LD, you may only have done one fast, but the 12K run is impressive. I’m trying the couch to 5K program again – cautiously. Every time I’ve tried to take up running I’ve injured myself – I’m a klutz with bad joints. But I’m hoping that now that I weigh less it won’t be as much stress on the legs and feet. I did the first workout this morning, which is alternating brisk walks with jogging for a minute. A whopping total of 5 minutes total of running. So I’m quite impressed with your 12K!
I’m sitting at the same weight for the 3rd week in a row but I’m hoping it will go down next week when the time of the month is over.
Ha, I felt so guilty when I signed back on after eating the bagel to see Hilly’s stern admonition to move away. 🙂 didn’t quite make it under 500 yesterday but it was 540, close enough for me. 🙂
3:49 pm
3 Oct 14