Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,351 through 4,400 (of 7,283 total)

  • Always happy to cross pots, Amazon, with your inventive cooking πŸ™‚ But no baton passing, please, just the odd chuckle among friends. Do not feel I am usurping your great work, RT.

    What a week! Carnivore at the weekend, no breakfasts, two FDs, low carb and still no change on the scales. I am determined! Carnivore again this weekend until Sunday evening.

    From the minimal snippets I have heard, P, I think she is still breastfeeding. An awful lot of juggling going on in their lives, though.

    Today’s FD has been very difficult as I’ve (unusually) been hungry since I opened my eyes this morning but I’ve stayed strong. The flat is gleaming, the laundry done, a couple more cupboards have been tidied and I know I’ll be pleased with myself when I wake up tomorrow πŸ˜€


    You won’t be the only carnivore this weekend.
    I spent 15 minutes this afternoon making a Shawarma style paste in which to marinade a shoulder of lamb. It’s an Ottolenghi recipe which he’s adapted for cooking in the oven rather than on a spit. He uses leg of lamb but I prefer shoulder as it has more flavour.
    I’ve made before and the lamb is slow cooked so it falls apart.
    In Jerusalem they traditionally eat it in a pita with cucumber and tomato and a few other trimmings. I’ll be eating it with veggies and a yoghurt dressing, and some of the leftovers will make a fabulous shepherds pie!

    Mmmm, that lamb does sound good Amazon! I don’t eat much meat these days, but I do enjoy a spiced slow roast falling off the bone piece of lamb. And I’m afraid to say I do make flatbread when I cook it 😊

    I am at the end of my second fast since early May. Surprisingly easy, in fact easier than my nonfast days at the moment, except that I’ve been cold! It’s been a tropical 13 degrees this afternoon ☹️ Tomorrow’s forecast is rubbish too. I’m hoping things pick up next week though as I’ve got a week off, hoping to do some long mountain walks… but we might end up under cover playing backgammon if the rain and cold carry on.

    Morning/evening all,


    I have raw dough in 200 calorie portions stored in the freezer so that whenever the knead πŸ˜‰ for flatbread (or pizza) arises I can defrost a piece.
    I anticipate having some of the leftover lamb rolled up in one at some point……..

    A mixture of cloud and sun with a strong breeze today. The heatwave is definitely over although the forecast suggests mid 20s again next week.

    I’m not eating until dinner today so working at keeping busy. So far I’ve rearranged the furniture in the living room, polished everything, done some more washing and if I need anything else to do it may mean tackling another cupboard which I don’t really fancy……..

    Maybe I’ll make coffee and contemplate πŸ˜€

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    You’ve done well Amazon. I’ve spent the day in front of the fire and tv watching the politics play out.πŸ˜πŸ˜‘πŸ˜Ά
    Bring on a General Election, I say.

    I always freeze the other half of my pizza dough. Certainly saves making it again. I’ve also found a business that sells compostable freezer bags, so no guilt about storing all my spare food, flat packed in the freezer. πŸ˜‰ P

    You are so well organized, Amazon!

    Yes, Purple, interesting developments in Oz.

    I must look for compostable freezer bags. I guess they exist in France.

    I am on fast today too, and after three games of ping pong, my head is spinning, and I can feel I am in fat-burning mode. Just reaching for the salt…..

    I must say, I am much more knowledgeable about British politics than French. I can’t understand the desire of British politicians to show their idiocy in public.
    Quiet day for OH today as in the UK, it already feels like POETS day and it’s only midday.

    Still warm here, but summer showing signs of less intensity.

    Have a good weekend.


    It’s a pre-requisite for UK Tory politicians to possess immense egos, unbounded levels of arrogance and extensive knowledge of those who live a lifestyle nothing like their own despite having no experience of such or having undertaken research or education on the subject.
    Some of the others are following suit but need more practice…..

    I am quite organised but I’m also capable of completely ignoring things that need doing when not in the mood.
    It stems from having a profession that meant working days, nights, weekends and being on-call which invariably meant seizing the moment.

    I doubt it’s much different for working mums.

    My friends, I guess you were waiting for to insert my favorite politician. Trump! There are many of them here. Despicable people…

    For the first time we had really beautiful day and nights. I would call it pre-Autumn. We had too much rain, it was hot and humid this summer.

    I had a carb week. Wednesday I met with a GF and she insisted on going to a “everybody is talking about this place”. Turn out to be a pizza place by on the water. That is my list favorite food under the sun. I wanted to go to a Peruvian place place for ceviche.
    Yesterday I went to visit my GF with Brest cancer, I am going up there every week, o we had lobster roll. I removed half of the bread…the lobster was okay but overall not impressed.

    Therefore I am checking into my Fastrehab here with my second Fast of the week. Last Monday I had headaches. Right now I am okay…sipping my black coffee. Soon going for a 7.5k steps walk in 1 hour a yoga after.

    Mentally I feel that midwaist fat melting πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    No 500 cal dinner plans yet!

    See you later and good Fasting day to You.

    Hi HCB,

    Mentally I feel my fat is melting but I don’t know if the scales will concur with my opinion 🀣

    I love pizza too but don’t eat it often although I do occasionally make one at home and have even mastered an under 500 calorie version for FDs but it just isn’t the same without a glass of 🍷 so is best left for non FDs.

    Keep on fasting, you know it works πŸ˜€

    The full moon is dodging in and out from behind the clouds, and I am thinking of all my lovely fellow fasting cyber-friends from around our wonderful globe who will be watching the same moon as Sunday night descends for them too.

    I wish I could agree with you, Amazon. I have mentioned (in boring detail) those two kilogrammes that have plagued me for nearly two years. Only very low carb, with carnivore weekends, are addressing them. And for OH, ditto – his weight has bounced back to the starting point after nearly two years on 5:2. I’m down one kg, and hope to get the other off in time for our ten days in Hawai’i starting Wednesday week. We shall see how we get on with that! We are so looking forward to this break. OH counts 14 stops in Honolulu from the 80s when he was flying to the US for work, and at that time the planes couldn’t get all the way across the Pacific without stopping to refuel. And he’s never got out of the airport with all those stops, so this holiday has definitely been at the top of his bucket list!

    I have been reading the Bear’s story, about his 47 (in 2006) years of meat-only living, and how healthy and young he is. I know I won’t be able to follow such a restrictive way of life, but reducing the carbs will be a good intermediate step. It’s been months since I ate a slice of bread, the last of the (high cocoa dark 72%) chocolate was demolished this evening, the home-made muesli, and with it, breakfasts, ended last week. I am on a very spartan eating pattern, just meat and eggs from Thursday evening until Sunday’s roast, then two FDs, no breakfasts… Lots of energy, though – or would have, if I could just improve my sleeping.

    Stay well, all. πŸ™‚

    Good luck with your radical eating regime, B. At least you have a very short term goal. Your trip will be terrific!
    Too cloudy (and cold) to stand outside admiring the full moon here. We’ve had very light drizzle here all weekend. Enough to limit walks. Not enough to break the drought. 😐

    Barata your discipline will be rewarded and i feel sure that the reward for effort will be fit for purpose and you will be your own evidence.
    All Power To Your Cause.

    I hope so, P and RT. But all may be undone in the tropics πŸ™‚ At least I know that I can, when I need to.

    I so love it when the daffodils in the vase are from my garden. Unfortunately, the mandarin trees – planted nearly a dozen years ago – are busy fruiting. Citrus sugar bombs for me, and no grandchildren to help with them. πŸ™

    Can’t help you, B. My least favourite fruit…stinking mandy skins dropped everywhere in the streets at present! 🀨
    Apparently there is a glut of strawberries though ☺

    We are getting Aussie strawberries in the shops. Not needed in this house any more. Scotch fillet steak is on special at the weekend, though!

    Good to hear you are helping to sustain the NZ meat industry.

    I can’t say I am doing the same for the French.
    Beautiful day here at 28Β° forecast. But with the Alps clear, we know the autumn isn’t far.
    We went off camping last weekend and will do the same this weekend. I got cold last weekend as the tent was full of air, and I didn’t take trousers or socks.
    We did a great walk around a lake, with a lot of scrambling.France is a great place for camping as there are very nice camp sites scattered around.

    I am maintaining my 4:3, down:up. 3.5kgs down on what I added in NZ.


    Well done Wi. Your camping sounds great too. We must drag our gear out and hit the bush again soon. This week, however, is FREEZING! I know what you mean about large tents with too much cold air. Good in summer, though!
    I have not been supporting the meat industry. For some reason every meal has been vegetarian in the last few days. Variety. That’s the thingπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    The advise I give anyone who asks about how to reach a healthy weight is:
    It’s all about what, when and how much you eat. Simple!
    Cheers P

    Hi everyone,

    The BH weekend is over, the last of the meat has been picked from the lamb bones and there is a good supply of Middle Eastern spiced shepherds pie in the freezer.

    It’s overcast here but warm although I’ve noticed a nip in the early morning air and had to don a sweatshirt in the evenings.

    Not long until my trip so lots of FDs planned with a few social occasions on non FDs.


    I’ll be camping for a couple of nights in Botswana but I think it’ll be a bit warmer than where you are.
    I looked up the temperature in Victoria Falls yesterday………….

    ……only 36C. Don’t think I’ll be needing to pack a sweatshirt πŸ˜†

    FD today with shepherds pie and some lovely chard to look forward to this evening.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Yes Amazon, It was 8Β° at Villefort where we were camping during the night.
    Camping in Botswana sounds fun. How do you keep the wildlife at bay?
    The worst we had last weekend was a cat. No respect for the walls of our tent.

    We are going to camp again this weekend and take in a stage of the El Camino in France. Sadly our Spanish holiday will need to remain unrealised as Europe is waking up again after the holidays and things need to be done.
    Had a lovely up day lunch.
    Melon and ham, followed by pasta from Puglia with mushrooms, blue cheese and onions. Finishing with fresh figs.


    There are no boundaries when wild camping.
    Last time I was in Botswana where we spent 10 nights under canvas, we had a hyena attempting to join us for dinner, lion prints everywhere when we got up one morning and a leopard came to visit when we were sitting round the camp fire!
    We also sat around under the trees during the heat of the day watching dozens of elephants walk past on the way to the river.

    If getting up during the night for a loo visit one is advised to unzip the tent flap then make a noise such as a cough or clearing one’s throat in order to give anything lurking a chance to disappear πŸ˜†

    I was rather disturbed the morning we found lion prints as I had been up during the night but if it were dangerous we wouldn’t be allowed to be there.

    I’ve been camping in South Africa and Swaziland since but the humans are fenced in!

    The worst I’ve experienced when camping was possums climbing up the tent poles to steal our apples and kookaburras and goannas taking food directly out of our hands when we were eating it! Big cats sound far too scary for me!
    Have a wonderful trip, Amazon…and don’t startle the wildlife. 😊P

    12 days to go and so much to do before then.

    Big cats are scary but they usually avoid contact with people. Leopards are so elusive even the tour leader was momentarily speechless.

    When we first caught sight of him, the leopard was standing on the mat outside my tent about 2o metres away. He looked at us, stuck his tail in the air, walked a few paces, rolled around on the ground legs in the air, got up and walked a few more paces, scent marked a bush and then slunk off into the darkness but not before giving us a final glance over his shoulder.

    The most amazing wildlife experience ever!

    When I was in Tanzania staying in a permanent tented camp the kitchen staff spent 50% of their time chasing the resident troupe of Vervet monkeys out of the kitchen. It was comical, there would be a peace shattering commotion closely followed by one of the monkeys shoot out of the kitchen carrying a carrot/piece of fruit being chased by a chef waving a pan and shouting 🀣🀣🀣

    What an amazing experience. Just a great big pussy cat 🐈🐈

    Okay, RT, I will step up again. But you are back on duty from next week πŸ™‚ …

    A family is at the dinner table. The son asks the father, β€œDad, how many kinds of boobs are there?” The father, surprised, answers, β€œWell, son, a woman goes through three phases. In her 20s, a woman’s breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s and 40s, they are like pears, still nice, hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions.” β€œOnions?” the son asks. β€œYes. You see them and they make you cry.” This infuriated his wife and daughter. The daughter asks, β€œMom, how many different kinds of willies are there?” The mother smiles and says, β€œWell, dear, a man goes through three phases also. In his 20s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s and 40s, it’s like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it’s like a Christmas tree.” β€œA Christmas tree?” the daughter asks. β€œYes, dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration.”

    My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.

    A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won’t tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess. The dad said, “Well it’s what Mommy calls me sometimes.” The little girl screamed to her brother, “Don’t eat it. Its an asshole!

    Have a great Friday, fellow fasters.

    I will report on my (so far vain) attempts at weight loss next week πŸ™

    I LOVE the unknown meat one, B. 😊😊
    Have a good weekend.
    Cold and rainy here for the last day of winter. Excellent homemade mushroom soup fitted the bill. πŸ˜€P

    Thanks, P. Wet, drizzly and cold here. I’m out to dinner with some local ladies, and OH is off to the rugby at the stadium. I don’t think I will be able stick to low carb at an Indonesian restaurant.

    One of my workmates left today, so I went in to the office on my day off for a farewell lunch. No pizza for me, thanks – I came home for (breakfast) bacon and eggs. (Halo shining in the gloom.)

    Justifiably so!
    We were out yesterday, so no Thursday fast. This morning Mr P said “It’s a fast day.” Fine for him. I wasn’t in the headspace for a wrong day fast! I’m just eating minimally, while he has fasted. He has more willpower than I thought! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ P

    Brilliant work Barata you have unlimited power good carnivore weekend to you my friend I will happily go week about with you back to me next Friday
    No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

    Morning/evening all,

    A lovely sunny morning here πŸ˜ƒπŸŒž

    I’ve had a good week so far and now am free of social engagements until Sunday so it’s B2B FDs for me. I have a fridge drawer full of summer veggies which will be cooked and a small amount of ricotta stirred through, a simple dish that I really enjoy.

    My insect repellent trousers were delivered today so I’m now fully equipped to keep those pesky mosquitos and other nasty biters at bay πŸ˜€

    All I need to worry about now are the snakes………

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Seriously? You aren’t scared of big cats, but you are worried about snakes Amazon?

    Shalom, RT. Kindness will keep the world turning. (Pity about the tailgaters…). Love your unlimited power. Now to live up to it!!

    I’m afraid I’m off duty for at least three weeks – Hawai’i, then to the northern extremities of our beautiful country for BIL’s 80th birthday. So much better to be celebrating the happy events than the sad ones, and catching up with family. I was at a client’s funeral during the week – realised she was only ten years older than me! Scary.

    Well done Mr P!


    I wasn’t being serious, I wouldn’t enjoy myself if I was worrying about some of the creatures I’d come to (hopefully) see from a safe distance

    In all my trips to mainland Africa I’ve only seen one snake which was a very poisonous and very dead viper. I am always very cautious regarding such things but in general snakes avoid contact with people unless they are cornered.
    I don’t mind snakes, I’ve held pythons and boa constrictors under supervision and they aren’t at all scary. Obviously the venomous individuals needs to be avoided.
    One of my fellow travellers on Tanzania discovered a Mamba in her shower in a city hotel. She went down to the kitchen and asked for a jar (silly woman). They asked her why and immediately called the tour leader who dealt with it.

    I am scared enough of big cats to heed all the advice given to me unlike some of those I’ve travelled with in the past. One of our group in Botswana went off into the bush on her own for the purpose of bird watching. Fortunately one of us saw here and alerted the tour leader.

    Having said that, people are in more danger from hippos and buffalos than any of the other critters in Africa.


    have a great time and don’t eat too much of the 80th birthday cake πŸ˜‰

    Glad to hear it!😁 I’m very used to snakes and deadly spiders…just make your presence known and show respect. The same applies to bears in Canada. We simply have to not expect wild animals to be tame and to avoid surprising, annoying or cornering them. This world is for sharing. 😎 P

    Couldn’t agree more 😁


    This thread has become the Marie Celeste of the website……..

    Anyways, I’ve had a busy and social weekend which involved an impromptu dinner on Saturday and most of yesterday in the pub eating and drinking (too much of both!) and catching up with Australian friends who were in London for less than 48 hours.

    I’m fasting today and have spent the morning trying on clothes and inspecting hems, buttons, seams and zips and culling items that can’t be mixed and matched or I’ve decided I don’t need to take on my trip.

    I’ve come to the conclusion I have too many clothes πŸ˜†

    The fine weather continues πŸ˜€

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Amazon, you are not alone.
    Well the solution to too many clothes is a cull. As you sound amazingly careful, all the UK charities would love them. My cull would never fetch a fortune as I am hard on clothes. I forget and go and prune hedges with good clothes on.

    I am on a three day 400 cal day as we are off to the UK for a few days and I can’t trust myself to maintain ADF while there.

    Glad to know that it’s fine in London. We are leaving days of 25Β° here.

    In fact I am so angry I went and ate some Parmesan. I have just noticed that our neighbour covered a window with plastery layer to stop us seeing into their yard. It must have been done months ago, and because it’s either shuttered or open, I hadn’t noticed until it got cool yesterday. They have already cut under my house to put pipes, covered my cellar opening with a garden, cemented in my electricity, grown their trees so they touch my house, cut off my septic tank ……….. This time I am calling the bailiff and taking them to court. However the guy who did this did it because I am a woman, a foreigner and I have been known to sleep in my car ( like all good hippies). That’s the bad news. The good news is that he died in June and his wife is completely bonkers. She says she knows nothing, but ignorance is not an excuse.

    There you are, I have let off steam…….
    Thanks for listening…..


    I guess he was bonkers too!

    I’ve just eaten some ice cream thus turning my fast into a 700 calorie version so we are in the same boat but for different reasons.

    As for the clothes, I think my problem is that I wore a uniform for 40 years so didn’t have many clothes but the freedom of choice plus big weight loss allowed me to indulge and buy more. I’m working on rotating the contents of the wardrobe as like most I’m prone to keep wearing the same few items. I always recycle my clothes either via the charity shop around the corner or the Salvation Army bin at the recycling centre.

    Enjoy your time in the UK. It’s 24C right now but will be a couple of degrees cooler between now and the weekend.

    Oh Wi! Crazy neighbours are a nightmare. Luckily our neighbours from hell sold and our new ones are lovely. 😊
    My 24 hour fast yesterday came to an abrupt halt at the airport last night…the tapas and SA chardonnay were just too good to resist. The plane was delayed and our arrival time pushed well into the night.
    We’ve woken up in a tropical paradise this morning, with rain pouring down, very different birds calling outside and a babbling stream under our deck. Should be a good week. πŸ˜‰ P

    The week has always its ups and downs with fasting and fasting day’s durations and protocols but what is really handy and such a lifestyle change is the interchangeable days when socials occasions present. I find it easy to get something off a menu with ease at the hotels here and I enjoy the experience fasting for 3 days a week and re-feeding 4 days a week it’s a challenge but doable. Now there is so much information and self-proclaimed guru’s and experts water only fasting with so many food variations that still leaves me with a hand palm to the fore head. Whole food plant based, Vegetarian, Vegan, Carnivore, Keto, LCHF, but what gives us the compliance works and what does not doesn’t. I am always surprised at the amount of trips travel and adventures that the people left here do go on and enjoy that whole experience the culture the food and the memories. I still have 15 years of work ahead of me which I think is like Happy. andI do not have a passport even as yet. Currently I am enjoying researching again the work from Stephen Phinney, MD, PhD Β· Jeff Volek, PhD, RD 70% fat 25% protein and 5% carbohydrate really interesting with new science new studies.
    Hope the fast trackers can keep on keeping on find you’re doable.

    Hi RT! Yes, I’m a worker still. I’d like to think I might retire a bit before my state pension age of 66, but even so I’m quite a few years off the exciting life of leisure and adventure that some here enjoy. I feel very dull by comparison!

    Wi, your neighbour problems sounds absolutely horrendous. How stressful for you. I hope it resolves and you can live in peace, worry-free, finally.

    I’m fasting today. I was on holiday last week and consumed added sugar and bread products every day 😊 In my defence, I did walk in the mountains most days, so the gluttony hasn’t showed up on the scales, but I need to break the overeating and sugar habit and what better than a fast day to push reset?

    And RT, this week I’m eating flexitarian πŸ˜€

    Thanks for kind comments. I am angry with myself with not noticing the plastered surface of the window. I am going to get them attitude passes fortunately. No negotiation is really possible, as they have everything to lose, and probably compensation to pay.

    Where are you exactly, Purple? Sounds lovely. I love tropical rain, and SA chardonnay. The local white here is called Viognier and I am look forward to breaking into our new cube, when friends come to stay next week.

    You are right about the flexibility of our lifestyle, RT. That Protestant ethic of guilt where you mustn’t, so you do in excess in your private space and feel guilty. I like to fast before times where I know sociability is coming up. So I agree 3 fast days and 4 eating days suits me too.

    It reminds me of that joke about the man who is prescribed a foul tasting medicine to take for some illness. The dr said that he could have a swig of whiskey to help to alleviate the foul taste of the medicine. When he goes to see the doc two months later, the dr asks him how he is getting on. “Very well,” he says, “I am 2 weeks behind on the medicine, but 6 weeks ahead on the whiskey”

    Nice one, Wi.
    Years ago a GP suggested the 2 hat whiskey cure for my brother for a very sore throat…go to bed, put a hat on the bed end and drink whiskey until you see two hats!! And he did!! πŸ™„πŸ˜
    We are in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Unfortunately, the breakfast supplied was SO magnificent, we didn’t really need to eat again. I’ll have to limit it tomorrow. πŸ˜‰ P

    Morning/evening all,

    Slightly cooler and breezy this morning but the sun is peeping through the clouds πŸ™‚

    I’m meeting a friend in the city this evening for dinner. I haven’t seen her for over 5 years and she is in London on business for a couple of days so it’s an ideal time for a catch-up.

    After that it’ll be fasting all the way until I reach Botswana.


    I find travel addictive, the more places I visit the longer my bucket list gets for 2 reasons. Firstly because I invariably have such a great time exploring somewhere new and getting to know the locals and their culture and secondly because I’m usually on a tour with other much travelled souls who tell me about somewhere I’ve not visited and it sounds so good I HAVE to go there πŸ˜†

    Purple, the sunshine coast sounds fabulous 😎

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Aussies: Catalyst tonight (ABC) is excellent on Type 2 Diabetes. Worth catching. P

    The dietician saying how brown whole grain bread was healthier than white bread had me laughing. If you assign white bread as having a GI of 100, then brown whole grain bread has a GI of about 95-98. Its virtually the same. So what did she get for her BG? White bread baseline 5.5 up to 8.4. A spike of 2.9. Or in percentage terms a 53% spike. Brown bread her BG was baseline 4.8 and spiked up to 7.4. A spike of 2.6. Or in percentage terms a 54% spike. She then says, see how much better brown bread is. There was NO difference if you take into account the lower baseline.

    She then mentioned that potatoes get a bad wrap and they’re not as bad as they are made out to be. Funnily enough she didn’t take her BG before and after eating the potatoes. She rightly mentioned that if you cool the potatoes down they form resistant starch. What she failed to mention is that only about 5% of the simple carbs are converted to resistant starch. 95% remains as simple carbs.

    Yes. I spotted the poor methodology too. She didn’t do fair tests. The toppings on the toasts were different, the time of day with the exercise vs lazing around varied. Apples and pears are not comparable.
    She had said pasta converts to resistant starch, put then later recommends potatoes over rice or pasta.
    The effect of the resistance training on metabolic rate was interesting. It seemed to have a genuine effect on the TOFI man’s visceral fat. Comments, BB?

    The resistance training makes sense. Resistance training builds up muscle bulk. Muscles consume energy. So swapping fat for muscle is a good thing. No problems there. Exercise is a good thing in lots of ways, if you can do it by all means do it.

    Walking around after the meal to lower the BG spike, yep makes sense. That will help dissipate the BG spike.

    I felt sad for the mum who was “too busy” looking after her kids to stay on the program. Still in denial about her situation. My cousin was obese, collapsed at work. His BG was 39 I think. It was the highest the doctor had ever seen where the patient had not died as a result. Life changing moment. Last time I saw him he had lost 40kg, eats healthy doesn’t drink anymore.

    And when you come home and describe your adventures, Amazon, it inspires us to add your fascinating destinations to our list! No doubt you have read Alexander McCall Smith’s series on Botswana – No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, such a good read.

    Off ourselves today for more tropical climes, can’t wait to get away from gale winds and 10 degrees. πŸ™‚

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Good choice Wi thanks….Well the AFL Finals series is upon us good luck to your Swans Purple I am confident there over GWS and Nama the Pies are back but a big task ahead playing the Weagles in the West but you will get another go but sudden death for GWS and Swans.
    Happy the Australian Government today overturned their decision to increase the retirement age to 70 to remain as is currently 67 so not long now πŸ˜†
    Amazon you are such an enthusiastic member of the human race it is a pleasure to be here for that alone and I love reading all your posts but the travel journals are a feast for my eyes.

    I am in Adelaide for work tomorrow and Friday so I will put my offering up today Happy Hump Day to you all..
    Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “And what starting salary are you looking for?” The engineer replies, “In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package.” The interviewer inquires, “Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks’ vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?” The engineer sits up straight and says, “Wow! Are you kidding?” The interviewer replies, “Yeah, but you started it.”
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    Peace RT


    Thanks, that made me laugh! Luckily I’ve always gone for jobs where the salary was fixed so never had to name my price!

    I had a good fast day yesterday and a kg lighter on the scales this morning (a shocking amount of water weight, but then I had been carb loading for the previous week…!). Today I’m aiming not to eat added sugar, although as I’m going out for coffee and lunch there will be temptation!

    Barata, happy travelling!

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