Little Voices January 2016 Accountability

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Little Voices January 2016 Accountability

This topic contains 339 replies, has 38 voices, and was last updated by  SDS 8 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 340 total)

  • Remember everyone – your attitude determines your direction!

    Surround yourself with those who challenge you, push you and motivate you. Maybe this is why little voices works so well?


    Fast day 7 of 11 Checkin:

    Quietly knocking off these fast days 😉 . GLTA.


    Hi All, just checking in with a bit of news. While I was swimming laps this morning, it occurred to me that I’ve completed all 9 of the FDs to which I committed for January, and it would be good for me to know what my weight is before and after my upcoming trip. The family gathering will mean lots of feasting and no fasting. So even, though I originally planned to weigh only at the end of each month, I got on the scale at the gym: 131.2 so that’s more than 5 pounds gone. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next week. Then I’ll go straight back to my 4:3 plan. There’s another 10 lbs to go. ST55

    Oh, and Coda, did you hear me this morning when I said out loud, “I will swim a mile today?” And since the pebbles in the jar was your fabulous idea, I’ll just let you know that I won’t be transferring any pennies between wine glasses until the end of the month.

    Morning all from the South Pacific, it’s still summer here and what a great one it’s been.

    I’ve just caught up with all the positive posts since last week and my congratulations must go to our long time friend TTL for her 12 month results posted a couple of days ago. WOW when you see results like that it really makes this WOL a true sensation. WEll done TTL, we need to celebrate your success I think:

    Now back to boring old FD reporting, my week has been positive, my planned 2 FD’s were completed, I fell off the Vino wagon one day and wilted to the temptation of a glorious NZ red wine that a friend brought out one evening, it’s one of the best NZ red wines one can taste down here called Coleraine and it was just devine. Life is too short not to be able to drink wine like this one so I have no regrets. Anyway my week went well otherwise, a couple of Gym Days (should have been 3), 2 FD’s, 2 rounds of golf, nice friends, amazing wine, plenty of sun shine, what else could one want…… 🙂 🙂

    Do you know AH there is a place in N Ireland called Coleraine? It is in Co Londonderry but I didn’t know of that wine.

    ST55 I heard you lol! Why aren’t you transferring those 5 pennies that you have lost? I think for the commitment you have shown you should transfer them. That may help keep your eye on the ball even while you are enjoying your time with your family.

    FYI Coda, John Buck, the founder of Te Mata Estate where Coleraine wine comes from, named his homestead and this very fine wine after his grandfather’s birthplace – Coleraine in Northern Ireland! ACTION is right, it is widely perceived to be one of NZ’s finest red wines. No wonder he couldn’t keep his lips off it!

    This group is amazing! Maybe someday I will return to NZ and I will have a taste of some Coleraine wine – that is something to put on my bucket list!

    Coda most that undertake water fasts it is water fasts only. No added stimulants or minerals.

    I use distilled water, reverse osmosis. When I’m fasting I don’t take any vitamins or nutritional supplements. I don’t know if this is truly necessary the theory as explained to me is to put the body under “stress” and that is where the repair at the cellular level takes place.

    It appears that the benefits of 5:2 as written will bring health benefits though as yet unproven scientifically. Water fasts only on 5:2 will cut an extra 1000 calories at least a week. Resulting in quicker weight loss overall.

    I won’t go into long term water fasting as this is a 5:2 forum

    Congrats to everyone that have kept up and those that haven’t but are still giving their all. It doesn’t be natural overnight and staying motivated can be onerous at times. Keep on keeping on it does pay off big time in health benefits alone.

    Hi CHIPMUNK, well yes you have hit the nail, my lips were quiverrrring, I have only sipped a couple of glasses of Coleraine before and to think we had a whole bottle to enjoy, it was delicious and not a thought was given to my daily intake that day 🙂 🙂

    CODA, if ever you come down here we’ll certainly entertain you with our fine food and wine, Coleraine is $200 plus a bottle, much more expensive at a restaurant of course but we’ll certainly look after any of our Little Voices friends, it would be a pleasure.

    Hear hear! I second that motion ACTION. I would really love to meet some of the Little Voices on this forum. It’s kind of like you know people from their profile and comments, but you don’t know them at all.

    Yesterday was a fast day and I was able to wait till 8pm to eat, even though I was so cold I ended up leaving work at 3pm (I work with my hubby) as my hands couldn’t work my keyboard properly.

    Feel great today and not hungry at all, almost thinking of doing a b2b or 16-8, I’ll see how I feel as the day goes on……….can’t leave early today as I have too much to do.

    Coda you’ll be pleased to know I’ve not stepped on the scales since last week…..this is a blooming miracle for me, however I can now wait for another 10 days before seeing if I have achieved my mini goal. Mind you my work jeans are rather baggy around the rear now

    Ha ha how much!!! Obviously I am not a connoisseur of wine! Wonder would they give discount as I am from NI?

    One day we will return to NZ. In recognition of our trip in 2011 we arranged for a kauri tree to be planted in our family name and our youngest 2 would also love to go back too sometime – with a trip to Queenstown to have another Ferg burger lol! We have friends near Hamilton. So I will be sure to let my little NZ voices know.

    Well done JayneL a pat on the back for you! Excellent news that your jeans are getting baggy. Go you! YOU CAN DO IT!

    Disaster I have strained my ankle somehow and have not been able to run! Under stress at work and home (children!) and am doing the talk but not doing the walk at the moment. I need to expend this pent up frustration other than eat! So what advice would I give to others? Don’t be so hard on myself – such is life I will find a way through this – this is a way of life and this is just one of those times. I will pick myself up. I WILL GET BACK ON TRACK!

    Sorry Q1 I missed your reply to me regarding water fasts – maybe one of these days I will try one – not at the moment though! Thanks

    Hello fellow fasters – I hope you are all having a good day. I found this link on another post and there are some really good 5.2 recipes on here. I find myself eating the same things for my fast days so I am going to have a go at some of these.

    Have a good weekend one and all 🙂

    P.S. Action Hero I am off to the travel agent now to book my ticket to NZ 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Hi all hope everyone is doing well and staying focused and mindful.

    I’m on my second fast for this week and it’s a strange one. While the outdoor temperature has warmed considerably to -17C (was -35C) and the indoor temperature is it’s normal 21-22C, the strange thing is I’m colder than I’ve ever been on a fast. To the point I’ve put on a hooded sweatshirt and an extra pair of socks in my boots which I’m wearing even indoors.

    Normally I just feel a little cool and may have to move around a bit and flex my hands this totally something new for me to feel this chilled while fasting. Is just feeling downright “COLD” so even after a year in there is something new being discovered.

    Other than feeling so cold the fast is going well.

    QUIETONE, I know others experience the same cold feeling when fasting. I have no idea why and do not experience it myself. Maybe it’s because you are burning calories to eat “fat” rather than keep warm. Someone more scienc-y may know! I’m just speculating wildly.

    No hooded sweatshirts and extra socks here – it’s 30 Degrees C today.

    It’s a fast day for me today, my 6th of the challenge so I am a bit behind on the stated 10. Sorry CODA, I’ll definitely make the 8 but unexpected and enjoyable social events have got the better of me. In NZ summer holidays mean impromptu barbecues, parties and get togethers. Consequently my NFDs probably do not stay within the TDEE so the weigh in at the end of the month will be interesting.

    I’ve read that feeling cold is because you aren’t burning calories/creating warmth in your core digesting food while fadting. I’ve switched to high fat fast so it isn’t as much of an issue (high fat low carb eating tends to make you feel warm). Glad to hear your fasting is going great otherwise!

    Hi, all,

    Well, I did one fast day last week and two this week, and I’ve got rid of what I gained in Cuba. Phew. So now my goal is to get rid of the last seven or eight pounds before my first anniversary on 5:2, which is in April. Shouldn’t be too hard. I hope. So far I’m down 33 lbs.

    Have a great weekend!

    Hello all! I’m checking in for the week to say that I’m on track with my fasting days. Today will be #9 of my pledged 12. After a fairly indulgent weekend I was up a couple of pounds but this week has gone a lot better on both fasting and non-fasting days and I’m back at 132. It would be nice to drop below 130 again and I’m sure it will happen but I’m not stressing about it. I keep thinking of all the years when I would have been over the moon to be at this weight. Anyway, this weekend I’m going to be a little more diligent about staying under my TDEE calories.

    Our weather here is behaving in typical southern Alberta fashion – cold and snowy for a few days then the Chinook winds come through, warm everything up and melt all the snow so everything is a big slushy mess. It can be -20 one day and then up to 10 the next.

    Thanks for all the motivational posts, Coda. I do come and read the posts every day and they really help when stray thoughts of seeking out the candy dish at work creep into my head.

    Have a great weekend, everyone. Happy fasting!

    I managed to do three fast days this week. The hot weather 40 plus helped curb the appetite. Finally got some rain yesterday, last lot was Christmas eve.

    Hi, all! Weigh in day for me…I had 3 great fast days this week, back to doing what I call my FastSouthBeachDiet lifestyle, aka 4:3 with low carb, so have added 3 fast days to my existing 2 for a monthly running total of 5.

    Since I got a late start this month, I initially weighed in at 150.6, then last Saturday , after dropping all carbs and doing a single 36 hour fast, I dropped overnight to 146.2. Since I wanted to officially start my 4:3 on Monday, I weighed again then, and I was back up to 148.2, now back down to 146.0.

    Amazing how the water weight, and yes, fat, moves up and down. From here on, it will be Monday’s only.

    Hope all have a great week!

    Hi all

    Well done MaryW -33lbs excellent I am sure you feel great. Do you ever wonder how you would carry that lost weight around now day in day out?
    Thank you Fastnlady I hope some of my posts resonate when needed.
    Just shows you Fitnfast how we should not get hung up on the numbers on the scale – they sometimes do not give a true reflection. I saw an interesting photo of 2 girls each weighed the same but one was slimmer looking and more toned. It was muscle and while she weighed the same as the other girl, she had lost inches and we all know which one we would prefer to look like.
    So as we approach the last week of our January challenge – remember life has no remote we have to get up and change it ourselves! Make it a good one.

    Hi Coda, week 3 check-in: 2 fasts completed – and one was my first ever liquids only fast! Have even kept within my TDEE on NFDs. So that’s 6 down with 4 to go. Don’t think I’ll manage 4 fasts this coming week but should definitely manage 3 which means I will be 1 fast short for the challenge but this will still be 1 fast more than if I’d just stuck to the regular 5:2 so can’t complain! Not weighed in yet as my official day is Tues … will update on that later.

    “Life has no remote …” I love it!!!

    Let’s all make a great big effort in this last week of this inspiring challenge!

    Well done Upa, you seem to have risen to this challenge so I hope your results reflect the effort. I am gearing up to give a liquid day a go (oops nearly said try lol).

    So my little voices as the end of this challenge approaches I want you all to sprint for that finish line. I want you to wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction of a day well done.

    Hi all and congrats to everyone who is keeping on towards their goals it doesn’t matter if you mess up a fast or blow past your TDEE as long as you’re willing to keep on keeping on. Just get back to the 5:2 and go, each day is new and a clean board. It may take you a little longer but you will get there.

    Third week reporting: I got my two fasts in this past week; Sunday evening at 8:00pm until I broke the fast on Tuesday at 8:30 PM duration 48 hours 30 mins, zero calories intake and then Wednesday 9:00 Pm to Friday 8:30PM duration 47 hours 30 minutes zero calorie intake.

    I did go over my TDEE on Sunday 17th by 140 calories I had an extra beer as we had company over for Barbecue pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw (running the ugly drum smoker for 14 hours at -27C was pretty easy in actuality and the pork was FANTASTIC). If I’d stopped at 2 beers I’d have been ok but I had the third after supper. A little slide, otherwise I’ve been under my TDEE every day but I do have to be conscious and mindful of what I’m doing. I now have ¼ cup of pistachios in a dish not a half bag. One of the things I have to watch is when I’m cooking for the better half and son, taste testing counts big time.

    I’ve lost some weight not a bunch but weight loss isn’t my goal. Health drives me and the 5:2 pattern of eating works for me, though I suppose by the numbers I’m closer to 4:3. I’m on a plateau/stall weight loss pretty much, some gone but not any huge number. I did take my belt in another notch. Wrist watch is on a new hole this week. I’m going to have to have my wedding ring resized again next month as it comes off pretty easy I lose that and I’ll lose the wife never mind any weight.

    Weather has been great -15C range so can go for a walk around the block at least which is about as far as my joints will let me go. It’s a big block so it comes out at just under a Km around the 4 sides. Have an appointment for next Friday with a personal trainer to come up with resistance exercise machines and weights that I can do. Going to try to get some tone back but I can’t do LOTS of repetitions so what I do has to be maximum for each muscle group, we’ll see how that goes. The thing that’s got me really excited is that there is a Tai Chai class starting first week in February something I’ve wanted to do for years.

    Best wishes for everyone in this last week. Put everything you’ve got into it, make this week your best effort ever. Think before you pick that morsel up, be thoughtful and mindful. Know why and the reason you’ve changed your pattern of eating. Don’t do anything that is outside those reasons and goals and you will succeed.

    Hi everyone. Quietone- I am in awe of your marathon fasts and love that last paragraph.
    My wk3 check in: 3FD done inc a 1st liquid only day – check; TDEE kept to – check; weighed in, scales down a big chunk- big bonus; met lots of people I hadn’t seen for ages and had loads of compliments- nice feeling; tried on the jeans that have been tucked away for years in the back of the wardrobe – they fit with ease – another bonus! All look away now while I do my happy dance around the bedroom…. Yes, we can do this… Onwards and downwards…


    As I struggled big time last week this little quote that popped up meant a lot to me – ‘The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are’

    Last week for some reason my sugar craving was awful – when I eat sugar there is no off switch and I found I was spiraling downward – well upward regarding my weight. So I am going cold turkey today – cus if I get today done I can do tomorrow. I also fell by the wayside with regards to myfittnespal. So as I don’t want to go backward, I want to move forward and I need to re-focus on my goal. I think I was popping a few wee treats in here and there which escalated to a few more. I need to start taking in more good fats like avocados as they give a feeling of fullness and satisfaction and get back on MFP!

    Well done everyone – Q1 I don’t know how you do it! And well done Lisa57 for getting into those jeans! How much have you lost to date now?

    Ahhh Coda, those pesky sugar cravings are horrible.
    I must admit to my taste buds changing, in the past I could have easily polished of a large bar of chocolate or a bag of sweets in no time at all and tell my self it didn’t count……….lol who the heck was I kidding.

    I’ve still not weighed myself which for me is a flippin miracle not to be stepping on them every morning. My clothes are not so snug and my work jeans are going to have to donated to the charity shop soon as I’m going to be able to step out of them without undoing.

    I’ts a fast day for me, 6 down 2 to go this month and I’m cold, chicken oxo cube to the rescue, this will be my new go to

    So I off home soon (typing this from work) and I’ll cheer you all on with our journey

    Coda – Reporting in – 4 fasts last week. That is 10 fast days so far this month. I must say, good on you to have the challenge fast days instead of weight loss. It is so much easier to focus on something that one can consciously control.

    To all:
    Yesterday was a blast in that we had a very successful Robbie Burns day supper with a few friends attending. We converted them all to haggis!!!!!!! The blast also was detrimental to the diet though.

    One thing that I notice is that I do lose weight when fasting but rapidly gain weight back when eating, even though I eat very few carbohydrates (just vegetables that grow above the ground). Ah well, I WILL succeed !

    I wish everyone a great last week in this challenge. It has been a good month so far and I am sure Coda will be able to give us all confidence as he reports our final cumulative fast days.

    Coda I do it by staying focused on the reasons I’m doing the 5:2 pattern.

    The biggest tip I think I can give anyone is this.

    Get a school note book. Here they are called Subject books with spiral bindings open to the first double page, two blank pages side by side. On the first page write down every reason you can think of why you want to change how you eat. How you want to change the way of eating in your life and your relationship with food. What you do now that is causing you to be in this point in your life.

    Really spend some time with this. Quiet total evaluation of where you are right now and every reason for change. Write where you are and what your relationship with food is at this point. Ie. I don’t like what I’ve become due to my eating. I won’t be the fat granny anymore whatever it is that is a reason for your changes. I want to avoid get dementia at 45 50 60 65 70 etc

    Then on the second page write down what your goal is. Goal weight? Health benefits? Dress or clothes you can wear. Have a clearly defined and realistic goal, becoming a runway model probably isn’t realistic but if it is to you then write it down.

    To get to page two what are you willing to do? Think about this really deeply and consider the ramifications of what you are about to undertake.

    Look at the two pages. Do everything that is in line with your goal(s)eat less, fast longer, move more. Be the person you envision in your goal. You become what you envision and believe.

    Don’t do anything that takes you away from the path to your goals.

    A caveat here. Do NOT let 5:2 be a chore or a burden, if you do you will go off it. 5:2 has to become natural and as easy as breathing that is what to strive for. Embrace the hunger and be totally in awe at the taste of a strawberry after a 36 hour water fast. That shear ultimate intensity of that first bite of watermelon after a 5 day fast. Find the joy in being you.

    I intentionally go off 5:2 for periods and I do over do it somewhat. I don’t go whole hog. (Though I’ve cooked a few and heavily partaken) I know I’m going to gain some weight during these times. 5 – 10 pounds I know that. I’m willing to undertake the consequences for what I do. When my “indulgence time” is up say a three week holiday with kids and grand kids or what have you. I get right back on 5:2 and I stay focused.

    Know yourself. Let your life be joyful, it can be if you let it. Laugh more. Hug more. Smile at the little things. Take time to just be. 5:2 can help greatly in all this. Stay focused and mindful.

    Ok I’ll end this I sound like I’m preaching.

    Fast day 9 of 11 checkin:

    Looking forward to this last week of January challenge 🙂


    Coda – total loss now 72lb. Embarrassed to declare what my start was and yes, very pleased so far but all things are relative and suffice to say I’ve still a long way to go. Im under no illusions and my goal is not a specific weight or timeframe but to maintain a downward trend until nearing or reaching a healthy BMI. BillyB – keep at it, your 100lb is definitely doable….

    Wow Q1 are you putting yourself up for leader next month – I think with that inspiring post you would be ideal? You can preach away to us all!

    PJ well done you, you pushed yourself a little more and hey presto a job well done me thinks – all I need for the end of the month is a total weight loss from you guys – you all know if you reached your target of specific fast days. It will be interesting to get the results. For me personally I think I was a bit over ambitious and know for next month to give myself a little lee way and not do (attempt to do) 3 each week but maybe 3 one week and 2 the next. Was trying to get there a bit quicker but really slow but steady really does win the race.

    JayneL you reminded me I use to like chicken bovril as a drink – I will have to get a jar and that as well as warming may also help keep me on track on both FD days and NFD days hmmm! Have re-checked in with MFP so hopefully will make this week count but sadly my ankle is not settling – don’t know what I have done grrrr! What about Nirvana are you still running in the spotlight lol?

    BillyB I hope the ‘I am looking forward to the last week’ is a positive because of the good results you can feel already!

    Keep up the good work everyone – remember if you change nothing – nothing changes! and a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt – ‘with the new day comes new strength and new thoughts’. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day, so lets have lots of positive thoughts.

    Well done Lisa57 go you!!!! – that is so good – like I asked someone else – can you ever imagine carrying that around day in day out? So yes you have still a bit of the road ahead but look back and just see how far you have come. A big pat on the back and a big virtual hug ( ) for you.

    Coda: I don’t lead I just follow, 5:2 that is.

    Lisa57 way to go! When you know where you’re going and are willing to keep at it, you’ll get there. Might take a stretch of time but you’ll get there. You should be and I hope you are very proud of yourself. Use that to reinforce and strengthen yourself going forward

    Coda you are so right in thinking of “can you ever imagine carrying that around day in day out?” I’ve seen this illustrated in a support group I was in where the strapped a vest with the weight lost on you. Do you ever want to do it again? Of course we all said no and the end of the story is 99% of us went off the “diet” and are packing it around. Good illustration though. That is where 5:2 is so different it isn’t a diet, it is a pattern of eating or a way of eating or way of life or … however you want to say it but it isn’t a diet.

    Reporting in with three fast days completed last week, one done yesterday so only two more to go. Tde days not so good, I am a lover of soft fruits which are very high in sugar, and as they are not around for that long I tend to go overboard. I had every dieters dream last week, scales showed 5 kilos gone overnight!! What magic is this? I asked. Ageing batteries came the reply!, oh well, it was a lovely feeling while it lasted!

    I should be amazed I am still on the plateau at 9st 3lbs after all I’ve eaten the past week! For some reason I’ve been craving carbs, even though I know I have bad after effects and they trigger my allergies, according to MFP I have been sticking to about 1000 calories, it has been all the wrong stuff.
    So, after a toasted tea cake for breakfast and sautéed potatoes for lunch, I am now suffering AGAIN,!! Why oh why do I keep doing this. ENOUGH ALREADY,
    I’m off to Pilates class in an hour, so hopefully I can get through it without my stomach making horrible noises!
    I have continued to do my two days a week fasting and have even managed to reduce my calories on FDs without too much hardship. Five days to the end of the month and I will make a big effort to get off the plateau. I may even sneak in an extra FD this week.
    Great work to everyone sticking to the programme and even if you lose the will, don’t give up. It’s so easy to pick it up again.
    I should thank you Action for your link to Celebration! I had forgotten just how far I had come till I put the stats on the thread. If I can do it, anyone can do it! Just don’t overdo it and make it unsustainable, this is a way of life, not a punishment.
    Coda, didn’t someone offer to lead up the February challenge? Can’t remember who?!
    Have a great week from a wet and windy Dundee. TTL

    I blew a fast day yesterday. I totally forgot a birthday dinner I had agreed to attend and MC. I didn’t pass it up and I ate barely under my TDEE so basically I only fasted 21 hours.

    So now I’ll fast until Wednesday evening. Have one meal. Then fast until Friday evening. That should get me back on track. Or should I just fast from Wednesday evening after supper through to Sunday evening? Choices choices and I have to make up my mind soon.

    I still can’t believe I totally forgot and adjusted my schedule before hand.

    Third time. A way to push over a plateau if you wish to attempt it is do IF on non fast days. Eat 1 small meal at noon (less than 400 calories) and have a light supper. Or fast until supper skipping breakfast and lunch entirely. Or recalculate your TDEE for 5-10 pounds less than your current calculations. All can help.

    The great thing about 5:2 is once you know you won’t “die” from not eating for a day and a half it opens a ton of avenues to explore. I suggest making small changes and see what happens if it doesn’t fit or work for you go back to strict 5:2 for a bit then try a different small change.

    Hey Coda
    my comment ‘I am looking forward to the last week’ was definitely a positive statement. I’m certainly enjoying being on the right track, and enjoying the support nature from the forum. A few highlights for me in this one short month:

    I’ve had a consistently lower BP (~normal range 125/75), than the previous 9 tracking months (145 /90 avg).

    I have lost 18.5 lbs since we started on the 4th January – admittedly, a lot of water weight, but still a good few pounds of fat.

    Started working out consistently.


    Way to go BillyB the lower BP is a definite sign of good things going on. The weight loss is just a free bonus. Whatever you are doing keep doing it! That really is something to cheer about.

    Thanks Quietone! I’ve read with interest all your posts on these forums – I’ve definitely adopted your mantra, that the weight loss is an added bonus. After a lot of reading this month, I’m convinced that the “internal” bio-chemistry benefits from the fasting are my number one priority.

    I’ll be doing blood works mid Feb, so we’ll see how those other indicators are running.

    Admittedly, I’m still a newbie to this WOL – I’m enjoying the “honeymoon” aspects of the new lifestyle. 😉


    Stick with it and you will see a lot that changes. Water only fasting is a big plus I think in that it does stress the body at the cellular level and forces it into repair/rejuvenation mode more completely. Extending the water fast further, even just 9 hours more also helps in my opinion. (and that is all it is my opinion)

    I’m all about the health benefits and I take the weight loss as a free bonus. Anything free I’ll take pretty much.

    TTL – I don’t remember anyone saying they would be leading in February but in case I missed it – please who ever you are put your hand up.

    Another little post for you all to ponder – ‘I didn’t come this far to only come this far’ maybe relevant of those who have almost reached their goal and are finding it difficult to just get that last bit off.

    Anyone living in the UK watching ‘The sugar free farm’ on TV? – it is quite interesting especially to see the withdrawal symptoms – it is really is like an addict coming off drugs – which I suppose it is! I have ordered a couple of books on the subject Pure white and deadly, one by Sarah Wilson and The sweet poison quit plan. I may get a bit of a shock as I like to think of my ‘diet’ as reasonably healthy in that I make dinners from scratch etc but we will see!

    Still no running 🙁 every time I think it has settled I get another twinge – may have to seek expert help to see what I have done. I don’t remember going over on it – so bit of a mystery.

    Have discovered again the joys of chicken bovril.

    Fast day 10 of 11 Checkin:

    I enjoy collecting little facts about my new lifestyle 😉

    Drink more water, burn more calories. Drinking one-half liter of water triggers the body to increase calorie burning by 24% over the next hour, reported German researchers in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.


    I made my choice on how to recover from my blown fast Monday. I’ll just fast from when I quit eating Monday night after the Bday party until Friday evening. Should give me 94 hours or there about.

    Yesterday no problems encountered. Today after 36 hours 30 minutes feeling a little “hollow” but it will pass.

    A tip for when fasting “hunger” hits you, brush your teeth. (we all know this isn’t true hunger but the mental trick the mind does) This is particularly effective for those that make it a habit to brush after every meal. Tricks the mind/body into thinking “brushing teeth must have eaten” also does help a tiny bit with breath odors. A free bonus is your teeth and mouth will feel great and you’ll save on dental expenses. I’m all for free bonus stuff.

    Hi Coda,

    I haven’t checked in for over a week. Just wanted to let you know that I have completed 10 of 11 fast days for January. Only one left (tomorrow) woo hoo! 🙂

    I managed to be “good” and within my TDEE for only about half of the non-fast days – so I guess I didn’t do too well on that front… That’s the next challenge! I do feel soooo much better on this WOL. So I will continue on it. Weight loss may be slow, but I am seeing steady progress. Lots of fluctuations (up to a 5 lb range day to day, sometimes) but generally trending downward about 1-2 lbs a week, so can’t complain too much 🙂

    I may not write alot, but I read and get lots of inspiration from all of you, so THANK YOU EVERYONE!


    Coda, I seem to remember during December asking someone to lead January. She said unable to do January but would be happy to do February. Just in case she doesn’t put her hand up, is someone else willing to take us all on? Just a few days left of January now and the evenings are beginning to get a bit lighter now, thank goodness. Seem to have been living in a very wet wind tunnel for months.
    My last fast day of Jan tomorrow, but have decided depending on the numbers I will do another one on Saturday. Can’t see me making my target for January, but will definitely get there during Feb.
    Is anyone watching Michael Moseleys new series of Trust Me, I’m a Doctor? Fascinating information. Just learned that fresh pineapple will help me sleep! If it works I may relocate to the Carribean!!! TTL

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