Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,401 through 4,450 (of 7,283 total)

  • Hi everyone,

    I had a great evening with my friend and we had cocktails in the 32nd floor bar in the Shard which afforded breath-taking views of my home city 😃
    The cocktail prices were eye-watering but we had fun!

    We had dinner in a very nice restaurant in Borough Market. The menu offered Turkish/Middle Eastern style food which was delicious. Everything came on small plates and the menu advised 3-4 per person. When we ordered our waitress suggested we had no more than three pp and she was spot on.

    It was a really busy place with a nice atmosphere, helpful and happy staff, delicious food and reasonable prices and I want to go back……

    I went out with another friend today for a walk along the Grand Union Canal. Last time we stopped off at a lovely little pub for a drink and we did the same today, spending an hour sitting in the beautiful garden before heading back towards home. The canal was really busy with lots of barges going in both directions and people messing around on house boats. There is also a lot of birdlife on the canal, ducks, swans, coots, herons and we met a rat on the towpath 😆 along with quite a few other people enjoying the fine weather.

    The end result was 2 small beers plus a FD size dinner 🙄

    So I discovered a little Turkish restaurant this week too and had a really nice meze plate. Lots of little dollops and parcels of deliciousness. I love Mediterranean-middle Eastern cooking, so I’m not sure how I’ve been managing to walk past and not see it before now!

    It’s pretty cold here this morning. There’s a grass frost! I know we’ll get more nice weather before winter, but my summer of skipping out at 6.30am in t-shirt and shorts to do the chooks is well and truly over. Next stop thermals and comfort food ☹️ And suddenly that early morning walk before walk doesn’t look quite so appealing…

    Morning/evening all,

    Another fine morning here 🙂


    Since the meal I had in the Levantine restaurant a few weeks ago I’ve been thinking about the red pepper and walnut dip called muhummara so I looked it up on line and wouldn’t you know it, Ottolenghi has published a recipe for it. As usual it makes industrial quantities but that can be dealt with.
    I like to have flatbread with the lovely dips but on a FD some carrot and cucumber sticks would work.

    Yes, there’s definitely an autumnal nip in the air and these last couple of nights after the sun has gone down I’ve had to close the living room windows which have been permanently open since June!

    I’m flying off to Africa tomorrow so the thermals can stay where they are for now. My main concern is more likely to be regarding keeping cool as daytime temperatures at my destination have been averaging 34C over the past two weeks.

    I’ve been looking at the food options while I’m there and am considering continuing with some form of caloric restriction while I’m away. Many of the meals are provided by the tour leader and support team, breakfasts of bread, cereal etc and lunches of more bread, cold cuts, cheese etc. On the days they are providing all 3 meals I might do a 24 fast and just eat dinner.


    I’ve not read the books you mention but have been doing some reading about Zimbabwe in recent weeks.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Have a great trip Amazon!

    Our very own Traveling Wilbury enjoy all the adventures and make plenty of good memories..

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    A man to a psychiatrist: “How do you select who should be admitted to your facility?”

    The psychiatrist replies: “We fill a bathtub with water and give the person a spoon, a cup and a bucket. Then we ask that person to empty the bathtub.”

    The man smiles: “Ah, I understand, if you are sane you would take the bucket.”

    The Psychiatrist replies: “No, a sane guy pulls the plug. Do you want a room with or without a balcony?”

    • Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆

    Peace RT

    So if you are sane, you don’t overthink the problem? 😉😉
    Have a great weekend RT. 😂😂

    Or if you’re sane you’re a lateral thinker?!

    Until I got to the plug part I was thinking the quickest way to displace the water would be to sit in the bath 😀

    Goodness…either a very small bath or you are HUGE, Happy. They wanted the bath empty. 😉😉

    Yes, I had thought of that P! Gone are the days when I could pull the plug to empty the bath… then stand up and release a tidal wave of water from behind me!

    But in the context of the Friday funny we don’t know how big the ‘man’ is! He might displace a lot of water.

    Also, if the bath was full to the brim, then even a small person immersing themselves would more quickly remove water than you could with a bucket….

    But perhaps the same person wouldn’t just pull the plug and be done with it. Maybe admission to the facility would be preferable to the alternative (you’re homeless, it’s winter; there’s a mad axeman outside). In that scenario, the insane ones would be the ones that pulled the plug….

    Thanks for sharing an information. I think this is a great idea so it is easy for you and other people to see your topic.

    And poor RT thought it was just a simple joke!!! 🤣🤣😃P

    And if there was a drought of course, then the sane person would save the bath water for watering plants, toilet flushing, etc…. 😀

    Very good point Happy!!
    That’s why sane people don’t eat every bit of food put in front of them, too. P

    Happy Hump Day fast trackers..I hope everyone is OK
    This morning on the way to work I wasn’t really paying attention and I drove into the back of a car at some traffic lights.

    The driver got out and it turned out he was a dwarf.

    He said, “I’m not happy.”

    I said, “Well, which one are you then?”
    😆 😆 😆
    Peace RT

    Oh, RT!!! And I was feeling sorry for you.
    Good fast yesterday. Eating strawberries today to support the poor farmers. Not a difficult task 😊😋

    Poor strawberry farmers – such a despicable thing to do, regardless of the nutter’s problem. And all the sad copy-cats too. Our supermarkets have stopped importing the berries from Aus.

    Back from Hawai’i, now in need of a holiday! Three islands for three nights each was not very restful, and we caught a bit of tropical storm Olivia at the end of our stay which curtailed beach activities in Oahu. Just a couple of kgs up, one already dealt with, but cake at morning tea at work and I just couldn’t stop. Usually I am very good, but so weary, think I must be a bit run down. No stopping, though, off to the far north on Friday, as previously mentioned, and I don’t plan to be good there. 🙂 Must admit, though, easy eating out healthily when you ask for a burger with no bun or chips (fries), extra cheese and bacon. So tasty! And we missed a number of meals during our break, with only positive effects.

    Which one was he, RT? I suspect it was Grumpy.

    The point is, Barata, all you have to do is slice the strawberries to ensure they have not been tampered with.
    I bought 6 punnets and cooked up a storm for the family. 😄

    Of course you do, P, if you have that level of common sense. Or wave a magnet?

    we live in a world of crazy things with simple solutions we have bought up the reduced stock gleefully rather than waste good fresh food of course cut the fruit in half and problem is solved and businesses can survive jobs saved and futures secured going forward. Recent reports suggest its the consumer now tampering with product on the shelf’s of supermarkets,what the hell is happening to society very worrying times.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    Life is sexual
    Number 10
    Life is sexually transmitted.
    Number 9
    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
    Number 8
    Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny.If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.
    Number 7
    Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet, and they won’t bother you for weeks.
    Number 6
    Some people are like a Slinky ….Not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
    Number 5
    Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals, dying of nothing.
    Number 4
    All of us could take a lesson from the weather.It pays no attention to criticism.
    Number 3
    Why does a ‘slight’ tax increase cost you $200.00, and a ‘substantial’ tax cut saves you $30.00?
    Number 2
    In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird.Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.
    And The Number 1 Thought
    “Life is like a jar of Jalapeno peppers:
    What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Congratulations to Collingwood winning their way into a Grand Final last night as the underdog it was a powerful performance Nama would be well pleased.Today Melbourne v West Coast I hope for a Melbourne victory which will be a big task over in Perth best of luck to both clubs I have a son who follow Melbourne another who follows the Pies and yet another who is West Coast so 2 out of 3 will be happy they made the Grand Final but only one can claim the championship.. I made a Big Fat Greek Salad last night tp have with some char grilled lamb loin chops with a cauliflower broccoli mash with butter and Parmesan and a hint of garlic and fresh ground black pepper gosh it was orgasmic…..Keep on keeping on Dear reader.
    Peace RT

    Hi RT
    You are correct…Nama is VERY well pleased. A very pleasant surprise when not really expected!
    Your meal sounds delicious. I have just finished breakfast of berries, yoghurt and home made seed granola washed down with freshly brewed coffee, sitting in the sun under my crabapple tree..the bees are in heaven, the magpies are warbling and I am smiling!
    I must apologize for my long absence..I still read and enjoy everyones posts, but must admit to a certain disappointment and a definite level of irritation that the person who started this group seems to have given up on it.
    But the cheerful determination of a few of you keeps drawing me back!
    5:2 has definitely been a life changer for me.. I feel fitter and healthier at 65 than I did at 55 and also finally feel in charge of my weight..for the first time since I was 15…thats almost 50 years of being ashamed of it (subtracting the three years of fasting)!
    Thanks to all of you for your eternal good cheer and regular sage advice!

    Hi Nana,

    Great to hear from you again!

    Should we start another thread ‘Keep Fasting (without Jo)’ ?!

    Or perhaps more aptly, Amazon’s fasting warriors?!

    I’m for the latter!
    Hi Nama, good to see you.
    Roosters v Bunnies tonight…fingers crossed for the red, white and blue!!!
    I’m salivating over your meal RT. P

    Good morning All,
    Hope everyone is fit and well.
    Apologies for being off grid for September.

    I have been visiting hospitals a lot this month, two friends are in a very bad way. One with gall bladder and liver issues and the other with severe stomach problems due to a bad surgery to remove damaged intestine. It’s very sad to see their decline, both are early 60’s both are vegetarians and no sugar in their diets. Also both non drinkers and enjoyed fit, active lives. Guess none of us are safe?

    Life here has been super busy. Fasting has not featured at all sadly, so up 5 lbs. August and early September I was playing bowls daily as I was competing for my County and my Club. Unfortunately I woke up with ‘Vertigo’ during the finals week, my Doctor prescribed effective medicine for this ‘debris in the inner ear’ and I was able to play my finals matches without being sick or falling over like a drunk. Won the Ladies Pairs with my partner, really close match but very satisfying to beat two National players.

    Additionally my son, his girlfriend and the contents of their Flat moved here while they wait for the keys to their new house which is local. Meanwhile they travel back to London daily to work.

    I just returned from a week in Torquay which was very hectic, visiting places of interest each day and dancing every night. Not much of a rest but good fun, ate far too much of course. Fasting this weekend to undo some damage and hoping to get into a sensible pattern of regular losses. It’s my birthday next week so I will go out for a meal but restaurant chosen for it’s healthy Vegan menu.

    I am still doing lots of exercise but suffer from knee and hips pain especially at night so getting sleep has been an issue. Today I am having a lie in so took the opportunity to catch up with you all.

    Now to read back on the thread and see what I have missed.

    Be happy and keep Fasting.

    Wow, that was a long reading session.
    Glad to read everyone is well and most continuing to fast and experiment with different food groups.
    Amazon has departed for Africa, wow! We should get an interesting report of her travels. South Africa seems to be a very popular holiday choice. Several of my son’s friends have been there this year. My holidays are UK based this year apart from my weekend in Paris. I have been doing quite a few day trips which has been fun.

    My daughter has finally rented a 2 bed Flat of her own so I won’t need a Hotel next visit, thank Goodness. It’s been an expensive period here. Helping my son with finances as their new house purchase has exceeded their savings. Lots to be done before they move in, possibly December. Forgot to say that the Gender Reveal Party was actually very nice. We all went to high tea at ‘Sands’ hotel. When the large black balloon was burst, pink confetti and 2 small pink balloons escaped. Initially I wondered if we might have twin girls but no, just the one. It was a time of celebration but no gifts were requested so not too commercial.
    I have been busy purchasing 2nd hand baby equipment for my duties as Nanny when Mum returns to work. I am sure that my son and his girlfriend will purchase everything new for their place.
    Nama – sorry to offend you by not posting, no harm intended, just preoccupied with too much going on around me at the moment. Worried about my friends and exhausted by my relatives. Promise to try harder in future.

    Jo, you are suffering from benign paroxsmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which can be reversed with the Epley maneuver. Google it, then talk to your doctor. It can be done by anyone, following instructions. Drugs will not overcome it. I spent years and years to find this out.

    The relief is incredible. BPPV, if untreated can become extremely debilitating.
    My fee is in the mail. 😉😉

    Good diagnostic skill you have master!
    Ha Ha!
    Yes that is what the Doctor said (very common apparently) and I was given the Epley Maneuver exercises too.
    The prescription was Betahistine dihydrochlorise 8 Mg tablets – take 1 or 2 three times daily. My doctor described these as speeding up blood follow (I think). I did exercises and took tablets for one week but it was significantly better after one day. Obviously I had a mild condition albeit pretty unpleasant. I can on describe it as being at sea, much rocking motion. It was significantly worse laying down, room constantly swimming like when you have had too much to drink. Apparently the condition can last a few days or it can be permanent. Scary stuff! I don’t feel 100 % yet, sort of fuzzy headed, blurry eyed, ear ache too. Condition has definitely effected reading and writing hence no spending much time doing either this month. Words were merging, could not focus or concentrate. Driving was obviously not a great idea either so I was dependent on lifts for a while.
    Honestly though compared to my friends I feel very lucky to have such minor ailments. I have just heard that my bowls partner is being transferred to Kings in London for Liver surgery. Her husband is really freaking out, she has always been so healthy and competent. His mother died two weeks ago so he has spent most of the last month at a hospital bedside.
    Still taking my daily dose of Kefir, prevention is the way forward.

    Yes, Jo, it sounds as if you had a very mild episode. The Epley maneuver, done properly, needs someone else to move your body. It isn’t an exercise, it is a one off movement, performed to move the granules in your inner ear that cause the vertigo. Full blown BPPV results in the inability to move without having to grab hold of something to stop yourself from apparently spinning out of control and/or vomitting. Rolling over, when lying down, causes the bed to roll back and over. Very scary out of control feeling. I had it on and off for years. Only get it very occassionally these days and know how to fix it. My dad used to get vertigo too. Not fun, but controllable with knowledge 😊
    How is the fasting going? We still do it twice weekly to stay at our healthy goal weights. It is far too easy to slip back without it.
    Cheers P

    Morning Purple,
    I think you must be right, my vertigo was violent but brief thank goodness. I can imagine that your life would have been very disrupted by long term complaint. It would put pay to my dancing, bowling, swimming, driving and sleeping routines. Interesting that there is a inherited link. My brother has had lots of problems with inner ear issues, long term, mennieres disease (not sure about spelling) but he has deafness too. Fortunately my hearing is still super good, bat radar in fact. I have noticed my husband has hearing problems but he has had tinnitus long term which doesn’t help.

    Last night I organised a Barn Dance for my retirement club. Not sure whether it was deafness or stupidity that caused the total confusion in following the caller. When I wasn’t dancing I was laughing till I cried and my jaw ached. In fact we couldn’t hear the caller over the laughter. It was a really good night. I had made yellow bands where ladies chose to lead to avoid confusion but we regularly ended up with men in ladies lines. I think the caller will retire permanently. Apparently we only danced half the planned number of tunes due to our incompetence. But we all had fun and that is the objective. Everyone danced a good number of times so we were very active.

    My fast went well yesterday, I controlled my eating at the huge buffet by taking an apple and drinking lots of fizzy water. Need to lose my holiday weight gain, far too much indulgence in Torquay both in alcohol and ice cream. Managed to have vegetarian meals throughout because the Chef was a vegen, really good options on the menu, all very tasty.

    Hi everyone,

    I’m home, exhausted but very happy after a fabulous trip with a great group of people and an excellent team of tour leader and driver/assistant.
    We had so much fun 🤩

    My main reason for going was to see wild dogs and we had a good sighting of a pack on day 3 which made all of us very happy indeed including the tour leader who hadn’t seen any this year until he spotted them lying under a tree by the side of the road and we screeched to a halt, reversed back down the road and spent 10 wonderful minutes watching them and pinching ourselves in disbelief.
    I’ll write a proper account of my trip when I’m over being cream crackered 😉

    I ate more than usual but didn’t go mad and skipped either breakfast or lunch most days.
    The less said about the amount of alcohol consumed the better 😆

    I’ve not weighed myself yet but I’m sure I must have gained a few lbs which I aim to get rid of asap. Having said that my clothes weren’t any tighter at the end of the holiday than the beginning.

    I arrived home just after 8am this morning. I’ve had a nap, done the washing and been out to restock the fridge.

    A nice healthy dinner, a hot bath and an early night are on the agenda.

    Fasting starts again tomorrow.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Amazon,
    Glad you had a great holiday and achieved your goal of seeing wild dogs. They must have known how far you travelled to see them, obliging animals.

    We have had non stop heavy rain today so my dogs are a bit fed up. I don’t mind taking them out in drizzle but heavy rain is not much fun.

    I amseeing a play this afternoon. Nicholas Nickleby – a friend is in it so it will be a bit special.

    I haven’t had the best month for fasting, both worry and illness plus being too busy have got in my way, rounded off by a week’s holiday. My clothes do feel tighter especially in the waist area. Being good today as too tired to cook. Hopefully fully on track this week.

    Have a good day/ evening all

    Welcome home Amazon. I’m sure you’ve had a wonderful trip. Sleep well. P


    I’m sure the extra alcohol was offset by breakfast skipping… 😀

    I too look forward to your travel report once you’ve had a chance to recover from your holiday.


    Good to hear you’re still with us! This thread seems to have more lurkers than posters these days.

    No rain here here this weekend, but distinctly autumnal and we even had a light frost overnight ☹️ Of course the plus side of that is a sunny morning 😀

    I’m back into regular Tuesday fasts to maintain, after a summer of losing weight without fasting. That seems a long while ago now!

    On the subject of breakfast skipping, I’ve been eating an early breakfast again for the last few months (I started when I was at a very low weight, and always hungry). So I’ve not done 16:8 regularly since perhaps May. It clearly hasn’t interfered with weight maintenance so far….

    Morning/evening all.

    I had a good 12 hour sleep last night but am feeling under par this morning as for the past 2 or 3 days I’ve been trying to pretend that I wasn’t developing a cold! I’m now coughing for England 🤬
    It could be worse though as several of the group succumbed to stomach bugs during the tour. I avoided it by thoroughly sterilising my system with copious amounts of alcohol 😉 but it didn’t stop the cold/cough which I think might be partly due to the wind chill factor from being out in an open vehicle on very cold mornings before the sun was up and the amount of dust inhaled.
    So no gym for me this morning as I’ve decided to stay home and look after myself. I’m going to make some soup to keep me going but stay within my FD calorie allowance.

    It’s very autumnal here this morning but the sun is out and the sky is blue.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning Happy,
    My health is a real problem at the moment and I admit that it is really getting me down. Pain in my back, knee and hips are making life very unpleasant mostly at night. I use a hot water bottle and now rely on two muscle relaxants every night. I am not keen on taking these tablets but I cant face the day without a few hours sleep.
    How is your back these days?

    I rarely eat breakfast as I have found that two small meals per day is sufficient these on non fast days. I don’t really suffer hunger, possibly because I drink lots of water and tea. Of course it is not hunger but boredom or a self destructive mood that triggers my eating. Sad or angry feelings are not often cured by a healthy carrot but some high calorie treat just leads depressing weight gains.

    I lost 8 lbs in July/August and regained 5 on holiday in September but hopefully this will go quickly. Still weighing weekly on Fridays. Trying to fast three times per week but finding it hard going as feeling lethargic. We have had to turn the heating on as I am not dealing with feeling very cold on fast days.

    As I haven’t been home much I have been relying on convenience vegan dishes made by Soul Foods. They are about 400 calories each dish, very spicey. I love them. I have been hospital visiting most days during September as I have two friends who are very poorly at the moment. It’s a very worrying and depressing state of affairs and I don’t mind admitting I am scared how two healthy women can deteriorate so quickly, both have suffered mis diagnosis which has threatened their lives. One is awaiting liver and gall bladder surgery at Kings and the other is still undergoing tests for lung function after a serious chest infection. Both were very petite slim ladies but have lost far too much weight since getting ill, they are both looking very weak and deathly pale.

    The Dickens play (reading) was brilliant yesterday but we had a cream tea at the interval. I ate it because I was feeling very sleepy with low lighting and needed an energy boost as I had skipped breakfast and lunch.

    Walked the dogs in the very muddy park later as the rain finally ceased. We then spent an hour unblocking the drains with poles and jetwasher. Foul smelly job, pleasures of home ownership? It was blocked by sand and dirt build up.
    I think the heavy rain had washed away silver sand and moss from blocked paved areas which are quite extensive. But at least the weather is fine today. I am headed to the gym, swimming only before hospital visiting again. Let’s hope for some good news.

    I really hope to be much slimmer by January, doing my best. Looking forward to staying in ‘Kingston’ Wellington. My daughters Flat look wonderful although she only has one bed at the moment. She is saving hard to get a new one in December. Her own second hand one has defective weak slats so I don’t fancy trying that out. She has a huge 2 nd hand sofa that sleeps two so not unduly worried.

    Keep healthy and happy everyone


    Pain in the back, knees and hips sounds like a back problem with referred pain into the joints and/or arthritis or RSI due to something you do regularly. Maybe bowling????

    It might be a good idea to start an exercise/pain diary in order to identify the cause of the problem and then look into the best exercise to do in order to be fit and flexible without causing pain and ultimately permanent damage to your body.

    I hope you are able to work out the cause soon as this seems to have been going on for quite some time and having had numerous back issues over the years I understand how debilitating and depressing such issues can be.

    I had a sore hip for one day during my holiday which I think was caused by twisting my leg the previous day on very rocky and uneven ground while trekking through the bush. Apart from that I had no problems at all and considering I slept in so many different beds, including a camp bed and spent a lot of time climbing in and out of game viewing vehicles plus a lot of bush walking I’m very pleased.

    I’ve taken up never crossing my legs lately. I’m staggered how much better my hips and lower back are! P

    Hi Amazon,
    Hope that dreaded cold and cough gets better quickly.

    As you see I am not at the gym yet because I forgot to put the dryer on last night so my gym towels are still wet. I have therefore started tidying my bedroom, what a state! Also I am clearing a space in my office for a cot. Getting ready early.

    I had hip problems long before I started to play bowls, started with bursitis many years ago. Acupuncture was the only relief I got from night pain. My back problem has also been long term, possibly 20 years. I guess it’s arthritic. Swimming is undoubtably the best choice of exercise for me, I suspect I should go daily. Indoor bowls is just starting which is far less energetic than outdoors. I would be loath to give up my favourite sport but I could take next summer off especially as I will be baby sitting. I havent noticed any change in pain level during rest periods like holidays but then they usually involve lots of walking and dancing.

    PVE – I never cross my legs when sitting, I usually keep them raised on a foot stall as I have achy feet in the evenings due to hectic days.

    I think I should see a back specialist at some point soon. Like Amazon says it is best to avoid permanent damage. If this is life in my 60’s heaven help my 70’s and 80’s. But I do admit that my retired bowling and dancing friends are a lot more active than retired buddies that do not enjoy any exercise.

    Bye for now.

    Morning/evening all,

    A nice sunny morning here 😀

    My FD went well yesterday with the soup doing the trick. There is enough for another FD today.

    I’m still full of cold and still feeling a little unwell but am off to the hairdressers today which will make me feel much better as my hair is desperately in need of some attention and driving me crazy 😬

    I’m about two thirds through editing and processing my holiday photos and once I’m done I’ll post some on our FB page and get down to writing up an account of the trip which I’ll post here for anyone who’s interested.
    I have to say that I’m very pleased with the quality of the wild dog photos considering they were lying in the shade of a tree and their markings are designed for camouflage.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Another sunny if cool day here.
    Three good fast days behind me and feeling the benefit.
    Slept well last night with only one pill and a hot water bottle. Swimming nearly always guarantees me a good sleep, it was the same for my children too.
    Clearing out is a tedious task but very necessary. Currently going through clothes and books then paperwork.
    It’s my birthday this week and I am going out for a horse drawn picnic, hope it doesn’t rain. I also have supper at a friends and a meal out with family at the weekend. So more Fasting for me today and tomorrow.
    Have a good week everyone!

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Great to see you Jo and Amazon back and re setting to go again step by step and bit by bit we all seem to do quite a lot of self-reflection along this IF WOL either for weight loss, the health benefits or longevity I wonder how our book would look if we were to write our own personal best seller of our journey I think quite different to the one we first read of Dr M and the 5-2 Now I am all about what you don’t do as opposed to what you should do following all the guidelines.
    I have stumbled across some interesting studies of one I’m seeing recently in particular of ‘what breaks a fast’ or how does the body respond is it Blood sugar spike and increasing insulin after you have eaten food or is it the action of eating food or anything that bumps me out of ketosis?
    I am leaning towards after eating any food causing a blood sugar spike as a starting point. Therefore given that fat does not cause a blood sugar spike and insulin is kept low it doesn’t break the fast. One or two butter coffees throughout a fast day or your fasting window will not break a fast. Very interesting stuff and a cute fun couple as well …Enjoy

    Peace RT
    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    RT, I do know that with Mr P, if he forgets to do his blood test ffandiurst thing and has a black coffee first, his blood sugar result will be slightly elevated. Supposedly even thinking about food can cause insulin spikes too.
    If I know I won’t last the full 24 hours fasting (purely a state of mind, not real hunger), I’ll opt for a small bowl of barely cooked oats and unsweetened yoghurt these days. I figure it is much better than throwing the baby out with the bathwater!
    Looking back on the original premise of 5:2…eat 500 cals 2 days, and whatever you like on the others…I think we all know that is neither healthy or sustainable. Change needs to be total. P

    Blood sugar/Insulin response to different foods can be quite personal. We don’t all react to the same foodstuffs. Keeping refined carbs and proteins low seems to be a safe rule of thumb and a good starting point though with bs and insulin.

    Just reading this morning about the link between junk food (poor diet) and depression, another good reason to avoid added sugar and processed food!

    On the subject of fasting, I bailed out yesterday! Very unlike me, but it just wasn’t right. Since it’s only a 6:1 for maintenance, postponing it til later in the week isn’t a big deal though.

    All of a sudden the mornings are very dark here, great for a good night’s sleep…if only the days didn’t get shorter!

    Jo, enjoy your birthday and your horse drawn picnic. You wouldn’t want to do that here today in the dank gloom 😀

    Yes. It is so important for us all to be sensitive to our own bodily needs. I think sugar and junk foods severely impede that self awareness. P

    I’ll second that!

    Morning All,

    Amazon – hope your cold is not too horrible, night coughs are the worst.

    I had a terrible night, kept awake by knee and hip pain. I only took one pill and paid the price. I am ringing the doctor today to see if I can get any more acupuncture on NHS. If not I will book private appointments. The key is to get it done weekly if it is to be effective. Sadly I had to cancel my 8 mile walk today, shame because it’s a beautiful day. But I need to be rested for my picnic tomorrow.

    Played bridge with a new partner last night, it really changed the game as I really didn’t know her defence play. It certainly wasn’t standard. Interesting evening. We only won two games but we defended really well stopping others winning their bids.

    I really must re read ‘sugar/insulin response’ I have forgotten most of the theory. I tend to avoid products with added sugar on a regular basis but I still have fruit in my diet. I rarely go a day without an apple or an orange and of course my home grown tomatoes as a treat. Bread, pasta and rice are not stocked at home or chosen in restaurants but I still use potatoes about twice per week, either jacket, boiled or roast(occasionally a few chips).

    My long term study of one is still a work in progress yet I have changed my diet more than most, rarely eat white carbs and mainly Vegan food. I still eat butter, vegan cheese, sweet potato, squash and nuts. The most noticeable difference in health is high energy levels and normal range blood pressure, rarely catch colds/coughs. I haven’t had cholesterol levels checked for some while. Alcohol intake is low, possibly 2 G/T,s per week and no wine.

    I drink lots of water(mineral)black tea, green tea and occasional latte. I try to fast twice to three times per week, usually 450 calories, one meal, given up zero calories as I found I was eating too much on other days to compensate. Non fast days usually 2 light meals, no puddings or treats. If I shift from this pattern (on holiday)I always gain weight.

    I am still doing dance classes for ballroom/Latin and particularly jive which is exhausting but fun. My Active retirement club keeps me very busy. I switched from Treasurer to Events Secretary. Currently planning a fashion show in November, Panto and Carol Concert in December, Yoga Laughter Session in January. Mostly I focus on music events but we have speakers at meeting.

    Happy – I may not be working but I am no slouch!

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful day today and I’m meeting a friend for a walk in Kew Gardens.

    I abandoned my second day of B2B fasting yesterday as I felt so unwell. I had 2 small meals which came to 900 calories so it was a good NFD.
    I’m feeling much better today after a third 11 hour sleep in succession.
    We were up very early every morning in Africa as it was either a game drive/walk or an early start to get to our next destination and I didn’t sleep well on the flight home so it’s no surprise I was so tired.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning/evening all,

    Another fine morning albeit cooler than it has been. Autumn is definitely here.

    I’m still suffering from this cold and cough and have only managed one FD this week and I’m aiming to make today the second.

    Botswana and Zimbabwe

    I arrived in Victoria Falls Zimbabwe on Sunday lunchtime. We were met by our tour leader Rowan and his assistant Sofisu. We drove across the border into Botswana and arrived at our first stop mid afternoon.
    We stayed in a very comfortable lodge with cabins set in a beautiful garden. There was a poolside bar and a restaurant and we had time to relax, swim and recover from our flights.
    We were up very early the following morning for a game drive in Chobe National Park which was a 20 minute drive from the lodge. We spent most of the morning in the park and saw a lot of animals including a pride of lions.

    I had camped in Chobe 14 years ago and some of the landscape was very familiar to me and brought back happy memories of my previous visit.

    We returned to the lodge for a late breakfast and lunch was available an hour or so later for those who were still hungry…..
    After a relaxing swim it was time to go out again. This time we were on a boat on the Chobe river which forms part of the border between Botswana and Namibia.
    We took a cool box (eski) with us and sat on the boat watching game, getting to know each other as a group and sipping G&Ts (very civilised 😉 ) Once again we saw a lot of animals and birds.
    The lodge provided a Braai (BBQ) dinner and there was also entertainment from a local group who played music, danced and sang for us and it really got us into the spirit of Africa.

    The following morning we left for our next stop which was a newly refurbished lodge near to the Okavango Delta. En route we stopped on several occasions to look at animals spotted from the bus. We were just accelerating away after looking at a magnificent bull elephant when our tour leader saw a pack of wild dogs lying under a tree. We screeched to a halt, reversed back to where they were laying and spend a magical 10 minutes watching them.
    Wild dogs are rare, elusive and endangered. It was the first sighting this year for our tour leader so we were very fortunate and privileged to have seen them We found out later from a local that they had taken down a buffalo (which is no mean feat for a pack of 7 dogs) the night before.

    We arrived at our new camp which was beautiful, set in lush gardens by the side of the river with great views and very nice cool rooms with thatched roofs, something very common in that part of the world.
    We had a couple of hours to relax with a drink or take a swim before heading out to a local restaurant for dinner.

    The next morning we travelled by Mokuru (canoe) into the delta where camp was set up for 2 nights. We had to take everything we needed with us.
    The Mokuru team came from a local village and they set up the camp and along with Rowan pandered to our every need.
    We had 4 people in the group with special dietary needs so Rowan hired a local chef to accompany us and help with the cooking.

    After lunch some of the group went by boat to a swimming area and those of us who stayed behind were alerted by the sound of an elephant trumpeting very loudly. We grabbed our cameras and along with some of the local ladies who were looking after us spent 20 or so minutes watching a family of elephants feeding very close to camp.

    It was one of our group’s 50th birthday and when we returned from a boat trip and bush walk in the afternoon Rowan had decorated the tent of the birthday boy and also one of the chairs with balloons. After dinner we all sang “Happy Birthday” and Philip (the chef) presented a cake complete with icing and candles that he had managed to cook over an open fire. It was perfectly cooked too! The recipient was astounded by the whole thing especially the cake as he was a chef and realised what a feat it was to produce one. It was quite an emotional moment. Needless to say a good evening was had by all.

    The next morning we went on a bush walk and then spent the hottest part of the day in camp relaxing, playing games, swimming etc before heading out for a sunset canoe ride.

    We returned for dinner and afterwards were entertained by our Mokuru team who sang and danced, encouraging us to dance with them. I can testify that it is very difficult to dance in sand when wearing flip flops 😂🤣😅

    We decided to sing a song and it was met with much surprise and obvious pleasure.
    We found out afterwards that we were the only group who had ever done so.
    We ended the evening all singing together before retiring to out vey comfortable tents.

    The next morning we had a leisurely cooked breakfast before heading back to the lodge where we had left the bus, Sofisu and our luggage.

    In the afternoon some of us took a plane ride over the delta which was fabulous and although expensive, worth every penny. We saw the delta from a different perspective and also saw a vast number of animals.
    We had dinner at the lodge (where we had all been upgraded to premium rooms).

    The next day we left for our final lodge in Botswana. We arrived at lunchtime and had a free afternoon. The lodge had an enormous swimming pool so I went for a long relaxing swim and was joined (for the first time) by some of the others.
    We then sat and relaxed with a cold beer and chatted about the trip so far and how wonderful it had been.

    Late afternoon we headed out to the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans for sundowners. Due to very heavy winter rains the pan was actually a huge lake as the water had not dried up so we were afforded fabulous sightings of many wading birds and lots of flamingos and pelicans.

    Next day after an excellent breakfast provided by the lodge, we headed to the border to begin our week in Zimbabwe. The border crossing was tedious and time consuming but apparently 75 minutes was good result as it often takes several hours.

    We stopped in Bulawayo to stock up with food etc which gave us time for a short walk and a drink before heading to our home for the next 2 nights.
    We stayed in a small lodge on the outskirts of Motopo NP.
    There were only 9 rooms so we had the lodge to ourselves It was a really nice place with lovely comfy rooms, beautiful gardens, an open plan kitchen, dining and bar area and a hide from where we could see giraffe, wildebeest, zebra, warthog etc feeding. We also saw a large troupe of baboons.

    The next morning John (the lodge owner) took us into Motopo NP to search for rhino. We were very lucky as after only 10 minutes inside the park, rhino were spotted near to our location.

    We got out of the vehicle and walked with John and some of the anti poaching team into the bush. It was only 2 minutes before we saw a group of 5 rhino. We were very lucky as rhino are mostly solitary. We were able to get very close to them and spent 10 minutes watching them close up as they grazed

    We then visited bushmen paintings followed by Cecil Rhodes grave before returning to camp for a Braai lunch.

    We had another free afternoon to relax and most of us went to the hide to watch animals before a late afternoon walk up to a ridge which afforded great views of the surrounding area Our guide had carried chilled wine and beer for us to have a drink and watch the sunset.

    It was another member of the group’s birthday so we had another birthday cake and round of singing after dinner.

    The next day we travelled to our lodge on the edge of Hwange NP.
    We were staying in a tented camp and our tents were big enough to hold a party in and very comfortable.

    We went out on a night safari which is always interesting as the nocturnal animals can be seen. We saw numerous spring hares, owls, hyena and many animals that can be seen during the day such as elephant, impala, giraffe, baboons.

    The next morning we were up early for a game drive in Hwange NP. We stopped on the way for a group of elephants who were crossing the road. They seemed to be in no particular rush and some of them even obliged by stopping in front of the vehicles and appearing to be scrutinising us which afforded great photo opportunities.

    We saw quite a few animals in Hwange but not as many as expected which was due to the fact that summer had arrived early and it was much hotter than usual for the time of year so they were mostly resting in the bush, out of sight.
    We still saw numerous animals and birds but the only carnivores sighted were crocodiles.

    We had our last camp dinner cooked by Rowan and Sofisu which was a braai with steak and sausages and vegetarian options.
    The following morning we packed up and headed to the town of Victoria Falls.

    We had lunch in a restaurant and then checked in to our very nice hotel which was to be home for the last 2 nights of our stay in Africa.

    We spent the afternoon at the falls, walking along the paths which connected a dozen or so viewpoints of different parts of the falls. It was spectacular 😎

    In the evening we went out for dinner to the Victoria Falls Hotel which is a very old (and very expensive at $400p per night 😮 ) colonial style building. We had a delicious silver service dinner with cocktails

    The next day which was our last, was free for optional activities such as helicopter flights, game drives, bungee jumping, white water rafting, zip wires etc. I opted for a relaxing day as there was nothing on offer that I wanted to do that I haven’t done before, so I had a leisurely stroll around town, did some souvenir hunting and then relaxed by the pool.

    Our last dinner was on a sunset cruise on the Zambezi. The boat was quite small, there were 14 of us on a long table on one side of the boat (ie the whole group) and two smaller tables holding 10 in total on the other side.

    We were served an excellent 4 course dinner which was of a very high standard and delicious especially considering the tiny open galley in which it was prepared and cooked.

    We watched the sun set over the river and saw lots of animals including herds of elephant crossing the very wide and deep river, hippos, crocodiles and numerous birds. It was a wonderful way to end our journey.

    The next morning we had a leisurely breakfast, took group photos and then headed off to the airport.

    A thoroughly enjoyable trip with a good and well planned itinerary, a great team looking after us and a group that got on together incredibly well.
    It could not have been better 😀

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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