Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,251 through 6,300 (of 16,657 total)

  • Well done Wiwi
    You’ll miss hilly Wellington when you go back to France. 😉 P

    Morning all,
    Busy day ahead, two games of bowls plus a meal out with my book club. Fasting will be hard today.

    Enjoy whatever you are up to and be careful out there!

    Love Jojo xx

    Ah yes music is my life my life is music a wonderful part of the sheer pleasure of being alive from the ABC spicks and specks what fun a great television show in the original format and on repeat y-fee and I play each night we also loved nevermind the buzzcocks
    Nama I offer up a few personal favourites in no real order
    Stevie Wright Evie part 1-2-3 😆
    Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) father and son and the cats in the cradle
    Elton John crocodile rock and candles in the wind
    Fleetwood Mac Rumours album dreams the chain you make lovin fun
    Eric Clapton tears in heaven and Layla
    Don McLean American Pie
    Simon & Garfunkel bridge over trouble water
    Eagles hotel California
    Rod Stewart first cut is the deepest and have I told you lately do you think I’m sexy
    Dire straits money for nothing and sultans of swing
    George Michael faith careless whisper and faith duet with Elton john don’t let the sun go down on me
    Deep purple guitar rift smoke on the water
    Led Zeppelin stairway to heaven
    AC/DC you shook me all night long and a whole lotta rosie
    James Blunt goodbye my lover and your beautiful
    Ed Sheeran give me love and thinking out loud
    Michael Buble haven’t met you yet and feeling good
    I will get a girls list up another time I would also like to join the other fast trackers though and just get it out there and say congratulations a fantastic effort on the 12kg gone for ever as you say Nama no food tastes as good as being slim keep on keeping on 😉
    Peace RT

    Morning again.

    FD today, fortunately I am still unable to hear the food calling to me 😉
    Seriously, my ear is slowly improving and I just need to be patient.
    I am waiting for 10am GMT to arrive in order to buy tickets on line for Queens grass court tennis tournament in June. It is just around the corner from where I used to work and really easy to get to. I didn’t go last year and this year it has been upgraded to the next tier of tournament so will be more popular with high ranked players and tennis fans.

    I go to Waitrose which is deemed as being more upmarket than other supermarket chains, but it is the only one that always sells everything I usually buy. I go or buy on line once per month, delivery is free ( if a certain amount is spent), and I buy fresh produce from markets and butchers stores etc. If I need any basics in between, there is a cheaper supermarket a 5 minute walk from home.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Good luck with the tennis tickets A. 🙂

    Hi all,

    It’s 10pm on a hot night here Amazon and I am having a late dinner and watching the Aus Open, brat Tomic is winning at present. Was waiting to have dinner with my husband who went to Tasmania for the day, but his plane delayed and it’s a long time since last nights dinner! I used to go to the tennis every year until it got too hard to get decent tickets. All the good ones now used for corporate and I refuse to sit up the back, very disappointing. Also, I used to go with my dear Dad until he was well into his 80’s, and we lost him several years ago. Things certainly change. Glad to hear your ear is improving.

    Thanks for the playlist RT…. I approve! And wasn’t SpicksN Specks the best! (Adam Hill certainly overcame his handicap.). Have a soft spot for the Eagles since I nursed a little boy years ago who never came to hospital without his Eagles music. He was a frequent flyer on the kids ward, very disabled as well as blind and very hard to connect with. But when the Eagles were turned on he lit up with happiness. When I started Paeds nursing I thought the taxpayers money was being wasted on a full time Music Therapist, gee I was so wrong. She could transport sick children way out of that ward, best medicine they could have.

    Thanks for the kind words re the 12kgs too, it’s such a great feeling. For the first time I know I have the tools and the support to get the rest off and keep it off.

    As SAMM would say, now I am waffling! Cheers all x

    I got the tickets I wanted, centre court for day 2 of R1, and QFs 😛

    I feel a bit sorry for Tomic, he obviously comes from a bad family and loves his Dad despite the fact that he is a complete *%$£! He is such a talented young man I hope he manages to grow out of his bad behaviour and do well. He has certainly been much better on court since his surgery. I saw him play Hopman Cup with Sam Stosur when I was in Perth last year, and he was very well behaved. He got a lot of criticism a while back for not trying and then it transpired that he had a hip problem and needed surgery and had been playing injured for some time.

    I would love to go to the AO, it is on my bucket list!

    That’s great Amazon, live tennis is fantastic! Tomic is playing well, just took the third set with a tie breaker. You are so right, he is just a kid and although blessed with such talent, he missed out with the father! The home crowd will certainly warm to him if he keeps winning, so fickle we are! We will meet up one day when you come to the Open.

    I’ve been to Australia 4 times but not managed to get to Melbourne yet, and I’ve not been to Sydney since 1988!
    One of these days……………..

    Yet another adjustment to the way I apply 4:3

    Adjusting to two 27 hour fasts mostly in the weekend hours
    friday 5am til saturday 8am
    10pm saturday till monday 1am
    And a normal 600 calories day on Wednesday.

    Since I don’t eat the same foods as the others in my home .I might as well just make fasts fit my goals at this point.

    Still aiming for 2lbs a week. Just wanting to move toward the dna repair and detox approach incuded in the fat loss too.

    Good evening pals,
    I hope everyone is well and focussed on their chosen plans.
    I see we are talking musical tastes, mine is heavy rock for driving music, Spanish guitar for cooking inspiration, romantically I usually choose female vocalists- diverse range of classical to pop. I listen to music day and night, I am totally obsessed, given the chance I am dancing too(this is not popular at bowls) ha ha
    Have a great evening, get out and about my lovelies

    Hello all

    Sorry I haven’t been around much, life has been rather hectic lately. We’ve been in Wales since New Year, but I went back to stay with my mother for a few days last week as she had a particularly bad cold. At nearly 89, she is susceptible to chest infections, so has to be careful.

    We came home today and are going to miss our long beach walks. Substituting mud for sand is going to be hard work dog-wise!

    I finally bought some scales to keep there and weighed yesterday for the first time since just before Christmas. 4lbs (nearly 2 kg) up. I think most of that went on while I was staying with mother – I needed wine and chocolate – and I haven’t even got a sweet tooth!

    I did a second consecutive fast day yesterday and am pleased to report half of the weight has disappeared. Hopefully another FD on Friday will get rid of some more, though we are meeting friends for a curry this evening and I’ve got a girly get-together tomorrow night. There is also a possibility of an Italian meal out on Saturday to celebrate another friend’s birthday..oh dear!

    I haven’t had chance to catch up on what everyone has been doing but a quick glance indicates it’s all good. Jojo and Amazon, hope you are both feeling better. Well done on the tennis tickets Amazon.

    RT – I love all your music choices. Add in a bit of Lynard Skynyrd, Neil Diamond and anything by the Eagles and it could be my own list.

    We stopped at a retail park on the way back from Wales and I treated myself to a Spiralizer. I know several on here swear by them, so any tips as to the most useful things to do with it, I would be very grateful.

    Have a good evening/morning all.

    Smiffy x

    Welcome home, Smiffy! Hope the mud doesn’t hamper your walks too much. Good job taking off some pounds already. I have found that a benefit of 5:2, that weight gained seems to come right back off quickly.
    I love my spiralizer! This website has some great recipes: http:// http://www.inspiralized.com
    I am going to try the Chicken Tikka with Butternut Noodles next.

    Aww thanks ply! I will definitely look at the inspiralized site – what a wonderful name! My 20 packs of zero rice were waiting for me when I got home, so I’ve now got all the kit to get those pounds off!

    I fasted today but found it tough going as I could not get warm, so ended up on the sofa under the duvet! Now I’ve had dinner I am lovely and warm, but my ear is driving me mad and making me feel miserable 🙁

    I hope it is better tomorrow as I want to go to the gym.

    Hi Smiffy, isn’t it amazing how quickly weight comes off again now that we have our bodies trained 😉

    Hello I am new to fasting and I have managed to get through my first two weeks. Anyway please can anyone let me know how many calories are in swetex? as I normally have it in my coffee.

    In a bit of a rush,
    Got a new phone! Yea me!

    Sorry if I’ve skipped over a few posts to read.

    New thread joiners hope to give you the message of just focus on doing the 5:2 successfully for 4-6 weeks. You may not lose a ton in that amount of time, but you will have gained confidence learning a proven fat loss skill!

    I’m on a fast day today, just beans. Red ones for the antioxidants.

    Re sugary foods.
    I have an issue with sugar, so I have to check my sugar levels constantly. I don’t have to , but by choosing intermittent fasting I need to take precaution , I test after meal, and after five hours if on a fast and every two hours after that. I just have high confidence in over monitoring .

    When it comes to treats I’ve found that I can tolerate just a single nibble, from something worth the trouble.
    Rather than feeling deprived completely , I just basic have a taste, and sometimes spit it back out like a wine tasting. Not very mannerful but I’ve found I just have the deprived feeling. Yea sure I cheated and swallowed many times. After a few months of trying this found it doable to have a taste. Kind of like flirting with temptation.

    What do eat is the probiotic sweets like ohso , and yogurt covered raisen that are probiotic. So they are health benefit, but mostly during my long walks at work. Then on fast days I have very little carbs unless in food like beans. So I don’t have fruits unless it’s a feed day. I focus on my nutrition uptake on feed days so fast days ate just about hunger management.

    I don’t know how well. My new plan will work, it will be a work in progress having two 27hr absolute fasts starting at my last lunch break at work on Friday and the second fast ending when I start work Mondays at 1 am. Im thinking I’ll try not to flirt with temptation, except on Wednesday’s when I have a 600 cal day.

    I’m very excited to try this variation of IF.

    Weigh In
    January 21, 2015. 219lbs
    Start march 2013 274lbs

    Alicemaggie, you can search online for calories in any product.

    Thanks Amazon. Have you had your ear looked at you may have an ear infection

    Thanks Samm, more inspiration!
    Amazon, Congratulations on weight loss. Enjoy your Kew spring. We are in London in March and I will visit Kew then. Do you want to join me?
    Not quite your 22.5 hour fast, Bay, but nearly.
    Yes, Purple, Wellington hills suit me, but we live at 1000m in France, 250m above the valley, so scope there too for walking up and down.

    I am now on minus 19 kg now- but only 3 lost in the last 2 months in NZ. Fitness level much higher.

    State of Mind = elation

    Thanks for all being there, Losers XX Wiwi

    Good work Wiwi. You will be able to continue the marathon climbs then?
    I’m on another 24 fast today. Had better get active to get over the ‘breakfast hump’. Cheers P 🙂

    Wiwi, I’d love to join you, just let me know nearer the time and we can arrange something.
    -19kg is great, and it doen’t matter if it comes off slowly.

    Go Purple 😉

    Good Morning Fast Trackers
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Wiwi 19kg that’s awesome SAMM 55lb inspirational you take this WOL to the next level always mate on the treats side of things if I start buying booze having a sip and spitting it out then it’s time for the van with the men and the straight jacket to come get me and take me away haha nup not a consideration for moi 😉 I have to hand it to you SAMM the exactness of your techniques intrigues me greatly a 27 hour fast when to eat what prior to or following strength training and the like is amazing stuff I am sure your food matching for DNA repair the research and mind files that you possess is scary in a good way of course you understand 😉 like Russel Crowe in “a beautiful mind” anyway all power to the cause I say. Ok fast friends a quick snapshot into one meal a day the evening meal so far I am fine with it although when I return to work next week it will be smoother or less bumpy mon-fri as I don’t do breakfast at home and lunch at work is always optional depending on the training schedule.
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT
    it’s part of my planned break agenda.

    10 weeks on 4:3 winter menu
    2 weeks on bulk muscle building
    10 weeks on 4:3 spring menu
    2 weeks on bulk muscle building
    10 weeks on 4:3 summer menu
    2 weeks on bulk muscle building
    11 weeks on 4:3 fall menu
    5 weeks on planned holiday break bulk muscle building.

    82 27 hrs fasts
    126 fast days per year total.

    not quite ADF numbers but its in my doable goals range.

    as happy as a bee being a bee can be!

    Alice I looked it up for you and even 10 sweetex has NO cals and NO carbs … welcome xx

    Eating these on fast days, because I don’t exercise as much on fast days.
    Information from Dr David perlmutter is that the benefits to the hippocampus from exercise are complimented also with omega3 . So I’ve planned inti my menus. Exercising on feed days four days, then eating omega3 and pre&probiotic foods on fast days.

    Tuna, pulverized walnuts, and red beans are my foods of choice now on 600 calorie fast days. Moving almonds over to feed days.

    Here’s some info on walnuts. I buy them in the baking goods area as their usually cheapest and unprocessed. Theyre great in hummus as sesame replacement.

    Benefits of walnuts in health

    If you go by the latest research you will find that there are quite a few health benefits of consuming walnuts the most important one being that it helps lower the risk of heart disease. There is no hiding the fact that this tasty little treat contains a lot of antioxidants as compared to any other nuts in the world.
    I’m sure you already know that nuts are very good for your heart. They don’t only help to reduce inflammation and cholesterol but also reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
    There are many experts who will confirm that antioxidants protect your body’s cells against any of the damage which is caused due to free radicals. This damage is basically what contributes to all the health complications like heart disease.
    There have been studies conducted in the past which have confirmed that walnuts help improve blood flow & also help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Both of these advantages are good for your heart. Even the US FDA agrees that consuming nuts in your regular diet will definitely reduce your chances of contracting heart disease.
    Remember though that this is only true as long as the walnuts you are eating aren’t covered in salt, sugar or chocolate.
    There was a study conducted on various nuts including cashes, macadamias, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans and almonds. The result of this study was that walnuts contained higher amounts of antioxidants than what people can expect to get even from vegetables and fruits. What’s more, the antioxidants present in walnuts are far more effective than the antioxidants found in any other type of nuts.
    The only problem with nuts is that they contain lots of calories and fat. But there is a very simple solution for this. Just ensure you eat these nuts in moderation and you will be just fine.
    Walnuts are an effective snack as well. They are easily portable and can be taken with you wherever you go. They are affordable as well and don’t just contain empty calories that will let you get hungry in half an hour.
    Nuts are also known to be quite beneficial for the health of your brain as well. You don’t need to eat more than 7 of them per day in order to attain maximum benefits from the antioxidants. They will also help you feel full and this will ensure you don’t snack too much either.
    So what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to enjoy the many benefits of walnuts. Don’t waste anymore time. Start eating them today.

    Hello all, just home from a lovely social day.

    Amazon you will know of Kooyong, our original Tennis HQ in Melbourne. I remember going to my first Aus Open as a 12 year old and the big star we saw was Billie Jean King from the USA! All I remember is it was incredibly hot with no shade! Well I met a friend there for coffee this afternoon and was suitably impressed as she and her family are members, so I got to see the inner sanctum! Much nicer inside in the aircon on a hot summers day. A lot of lovely old B&W photos of our countries tennis greats in our heyday in the 50s and 60’s.

    SAMM thanks for the info on walnuts. I make my version of a Waldorf salad with walnuts, celery, apple and cheese and a bit of mayo. It’s always popular. I always go heavy on the celery and light on the cheese. Interesting to read about your new fasting approach… Will be interesting to hear how it goes. Eliminating your traditional Sunday Buffet is sure to help the losses.

    Hi Smiffy, sounds like you have had a lovely break. I think 4lb gain is great with all the socialising you have been up to. 5:2 feels like a Secret Weapon doesn’t it? Knowing that your gains can and will be quickly reversed.

    Good morning ooops now evening fellow fasters, it’s been such a lot to catch up on. This message didn’t post this morning so I’m posting it now. Glad I remember the back button otherwise the lot would have been gone!

    Hi Smiffy glad to see you’re home again at least for a while. Have fun with the dogs 😀

    Amazon please get your ear checked as it’s making you miserable there’s probably an infection if not there it will be brewing.

    All seems to be going well here, today is my 2nd FD for the week and I’m aiming for dinner only tonight but if not possible I will allow myself to have a cup of Bonox/Bovril but only if water doesn’t keep the rumbles at bay.

    Okay, no Bonox/Bovril required, no tummy rumbles at all, only just starting to think maybe a bit to eat soon-ish but no urgency at all.

    Hoping for a good loss in the morning (yes I’m weighing morning and night and it’s been suggested I put the lowest reading for the week but that won’t happen until next week as I was part way through this week before I started weighing at night).

    Busy at work today, ended up working a bit later than expected. Still hoping by tomorrow the nesting boxes are ready (OH and youngest son working on them now). Looks like we might have the granddaughters for Saturday which will be lovely if we do as that’s when I’m hoping to go pick the “girls” up (providing everything else is ready first).

    Ciao for now … AO 😀 😆

    Go, Wiwi

    Yay, Samm

    Well done. 😆


    Morning all.
    Nice bright sunny, morning here and as I knew as I’ve been here many times before,my ear is much improved.
    I slpet really well again last night and am now sipping tea, watching tennis and waiting for my bread dough to prove. A mix of white and wholemeal flour with pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and linseeds, yum 😛

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Evening (or morning/afternoon/night) fast-trackers and welcome Alicemaggie and other newbies. Loving the posts and hearing the goings on and thanks for the info on walnuts SAMM, I love nuts but a further reason to add them in is always welcome 🙂 Drooled over your food list RT and love them all (and probably always will) and green with envy over great wt losses and of the jet setting thread members – would love to share my time between NZ & France wiwi. Hope those with injuries are coming right again and glad your ear is better Amazon.
    I have to share this gem – about a week ago I posted about the yummy turnip soup I’d made and loved. Turns out I don’t know my parsnips from my turnips and so I was thoroughly enjoying my “turnip soup” that was in fact “parsnip soup” and no wonder I was feeling so full after a serve as instead of the 12-15cal per 100g it was 66cal per 100g!!!! (insert embarrassed emoticon). In recalculating my fast day I found I was now over my 500 ;-( and Damn it!! It upset me so much, but who on earth would understand such angst at ‘ruining’ a diet with parsnip???? Hence my rave to you because I’m sure you’ll get just how disappointed I was and maybe get a laugh as well. I really should know better as I remembered that my mum served us mashed carrot & parsnip all the years I was growing up. I am hoping both walnuts and 5:2 will help with my memory problems 😉 Happy fasting all.


    Were you losing weight when enjoying your “turnip” soup?

    Nama, yes I’m familiar with Kooying and I always watch a couple of the pre AO exhibition matches if they are televised at a decent time.

    Hi Amazon – after the first FD when I ate the soup I had lost weight, but perhaps because I didn’t eat as much that day as I was strangely full! Then I had a week off fasting (at the beach) and ate it again on Monday’s FD. Its a FD today but I just don’t ‘feel’ like I’ve lost weight, if you know how you just sort of can feel when you have (well I can anyway) and this feels like a bloated, not going-to-have-lost-any-weight sort of week. The scales tomorrow (if I’m brave enough to get on them) will tell the tale.
    AO – I looking forward to hearing about ‘the girls’ arrival. We sadly lost a chicken to foxes while we were away recently, and the other was injured but is thankfully recovering well. We plan to get some more but not until we’ve fixed the neighbour’s fence where the fox got through.

    I am always trying not to let hope overrule expectation, so when I get on the scales it is usually with a I won’t have lost much mindset as disappointment is an enemy.
    My baking bread smells divine and I’m looking forward to my bacon sarnie.
    I’m following ADF this week and then changing to B2B Sun/Mon and through next week.

    I’m on FD today, really wish I hadn’t read your post Amazon 🙂

    Enjoy, I’ll have one tomorrow!!

    It is always a risk to read posts when fasting isn’t it! I expect the same will happen to me tomorrow 😆

    So true Amazon and I feel your pain Smartmart 😉 However…the best thing about 5:2 is being able to enjoy warm, freshly baked bread whenever we wish on a non-FD and with that thought, I’ll take my fasting body off to bed to dream about breakfast!

    Hello All,
    I am really cross because they changed the meet up point of my Nordic walking class and didn’t tell me. So I have been sitting around for half an hour waiting, all togged up. Arrrghhhhh.

    Rock choir was great again today. They have some great events planned. London and Birmingham visits – love it!

    I have been given some new scales by a friend but I am not sure I trust them. They are in kilograms only so I will be joining the Southern Hemisphere recorders. Trouble is it doesn’t have any meaning to me yet. According to these I am down one pound in the last week, which I seriously doubt as I have been eating for England. I will check them against the gym scales tomorrow, see where I am really at.

    Lots of eating and drinking planned this weekend but lots of walking and exercise too.

    Jojo xx

    I always enjoy catching up with you all! Tales from all over the world on this one thread!

    I’m having my 2nd fast of the week today. It’s only 10:30AM and I’m feeling quite tired, hungry & cranky! Today our boot camp workout was all legs and I am really feeling it. By tomorrow I’ll be lucky to get up and down. 🙁

    This is my 3rd week of doing 5:2. The first 2 weeks the scale was up 2.2 lbs. I’m hoping to at least get rid of those this week! I’m just about to abandon the scale and move on to the “Jeans of Truth”. Dig out an old pair of jeans that don’t fit and gauge my progress on getting them up and fastened!

    Time for more coffee! Have a good day!

    Hi Lori,

    Keep on going and the weight will come off.
    The Jeans of Truth are the best way to tell if the scales aren’t being helpful 😉

    I’ll take what what come spring is saying seroiusly.

    I had many hours in many day that turned into face stuffing for 1 reason or another. But days that i went to 650-800 cals I n the begining. I began to realize if im not on 24 hour fasts then i should consider 5:2 work 800 cal days. Calorie restriction days! And just call it good!

    I forgot about watermelon jojo

    it spikes me wildly, but yes I agree watermelon is a super. Uh&Uh & hh. Super juice! If you will. It high I sugars . But if not diabetic. Watermelon and cucumber both could be considered warrior foods.

    Good morning/evening/night fellow fasters one and all.

    Weigh day today and YAY another whole one kg down (2.2 lb) also total loss in size is 2cm where my waist had the biggest loss (1cm) by itself.

    Lori good to hear from you 🙂 Jeans of truth sound awesome … I have trousers which this time last year I could barely squeeze myself into (and as they were non-stretch around hips/thighs etc the seams were starting to “give”) this year I don’t even need to undo them to get them up and I really DO need a belt for them. My one and only jeans are so loose I need to get the belt so that I can continue to wear them for a while at least unless I can get someone to take them in a bit for me. I’m starting to think about getting some smaller size items out to try and get into without “squeezing”, it’s getting very close now.

    Comespring yes, fresh, warm bread is lovely however for me it’s always got to be in moderation, I allow myself to eat anything I want on a non-FD however I do try to only eat within a 6 hour window (less if I can manage it) as I find this is best for me.

    Jojo I hope this will help you to understand our scales (and believe me lbs are something I understand better in some ways) 1 kg = 2.2 lb, so say you lost 400g that’s equal to 1 lb.

    Amazon, SAMM, RT, Nama, PVE, the two Nicky’s, Smiffy, Wee, Wiwi, Bay and everyone else enjoying this WOL I hope you have a wonderful day Smiley

    Hi AO.

    Us UKers have a problem in that we work in stones and lbs, so if someone says to me 150lbs that doesn’t mean any more to me than 68kgs, I have to do some long division and then get to 10st 10lbs to understand what it means. I guess we should all get to grips with kgs but we are rather attached to our imperial measurements 😉

    I’ve just eaten far too much dinner and had a beer. Don’t think I’ll be losing 2lbs this week!

    I forgot to say, well done on the continued weight loss. Go out and treat yourself to a new pair of jeans that are a bit tight 🙂

    Amazon good tip re new jeans lol … just realised with my loss this week I’m now 15kg down (33 lb or almost 2 & 1/2 stone) … thank goodness for MS Excel to work all this out 😀

    All EFB’s (Efficient Fat Burners)
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Happy Friday a fast day for me and a happy feed day to those who are not 😉 wow AO another 1kg that is great for the positive power as well as the obvious physical change it the mental strength from success that is the fasting reinforcement Amazon our girl gone 6-4 6-4 tried hard but not the same Sam of 2011 the US Open champion IMO comespring
    Fantastic to see your post and yes I had smirk 😉 regards the turnip vs parsnip my 4th son has a devil of a time with zucchini and small Lebanese cucumber proud as punch with a greek salad he was fresh herbs crumbled fetta the works however 😥 not ideal we ate up 😆

    A study of one. Fascinating stuff make it your own personal
    Eat fast & live longer please read this
    As there is something for everyone in it.

    The biggest hurdle for people adapting to a daily schedule of intermittent fasting remains the same as it was eight years ago when I first offered Fast-5 as a powerful tool for weight loss. The biggest obstacle is not hunger; in fact, even people starting “cold turkey” are usually successful. The biggest obstacle to adapting to and maintaining the Fast-5 lifestyle remains the reflex criticism of friends and family who deem the modest schedule change of limiting eating to a five-hour window to be unhealthy. How such proclamations can be reconciled with the outcome (successfully losing weight and thereby reducing the risk of nine of the top ten killers) remains a mystery to me. The engaging discussion of the topic on Diane Rehm’s show informs the public and helps reduce the hurdles to getting started with an intermittent fasting regimen.
    Diane’s guests, Drs. Michael Mosley, Mark Mattson and Valter Longo, helped to dispel one of the most prominent myths that has been perpetuated as dogma for years: that brief fasting will somehow hobble one’s metabolism. The expert panel also offered sound advice regarding dietary content, including what might be summarized as “lose your sweet tooth” by initiating and exercising a habit of non-sweet, non-white (rice, pasta, potatoes, bread) food selections.
    Dr. Longo’s point about a little extra weight not necessarily being a bad thing for people over 65 and Dr. Mosley’s comment “people should find something that works for them” underscore an essential key about diets: No one diet is right for everyone, and one diet is not even right for an individual through all phases of life. No study can encompass the entire diversity of environment, genetics and resources that the human population faces; nor can any study precisely augur the effects of a diet across any person’s complex lifetime of events and challenges.
    What is left is an approach where people, starting with good information, tools and guidance instead of the latest supermarket tabloid, try different things until they find something that works. It sounds Frankensteinish to call it “self-experimenting,” so I call it a “Study of One.” People have combined Fast-5 with low-carb, 5:2, conventional calorie counting, bite counting and others. Most anyone who finds a tweak that improves results or the fit of the regimen with the unique real-life situation he or she faces will share it with people in their social sphere—people who are likely to have similar genetics, environments and resources.
    Underlying this “Study of One” approach is the fundamental axiom that has been the basis of Fast-5’s worldwide spread: the agent of change in the obesity epidemic is not a government agency, academic institution, doctor or me. The agent of change is the average individual who, given clear information and freedom from the barrage of dogmatic dietary commandments, can find, shape and share a dynamic life-long personal best practice for health.
    Now watch this EFB’s Enjoy
    Peace RT

    Good stuff, RT, thanks!

    Hi Everyone

    Great posts here… On my second fast day ever and its gone really well had salmon and poached egg this morning and just enjoyed the Thai salad… Only challenge remains tonight is to stay off the wine… Water and night time tea on standby :-)… I did a weigh in after first fast day and I have dropped just over 1kg… Can’t quite believe it… Wondering if I should invest in some more expensive scales… Did it about three times to check!

    Great video RT, thanks so much for sharing 😀

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