Little Voices – Rocktober challenge – Shake it off

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Little Voices – Rocktober challenge – Shake it off

This topic contains 284 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  choiminzi 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all you little voices and welcome to Rocktober! While I am not a Taylor Swift fan (and let’s face it, she’s hardly a rock chick) I thought “shaking it off” would be a good theme. In this forum it means exercise and I’m challenging myself to do some every day. Yoga, fast exercise, a walk or cycle or swim, it doesn’t matter, just get it moving!

    I will take AH up on taking over his spreadsheet, so if you want to Rock up for Rocktober please post your lbs or kgs target for the month and I’ll add you to the list.
    Anytime from 1 October on is fine.

    Nominations required for where we send our hard fought donations as Miss a Belly Roll has gone off to the health retreat to lose all the fat we gave her.

    And remember, when the excuses stop the results start!

    What about Skinny Malinkin loadgin legs (not sure I spelt it all correctly) Mr SMLL for short. This was a silly rhyme a long time ago – as he/she is obviously skinny he could do with some extra. Anyone else remember this rhyme?

    Dear All I was too late to join at the beginning of September, but I’ve enjoyed following your excellent posts and progress for the last month. I would like to enrol in the Rocktober challenge. My main motivation is that I have a class reunion at the end of October for the “class of 65”. Even although I spent 12+ years in the company of my classmates from 1952 onwards, the thought of meeting up again at age 68 is a bit daunting!
    I started 5:2 in March 2015. It took some time to get into a rhythm with it. My weight loss has been slow, mainly because I don’t stick to my TDEE on my eating days. However, friends and colleagues say they see a difference/improvement in my shape. I think it is an excellent WOL, and I certainly feel like a new person on the morning after a fast.
    I would like to lose 5lbs next month.
    I think Mr SMLL in full is – Skinny Malinky Lang Legs, umbrella feet, went to the pictures and fell through the seat…… (or something like that!)

    Not so sure about skinny Malinky – too close to an adorable rogue cat called Slinky Malinki who features in a kids’ book here. Those of you with kids should look up NZ author Lynley Dodd who has a great series starting with Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy (he’s a dog). Let’s see what else comes up.

    Bones – any star trek fans, Mr Matchstick man – my thinking of who needs our excess more than we do – Mr Bean(pole/stalk).

    my nickname as a girl was olive oyl,’s girlfriend. Popeye i was tall and very thin! Dunno how I ended up short and fat. She could do with a few pounds.

    Struggling with target for September despite doing nearer 2:5 than 5:2, well not quite but it certainly feels like it. Off to Copenhagen this month too, lots of danish pastries and smorgasbord so put me down for 3 lbs – though hoping for more!!!

    Thanks for taking over chipmunk!

    Found it!!!!!!!! Will pledge on Thurs. Oct 1.

    Put me down for 2 kg please Chipmunk

    Hey Chipmunk and fellow Roctoberers!!- thanks for starting Rocktober, looking forward to more of your inspiration over the next few weeks.
    Now that I’m in the 5:2 zone I’m going to pledge 7lbs for this month. I’m heading of to NZ and India at the beginning of October for 6 weeks so want to get that bikini bod ready!!
    I’m going to also try the plank challenge alongside the squat challenge this month to get some muscles toned! You guys made planking sound much fun last month!!
    Happy fasting people
    Em xx

    Oh yeah, planking was SOOOOOO much fun. I got stuck at half the target time but still figure that’s pretty good. I don’t think there are many average people who’d manage 5 mins. Good luck with it!

    Hey BOGLETT, do you have your passport approved for a visit to NZ in October??? Just wondering…. India isn’t fussy who visits there however we are becoming a little more selective whom we let in, unless of course you bring a nice Barossa Shiraz, then you are everyone’s friend….

    I am all for this! I shall post my lbs tomorrow. Am still pondering……umm
    Don’t want to get too ambitious but then don’t want to look like a wimp….

    As I have said my goal for October is to loose 2 kg and to achieve this would mean I am not in the 12 stone zone but would be in the 11 stone bracket which would be such a good feeling. I hope this feeling of optimism lasts for the month – feel free to remind me of this if you sense me flagging.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Count me in as well, I’ve got some improvements to make on last months attempt. I was thinking “Mrs Wicked Wobbly Witch” might be a good name coz of Halloween at the end of the month. I’m going to pledge 6lbs to the chosen candidate…

    I am going to jump right in and set my goal very high – 6 lbs.
    I have looked at my track record and have not changed much since end of May so that is why I have set it so high – let’s get this show on the road!

    I am in again for October! Please put me down for 4 lbs (approx 2kg).

    Good luck to everyone and thanks Chipmunk13 for leading the group!!

    I am going to go for 6 lbs. I think that is realistic and would put me at 12 stone 8 lbs. My lowest for a few years.

    Hello everyone,

    I reached my Little Voices goal in Sept., so hoping to continue my fasting momentum over to Oct.

    I’d like to go for 3 lbs. this month. I know it’s a little low, but I am 5 lbs. away from goal weight, so 3 lbs. for Oct. sounds reasonable to me.

    Good luck!

    I would like to lose 3kgs this month.

    Hi all and welcome! Its 1st October here in NZ and I’m collecting all your goals to record in the spreadsheet when AH sends it through (with all the fabulous September reductions on it.

    I’m making an executive decision that the happy recipient of this month’s excess baggage will be MS OO. Coda suggested we should donate to a skinny person and Milena suggested Olive Oyl. MS OO has the added meaning of being that ridiculous American clothing size that people like Victoria Beckham wear. This way we can all feel we are donating to someone who needs a bit of flesh on her bones and it will make losing easier!!!

    I’m away from home so will weigh in for September tomorrow and set my personal donation for MS OO for Rocktober then.

    Re goal setting. Some people sound a bit tentative about what to set this month. Set the goal that is right for where YOU are on your journey and don’t worry about whether anyone else thinks it’s ‘wimpy’ or low, or even too challenging. It’s YOUR goal. You set it, you own it and you are accountable for achieving it (with lovely encouragement for this forum).

    As for the theme, we’re shaking off those pounds and kilos this month! Set an exercise goal for yourself and rock it out! My goal is to do something EVERY DAY; it doesn’t have to be time consuming. For example today I’m doing the Fast Exercise programme that’s associated with Fast Diet. I’ll do the Fast Strength workout (I downloaded the app). Tomorrow is my yoga class, Saturday a walk with a friend. You get the idea. Whatever I do it has to be either fast or fun ( preferably both) or I just don’t do it.

    Good luck everyone. I’ll check in again tomorrow to record more goals and suck up your enthusiasm!

    Hi, I loved following the September thread, so please count me in for rocktober! 6lb and 6 planks a day, hopefully I’m not being too ambitious, but olive definitely needs the pounds and I don’t πŸ™‚

    Hello Everyone

    I’m in for the Rocktober challenge. My goal weight for the month is 3lbs. My ultimate goal is to be below 9st for the first time in decades and I’m just 7lbs away from achieving that goal.

    It would be fantastic if I could repeat the weight reduction I had in September but also I’m happy with 3lbs minimum.

    I’ve taken up weekly dance classes which changes style every four weeks. I currently learning African dance. During October I will commit to another regular weekly exercise. I have to find one that is enjoyable or I won’t commit.

    I indulged on the last day of September so I’m kick starting October with a fast day.

    Good for you Golden and well done for being so close to target. I hope you’ve got enough booty left to do justice to the African dance!!
    I love dancing as well, but I live in a small centre so it’s hard to find something that fits with my preferences and times available. Like you, I have to love it or I won’t do it.

    Good Morning all, I will be aiming to lose 6lbs for the month of October. That will take me to 11 stone bracket. My exercise will vary daily but will make sure i incorporate exercise in one way or another daily. school run – walk, skipping, exercise videos on weekends etc. But will defo be incorporated this month. Thanks and looking forward to gifting Mrs 00 6lbs at the end of the month:)

    OOps MS OO

    Hi Chipmunk and all you lovely newbies, welcome to our challenge, and challenging it is, So, Ms 00, here we go again. I reached my first goal of 9 1/2 stone during September, then went away to friends for the last week. I’m sure they thought I was too skinny and fed me up, continually filled the wine glass and here I am back where I started at 9st 10lbs!!! So I’m pledging the 3 lbs for Rocktober to get me back to goal No 1, but have reset my ultimate goal to 9 stone before Christmas. I have lost another 1″ from my waist so something has been gained from the month.
    I do Pilates and Aquaffit once a week and HIT my rebounder the other days.
    Good luck to everyone and see you on the start line!, TTL

    Hi TTL, it’s great you had such a good trip with your friends and at the time I’m sure the deliciousness was worth it. Not so much when you stand on the scales as I think we all know from bitter experience.

    Can I make a suggestion? Consider a higher goal for Rocktober. As it will be less than two months to Christmas you’ll still have 7lb to lose. If your life is like most peoples (at least here in NZ in December) there will be drinks, pre Christmas get togethers, catch ups “before Christmas” and all manner of social events that will make December a difficult month. I know I seem to be contradicting my earlier advice to everyone about setting your own goals and don’t worry about what others think, but my aim here is to just get you to think what lies ahead that might get in the way of your achieving success!!

    and welcome everyone else – I will put up a list of everyone’s goals for the month in a couple of days.
    Rock on Rocktober!

    Morning Chipmunk and thanks for organising Rocktober!

    I am pledging a 6lb reduction for the month.

    Have a fab weekend and enjoy the rugby!!! πŸ™‚

    Morning all – would love to join this challenge as I feel it will motivate me to work harder!! This month I am aiming to lose 7lbs! Good luck to you all! x

    I would like to join the Rocktober challenge to loose 4 lbs this month.
    I had initially decided I only had a few pounds to lose when starting in August. Now, I have reached that goal, I realize I probably would benefit from loosing 7 lb more. I know it won’t be easy , but I am determined to try. I live in the US, but was born and lived in UK until my 20’s. It was not until I converted my lbs to stones this week, that the light bulb went on. The weight sounds worse and less acceptable in stones and lbs, than straight lbs. I have been fooling myself for many years.

    Doing a FD today. I have to stay away from all the crap at work. Why is that nursing break rooms are always full of sweet treats (donuts, cake, candy)? Declaring a FD on donut Thurs seems to help me get through it:) Wish me luck.

    Hi Chipmunk – and a big thank you for taking the reins. I am trying to decide whether to offer an achievable 4 lbs this month, or go the whole hog and say 6 and half pounds? If I shift the latter I will move into the 10 stone something bracket and say goodbye to Mrs 11 stone something (having started at nearly 13 stone!) what d’ya think? I’m nervous of saying 6 and half pounds, because this would be my third month and I wonder whether my weight loss will begin to slow down and I know I dont want to feel disappointed BUT – I do have a couple of big parties towards the end of November and oh my goodness, how I would love to actually look forward to going instead of dreading it (I always dread parties as I just feel rubbish) I am already feeling so much better. So question is 4lbs or 6 and half?

    Good luck everyone!

    PS: Starting weight for October is 11 stone 6.

    Loving the positivity of this thread already!

    Thank you Chipmunk for taking the lead. I am up for a positive daily action for my health. I’m sure someone mentioned squat challenge too, which I would be well up for. Toned hiney and less whiney!

    Lifesabeach, I’m like you pledging to get under 11 St mark and vowing not to return above it. I keep hovering around 11.1 boo then drop to 10.13 yay then back up – boo. The only way I can break this is to actively give a mighty effort.

    So I want to shake off a permanent 7lb this month. I’ve just ordered jason vales 5:2 as have a decent juicer that will help me and nutritionally it makes sense to me.

    Much luck and focus to you all ?

    After a hiatus for surgery, count me back in ‘With Enthusiasm :)’ for ROcktober.
    Thanks Chipmunk for taking the baton from AH — September’s Godzilla NZ taskmaster
    I will be starting gently since still healing, [some swelling and soreness at 6 weeks post surgery], so put me down for a 3 pound reduction…. it will be a welcome drop after a necessary stall this summer. This moves me into an overall 10% loss, and sliding into 11 stone category… both great milestones for me. Most importantly, this gets me back in the mindset of 5 2 way of life… and will be fasting today.
    Love the activity theme too… and commit to both doing and tracking one hour of ‘something extra re movement’ daily… yoga, tai chi, walk, re-starting gym with trainer, etc. [no planks yet with a hip to hip scar πŸ™ ]
    I am more than happy to contribute this flab to a worthy cause: my vote goes to giving Olive Oil a bit more fleshy curve — our October pin-up gal is currently challenged re where to put a staple!
    Lets rock the rolls off!

    Hi Chipmunk – Thanks for leading the rocktober challenge. I’d like to pledge 4 lbs to give MS OO some curves in October. I’ve added FAST strength training to my exercise from today. I started jogging a couple of months ago. I usually do it 3 or 4 times a week and incorporate two 30 second HITs. When I first started I couldn’t run more than a few minutes without stopping. Now I can do 15 minutes and hope to get it up to 20 next week. I’m also going to resume the plank challenge today. I didn’t do it very consistently last month so I’ll pick up where I left off which was 90 seconds.

    Lifesabeach – Snap! We are exactly the same weight. I don’t think I could commit to more than 4 lbs for this month as I seem to have reached a plateau after losing 17 lbs. Hopefully the pounds will start to come off again soon.

    Good luck everyone!

    Ohhh all you wonderful people with such positive vices and determination for Rocktober – I loveit!!

    LIFESABEACH – you have been doing so marvellously well why would you take your foot off the accelerator! You’ve shown great will power and seen the results so keep it up. How long since you’ve been 10 stone? How good would that feel? Let me know what you decide for your goal.

    Likewise, BLUEZOO and GOLDENSUN and others hovering above a marker that has dogged you for a while. Paraphrasing the famous words of our own Sir Edmund Hillary when he climbed Everest “its time to knock the bugger off”. This weight reduction thing feels as big as Everest sometimes doesn’t it?

    Welcome to all the new names this month who may have lurked in September and are joining us now with a goal SUSIE.LESLEY, BEVERLEY, PJBR, PK01, GL502, FOOMSY, PRLY-KALHAN, SIG and welcome back to PHOEBE -(take the exercise easy won’t you as you recover).

    Awaiting a few regulars to set goals – MSMARPLE are you back from holiday? UPAGUMTREE? ACTIONHERO? you can’t rest on your laurels you know!

    So pleased to see people pledging exercise as well. PICKY, like you I am getting into the Fast strength training and as of today starting HIT (with some trepidation! Haven’t run for years and hate it but figure a fast 15-20 seconds won’t kill me).

    After a not particularly inspiring September on my part I am pledging 6lbs, (a little more than 2.5kg and a little less than 3kg). Starting weight 75kg (165 lb).

    Hi Chipmunk – did think I might up my pledge for Rocktober, but things seem to be getting slower and slower for me now I’m near my goal. My TDEE for 5:2 is 1486, but I do try to keep around the 1000 cal mark, and 500 on FD. I am doing some exercise most days, though am not an exercise person. Other than the excesses of holidays last week, I stick quite rigidly to my regime. Don’t quite know where to go from here except to keep doing what I am doing, and don’t go mad when the wine and cheese presents themselves.. This could prove tricky, as I have three celebrations coming up in the next two weeks.
    I will try for 4 lbs this month ( think I can do a pound a week) and hope that I can unload more. With the help and support of all you lovely Little Voices I will do the best I can. TTL

    Here I am Chipmunk, have just sent you the spread sheet across to your email address plus did a wrap up for the September Little Voices achievements.

    For all the Newbies in this group we managed to drop an amazing 118lbs (53kgs) last month from everyone who contributed so you have elected to join a very dedicated group of 5:2 Way of Lifers, Welcome Aboard.

    My Goal for this month is 3kgs (6.5lbs) which will be perfect for putting me on track for my Christmas goal of reducing 15kgs by mid December (started 1 July) The past 2 months have slowed down a little since July and I read a lot of similar results from others who find the same plateau effect after a big first month. The body seems to be a great machine in adjusting itself to altered lifestyles.

    Looking forward to reading everyones successes this month and thanks Chipmunk for taking over, there are a couple of Cheeky members who you’ll have to be firm with, especially the ones with a little bit of blarney in them…. πŸ™‚

    My goal for October is 4 lbs, and to reach 4 minutes of planking. Good to be back.

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a newbie…dabbled a little with 6:1 about a year ago but at the time I was generally exhausted and over-committed so I didn’t get through the few really tough weeks at the start. Anyway, life is a little more manageable for the next three weeks so I’m hoping to make fasting a habit while I can.

    Today is my first fast day. My goal is to fast on work days eventually, I’m a shift-worker so aiming for Fridays (my Monday) and Mondays (my Thursday). However I’m starting out on my days off until I get the hang of it.

    12 weeks to Christmas today and I would love to reach 60kg by then (currently 68.3) however I recognise that’s unlikely and I’d also be happy to have established a regular fasting routine and lose a pound a week. As for Rocktober I’m going to aim for 3 kilos/6 pounds, hoping that I will get that lovely drop that comes with the start of a change in diet.

    Looking forward to sharing the journey πŸ™‚

    TTL, I’ve logged you for 4lb. You know yourself and your body best so go with it.

    Hi and welcome SOONTOBESVELTE – I have put you down for 6.6 lbs, being all accurate and that so there’s a challenge for you. There’s no reason why you can’t be very close if not at goal by Christmas if you stick with the programme. People have had great results in a month (8,9lbs / 3.6-4kg) especially in the early stages. Saying that, December can be challenging with all sorts of functions getting in the way and testing our willpower (or won’t power for that matter)

    MARYW if you get to four minutes planking I will fall at your feet – you must be developing abs of steel girl.

    Don’t worry ACTION, I’ll keep those cheeky ones in check.

    Big game tomorrow morning our time – England must be nervous.

    Hey ACTION HERO – just clocked your post – believe it or not India is harder to get into!! NZ is fine with a British passport (but I’m definitely gonna double check (you’ve made me nervous now!!) Trip planning over this long weekend so any tips for NZ would be great – we have 2 weeks and a car and that’s about it so far! A friend at work has been rather naughty and supplied me with a carrier bag full of NZ treats – I’m talking Afghan biscuits, Crunchie biscuits and Squiggles! Obviously she’s not a ‘5:2 supportive’ colleague!!
    If I could put in an order of sunshine for those 2 weeks with you that would be pretty great too!

    Hi BOGLETT depends where you are arriving from Aussie, Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch. you can see a lot of NZ in 2 weeks, if arriving in Auckland driving south via Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo, Napier, Hastings then Wellington could cover week 1 then across to the South Island to Picton, visit Chipmunk’s wine country in Marlborough then drive as far south as you like before flying out of Christchurch to whereever.

    Hi all. Pledging 5 lbs to Miss OO from me. Was a couple of lbs off target for Sep so I am determined to rock October! Also plan to plank. Hope to make 3 minutes!

    Good morning all.

    Did 10mins of skipping yesterday, and today i have done 20mins of dancing to country music(Brooks &Dunn). I am liking it.

    Hows everyone doing?

    Yesterday was a fast day but it was a bit challenging after my indulgence on 30 September. I wouldn’t mind but I didn’t really enjoy the indulgence as much as I thought I would. A work colleague had bought a box of mince pies so I had one….I’m not a great fan of mince pies….so why? Although I did enjoy the sugar! Then I had spare ribs and salt n pepper chips from a Chinese takeaway – I did enjoy. Then followed by 2 Cornetto ice-creams – which I didn’t enjoy but I ate 2 :)…I know – why?

    So yesterday, I was tempted again. Went to the supermarket and spent several minutes contemplating what treat I fancied. Walking up and down different aisles, looking then almost buying then talking myself out of it. Remembering the flavour of Mike’s comments saved the day! Something about how we feel after we have indulged…whatever it was it helped. I didn’t want to feel regret or to extend my indulgence.

    I feel I’m back on the 5:2 wagon, enjoying my impromptu fast day today.

    I’m at a stage where I could easily sabotage my efforts. I can’t express my gratitude for finding this website and this forum because my goal weight is in sight and is very attainable.

    Thank you Chipmunk for taking the reins for Rocktober! Yes, it’s time to knock my 7lb bugger off! πŸ™‚ I love Rocktober – I gonna ROCK it! πŸ™‚

    Hi all

    Wow what a way to go everyone – let’s hope all this enthusiasm continues to the end of the month and beyond!

    TTL – what about as your TDEE is 1486 eating that (or just below) on your non fast days but dropping your fast days to 25% of your TDEE (371) and see if that has any impact?

    AH – don’t know what you mean about any cheeky members – that could not surely have been directed this way surely – or it that to be sure to be sure lol

    Had a good fast day yesterday, and so pleased to be back ‘in the groove’. Started with a migraine through the night and ended up back in bed for the morning today. (MY OWN FAULT, LOOKING BACK, I DIDNT DRINK ENOUGH WATER. NB note to newbies………)Weighed myself and have already unloaded 1 1/2 lbs from my trip! I hope the rest disappears as easy.
    Coda – because I don’t eat carbs, my calorie intake is around the 1000 cal per day. If I ate up to my TDEE I would be I would be increasing my cals by 2800 for the week?! Might try reducing my cals on a FD, but feel my non fast days are ok at the moment. Whatever, I do, it has to be doable or I shall end up blowing it.
    Action, that is an amazing amount of wobbly wobbly fat that miss belly rolls is taking out the door. I hope she enjoys her stay with The other poor unfortunates who are languishing in the ether! Haha! Well done to the chocolate fish recipient. Just make sure the others stay in your freezer for the grandkids! TTL.

    Morning all, a sunny crisp Spring morning here – gorgeous. What isn’t quite so gorgeous is the way our boys in black are playing in the first half against Georgia – but that’s for the other forum! But what’s with that haircut Dan??

    Well done FOOMSY on the exercise – keep it up.

    GOLDENSUN – we have all been there. It’s like an evil being takes us over and we lose control of our own actions. Unexplainable. I feel your pain cos I did the same thing recently involving samosas and mini Magnums (do you have those?). The trick is to quickly take charge and get back on track, so very well done on overcoming the urge to compound the indulgence. I too have found this forum to be a saviour at times like that, either by sitting down and reading everyone’s stories and struggles and successes, or thinking about the great advice people have posted.

    TTL great to see you making a quick recovery too. Well done. I’m confident you’ll find the combo that works to move those final beastly pounds.

    Later today I will post everyone’s goals. Have a great weekend people and hey! be careful out there.

    BOGLETT, when are you coming to NZ? If you are passing through Marlborough I’d be happy to give you a few pointers on where to go and have a glass of wine with you – on a non fast day of course!

    Hello, everyone!

    Thanks to Chipmunk for organizing this. It really helps to have a little accountability and I enjoy reading what everyone is doing.

    I lost three pounds in September, ending at 171.5 pounds. Sadly, I’m happy with this and would be thrilled to repeat it in October. So I’ll go for three again! That would put me in the 160s, which sounds much more reasonable!!!

    I’m proud of myself for getting some exercise in despite heavy rain this week–I snuck a few walks in between showers even when it wasn’t convenient and I went to yoga and the weight room. I was also proud to have added a little running into my walks. I did the plank challenge for 18 days or so and then got stuck. I think I will pick that back up.

    Here we go….

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