Little Voices – June Challenge

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Little Voices – June Challenge

This topic contains 188 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  Third time lucky 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Thanks for collating all that info Upagumtree 🙂

    I’m in West Sussex, UK 🙂

    Thanks Upagumtree. I’m in Scotland, near sunny (!) Loch Lomond.

    That’s exactly it VirginiaEdie, the danger of over compensating on non fast days amd completely wiping out fast days.

    Thanks so much for starting thread Up, really helpful and supportive.

    Im in the Cotswolds Uk. Good luck everyone, would be amazing to melt away a whole person in just one month!

    Up – you would not know how much I needed to see that!! I am craving sweet stuff like no-one’s business this afternoon, such a busy day, really stressful…. it brings out the cravings!

    I have changed a lot of my bad habits (but not all of them haha) to avoid over compensating on non fast days. For example
    Old bad ways – toast with jam, croissants, bread and honey.
    New better ways – A brazil nut and half a walnut every day, with either greek yogurt and blueberries, porridge with chopped banana, or rice krispies with sultanas and cold milk

    Old bad way- a sandwich
    New better way – hummus with veggies, a slice of ham and olives, or home made vegetable soup.

    Evening meal
    Much the same but smaller portions.

    Watching TV
    No more G&T’s but occasionally I have wine and soda with a few crisps.

    I am quite sure I will never revert back to my old ways, this new WOL is here to stay.

    Thanks Upa for leading us so well, maybe we could do something similar on Facebook?

    Upagumtree- So, collectively, we are going to give birth to a 104.5 pound beautiful, bouncing ball of fat! I love it!

    Thank you for doing this for us. You get a raise!

    Fabulous – you make a great motivational project manager Upagumtree!
    I envision all those 104 as pounds of butter melting like a round yellow snowman come spring!
    I find I need ‘something’ in the morning on FD so often have about 100 cal: 1 coffee with bit of cream and either a surprisingly filling soft boiled egg, or 1/4 cup of oatmeal with a prune [you guessed it] and spoon of greek yogurt, then do ok by gnawing on celery sticks [which apparently burns more calories than they have!] with lots of water, [an attractive glass pitcher on the counter to remind me] sometimes flavoured with a bit of lemon, lime, and/or mint [not quite a mojito but hey…] and clear tea off and on til a low carb proteiny-vegggie <400 dinner. I have had miso soup packets on occasion too or other raw veg. Hot water is soothing too. I’ve decided no booze on FD.
    Thanks to my pledge to you all, I am so far keeping up with doing my daily morning 20 min stretch strength exercise, and even ordered a light kettle bell set and dvd, to kick up my rather leisurely activity!
    Congrats to all for your fierce dedication and efforts so far, and IMHO a little stumble here and there is really just an opportunity to learn how to do this better!

    Hi Ms Project Manager

    Any chance of joining this crew for June?

    Just been checking my tracker, joined the forum at 201 lbs on 22 January, two days off this week has resulted in a 2 lb gain, sooo worth it – but now looking at a 5lb target to get to 40lb loss.

    That will be halfway to my possibly crazy goal.

    Ideally by the 22nd, but by the end of the month would be lovely.

    I’m another in Scotland, just outside Edinburgh.

    thnx for doing this Upagumtree, great incentive!

    I’m in East Sussex, UK

    Thanks Upa, this will definitely keep me honest. While I was running, I used to post my intended run type and planned mileage every morning for the same reason. Most of us did actually.

    Doing better for today’s FD and only at 394 calories so far. I’m saving the last one hundred for a bedtime snack. I really hope we get to close the door on that blubber person by the end of the month :-).

    great ! i plan to lose 10 pounds this month .hope i can do it ….

    Had the most delicious curry last night in Stirling. We went for a tapas style selection, so whilst the dishes looked quite small, we had more than enough for the three of us. The nan bread was thin and crispy, not the usual thick dough. No pudding and only water to drink!
    We really took our time eating too as each dish was so tasty we were savouring the flavour more. Wore a black vest T-shirt which didn’t cling for the first time in ages and there was no need to undo the top button of my jeans in the car after 😀
    Fast day today, and cake decorating for birthday no.2 so will need to have a lot of will power not to lick the spoon…
    Have a great day everyone, it is Friday after all!!!

    Happy Friday all 🙂

    I was really worried that I’d gone a bit overboard with my eating yesterday (non fast day) but I added it all up and I was still well under my TDEE. I think I’m just too long in the mindset of feeling guilty about everything I eat, I really need to quit that, it can’t be healthy! Does anyone else feel like that?

    Anyway, hope you all have a lovely day 🙂


    Okay, I was definitely a naughty girl on my non-fast day yesterday. So, I vow for the rest of June: I will be a good girl and stay away from the sweet treats. I will not do any between meal snacking, and I WILL make sure my three pounds come off by the end of this month. (Insert war cry here.)

    Wow, Up, your commitment to the rest of us is great, even taking the position of ‘project manager’. Thanks so much. I see this 104lb baby as a mountain of lard. That’s 208 packs (1/2 lb) of the greasy, gunky, health debilitating white stuff that’s leaving our bodies and disappearing never to return! Great that it’s happening all over the world too. June is going to be a very interesting month, so I need to get my head down and work at the challenge.
    Yesterday was not a good day, headache, Pilates was excruciating after being away for 4 weeks. Felt sick all afternoon, and whilst my chilli beans helped, still went to bed with headache. Ended up at 3 am taking a migraine pill which has done the trick. Scales show another 1/4lb loss, that’s 1/2 lb for the week. Need to up this to meet my target, but aim now to cut out carbs seriously and not play at it. Have been told I have wheat allergy so they have to go.
    I shall work at my non FD to reduce my calories. My stomach expanded on holiday and I def want to get rid of the two inches gained round my middle. Will try to do this by the end of June too. So quite some challenges on the go! Here goes everyone – pull out your competitive streak, we all have finishing posts to get to! Good luck all!

    What will we name our international baby mound of fat?! It has to have a name so we can kiss it’s butt goodbye forever!


    Thanks for making a list of the members of Little Voices. I live in CYPRUS so that’s another country to add to your international list!

    104.5 lbs as a collective total is a huge amount for us to aim for, so Good Luck to everyone with their individual targets. I started off with 14 lbs to lose, but only thought of losing 1 lb at a time as that was more do-able.

    PS no weight gain after my big breakfast yesterday and today is a Fast Day

    Happy Friday all, hope you are keeping strong! My Thurs fast went well yesterday. Busy and preparedness is definitely the trick!
    I like the icky lard image much better than butter! As for our collective blob name…. maybe ‘Flabbie’, ‘Tenderflake’ [a brand of lard!], or……
    I do plan on being a rather naughty girl this weekend… but [unlike before] it is planned and within more reasonable limits…that’s the plan anyways! I do find I am just becoming more mindful in general. To me, that is the beauty of this. Heading to lake later today– friends coming out for for bbq, wine and laughs and then responsibly staying over, so a hearty breakfast tomorrow too, then back to moderation!

    Good morning, all! I have finished my second fast for the week — Fridays are beginning to feel like the best days of the week, since on Fridays the hardest part of the week is over. The trick is not to go overboard with the celebrations. We have four social events this weekend (including one outdoor cookout/bluegrass jam and one dinner party at the home of a fine cook) so I’ll need to be careful. (Phoebe, a weekend at the lake sounds like heaven to me. Have fun!)

    UpAGumTree, thanks for getting all this organized. Phoebe, I think “Tenderflake” is an absolutely fantastic name for our 104.5 lb blob.

    So far since June 1, I’m down 2.5 lbs, which is encouraging, but I always know that it could go up and down a bit before the month is over so I’m not taking my foot off the gas pedal. 🙂

    I have been fairly strict with myself on fast days since the beginning (April 28): I eat about 200 cals at breakfast time (usually cottage cheese and fruit or a couple of eggs, as I find that protein keeps me feeling full longer) and about 300 cals at the evening meal, which I try to make as late as possible. When I’m hungry (mid-afternoon on), I distract myself (weed the garden, read a book, get some more work done) but I don’t eat anything to take the edge off. I know I’m lucky that I’m on my own at that time of day: I don’t have others around to tempt me.

    So for me, the tricky days are the NF days.

    How about The Crisco Kid or The Incredible Bulk?

    @ViginiaEdie Hahaha, the Incredible Bulk!!! That’s brilliant 🙂

    I’m picturing it like the adipose creatures from Doctor Who if anyone knows what they look like?

    Like this:


    Oh dear I can see where this is going!?

    Numpty Dumpty comes to mind. (Thaes frae Bonnie Scotland wull ken wha Numpty means. No disrespect to anyone)


    Blanche Callzagonner. ( no disrespect to the Blanches out there – means white – as in Trex

    The Crisco Kid is a good one!

    Hi All,

    I made a quorn mince vegetarian chilli tonight and since I weighed everything to work out the calories I thought I may as well share the recipe:

    1 pack quorn mince (300gms)
    2 tins chopped tomatoes
    100gms tomato puree
    1 can red kidney beans, drained and washed
    1 can chick peas, drained and washed
    150gms sliced onions
    315gms sliced courgettes (only because that was the size of the one we had in the fridge, you could use any other vegetable instead, a red pepper is nice)
    1 packet (30gms) fajita seasoning mix
    1 tablespoon of olive oil.

    Start by frying the onion and courgette in the olive oil until soft then put the rest of the ingredients in the pot. Simmer for another 30 mins, or longer to let the flavours deepen.

    Add more spice if you like it hot, I tend to keep it mild for the kids.

    The total weight for the dish was 2200gms, and 1362 cals, so 100gms is about 62 cals. A 400gm portion is filling for dinner and under 250 cals. I’ve frozen weighed portions for other fast days.

    I’m liking Numpty Dumpty Third Time Lucky!! 😀

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Hi Baboo,

    your recipe sounds delicious, but I need to ask you a few questions. I live in the US. What is quorn mince? I’ve seen quorn mentioned before, but I don’t know what it is. And I just realized I don’t need to ask the other question, because I looked up courgette.


    Haha VirginiaEdie,
    I did think about putting zucchini!! Quorn (trade name I think) is a meat free protein sort of like soya mince if that makes sense? It has a nice texture close to beef mince, but of course much fewer cals and fat. It’s available in pretty much all the supermarkets in the UK.
    I suppose you could add grated carrot or similar to give the chilli more bulk and texture instead of the Quorn, anything is worth a try!
    Baboo 😉

    Hi Baboo. Thanks for clearing up Quorn for me. The receipe sounds great. Not quite sure where I would find it in Montreal, but it sounds like a potential health food store item. Another item I simple cannot locate here is Zero Noodles, they are absolutely no where to be found.

    I am plugging for The Crisco Kid as a name, has a kind of Western feel to it. Or maybe Flubber – like the old Dick Van Dyke movie. Cheers all.

    Hi Ladies did my weigh in yesterday and pleased to say down 1.5 pounds one more week left before my trip fingers crossed for another weight loss week.

    Thanks Up for all your awesome input on this thread you really help keep us girls focused !

    Weigh in day yesterday but after having a week of perfect storms to derail me, I postponed it until today. Down 1.6, to reach my several year long goal of being under 160! At 159.8, bmi now under 26!

    Love all the names for our fat baby (actually, at 104 lbs, would that be like a 12 year old child?!)! Some people are so good at coming up with names; I am not one of them!The Crisco Kid works for me!
    Maybe he should have his own Facebook page!

    Nice going, everyone!

    And bought my size 8 pants yesterday! Still a little snug but it is my motivation for the next step!

    My weigh day is Saturday so my results for Week 1 on the June Challenge are as follows

    1 June SW 139 CW 128.6 GW 125 lbs
    6 June SW 139 CW 127.4 GW 125 lbs

    So I have lost 1.2 lbs this week – yippee!

    Wow great results already, that babe in virtual utero is getting cute little chubby cheeks already!

    Like motivatiinal pants fitnfast! You are flying. Thanks for posting IDM site, I have been trying to read when opportunity allows and it is all making sense. I have written the quote ‘ you can’t run from a bad diet’ which is something I’m guilty of. Increasing running to cancel out calories. So that’s my motivation for cleaner eating this wk.
    WWeigh in tomorrow. Fingers crossed

    1/2 lb on 🙁 little disheartened as been better this wk and even done some 16:8 days when not fasting. Has anyone found this when first starting out on 5:2?

    Well, I weighed myself this morning and appeared to have put on 2lbs!!! 🙁

    I’m so disappointed 🙁

    I guess I will need to be stricter on non fast days, although I haven’t been stuffing my face with chocolate all day or anything…

    I’m not feeling too well this morning, that probably isn’t helping my mood but at least it will help with my fast day haha.

    Hope you all are doing better!


    Very briefest of check ins to say that I did this morning’s weigh in and am 1.5 lbs down. First time the scale has gone downwards in weeks! Have a wonderful day everyone (or evening as the case may be).

    Well done all you peeps who have lost weight this week! Amazing!

    I am in the club of gainers!!!!!! Arghhhh! So disappointed. i’ve not been able to do any exercise for 2 weeks – the prolapsed disc has made itself known this last fortnight. I’ve done two good fasts but have obviously eaten that little too much on my normal days. I don’t feel like I have though, I eat pretty ‘clean’, I eat complex carbs, lots of grains, lots of salads with no dressing, eat good fats (not too regularly, but regularly enough). I honestly think it’s wine, I don’t drink a lot of it but the moment I have two glasses on a weekend I seem to gain weight. Frustrating.

    Must. Try. Harder.

    I would like to join in please I am a Newbie only started last week and lost 3lbs. Attending my daughter’s baby shower at the end of June and would like to say I will lose 5lbs by end of June

    Hey Bluezoo where abouts are you in the Cotswolds I was born and bought up there for the first 20 years Lived up on Rodborough common and went to school in Nailsworth. 🙂

    Good Monday Little Voices! Wow, this is a busy thread! I have been intrigued by the interest shown in the 104.5 pound “blob”, “baby”, “blubber” “lard mountain” and suggestions for names – they all sound good – and the Crisco Kid seems most popular. My suggestion is we name it ALL the suggested names, so come end of June if we do not manage to shed the whole 104 pounds we can name some of these pounds – does this make sense? So, we are looking to say goodbye to: The Crisco Kid Flabbie Tenderflake Incredible Bulk Numpty Dumpty Blanche Callzagonner Flubber – that’s seven names, so each name worth 15 pounds! Of course if we lose more than 104.5 pounds we’ll have to come up with another name! (I can’t believe I am writing this!!)

    Thanks Baboo, Kitsix, Bluezoo, Beldyboop and Galexinda for getting back re your locations – have updated the list. We really are an international group! Also, welcome Milena from Edinburgh and jwinniepig – which part of the world are you? Have added you both and each of your 5 pound targets to our list. That makes the blob now 114.5 ! Not heard from Blacksharp, Saggysuz or Tennismom yet – are you still with us?

    Already have weekly results in from Fitnfast, Socr8v, Galexinda & DJ – all losses, well done! Bluezoo, Kitsix and Babs – commiserations on the gains – just remember that if you’ve been sticking to your plan it’s probably just water weight. As we all have different weigh-in days I think I will give it a couple of days before summarising our weekly losses – and hopefully give the growing blob its first name!

    My own weigh-in was today and I am down one pound. Three to go.

    I am thoroughly enjoying being part of this thread – your humorous anecdotes, your inspirational accounts, your agonising tales, your helpful advice, your useful recipes – love it all!!

    Keep it up team … And Keeep Looosing!


    Woohoo! We are building that baby now! Great start, everyone!

    And those who gained…do a really good day, delay your weigh in a day, and retake it the next. Chances are, like Up said, it is water weight. My Saturday weigh in was up .6. So I did a super good fast and ate all protein, no starches, no fruit, and Sunday morning was down 1.6 (which was actually down 2.2 overnight…definitely water!)

    Babs_b, if your body is anything like mine, drop the grains, too. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t losing some weeks, and/or bloated 1-2 days, and once I eliminated all bread and crackers, even whole grain, I dropped again. Just a thought!

    Hi All,
    a disaster of a weekend food wise, birthday cakes and finished off with a fish supper last night (sitting by a river after a long walk) I woke up this morning feeling scunnered – a good Scottish word that describes exactly how I feel!

    I must say when I do eat more processed food I can really feel it now.
    However it was a great weekend of birthday celebrations for the kids so I can’t complain and onto another fast day today so starting to feel better already 😀

    The sun is finally out and it’s starting too feel a little like summer.
    Have a good week everyone!

    Good Monday morning Voices all,
    Just starting my Monday fast here, and I weigh Tuesdays…. tho I do confess I peek and record daily first thing {except at lake with no scales}, stark ‘nekkid’, not even earrings, and put daily # on old fashioned graph paper — it’s amazing how it bobs up [aaak] and down [yaaay] thru the week — but the overall [heartening and relieving] trend from the weeks before shows a downward slope. So, those of you with ‘up’ numbers, it may be water, ‘transit’ delay :(, a temporary diversion with important celebrations, or even a glitch in the scales! I try to embrace the well known phrase “Keep calm and carry on” when that happens, and numbers eventually sort themselves. I am so happy to notice even my regular days are healthi-ER, though not perfect [and never will be] by any means…. but it’s a great shift. It was pretty good before, with mostly real foods, still too many carbs though….. even whole grains can be done to excess!, so conscious of having fewer.
    Congratulations those with fabulous results, and exciting milestones reached! It’s so motivating for me to hear that! Sunny week in BC too! I will post # tomorrow for our group record.

    Hi all, wrote a nice long post full of wise words and laughter (I thought). Added an emoticon and the whole lot disappeared!!! Was so annoyed, went out for the day!
    Can’t remember it all now but I know there was a double caramel Magnum involved! Even though weighed in this morning to check the damage and lost another 1/2 lb. (methinks a sneaky Magnum now and again will help – ONLY JOKING). This is a treat for me very rarely.
    So – up to Sunday (2 Fd’s) I lost 1/2 lb. fasting today so will weigh in for real tomorrow. Blanche is disappearing slowly.
    Like your idea of calling the BLOB all the names UP – very diplomatic!,
    Poached eggs and asparagus for brekky, then chicken curry for dinner tonight – no rice for me. Picked up some delicious strawberries and rasps from the farm on the way home. (Rasps are early this year – guess it’s growing them in tunnels does it) not sure if I will have enough cal allowance for tonight, but for sure will have them for breakfast tomorrow. Doing OK today, no headaches i’m drinking lots of herbal tea and hot water. Good luck all, heads down and let’s get rid of the blob during June.

    Well, I wish I could add to the growing flubber baby, but I can’t. In fact, I am a pound up from too many cookies over the weekend. I’m hoping it’s just bloating and after three fast days this week I will have something better to report.

    I am also trying to get more sleep to see if that helps stop my nibbling on nonfast days. Five to six hours of sleep per night is not enough. It could be what’s contributing to my slow weight loss.

    So, here’s to more sleep. I’m sure most of us could use more.

    After my disastrous weigh in yesterday I did a complete fast, no food only black coffee, peppermint tea and water (my will power was very much aided by the fact I seemed to have picked up a bit of a stomach bug from my hubby!), and I weighed again this morning and am showing 4lbs loss since yesterday (I think the dodgy tummy must have had something to do with it!), so am now 2lbs down since I started.

    I am also weirdly not hungry today, I’m going to ride that wave and not eat until lunch I think, I have a coffee with coconut milk and some water to see me through until then. From reading the above posts I now think I want poached egg and asparagus for lunch 😉

    Have a good day all 🙂

    A 2lb loss for me – wasn’t quite sure that was going to happen this week. I have been following the plan with a couple of minor slips but sneaky peeks didn’t show much downward action, although loss of an inch all round. I can see a vague shape emerging!!

    Had a good fast yesterday, even room for a few delicious strawbs and rasps. Down 1/2lb this morning. Great! The Magnum didn’t do any lasting damage!
    And then to give myself a pat on the back I do a cooked breakfast for us both. Black pudding, bacon, tomato (grilled) and two poached eggs! That adds up to 380 calls, so will be careful the rest of the day. Thoroughly enjoyed it, however I then looked at the fresh berries, and wished I had had those. What am I doing? I have this habit of sabotaging myself each time I lose!
    Lovely sunny morning so will get some gardening in, hopefully burn away a few calories and not feel so bad.
    Have a great day all and hope the sun is shining with you too!

    Ooh Thirdtime I too love Magnums – I suppose you know Tesco have packs of four at half price this week? I bought two packs, one classic and one white – I prefer the white – but they are staying firmly in the freezer until a weekend day. I too have been buying strawberries and raspberries – the local Scottish berries are deliciously sweet right now! Re your problem with Emoticon – isn’t it so frustrating?!! I have experienced this twice. What I do now is write my (long) posts in “Notes” then copy and paste it so if it gets lost in the ether I still have a copy. Baboo or Kitsix can you help? – your Smilies/Emoticons seem to work.

    So far we have 11 weekly results posted from 23 so still a number to go before I summarise tomorrow.

    Well yesterdays fast turned into a disaster, felt so hungry around 11.30 am i was trying to go till late lunch before i ate but i gave in to the hunger drove through Tim Hortons grabbed a banana muffin and tea whopped up 390 cals big mistake. down hill from there total cals for day 1048 .

    So today i will be semi fasting i am golfing with the girls this afternoon so not really a great day to fast as we like our glass of wine and we eat at the golf club. I am now thinking i will do back to back fasts for Wednesday and Thursday.

    I am getting excited now my trip is approaching fast 5 more sleeps and Europe here i come ! I hope i don’t undo all my hard work whilst i am away for 3 weeks. i hope i can check in here and there with you all.

    well off for my 8km walk have a great day !


    I type my emotes rather than click on the forum ones Up, maybe that’s the difference? 🙂

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