus.
    Last autumn a major study in North America confirmed that the popular explanation of the obesity surge — that it’s solely due to eating more and moving less — just isn’t true. Scientists at York University in Toronto examined the dietary data of thousands of Americans from 1971 to 2008, and the physical activity data of thousands more from 1988 to 2006. That showed something remarkable. In 2006, people who ate the same amount of calories as their counterparts in 1988 and did the same amount of exercise were nevertheless 10 per cent fatter. In other words, for some reason it has become much harder to stay thin, or even average, than it was 30 years ago.
    The puzzled researchers have suggested several possible causes. Environmental chemicals, from the plastics used in food production to flame retardants, could be changing our hormones. The explosion in antidepressants, oral contraceptives and antibiotic use, all associated with weight gain, is another. The third suggestion is the one that increasing numbers of scientists are focusing on: the destructive transformation of our gut bacteria — our microbiome — by the rapid changes in the western diet since 1980.
    There are dozens of human and animal studies demonstrating how contemporary diets rich in processed food, transfats, artificial sweeteners, additives, corn, soya and wheat devastate the huge variety of good bacteria that live in our guts, and replace them with strains that create inflammation and weight gain. That switch in our eating habits took off in the 1980s, when we ditched butter, full-fat milk, eggs, red meat and three meals a day in favour of frequent snacks, sugary drinks, ready-made meals and low-fat, high-carbohydrate food. Instead of an internal garden we created an arid landscape filled with weeds.
    Gut biology has gone from being an esoteric area to a mainstream interest in the past five years, as researchers have realised just how vital it is to our health. The key understanding is that once they are established, our gut bacteria determine how our bodies respond to food. Thin people develop colonies that keep them lean; fat people the reverse.
    In a fascinating 2013 experiment by the genetic epidemiologist Tim Spector, from King’s College London, researchers took intestinal microbes from pairs of twins where one sister was obese and one lean, and transferred them into mice. All mice were fed the same food. Yet the mice given the “obese” bacteria grew fat. The mice with the lean sister’s bacteria stayed lean. Then, just to prove the point, the scientists gave the fat mice bacterial transplants from the lean ones — and the fat mice lost their excess weight.
    The clear implication of the research is that if we continue to eat a classic western diet then even if we reduce our calories we’ll fight to lose weight or keep it off. Our bacteria will act like a fifth column, simultaneously fattening us and sending us subversive chemical messages demanding more sugar or fat. The exciting element of the theory is that just as our microbiome was ravaged by dietary changes, so it’s probably in our power to rebuild it — and the changes can start in days.
    Dr Spector and other leading figures in this field say the solution is simple; replace processed food with the natural foods we used to eat, particularly spices, herbs, fermented foods and fibre-rich plants. Variety is the key to internal regeneration. We used to eat around 150 different foods; now many of us eat only 20, packaged in 50 ways.
    And if broccoli for breakfast, nuts and sauerkraut for lunch and green smoothies for snacks is too much to bear, there’s always the cheat’s option. Sidle up to the skinniest person you know and find out what it might take for them to give away their good bacteria.

    thanks for a fascinating article. I think that Purple and Samm were both discussing gut bacteria and the use of fermented foods last year.

    This article leads to the same conclusion as the Blood Sugar Diet.
    Stop eating sugars and starches and carbs that easily turn into blood sugars. 🌶🌶🍷🍷


    I have to disagree with your statement about constipation. There is nothing good for the body in any form of constipation. It means that waste products spend too long inside our systems and can leach back into our bodies. The natural health practitioners all agree that to ensure optimal health, we should have a bowel motion every day. Drink lots of water and eat fibre.

    Cheers, Bay 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

    Thanks for the article, Tasa. Food for thought. 😘
    Apricot, the falafel was very flavorful, not dry at all, and very pink! The recipe made 2 large portions. The recipe said to form into balls, but I found that the dough could only be scooped into mounds that firmed up after baking. A little salt was needed.

    Sounds like you are in a great frame of mind, Jojo. Enjoy the weekend away!

    Just read your article on my phone. It’s a glorious day here, just stopped because my dogs have met two of their chums on the beach so they are chasing around like mad things and swimming. Great article and glad I already made the switch away from processed foods. I am certain that medicines have assisted in killing my good bacteria and hence have a very sluggish digestion. I have read many books about improving gut bacteria but it’s not a quick fix, working on it now though. Probably do need to extend my range of foods as I am a lazy cook and my partner is not into vegetables at all so I need to buy very small quantities. I do use left overs to make soup.
    I just met a friend on my walk, ex nurse, who warned me about low calorie diets and the link to gall stone flare ups. This is also mentioned in the BSD by MM on page 97. I may need to get advice about this before I start.
    Hope your gallbladder is in good order Ply, Bay and Smithy

    Well we’ve been discussing the importance of healthy gut flora, unprocessed food, and a wide variety of food stuffs for a long while now.

    However, I’ve never actually counted up how many different things I eat. Slightly anal I know! But, including mayonnaise (not breaking it down into constituent parts), and having just had lunch, I’m already on 21 for the day. Tonight’s meal will add at least another 6.

    Quite a few of those are repeated every day though, so I wonder how many new/ different things I eat each day and what the total is… I may have to keep a running count for the week.

    Bayleaf, I may be wrong, but I think you misunderstood Apricot’s post. I read it that she meant psyllium husks help if you are constipated due to lots of protein being eaten. Fairly sure she was not recommending constipation! That wouldn’t help gut bacteria at all!
    I saw a doco last year on new treatments for people with nasty conditions such as Crohn’s Disease. It was pretty radical (poo transplants!) but gave amazing results with inflammation settling for the affected person after a ‘donation’ of someone else’s waste (via a blender!) Certainly not a job I would want, but it was fascinating….. It would seem that the ‘engine room’ of our alimentary canal is not actually our stomach, rather the furtherst part from our mouth!

    We had the same thought, counting foodstuffs, fasting today though so just tea/ water so far.
    Luckily I have a record on Fitness Pal and was surprised to discover that last week it was 114 different foods, more than I thought. So I will now aim for 150 minimum in future. Now what can I add into my salad tonight? I am sure there are a few different sorts of seeds and herbs in my cupboard.

    I love the idea of a diet pill than can be sued Smiley

    I’ve just made lasagne based on a vegan recipe. It contains tofu mixed with spinach and tomato sauce. I added a layer of mixed mushrooms and made the tofu/spinach mix into a more sauce like texture. I’ve put cheese on top so it is no longer vegan. It looks and smells good and that is before it’s been in the oven. I’m looking forward to trying it and it had better be good or I don’t know what I’ll do with the other 3 portions!

    The rest of the tofu is destined for a vindaloo which will be bulked up with lots of vegetables 😋

    I love the idea of a diet pill than can be sued Smiley

    I’ve just made lasagne based on a vegan recipe. It contains tofu mixed with spinach and tomato sauce. I added a layer of mixed mushrooms and made the tofu/spinach mix into a more sauce like texture. I’ve put cheese on top so it is no longer vegan. It looks and smells good and that is before it’s been in the oven. I’m looking forward to trying it and it had better be good or I don’t know what I’ll do with the other 3 portions!

    The rest of the tofu is destined for a vindaloo which will be bulked up with lots of vegetables 😋

    Ah forgot about homemade soups that will boost the total

    My new laptop keeps losing internet connection which is why I managed to post the same thing twice.

    I read an article about faecal transplants a few weeks ago and they are transforming the lives of those whose gut bacteria have been depleted. They need a new name though…….

    What’s the point of lasagna if there is no cheese, Amazon? Enjoy!

    I know my diet includes a wide variety of foods, so I’m going to try not to obsess over counting, even though I want to! I generally cook several new dishes every week regardless of my eating plan. Good job Happy and Jojo!

    Hopefully people can get past the ick factor of fecal transplants. I have read about them and it seems a very promising therapy. I can hear the wheels turning in RT’s head, ready to unleash some poo jokes! 💩💩 And I take every opportunity to employ the poop emoji!

    Re gut bacteria, the one supplement I tend to take fairly regularly 😜 is a probiotic. I had my first colonoscopy two weeks ago, and all was perfect. I would have been very surprised if the result had been different, since I am the fiber queen! But colon cancer can be asymptomatic, so better to have the test.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Hi ply,

    Exactly! It was a vehicle for tofu rather than wanting it to be vegan.

    Four fasts in five days, roast chicken and wine tomorrow and Sunday 😎🍷🍷🍗🍗


    Good work on 114 food items! Funny because you’ve been busy telling us you have a restricted diet (fish and soup)!


    Good advice re: not obsessing, but counting will have a benefit for me. I cook from scratch most nights (and if I don’t it’s frozen leftovers or OH’s turn). I don’t at all resent cooking time, but I do get fed up of the same things so thinking about getting more variety = new recipes. Win win!

    I’ve managed over 70 different things this week which is good considering I’ve done 3:4

    That’s not bad going Amazon. I guess you’ll just need to make sure you eat different stuff next week! What a hardship 🙂

    I know my fast days are more limited because I’m not eating. Added incentive for non-fast days.

    I am planning on adding fermented grape juice to my list this weekend. That’ll be such a hardship 😉

    I didn’t include herbs and spices or oils and vinegars in my list so it is nearer to 80. I have to say I was surprised when I counted everything as I expected it to be 30-40.

    I am impressed with the numbers of various foods. I guess the idea that diets involve eating the same boring things all the time is another myth that needs to be put to rest.

    I love counting and cooking, too, Happy!

    BTW, Jojo, I took all my measurements last Sunday, but not pulse. I plan to measure after four and eight weeks. I will, of course, report out!

    Regarding gut flora, I make milk based kefir every day. Mr P swears by it as helping with his system. The “kefir grains” can be ordered online and it is dead simple (and cheap) to make. You can also make coconut milk based kefir if you wish to avoid cow’s milk. P

    I haven’t tried kefir, but I have added sauerkraut into my diet.

    On the basis of a relatively small sample here, and considering it’s based on a day (me) and a week minus fast days (Jo and Amazon), I’m guessing that we will easily be hitting that 150+ food item target mentioned in the article. It didn’t specify a timescale for consumption, so assuming we have at least several weeks to hit that target, I reckon we’re smashing it!

    Amazon, I also add fermented grape juice to my diet at weekends. For medicinal purposes only, obviously…

    Bay leaf and Nama…yes you are right, I was definitely not recommending constipation! Probiotic bacteria and Psyllium husk prevent it, so more emojis. I too read that variety is important for gut flora. Different ones flourish on different foodstuffs, so if you stop feeding them eg carbs those ones reduce. There’s a researcher called Norman Robillard who has written a book about getting rid of heartburn by encouraging changes in gut flora by use of diet. It’s called “Fast Tract Digestion”. His studies suggest that it’s caused by overproduction of carb eating bacteria in the small intestine rather than over acidity in the stomach. Certainly I’ve had less reflux since I started this diet and reduced carbs on normal days as well as fast days.

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Ply you naughty cheek little puppy 😉 ok

    Teacher asks Little Johnny to use the word ‘definitely’ in a sentence

    Little Johnny replies, “Teacher, do farts have lumps in them?”
    The Teacher says, “Of course not Johnny,”

    To which Johnny replies, “Then I have definitely shit my pants then…”

    Confucius say, Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.

    A guy sits in front of TV all day, farting like there’s no tommorrow.
    But not just gassy airish farts, I’m talking mega greasy wet ones, the kind that would make your dog puke.
    The wife, understandably is angry as f**k, and says: “one day Honey, you are gonna fart your guts out.”
    THe next Sunday, as wife is preparing Turkey for sunday lunch, Hubbie falls asleep.
    THe wife spies an opportunity to get her own back, so she takes the innards of the turkey and places them in the underwear her husband is wearing. She then went back to cooking the turkey. Later on that night, her husband came to the dinner table looking very frightened.

    “What happened?” asked his wife.

    “Well,” the man said, “you were right. I farted my guts out.”

    “What did you do?” asked his wife.

    “Well with the Grace of God and these two fingers I got ’em all back up in there!”

    Have a happy weekend all you beautiful losers 😉
    Peace RT

    Hi Apricot, sorry for not reading carefully enough. Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Hi there

    Do the 150 items include repeat foods? If it means individual separate types of food, then I ate around 80 last week. However, if each time I cook a food in a very different way counts separately, then I am well over 100 items during the week.

    For example, If I have vegetable soup made with julienned carrots, celery, tomato, and capsicum, broccoli and spring onions, salt, chilli, on a fast day, I count 6 ypes of food and 2 condiments.

    If I then have casserole made with meat and brown onions, olive oil, carrot, celery, tomato, capsicum, asparagus, kidney beans, and kumara, ginger, salt, pepper on the next day, how many items of food have I eaten? This was cooked in the slow cooker, and the meat fell apart as we ate. Yummy!

    Are the celery, carrots, tomato and capsicum in the casserole included or not in the count? To was tinned tomato in the casserole, and fresh tomato in the soup. I include the celery tops in the soup.

    Cheers, Bay 🌶🌶🌶

    Hi Bay, Of course this is just my opinion, but I would think a food could only be counted once, whether cooked in different ways or raw. Though its a tricky one and I am no chemist. I guess the action of cooking would release different compounds that may interact differently in the gut.

    For you exercise junkies, new research comparing different types of exercise and benefits for our brains:
    (I am sticking with swimming and walking and gardening, Happy you need to get your bike out or go for a run)


    Saturday weigh in: another full kilo weight loss 2.2lbs
    registered on new home scales will recheck weight loss on the dog scales at the veterinarian later, so that’s 1-kilo a week for 3 consecutive weeks. I’m pleased, but for me the real litmus test of success will be week ten. I want to see consistency, new goal date 16th of April. Let’s see if I have really integrated a new ‘WOL’ firstly validated by a consistent weight loss for another 7-weeks and secondly by better wellbeing body and mind.

    Surprisingly for me it no longer feels like a struggle to Fast or to maintain a lower daily caloric intake of ‘good’ foods. I’m eating tasty things and remain mindful of what crosses my lips. I guess this is the life-work of ANY addict, yes?
    The exercise is still my biggest challenge only because it hurts to move. But if that’s my world then this is just what it is ‘C’est La Vie’. I MUST exercise using enough large motor movement to burn as many calories as I can. Not too complicated, pretty simple math. Slowly, slowly but consistently I’m increasing my daily steps …now 6,000 per day hopefully by end of next week I’ll achieve 10,000.
    But my own personal goal is to enjoy ‘endurance’ hiking again. For 50 years I hiked (alone, no chatting people around me) a minimum of 2-days a week for at least 5(+)hours and usually over 1,000 meters up. I love love love LOVE going up and seeing the changes in terrain and finally THE VIEW! And profound sense of satisfaction.
    So let’s see if I can do this again…why not, eh?
    Good luck everyone, stay strong!

    Pentimento fantastic
    A well done with a high 5 with and a back slap good for you
    now continue to
    1) push the eating window out IF
    2) the feed day know your TDEE
    3) get 10000 steps daily
    4) know what your eating at all times
    there it is for free
    that’s the top four

    Morning/evening all,

    RT very clever with the topical jokes 😉

    Penti, well done 🙂

    After ply mentioning Bircher muesli the other day I thought I would make some to break my fast today so I’ve got some oats, prunes and sultanas soaking in almond milk and will add yoghurt, seeds, nuts and strawberries when it is ready to eat.

    It’s a lovely morning here but I’ve got much to do at home that I mustn’t put off.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Get yourself a trampet and walk or jump on that, still burns calories and less damaging to those sore joints. If you include a bit of arm movement better still.
    I have a hip and knee problem so I know where you are coming from, in fact it’s giving me gyp right now so off to stick a cold patch on it, works a treat.
    I was counting herbs and spices in my foodstuffs, is that wrong? Happy I do eat fish, eggs, occasionally chicken, quorn, tofu and quinoa plus every veg known to mankind over the week. I only have potato on Sunday these days. I usually have 4 veg with my fish. I make a different sauce for my fish every day. Sweet chilli had to go though, replaced with lime and ginger.
    I have just read the book for the second time and have picked up on lots of points missed in the first read through. I have an action plan set and a new goal for July. I am going to add a walk every evening, I am sure the dogs won’t object. I am going to move every thirty minutes of sitting time as suggested in the book. 5 hours of TV or reading is just not an option anymore even if I have been active all day. I am going to kickstart my metabolism even if it kills me( I hope it doesn’t though).

    Love the jokes.
    Does laughing burn more calories?
    I think they said it did when I attended that laughter yoga group last year.
    Keep laughing, keep moving

    Yeah laughter and sex burn lotsa calories. Recommend we all do lots more of both!

    Jojo thanx for alternative exersize ideas…I’m mostly walking ‘off pist’ up over the stone walls and following wild pig trails rather then pavement. And so because of the uneven ground and bit of scramble here n there it becomes a full body workout. It’s good variation for me.

    RT thanks for the tips on your 4-tips on number 1, what does ‘IT’ mean please?

    It’s IF=intermittent fasting 🙂

    Pentimento… getting back to hiking….now that is a worthwhile goal! You are well on your way, congrats on the continued weight loss!

    RT just curious about #1 “pushing the eating window out” are you suggesting skipping meals sucah breakfast or?

    I DO know what I’m eating and am constantly having a look-see for caloric count et all…this is still the education phase for me.

    Yes Ply hiking tall mountains again is my passionate goal…The weight loss and fasting etc are the actions I must embrace to get back to the mountains..
    Exciting for me…yes!

    I’m feeling great today! Even though I’m still one stone off my target weight having lost five in a year I’ve treated myself to a pair of inexpensive jeans size 14 and a pink jumper size 12 – they fit absolutely perfectly and a nice change from the old ones which were getting loose and baggy
    Considering that a year ago I could only try on size 20 and sloppy jumpers to hide the bulges the psychological boost is huge!!
    I’m looking forward to getting some summer clothes in a couple of months which show off the ‘new me’ instead of hiding it and also I’m looking forward to wearing a swimsuit with confidence!!
    Talk about goals! Spurring me on!!

    Love it, Pen Nib! Rock those new jeans!

    Well done pen nib 🙂

    Penti, RT has a five hour eating window most days so he is doing 19/5. He is very disciplined. Quite a few of us only eat lunch and dinner and have an 8 hour window ie 16/8 as we’ve all discovered that the shorter the eating window the harder it is to overeat, plus we gain the benefit of fasting from dinner until lunch the following day.
    I only eat dinner on FDs so I can have a decent sized meal. It took a bit of getting used to but if I can keep myself busy it isn’t too difficult.

    Hi Everyone,
    I walked for three hours today with two friends who are in their 70’s, they are in great shape and make me feel a bit ashamed that ?I am overweight. We then went out to lunch (unplanned). Had fish without batter, jacket potato and salad with french dressing. Pea, mint and parsley soup for dinner.
    Doing fantastically well with the no sugar rule

    Glad to hear you are doing well, Jojo! Soup sounds yum.

    Hi Ply,
    It was ok but not as good as vine tomato, chilli and lentil.


    Hi Penti:
    Amazon is absolutely spot on with her assessment regards 19/5 I skip breakfast & lunch and have a 5 hour eating window daily generally 3pm-8pm
    Good information here

    Free ebook here
    And here
    The less you eat the more you lose.

    Fantastic video about 19/5 and the importance of enriching your life through, social, metal and physical stimulation, play, novelty, variety and challenge. I believe I am doing all these things, probably not in the correct proportions but I am endeavouring to get the balance right. I really want to be that 100 year old that is water sking on her 100 th birthday. Maybe not in a bikini though ! ha ha!
    Have a great Sunday everyone, keep moving and don’t forget to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day.

    Hi RT, Amazon …hmmmm not sure about skipping my first meal of the day quite yet. Of all the daily meals it’s my favorite. Skipping breakfast = ‘break’-‘fast’, which fuels my body going forward would be like trying to drive my car but only putting in gasoline after driving…seems backwards. Am HAPPY to skip supper, never was much on that meal anyway. I like a light snacky type evening meal.

    I’m still focused (hard work at the moment) on improving my exercise program to an equivalent of 10,000 steps per day and plan to continue to lose circa 1-kilo per week.

    Achieving the same weight loss results these next 7-weeks will be tell-tale for me as the positive results will cement this paradigm shift of eating and moving as a new ‘Way of Life’ versus a time limited ‘diet’. I want this WOL to become autogenic, like breathing. I never THINK about breathing or wonder if there is enough air to breathe; I just breathe. And so I intend for this mindful food + water intake and better exercise to be an automatic part of my daily life……like breathing or blinking.

    At the moment, I’m acutely mindful of not drinking any alcohol and kinda pissed off at myself that I even think about it as often as I do. What a stupid thing I did to myself. SHHHHEEEIT think I just felt an earthquake….gonna look it up online. I HATE them SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH!

    Nope the dog just hit the couch a wee bit…. suns up off to take my walk, then garden and practice cold SMOKING garlic and this afternoon making Orange marmalade …have Black Garlic in the rice cooker at 52C for last 16-days another 26-days to go AND just finished the Sourdough starter
    Stay strong folks, if you fail?, just try again.


    Thanks for the exercise link. I’d read before that running was good for the brain, but interesting to see that while HIIT may achieve the same fitness results it doesn’t similarly benefit the brain. Sadly I’m not running at the moment, my back hasn’t been good since Xmas so I’m just a walker at the mo. I did 10km yesterday, with several inclines of 6-8%. I’m hoping the hills are HIIT and the distance protects my brain!


    Re: feeling ashamed in the company of your walking friends. I was the same pre-5:2. Whenever we met up to go walking or cycling, I was often the largest (the rest being built like fell runners which, funnily enough, several are 🙂 ). It’s easy to feel ‘normal’ when every round you is large… but there’s nowhere to hide when no round you is large.

    Actually though, keeping up with your fit friends exercise-wise is far more important than just being as thin as them.


    Re: skipping breakfast. I’m another 16:8er, and actually was naturally in my 20s and 30s (and maintained a steady weight) until I got brainwashed into believing that a bowl or plate of carbs was essential first thing in the morning (funny, that pretty much coincided with my weight gain…!).

    ‘Breakfast’ refers to the meal which you eat to break your fast. While it’s now synonymous with Kellogg, when you choose to break your fast is entirely up to you. I break fast at 11 or 12, often with natural yoghurt. I would never now break fast with cereals or bread, and only eat porridge if I’m going hiking (I think even a bowl of oats is probably more carb than my body needs to sit in a chair at work 🙂 ). On a fast day, I might have a very small snack at maybe 3 or 4, but generally try to push through and break fast after 24 hours of abstinence from food.

    Everyone’s different though and what you’re doing clearly works for you, so I wouldn’t worry about eating windows!

    Good morning Penti,
    That must be a huge dog to make you think it was an Earthquake. I seem to attract earthquakes, I have been on holiday and experienced them in four different countries plus good old Blighty. They have always been mild enough not to cause serious damage.i was in Wellington New Zealand for the last one, in a building on rollers, it was like being at sea during a storm laying on a water bed. Weird sensation in the middle of the night. In the UK I thought downstairs C/H boiler had blown up because my bedroom radiator was rattling almost off the wall, again it was 2 am. Very glad I have not been in serious Earthquakes, must be terrifying.
    It’s a windy but bright day here so I am walking the dogs early. I may tackle cutting the lawn later depends on the cold. That job is a good workout, it takes upwards of three hours, it’s very long at the moment as we have had lots of rain lately.
    Feeling very positive despite the scales getting stuck again. Making a huge vat of veg soup today ready for March, calorie counted for the first time.
    Tomorrow I start water/tea only fast for as long as possible. I think I will be keeping away from the TV as this is my weak time, probably all those adverts. I will focus on reading, playing cards and colouring mandalas.
    The long walk yesterday has given me knee pain all night so I will only do 5,000 steps on grass today and finish other 5,000 on trampet.
    Scrambled egg for breakfast today then salmon/ veg later. May have big soup tonight to prepare me for three day fast. Fingers crossed I can do it, I hope! Water! Water! Water!
    RT and Wiwi – I will need your support. Has anyone else tried this three day cleanse? How did it go? I believe after the first two days it gets easier. If this doesn’t shift a couple of pounds I will scream and scream until I am sick! Well maybe not because there won’t be any food in my stomach, but I will be very cross.

    The worst of it is that most thin and fit people do think all overweight people secretly binge. I know my friends suspect this when they enquire (do you think you snack when you are fed up, do you have large portion meals) I reply that I don’t snack often at all unless I have calories available or if I am trying to resist temptation when my friends are eating high calorie snacks such as biscuits and cake, if I do indulge these days it’s an apple or 10 almonds. They had two snacks yesterday both of which I refused in favour of water, what more evidence do they need? They also saw me refuse chips, mayonnaise and I removed all the batter from my fish. I admit my portion control was an issue but it is beaten now as calorie controlled. They both chose huge portions of high carb risotto high sugar puddings and had alcohol. Life is a bitch sometimes. We have a walking holiday booked in September, I would dearly love to be slim for it. I don’t think they will acknowledge my efforts until the proof is really visible. These particular friends didn’t know me when I was 4 stone heavier.
    Good to know you understand Happy.
    Penti- I used to swear that I could never go without breakfast. Then 19/5 came into my life. It has been revolutionary for me, less hours to eat, less calories consumed, simple. I think it took about a week to get used to it. Usually do 1pm to 5 pm. Weekends I do late breakfast then lunch 11 am – 4 pm. Occasionally I will snack on an apple if I am really peckish in between but try drinks first,, usually works.
    However no two days are the same, I wish I could pin down why! Some days I could eat a horse ( probably alive which is not ideal for a vegetarian) other days I don’t feel hunger at all. I know the minute I wake up what sort of day I am facing. It’s tough!


    If your aim is to lose weight, then having a large anything ‘to prepare’ you for eating nothing doesn’t really make much sense! Far better to have a small low carb meal tonight in preparation.

    I see you have yet again set yourself a very ambitious target, of losing 3st by July. Given that the average weight loss on 5:2 is 1lb or thereabouts per week, why not give yourself a more realistic target of 40lbs in 40 weeks? Aiming for 2lbs a week is fine, and fantastic if you get to goal sooner, but I’m afraid you’re just setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

    Hi Jo,

    Well you will show your new walking friends, because you are going to get there!

    And at the point at which you get to goal, you can whip out the ‘before’ photo and say stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

    Oh, and before 5:2 I always suspected that my skinny fit brother only ever gave me a hug so he could feel how much fat I was hiding under my clothes!

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