Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Purple,

    We might be old crocs but we are wise ones πŸ˜‰

    I have a very old Madhur Jaffrey book that contains an excellent cauliflower curry recipe. A friend made it for me about 35 years ago and she had added creamed coconut.
    I liked it so much she bought me the book and I’ve been making variations of it ever since so my curry was loosely based on it.
    I used a small can of creamed coconut which accounted for almost 2/3 of the calorie count for the whole thing!


    The friend I’m talking about and who sadly died a couple of years ago, came from Katoomba and when I saw your post on FB it took me down memory lane to my first trip to Australia when I stayed with her in Paramatta, Sydney and she took me away for a few days to the Blue Mountains, Katoomba, Jenolan Caves etc.

    I’ve made the curry now…not eaten yet. I loosely used a BBC recipe online. It contained coconut cream. I used green curry and added capsicum, sweet potato and chilli. It smells great.
    The Blue Mountains are not far from here. We love spending a day, or more, up there. They had snow on the western slopes the other day. It would have been cold at Katoomba for Nama. πŸ€’

    Oh Amazon, my pics of the Blue Mtns made you think of your friend, which in turn led to your yummy dinner!
    It is a special part of the world isnt it? Leura is wall to wall cherry trees which were glorious in Autumn colour, but I must get there in Spring too, for the blossoms!
    We had fun with Chloe today, sun came out long enough for some fresh air at a park and she spent a full 10 mins studying a single ant! Little children are so refreshing with their delight and curiosity about the world.
    Chicken wings with lemon and garlic in my oven, plus lots of veggies also liberally coated with garlic..just in the mood to ward off any colds!

    Purple we were lucky..freezing nights and sunny days!

    No one has mentioned THE wedding yet?
    My favourite football team is playing at the same time, so I have a dilemma!

    As it is still Nama. Glad you enjoyed your stay ‘up here’. πŸ˜‰
    Someone suggested, on the radio, that we give the couple Queensland as a wedding present 😁

    Back to the clouds and rain in Melb!
    We wanted to stay longer but Mr Nama had work commitmentments…yep he is ‘retired’!


    I don’t know anyone who is remotely interested in the wedding and to be honest I’m not either. I have nothing against the about to be married couple but we are in the midst of numerous crises in this country with an incompetent government who seem to be hell bent on leading us to rack and ruin and most of the headlines are about the wedding and gleefully ignoring the fact that we are in a huge hole and the government just keep on digging.
    Also, despite the fact that the royal family are mega rich, the taxpayer will be footing the bill for much of it when tens of thousands of the population are living in poverty.

    Some will say it will cheer people up and helpthem to forget their own problems but that is missing the point IMO.

    The way the media behaves on such occasions disgusts me, especially the way they have behaved towards the bride’s father.

    We have had countless articles on the BBC website about the rise of mixed race relationships, quizzes to check if we are related to royalty, articles asking us if we are ready for the wedding. It is everywhere and almost impossible to get away from.

    I know that there are many who are interested and are planning on celebrating tomorrow with parties etc and I hope they all have a wonderful time but there will be just as many who would like to ignore the whole thing.

    Some will be taking advantage of the fact that many will be watching TV and going out to places of interest such as museums, galleries and outdoor places, enjoying their weekly shop in a quiet supermarket or as the pubs will all be open late tomorrow night, having a late night drink!


    I couldn’t have put it better myself πŸ˜€ I have zero interest in the private lives of β€˜celebrities’. And quite why anyone wants to watch the wedding of people they don’t even know is beyond my comprehension….

    I think lots of people just want an excuse to party. Apparently all the thrift shops in Melbourne have sold out of wedding dresses as these merry makers also want to dress up!
    I agree about the medias treatment of the brides father and I also dont get why the Royals cant pay for their own weddings. But my curiosity will get the better of me and I will have a sticky beak tomorrow night!

    Apparently, in Japan, you can get a job as as wedding guest, if you are Caucasian! It’s all the go. That’s almost worse…inviting people you don’t know at your own wedding.
    All tv stations here will cover it…we’ll watch Netflix. 😊 P

    I am curious enough to watch because I think it is history being made, even a republican cant ignore the history of the Royal family. I can imagine the media in the UK must be driving you mad though!

    And we don’t have to pay for it πŸ˜‰
    Mind you, they are a massive tourism drawcard and apparently the English fashion industry makes a killing from it too!


    Why is Harry (who is sixth in line to the throne) getting married history being made?

    I’m sure all the people who are queuing up at food banks across the UK are absolutely thrilled at the amount of taxpayers money being thrown at a wedding……….

    And we won’t talk about the homeless of Windsor who will have quietly been moved on after public outcry over plans to forcefully remove them in order to make Windsor look nice for the wedding……………🀬🀬🀬

    Well it’s another glorious morning here. Perfect for a Royal Wedding… 😡

    I’m off shopping then getting my peas and beans in. Unless people on the train go by flag waving, or the hens organise an impromptu paddock party, I should be blissfully unaware of what people I don’t know, will never meet, and don’t care about, are wearing and doing in Windsor today.

    Amazon, good luck on finding a tranquil spot today. (I did do chickpea on chickpea last night – falafel and hummus. Quick, easy and delicious. Definitely not too much.)

    Nama, I’ll be thinking of you sat watching telly in your wedding dress!

    I’ve just finished off the leftovers of my curry from last night. It was pretty hot, but with some dahl, I had in the freezer, and yoghurt it was great. I DO love all veg meals. Mr P happily ate bacon and veg soup.
    We’ve had another lovely sunny day (we need rain!) after a cold night and another to come.
    Happy, I can just imagine your ‘girls’ all dolled up having an impromptu paddock party! Will the cats be invited too? 🐈🐱🐀πŸ₯πŸ”P

    Actually Happy, if you walked into my kitchen right now, you would think I was making said wedding dress!
    Having never grown veggies in winter before, I am thinking if we get a frost my babies will all be killed… so presently sewing 20m of ‘frost cloth’ into a cover for my new veggie patch…it looks like wedding dress material all over the place!
    And I wont be watching it all, I will be flicking over during the ads when my football team is playing!

    Ah Nama, the joys of horticultural fleece! I use it in the polytunnel early in the season and in the veg patch, but only if it’s not windy!

    P, one of the cats would gatecrash the hens’ party for sure! I’ve found him lying down in a nest box several times, and he goes in the paddock with them every day. They don’t appear to mind him. Everything works so long as no one makes any sudden moves! Then general chaos can quickly ensue.

    It’s funny that vegetables have been long looked upon only as an accompaniment to meat, but actually you can get a lot more on the plate if you remove the lump of meat.

    I’m thinking I might try a warm puy lentil, cherry tomato and halloumi salad tonight. Oh dear, it’s not even 8am πŸ€—

    “Actually you can get a lot more (vegetables) on the plate if you remove the lump of meat.” Nice quote Happy…that will have to go in RT’s compilation of handy quotes.
    As to thinking about and planning food…I spend my life doing itπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š
    The sun’s gone down, along with the temperature. The fire is alight. I’m thinking mulled wine would be the order of the day. 🍷🍷P

    Morning/evening All,
    Just back from sunny Llandudno having enjoyed a lovely break. Sightseeing all day and dancing all evening. Kept the food under control mostly, well I had to try the local foods, Welsh cakes etc. ( overrated )

    My knees are suffering but hey ho, got to keep moving. Probably should cut doing the twist so much though.

    Back to my routine here and lots of bowling as County Games start this week.

    Hope everyone is well, I will catch up on this busy thread tonight

    Fasting starts Monday, need to wind down from hotel food slowly.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a glorious day here, wall to wall blue sky and sunshine.

    The engineer is here installing the new boiler so I’m holding down the sofa, reading and waiting for the tennis to start.

    My FD went well yesterday until I went to see a friend who handed me a glass of wine as I walked in the door and I came home with a salted caramel chocolate covered iced cream on a stick which was never going into the freezer……….. πŸ˜†

    There are two recipes for non meat burgers in my Saturday food magazine, plus another veggie recipe that can be cooked on the BBQ. I won’t be using any of them today but the forecast looks good for the next 2 weeks πŸ˜€

    I’m making sag paneer this evening using my homemade paneer and it will go very well with the remaining veggie curry. Tomorrow’s menu is Huevos Rancheros with guacamole and spicy beans.


    Glad you enjoyed your break. It’s amazing the difference a few days away makes.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Confession time – I stayed up late last night to watch the wedding. It was a lovely, happy occasion, and I wish them well.

    Welcome back, Jo. We are having a long weekend in Kaikoura in a fortnight, to support the locals as they bring their community back to normal after the devastating earthquake of nearly two years ago, and to admire where our tax dollars have gone rebuilding the highway along the coast.

    Enjoy a hot bath, Amazon (if you have one) or a long reviving shower! Of course the ice cream couldn’t be re-frozen – not the way to treat it at all!

    We Skyped with our two children in Sydney last night. They turn 40 on Tuesday, so are spending the weekend together. And son’s wife has planned a surprize for his birthday, mustn’t spill in case anyone is listening… πŸ™‚

    Which was better Nama, your team winning or the Rev Curry making a chapel full of people feel most uncomfortable about the source of their wealth? πŸ˜‰
    Top job done by the little pageboys with THAT train.
    I wish the young couple all the best as I feel they will genuinely attempt to use their position to make this a fairer world. P

    Haha ha Purple….well it is always a good time for me when my team wins, but I did enjoy the non traditional aspects of the sermon and the whole affair! Weren’t the little ones gorgeous? I thought you were going to watch Netflix?

    Blame the Govt and our internet service Nama! It was free to air tv only last night🀨
    The little ones were amazing…an excellent example of herding kittens. πŸ˜€
    Btw, congratulations on your 40 year olds Barata. 😊
    6 deg here, but sunny. Lots of layers today. P

    Well I didn’t watch it. The weather was beautiful and I’m never in the house if I can be outside. But it was of course the only thing that happened in the world yesterday so impossible to avoid entirely!

    Morning/evening all,

    My Spanish neighbours festooned their garden with Union Jacks and had a BBQ yesterday and one of the neighbours covered the front of her house withflags which were gone by 4pm, but apart from that it was Saturday as usual here.
    I did take a look at a few outfits worn to the wedding and my interest was sparked by Serena Williams on twitter yesterday “getting ready for my friends wedding” and looking fabulous. No wonder she didn’t play the tournament in Rome πŸ˜‰

    At this time yesterday my little kitchen resembled a bomb site but by 4pm everything was back in its place and hot water on tap again.

    The weather has had a miraculous effect on the plants I bought a week or so ago and many of them are in flower already so my garden has numerous little pockets of colour.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Interestingly, I just made a lemon sauce pudding with a home grown lemon. I have been making this recipe for 47 years. We used to share it between 4. I happened to read the serving size today…it should be between 6! So that’s what I did. Back to 70s sized servings πŸ˜‰P

    I often do a calorie count of ingredients if I’m planning on trying a new recipe and this has led to me looking at what old favourites contain and reminding me of what happened when I regularly ate more than a sinlge portion 😳

    I’m about to embark on another vegetarian odyssey at home, and will eat fish when out for dinner if the veggie option is rubbish which has prompted me to use the last piece of lamb in the freezer. Todays special is marinaded lamb fillet with Jersey Royals and asparagus followed by strawberries.

    I had my mini Mexican feast yestrday which was very tasty and I’m saving the veggie curry until later in the week.
    I could live on spicy beans, egg and guacamole.

    I toasted my new boiler with some pink fizz so I’ll need to drink the remainder today or it’ll go flat……………….

    ……………………any excuse πŸ˜‰

    πŸ˜€ double post 🀣

    It would be a crime to waste pink bubbly!!
    I could live on veg, but we’d have a big marital problem πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ The soup I made today, in the pressure cooker, had a big lump of speck to placate Mr P, but it is LOADED with veg, chickpeas and lentils πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š P

    It is interesting that men of a certain age seem to be less inclined to change to a more plant based diet than women. Could it be that women are more adventurous in a culinary sense?
    Or is it just a case of old habits dying hard?
    Is it different amongst men who do a lot of cooking?

    I don’t have a single female friend who doesn’t think it’s dinner if there is no flesh on the plate but the majority of my male friends feel that way and can’t explain why they are of that opinion other than saying something along the lines of “it’s not right”
    I have one friend whose husband has over time come to enjoy the plant based meals she produces, and no longer comments on the absence of meat on his plate if she gives him a vegetarian meal. They have a huge kitchen garden and produce a large amount of lovely fresh veg so it helps that she can make something really special from the result of his labours.

    Amazon my husband can barely boil an egg..but I think I enjoy meat more than he does. He never complains if I serve only veggies so not sure about your theory!
    I bought two raspberry canes, one blueberry and some garlic to plant today. Though reading all the instructions on the blueberry re soil type, feeding, pruning and disease eradication I am not sure if I will get any fruit next summer!

    In traditional human societies, the men hunt the animals and the women gather the fruit and veg, I guess it’s a deep seated thing 😊
    Mr P can cook and used to be a vegetarian, long ago. He eats a much wider range of veg now and accepts 100gm of meat or fish, but, given the chance, he will always order meat dishes, when I usually go for the vegetarian as they are often more flavoursome. Vive la difference! P


    You made me laugh with β€˜It’s not right’! Yep, I hear that a lot too!


    There are exceptions to every rule πŸ˜€ In my experience it is also men who feel hard done to/ short changed if they don’t get dead flesh on the plate….

    I used to have conversations with my brother (who did the majority of the cooking in his household ) about the quality of “supersize” chickens he bought in order to feed his extended family and he would mention cost every time I did so. I would then point out that if he stopped cooking enough for 5 or 6 imaginary family members he could afford better quality meat but it always fell on deaf ears as did suggestions of the occasional meat free meal. I was always horrified at the amount of food that was binned. They were all terrified of eating anything past its use by/sell by date and he was the only one who would eat leftovers. With so many adults in the family there was far too much random buying which resulted in items getting lost in the back of the enormous fridge on a regular basis only to be binned at a much late date.

    My biggest issue is that I really enjoy eating good quality meat but I can no longer ignore the voice of the little eco warrior in my head telling me it’s not sustainable and that is without considering the ethics of killing animals for food which is something that never bothered me until relatively recently and I cannot explain why my feelings have changed.
    If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would feel this way I would have split my sides laughing at such a ridiculous notion.

    And before anyone points it out, eating fish in the quantities we do isn’t sustainable either but one step at a time……….

    I am so looking forward to my lamb dinner 🀣😱😡🍷

    Bararta you were not alone how good was it? I am looking forward to March next year when eldest son marries his fiancΓ©e and yes Y-fee and I watched the wedding and enjoyed the entire theatre pomp and ceremony. Purple the kids where sensational with 6 flower girls and 4 page boys crazy thoughts 😯 I tried in vain but failed in my Easter Egg hunt for 4 Grandies 3 girls and 1 boy that did not end well πŸ˜† Happy I do hope you can find some joy in the sharing of 2 young people starting a new life together in what must surely be the hottest cauldron known to man with the World watching and the world commenting on the ceremony. Best quote I could steal was ”It’s a celebration of love and the world needs that now” and β€œthe power of love” Good on you for not watching it at all….Just because there are newspapers printed daily does not mean we have to buy them and read them and then cast dispersions on the content.
    β€œI should be blissfully unaware of what people I don’t know, will never meet, and don’t care about, are wearing and doing in Windsor today.” Point taken All of us here know your views on meat and the paddock to plate journey as you see it obviously not everyone feels the same way. Which only adds to the rich tapestry and intrigue of this International forum. Low in numbers now but rich in membership πŸ˜‰ good grief let’s not ever get into those light hearted feel good subjects of religion politics or charity and overseas aid.
    Let’s get our Monday fast on.
    Eat Fast and Live Longer
    Peace RT

    For today, it is more like ‘Don’t eat, fast and live longer’? 🀣🀣 Enjoy your Monday fasts folks. P

    If there is one thing this thread has proved it’s that the Royal wedding was great entertainment for the colonies πŸ˜‰ :tongueincheek:

    I bet we don’t get a similar amount of media coverage of the honeymoon…………….

    All this talk of Monday fasts and I’m still enjoying Sunday’s wine πŸ˜†

    I have just been listening to an interview on the radio, where the ‘expert’s’ conclusion on fasting is that it has no benefit for weight loss… Another case of shouting at the speaker – or at least hitting the off switch! It’s so sad that such misinformation is being promulgated so widely.

    Fast Day here (as I sup my Monday soup) with this wonderful regime that has enabled me to lose and keep off the weight that was going to make me a pudgy old lady. No benefit indeed!!

    We in the colonies are happy that our (free) head of state continues to provide such entertainment, Amazon. Think of the choices – monarchy: Liz; republic: Trump. I’m not a dedicated royalist, but there are a lot of positives from it.

    In this household we follow the traditions, he is soooo deprived without a lump of meat on the plate, I am trying to sneak in more meatless meals, he with beer in hand, I prefer my wine – just not tonight πŸ™‚

    Love your analysis B!
    I’m dreaming of my soup as I iron πŸ˜‰
    πŸŒ½πŸ—πŸ·πŸΊ = Mr and Mrs B 🀣🀣

    We were planning our Sydney visitation on Skype the other evening, P. No way will the children allow us not to come calling. I think finding a spot to enjoy the New Year fireworks might be on the agenda too, and an opportunity to catch up with you both. Stay warm πŸ™‚

    You bet! 😊😊

    Morning All,
    I avoided wedding watching entirely, not interested in the Royals at all. I did enjoy my almost empty dance class(normally packed), empty pool, just 2 of us swimming lengths in the sunshine. I then spent the afternoon dog walking, playing bowls and evening playing bridge. Between events I did my washing and drying of holiday clothes. Perfect day.
    Today I am fasting( water only) trying to get back on losing track. I am very happy to eat Vegan now and have no plans to change that. I can resist biscuits and bread pudding now in favour of fruit(always carried in my bag at all times). Restaurant food choices are still difficult as I choose not to eat pasta or rice. There is rarely an alternative to these fillers. Side Salad is the only option usually but rarely can you get Vegetarian Salad on offer, it is usually ham, cheese or tuna chefs salad. Halloumi not standard locally.
    I do crave bread still and often want starchy food to add to Vegan Curries e.g. Popadoms or crackers. Working on that by using konjak noodles (zero calories). But I do put potato, sweet potato or squash in most curries with beans and lentils plus any veg to hand. Spicy food just hits the sweet spot for my satisfaction needs.

    My trip to Wales really gave me food for thought about exploring more of the UK. Now I am not driven so much by the need to have a ‘hot weather’ holiday. Strangely the views were similar to those seen in New Zealand, mountains, lush grass, gorgeous coastal views. Revelation! The Hotel ‘Somerset’ was excellent accommodation, good food and clean plus really great nightly entertainment. There was a quiz and 2 rounds of Bingo which was avoided by me but everyone to their own. Perfect time for a post dinner walk to the end of the pier. Then dancing until 11 PM, mostly to 60’s, 70’s music. I would be happy doing this twice per year at UK Resorts.

    Now for some bowls practise and dance class before mah Jong. Keep Well everyone!

    Morning/evening all,

    Another lovely morning 🌞

    I read an article regarding the results of research undertaken in Brazil which was presented at the European Society of Endocrinology’s annual meeting.
    The research team has come to the conclusion that “fasting based diets may impair the action of sugar-regulating hormone insulin, and lead to the increased risk of diabetes” and the research team leader suggests “This is the first study to show that despite weight loss, IF diets may actually damage the pancreas and affect insulin function in normal healthy individuals, which could lead to diabetes and serious health issues”

    The article goes on to say the researchers examined the effects of ADF on the bodyweight,free radical levels and insulin function of normal adult rates over three months.

    So a short term study on non overweight, non human subjects.

    They’ll need to try much much harder than that to convince me that eating less food less often is bad for me.

    FD today…..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Really makes you wonder which big food conglomerate funded that research!
    I think I will take my chances too! My own weight has been stable for 3 yrs and I calculate I have avoided knee replacements and type 2 diabetes at the very least. ..

    This is all I can find about the research

    This article then goes on to tell us about the research which is concerned with ADF rather than 5:2.

    Krista Varaday has done a lot of work including long term studies on ADF using human volunteers and I doubt very much she would have written a book promoting ADF as a way to lose weight and improve health if it caused the issues suggested in the research undertaken in Brazil.

    Hello Fasters
    Thanks Amazon for getting me back on the thread.
    Sorry about silence. I have been in the wars, but getting better.

    My melanoma has been removed definitively after the second go, and my ankle is well nign healed. That required more than a month of sitting with my feet up. So I am so out of form I will need months to get back a satisfactory level of fitness. I should have returned to Europe today, but am gated for 3 weeks more. It will be too late for planting the potatoes, but tomatoes will be possible.

    I have continued to fast, but it has not been easy.
    I am back now after my AWOl.

    Morning Wiwi – great to hear you are on the mend and back on the thread with us.
    It is very difficult to cope when you are confined to a chair. When my bad back was at its worst I was forced to move very little. I did embroidery and watched dvd’s but was very frustrated. Fasting was very hard too even though little energy was being used. It’s the boredom!

    Weather good here so bowls is on the Agenda every day. Hope my back doesn’t play me up as it’s County Games for the next couple of months.

    Fasting three days this week, mon, Wed and Friday. Being very good at avoiding sugar treats but temptation is presented daily. Weirdly I am stronger when out with friends than I am at home. My husband has a bad cold so he is treating himself with cakes and bread. I am doubling up on Kefir to protect myself, so far so good.

    Have a good day everyone

    Glad to hear you are back on board, in every sense of the word, Wi 😊 You’ll get back in shape, now that the problems have gone. Enjoy Wellington for a little longer…you can always buy potatoes πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰P

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