Oh Barata! That blonde joke was the best! (Another brunette here)
This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by fitfast 4 months ago.
Oh Happy I know that feeling too well! I just love food!
I guess we just have to remind ourselves why we fast, plus how good that food will taste tomorrow, without the extra condiment of guilt thrown in. I still sometimes only succeed with a fast by telling myself I can do ANYTHING for just one day….
I hope you made it to the end Happy. It is SO much harder when you have that freezing weather as well.
As Nama says, we can all do anything for just one day, but sometimes the urge to eat just won’t go away. 🤕
I woke on Monday, knowing I just didn’t feel like fasting. I didn’t eat until lunch, and kept it light and low, but DID have a glass of wine. Life still needs to be lived. 😁 🍷
Well it wasn’t the lowest cal fast day! It was barely above freezing all day. By 3pm, sat at the computer, the cold was spreading up my arms, and no amount of hot drinks warmed me up. I normally eat once a day on a fast day, but today I couldn’t last til evening ☹️ It’s forecast to get even colder through the week, so I’m not sure whether I’ll try again or just hold off as long as I can and eat mindfully…
Good Morning,
RT – I hope your son is better by now! That was for sure some unpleasant experience for the entire family.
Jo are you already back in action? I am
jealous … I have still that should situation and from Sunday to Monday I couldn’t sleep with a sharp pain on my back left shoulder blade. I couldn’t breathe deep it would hurt.
Happy there no heater in your home?
Be well kids 😘
Hi Jo,
I don’t know about yoga. They weren’t looking at all types of exercise for bone density, just those I mentioned.
Glad to hear you had fun, although I must admit Weston-super-Mare isn’t high on my places to (re)visit! Not even in summer!
Remind me again, why have you gone vegan? Is this permanent or an experimental period? I do eat some vegan meals, but only as part of a balanced diet 😀
Yes, we have central heating! But it’s non-renewables, and I’m not into overconsuming resources if I can help it. I have a stand-alone oil-filled radiator in my office that runs off electricity (during the day, our solar panels). Normally that’s enough when I work at home, but not when the outdoor temperature is consistently around zero. Anyway, I caved today and put the heating on this morning 😊
Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) :wink
Hi my cyber friends and thank you every one for your kindness and thoughts spending 3 weeks in the Renal ward in a major metropolitan hospital is intense, challenging and thought provoking and when the curtain is pulled around in a 4 bed ward the conversation is open 😉 and in general terms most patients are a lot older than our 25yo and facing being on a transplant waiting list other’s undergo constant dialysis some extreme times for their families. Our son returned home over the weekend and returned to work yesterday we are relieved and have contented souls the outcome was too much protein leaking from the blood into the urine Nephrotic Syndrome. We had considered a meat processing zoonotic disease perhaps given our industry Leptospirosis or heaven forbid Q Fever which we all need to be vaccinated against to work but gee whiz so grateful for the outcome he has 2 injections into his stomach a day with medication and change to diet with regular blood and urine tests for the next 3 months. Yes Happy organised chaos way more better for me 😆
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
Peace RT
RT thanks for the good news about you son. I have never heard that proteins would go into the bloodstream.
Happy I am under the impression you are always cold. I know why “skinny people are always cold”, it’s a compliment 😍
Meanwhile according to the experts February has been extremely hot! It’s nice really no complains.
Be well 🌻
I’m not always cold, but we have had a very cold couple of months, with this week the coldest. It’s -4 at the moment, forecast to be a max of -2 today, add on a bitterly cold east wind and it feels like -12!
I’m going to have a go at fasting today though, I’ve got the heating on and I need the reset on portion control and hunger.
Glad to hear your boy is OK. No one needs scares like that!
Hi Jo,
We’ve got a really solid and well sound-proofed old farmhouse, so no rattles in the night thankfully! But I’m with you on the windchill, this is rare for us up north too! I’ve had to go round to the front door from the outside to dig the snowdrift away before I open it, and I could barely stay upright in the wind. We are officially snowed in now, we’ve got drifts 2 – 3 foot deep, even OH’s 4WD can’t cope ☹️
Re: being completely vegan. Apart from loving my cheese and yoghurt, I’m a bit put off the idea by potential health ‘disbenefits’ – does it not take more careful planning to make sure you are getting a properly balanced diet? It isn’t as simple as just cutting out meat, fish and dairy (you mention you failed before due to low protein). I’d be too lazy to plan my macro and micro-nutrient consumption on a weekly/ daily basis, but I have cut down meat consumption massively so wonder if I’m getting enough protein as a flexitarian. How are you doing it differently this time?
Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
You have reached the ‘Men’s Help Line.’ My name is Don. How can I help you?
“Hi Don, I really need your advice on a serious problem. I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. You know, just the usual signs; The phone rings and when I answer, the caller hangs up. Plus, she goes out with ‘the girls’ a lot. I usually try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home but I always fall asleep Anyway, last night about midnight, I woke up and she was not home. So I hid in the garage behind my boat and waited for her. When she came home, she got out of someone’s car, buttoning her blouse, then she took her panties out of her purse and slipped them on. It was at that moment, while crouched behind the boat, that I noticed a hairline crack in the outboard motor mounting bracket. Is that something I can weld, or do I need to replace the whole bracket?”
Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
Peace RT
I think you will need to replace the bracket, RT, in case it fails at an inconvenient moment! 🙂 Good one!
To update you on my kitchen saga (renovation was to take three weeks, we are now at the end of week five!), cabinets, water and power almost completed so I was planning to move everything in this weekend. Then the fridge was delivered – to discover the cavity is too small by about 15mm! The builder had used his original plan measurements, ignoring my alterations, and not checking the specs for the model we advised him. So cabinetry and bench will need to come out, and the fridge is sitting in my office space. You can imagine how I feel! 🙁 🙁 But I will be pleasant enough when he (finally) turns up; as you say, RT, 90% is how you cope with the little things life throws at you.
Keep warm and safe, all you Europeans (am I allowed to include the Brits in this grouping now?)
Hi all,
So glad to read that your lad is recovering RT, kidneys are very precious. What a frightening experience for you all.
Hard to imagine how cold you Northern Hemisphere folk must be feeling. I have only experienced living in snow once (in Oklahoma) years ago, made me realize then why people can go crazy in those situations! Everyday life is so hard!
I wont complain about our balmy early Autumn weather – just back from a lovely lunch to celebrate 45 yrs married, how did that happen? Jo we went to Cloudehill in the Dandenongs where I took you, beautiful food and a Kookaburra watching closely from a tree for scraps.
Barata, take a deep breath, it will all be over soon and your reward will be so worth it! Very frustrating about the fridge though!
Just recovered from having 17 month grandaughter overnight – was pleased that DIL finally trusted me with her but knackered now. Husband thought it would be nice to hang a swing under the oak tree for her….she loved it and didn’t ever want to get out of it! Try spooning cereal into a moving mouth! In the end I handed her the bowl and she ladled it in with her hands! Much easier to feed them outside, the birds can eat all the mess!
Sunday and Monday we are off for a beach house stay, so looks like a Saturday Fast day for me – give me strength! I bought a huge bag of blood and bone recently, so maybe a day in the garden. Attempted this when minding four legged grandchild, but he tried to dig it up as soon as I applied it.
Have a lovely weekend all!
Wow! I am chocked with the crazy weather out in Europe. Actually today there’s a nor’easter causing trouble on the east coast. Here is nice and warm. I need to fill up the fridge to please my SIL. I might need some coolers to travel with refrigerated items.
Barata we’ve been through 2 kitchen remodels. Both had problems because the designers were not paying attention. Also it took longer than planned. I was lucky that one house we have a second little kitchen. Right now we are dealing with roofers. I think there’s price gauging because of so many damages from the last hurricane. We have to be on a so called waiting list for 6/7 months in order to have ours.
Jo thanks for asking! I took Aleeve for 3 days and now is gone. This pain is a mystery.
Happy Anniversary to de Nama’s … what a blessing. You both deserve a medal 🏅
Let’s fix that crack on the boat! No comments. Thanks RT.
Stay warm in Europe and for the ones down under enjoy your good weather.
Back to cleaning 🙊
I am totally flabbergasted at the storms and blizzard conditions you guys are having there wow wea the “Beast from the east” indeed
Happy this is crazy to read for Crikey !!!
I’ve had to go round to the front door from the outside to dig the snowdrift away before I open it, and I could barely stay upright in the wind. We are officially snowed in now, we’ve got drifts 2 – 3 foot deep, even OH’s 4WD can’t cope I hope you survive.
A big congratulations on a wonderful achievement Nama and Mr Nama 45 years is outstanding yfee and I are exactly 10 years behind you in October so we just need to keep on keeping on 😉
Jojo you have made mention of being bored and boredom in the past couple of posts I find that interesting as with all the power of the internet interwoven well here in Australia at least between research and YouTube plus Netflix the day is not long enough for me without stepping outside once I can easily be a bat in the cave with no issues at all in fact I get up at 4-15am every day and head off on my walk at 4-30am and get my 10000 + steps in the dark mostly and with Autumn here and daylight saving due to cease it will be darkness.
Good luck with your vegan adventure will you have a mixture of raw and cooked veg I wonder??
but it’s the fasting that is the critical intervention for weight loss and an extended fast say the good Dr Valter Longo 4 longevity and fasting mimicking diet of a 5 day fast for the health benefits and the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging, Fight Disease, and Optimize Weight.
“Everything will be alright in the end so if it is not alright it is not the end.” ..
Peace RT
Hi everyone,
I’m back from 32C heat into the land of snow and ice and bluddy freezing!
Oh yes and a car with a flat battery in the airport car park…….
I rang the parking company and was informed I should press the help button at the exit barrier. I did so and was informed that the staff were all really busy and it would be an hour before they could send anyone to get my car started so I got in and waited. After a couple of minutes the guy from the call centre rang me to check I had been able to make contact with the on site team via the help button. When I said that I was alone and my phone battery was very low on power he said he would try to get someone to come sooner and 3 minutes later a very nice man arrived and got the car started.
They were so helpful I shall be sending an email to their customer services to thank them.
Fortunately I knew what the weather was like (one of the bonuses of social media) and was dressed accordingly complete with thermal gloves 🙂
Ecuador was fab and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the travelogue will come later as I’m cream crackered.
RT, sorry to hear your son has been so poorly and you all had such a fright. Great that it is something that can be treated and that he is on the mend.
45 years, wow! Congratulations. Ha ha, I’ve only got another 24 years to go…
The weather has been pretty extreme, but we’ve been fortunate compared to many. Apparently it’s going to be ‘less cold’ tomorrow (think maximum of -1, but without the biting east wind it should feel like -1 rather than -12 😀).
I gave in and bought Longo’s book. I want to live a healthy life, no matter how long it is. Maybe it will be the push that finally tips me into an extended fast!
Welcome home! Glad to hear you were well prepared, but all the same..brrrr. I look forward to hearing about your travels too, you always visit such interesting places.
Morning/evening all.
I slept really well last night without waking until morning. I was up and out early and home from the supermarket by 8.45am. The shopping is all packed away and I’ve unpacked my case and done the laundry so I’m now sitting by the fire tummy full of egg and avocado on toast, drinking coffee and reading up on what’s been going on in the world while I’ve been away.
I was very lucky not to have had to wait long for assistance yesterday evening.
The car was fine this morning so it was obviously due to the weather and not lingering problems from the alternator and battery replacement carried out last month.
It is warmer today and the snow is melting. My dwarf daffodils are in bloom on the kitchen windowsill which was a cheering sight this morning. I treated myself to some lovely pale pink and white tulips this morning 🙂
I’m still a bit weary after an overnight journey and not getting much sleep on the plane but I don’t need to do anything now the shopping is done.
I ate more meat and fish on holiday than I’ve done in the last six months. Everything is free range as there is no intensive farming. I did have a couple of very good vegetarian meals one of which was a delicious quinoa risotto which I’ll be trying to replicate at some stage. I managed to stay in control food wise but did eat 3 meals on a couple of occasions. I mostly stuck to breakfast or lunch plus dinner.
Choice was limited in some places as we were in the middle of nowhere but the food was very good and varied. They do like to serve potatoes AND rice so a lot of rice went back to the kitchen untouched.
We were also served up a couple of home cooked meals, one at a farm we visited and one at a small family run cocoa plantation. Both meals were excellent and the farm meal had a huge variety of different vegtable dishes on offer, with everything including the beef and chicken, produced on the farm.
Ecuadorian food is very tasty but not heavily spiced and they serve a mean chilli sauce which varied from place to place, with all meals. They don’t serve bread with all meals which was great for me and I didn’t eat any for the first week apart from trying a small piece of rye bread because no-one at my breakfast table could work out what it was! I always joined everyone at breakfast time regardless of whether I was intending to eat. The tea was rubbish and the coffee varied but was mostly very good.
I managed to avoid snacking too for which I gave myself a big pat on the back as everyone else was doing so. The sweet snackes were apparently very sweet indeed so it wasn’t difficult to resist them but the savoury snacks were more difficult but I stuck to having a handful as a starter before dinner. I haven’t weighed myself but I don’t think I’ve gained much as my clothes fitted the same at the end of the trip as at the start.
I’m going to do my first FD on Monday and take it easy this weekend to get my body clock back to normal and acclimatise to the 30 temperature difference.
Have a good one everybody 😜
Hi everyone,
I see no-one is home again apart from me. I can talk to myself at home and would really prefer not to do so here. I may have to go in search of a more lively thread……
I spent several hours yesterday processing my photos and have whittled down 600+ to 520 😆
I didn’t realise I’d taken so many but some of my fellow travellers had taken at least twice as many 😲
I slept in this morning and was pleased to get up to a snow free zone and feel much warmer at the temperature is 10° higher than when I arrived home on Friday 😀
Have a good one everybody 😜
Amazon that time you feel like talking, in my case I am in bed still 🤣🤣🤣. Lucky you with so many threads…I can’t hardly handle this one.
About the food in Equator I have no idea what they eat there. Based on other countries in South America including mine rice and beans comes first. I do remember as a child eating rice, beans and potatos… those days of carb abundance are over. I still love rice and beans doesn’t matter how is made.
I am taking it easy and slow today 🌻
Have a good day kids 🌴🥗
Yes, they definitely love their rice and beans but corn is the mainstay of the diet. There are many different types grown and and it used fresh and dried and milled for tortillas, arepas etc. I tried to eat Ecauadorian food rather than “tourist” food and I found it very tasty and definitely filling, There are a lot of soups which are always a mystery choice if selected as it is impossible to tell what you are going to be given. One potato soup contained beans and chicken, another pork and yet another pieces of potato, onion and corn and served with slices of avocado, fried and popped corn along with the ever present salsa.
There is plenty of meat, beef, pork, chicken and occasionally goat and of course cuy (guinea pig) which is served at special occasions. I didn’t try it as I decided I would only do so if it would cause offence to refuse. It probably tastes similar to rabbit. There is also a lot of fish including trout and huge juicy prawns and on some menus I saw squid, mussels and when in season crab is available.
There was a huge variety of beans both fresh and dried including lupini beans which I’d never heard of and the largest broad (fava) beans I’ve ever seen. I ate a lot of avocado, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, mushrooms, sweet peppers, potatoes, yuca (cassava), carrots, broccholi, spinach and of course fresh corn. The vegetables were always very fresh and cooked perfectly.
The best meal I had was a Caesar salad with prawns followed by a vegetarian quinoa risotto. Had I known how gargantuan the portions were I would have opted for one course as the salad was so huge and delicious I was unable to finish the equally wonderful risotto. I ordered the salad as I hadn’t eaten since the previous evening and was very hungry but I didn’t realise it would be a huge portion of salad topped with 15 (yes really) huge prawns!
I live in a small flat and there is no way I could leave a bag unpacked as it would be in the way. I’m glad to have got everything washed and dried but there are still a few things to be put away and a pile of clean clothes waiting to be ironed but they can wait as I don’t need to wear any of them in the near future.
My kefir has been defrosted and is working away on top of the fridge and I made yoghurt overnight on Friday. Add that to my Saturday shop and I’m ready toget back into the fasting and halthy eating, not that I ate unhelathily on holiday but there was alcohol every day and very large portions. Fortunately the ice cream was too sweet but the Ecuadorian chocolate is to die for! Really good quality high cocoa content organic chocolate with some amazing flavours. I tried some chilli chocolate and it was fabulous, very smooth consistency and just the right amount of bitterness with a chilli hit at the end.
The first day I saw a four pack for $12 but decided to wait and eventually bought the same product for $9.75. I also bought a ceramic mug decorated with a llama imge and an apron made by a womes cooperaive in the farming community plus a fridge magent to commemorste my incredible train journey…………….
…………and there might be a bottle of duty free gin 😉
Talking of alcohol, the wine available was all Chilean and was excellent everywhere we went 😀
The food sounds good. And your trip demonstrates the benefit of not being a strict vegetarian/vegan. It’s interesting that you had some good chilli chocolate. We love chilli, there’s very little I don’t add it to, but I’ve been disappointed in every chilli chocolate I’ve tried in the UK.
And I’m afraid I’m with Jo…small flat or not, I get my wash bag out first, then dirty laundry, then ‘other’…over the space of a couple of days 😊
Yes, we’re thawing now, thankfully. The snow is beautiful, but getting snowed in can be trying, and as you say the ice can be lethal.
Fasting hasn’t gone at all well this week, but next week is, well, another week! And it will be warmer, yeay.
The chocolate from Ecuador is organic and most proper chocolate is vegan as it is a mixture of cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar and sunflower or soya lecithin.
When we went to the cocoa plantation we saw the difference between the organic and non organic plants. The organic plants produce fewer pods over a longer period of time.
We also made some chocolate by roasting dried seeds, peeling them and then putting them through a mincer. We used it to make hot chocolate which is made with the addition of sugar and cinnamon and is delicious.
They also like to use cinnamon in a welcome drink in many hotels which is served warm and contains alcohol made from sugar cane, cinnamon, lime, sugar and some hot water. It is customary to drink it down in one go………………
Welcome home Amazon well done on staying in the driver’s seat of your long term goals whilst away some serious halo polishing surely is a must I do not even have a passport and have zero interest in travel outside of Australia to be honest but I admire those among us who are constantly plotting planning and strategizing for the next great adventure on the way back from the one they are already on. Happy I haven’t bought Longo’s book as yet but I have watched a gazillion interviews etc. on YouTube and have been stalking the forum a little bit here does seem to have run out of puff for the minute but kay sarah sarah 😉 https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/52-and-the-longevity-diet/
Longo makes it clear in his interviews that for the regeneration and rejuvenation to take place, the body must enter a stage that only occurs after a several day water fast. Those that have water fasted for a few days know that the body really changes along about days three and four. Those that have not water fasted for a few days just think they are getting some benefit from multi-hour water fasting. Longo makes it clear that fasting for even a day or two carries with it no material benefits of the kind experienced after a five day fast.
I really like the simplistic Jason Fung Mantra of if you don’t eat you lose weight right but for us it’s the health benefits that come with an extended fast of
One of the key advantages of fasting, from a therapeutic standpoint is the lack of upper limit. What this means is that we can continue to apply fasting in an almost unlimited manner with no upper ceiling. The world record for fasting was 382 days, during which the patient suffered no ill effects.
Fasting, similarly has no ceiling, which offers much more therapeutic flexibility. In other words, if I can keep applying fasting until I see the desired effect. The dose can go up indefinitely. If you don’t eat, will you lose weight? Of course. So there is almost no question of efficacy. It is only a question of safety and compliance. So for more complicated or serious cases, we can simply increase the dose. We have unlimited power. This a fantastic explanation to fasting video by Jason Fung if cant be bothered with the whole 41.36 See from the 38m.45s marker here.
Peace RT
Hi RT,
I had decided that while I was on holiday I wanted to try foods I’d not had/seen anywhere else, enjoy my meals, have a few drinks and not get up on any morning and regret having eaten too much the night before. I thought I was expecting a lot of myself but I had no problem refusing foods readily available at home or not eating if I wasn’t hungry and my reduced appetite made it difficult to overeat.
I was amazed at the amount of food some were putting away three times a day and then remembered that I used to do the same!
I really enjoyed eating fresh fruit most days and have decided that I’m going to try to incorporate more into my diet.
I am looking forward to fasting tomorrow 🙂
Good Morning all from Port MacDonell in South Australia.
We are renting a lovely old house opposite the water for a few nights and have woken to sunshine and blue skies – so a nice long walk before breakfast and now enjoying coffee on the front verandah. I am sure this place fills up in Summer, but its very sleepy at present, seems to be fishing folk mostly. Planning to try the local seafood at lunchtime!
Amazon I dont think I could ever go a day without fresh fruit – unless its a fast day of course. We have recently had a Listeriosis scare locally, apparently caused by infected cantaloupes/rockmelons, several deaths unfortunately. So now I even need to wash these before cutting them! We have been spoilt for choice over summer with stone fruits and berries, but I love oranges all year around. I know fruit is sweet but I worry less about naturally occuring sugar and I feel the fibre must partly counteract the effects on blood glucose. I often incorporate fruit into a salad, even just a sliced pear, recently it has been a sliced fig. Pre 5:2 I would make fig jam if any figs were available and really loved eating it piled on buttered toast, but these days I am happy with just the fresh fig without all the sugar!
I am glad the snow is thawing, the film grabs on our news are pretty dramatic!
Hi everyone,
I slept in again this morning, obviously needed it although I didn’t feel particularly tired.
I had a small issue during the trip when despite paying a single room supplement I had to share a room for two nights at the Amazon jungle lodge with someone else in my group who had also paid for her own room. I received a letter from the company this morning saying they had only found out about it after the event which they were obviously none too happy about. They apologised, gave me a refund plus a voucher towards my next trip as a good will gesture. I was very impressed with their swift action and as the local agent in Ecuador also treated us to dinner in one of the nicest lodges (the prawn salad and quinoa risotto!) I feel I’ve been compensated very well. It was actually nice to share the experience of watching a troupe of squirrel monkeys swinging through the trees from our room at 6am 🙂
I am fasting today which shouldn’t be too difficult as I’ve slept half of the day away!
I used to eat a lot of fruit and I’ve gotten out of the habit of eating it. The fruit in Ecuador was always so fresh, bananas, melon, pineapple, grapes, papaya, strawberries, passion fruit, prickly pear, and various other tropical fruit that aren’t available here. There was also lots of freshly blended juice, my favourite of which was blackberry.
I don’t intend to start drinking juice but I am going to try to eat some fruit every day.
Have a good one everybody 😜
I love you work Amazon this is brilliant “I had decided that while I was on holiday I wanted to try foods I’d not had/seen anywhere else, enjoy my meals, have a few drinks and not get up on any morning and regret having eaten too much the night before.” I continuously review the main game outside of my standard 4-3 now with the emphasis on fresh food cooked well one fry pan wonders one big salad bowl compilations or one pot master pieces and really love the actual simplicity of this. Simple food cooked well. Enjoy your short getaway Nama in SA beautiful part of the world down there and not overly commercialised for tourists
“There is nothing else you can do to your body that is as powerful as fasting”
Peace RT
Thanks RT 🙂
It’s so nice to come back from a holiday and not be annoyed with myself because I’ve overindulged.
I’m almost through a food free FD which has been remarkably easy and I’m planning another tomorrow. I’m very pleased the weather has improved as I don’t think I’d have coped when it was so cold.
I was very hungry when I got back from the gym this morning so I had a FD meal today. A very low calorie stir fry.
I’m pleased that getting back into fasting has been so straightforward and I’m hoping it stays that way.
I’m reading the Longevity Diet at the moment, it’s a very interesting concept but I won’t be giving up cheese any time soon………………
I’m with you. It’s useless setting unachievable goals RT. The important thing, I think, is to aim for food free and, if as an experienced faster, your body is screaming for food, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater by dumping the fast completely. See it as a micro fast and eat something small, low carb/low gi to get you over the hump, and continue on. There is absolutely no point in being totally miserable, but also pointless to toss it all in and pig out. Moderation folks. Happy days. 😉P
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12:16 pm
26 Feb 18