Me too LittleDragon!! 🙂
have a fab day anyway xx
This topic contains 1,641 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by Jenki2 8 years, 12 months ago.
Morning all hope you had a great weekend.
Hilly66 how was the birthday?
I was so excited for the weekend and ended up being in agony with toothache from lunchtime on Saturday and ended up having an emergency appointment at the dentist this morning – the result is I have just had the first part of a root canal aghhhh!
Back at work now feeling a wee bit tender but I have my pain killers to keep me going. In spite of it all I still managed to have a good weekend and I am getting excited about my weigh in on Thursday (supposed to be Friday but we are going away). I don’t feel any lighter but I have moved my jeans belt in another notch today so something must be happening! 🙂
Thanks Kilda – just had a bowl of soup (on a fast day) and some pain killers ast the injection has just worn off!! Not feeling too bad actually and I haven’t had much of an appetite today so that is helping me 🙂 I have an M&S ready meal for tonight cod and mash so thankfully no chewing involved (hee hee)!!
Where to you live – US? x
Evening everyone,
I was fasting today too – how have my fellow fasters found it today?
Have stuck to it today, but found it very difficult, back at work after a week off and the staff room was awash with cakes!! Didn’t trust myself in there so I went for a short walk, since it was such a lovely day. There’s a nearby park with a small stream running through so decided to go down there. As I was gazing dismally at the rubbish people leave about: a flash of irridescent blue dazzled me as it flew about 20 yards. I couldn’t believe it my first ever sighting of a kingfisher! With the sun shining down, it seemed to indicate the promise of good times 🙂
We are going to succeed everyone x
Evening all,
Well done to all of you who fasted today, i didnt find it too bad as i was at work but relieved its over now!!
LittleDragon whoever did take your warburton needs a good slap!!! Thats stealing grrrrrrr.. Hope your work issues dont get you down too much though..
Well have a lovely evening everyone, i am looking foward to a good sleep 🙂 nite nite fab fasters!! Xxxx
Morning all, today is a normal day for me so milk in my coffee – yippee. Yesterday was a fast day and was fine. Work was so busy that it passed in a flash. Am fasting again tomorrow and am toying with doing an additional day on Friday as well but not sure if I will have the motivation!
Has anyone done 4:3? I am finding just thinking about the prospect a bit scary!
Littledragon – I think that I remember reading somewhere that you are not weighing yourself for a while – when are you going to step back on the scales? I think that I might join you in a scale ban as they are becoming seriously addictive!
Hope everyone has a great day and if you are fasting stay strong!
Morning ladies how are we all today? I fasted yesterday which was very easy after my dental work as I wasn’t that hungry. I am fasting again today and for a change saving all my calories until tonight. I am on my last offical week of 4:3 – waiting to see what my result is on Thursday at my monthly weigh in!! Not sure if the scales will have moved much but my clothes are definitely looser – now on notch 3 of my jeans belt – could only barely zip them up when I started.
As I am out on Thursday and my birthday is Friday so I am going to do tomorrow as well so 3 days in a row – must be mad!!
LD I hope things at work are better for you today x 🙂
Speak later x x x
morning all! JFitzy, happy birthday early. Sorry to hear work is so heavy for you LittleDragon. Am I the only one fasting today?
Jenki2, I have done 4:3 a couple of times. I didn’t plan it, just decided to throw in an extra fast day now and again. It wasn’t any big deal but I think it would be different if I tried to do it every week.
Morning Kilda I am fasting today as well. I have a ready meal planned for tonight as my hubby doesn’t want to do 2 days fasting back to back so I am making him pasta. Usually I do cook but I didn’t go shopping at the weekend so need to get some fresh veggies or salad in for tomorrow.
I am doing 3 days this week; I have been experimenting with 4:3 this month, just to see how it goes, and then I will probably go back to 5:2 next month. I will be interested to see what the scales say at my monthly weigh in on Thursday 🙂
Hi LD I have baked potato with a bit of chilli/stir fry beef or chicken with egg noodles (which I don’t have on a fast day) /lamb burgers with salad, fish pie, sausages with roasted vegetables/chicken with veg or salad/pasta with peppers (Jamie recipe).
STOP – I am hungry now thinking about all that lovely food! Definitely not good to talk about food on a fast day!! 🙂 🙂
Thanks Kilda – might try an extra day on Friday or maybe even Saturday as I am working all day.
LittleDragon I am also going to join you in a scales ban – must stop stepping on them every morning! Will try and find a good place to put them ‘out of sight, out of mind’
Happy fasting Kilda and JFitzy, hope you have a good day, I will be back on the bandwagon tomorrow.
Must get on with some work, getting far too distracted by this forum!!!
Evening everyone, how I miss keeping up with everything but it’s almost impossible at work; it’s full on the whole day, plus the wifi is intermittent at best and the computers always seem to be monopolised.
Ouch JFitzy just read about your toothach!! Poor you, hope it is sorted out now and the pain has gone.
Know what you mean about the doughnuts Kilda; I was fasting yesterday too! There were caramel squares, flapjacks, chocolate brownies, all of them calling me. That’s why I went out for a walk because I knew I would crack and eat one!!! How can people be so cruel to us?!!!
Managed the fasting ok yesterday but am struggling a bit, had a real low yesterday evening and just sat and cried! Today have been a bit out of control, I know it’s emotional stress + work I suppose which is always stressful!!!!
Welcome to the non-scales gang Jenki – it’s hard!!! Very hard!!! Just about managing!!!
Morning all it is a beautiful sunny spring day yeah.
HIlly66 my tooth is fine now thanks for asking. Part 2 of the procedure will be in 4 weeks so hope it will be all sorted the.
Kilda my fast was fine. Day 3 today and then … DRUM ROLL please … My monthly weigh in tomorrow. I have not weighed since 31st January so I am hoping for a few pounds loss!
Who else is fasting today? I actually did go a bit over yesterday more like 600 but it says in the book if you go over 500 by 10 or 20 calories on a fast day not to stress. I don’t normally go over so hopefully it won’t have made much of a difference!!
Have a great day – only 2 more sleeps to my birthday weekend 🙂 🙂 🙂
Morning peeps!
hope you are all ok and for those fasting, have a good one today!!
a little annoyed this morning as I have put one lb, not sure why as I have not done anything much different, just upped the exercise routine and lots of walking…but the good thing is my waist is smaller 😉 so I am going to put it down to muscle damage/repair and time of the month, but still I will be careful though as next weigh in I want to see those extra lbs gone!!!
have a fab sunny day everyone!! xxxx
Hi LD and thanks for your kind words 🙂
very sorry to hear you had a bad night 🙁 that’s rough, maybe you should speak to someone? virtual hugs your way ((()))good luck with fasting today but if you are struggling don’t beat yourself up and do it another day!
I know I should take my own advise lol, I may start doing more 16.8 days but I find it hard not to eat breakfast grrrr
take care everyone and have a good day xx
Morning all,
LD and Hilly66 so sorry to find that you are having stressful and horrible times. I really hope that things improve for you both soon.
Angie – just look on the 1lb as a glitch that will be gone again very soon. You are always so positive and lovely to everyone else so you should be that way to yourself! (sorry if that sounds very bossy).
Well done to JFitzy and Kilda for fasting yesterday.
So anyway I have had a major glitch as well, was supposed to be fasting today but went out with a friend last night and had far too much wine with no food so really needed to eat this morning! Will fast tomorrow instead and luckily I am in the no weigh gang so can’t see how much damage it has done for weeks when hopefully the damage will have been undone.
Anyway had best try and focus on some work if my poor dehydrated brain can take it…..have a good day everyone.x
Hi Jenki2 that is the beauty of the 5:2 if things don’t work out one day you can fast the following day instead. I think with other eating plans if somebody has a bad day they think “What the hell I have had a bad day so I will start again next week!”.
For all of you reading these threads I thought I would tell you that my hubby went for a check up at the doctor and he told him he was doing the 5:2 (or rather his bossy wife had him on the 5:2!!:)) and the doctor said it is the only eating plan that works as the others on the market such as Atkins, WW, SW and Dukan are not sustainable in the long run. I was pleased to hear that and also my hubby’t cholesterol is the lowest it has ever been (it has never been extremely high but it is good to know it is in the low range now).
Have a lovely sunny day all 🙂 x
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24 Feb 14