Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,951 through 4,000 (of 7,283 total)

  • So Hyacinth Bucket was correct in demanding that her milk should come from “superior cows”? πŸ˜‰
    Fast day done and dusted. Have a good one Western Hemisphere folk. P

    No Monday fast here. I’m fuelling a day of digging, forking, barrowing and running. My weight is low this morning anyway, unusual for a post-weekend weigh in, but demonstrating that for me at least an increase in physical activity will offset increased eating πŸ˜€

    Lucky you! I have spent the day gardening…the weather is lovely and caterpillars are eating everything…but mainly to avoid eating. 😁

    Morning All,
    As usual I have had a very busy time here culminating in a lovely visit from my son and his girlfriend yesterday. I decided to cook them pork chop and roast potatoes plus long stemmed brocolli and corn on the cob. Weird combo but a nice change. I too indulged in meat. It was so weird smelling it when I opened the oven. I haven’t cooked meat or a long time. I also cooked a huge VAT of Veggie Curry at the same time. The cost comparisons were extreme. The Veggie Curry cost Β£5.30 ( I bought a box of 12 veg including a butternut squash and huge sweet potato, mushrooms, peppers, onions, carrots, red potatoes, spinach, cabbage, parsnip, beef tomato and leeks for Β£3 at the veggie market- at closing time) added more tomatoes, chick peas, butter beans and spices plus water and a little almond milk. This made 14 pots of food for freezer, 4 given to my son(37 p per meal – bargain). In comparison the roast cost Β£12 for 4 people, no leftovers, lots of washing up. In conclusion tastewise, honesty! veggie curry preferable accept for the perfect roast spuds(pre boiled of course). Only problem was that I totally forgot to make gravy and none in my cupboards, just don’t use it anymore. Veg bullion a bit watery substitute.

    We ate in the garden then sat in the sun rating that my 5 year old 30 factor sun cream was working. I left the new stuff at bowls club where it has been needed all week. Game outside is heaven in good weather, even losing. Great company, nature at it’s best, green the best I have ever seen it and played it, birds in full song – happy days.

    Just booked a last minute few days in Llandudno, Wales, going next week. Change of scene and get some serious reading done on coach trip. Only 5 days – Β£200 – another bargain trip. Seaview room too.

    I haven’t touched the garden yet this year, just not feeling it! Pots looking very pitiful but something green beginning to sprout. Just too busy organising events for my Retirement club, now Events Secretary having given up being treasurer. Murder Mystery night on Sat then starting two dance classes and a walking Group in June.
    Also doing lots of bowls coaching which I really enjoy.

    Housework is on the back burner too, just a quick spruce around before visitors. Life is just too short.

    Fasting going well, avoiding sugar mostly especially sweets, ice cream and bread pudding. Not resisting every biscuit on offer but most. Weight not changing so more changes are needed. Still eating occasional slice of bread. Urge is definitely worse since mostly Vegan, I think it’s a texture thing. Still not interested in salad -just love my food hot and spicy.

    Glad everyone sound upbeat and in control. Well done all of you maintaining and losing. Thinking about my trip to Aus and NZ -bring it on. My son babysitting dogs next trip as he will be house hunting in this area. Grand children duty may come up after all, they want 4 children. Yikes!

    Keep smiling!

    I’m glad to hear you are enjoying life again Jo. Weather makes a big difference to attitude, doesn’t it?
    I too make big pots of soup and freeze. It really pays off when I don’t feel like cooking, like tonight. Instant healthy meal.
    Keep positive, everyone. P

    Hi everyone,

    I had a wonderful weekend in Devon. It was cool on Friday which made travelling easier. I arrived late morning and had a great afternoon with my friend, catching up on everything as we’ve not seen each other for 2 years. They’ve converted their garage into a bar/dining room. It has French windows that open out to give a view of the garden, and is furnished with comfy chairs and bar stools and it stays cool in the hot weather.
    They live in a very quiet village which is surrounded by farms and all you can hear is birdsong which made it all the more relaxing.

    We went shopping on Saturday where a dress jumped out in front of me and demanded to be bought so I obliged πŸ˜‰
    We had luNch in town and then spent a quiet afternoon relaxing in the garden.

    On Sunday they took me to a place called Lydford Gorge which is owned by the National Trust. There is a wonderful if slightly challenging walk which takes 2-3 hours depending on ones speed and fitness. The route goeas along one side of the river, past a waterfall and along to the narrowest part of the gorge where the river comes through a small gap in the rocks, then along the other side of the river. There are lots of slopes, steps and rocky areas to negotiate but it isn’t too demanding if one has a reasonable level of fitness.
    My friends partner grew up locally and used to play there when he was a child so knew the area very well and was full of interesting information πŸ™‚
    The scenery was stunning, the weather perfect and the workout was most welcome.
    We then went to the nearby village and had a look round the remains of the castle, paid a visit to the lovely village church and followed it up with another pub meal in a fabulous old village pub that served excellent food. I had some delicious hake with samphire and roast potatoes washed down with local ale.
    On Sunday we went to Plymouth and had a leisurely walk along the Hoe where there are fabulous views out to sea. Yet another lunch out………….

    While we were out on Saturday we went into a deli which had an interesting variety of craft gins on sale. My friend chose which one she wanted to try the most and I bought it. We came home with a bottle of blood orange gin which smells similar to Cointreau and tastes delicious especially when accompanied by angostura flavoured tonic water πŸ˜€

    The weather has been perfect, 22C days with sunshine and clear blue skies followed by cool nights.
    It’s 26C in London today and forecast to cool down to a more seasonal 17C by Thursday.

    I stopped at a farm shop on my way home and bought salad, local cheeses, milk etc so I’m stocked up for a few days of healthy eating.

    I’ll need an extra couple of FDs this week πŸ˜³πŸ€£πŸ˜‰

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    It’s always interested me how we view weight loss and then maintenance some feel the rewards for continuous weight loss is the inbuilt driver and motivation for seeing the scales always going down is easier than maintenance. Once the weight loss declines or slows and when we have have arrive at our goal destination the focus has to change. I don’t think this WOE and WOL has an end date the levers and mechanisms that delivered the weight loss in the first place with our better health outcomes that we took ownership of they just continue on with Intermittent Fasting Restricted Eating Windows and with careful food choices. Or as Purple constantly reminds us all β€œmindful eating” the amount of food that our bodies now can run on quite effectively is remarkable compared to before adopting intermittent fasting whereby we can go for long periods of time without eating and have no issues at all.
    Food for thought
    Happy Hump Day
    Peace RT.

    Thanks for the reminder Dr RT!
    I am constantly surprised by people who seem to think you can stop this WOL when you reach your healthy goal. No! It is the journey AND the destination. πŸ˜‰P


    Welcome back. Your minibreak sounds lovely! Hopefully you won’t have done too much damage on the scales.

    I had a fast day yesterday. The weekend hadn’t done any damage on the scales, buy you can’t beat a fast for pushing the reset button on portion control and carb craving.

    OH is away again next week, and I’m wondering if I’ll be able to finally try a longer fast…or whether the lure of eating only the food I want will once again prove too strong!

    Cooler here today, over 10 degrees drop from Monday 😞 The weekend was unseasonably warm so I shouldn’t really complain…

    Your trip sounds great Amazon. Recommendations for eating in Plymouth? I’m looking forward to checking out St Michael’s Mount at Penzance this trip. I’ve done the market research on Cornish pasties, what other delicacies should I check?
    I’m pleased you are all getting some goid weather at last. P

    Happy a longer fast for sure πŸ˜‰ you can do it…

    Morning All,
    What a delightful trip, travel is such a pleasure especially meeting friends and sharing the adventures of new places.

    I am very happy with the long term healthy eating and drinking changes I have made with my life even though they are ‘not’ accepted by friends. They don’t like my refusal to eat ‘normally’ e.g. meat and sugar based foods and I consume very little alcohol. These are not things I care to put in my body on a regular daily basis but as an occasional treat (possibly monthly at best)

    Yet I remain fat due to ‘obviously’ eating too much healthy food (tests have proved my health is excellent). Apart form a weak back, achy knee and nightly hip pain which fall into the category of ‘age related ailments’. I think if I was slim my life choices would be more acceptable to my friends.

    I get a minimum of two hours physical exercise per day and strive to learn new hobbies to challenge my brain thereby keeping those little grey cells functioning. My goal is still a long way from sight and until I find the will power to lessen food intake I doubt I will reach it. Most of us here agree that fasting is our way of life but it would be great to justify my decisions by reaching goal and looking and feeling great. It would be lovely not to be judged by others due to my size. They assume you lie about what you consume and do, it’s very unpleasant for an honest person who tries really hard to control food consumption and leads an active physical life, not to mention a full social life. It hurts!

    Just keeping on doing the best I can!

    Morning/evening all,

    My mini break was a really boost. I know its not long since my holiday, but it was much needed especially in light of the dead gas boiler and no hot water or CH in my flat. I’ve not heard anything yet so I’ve no idea when the replacement is due to be carried out.
    Thank goodness I have an electric shower and that warmer weather has finally arrived.

    Purple, there are many fabulous places to eat all over Cornwall.
    As for Plymouth, I’ve not eaten out in town. We always go to village pubs or to Tavistock when I stay with my friends. Plymouth is a 40 minute drive and there is so much choice nearby we don’t need to go further afield.
    On Monday we had lunch in a place on the Hoe which was rather average but everywhere was very crowded. Plymouth is a very big city and there is plenty to choose from and the best places are usually tucked away in a side street although I’m sure there are places on the Hoe that had a more interesting menu but the world and his wife were eating out on Bank Holiday Monday and most places were full so we had little choice.

    The best place to buy a pasty is in a small independent outlet rather than a chain. There is a tiny bakery in Looe which my friend maintains is the best and that is some praise considering she is from Devon! Make sure you get one that has been freshly made and you can’t go wrong.

    As for local delicacies, cream teas with Cornish clotted cream, and fish, fish, fish. When we were in Cornwall 2 years ago, we had fish/seafood for dinner every evening as there was so much freshly caught and cooked on offer. We were staying a 20 minute walk from Newquay and on the day we arrived we found a place called Seafood and Steak which looked rather unpromising from the outside but we went in as the menu looked OK and we were so tired and had such a good meal we returned later in the week
    They also had an outstanding white Rioja on their wine list.

    There are lots of fish varieties such as ling and brill which are unheard of in many places and they are really tasty as is Megrim which is a variety of sole.
    The crab is very good and a crab sandwich/salad in a pub with some local ale or a glass of vino would be an excellent option.
    We had the best crab sandwich ever in a pub in Sennen Cove, and if in season it is widley available.

    There is a big fish market in Newlyn which was once a separate village but is now at the western end of Penzance.
    We had a very nice dinner in one of the numerous fish restaurants.

    Cornish ice cream is good. There are a couple of local producers.
    There are a lot of less healthy local “delicacies” such as clotted cream fudge (eek too much sugar) and biscuits (cookies) called Cornish Fairings but I doubt you’ll feel the need to taste them.

    Oh dear, all this food on a FD πŸ˜‰

    Happy, to be honest I’m not really worried about the scales as I’m as they say in such a good place that I know I can easily get rid of any gain. I’m doing 3 days of B2B as I had originally intended to fast yesterday but I found myself liberating a lonesome freshly baked rock cake in the farm shop I stopped at. It didn’t get out of Devon in one piece πŸ˜‰

    I did my washing yesterday afternoon and it dried in minutes so I’ve an appointment with the iron this morning.

    I’m going to Kew this afternoon to see the Temperate House and Pagoda which have been refurbished/restored. The Temperate House took 5 years and the Pagoda 2 years.
    The TH is an enormous glass house with an (?) iron framework which has all been refurbished. There is a fair amount of stonework decorated with urns etc which has all been repaired and cleaned and it looks like a new building.
    The Pagoda has been restored to its original state which includes around 50 dragons which are situated on the corners of the roof of each level.
    I’ll take some photos and put them on FB.
    That should keep my mind off eating!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks Amazon. I’ll have to add your fish suggestions to my travel notes.
    We tried the pasty in Looe at your suggestion last time. I’ll stick to seago okd this time, being summer.
    My memory of the old iron and glass building at Kew was fabulous. There is a similar one at the People’s Palace in Glasgow. Well worth repairs. P

    There’s another glasshouse called the Palm House which is nearer to the main entrance and I would imagine it’ll be the next big project as it is looking very tired.

    There should be a wealth of fish and seafood available wherever you go.
    Padstow has a small fish market, and is where Rick Stein has his empire πŸ˜‰
    There is a six month waiting list for his restaurant, but the bonus is that all the other eateries have upped their game and delicious food is readily available.
    We had yet another excellent fish dinner in the pub on the other side of the harbour during our week in Cornwall.

    All this talk of fish makes me want to eat some!

    Yes. We actually avoided Rick Stein’s and ate at the pub on the wharf in Padstow. Good food.
    I’m looking forward to warm weather…it was midwinter last tome we were in Cornwall. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Another fine, warm day πŸ™‚

    I’ve been out to buy some fish, veggies and berries.
    I bought English asparagus, broad beans and some kale, plus lots more salad and some beautiful English strawberries.
    I also picked up old fashioned geraniums and petunias and a lovely fuchsia with pale pink and purple flowers.
    I’ve planted up a window box for the first time in about five years, and put the remaining plants in existing tubs at the front of the house and in the garden.
    I need some more so I’ll look out for some busy lizzies.
    My two dwarf lilacs are in full bloom and the perfume is wafting up and through the back doorway πŸ˜ƒ

    Yesterdays FD went very well considering the amount of carbs I ate during my weekend away. Keeping busy certainly helped, and we had a really nice walk in Kew. We looked round the new Temperate house which is looking good and will improve as the plants grow. It was quite quiet yesterday and good to see several groups of local schoolchildren being taken round.
    I overheard one little boy aged about 6 saying “well basically it’s just millions of plants” πŸ˜†

    I’m meeting my niece this afternoon in the park I used to play in as a child. It has recently undergone refurbishment of the old mansion and a new cafe has been opened.

    I’m fasting again today so won’t be tasting any of whatever is on sale in the cafe apart from the coffee.

    Lemon sole with asparagus and broad beans for dinner this evening.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    For Eurovision each year, our National multucultural tv station celebrates with recipes from the contestant countries. Tonight, we watched as a local chef travelled to various ethnic communities in Australia to research, and then present, a Eurovision party. As he said, you don’t have to go to Europe to experience the diversity of Europe (and other countries!) They showed us how to cook some interesting foods…pity it is a fast day. P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    A student failed in law & decided to make a deal with professor.

    Sir, do you know everything about law?

    Prof: Yes.

    Student: If you can answer this question, I will accept my final marks, if you cant, you have to give me “A” Grade.

    Professor agreed.

    Boy asked: “What is legal but not logical, logical but not legal & neither legal nor logical?”

    Prof thought about it for hours & pondered no answer.

    He had to finally give up as he really did not know.

    He gave the boy his “A” Grade.

    The following day, professor asked same question to his students.

    He was shocked when all of them raised their hands.

    He asked one student.

    He answered: Sir, you are 65, married to 28 yrs old woman, this is legal but not logical.

    Your wife, is having an affair with a 23 year old boy, this is logical but not legal.

    Your wife’s boyfriend has failed in his exam & yet you have given him an “A” Grade, This is neither logical nor legal

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the fast trackers enjoy the Day..
    Peace RT

    Thanks for the wishes RT…we had family gathering yesterday and presently on the road running away for a few days. I am sure your boys will spoil their Mum today too! Happy Mothers Day all xx

    Thanks RT. And to all our mothers and other nurturers. X
    I’ve been up since 5 watching Eurovision…no breakfast in bed here! P

    Thanks, RT, and ladies – may you be nurtured and appreciated. A lovely slow Sunday here, drizzly weather so I will hang the blind and that will Finish The Kitchen!! It’s so nice to have my office space back, too. I bought and erected a desk on Friday, so no more wobbly trestle table for the computer.

    We had the pleasure of the company of Wi and her OH for dinner last night, a very enjoyable evening πŸ™‚ . She’s still having difficulty accessing the thread, oddly.

    Morning/evening all,

    Barata, I’ve emailed JJ about Wiwi’s access issue. Hopefully it can be remedied soon.

    It’s a nice morning here after a fair amount of rain yesterday afternoon and evening.
    So nice to have warmer weather at last and I don’t mind the rain as it was much needed πŸ™‚

    I’ve done a lot of planting, weeding, feeding and watering in my little garden and at the front of the house and everything is looking good. As usual at this time of year there is too much soil on show but the petunias, pelargoniums and busy lizzies all grow fast with the aid of some sunshine and I’m hoping for a riot of colour in a couple of weeks time.

    I’ve been looking through my cookery books and have made a list of seasonal veggie recipes that I want to try over the next few weeks. Many of them are combinations of foods that we all know go well together but cooked in a slightly different way so not fancy ingredients required, just what is in season and in the store cupboard.
    I accidentally purchased whole milk yesterday so I’ve made some paneer which means there’ll be a few Indian spices on show this week too.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks, Amazon πŸ™‚

    FD and back to work tomorrow. Cheers, everyone.

    Well we had a pleasantly warm day yesterday. I was busy potting on and now have a greenhouse full of tomatoes and cucumber. Today I think I must get my pea supports in place and at least think about planting my onions. It’s been such a long cold winter I forget how late in the season it is already!

    It rained overnight here, quite heavily judging by the amount of water collected in receptacles outside. The swallows and martins are happy this morning though, plenty of wet mud for nest building and repair.

    I’m slowly building up my running stamina, now running more than walking over my 5 – 6 k routes. If only it wasn’t hilly round here…! I can’t say I’m enjoying it this year, but I know that being slim does not equal being fit, and physical exertion is key to the long and healthy life I want to have. So my plan is to run every other day and to walk at least 5k on the other days. The gardening takes care of upper body weight bearing at this time of year!

    Happy Mother’s Day to those Mums outside the UK. To those here, it’s just another day for you I’m afraid, you’re not any more special today than those of us who are childless πŸ˜€

    I would love to be able to run but my joints aren’t up to it so I’ll have to be content with my work at the gym, in the pool and my walking.

    Due to social activities I only managed one fast last week and didn’t get to the gym so this week will need to be very strict. With a fridge full of fresh seasonal English veg I’m ready for it and can spend my mornings exercising/walking to keep me busy and out of the kitchen.

    I have new neighbours in the ground floor flat so no more noisy builders, shouting, making a mess everywhere, slamming doors so hard the house shakes, or leaving muddy/dirty footprints on the hall carpet. They are so quiet I was unaware they had moved in until I was in the garden yesterday and someone came out to say hello.
    A promising start πŸ™‚


    Another lovely sunny morning here in London 🌞

    I’m fasting today and about to leave home for a morning at the gym.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning Amazon.
    We fasted yesterday, so a food day today πŸ˜‰
    Have a good one. P

    All this talk of lovely fresh spring vegetables – yum! Winter has struck today, with the wind change to southerly, single figure temperature tonight. πŸ™ Thank goodness for central heating.

    It sounds like you have the ideal neighbours, Amazon. I am sure you are just as considerate – no late-night arguments, barking dog, smashing crockery. πŸ™‚

    I used to run, too, Happy, over twenty years ago, about the same distances. Hilly terrain in Wellington! My bunions wouldn’t stand for it now.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another fine morning πŸ˜€

    2nd FD of the week today. Yesterday went well so I’m hoping today will go as smoothly.


    The new neighbours are quiet but they don’t seem keen on recycling which will have to be dealt with and as we share a communal bin I guess I’ll have to deal with it or my refuse won’t be collected.
    Nothing is perfect πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Rubbush is a huge problem in share buildings, Amazon, isn’t it? At our holiday unit, you’ll often find me almost upside down in the recycling bins pulling out non recyclables, like plastic bags, and sorting bins. I can’t believe the laziness/stupidity of people.
    It’s been a lovely sunny day here, if we kept out of the wind, but as the sun drops, so does the temperature. We went for a walking tour of discovery in the local region this afternoon. It’s wonderful the public gardens and bushland we can find hidden behind blocks of houses when we use Google maps πŸ˜‰
    Time to start preparing something warm for dinner. Have a good Wednesday everyone. P

    Hi Purple,

    Yes it is a huge problem. The problem in London is that apartment blocks have different systems to other flats and houses, plus it requires making an effort.
    It won’t be long before legislation is introduced to make it a legal requirement to abide by local authority regulations. That will hit people in the pocket and they’ll soon pay attention when they are prosecuted/fined.

    It’s very breezy here today so not an ideal day for walking but tomorrow looks much more promising.
    I’m keeping busy by doing chores and watching the tennis from Rome, which brings back happy memories as I attended the tournament in 2016 and had a fabulous time πŸ˜€

    Well lets get out Thursday fast on fast trackers 10600 steps in the bank Happy goodness gracious running for 6km wow gob smacked and mind blown go you.Currently 3 and looking forward to a top of 11 here the fire is roaching hard at my place now.
    Happy Thursday People.
    Peace RT

    Hi RT
    6 here when I woke, but 20 predicted. I always make sure I have plenty of extra layers on days like this when fasting. It is staggering how cold you get with no food. Better to put a coat, scarf and gloves on than a warm carby meal. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Happy Thursday fast folks. P

    This is a most interesting interview between our Jesse Mulligan, and Professor Felicia Jacka from Deacon University in Melbourne, where they have been doing some world-leading research on the relationship between food and mental health:
    Nothing we were not aware of, but great the message is being spread, and is supported by strong science.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious day here.

    Tale of woe and incompetence to follow,

    The boiler started leaking on April 27th. An engineer visited on April 30th. He condemned it, disconnected it and drained the water from it so it would stop leaking. A surveyor came the next day (May 1st) and gave me a boiler quote which I accepted. I’ve no hot water or CH and I’ve not heard from them. I gave them a call this morning and their excuse is the phone number they have is incorrect and they were unable to contact me.
    When the engineer attended on April 30th it was discovered that an incorrect number had been attributed to me and over the next couple of days it was changed twice and somehow…………😑 reverted back to the incorrect one.
    Apparently the company which is the biggest gas services supplier in the UK, doesn’t employ anyone who can use joined up thinking in order to send me an email or a letter 🀬
    The number has now been corrected again and apparently the error won’t reoccur….

    The best news is that the boiler will be installed on Saturday.

    I’ve done 2 FDs so far this week and am aiming for 2 more.

    Looking forward to a long hot bath on Saturday evening with a G&T on the side πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Fabulous service Amazon! 😐😐 Fingers crossed you have it on line again soon.
    Thurs fast done…SO needed to eat at the end 😢P

    I was really hungry yesterday which was the 2nd of B2B fasts but I’m fine todayand am considering making it another 500 calorie day. I’ll see how I feel in a few hours…

    The sudden cold weather here has effected our appetites 🀨

    I can understand that, and the worst thing about fasting is getting cold. I really notice the difference now the layer of blubber has diminished but I would rather be cold than obese.

    True! We freeze, but at least we are healthy πŸ˜‰

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Husband : First make it, then we’ll name it later!



    Dear Google, please do not behave like my wife ~ Please

    allow me to complete my sentence before you start

    guessing & suggesting.


    A MARRIED MAN’S PRAYER : Dear God, You gave me childhood,

    You took it away. You gave me youth, You took it away.

    You gave me a wife ~ It’s been years now, and

    I am just reminding You!!


    A man brings his best mate home for dinner


    His wife begins screaming at him and his friend just sits

    AND LISTENS IN. “My hair & make up are not done, the house

    is a mess, the dishes are not done, I’m still in my pyjamas and

    I can’t be bothered with cooking tonight !

    Why the hell did you bring him home?”

    Husband answers: “Because he’s thinking of getting married”


    Employee : Sir, You are like a lion in the office!


    Boss : I am a lion at home too, but there we have a lion tamer !!!



    As the food was served, the husband said, “The food looks


    Wife : “Honey ~ .you say a prayer before eating at home”.

    Husband : “That’s at home sweetheart ~ .here the chef

    knows how to cook.

    Best Slogan on a MAN’s T-Shirt :

    Please Do Not Disturb me. I am Married

    and I am already very Disturbed!!

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT! Coming from a married man too!
    Very funny, cant pick a favourite….

    I saw a good quote yesterday “the road to good health always crosses our dinnerplate”, I think it is pretty true. I did a water fast yesterday and have not woken up hungry…always amazes me.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, I am spending today with my favourite toddler so there will be fruit toast involved somewhere!

    Thanks RT. Mr P particularly enjoyed them πŸ˜‰
    An excellent quote Nama. Enjoy your water fast and distraction.
    Have a great weekend. P

    What a sad lot of husbands you have reported on, RT. Fortunately not all of them think like that (note to self – check with OH πŸ™‚ ). Plenty of giggles there.

    Great quote, Nama. I envy you your grandchildren time.

    Well I fasted yesterday, not day 1 of a longer water fast… but I’ve been feeling a bit stressed out this week so kept it familiar.

    Barata, I’ve got a bunion too! Courtesy of my Mum’s side of the family 😞 Mine is certainly no worse for running or long distance walking, provided I’ve got the right footwear. Actually, it’s more fashionable shoes – anything with even a slight heel or narrow across the toes – that upset it. So I don’t have an excuse not to exercise with it!

    RT. I’m not even going to comment on your funnies!

    On the subject of waste and recycling, I was in M&S this week and shocked to see women’s t-shirts on shelves, each folded and clipped round a large square of cardboard. Apparently that’s how they are delivered to store, and in this particular store at least they can’t be bothered removing the cardboard so just put them out that way. What a stupid waste of resources – one piece of cardboard and two plastic clips for every item of clothing that pssses through M&S stores?!

    Well it’s another lovely morning here, and meant to be a lovely weekend too. I could get used to this summer thing πŸ˜€

    I too have inherited bunions. I wear orthotics and usually flat laceups. I remove the lace from the first holes to give more width at the toe end. Works a treat and doesn’t limit my mobility. Being lighter was the biggest incentive to more movement πŸ˜‰
    Gorgeous day here, after a very cool night. The sun has shone and we took advantage of our wonderful harbour to combine some long strenuous walking and a ferry ride. Great to be alive. 😊P

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful morning here and the weather is set fair for the next week or two so I’m getting used to this summer thing too πŸ˜€

    I suffered from a problem called hallux rigidus, where the big toe joint grows a bony spur on the top which meant shoes that fit without causing pain are very difficult to find and eventually makes it impossible for the joint to flex which makes every step painful. I couldn’t wear most of my shoes and was in a lot of pain due to being on my feet all day every day.
    I had surgery on them, the first one in 2001 and the second in 2004. I had a new procedure done by a specialist podiatry surgeon and both surgeries were successful, done using a nerve block technique with a quick recovery and no problems since apart from a fallen arch on one foot which requires orthotics in my trainers and walking shoes. Both toes are still very flexible and there is no sign of spur regrowth.
    It was a bit of a gamble as the long term effects were unknown but it has worked out well. My balance is affected slightly due to the small sesamoid bones under the joint being removed to increase flexibility, but the only downside of that is not being able to stand on tip toes during a Pilates class which irritated the dragon of a teacher no end and just made me laugh πŸ˜†

    I didn’t fast yesterday so FD no 3 is today. I made a really nice gently spiced veggie curry using cauliflower, courgette, asparagus, peas and soya beans and I have a portion for dinner tonight. 370 calories yields a huge tasty and filling bowlful and has used up the asparagus and courgettes that have been in the fridge for a week.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Brilliant! I was just telling a friend I wanted to use cauliflower and asparagus tonight! I have zucchini, too, so you’ve inspired me Amazon 😊
    I have those problems with my toes too. Mum and my aunt had their’s unsuccessfully operated on, so I opted for orthotics and flexible toe straighteners instead. I can’t stand barefoot on hard surfaces either. Always a problem in exercise classes and yoga.
    Old crocs, aren’t we? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰P

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