Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,601 through 3,650 (of 7,283 total)

  • tanga, you paid $4800 to repair a roo? Good news for vets! πŸ˜†

    jojo, I am learning bridge. I’ve just completed lesson 6 of 8 this morning. Wishing I’d started about 3 decades ago before my brain became so addled.

    The rental car had to be repaired Thin! Poor Wi didn’t have the extra insurance. I don’t know how the ‘roo faired.
    At least this topic is keeping me out of the kitchen for a little longer. 6pm.
    Monday fast day. P

    PVE, if you need an excuse to keep away from the kitchen, please drop in to the SH thread where you’ll find a topic close to your own heart.

    Thanks Thin. Busy enough here and the Maintainers πŸ˜‰

    No problem PVE, I just thought you might like to add your twopenneth to the diabetes/fasting topic currently being discussed. There’s usually someone lurking in the background waiting to ‘pounce’ but no takers this afternoon!

    Morning/evening all.

    It’s a mild and wet morning here in London.

    Monday fast is underway.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Amazon
    22 outside, 25 in our lounge room tonight, but, because I have fasted today, I actually feel cold! πŸ™„P

    Hi everyone,

    A good FD yesterday. I’m doing ADF this week as it fits in better with my plans.

    It was beautiful when I went to the gym this morning with a clear blue sky and sunshine but it didn’t last long. It is now very overcast but the good news is that the weather is more like spring than winter πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Happy Hump Day Amazon its slowly warming up again here will be 35+ on the weekend has been a beautiful 26-28 most of this week a mid week fast is also on my radar i wish you continual success.
    Peace RT

    Hello All,
    Sad day, Steven Hawkins died at age 76.
    We are already televising tributes to him.

    All quiet here, sunshine today.

    Happy fasting

    Evening/morning everyone,

    It’s been a lovely day today with plenty of sunshine. My thoughts have turned to DIY so I’ve been out purchasing items required for sprucing up the flat.

    I fasted today and made AJs black dhal which is made with black lentils and kidney beans which I substituted with pinto beans.
    I had some for dinner with a spoonful of yoghurt and some of my homemade Indian spiced courgette pickle.
    Delicious πŸ™‚

    I’ve not given up on food free FDS, but there are some days when I know it’s not going to happen…….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Snap…I’ve cooked up a huge pot of black beans and frozen them in 120gm packs. I use onion, garlic and cloves. No comparison with tinned beans 😊
    Thursday fast here. P

    Hello all,
    Yes Jo the world has lost a brilliant mind with Stephen Hawking’s death. I cant understand how he lived so long, but lucky for science he did.

    I have had a busy week with grandaughter overnight again, what fun! My culninary efforts have mostly been salads with steak on BBQ or home frozen curries etc. However I have tried one new (to me) “dish” – Chai puddings. I am always on the lookout for some healthy substitute to satisfy my “dessert” cravings so when I was given 1kg of farm fresh strawberries I tried a pudding with chai seeds, coconut milk, crushed strawberries and rose water. Not at all sweet really but very yummy and satisfied the ever-present sweet tooth. If all the claims about chai seeds are true, I have had my fix and also added years to my life! This morning I had more for breakfast with home made grain free granola, very yum!
    Good to read you are getting some sunshine in the NH, as ours is waning. Hoping this weekends forecast 30’s are the last for a while – my garden needs rain!
    Have a good fast Purple, mine delayed til tomorrow as lunching with a friend today – though I have picked the cafe because of the amazing kale and quinoa salad they make! It IS incredibile how our tastes can change isn’t it? Your beans sound yum, good idea to freeze them.

    I like black beans and freshly cooked corn on my fish tacos, Nama. SO yummy.
    Just checked the pool…I’m looking forward to a last flush of heat to get in some more swimming.
    I had an interesting conversation re weight with a couple of fellows in a doctor’s waiting room. One of them started with “but a lot of people have hormone problems” and “I’ve got a slow metabolism now I’m old” (in his 50s)
    By the end of the conversation they were enthusiastically heading off to find out more about 5:2 and intermittent fasting. What a great outcome from a casual conversation.
    We need to spread the word, backing it up with evidence and experience, without earbashing. These two were ripe for learning about another way to health.
    Must get busy…no rest for a faster ☺☺P

    Morning All,
    I was chatting with a fellow bridge player on Tuesday night who had overheard me discussing ‘fasting’ as the healthiest option for ‘body repair’. She said ‘I agree’ I have recently done ‘the blood sugar diet’ which has prevented me from needing to start taking medicine for diabetes. Good news! Should be a recommended treatment for patients with high sugar levels. But I cannot convince my bridge crowd that chocolate biscuits are not a healthy option at our coffee break. Personally I offer olives or fresh fruit and unsalted nuts. Any other suggestions, I host bridge monthly.
    Yesterday I visited Rochester to have lunch with a relative, Dickensian Town with a magnificent Cathedral and beautiful if drunken buildings, leaning like Pisa. Not many Vegan offerings though, just chunky veg soup but the bread was good. Sun was shining which was nice too. Back to rain and fog today.
    Rock Choir, bowls match and dance lesson planned today so fasting should be a breeze.
    Thinatlast- learning bridge is a very long journey, like learning a new language, I have just scraped the surface after 18 months. I agree I should have started earlier when my memory was more efficient. I need to play 3 times per week to achieve any reasonable confidence. Same for everything I do. 3 day memory. But I enjoy the game so much and it’s a nice group of people. Not keen on the clubs yet. 7 minute games and no talking is a bit harsh for learners. Those experienced players tend to be quite competitive and not so welcoming to beginners. Sticking with private friendly groups.

    Morning/evening alL,

    I was supposed to be going out for the day but it has been postponed so I’m at home catching up on a few long overdue chores 😬

    Hi Nama, the dessert sounds good but it must be quite calorific?
    My holiday made me realise I’m missing eating fruit so I bought a pineapple and a couple of mangoes. Next time it’ll be melon and passion fruit.

    I have grown to love beans and lentils over the last couple of years and am trying a different kind every time I buy. I recently bought black (beluga) lentils and black (turtle) beans. The black dhal is very good. I’m going to add some diced veg halfway through cooking next time to make it a complete meal.
    I am looking forward to using the black beans for re-fried beans and in salads and I might attempt replicating the bean burger I had in a restaurant a couple of months ago.

    I’ve started batch cooking and freezing beans in small portions as it is convenient and cheaper than canned and as Purple inferred, so much tastier.

    I have a fabulous lentil salad recipe that I’m looking forward to using when the weather improves and I can buy British summer veg and am addicted to lentil bake which freezes really well and is so satisfying.

    Jo, most of the recipes I use are vegan, maybe you should direct some of your abundant enthusiasm into vegan home cookery. You never know where it might lead, how would a pop-up vegan cafe go down in your home town………

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Can you share your lentil bake, please Amazon?
    33 here today, 25 tomorrow, 38 on Saturday! Crazy! It did make fasting easy, though πŸ˜‰ P


    I haven’t visited Rochester, but are you sure there aren’t vegan options or do you just mean that where you went for lunch didn’t have much choice?

    Websites like TripAdvisor, HappyCow, and I’m sure others, allow you to search for e.g. vegan, vegetarian, by location.

    Perhaps next time, in advance, you could search out where to eat?


    I’ll second that request for lentil bake recipe! I have a few OH-free days next week. Bliss, no meat πŸ˜€ I tried some sausage last night (one that I used to enjoy). Nearly spat it out, the taste and texture of meat are increasingly unpleasant….

    A lot of what I cook now is vegan… I add meat for OH…and often cheese (my weakness πŸ˜€) for me. Anna Jones was a revelation – it took me quite a while to realise quite how many vegan recipes I was preparing 😊

    You might even want to go back later in the year…!

    Amazon apparently the only carbs in chai seeds are in their fibre, so not really absorbed. You only need one third of a cup of them for 4 serves, so the dessert is not really too bad. Coconut milk (not cream) was half/half with coconut water, so if eaten just with berries its not really calorific. I dont add the granola on fast days, just more fruit – raspberries are beautiful at the moment and a late variety mango I found in Aldi is beautiful.

    Happy you would not have enjoyed dinner here tonight – a big salad with a small piece of meltingly tender eye fillet. With respect, I wonder why you find meat ‘increasingly unpleasant’? I get that you have an ethical objection to it, has that evolved into an actual physical distaste? Or is it like sugar for me: the less you eat, the less you enjoy it?

    Purple we will soon be moaning how cold we are! At least you have your lovely swimming pool!


    Please provide the recipe πŸ™‚

    My lentil bake is based on an Anna Jones recipe.
    (Happy, page 208 of a modern way to eat πŸ™‚ )

    Puy lentil and sweet potato pie Serves 6

    pre heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7

    For lentil mix

    olive oil
    2 carrots roughly chopped
    2 sticks celery roughly chopped
    2 red onions peeled and chopped
    2 cloves garlic chopped
    1 tsp cumin seeds, bashed
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    1/2 tsp ground allspice
    small bunch of fresh thyme leaves picked
    400g Puy lentils
    1 x 400g tin of tomatoes

    for the mash

    5 medium sweet potatoes scrubbed
    2 tblsps olive oil
    4 spring onions finely sliced
    grated zest of 1/2 lemon

    Cook sweet potatoes in boiling salted water 15-20 minutes.

    While they are cooking, heat a heavy bottomed pan on a medium heat.You could use a shallow cast-iron or similar ovenproof pan.
    Add olive il, carrots, celery, onions and garlic and cook for 10 minutes.
    Add spces and thyme leaves and cook for another couple of minutes
    Add tomoates plus two tins of cold water and the lentils.
    Simeer for 15 minutes until the lentils have cooked and the sauce thickened. It might need topping up with a little hot water while it cooks and it will need some seasoning.

    Drain and mash cooked sweet potaotes with oilive oil, spring onions, lemon zest and seasoning.

    Put lentils in an oven dish, top with potato mix and cook for 25-30 minutes until the top is golden brown.

    I vary this by using different herbs and spices, adding fresh/dried mushrooms (use soaking liquid insted of water) and other veg to the lentils (I never use celery) and I vary the topping. Potato/celeriac/squash/parsnip/carrot/cauliflower all work. I don’t always add onion and lemon zest to the topping but I do often scatter a small amount of grated cheese over the top before baking it.

    It could easily be prepared and put into smaller dishes and some of it frozen for baking at another time and it is easy to half or double the recipe.

    I only refer to the recipe now to remind me of the amount of lentils I need!

    I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do 😊

    Happy, I’m having similar issues with some kinds of meat. I’m OK with steak or a pork chop but cannot face eating even the best quality sausages or burgers. And apart from the chicken I ate in Ecuador which was served up on the farm it was hatched in and lived on, I can no longer eat it.

    Hi Nama,

    Good question!

    I don’t object to eat eating meat per se. I’m happy with occasional meat, ethically reared and humanely killed. So I suspect it is, as you say, like weaning yourself off sugar. You lose that β€˜addiction’, and you get more discerning about the quality/taste/quantity of the product you consume in future.

    It isn’t my intention to be wholly vegetarian/ pescatarian. As Amazon has demonstrated recently, keeping that flexibility to eat meat can be essential when travelling abroad…and apparently even in this country – Jo only ever seems to find soup and bread as vegan options when she eats out…!

    I guess I’ll need to keep eating it occasionally so I don’t go off it completely!
    Amazon I hope this link opens for you, it has a follow-on link to other suggestions too. I tried the coconut lime but found it a bit tasteless.

    Hi Happy,
    I think discerning is the key!
    I weakened at Costco a few weeks ago and bought some frozen burgers – sucked in by the packaging! I could not eat them, goodness knows what was in them, much of it was not even chewable. In fact, I think I may even write to Mr Costco about them! Will stick to soap powder, paper towel and tinned tomatoes in future!
    Back to the ironing…1am here but its piled up so much and Jack will be here at 8am tomorrow to ‘help’ me in the garden!

    Thank Nama, and yes the link does open.


    I could have lived on bean soup when on holiday but I figured that the meat on my plate in areas where there wasn’t much choice was locally reared and free range and I didn’t want to be miserable at meal times. The climate in Ecuador means that there is plenty of fodder all year round for grazing animals and whenever I saw pigs they were in the fields with the other critters.
    The fish on offer especially the trout, was delicious and it reminded me that it is sold everywhere in the UK and I should buy it more often.

    I love eating meat and the less I eat the more critical I am if it isn’t up to scratch. I plan on continuing to eat oily fish regularly so I get all the nutrients I need and the bonus of not eating meat and fish every day is that I can afford to buy nothing but the best quality.

    My car battery was flat again this morning so I called out the AA. It turns out that the new battery is a dud. I drove to Kwikfit who supplied it and they replaced it immediately. Fingers crossed all will be well from now on.
    I stopped off at Waitrose on the way home which is where I was going when I discovered the car problem.
    I confess to falling foul to a pack of hot cross buns 😳

    I definitely would not consider stating a cafe, not my favourite occupation. I still batch cook for myself and love my curries. Hot Cross Buns are a real temptation, that smell!
    Yummy! Hope your car gets sorted.

    Happy- I did not choose the cafe in Rochester so was left with decision of the other people we were meeting. I do know there is another cafe ‘Quills’ that serves Vegan/vegetarian food, it was packed, no tables free we checked. The Thai also serves vegan food but it was closed. The veg soup was OK, better than the stuffed pepper and boiled veg I had on Mothers Day. I knew my decision to change my diet would not be a breeze but I am not regretting it as I feel great. As you say If I plan ahead I can get a reasonable meal. I had advocado on toast at a cafe recently which was good. Probably best to eat at home or in London, one day the restaurant business outside cities will cater for Vegan/vegetarians.

    Time to get going, dance class awaits!

    Hi Jo,

    The car problem has been sorted. I refuse to beleive I’ve got another faulty battery :fingerscrossed:

    I’m very fussy about HCBs and only buy them from Waitrose or M&S. I am very strict though and only buy them once. I used to get through several packs in the weeks leading up to Easter, but that habit has thankfully been eliminated.

    My pop-up cafe comment was not meant to be taken seriously.

    There are lots of places to live in the UK apart from London that cater for vegetarians and vegans, but it seems to depend on the ethnic origins and the average age of the local population. Most university towns have a large number of inexpensive eateries that cater for all tastes, and the majority of cities have a multicultural population AND a university so also cater for a wide range of dietary wants and needs.

    If there is a vegan food event in Rochester there must be a reasonable amount of interest in your part of the world. It might be worth paying it a visit, you might discover some local restaurants/cafes that you don’t know about.

    As for avocado on toast, I would much rather have that than some of the usual tokens offerings on menus.

    How do Thai restaurants manage to produce food without using fish sauce…….

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    To others of my generation who still do not and cannot comprehend why Facebook even exists, here’s what I’m doing to gain better understanding:
    I am trying to make new friends without using Facebook, but while applying the same principles. Every day I walk down the street and tell passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment,
    What I have done the night before, what I will do later, and with whom. I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day.
    I also listen to their conversations, then give them the “thumbs up” and tell them I like them. And it works!
    I already have four people following me: Two police officers, a private investigator, and a psychiatrist.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,

    Such a shame you’re not on fb or you could have had a look at my holiday photos including the guinea piga on the BBQ……..🀣

    You have a good weekend too πŸ˜ƒ

    My concern with many vegans (we have a few in the family) is the quantity of bread and potato they eat. Jo, the avo is great. So is the veg soup, but you really don’t need the bread. πŸ˜‘
    I eat almost no red meat any more, my diet includes seafood most days, however, last weekend I chose a large steak and salad in a chain restaurant when eating with others. To my amazment, the steak was absolutely stunning…I ate the lot! I won’t be making it a regular habit, but DID thoroughly enjoy the change πŸ™„
    Thanks for the recipes Amazon and Nama. I’ll have to keep them for a non Mr P meal. He wouldn’t eat the lentils, tomatoes or chia 😢
    You are sounding old RT. 😏P


    I keep sneaking vegetarian/ vegan dishes in. Occasionally I don’t even pander to OH by adding meat! Some OH pushes listlessly around the plate, some I think he almost enjoys …


    I haven’t done that AJ lentil bake yet. Next week methinks. I have done her cumin and mustard seed puy lentil pie. Not sure how I missed the other. Tonight I did her grilled courgette and charred chickpea thingy. Yum yum. OH had his with spiced lamb. I’m looking forward to leftovers for lunch already πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–


    You’ve inadvertently reminded me that I made my own HCB last year. They were mighty fine. I’m going to have to make some again this year!

    They’ve been in the shops since Christmas, so I hadn’t really registered how close Easter is!

    I’m scared to make my own because I know they would be better than anything I can buy…

    There are so many fab recipes in AJs books that it’s no surprise you missed the lentil pie.

    I always used to make HCBs, but daren’t now!!!!😊

    Hi Jojo, I’m relieved to learn that it’s taken you 18 months to scrape the bridge surface. That gives me hope! Just when I’d come to grips with bidding, responding and re-bidding, our instructor introduced over-bidding. Of course we knew it existed but it was easier when it was being ignored. When we finish our course, we can join a supervised beginner’s group to play where you can raise your hand for help and refer to bidding cheat sheets for as long as it takes you to feel as if you know what you’re doing – years if necessary! I agree some of the seasoned players can appear quite intimidating; those arriving as we leave look quite stern about the whole thing and I wouldn’t want to annoy them.

    As for snacks for these occasions, I spent 12 years trying in vain to convince my cryptic crossword class that we didn’t need lavish sandwiches and sweet treats for morning tea. Looking around the room, it should have been obvious. Even before 5:2, it seemed over the top to have two participants catering each week for a class of 16. If I have to contribute something for optional grazing, I start with veg. sticks, grape tomatoes and maybe a homemade hommus and build up from there as necessary. Fortunately, at our bridge club, the biscuits are supplied and look horrid so there’s no temptation at all.

    Rouge: I absolutely loved what you wrote about Facebook! I cannot stand it or its pouty-faced participants revealing the most boring details of their boring lives. I don’t understand why people don’t get that it is they who are the commodity, not FB. It’s the only major company worldwide that refuses to reveal what it does with your information and gets away with it. Your joke has made my day!

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful morning here so I’m going to Kew Gardens for some fresh air πŸ˜ƒ


    I’ve now got it into my head that I want to make HCBs………….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning,
    It’s a very cool march in Florida this year! My SIL was never in the pool and we needed to provide her with extra layers to wear. She had been many times here and was never like this.
    Someone keep saying HBC and I touthg was me 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣.
    I wonder if your HBC’s are like the ones my husband used to bake at his bakery. In Brazil we don’t have such goodies for lent. I like them too πŸ˜‹.
    All those vegetarian food sounds so delicious! What I am going to do is to buy that book and try different recipes and see if my husband your at least try. He’s is really conditioned to certain foods and that’s absolutely my fault.
    Amazon are we friends of FB? I would love to see the photos from your last trip.
    Next Friday we are heading home! I am also seeing a neurologist for that painful shoulder, upper left back, beck and headaches.
    My SIL leaves Sunday! Great opportunity to reset my Fasting mode after going out to much…also the fridge is nearly empty already.
    Enjoy the weekend πŸ₯—


    I’ve sent you a friend request on fb πŸ™‚

    Hot cross buns are made using a slightly sweetened yeasted dough and contain some dried fruit and spice.

    I hope the neurologist can work out what is causing your pain. It sounds to me like a postural problem causing pressure on the nerves in your upper spine.

    Have a good weekend πŸ˜€

    I’m sorry about that, but you did mention them first!

    I hope you get to the bottom of your problem. It sounds similar to the symptoms my Dad was getting from a damaged disc in his upper back compressing nerves. Hopefully the neurologist can diagnose and it’s something you can resolve with physiotherapy.

    Well it’s a disappointing weekend here! No sign yet of spring (and according to the met office that might not arrive until mid April at the earliest ☹️). It’s bitterly cold again, and snowing again. I think it’s going to be mostly an indoor day today….

    I’m managing to maintain my weight, despite the continuing cold and urge for comfort food.

    Sorry, Happy, but we are keeping the lovely weather on this side of the globe. Another still, sunny day for gardening today, to be followed by two ditto days before the next front appears. Love global warming… πŸ™

    Morning All,
    It’s -8 including wind chill, very windy here and snowing heavily. I cancelled my dance and swimming as I don’t have 4 wheel drive vehicle and it’s too far to walk to gym. So I am reading Ian Rankin and contemplating tidying my bedroom. It’s a mess as usual. Cooking up a curry later, not sure what yet, depends upon stocks in cupboards.

    Barata – just been chatting with my daughter in NZ, she is loving the great weather. I didn’t realise St Paddy’s Day would be such a big thing there, all her friends are celebrating it, not an Irish relative between them. I know it is celebrated widely in America. Is it the same in Australia? I am going to a dance tonight(weather permitting) but it’s not Irish themed.

    We have bought a pack of M & S HCB’s but they are on rationing, one per day, half would’ve better, very calorific, meal replacement not a treat. Possibly tea time.

    Thinatlast-Your Bridge Course sound well organised, we have never used crib sheets at Lessons but we need them. I read lots of books on the subject and learn new techniques daily. Defence tactics are a whole new chapter, actually more like a bible. We did attend a beginners group where our can ask for help, trouble was the helper was such a boffin we couldn’t understand him, he went on and on, we stopped asking.
    He loved discussing the percentages and used lots of Mnemonics. I feel I need 4 weeks to practice each convention, rebid and overbid. There are so many options.

    My Acupuncture treatment is beginning to work on my hip bursitis, knee pain and back pain so I am getting more sleep at night which is good. Tennis ball massage works too.

    RT- Love the Facebook Joke – I agree that it is used for too much for life’s trivia and often innapropriately especially concerning marital situations and family deaths. But it’s great for family celebrations and holiday snaps. Good to see happy faces, cute animals.

    Happy- you are doing well to maintain your weight in this cold snap I am doing my usual up/down scenario. At least one day per week maintains but that’s it. Don’t weigh every day but every couple. I am sure if I didn’t it would go up, definitely overdoing non fast days.

    PVE- I limit both Soughdour bread and potatoes but love them both, neither on fast day and never exceed one slice or one small potato per non fast day.

    Morning/evening all,

    The majority of supermarket HCBs contain around 200 calories which IMO is quite low in comparison to many other cakes/buns etc, but I guess it depends on ones TDEE as to whether it is a meal replacement or a treat that can be fitted in with some careful planning.
    And then there’s the butter……….

    I always used to buy HCBs from M&S but a taste test last year elevated Waitrose to favourite status.

    I don’t have enough strong flour to make any this weekend which is a blessing……

    I do not understand anyone who isn’t Irish or doesn’t have Irish relatives/friends celebrating St Patricks Day. It is meaningless to do so and for many it’s merely an excuse to drink too much.

    I was up in the wee small hours watching tennis and it wasn’t worth going back to bed once it has finished so I went out shopping just before 8am. I’ve bought some steak for dinner and salmon for tomorrow. It was just starting to snow when I went out and by the time I got home it was quite heavy. Fortunately it has stopped and it hasn’t settled. The forecast says it’ll remain cold for another couple of days but no more snow. Fingers crossed.

    I might have to take a nap soon 😴😴😴

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well we just walked home at 10:30pm.. stunning 23deg 😊 We had a fabulous Paddy’s Day celebration at the local…a grand mix of ages, a great local Irish band, Guiness pie with mash and peas and plenty of dancing, singing and hand clapping. Doesn’t get much better. P


    Glad to hear you’ve had a good evening. My opinion is based on my experience of what happens in London every year and it isn’t pretty especially if you are working in A&E.

    That’s why we stick to local Amazon. We both know all the songs, so it is a terrific night of Irish fun. P 🍻

    In my experience it’s not usually the Irish people who misbehave but the bandwagoners…….

    I’m very jealous of your 23 degrees but our time will come πŸ˜‰

    Well your time might come Amazon, but up north we’ll take anything over 15 and think it’s high summer….!

    We have horizontal sleet at present 😧

    I dont think I want snow, but it is still 27 C at midnight in Melbourne and a horrible hot North wind is blowing. Several small bushfires have broken out across the state,so I am hoping the predicted cold front coming overnight will actually come!

    It’s crazy weather. While I was out walking yesterday it was so warm in the sunshine I removed my fleece. This morning I donned a thermal vest!

    That has just reminded me that a pair of Egyptian geese in Kew Gardens have 5 of the tiniest goslings I’ve ever seen. They must be newly hatched 🐣πŸ₯🐀πŸ₯🐣

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