London girl in late 20s with 4st to lose – anyone want to buddy up?

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London girl in late 20s with 4st to lose – anyone want to buddy up?

This topic contains 316 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Moa 7 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 320 total)

  • Well, Belbop, Friday was a great idea! Seriously, pick a non-drink day. Avoiding foods that make you hungry is a good start. I eat low-carb and high fat because fat satisfies your appetite and carbs fuel it. Eating bread, rice, pasta and potatoes won’t help because they’re essentially glucose. If you eat junk or anything with added sugar, you’ll be on the sugar rollercoaster of eat, followed by hunger signals as your blood-sugar drops. You don’t burn fat until the carbs have been used and your insulin drops. Having something like coconut oil at the end of your eating period is satisfying.

    I eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, yoghurt, cream, coconut oil and plenty of vegetables. The full fat version of everything and nothing with added sugar.

    My pattern of fasting is to eat normally up until 6.00 or 7.00 pm. By the time you get up the following morning, you’re well into your fast and you’ll probably be busy. Drink water. I find the following morning easy, as most low carbers do, but I’m happy to stop at lunch time. Hunger isn’t really a problem if you’re off the glucose/sugar train. I’m a regular 7 until 12 faster rather than the 5:2 pattern with one meal in the day. If you don’t want to be hungry, it’s about what you eat as well as when.

    Hi Everyone!

    Great to see the forum so busy and read what you’re all up to. I’ve had a few social commitments this week and so only been able to fast for 2 days. I’ve been a bit stuck hovering over a certain stone for a few weeks which is frustrating. However, feeling enthusiastic and determined for next week!

    Welcome Belbop! Congratulations on your wedding, that’s wonderful and a nice goal to focus on. I highly recommend doing it on Mondays and wednesdays it’s just too hard otherwise and early week you have the post weekend guilts to motivate you lol.

    I’m exactly the same as you – a real foodie! Like Frida said, the best way to get through a fast day is to just think about what you can eat tomorrow. I usually have dinner around 7 and an early night which helps.

    Where do you stand on zero noodles? I know it’s a bit of a controversial topic but I love them. Have zero noodles or rice for every lunch on fast days with tasty pasta or curry sauce (usually out of a jar) and it saves me loads of calories that I can use on dinner. Also drink loads of low cal drinks and coffee. Good luck!

    Frida – you are doing amazingly!! I’m so happy for you. I track everything as well. It’s a really good idea to have a spreadsheet – i even put my food on there. If anything it’s another distraction so that I’m not off snacking. :o)

    Alexa5 – I share your pain with having hit a bit of a wall losing weight wise but with all the biking you do, maybe it’s muscle showing up on your scales? Love that you made your own oatmeal creation! Such a good idea. Not to start oatgate again but they are wonderful in filling you up. I really would avoid fasting on any days you have plans and don’t be hard on yourself if you end up switching days! So glad your fast day went well on wednesday.

    kmcall19 welcome back and have a brilliant weekend!

    Hi Stephen T – I didn’t see you there! Great tips and have a great week! 🙂

    Well yesterday was a fast day for me and I was doing so well I had eaten around 505 calories up until around 8pm and there was a can of coke in the fridge and I just couldn’t help myself. So in total I had around 640 calories. I’m so annoyed with myself

    kmcall19 I know how disheartening it can be when you have a slip up but try not to let it get you down. You didn’t go over by a crazy amount and I’m sure we have all been there. Just shake it off now and look forward to next week. I know you can do this!!

    Btw I also struggle with temptations around the house – try and have tasty diet drinks in the fridge too. I normally buy loads of fizzy flavoured water and diet coke to get me through.

    Good luck for next week and let us know if you are struggling! xx

    Blimey, girls, it’s no wonder it’s all such an inexplicable struggle! I genuinely wonder if you don’t like it to be hard!

    Pasta for one, rice for another and now diet coke, which contains aspartame, offered as a good choice. Controversy ranges over the health concerns of this awful substance, and its licence was refused seven times, but I wouldn’t clean the path with it with my gloves on. Drinking any sweetened drinks simply keeps up your sweet tooth, which can easily be lost. I positively dislike sweet things now, but that wasn’t always the case. Don’t buy things you don’t want to eat or drink and don’t have them in the fridge or cupboards.

    Okay, back to carbs, which are essentially glucose. Eating bread, rice, pasta and potatoes, for example, when you want to lose weight is plain mad. Why not eat cake and sugar? They all rapidly raise your insulin. Two slices of bread raises your insulin quicker than a Snicker bar. Wheat in any form is not your friend.

    Here’s what Dr Mosley says: “What is less commonly known is that insulin is also a fat controller. It inhibits something called lipolysis, the release of stored body fat. At the same time, it forces fat cells to take up and store fat from your blood. Insulin makes you fat. High levels lead to increased fat storage, low levels to fat depletion.” (Page 61)

    So, fat fills you up and carbs make you hungry. Your body can’t burn fat until all carbs have been used and your insulin drops. Simples!

    People who eat low-carb lose weight easily and aren’t hungry. There probably isn’t enough drama or torture in that, so feel free to continue to stimulate your insulin and appetite on fast days. If anyone does just want to succeed, they can take a look at my previous entry or do some research on low carb eating. Caryn Zinn in New Zealand has an excellent Facebook page and there are plenty of others.

    I don’t fast 5:2. If I did and wanted to lose weight, at the very least, I’d eliminate carbs on the day before a fast and not touch any on a fast day. You have a good chance of getting into fat burning mode. As soon as you have a carb meal fat burning ceases until all carbs are used.

    Stephen T, why are you here if you’re not even doing the fast diet? Is it to bring everyone down? Because it sure seems like it to me.

    Kmcall, your first question is fair, but your second isn’t. I spent time writing factual advice for people I’ll never meet because I want them to succeed. Comforting, supportive, self-delusion won’t help and it just condemns more women to a lifetime of pointless diets. It’s clear from comments that some people are clueless and are simply repeating the mistakes that got them overweight and fat in the first place.

    Weight loss can be easy and hunger free, but only for those who open their eyes and get their head around some basic facts. I’ll try to provide some in combination with my earlier entries.

    So, why am I here? I’m 6’0″ tall and weigh 161 pounds, the same as I did thirty years ago. I positively don’t want to lose weight, but a few weeks ago I saw an excellent online talk by Dr Mosley and I thought I’d look at fasting and the benefits of autophagy. I now fast 7.00 p.m. to 11.00 a.m. three or four times a week with little or no hunger. Pick the pattern that suits your life, as Dr Mosley did.

    I have a research background and two years ago, because of my brother’s illness, I began reading nutritional science and it’s the worst quality science I’ve ever read. It became clear from the good stuff that we’d gone badly wrong when we introduced the low-fat diet in the UK in 1983. From 1820 – 1983 all dietary advice warned about carbohydrates, which are essentially glucose. That’s a key point because glucose raises blood-sugar and your body sends insulin to remove it. As your blood-sugar drops, you’ll get a hunger signal and you’re then on the sugar/carb rollercoaster of eating followed all too quickly by feeling hungry. Ever had a big Chinese or Italian meal and felt hungry two hours later? If the glucose we eat isn’t quickly used, it’s stored as fat. If in doubt, see page 60 – 62 of ‘The Fast Diet’. If you want to succeed, these two pages are crucial. I wish they’d been emphasised more but it’s really a book about fasting.

    Mainstream dietary advice has been to eat 50 – 60% of our calories from carbohydrates to avoid heart disease. This has been repeatedly exposed as nonsense. Natural fat does not cause heart disease. I repeat that carbs are glucose, so eating a high-carb diet is the clearest possible recipe for making people hungry and fat. Since this appalling advice was introduced, the rate of obesity has risen from 2% to 26%. Nearly two-thirds of the population are now overweight or obese. Children are obese in numbers never seen before in human history. Teenagers are diabetic. Normal weight people are actually now in a minority. Diabetes has risen nine-fold from extremely rare to filling doctors’ surgeries and crippling the NHS. We carry out 7,000 diabetes-related amputations a year. This is a truly staggering public health disaster.

    Two years ago, after my research, I dropped the low-fat diet and adopted a high-fat diet. I described the specifics in an earlier email, but I no longer ate anything with added sugar and no bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. Carbs became about 5% of my diet. The result? I lost 10 pounds without any effort or hunger. I wasn’t even trying to lose weight, but I returned to the natural weight of my twenties. More importantly, I felt a huge surge in physical and mental energy because I was giving my body the food it was designed to eat. I can no longer eat three meals a day and I don’t try. Three meals a day is a modern invention. The following was mainstream advice for nearly all of modern history:

    “Every woman knows carbohydrates are fattening, this is a piece of common knowledge, which few nutritionists would dispute.” British Journal of Nutrition, 1963.

    If you want to know more, here’s an easy to watch start. I wish people well.

    Talks or documentaries on YouTube

    Two episodes of ‘Catalyst’, the Australian Science Series:

    1. ‘Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction’.
    2. ‘Heart of the Matter Part 1. Dietary Villains’.

    Dr Sarah Hallberg’s Ted-x talk (works in an obesity and diabetes clinic)
    Dr Michael Mosley. ‘How To Be stay Healthy: What The Latest Science Tells us.’

    ‘The Story Of Fat: Why We Were Wrong About Health’. A 14 minute film describing the history behind the low-fat diet.

    Fat v Carbs is currently on BBC iPlayer.

    Yes, where would all the women be in the world if we did not have a man telling us what to do in order to be perfect. Thank you Stephen T to live up to this stereotype, but I think I’ll pass on your advice…

    What I’ve learned in my life (and I’ve carried 3 kgs of what is considered “overweight” according to the bmi scale, which to be honest I don’t think has made a huge effect in reality when it comes to my health more my own demons) is that no one can come and say what is good for each individual, we’re all created differently and what might work for one might not be the case for the next. What is important is that we find what works for us in order to feel and be healthy. Not what might be consider to be healthy by others… As I said earlier I think we all have our own demons to fight in our heads and that’s without the real voices in the society telling us what we should do.. I for one have a huge issue with people telling me how things should be done without knowing me or I’ve asked the opinion of what I should do (hence the fact why I reacted to what Buzzkill brilliantly called “the oatgate” as Alexa5 had never asked an opinion of anyone regarding that topic).

    Sorry if anyone is offended by this statement of mine, but needed to get it out of my system..

    Have a great weekend all of you!

    Oh, I forgot to say welcome Belbop! Normally this has been a really nice group to be in, I understand this must be a weird time to join the society by reading some of the posts that have been posted these past couple of days!

    But hopefully it won’t stay like this and come back to a group of people that respect and support one another when someone is feeling demotivated (without pointing out what someone might be doing wrong without them asking for advice)

    100% agree with you Frida.

    [post deleted]

    Well what can I say, me for one don’t take advice from someone that calls Friday for “drinking day” if you’re so concerned when it comes to health maybe you should look over your drinking habits? You know alcohol kills? I feel oblige to tell you this, as your comments about drinking are not convincing me that you know about this fact.. I just want to save you… It’s like an obligation…

    As a fairly young (age 32) woman working in a man dominated branch (EU politics in Brussels) I’m more than capable of seeing the difference of good advice and suppression techniques. Thus please, I’ll release you from your feeling of obligation to “come and save us”.

    [post deleted]

    I’m used to a bit more constructive criticism than that, maybe you can elaborate a bit further what you mean with your above comment?

    [post deleted]

    Hi Everyone. Just seen all this! Stephen T’s last few posts seem to have been deleted and so i cannot see them – more unbearable mansplaining no doubt though!

    I will hold back on everything I would want to say to such disgusting and jugdemntal comments because I just wanted to echo what Frida and kmcall19 were saying in that it would be great if this forum could be a place where we all share our stories good and bad without fear of judgement for drinking a diet coke.

    The whole idea of being on this forum is that you are trying to make positive decisions for yourself. As Frida so eloquently said, everyone is different and there’s no one rule that works for every individual.

    Anyway, I’ll continue to bite my tongue and hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. Let us know how you are all getting on!


    Holy f…, so sorry you have been dragged through this uncomfortable mess. Happy to see some of his worst posts deleted, though. I get the replies to this thread via email so read the whole convo there..
    Definitely agree with you Buzz.. this was a wicked case of mansplaining and personal attacks that went beyond anything I’ve ever encountered on this entire forum… Frida (and kmcall) you were excellent and we totally support you. We’re all different but should be able to come together and support each other, as buzz put it, “without fear of jugdment for drinking a Diet Coke”… Love being part of this little group – and I really hope we can just move forward in peace now 💕
    I’m fasting tomorrow. Who’s with me? Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend, nonetheless. Xxx


    Thank you for the support, must say that it was the first time ever for me to be called mentally ill, man hating and science hating, haha. Had an email from the forum moderator apologising for the words spoken to me and that no one would not be bothered by Stephen T again!

    Me too fasting today, have had an very early start to watch the US presidential debate, but that might help me tonight as I’m sure I’ll pass out very early tonight to catch up on some sleep!

    Have a great week all of you!

    Hi all!

    Thanks for the welcome! All got a bit tense there for a bit! I hope everyone had a good weekend? I’m on a fast day today too alexa5 & Frida – anyone else? We can do it! I must remember to drink lots of water as I got bad headaches on my last fast day – when I looked it up I discovered that we get 66% of our water from what we eat so we should drink AT LEAST double the amount of water on our fast days – I’m sure you all knew that but new for me so thought I would share!

    Lovely sunny day in London which makes everything a bit easier 🙂


    No fasting for me today, will be doing it tomorrow though, how are you all getting on with your fast today? X

    Hi everyone,
    Frida – Yup, definitely not OK. Wonderful reply from the moderator! 🙂 Oh I wanted to see that – haven’t got round to it yet. Hope it’s done the trick and that the fast day went well 😉
    Belbop – welcome to this normally very nice little group! 🙂 hope you had a nice weekend and a good fast day today, without many complaints from your head! Thanks for the reminder – I upped my water intake too. So easy to forget to have enough water when it gets colder, I think.
    Kmcall – happy fasting for you tomorrow! Hope you had a nice weekend. 🙂

    Currently trying to convince myself that the kitchen is closed until tomorrow morning… have had my full allowance and even snacked on a few veggies beyond that 😉 could have been worse.
    Was told by a woman at my friends’ engagement party on Saturday that she could tell I’d lost weight. She’s very honest about such things and I haven’t seen her in a while, so that was extremely encouraging.
    Yet, still I struggle on fast days… No, it could be worse and I am actually doing fine. Think I’ll have a cup of tea and then scram off to bed. Spent 6 hours job hunting today (and even sent out 6 applications), and then had to do some actual work as well, so I am pretty beat now. 9:20 here.

    Have a nice evening everyone xx

    HI all,

    So my tactic worked, was asleep by 8.30pm yesterday, haha! And since my official weigh in on Saturday I’ve lost 0,5 kg having me back in a BMI range of under 25! Now I just have to lose the kgs that makes me feel comfortable in my body again!

    Good luck with you fasting today kmcall19! And I hope that the rest of you had good fasting days yesterday! I’m planning on doing FD on Wed and Thurs again this week, at first I thought Wed, but have a few errands to do Thursday after work thus decided to fast for as long as I can that day also, so maybe a half day fast or I’ll keep doing it until Friday!

    Well done, Frida!! 🙂 and good luck on your fasting later this week. Sounds challenging, but you sound as if you’re up for it.

    My fast day yesterday went well… Right up until I couldn’t sleep, because I was so hungry. Water didn’t help… This is a very rare experience for me, as I always have my fast day meal as late as possible which allows me to avoid this, but for some reason I was just hungrier than usual. Think it’s because of the time of the month. Very annoying and I ended up having 737 calories in total… Seeking comfort in the fact that I was able to limit myself, as in the past I would have seen this as defeat and would have turned it into a binge-fest.
    Anyway. Fasting again on Thursday, which will hopefully go by a bit easier.

    Have a nice Tuesday everyone X

    Morning all!

    Well done Frida – that’s fabulous! My fast day yesterday was only my third but it was by far the easiest so far – I think I might be getting more used to it. I had 513 calories because I was SO hungry at 9pm that I had a 12 calorie bouillon drink which helped a lot. Headaches were nowhere near as bad yesterday either as drank a huge amount of water – only downside was that I spent so much time on the loo! Now to not over indulge today…

    737 calories is better than 2000 alexa5 so it is still a really good effort – great that you were able to stop at that and not think – ‘I’ve ruined it now’ anyway!

    Good luck today to all the fasters – I am going again tomorrow.


    Morning All!

    Fasting today, the same as yesterday and will again on Thursday hopefully. STILL struggle with snacking in between lunch and dinner which pushes my calories a bit over 500. Feel like I would die if I don’t though lol.

    Belbop – so happy your fast days have been getting a bit easier. Thanks for the water reminder as well! I had awful headaches yesterday because I kept forgetting to drink – you were totally right! Might get one of those cute little apps that reminds you. How’s the fasting going today?

    Alexa5 completely agree with Belbop that it’s great you were still able to hold back. I definitely suffer from that thinking sometimes where you go over a little and then feel like you might as well eat everything. Obviously not a good habit!!

    Frida I’m so happy you have achieved your BMI goals!! Really inspiring to see it’s working and will hopefully push me through this week – desperate to loose a few more pounds in the next few weeks before my birthday.

    kmcall19 hope your fast is going well today! :-)Good luck everyone!!

    Well done Frida! Knowing that you’re seeing results is definitely keeping me motivated.

    Alexa5, I agree with what everyone else has said, it’s good that your were able to hold back.

    Buzzkill how’s the fasting going today?

    So far today I’ve only had water, I’m trying to save all my calories for dinner as I seem so feel quite hungry at night.

    Hope you’re all having a lovely day!

    Hi kmcall19

    Not so fabulous! Feeling starving and I’m home alone where I’m most inclined to snack but should only be a little over 500. Weigh day tomorrow so the scales will tell!

    How is yours going? You’re so strong just drinking water! I always have dinner on fast days at 7 and find it fairly easy after that and so just holding out until then!

    I’ve found that green tea helps a bit when you feel hungry. I’m doing ok at the moment but I’m really craving something sweet, I’m such a sugar addict.


    kmcall19, I’ve found a liquorice/cinnamon green tea that I drink a lot during my fast days, it has a bitter but still sweet taste and help me in case I wan’t something with some flavour!

    Alexa, I agree with all the others, 700 calories are better than 2000. Next fast it will be easier again maybe! The important thing is to just keep going!

    Buzzkill, I hope you enjoyed your dinner and that you’ll finish your fast day on top!

    Belbop, good luck on your fast day tomorrow!

    Thanks Frida and kmcall19! Although unfortunately I’m one of those freakish englishwomen that hate tea. 🙁 Diet coke and a black coffee got me through – mostly anyway!

    Alexa5 I forgot to ask how the job hunting is going? All the best for your fast day tomorrow!

    Hope your nights all faired a little better than mine and loads of luck to those fasting tomorrow! 🙂

    Buzzkill, I’m not a fan of tea either but read somewhere that green tea can help with weight loss (not sure if it’s true), I can’t stand the taste of it but I drink it anyway as it makes me feel less hungry.

    Today has been surprisingly easy for me (apart from the sugar craving). I’ve had 416 calories in total and now ready for bed.

    Good luck to anyone fasting tomorrow!

    kmcall19 that is amazing – only 416!?

    I’m not a fan of regular tea but drink gallons of mint and chamomile. I also find that drinking a cup of boullion can be really helpful as it is almost like a thin soup so tricks me into thinking I have eaten!

    I’m fasting today and already fancy something. Uh Oh. Having a black coffee and throwing myself into work instead. Anyone with me today?

    My next fast day won’t be until Tuesday next week – does anyone know if it matters how long you go between fasts as long as you do 2 days a week?

    Happy Wednesday everyone X

    Hi belbop, I don’t think it matters how long you go between fasts because your still doing 2 days a week, hope it goes well for you today!

    Quick question, does anyone feel absolutely terrible the morning after a fast day?
    I woke up this morning shaking quite badly and had no strength in my legs. Maybe its because my body just isn’t used to it.

    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish today kmcall19. I don’t think you should be feeling quite so shaky or weak. If you felt ok yesterday then maybe you just need to get a nice breakfast in you today. I’m not a doctor though and that certainly doesn’t sound nice! Hope you’re ok? Are you feeling any better now? Maybe make sure you have the full 500 next time? I wish I had better things to suggest!

    Belbop I agree with kmcall19 that it shouldn’t matter which days you fast on. Getting them out of the way early on in the week can make them easier to stick to. 🙂

    Thanks both of you for the drinking tips – I will definitely try out some flavoured tea and boullion if I get hunger pangs tomorrow.

    I’m worried that that doing three fast days a week I am subconsciously letting myself slack a bit by going over the 500 mark. Maybe I should stick to 2 days a week and be super strict on them which will be more effective. What do you guys think?

    Hope you’re all having a great day!

    Thanks Buzzkill! I’ve had something to eat and a sugary drink and I’m feeling a lot better, still a bit shaky but not as bad as I was when I woke up. I think it might be something to do with blood sugar but not sure.

    And if you think you would do better just sticking to 2 fast days then maybe that’s what you should do, well done for trying 3 though there’s no way I could do that lol

    Hi all,

    Thanks for answering about the fast days – Tuesday and Thursday for next week then! Hopefully having 6 non-fast days in between won’t undo any of my good work so far! I really don’t think I could do 3 fast days Buzzkill so you are highly impressive – but the diet should still work if you stick to 2 days a week and do it ‘properly’ (max 500 cals).

    Sorry you are feeling shaky kmcall19 – maybe try and include something low GI in your evening meal on a fast day which reduces energy slowly throughout the night so you don’t wake up running on empty? Like quinoa or other whole grains maybe?

    Fast Day progress report: I just tried slim pasta (9 calories in 100g) for lunch and was nearly sick – it was so rubbery and awful and as you open the packet you get a very strong smell of fish – it was the penne though, which is quite thick, and I have been reading reviews which say the noodles and slimmer pasta shapes are better – does anyone have any experience with this? Or Zero noodles? How can you make them bearable!? I ended up having 2 hard boiled eggs and some cucumber so feeling very uninspired today 🙁

    Diet coke to get through this afternoon I think! Then soup for supper and an early bed! Hope you are all having a better time of it than me today!


    Kmcall; I get that sometimes because of my bad blood values and low blood pressure. Often if a eat something small or drink a small glass of juice it will go away. I had it all my life and have gotten used to it but it’s not a very pleasant feeling to have once it kicks in, often it comes with vertigo. I’ve learnt that stress is one of the biggest triggers for me.

    Thanks for your suggestions Belbop, I’ll definitely try that on my next fast day.

    Yeah Frida I had something to eat and feeling better now, hopefully this is only temporary until my body gets used to the fasting, that was a really horrible feeling

    Hi Guys

    Thanks for your messages. Maybe I’ll try just two days next week with strictly no cheating and see if that works. 🙂

    So glad you’re feeling a bit better kmcall19. I have felt a bit sick on occasion but never that bad and so was a little worried for you! Hopefully it’s just your body getting used to it as you said. Sorry to hear about your experiences as well Frida!

    Belbop I love the slim pasta! 🙂 It does smell fishy when you open it and has a strange texture but if you rinse it for a few minutes that should go away. I prefer the brand ‘barenaked foods’ which I order off amazon and tastes the best I think. Putting the rice or noodles in soup or pasta sauce gets me through my fast lunches at under 150 calories. I usually prepare this the night before so the noodles have time to soak up the sauce. It’s not for everyone though and maybe courgetti or cauliflower rice might be better for you? Hope the rest of your fast goes well!

    Hi everyone,
    Will catch up on your posts later – just need to check in here to commit myself to making today a FD. Have had just 370 calories (in the shape of a massive latte for lunch) today and will stay within my target of 550. There! Now it’s in writing, so I can’t go back on my deal with myself.
    Have a nice evening xx

    Hi all,

    I’ll do as Alexa5, i.e. committing by putting it down in writing! I hope to compete my first water fast in about 3 weeks! Have had some coffee a lot of green tea and tons of water today and I must say that I’m still going strong. Have a small hunger feeling, but not too bad!

    I’ve packed some homemade veggie soup for tomorrows lunch and then I’ll see how I feel in the evening in case I’ll have something more or not!

    Have a nice evening

    Morning everyone,

    Semi-successful fast day yesterday – ended up having 546 calories – I couldn’t resist having 2 boiled sweets when I was watching the Great British Bake Off!

    Next one not until Tuesday now… I have lost 2 Lbs in 2 weeks so far but I need to keep that off on my 6 non fast days until then… watch this space!

    Frida and Alexa5 – how did your days go yesterday?

    Good luck to all fasting today xxx

    Hi all,

    A quick check in before I have to run again! Fast day yesterday went brilliant, did my first water fast in weeks, and to top that I’m still going strong! Was so busy today at work that I did not have time for lunch so have had water, tea and coffee only today as well. For now I’m OK, and will see when I get back home again in case I need to eat something or not. Official weight in for the week tomorrow and then I’m off for the weekend!

    Belbop; even if the scale will show up, it will disappear in no-time after that! I had that when taking 3 weeks off the diet while traveling in the States, when coming back the scale showed +2 kg I think it was, but still all my measurements was lower than before my trip, thus don’t always trust the number it show you!

    Good luck to you fasting today!

    Hi all,

    Manage to do another wateriest yesterday, but had trouble sleeping and feel a bit weak today so won’t do it again. 36 hours is enough for me when doing water fasts. But it did do magic on my weight, this morning I’m down 1 kg since last Saturday.

    Have a great weekend all of you! I’m off to France today for the weekend and will check in again Sunday night or Monday!

    Well done Frida on the water fast and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Anyone fasting today?

    Sounds like you’re all doing well! I hit around 650 on Wednesday, so still OK. Will be better next week and stick to 500 on both fast days though 🙂
    Not fasting today but trying to wait as long as possible before eating. Had my last meal at 9 pm yesterday so it’s been around 16 hours since then now. Will have lunch in a bit. Have a lovely weekend all, and happy fasting to those doing that today or during the weekend. It’s “culture night” tonight in Copenhagen – “kulturnat” as we say – and there are so many events and activities scheduled all over the city. If you ever plan to visit Copenhagen, you should watch out for this particular night – it’s so much fun! Xxx

    Hi Guys

    I’m blue. 🙁 Scales haven’t shifted the last few weeks and I’m not sure if this just isn’t working for me. I do cheat sometimes but never far beyond 550. I don’t know if I’m just fighting my natural weight or something. I guess I could step up the exercises.

    I stupidly haven’t been measuring myself and so perhaps there have been positive changes there and I don’t know it.

    I’ll fast again on Monday and one or two other days next week as well. Alexa5 and Frida loving your fast pledges! 🙂 Sounds like you are all doing amazingly and should be proud.

    Alexa5 Kulturnat sounds awesome! As a cultural clash I’m heading to a beer fest in Croydon tonight lol.

    Sorry to post such a moody message just feeling a bit down. Have a brilliant weekend!

    Don’t be blue Buzzkill! It will pick back up again – it has to as you are doing a 3000 cal deficit each week so it will eventually kick back in. Science says so! Push through it and remember how great you felt when you first started seeing a difference. How much more do you want to loose? Don’t beat yourself up – I am sure ‘weight loss plateaus’ are a thing and it will suddenly all fall off.

    Thanks for the advice re the slim pasta – I will see if I am brave enough to try it again next week! But I LOVE the courgetti idea so am very keen to try that!

    Well done Frida and alexa5 – great idea to pledge on here to make yourselves stick to it – that is what it’s all about, yes?! Alexa5 I went to Copenhagen last year in November and adored it even though it was minus 100,000 degrees! – do you live there?

    Happy weekends everyone – remember to relax and enjoy life! xxx

    Hi all,

    I hope that the weekend have been good for all of you! I’ve tried to be good and not overdo the wine and food, but at the same time you need to treat yourself once in a while and just enjoy life!

    Buzzkill, how does your clothes fit? Are they a bit looser? In that case it is working for you and maybe you’re building more muscles which won’t show on the scale, but it make the appearance of your body change a lot! Give it a few more weeks to see how it goes! Plateaus are very common, and they will come once in a while! Maybe you lost a lot in a short amount of time, and the body need to adjust before making the next big loss! But please don’t give up just yet!

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