Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 16,657 total)

  • Joho, since you asked: Favorite salmon recipe if anyone is interested. Easy fast. Salmon cooked skin side (although I do skin it ) down and never flipped as you pop a lid on the skillet and it steams itself through as the bottom crisps.

    Lazy alternative to JP’s fancier version: When done, I tip the excess grease out of the pan, deglaze with 2 TBS of dry vermouth, reduce to 1 TBS and add a squeeze of lemon and swirl in 1 TBS butter. Pour over fish on the plate. Top with any herb you have, fresh or dry. Lovely

    Great with a cucumber salad (dressing of greek yogurt, sqeeze of lemon, salt & pepper, lots of dill).

    Salmon Fillet Sautéed on Its Skin
 Jacques Pepin
    serves one

    One 6 ounce salmon fillet, skin on (or off)
    1/8 tsp salt or more

    2 tsp unsalted butter

    1/4 cup (loosely packed) very thin slivers of onion, about an inch long

    1 to 2 tsp capers, drained

    2 tsp lemon juice

    1 tsp coarsely chopped flat-leaf-parsley, for garnish

    Equipment: An 8 or 9 inch seasoned cast iron (or heat resistant non-stick) frying pan with a tight-fitting cover
    Set the pan over high heat for a minute, until quite hot. Season both sides of the fillet with the salt and lay it skin side down in the dry pan. The skin will shrink on contact with the heat.
    Cover the pan and cook for 5 to 7 minutes at medium-high heat, depending on the thickness of the fillet. Test for doneness by piercing the top with a sharp knife: the outside will flake but the center should still be medium rare and slightly translucent; the skin will be very crisp. Cook longer for a better-done fillet.
    With a long spatula, lift the fillet and flip it onto a dinner plate, with the cooked skin on top.

    Wipe out the pan with paper towels to remove the fat released by the salmon.

    Add the butter to the skillet. Add the onion slivers and sauté 1 minute or so. Add the capers and sauté briefly, tossing them with the onions. Swirl in the lemon juice. Pour the sizzling garnish over the fillet, sprinkle on the chopped parsley (or sprinkle with dried dill).

    Great job, SAMM!

    Jojo, I looked back at my food log for macronutrient stats. I do make an effort to limit non-veg & fruit carbs, unless low-cal and high-fiber like my beloved Fiber One cereal, but I do not make a conscious effort to shoot for a specific protein percentage. My tracker does calculate that however, and for the month of April, protein percentages ranged from a low of 9% to a high of 46%. Most were in the low- to mid-20s, and the average was 24%. Will do further analysis to try to see whether tied to weight loss either way. My math geek self loves this!

    Hi Fast trackers,
    Ok so you can’t flip back a page if you are half way through a post ggrrrrhhh.

    Hi ply,
    Definitely a link in my stats with protein level and weight loss, I am nearly always between 30 and 50, I love proteins. However now I know for sure I am going to make a real effort to get below 25 %. I guess I always knew but I was in denial, figures don’t lie especially my tummy bulge.

    Looks a lush salmon dish, I will try it with white fish. I love sea breem, unsmoked haddock, skate wing and bass, freshly caught of course, not farmed anything. Also buy organic veg now. Definitely helping weight loss avoiding processed foods. Do have miso soup though. I have a horrible feeling that I may be intolerant to eggs too which is sad because I love them, may need to limit them to Sunday breakfast.

    Well done you, you deserve it with your exercise schedule.
    I am glad to be doing a lot of walking today, yesterday was all sitting apart from dog walk so I feel bloated and sluggish today, didn’t even hit my water drinking goal yesterday. Result scales up 2 pounds , though I know it is temporary, my calorie count is still under 1200, suspect potatoes in the casserole are the cause.

    I find goal settings daily for everything helps me plan and focus but I can’t always fit them in with my lifestyle of being out and about. Very full diary socially for the next month, lots of meals planned which is already worrying me. Must order sensibly but that is so hard especially tonight at the Indian, set meal at my book club. Never have coffee or dessert but love a starter. I will be sensible for breakfast and lunch too.

    Be in touch tomorrow, work and dogs beckon.

    Two non fast days ahead when I feel like I need a fast day, wish me luck?

    Good luck and keep fast tracking and look at your statistics for links, it really highlights problem areas. I will be weighing ‘proteins only’ for the next week.

    Morning Jojo and co, I have just come back from my walk and called in the
    library, picked a book called Belly Fat Diet first page I turn to is how to stop being bloated, they recommend caraway seeds among other things. I am going to give them a try I will let you all know if they works and if there are Ny other good ideas. Fasting again today to get into the 9’s as soon as possible. Happy fasting . JIP

    Hello everyone, please could tell me what YOU put into a salad? My salads are very basic, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and onions and then the salad cream or mayo which I could not eat it without. so any improvement on the salad or the topping would be appreciated. Happy fasting. JIP I have posted this on the other threads so sorry if you have already read it.

    Hi Jip, I like any leftover veg in my salad–broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc.
    I had some roasted beets this week which are delicious in a spinach salad with a little goat cheese or blue cheese. Nuts, raw pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds all good. Protein–chicken, buffalo chicken sausage, tuna, shrimp, salmon, steak, anything leftover. I also really like pickled vegetables in my salad; the spicy ones that come in a jar with cauliflower, carrots, and peppers.

    Okay, weighed in today and down .6 since Sunday, hoping to make it close to 2 lbs. by Friday. Fasting today to finish off the 3 in my 4:3. Wednesday is the day we order out for lunch at work, and I am excited about my Greek slad with grilled chicken coming later!!

    Thanks for the reply, I must be more adventures. LOL JIP

    Hi JIPWGP,
    Caraway seeds, I will need to think of a way of using them, don’t think I have even used them in cooking. More investigation necessary.

    I made my own brocoli slaw today, it was delicious and hardly any calories. Tonight I am out for an Indian meal, not holding back folks, love it.

    you are being very good, Greek salad and grilled chicken, I expect nothing less from you. I really need to follow your good example as I am out for meals so frequently. I am always ok if there is fish on the menu but not a great fan of salad.

    When I do make salads I go for Nicoise with white cabbage, peppers, onions etc plus dressing of course. I quite like mozzarella and tomato salad too.

    Today I had miso soup with zero noodles, not good, quite rubbery. Zero noodle are better fried in oil with prawns and peppers plus a little spicey dressing. More calories and taste. Since I am currently more worried about carbs than fat.

    I ordered 20 packs of zero noodles from Amazon, so much cheaper than Health a Food Shop. This is a first for me, ordering food from Amazon, whatever next?

    Must go now book club beckons and it’s my turn to present. ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ by American Author Mitch Albom. Great book, very thought provoking.

    Hi JOJO, have you read the Seven people you meet in heaven? By the same author.

    Hi again, the caraway seeds can be eaten by the handful apparently.


    The IF I supposed to be a protien fast, but instead of a solid number for everyone. It must be the individuals number and that can change from week to week. My understanding is it’s 27% protien restriction is the ADEQUATE number. However theres still differences from metabolism from week to week , both for ones N.E.A.T. and physical differences, and or if your sick or not. My understanding is it’s even more complicated to get an exact number @ just the right time of day.

    The concern I have for protein restriction can have long term issues on bone marrow health.
    I’m starting to imagine a formula that looks like this.
    A daily protein consumption window, AND a carbohydrate consumption window.
    The aim it to get into DNA repair mode on a daily basis. However the protein window needs to be open much much wider at 8 hours approximately 24g to avoid the bone marrow issue. So it would look like using whey protein,because it’s the easiest to absorb. 8g at 8am, 10g at noon, 6g at 5pm.

    It is the carb window that needs to be open only 4 1/2 hours per day. Frivolously From 12:30-5pm completely fasting for another 17 hours. To know precisely would take blood work. My understanding is if the carb window is shut at noon the you may be in a DNA repair mode around 5:30am the next morning.
    That’s still a guess without blood work. Still doesn’t make difference on fats in the blood which is another Health gear to consider in the diet.
    That seems complicated. However it’s just food calories. Or meal planning .
    Im guessing , but this is how I play it.

    At 8am 60 calories
    1 vita gummie
    Half a brazil nut
    1 votive calcium chew
    5 dehydrated cherries
    1 zero calorie vitamin enhanced water with 5g whey protein added
    Moderate enough N.E.A.T To ‘ wake up the metabolism

    At 12 noon 240 calories
    Salad with 15 red beans

    At 4:30pm 300 calories
    3 oz catfish with 5 almonds and vegtables
    1 whole lemon with green tea.

    What I was aiming for is DNA repair mode that happens normally. However weight loss occurs due to calorie restriction. It’s my opinion based on just reading , with no medical training that centenarians live longer because if they survive many of the other age related diseases. They are putting off getting cancer, because of their rich antioxidant diet with optimal vitamins and minerals. While they are simplistically speaking getting into DNA repair more often than those that are over eating protein and carbs everyday. With another factor being that they are very close to TDEE while observing a low sugars diet. Just eating what they need.

    It’s my understanding also that metabolism is a significant gear in the longevity formula. More to the point exercise wether it is cardio or lifting. It still needs to balance only putting in what is required and then getting into DNA repair mode more often than not.

    If i can do all that great!
    While learning to make this work IF makes the best of both the complicated diet combined with living life to great food and great times at the dinner table for me. I love eating with friends and family, however I realize it doest have to everyday or observed at every meal. I mean c’mon how wonderful life is at the campfire eating s’mores. I found it very enabling to have both types of foods days. I can keep a restrictive eye on my fork health one day, and entertain my family and friends with enjoyable spoon and knife foods the next.
    Lol i woke up in the middle of my sleep when I wrote this . I’ll probably wake up and re read this thinking OMG did I really post that. Im positive this is as close to how I approach food in general.

    This week is sooooooo hard at work any attempt to be low sugar and I can’t keep up , so Im learning to fit the formula in with dried fruits for sugars and watermelon for antioxidant water nutrition. So eat high sugar foods in a way that am most likely to metabolize the fruits, but later for dinner I’m eating just a little vegtables while observing my protein window. I still skip rope just before jumping into bed , helps me to be exhauseted enough to sleep well. It’s been a week from hell for me. I won’t be surprised if I’ve lost 7 lbs and I know it won’t be all fat. Still it’s nice to be able to plan a sailing trip with co workers and wear clothes that I couldn’t button a few weeks ago. I look forward to being sedentary for a few days. At least my journey has brought me to an understanding of not gorging myself with food rewards on sedentary days with thoughts of ‘ I deserve more calories. I now try to think of rewarding myself with expensive flavors instead of sugary calories that keep me from natural DNA repair mode.
    Good night.

    Ok that last post is complicated beyond words. I think starvation may have affected your powers of deduction for sure. I will break it down bit by bit with my experts and get back to you. Intellectually you have left me standing. All I could understand from your post is that you are splitting you food types into different time zones and restricting certain foods. Give me a week to process information.

    I enjoyed the Indian meal and am now looking forward to a compensatory extra B2b tomorrow and Friday until dinner out on Friday night. My social life is killing my diet plans, what can you do?, become a hermit ? Actually that’s not a bad idea. I think living in a cave foraging for food would be the ultimate diet and fitness regime.

    Art class tomorrow night, supposed to be drawing coastscapes but I am currently thinking it may be very abstract as my perceptions of reality are totally turned on their head at the moment. I visualise a purple ocean with an orange sky, possibly with yellow striped mountains. Seriously! I seem to have totally changed every habit I ever had and am starting with a clean slate, it’s exciting but a little scary.

    Goodnight my friends, keep drinking, keep thinking, observe and record, eat healthily.

    Hi JIPWGP,
    Yes I read that a couple of years ago, loved it which is why I selected this one. He is a good author. He has so many talents, a real go getter. I wonder what I have been doing with my life when I read about such people.

    The main thin I related to in ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ Is the opinion of the society in which we live where money making takes precedence over spending quality time with friends and family. How giving is no longer a function for every person in the community, some are just takers and contribute nothing. I have always raised money for different charities but this year I have made a vow to give my time instead, really get involved. I am starting with animal care at a local rescue centre and donating a week of my time in August to help at a local Folk Festival, really looking forward to these projects. I am also involved in preserving, maintaining and improving a piece of woodland for community use.

    And now I really must go to bed, work tomorrow

    Im trying to keep up on the DNA repair function.
    Here’s what I’ve been reading .
    I don’t u derstand it all, but I’m trying to see what it points too. I’m trying to lean towards using diet, calorie restriction in particular to get into the longevity benefits.

    By diet I’m trying transform a balance of social life habits of really poor habits into very healthy foods.
    So three days a week I’m trying to get into the repair mode from my diet. With 4:3 IF as the meal planning. The other four days a week are for eating to feel normal with enough energy to do everything I desire to do. After being in hospital bed for so long. I can’t help but think I was there longer because of the habits that have led to my obesity. Now I’m trying to use 4:3 IF to make a U-turn and give my body just what it needs to repair itself normally.
    A doctor might say eat well, exercise, and get good rest.
    I’m thinking they may someday say. Eat well, fast well, exercise, and get good rest.

    Hi SAMM,
    Having a rough night, mild but irritating cough, too much high pitched singing last night at choir. Drinking herb tea in bed and reading fast diet on subject of ‘when you eat’ as opposed to what you eat. I may try eating my 500 cals at lunchtime tomorrow since my sleep is likely to be disturbed at night with cough I won’t need to worry about being kept awake with the hunger monster. In the early days of fasting I was driven from my bed many nights to get bowls of cereal or make toast. I wouldn’t dream of doing that now.

    Sometimes I do three meals and occasionally two, no consistency to what I do, take it as it comes.
    Sticking with low carb but am going to reduce proteins to under 25% from Saturday, increase fats via nuts, cook with butter etc We will see what effect it has by Sunday but not expecting a 2 lb off this week, far too much socialising and not enough exercise. Gym tomorrow and Friday for sure, need to get more active. Hopefully I will at least maintain the 3 lb I lost last week, but it would be great to add one more off thereby keeping my average up.
    Planning lots of walking this weekend.
    Are you up to anything exciting?


    “Are you up to anything exciting?”

    Well, Yeah!

    I’ve had my e-Bike/Scooter for a couple of weeks and have gone from thrilling, to disappointment and now to hopeful.

    It’s also motivating me to trim down on the weight so that I could go faster. Excess weight and small motors don’t do well together.

    It’s great to have a reason and purpose.

    With a well running ebike, two (me and my wife) can enjoy the fruits of urban living in style. As you may know, the urban life comes alive in good weather, and for the same reason, multiple, simultaneous activities occur. One could not possibly enjoy those events unless there’s an easy way to get around. A shortened attention span also helps.

    Hola Chicago in Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

    Hi FastTrackers,
    How you all doing?
    It’s dull and rainy here today and it’s getting me down, plus I am tired from not getting enough sleep, blasted cough. My mother used to say’ it’s not the cough that carries you off but the coffin they carry you off in’. I wish someone would carry me off, somewhere warm please. Anyway that’s my moan over.
    Skipped breakfast but had cerealCorn flakes)with s/s milk today plus three slices of ham, I felt I needed something different from miso soup. Willing myself to go to the gym now before art class( more sitting). I really need to change my hobbies, they all seem to include lots of sitting about, even badminton is alternate games.
    What are your hobbies?

    Hey Jojo et al,

    Gray and dismal here as well, but warming up a bit today. May 1, and not feeling like Spring at all! Feeling a bit tired, and concerned that I may have hit a dreaded plateau!

    @samm, I find your ideas intriguing, but the level of detail is just too much for me. I am a gal who likes analysis and calculations, but I refuse to eat half a Brazil nut! (I know they are big!)

    Hey Ply,
    Yes I think we may have SAD, or carb withdrawal syndrome. I have just received a new cookery book in the post. 1001 low carb recipes (American) of course, by Dana Carpender so I will be trying lots of new recipes and reporting on their success, mind you that does depend on my none too brilliant cooking skills. Also I may need a translator for some of the ingredients. What is cilantro when it’s at home, goes well on bass apparently, also ‘jerk seasoning? Could be an educational experience especially for quiz nights.
    Saltimbocce sounds yummy – chicken, prosciutto, sage, butter olive oil and dry white white – Sunday dinner – me thinks. Loads of salads if you need any ideas.

    SAMM made my brain ache too but I will get there with some help.

    Feeling guilty as low water intake today, still working on 2nd pint, might make three max.

    Think it will be an early night for me tonight, maybe even some pain killers. Here’s hoping I get some sleep.

    Now then, can you isolate what foods you have had that may have caused your current mood? Lack of weight loss ?

    I have decided not to skip breakfast anymore, I like to start the day with either porridge or eggs, although I have doubts about eggs at the moment. Observing everything.

    Prawn stir fry tonight with zero noodles and peppers – yum

    Jojo, you won’t believe it, but I made chicken saltimbocca for dinner last night!

    My plan is to put all my meal data on a spreadsheet and look for patterns. May not get to it until next week, though. I’m sure I will perk up soon; it’s not in my nature to be able to sustain the blues for long. Also, I am throwing a Cinco de Mayo fiesta on Saturday night, and party planning and prep always makes me happy, not to mention the margaritas!

    Jerk seasoning is a spicy blend of seasonings, try looking up “Jamaican jerk”. Cilantro is also called coriander. here they call the seeds coriander and the leaves cilantro. Some people (I think it’s a genetic thing) find that it has a soapy taste, and dislike it intensely. I use it mostly in Mexican dishes. Parsley is an okay substitute if you find you are in the soapy camp!

    Hi jojo, sorry to hear about the cough but can I recommend a med I use it’s called PULMO Bailly oral solution, I swear by it but I cannot take it neat so I take it in a small drop of orange juice like a small egg it much more palatable. It’s well worth it only sold in chemists you will get a good nights sleep. Hope you are better soon.
    I play outdoor bowls I only live a five minute walk away from the club I have been a member about 13 years, if picked for the teams I could play up to 3 times a week and roll ups as we call them can be down at anytime. I also love to walk but I do love to walk to somewhere like to a friend in the next village when there will be a nice cup of coffee at the end of it. JIP

    Hi ply,
    Great minds think alike, that’s all I can say, looking forward to my Saltimbocce.

    I have just returned from my art class. We painted a local sunset scene from a photograph, very yellow, orange and purple. Church tower in silhouette to add focus. I enjoyed the class but there were too many chatty women in it, it would have been lovely to paint in the quiet. Glad it’s only 6 weeks.

    Why are you celebrating a Spanish Festival, are you Spanish? I have been learning Spanish for many years and visit regularly.

    Thanks for the other information.

    Thanks for the meds advice. I will check it out tomorrow.

    Is that a scooter with an engine? Or a bike with an engine ?I noticed my paper boy had a scooter with an engine, looks fun, I would love to try one. I can just see myself popping off to the bowls club on one, no parking issue with it, great.

    Looking forward to yoga tomorrow

    Sorry your art class was not as Zen as you’d hoped, Jojo! The latest rage here is painting and wine classes. I did one with a group of friends a month ago and it was great fun. An artist led us in creating a winter birch scene while we chatted, drank wine, and had some snacks. My dad was so impressed with my picture that he offered to sponsor me for supplies so I could pursue it further! Haha!
    No Spanish blood here, but last year my husband turned 50 at the beginning of April. I wanted to have a party for him,a Nd it took me until my to convince him, antisocial being that he is. Since I sprung for lots of decorations, I decided to make it an annual event! That’ll teach him!
    Eating an appetizer of spicy shrimp lettuce wraps, and looking forward to broccoli slaw with turkey meatballs a little later. Happy fasting everyone! Hoping the gods of the scale smile upon me tomorrow!


    “Is that a scooter with an engine? Or a bike with an engine ?”

    It’s two wheels and electric motor. Of known fame, Oprah had bought 5 of them and later she regretted auctioning them off.


    It does require minor maintenance and, for me, a perfect way to get around a crowded city.

    Hi weigh in tommorrow 5/2 2014

    What I thinking about now is how to deal non fasting weeks. Its so easy to fall back to old habits especially when I need energy boost to be cometitive with co workers drinking energy drinks. What ive noticed is co workers that eat heslthy work themselves thin, but the heavy lifters eat a lot of fats they practically inhale it for lunch.. And even tjough theyare working harder and doing more some are still obese.
    im judging no one cause I had same habits. It wad nice to share the opinion of another poster oftommorrow id a big weigh in for me. um . That fasting meals sizes helpswith getting a better sense of of what we truly require, instead going way over tdee everyday.

    zinc. My next reading adventure is to try and become expert in understanding in the role of zinc has on daily life. Its needed for repairing the body, but the human body has no way to store it. So if you not get a daily supply you can become deficient quickly we need it and have plenty when we dont. Theres also way stop from being able to absorb it even if we intake it. We can also get too much of one type and easily not enough of the other and something else I cant quite figure out about colds and zinc and the diet of having the flu. tommorr

    So ill be reading about it

    Sorry for not editing. I ll be trying to read about zinc and fasting. I draws my attention to the vitamins and minerals that the body doesnt store up. Rather needs to resupplied everday.

    I hope someone more personable than myself starts a thread for weighing in on may second. 5:2 hint hint

    Just read about the brazil nut.

    You can get toxicity from eating too many brazil nuts. I eat half a brazil nut for their selinium – the highest from food source. So I eat it with 3-5 cherries on fasting mornings- as nature sourced nutrition.
    almonds also can interfere with mefications

    I have gout tendencies so I try control my uric acid through diet save me the troubles of pain and agony. Withour being on a daily pill. Or eating things that make pills ineffective.

    @samm, you are plenty personable! I am debating whether to weigh in tomorrow, as I fear it will be discouraging news. I think it is amazing how you are investigating every detail in your efforts to be healthy and happy.
    I think I understand what you mean about how fasting makes us more mindful of our eating and what we really need, whether we are truly hungry, and how much will satisfy us. That has been the biggest change for me.

    Like I said, SAMM, your attention to detail is amazing! A better man than I!

    Good morning FastTrackers,

    After a very good and long sleep, eventually, after coughing for a hour when I went to bed, I feel very much better today, actually quite chirpy. Scales are being friendly and the temporary 2 pound gain has gone, perhaps I coughed it up.

    I am certain that I will be down at least another tomorrow, so weekly 2 lb goal will be achieved as I have already lost a pound on Sunday am. Great – on the right fast track. Unexpected news as this week has not been the best for exercise I am relieved. Still we all know that exercise is not always a friend on the scales, that relies on diet.

    Stop with the negative thoughts, I have faith in you, stick with it. I am joining you on the half a Brazil nut, half is better than none, it can join my almonds. So are my almonds a problem? Eating 50 grams every non fast day. Admittedly my nutritionalist said 30 grams preferable but they are yummy and deal with the munchies issues in the few moments I have when I am not ultra busy. They have replaced the high carb fruits I used to eat. Just having berries and veg now.

    I have a meal out tonight and dinner party at home tomorrow night plus meeting friends at a tea shop tomorrow afternoon to watch them eat cake. I plan to be controlled, no cake for me, maybe a slice of toast which is a luxury these days. No blow out like my Indian Meal, that has effected me this week for sure, it probably would have been three pounds off.

    Viz a viz the TDEE, I am no longer using it, as far as I am concerned it’s not useful. I now eat mindfully and stop when I am satisfied, not full (didn’t quite work out at the Indian) but my friend is the chef and she knows my weaknesses, yes I have them, onion bargies, in particular.

    As regards exercise my coach says ‘stop’ working alone, get a gym buddy, more incentive and competition. She is asking around for me as most of my friends are fairly inactive. However I do my dog walk alone and value it as my down time. I love walking through the woods with the birds singing, early morning is my favourite time of day. I wish I could get a yoga class at 6.30 every morning. That would set me up for the day ahead. We do this on yoga retreats, in silence of course, it’s bliss.

    When I am fitter I plan to join a Metafit class, at my gym. Currently my lungs and blood pressure are not up to it with 5 extra stones to jump about. Hopefully the skipping will help, still doing three mins but it does give me back ache, weakness in lower back, probably my non jumping approach, still stepping over the rope albeit getting faster. Gives my neighbours a laugh.

    I really want one of those bikes, in red please. May need to speak to Santa, come to think of it it would be a perfect retirement present. What security do you have when parking. Do you need a special plug fitted to charge it up, I am in an upstairs flat but I have a garage for parking overnight, no electric to garage though. Garage also separate from the building so expensive to have a supply put in. Perhaps I should stick with my pedal bike, better exercise.

    I think investigating everything is very important because although we think our general healthy is good we don’t realise it could get even better if we get the balance and nutrients we should actually have to allow our bodies to perform at their best. I have bursitis in my right hip, I would love to get that under control so that I can improve my yoga. Diet has a great deal to do with inflammation in our bodies. I have friends with arthritis that are leading very inhibited lives and looking for answers. Then there are all those LOACA’s suffering from sweats, weight gain, thyroid issues who try everything to improve their lot.

    Personally I am not against a glass of wine for relaxation and health benefits for others but I don’t actually like wine very much, never have, therefore it is a ‘waste of calories’ to me. I used to drink ‘gin and tonic’ when socialising but rarely at home. I decided that I would give it up for a New Years resolution and as an example to my son that life is great even without alcohol, it’s a luxury not a necessity. He has had some issues with binge drinking that could be dangerous to his health. Thanks to my input he is now controlling his social drinking. I am rightly proud that I have helped him understand the risks alcohol presented to him. I can honestly say I don’t miss it one bit and am putting the saved money into a fund for a clothing splurge later down the line, size 12’s of course.

    My Doctor friend said I have a healthy attitude and two pounds loss per week is realistic with my current lifestyle which is healthy. Obviously if you weigh less, goals may need to be adjusted. If under one stone overweight and not very active it is unlikely that 2 lb loss weekly is achievable without drastic dieting which is not recommended. She agrees with mindfulness approach and preventative dieting. If you know you are going to be exposed to irrestible food cut back the previous day and enjoy your event. Makes good sense. She has lost weight herself with fasting and is a supporter of the technique. She says that chick peas are a great product to have as a nibble in the evenings. Well I will try anything so I will cook some today. After losing two stone herself in three months( ending last December)she is now maintaining by doing 6 : 1. She was my inspiration to start fasting in January.

    Keeping drinking the water, you know it helps! Also keep positive and get those weekly targets in your focus. We can do this!

    Off to the garden centre now, time to get my hanging baskets ready, they will be a glorious riot of colour to look forward to this summer (and cover a grim old wooden fence).


    ” Perhaps I should stick with my pedal bike, better exercise.”

    Yes, probably better to keep your bike unless you have a good reason to get around more effortlessly.

    Ebikes require a different mindset and care. The locking up is easy and secure with a wheel lock. The charging is also simple with a removable battery and charging overnight. I think the current build is solid and ready to ride and has passed from being strictly just for the hackers to mainstream users. The Jetson is my third ebike in 5 years. I have kept an interest in e-devices for moving around in an urban setting and nothing else has yet to work well for the average rider, not being the highly touted Segway.


    Next up, we will probably see the Fast Bike after the Fast Beach has run it’s course.

    No worries, Jojo, I am back to my happy self today. No movement on the scale, but I will check again tomorrow and be glad that my average remains at 2 lbs. per week. It is warmer here today, there is a party to look forward to tomorrow, and I am feeling downright skinny in my jeans!

    thank goodness, I rely on your enthusiasm. Enjoy your party. I will be wearing a size smaller tonight and it’s a good fit, not too tight. Great feeling isn’t it?
    Removable battery for charging the ebike sounds like a winning solution, might reconsider. I used to have a boyfriend who hired bikes when we were on holiday in a Spain or Greece. It was an exhilarating experience, not too safe though, no helmets or protective clothes – great for tanning though. Ah those were the days, I might even get the old photo albums out to reming myself what a cracker I was then.

    Back to the garden, tea break over….

    A pound is a pound.

    Long Term 4 year goal: 100lbs fat loss to 174lbs by age 50
    IF Starting Weight: 274lbs 3-4-2013
    IF Restart Weight: 247lbs 3-7-2014 27lbs lost 
    Weigh In: 4-6-2014  242lbs. 
    Weigh In 5-2-2O14 241lbs

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 600cal semi-fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
    -TDEE non- fasting weekdays 1740 calories aim.
    All calories consumed Noon-5pm weekdays. No restrictions Sat or Sun.
    Jumprope 3sets 10min after meals & before bed. JumpingJacks if winded.


    “A pound is a pound.”

    Except when it is not.

    Except when it doesn’t come back and stick around.

    It happens.


    ” remind myself what a cracker I was then.”

    What happened?

    I’ve become a popcorn today.

    Good evening all,
    Hope you have all had a wonderful week.
    I had a Lovely meal out tonight, we all chose to have a main course only, skate wing, really good and filling so no pudding room. Returned home to discover the lights had fused and one of the dogs had been sick three times on the hall carpet. As it’s a new flat I had no idea where the fuse box was, or where a torch was kept. After a few phone calls and remembering my iPhone had a torch in it all was resolved. Horrible end to my evening though, at least I didn’t tread in it, some consolation.

    Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow but I definitely need a lay in and a read in bed. The washing and cleaning can wait tomorrow.

    Good luck with your weigh in everyone

    Morning Fastrackers,

    2 lb off this week
    Broken another stone barrier, yippee. Only just, but good to see, the other pound came off am I am very happy. Decided to celebrate by having scrambled eggs cooked in butter, a favourite. It was then that I realised I haven’t used butter or milk during the last two weeks, not even to cook fish. This is unheard of in my house. It wasn’t planned, just seem to have gone off milk in tea now and used spray oil in cooking with a few added spices. I am amazed by this fact.

    What’s more this week has included one two lunches out and two dinners out. I realise that I now need to maintain and push downwards so I won’t be celebrating any more today, well, not with food, may buy some plants instead.

    Next weeks social diary is crammed to the hilt so I am already worried. In order to prevent a gain I am going to add a second dog walk into each day and skip for an extra 2 mins. Other exercises unchanged. May do 4:3 if needed. B2B Mon and Tues. Then 2 day break Friday fast then two day break.

    I really think I may need to cut ‘meals out’ to 1 per week, choices need to be made at this point. I can always meet friends for a walk or drinks after a meal.

    I have just remembered that I have a holiday planned for the end of this month, ok so I will only plan to lose one pound for the last week of this month. I may consider doig ADF in the previous week. Has anyone tried that?

    Stats Jan lost 6.75 lbs
    Feb lost 6.25 lbs
    Mar lost 4 lbs ( moved home -bad month , not really trying)
    Apr lost 7 lbs
    May so far l lb
    Sub total fasting 25 lbs in 4 months
    Previously with weight watchers Aug to Dec 14 lbs.
    Total 39 lbs in 8 months

    Measurements (inches lost since Jan)
    Bust zero ( why ?)
    Waist. -5.5
    Hips. -5
    Neck. – 1/4

    But I am not underestimating how much hard work I am going to have to put in to maintain and lose at this rate.

    Tips I have used to succeed (recap for those who don’t read back)

    Drink 4 pints of water per day from a pint glass, one at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, one mid afternoon. Drink one mug of hot water and lemon at breakfast – result fantastic skin and takes the edge off your appetite. Cost – many trips to the loo, my body has not adapted as discussed, if I go for an hour walk in the day I need to stop at a public toilet so I have to plan outings by who has the cleanest toilets.

    Ignore TDEE on non fast days, just eat until you are satisfied not full.

    Avoid high carb foods and sugary foods.

    Eat low carb veg – a lot, brocolli slaw, zero noodles, peppers, onions, cabbage.

    If you have a meal planned cut back in the previous day by at least 30 %

    Plan your munchies for non fast days in front of the TV in the evening, I have pre measured almonds 50 grams but I am planning to reduce this to 30 grams. You could use carrots on fast days, I usually don’t have snacks on fast days as I don’t have dinner until late, early bath and read in bed or write on my ipad – often on this forum

    Eat 6 prunes every day.

    Record what you have eaten and your weight daily – see if there are links to food intolerances. I do not lose weight eating farmed salmon but I do eating White non farmed fish. Try lots of different fresh fish.some innocent sounding foods are a problem.

    Exercise daily, whatever you enjoy, walking, swimming, cycling, badminton.

    Try kettlebell exercises and if your Doctor agrees ‘try skipping’.

    If you have high blood pressure like me ‘fast fit’ or ‘Metafit’ is not recommended. I do an hour on bike, treadmill and cross trainer at a reasonable pace three times per week for an hour. With tv screens on the equipment you can watch your favourite show while you are there. I prefer to listen to my iPod, Spanish language tape and music.

    I buy a treat, after recorded weekly weigh in, not usually food, clothes, flowers, ticket to a show.

    Don’t become a diet bore, only talk diet to people who are interested, usually ones planning to lose weight themselves.

    Be positive and don’t listen to others who undermine your efforts and expectations. Get professional advice regularly and use it.

    Ask for tips about food and exercise and try everything yourself even if you don’t think you will like it. Remember ‘ giving up ‘ something is hard but you develop new preferences.

    Cut protein to less than 25 % of your daily food. ( now that is tough but doable)

    Good Luck all looking forward to your results

    Nice to read about your good efforts to reduce the weight for your fitness like this there is a tip for you. you should eat those type of food which contain less amount of calories and contain more nutrition and that is helps to maintain your weight also. Thanks

    Hooray for you, Jojo! Nice to pass those “milestones”! All good advice you are offering. Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow for further analysis of your post and my own efforts. Until then, I have a party to host!

    Nicely done JoJo.
    It is a good feeling when the scale moves down after a plateau.

    I’ll be trying to maintain 5:2 the next three weeks and then try to go for a 4:3 at the end of the month.
    My problem is a new job where I’m super active, and a few days are 14 hrs long.  Intense enough to sweat in the first twenty minutes and till clock out. So I’m going to have to adjust foods with activity.  However my goal will be the same  NO GAIN.  I’m ok with losing a half pound a week at least two pounds a month. Except for FAT ATTACK WEEK once a month.  So Saturday is my new 6:1 day and I’ll be trying to under TDEE by 2,000 calories a week so that my calorie  target is close to 1lb, close to 3lb on fat attack week.

    I still watch the Eat, Fast, Live Longer. As it still give me inspiration to why I’m trying in this way instead crash dieting.   Every crash diet I was successful in losing 50 or more lbs. I regained  all plus more.   Actully practicing the semi fasts was good to make me feel enabled.   Going further to try to eat healthy on non fasting days.  With the emphasis on vitamin and mineral in foods on non fasting days .  Thrown in antioxidant teas and natural probity foods.   At the end of a month I only lost a pound.  At first disappointed  , but after sleeping I’m glad for it . A few days earlier it would of been two pounds , and I might be slacking right now, because I believe I’m wired  food reward.  So that was yesterday and I have a new month to navigate with a new physically demanding job as like  hurdles in a race.

    Oatmeal.  It’s not good for my gout, high in calories. So I believe I will use it on non fasting days for breakfast.  It has a low glycemic load to give sugar slowly , and will burn it off by the end of my shifts.  What I’ll be looking for is to eat meals at work.  And a small 300 calorie  with skipping  for my third meal.   
    On fasting days I eat two meals just under three hundred calories..  So my idea is get energy calories while up and active, but stay tied to the 300 calorie dishes at least once a day.    

    This is when keeping journal make a difference for me. Now that my schedule has changed. I need to find opportunity when it seems a disaster.  I believe Im going to commit to 250 calorie meals once a day,   And two 750  calorie meals which will put me well withing 1-2 pound weight loss per week.  And observe 6:1 on Saturday’s. No matter what to clinch the two.  That I’ve learned is through out the scale, because no matter how much I plan is much more motivating than discovering I actually gained weight.   Boooo

    I like to look at the complicated then see if I can make it simple. Journal Indicates that two meals on fasting days can keep hunger pangs away as opposed to grazing all day long gives me an appetite.   I want the benefits of fasting. , but haven’t quite figured out how to walk 23.8 miles on a fast day.   lol that’s how far my pedometer said I walk at work.    So now I know what my goal is , what my obstacles are, what I don’t want to leave out and what I want to include and exclude.    To go back to my parents teachings.  I think of my myself as an airplane.   It’s important to know where im taking off from, where I want to land, but I’ll never get there if I don’t  navigate all the variables  the whole way there.
       I think dieting have some same principles for navigating to the goal all along.   While I prefer 4:3 and a bit sedentary. I’ll need to adjust to 6:1 highly active. 
    Some of my issues this month I would be grateful for thoughts from anyone while I try to lose fat  while working.
     Accessing fat- point where the body goes from storage to access. As I may try to adjust my meal times and food types to get to fat access mode 1 or two times a day.  Then skip rope 10 min before sleeping.

    That’s what I want to know the most!  How do i get into fat burn mode?  so I can pour on the demand at that point and time.   
    IF is my cup of tea, but I ay use the increased  walking 5 days a week  to target visceral fats.

    The endurance food.  If you only could pick only carbohydrate  to walk a marathon what would eat and when would you eat it? I have unlimited access to water.

    I’m thinking oatmeal because it doesn’t burn too fast, is gluten free,low glycemic.

    Oh and JoJo consider eating fish when eating out. Sad to admit ,but fish tastes better when other cook it for me. It’s mentioned that eating more fish increases longevity. To simplify eating out thats what I have done, is just order the fish, but not fried and I skip the rolls. OMG I WANT ROLLS TODAY. Hmmm sorry for that I better get some probiotics in me since im craving carbs and not some crazy for it’s vitamin or mineral. But is was said to eat fish twice a week. So if I. Eating out twice a week fish is an easy choice for the first two meals out. Personally. When I make a menu I dobt believe I have ever put fish on twice a week. Sometimes for months. When I heard it in Mosley’s video, I started eating fish while eating out and walla!I started seeing weeks where I was getting the two fish meals in. At think about it?

    I like this JoJo – Eat low carb veg – a lot, brocolli slaw, zero noodles, peppers, onions, cabbage.

    I keep a 40 lb kettle ball near my front door and take to different places in the house. My daughter thinks it’s a game to bring it back. We also have fun playing tug of war, but no jerking.

    Hi JOJO and co.
    what is ADF please? I have lost 6 inches of my bust since I started slimming but I have lost nothing off the cup size. Still in proportion not too top heavy but this bust have been with me since I was 11 years old so I think I might be stuck with them ( sorry to any fellas reading this) a bit of girly talk. JIP

    Hi JIPWGP,
    Adf is alternate day fasting. Wouldn’t recommend it for long though, just a pre holiday booster. I can’t believe I haven’t lost anthing from the bust area, well done you though. I have had a serious word with mine and told them if they can’t reduce I will be forced to get them surgically reduced. Seriously ! They are such a burden for exercise and in hot weather.
    40 lb kettlebell, are you mad, mine is 5 lb, me thinks I should get a heavier one. You must be very strong swinging that?
    Cooking fish is a piece of cake, pardon the pun, just fry it in a ceramic pan till white, few minutes, add seasoning last minute or afterwards, no issue.
    Welcome to the thread. Please specify what foods, general information not very helpful. Thanks
    Hope the party went well, is it more South American custom than mainland Spain?
    Very jealous, sound lots of fun.
    Today – food
    Breakfast scrambled egg cooked in butter
    Lunch – toasted tea cake
    Dinner – prawns and zero noodles with peppers, onions, green beans and tomatoes.
    As guest for dinner fruit salad and crem fraiche
    Exercise bowls for an hour, walking for two hours.
    Plans for tomorrow – bowls am, gym pm, kettlebell and skipping, dog walk 1 hour.

    What are you lot up to this bank holiday weekend?

    “I have had a serious word with mine ”

    There is precedence in acknowledging body parts. My training has been with others and not directly with myself. I’ve proven to myself a certain level of self healing, which I don’t totally understand it all. I just have a certain faith that we are powerful in ways that are not yet fully discovered.

    I will be intentional about my self talk and self direction and I wonder what results that I could receive?

    I know that you may have been saying this amusingly and I thank you for the thinking that it brought me on this.


    Hello Rocky,
    I certainly do believe in the power of the mind and yes I am joking about the surgery( at the moment) in case my boobs are listening.
    I am trying to incorporate more skipping and jumping into my exercise programme this week, uncomfortable though it is as my daughter tells me she achieved a smaller bust this way, of course she didn’t want a smaller bust, Sod’s law or should I say Murphy’s law on line, who know what the etiquette rules are on here? Innocent comments are blown up into full scale accusations and rudeness totally ignored.

    Have you contributed some of your dieting tips lately, what is working for you?

    Quiet day for me today, thank goodness. Just a game of bowls and the gym, plus cleaning and washing. What am I saying? How can this be considered a quiet day? What has happened to my perceptions of inactivity?

    I know actually, it’s because I am doing everything today alone as opposed to meeting friends. Yesterday I met with three different friends, my husband( separated) and my daughter, it was definitely too much for one day. Exhausting physically and mentally.

    Now usually when I feel exhausted I would take to the sofa with a good book which is absolutely wonderful but it doesn’t work well with dieting so now I just have a ‘me’ day, doing everything alone, very rejuvenating. I do not watch or listen to the news either. I even sent the dogs to my daughters for the day.

    Sun is shining birds are singing, what is not to like? Have a joyful day fast trackers and the best of British, American, Australian and anyone else I may have missed.

    Keep drinking, keep low cal, keep smiling!

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