Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • 23 here now Barata. The 17 was in the morning yesterday. Still very cool for early Feb…but with a bit of rain last night it is a nice respite. ☺

    Should have known you were referring to overnight low! We have hit 20 last week, made for slightly uncomfortable sleeping, back to the mid-teens now.

    The plasterers have just gone – nearly 7pm! At least it’s progress. They’re either Vietnamese or Philippine, will ask tomorrow – after 8.30am!

    Morning/evening all,


    I know how you feel. I live in a one bedroomed flat and have lived through a new kitchen with the cupboard contents etc in the lounge and microwaved meals for a week plus the new cabinets in my narrow hallway which meant a sideways shimmy to get from one room to another. A new bathroom, no flush/shower for a week 😧 and a new bedroom which involved camping out in the lounge for a month with all the bedroom contents for company…….

    It was all worth it πŸ™‚

    The weekend is here and I am very much looking forward to a brunch of scrambled eggs and a home made Indian meal of chard and potato curry and tomato dhal fresh from the freezer πŸ˜€

    It’s a bit dull and damp here but I’ve nothing planned other than watching the feast of tennis and rugby on the TV today.

    My week has gone well and I’ve lost another 2lbs so that makes 7lbs in total since 15th Jan which makes me very happy especially as the holiday trousers now fit with just under 2 weeks to go.

    I’m cautiously optimistic that now I’m back on the wagon I can stay there. I still have a few pounds to lose until I get back to my previous low but I’m on the way which is what matters 🀩

    Have a good one everybody 😜πŸ₯€πŸ’πŸŒ·

    Well done Amazon!!! ☺☺

    Hello Friends,
    I miss you guys! Every time I try to send a message is time to keep moving. I check all the messages and quick read the papers in the morning and that’s about it. Limited time online.

    Congratulations Amazon. That makes a huge difference when you start seeing results. I bet you are looking forward for that nice vacation. What is tomato Dahl.

    Jo I am sorry to hear about our pains and aches. You are one of the most energetic person I ever seen. It’s a pity to see you quiet…you’ll feel better soon.

    Purple/Barata – I read on the newspaper that NZ has the hottest season ever. Crazyyyy
    Workers here in the US are normally Mexicans or Central Americans. Right now there’s a big debate over immigration. Can hardly wait to see your new kitchen.

    RT – Thanks for the jokes. Also I am impressed with your shift going towards more veggies.

    Happy stay warm. I’ll make sure to jog a little since that doesn’t cause knee damage lol.

    Nama is busy with grandkids and Wee getting better from a cold and Wiwi also changed location from beautiful France.

    I am jealous to see you all Fasting! My head is so fuzzy, no will power, tired. Maybe are those woman’s change. I want to but nothing happens… little motivation now.
    I bought some flowers for our pots yesterday. The weather is beautiful down here. We are very fortunate to have this place where the sun is.
    The last hurricane caused big damage on our roof. The adjuster came this week and told us that it’s best to have the roof replaced. We’ll see. The insurance company never give us the right $$$.
    I’ve been walking almost everyday myself and Sasha. Soon I’ll pull the bicycle out soon.
    Time to my second coffee!
    Enjoy the weekend 😘😘😘

    Hi HCB,

    Good to hear from you πŸ™‚

    If you are having trouble fasting just try to stick to healthy options until you find the willpower/motivation.

    Dhal is a traditional Indian dish made with lentils or chick peas and this recipe uses red lentils and a can of chopped tomatoes plus spices and onions, garlic etc. It is really satisfying, filling and healthy comfort food IMO.

    I hope it will be worth it, Amazon. It is disappointing though that the bloke who’s organising it hasn’t incorporated my changes in his latest drawing. If he turns up with the wrong cabinets they will be going back! In the meantime we are doing very well with barbeques and salads, I have created a very good working kitchen in the back bedroom so everything is accessible.

    Well done on the continuing weight loss.

    Yes, hottest January in New Zealand since records began in 1908, HCB. Not sure about the statistics in Australia, though. Everyone complains! but I love the heat.

    Sunday morning, and I’ve been awake since before 5 πŸ™ Going to watch the sun come up with a cup of tea (for me, not for the sun)!

    Yes B. Australian weather records have been falling like flies! Climate change is advancing at a faster than predicted rate all over the world. See the latest reports of the ice melt in Greenland. The world needs to wake up in a hurry.

    I LOVE dahl Amazon, but Mr P is not at all keen. πŸ˜‘

    Good to hear you are walking with Sasha again HCB. Take care…you’ll get back to fasting soon. P

    Hi Purple,

    Despite cooking Indian food for many years I’ve only been making it for a couple of years.
    I rarely order it when I go out for an Indian meal either πŸ˜†

    There are so many different types to choose from and such a huge variety of recipes. I’ve recently bought some black lentils (urad dhal) as my newest cookery books have a couple of recipes that use them.

    Does Mr P not like pulses?

    He is good at rejecting whole sections of the food spectrum! He doesn’t eat tomato, but will now “suffer” pasatta. He ignores a few chickpeas in dishes, but not lentils. It’s hard, but I work around all this and have introduced many verboten foods carefully. He will now actually pick the spinach in the garden to add to meals. Previously he wouldn’t eat it.
    Little steps πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰P

    Red lentils collapse nicely into a thick sauce as they cook…………… πŸ˜‰

    There aren’t many things I don’t eat apart from celery and fennel. I’m not overly fond of bitter leaves such as radicchio and chicory but I’ll eat them if they are mixed with other salad leaves.
    I keep thinking I should give fennel another chance but I can’t bring myself to buy it πŸ˜†
    With celery it’s the texture, I don’t have a problem when it is used as a flavouring for stocks and sauces.

    I’ll take all the hints you can provide, P, for getting veggies into OH. I think he has a very sensitive palate for bitter vegetables. I can put spinach and rainbow chard (silverbeet) into salads and one-dish meals, but he won’t eat them on their own. My next step, I think, will be to prepare a cauliflower in such a way that he doesn’t know what it is. But the risk is having the meal rejected. When he was first introduced to cole slaw he couldn’t believe that the dreaded cabbage made up a big part of it, so there is precedent πŸ™‚ Unfortunately 5:2 isn’t working. I know he is insulin resistant, but so was your OH when he had diabetes II. Did he ever have his fasting insulin tested? I would like OH to get this done, so at the very least we have a benchmark.

    Is your OH a bit allergic to the nightshade veggies, P? My niece, and her mother, get a reaction from them and have to exclude tomatoes, peppers, potatoes etc from their diet.

    I love lentils and pulses, but that’s another range that OH doesn’t like. It’s b…..y hard work! They do get hidden in soups and casseroles, of course πŸ™‚ . And I have just planted winter’s celery (and had to re-plant a few – next door’s cat uses our lovely garden soil.


    Is 5:2 really not working or is it lack of compliance?

    I like cole slaw made with raw brussel sprouts πŸ™‚

    He’s doing 5:2 religiously, Amazon. But he won’t give up artificial sweeteners, and will not drink water!! It worked initially, but over the last year or so he’s put almost all of it back on.

    I sometimes sneak a bit of chard/silverbeet into my cole slaw – will do so today (shhhhhh)

    Whoever is awake or up 😜
    Amazon I had a recipe for dahl but looks like there are many variations. The one I had was some sort of tiny yellow lentils mixed with rice. Yours sounds more fun.
    Purple and Barata my husband looks gorgeous and skinny. He doesn’t care for beans, legumes or pulses. Foods can’t me mixed all together. All has to be separated going for salad or veggies. Very boring…I always cook the same thing.
    I like to try different foods. Vegetables and legumes can always gives us so much flexibility.
    My flower pots came out so nice. I’ll give you their names tomorrow …lots of geraniums 😍

    Hello RT and girls
    It was great to see Barata the other day, though I thought Spicy Chai was a herbal tea, not a milk based drink, which didn’t do great things for my fast day. It’s good to swap our experiences face to face.
    I have been disoriented since arriving in NZ, so a lurker and a semi-shirker.

    Today I got the whole spectrum of vege at the market, so happy to start a week of reasonable fasting again.
    Barata, in France silver beet is never cooked with white and green at the same time. There are a lovely way to prepare this vege. Cream, white of silverbeet, a little flour to thicken it(could be chickpea or any alternative), and yum, like a cauliflour cheese. Not low calorie, but low GI.French sauces are not a bath either, but enough to change the way I remember silverbeet.
    So back to back 400 cal days, today and tomorrow, then a week of ADF.
    I am sewing dresses for my two young French friends, but finding I am out of sewing practice. NZ radio is marvellous and makes sewing a pleasure.
    My poor ankle is not healing quickly (3 months now) and Barata thinks I might be insulin resistant too. My blood sugar is relatively low, so I could be like Barata’s OH. Walking is fine, but I wake up every morning at 4am with the pain. I have been using manuka honey, but the split ankle saps the energy.
    Back to the sewing.
    xx Wiwi

    Morning Wiwi,
    My friend had the same problem as you caused by wearing shoes that caused a bad blister on one heal. It went from bad to worse and refused to heal, it took months, she had to wear slippers only and rest it constantly. It really got her down. I will ask her what finally contributed to the healing and let you know. I know she couldn’t play bowls all last season. Seems crazy doesn’t it, minor injuries with major results.

    I am sewing everyday at the moment but having a problem with my machine, it keeps breaking the cotton so I have to re thread every few minutes. I have done all the adjustments and changed cottons too and below but cannot figure out what the problem is, arrghh. So much easier to hand sew but very time consuming. But my first quilt (cot size) is almost complete and I have finished two small hand embroidered table cloths this year, one cross stitch and one satin stitch.

    My back is also slow healing, rough day yesterday and last night. Very little sleep and hunger did not help. Breaking my long fast tonight with some porridge make with almond milk and fruit. Still planning on keeping food intake minimum this month. Hopefully I might get some more sleep tonight. Swimming late afternoon should help.

    HCB – I sympathise with your hubby, I too like lots of separate flavours on at plate but I am also keen on trying new foods especially spicy ones. Vegan diet has its challenges as so few proteins compared to dairy, fish or meat diet. Still researching recipes. Made lots of veg soup adding beans and lentils. Also made a huge portion of leek and potato soup, a firm favourite. Cooking on water fast days not recommended though, torture.

    Amazon – almond milk or coconut mild did not ferment with milk Kefir Grains even when left over 24 hours.

    Barrata in my experience men lose weight very quickly by just giving up beer and fry ups. Has he tried that? My OH is losing weight at the moment by eating just once per day but every day. He has whatever he wants at that meal but not fried food. He isn’t drinking much alcohol either, living on tea and coffee(with milk) no sweetener. He also indulges his chocolate habit with a penguin bar daily. His knee is still a problem so exercise limited.
    My daughter is running 13 K now, ready for the Charity Run, one knee playing up but not worsening. Not long now!

    Amazon – Well done on the extra 2 lbs, you must be feeling really 😊

    Have a good week everyone!


    I had a very enjoyable eating day yesterday but may have gone slightly over TDEE after finding the last two mince pies in the freezer and deciding to cook and eat them…
    Today will be somewhere between TDEE and a FD to compensate then tomorrow it’s back to fasting.
    My fridge is looking rather bare so nothing to nibble on which is a very good thing although I might not think so next time I’m standing at the fridge door searching for a small miracle………

    Barata, for your husband to be gaining weight he must be eating too much of the wrong foods on non FDs. What does he eat when he’s at work?


    I didn’t mention almond milk, I said coconut, rice or soy which I discovered on the internet in 30 seconds. You need to do some research on how to make kefir with non dairy milk. Try one of the kefir grain company websites. And if my memory serves me correctly, it took my new grains several days to produce anything at all and several weeks until they were producing decent kefir every 24 hours.
    Patience and attention to detail……..

    Don’t be in too much of a rush to get back to exercise once your back stops hurting. Absence of pain does not mean it is fully healed. I speak from experience and know that taking a little more time than you would like in order for it to recover as much as a permanently damaged back can, will be better for your fitness in the long term. Once you start exercising take it slow and steady and increase gradually or you’ll be laid up in pain again before you know it.

    Hi Wiwi,

    Sorry to hear your ankle is still an issue. Have you seen a doctor? It might be an idea to do so.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Your OH is not indulging his chocolate habit with a penguin bar. At 60% carbs (40% sugar, including glucose-fructose syrup) and 27% fats (butter oil, vegetable fat, vegetable oil), I’d say he was indulging his sugar/fat habit. Yum. Not.

    Sorry to hear about everyone’s aches, pains, etc. Heal quickly.

    another great result for you. Careful or those holiday trews will be too big πŸ˜€


    The holiday trousers could do with a bit more wriggle room and I’m hoping to give them another 3-4lbs which is doable if I can stay on track until my trip.

    I have to say I’m so relieved that I’ve finally got back into losing weight. Giving up food on FDs has made a huge difference. Not waking the hunger dragon and not feeling so hungry on non FDs have really helped.

    Long may it continue πŸ™‚

    I expected to be ravenous this morning after a day of eating but I’m not which is an excellent sign considering I ate bread and mince pies AND there might have been some alcohol involved……. 🀐

    I agree regarding the penguin bars.

    I read a BBC article the other day where a dietician stated that items such as fizzy drinks and doughnuts should not be termed food (hallelujah), followed by another article yesterday about the fact that 45% of the food consumed in the UK is highly processed which to put it bluntly means not really food at all as so much of the content is artificially produced.
    Having said that the latest figures were from 2008 and I would guess that it has changed since then. I would like to think things have improved but I doubt itas those with less cash to spend on food opt for the cheapest which is often the least healthy.

    The article also included a breakdown of the contents of a well known brand cake slice and the first (largest %age) ingredient was sugar. It also had at least 2 other types of sugar plus palm oil and several additives to improve texture, appearance and keeping properties.

    I don’t even want to try to imagine what it tastes like……….

    I read with horror what people these days think of as β€˜food’. No wonder that waistlines and health are in such a shocking state.
    We eat very little processed food, let alone β€˜highly processed’. Several people express surprise that I would cook from scratch, when I could save time and buy cheap industrially produced sh1t instead (obviously that’s not how they describe it πŸ˜€). Umm, because I care about what I put in my mouth, my body’s not a dumping ground for synthetic chemicals and additives, and I want to eat nutritious healthy food, and I’d rather the Indonesian rain forest wasn’t completely destroyed (at the expense of biodiversity and indigenous peoples) to produce palm oil…

    I’m a big fan of dhal too. My β€˜go to’ is a fairly simple Indian tarka dhal of moong dhal (lentils) cooked, then stirred through with fried cumin seeds and peppercorns, chopped onion and garlic turmeric and butter. Very simple, but tasty.

    Unfortunately it’s not just Indonesian rainforest 😒

    I’ve seen palm oil plantations in the majority of my holiday destinations.

    It horrifies me to think that not only do adults eat such cr*p but they give it to their children.
    Even more horrifying is that the “food” industry are allowed to produce such rubbish and sell it as food when there is little nourishment in any of it.

    AJs dhal with sweet potato in …..Eat is good if calorific as it contains a can of coconut milk, and the dhal I’ve been talking about and eating this weekend is from HFWs Much More Veg which has a fried red onion and seed tarka.

    I’m thinking about experimenting by using spices and herbs associated with cuisines other than Indian. The possibilities are endless.

    Scratch is the main ingredient in all my cooking too, Happy. At this stage I don’t make my own mayo, but there are very few reasons for me to venture into the centre aisles at the supermarket πŸ™‚

    Amazon, OH does not eat wisely on non-FDs, but there have been no changes in this since he started on this woe. It seems to indicate that without 5:2 his weight would have ballooned, and he recognises the benefit of it. He has just been to the lab to have blood drawn for an insulin test. It will be interesting to see what his fasting baseline level is. This is not a test that can be ordered through the health system here, we had to pay for it, but I think it’s the next step to his realising that something must change. Better eating (and drinking!) on non-FDs, and longer fasts, will have to be faced if he wants to lose weight and improve his long-term health prospects.

    Yes, I am home on a Monday πŸ™‚ I have decided to have an unauthorised day off, with tomorrow being a holiday.

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Amazon my main weapon has indeed been zero calorie fast days plain and simple in the beginning it was all about the 600 cal allowance for men or 300 over 2 meals then save them all up for dinner just like use moderation or eat normally we seem to undo all our good work and get disillusioned frustrated with the scales so it is this mantra upfront and personal for me..
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT.

    Morning All,
    Amazon- Yes I did read all the advice and am persisting with coconut milk, now in its 5 th day, no improvement yet. I suspect I may need to buy new grains. I am using commercial coconut milk product, it may not be pure enough. I will keep experimenting. Meanwhile I may need to have a dairy back up. At least it will be the only dairy I am eating these days. My dogs enjoyed finishing up fish dishes from my freezer.
    We have snow and sleet just started here, not good walking weather.
    My back is still aching and very uncomfortable at night but movement is much better. Still not bowling or dancing, just a short walk or swim daily. Feeling pretty low, missing my normal lifestyle. Following Doctors orders and Physio exercises. I will certainly go back to exercise in a controlled way.

    Off to a talk this morning ‘Blue Music’ then a 2 hour quilting class. Tonight I have my first rehearsal for Murder Mystery Evening. I get to meet my stage husband, I hope he is good looking? We start off as a happily married couple but it develops into us both suspected of having affairs then asking for a divorce. Not sure if either of us are ‘the murderer’ but at least I know I am not the ‘victim’. Should be light hearted fun.

    I agree that cooking from scratch is the way to go even though I don’t really enjoy cooking much. When at a supermarket I try to observe how much fresh food people put in their trolley, on the whole it is very little if any.

    My hubby says he is only happy if he has chocolate as an evening treat. I can only tell him what rubbish he is eating and long term health risks but he has never been obese. His dad lived on rubbish diet to 90 years old only suffering ill health his last 5 years. OH is very good at fasting and only eats one meal in the evening. He has done this for years although I think he snacked on chocolate and biscuits when working. He does like milk in his numerous teas and coffees though. He is quite good at control, never really ‘pigs out’ one snack per day not a whole packet.

    I have introduced some wholemeal bread with my soup as my Vegan Diet is far fewer calories than dairy. No butter of course. Might start making some low sugar breads again. I am limiting bread to one thin slice per day. Bought 2 Vegan cook books yesterday so now it’s time to experiment. At least I have time to cook at the moment. Lentil curry tonight probably with zero noodles.

    RT- what eating plan are you doing next?

    Have a good week everyone

    Pain killers effecting fluid retention so scales not showing any good results at present.

    Hi everyone,


    Why don’t you try soy or oat milk?

    Just back from a medication review with my GP followed by a trip to the gym.

    When the nurse took blood samples last week she informed me that they were going to check liver function but didn’t mention they were testing kidney function and for diabetes and I’m not impressed that I wasn’t informed at the time.

    My Dr was slightly concerned that my BP is on the low side so I’m going to check it every day for a while as it might be necessary to decrease my medication which would make me very happy.

    Apparently my LDL is a little high but nothing to be concerned about. She is very pro statins and strongly believes that the benefits far outweigh any risk. I said that I wasn’t so sure about that but I would continue to take them due to family history and the fact that my levels are so high without medication.

    She asked about exercise and was suitably impressed with my efforts and emphasised how important cardio vascular exercise is for everyone who is capable of doing so, and we had a chat about diet. I doubt that many of her patients eat as healthy a diet as I do…………..

    I was impressed with how thorough she was πŸ™‚

    I enjoyed the gym and shall endeavour to get out of bed early enough to go tomorrow and be back in time for a lunchtime appointment. It is getting easier as the amount of daylight increases.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Jo, before you go back to full-grained wheat, you may want to re-think wheat entirely: Wheat germ agglutinin in particular would appear to be to be avoided. All those societies that strip the grain of the bran/covering (think white rice, white bread) had the right idea. Even our nearer well-to-do ancestors consider brown bread to be for the lower classes. They suffered less intestinally from the white form.

    Lectins are proteins that are the defences plants developed to deter predators, and so can be toxic to us. One form of genetic modification increases lectins to enhance the viability of the crops against insects, making them more toxic to us, and more detrimental to our health.

    To remove lectins from our diet:

    We have no idea what the change of diet has been doing to our systems since our ancestors started growing crops and domesticating animals, but there is a wealth of wonderful reading out there.

    My son cured his sinisitis by removing all grains from his diet.
    I know I gain weight and feel much hungrier if I include grains too often.
    But, gee they taste good!πŸ˜‰

    Mr P is not alleric, per se,Barata, but a son and grandson also won’t eat tomatoes, so he claims it is inherent 😁😁
    I introduced him to cabbage with Bayleaf’s apple slaw (I served it to you and your OH here). He now eats it at most meals. P

    Hi all,
    My son and his little family have finally moved out, so a bit more ‘me’ time to linger over the morning coffee!
    Phew Barata, that is a long/heavy read.. Like others, I need to avoid bread as I find it difficult to stop at one slice, never mind the lectins! Recently we discovered a bakery that grinds their own wheat. They buy their wheat from an organic farm that the CSIRO maintains has ‘healthy’ soil – ie no years of spraying that degrades the microorganisms in the soil. Interestingly, their beautiful sourdough, which is probably closer to the home-made version that Purple makes, does not give me the indigestion that other ones do.
    It was so much fun having a toddler in the house, I keep finding toys in funny places such as under the dirty washing! But back to fasting and focusing today! I braved the scales this morning and was very happy and relieved to find that I had not gained at all in three weeks of no fasts and many more treats than usual – must finally be automatically regulating what I eat. I was convinced at least a couple of kilos would have crept on and couldn’t understand why the trousers were not feeling tight – what a relief!!

    I think you’ll find it is the attending to a toddler’s needs, Nama: never sitting still, always alert and busy feeding, entertaining, dressing them. I can skip fasts when with the grandies, but slip up once “normality ” returns.
    Enjoy your “me” time (the great benefit of grandkidsπŸ˜‰) and your return to fasting. P

    I think you are right Purple! However, there seemed to be a lot of shared crusts of raisin bread and spoons of yoghurt – lucky her parents mostly insist on healthy food!

    I know what you mean 😁🍨🍦🍰☺

    Morning/evening all.

    It’s a dry and bright morning but the forecast tells me we will get a maximum 3Β°C today.

    FD went well yesterday and I’m fasting again today.

    Mercola has written about the increase in coeliac disease due to the use of glyphosphate on wheat crops. He also says it damages gut flora.

    Organic wheat isn’t genetically modified.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning All,
    Weather calmer today and hopefully warmer, bitterly cold with snow yesterday but it did not settle.
    My new Retirement Group had its second meeting yesterday. Numbers reached 110, so I think we can consider it a success. We had a talk about stringed instruments with a musician demonstrating each one. He had about 12 guitars, banjo’s and mandolins. He has his own Folk Group, Missouri Gutts(on utube) impressive acoustics, loved it especially when he played rock and blues numbers.
    Barata – that gluten link would not open, just froze but I promise I will investigate issues.
    Quiet day planned today, a little walking and swimming. the Vet has Tilly’s walk to 20 mins because of her arthritis so I will need to do two walks per day now so other dog gets enough exercise.
    Not fasting today as planning to cook some curries for the freezer, temptation too great with those smells. Sweet potato, chickpea and spinach are a winning combo.
    Fasting tomorrow.
    Better day with my back yesterday except in cinema, saw the film ‘Downsizing’. I didn’t see it again but it wansnt all bad, excellent female lead, American Actress with Vietnamese parentage(remember ‘boat people’ immigrants). Film was a box office flop and I didn’t have real expectations but actually quite enjoyed it. Matt Damon was lead. Interesting view on ‘smaller size being less impact on the planets resources’ reaction from the big people, derision and anger.
    Have a good day everyone fasting or eating sensibly.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another very cold but bright day.

    Jo, I ploughed through the article (very lengthy but interesting) that Barata posted a link for.
    The conclusion I came to is steer clear of genetically modified grain/grain products ie eat/buy organic. Organic bread and grains etc are easily available and if there is anything you can’t find in your local shops there is a Canterbury based company who I order from regularly

    I’m off to the cinema this afternoon to see Phantom Thread πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning, Evening
    Is nice and warm so far here for us. Sometimes on February we could have some cold days. I do have pictures from Valentines days wearing a sweater.
    I did Fast Monday, Fasting today and Friday. Actually I behaved pretty good yesterday. I still trying to figure it out why I can’t be consistent. I made some soup with a little barley yesterday and that might be my dinner. I made extra broth in case there’s some headache.
    The bread ester here is my husband. Unfortunately a good loaf of bread isn’t part of the American’s diet. However there’s a german bakery here with acceptable sourdough bread. I bought and put it in the freezer. I tried to make Purple’s starter but I fail. The Swiss bakers I know always complain about the flour and the water from here.
    Last night I saw The Post. That movie draw’s an exact paralal with our actual president’s atitude. Ridiculous. I only want to see one more next week and I take hubby with me, Tge darkest hour.
    I am glad to hear you could kept your maintenance while you had the little granddaughter there.
    Happy Fasting πŸ‘
    Off with Sasha for a walk before it gets to warm for her.

    Hi HCB
    I’m also doing Mon Weds Fri this week. 2 down already. It really is easier to fast if done frequently 😊
    Re the sourdough starter: did you use filtered water? Chlorine will kill it. I’ve had the same starter for years. He is often ignored, in a lidded container in the fridge, but bounces back with a day or 2 of attention.
    When making a starter originally, use a little pineapple juice from tinned pinapple to kick it off.
    Enjoy your walk. P 😊

    Well I haven’t managed to fast yet this week. It’s been too blummin cold (not helped by our central heating having a hissy fit this week ☹️). It was -6 this morning. Cold enough that I actually managed to freeze my fingers to a metal door! I’m hopeful for tomorrow – rain and +6 forecast!

    Go on P, tell me what it’s like in the Southern Hemisphere! A girl can dream….

    I wouldn’t dare AmazonπŸ˜‰
    I imagine at those temps you don’t need to fast. You’ll be burning plenty just surviving! Good luck. 😊P

    Did someone take my name in vain…………. πŸ˜‰

    The second Fast of this week went well! I am so proud of myself to overcome numerous temptations so far. Tonight we are invited to my stepdaughter’s and for sure there’s something like heavy mashed potato there to screwup my plans. I was thinking to make some cauliflower rice and take it along with us.
    Purple I am sure I saved that starter recipe somewhere. BTW our oven it’s been out of order. The tecnitian come today. In Florida there quite a lot power surges during the hurricane season which is just a matter of time when something gets damaged.
    Off to my walk now and get busy and moving.
    Have a good day my friends 🌴

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Childhood Sweethearts

    An elderly couple who were childhood sweethearts had married & settled down in their old neighborhood.
    To celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary they walk down to their old school. There, they hold hands as they find the desk they shared & where he had carved “I love you, Sally”.
    On their way back home, a bag of money falls out of an armoured car practically at their feet. She quickly picks it up, & they don’t know what to do with it so they take it home. There, she counts the money, & its fifty-thousand dollars.
    The husband says: “We’ve got to give it back”.
    She says, “Finders keepers” & puts the money back in the bag & hides it up in their attic.
    The next day, two policemen are going from door-to-door in the neighbourhood looking for the money show up at their home.
    One knocks on the door & says: “Pardon me, but did either of you find any money that fell out of an armoured car yesterday?”
    She says: “No”..
    The husband says: “She’s lying. She hid it up in the attic.”
    She says: “Don’t believe him, he’s getting senile.”

    But the policemen sit the man down & begin to question him.
    One says: “Tell us the story from the beginning.”
    The old man says: “Well, when Sally & I were walking home from school yesterday …”
    At this, the policeman looks at his partner & says: “We’re outta here …”

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    Peace RT

    This sweet couple now have extra dough to go on a beautiful honeymoon celebration 🀣
    On my historical third Fast this week. Of course to me only counts as historically if this person behaves for one month at least.
    Last night at daughter in law’s house I ate mashed potato w/o gravy. That meal was really tΓ΄ keep me alive… loaded with veggies as well.
    Small soup is the dinner πŸ‘
    Hope everyone is well.

    Morning/evening all,

    I’ve had a busy and very pleasant few days which have involved a lot of socialising so I’m fasting today and tomorrow and hoping that another couple of pounds will have gone by Monday.

    It has been bitterly cold this week but feels slightly warmer today. I am so looking forward to some sunshine and warmer temperatures πŸ˜€

    I’m also looking forwar to another weekend of (hopefully) exciting sport. Tennis, winter olympics and of course rugby πŸˆπŸŽΎπŸ‚β›Έ πŸ₯‡

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well as a Welsh supporter, I’m looking forward to the rugby…with trepidation…

    And I’m certainly not fasting today, I can’t watch England v Wales without a wee something to settle my nerves 😊

    Hello all from a glorious 21C day in Melbourne….. the Sydney like humidity of the past few weeks seems to have left thank goodness.
    I was the lucky recipient of a box of “fresh from the farm” red capsicums last friday, so have spent a productive morning stuffing many of them Greek style and they are currently roasting…yummy dinner tonight and lots to freeze. The last batch of coleslaw also heavily loaded with same!
    Fur grandchild here now for a fortnight while his parents visit Singapore and Vietnam…Jack is usually pretty mellow but I didnt appreciate being woken at 4am with loud barking (possum outside my window I think)….he was told in no uncertain terms he would have to sleep in the laundry if he tried that again!
    Fasting today, feels like a normal Monday. Two slices of sourdough fruit toast yesterday needs to be counteracted!
    Hope you are enjoying the Winter Olympics Amazon…your holiday must be getting very close? Hopefully the trousers of truth are getting looser!
    Happy your weather reports sound horrific … our turn will come but our Winter seems a mere inconvenience compared to yours!


    Good luck with convincing Jack not to bark at strange noises in the night!

    I’m hoping to fast today too, although it’s another cold day here, and I’ve already worked up an appetite clearing snow round the hen house. Only 6cm, but enough that some of them think they’re snowed in!

    The snow hasn’t been deep enough to cause too much disruption, just inconvenient, as it tends to last a few days then melt rather than building up to the roof tops, but the ice can be a nightmare.

    I’m definitely ready for spring…no sign of it on the horizon yet though, we’re forecast it staying cold into March ☹️

    “Only 6cm of snow”, Happy? I can’t imagine how the chooks cope! πŸ˜‘
    Poor Jack, Nama. Possums running around ourside “Grandma’s” window? How brave of him. You are SO lucky he is alert 😊😊
    I continue with ADF at present. It was strange not fasting on a Monday..I’m so used to it! Yesterday and tomorrow instead. Easy enough in this mild climate. Good luck with your fast Happy. P

    Morning All,
    I have been very busy making 2 vats of vegan curry dishes(definitely exceed my 10 per day with these)only missing the kitchen sink. Well I was defrosting the freezer of unused Christmas food.
    Yesterday I went out for a vegan breakfast, albeit 3 PM. This is my first and probably last experience of vegan sausages BLAND! But the roast veg, mushrooms and sourdough bread was good. This was supposed to be a vegan meal but it was served with butter. I asked for alternative, not available! So I spread the veg on it, yummy.
    I have tried two types of Vegan cheese, one mild, one strong – pretty good with an apple and the Vegan Chocolate was delicious. I bought this chocolate for my OH and he loved it too, no more penguins hopefully.
    Last session of my Blues Course today, it’s been an education.
    Sun is shining here today, blessing, we have been having pretty miserable time with strong winds, non stop rain, hail and even snow(luckily it hasn’t settled)m ground frost is lasting into afternoons though, slippery underfoot. I am being very careful as my back is beginning to be less of an issue.
    Hi Amazon-I now have 2 Kefir’s on the go, one full cream and one coconut, but latter is still not doing well. Not even sure I like sweet Kefir so I will try soya next. Never heard of oat milk, I will research it.
    Have a good week everyone, fasting Tuesday and Thursday this week.

    Morning/evening all,


    Oat milk has been readily available for decades, long before all the nut milks appeared. It usually goes under the brand name oatly and has similar calories per measure to semi skimmed milk. I buy it from the supermarket or my local wholefood shop.
    I find it acceptable in coffee but not in tea. I’ve not tried soy milk yet but will do so after my holiday as I’m in search for the most acceptable alternative to cows milk in hot beverages. I also want to switch to one of the alternatives for making kefir as consuming so much dairy has resulted in recurrent bouts of catarrh and over active sinuses which I’m rather tired of. My aim is to use milk for yoghurt making and in some of my teas and coffees and alternatives for everything else. I already use almond milk for Bircher and in pancakes, baking, sauces and custards.

    My fasting weekend disappeared out of the window due to an unusually busy social time with last minute invitations that I didn’t want to turn down.
    I’m fasting today, out for tapas tomorrow evening and back to fasting W and Th.
    I’m undecided as to whether to fast during my journey on Friday. I’m travelling with KLM who apparently have excellent food and in flight service so I’m tempted to try what’s on offer. I might just stick to tea, coffee and water and break my fast with dinner in Quito πŸ™‚

    The fridge is bare, no veg, no eggs, no cheese, just half a lemon and a few leftover Christmas olives. No bread or instant food in the freezer either. The only item available in abundance is kefir. I have enough to last all week so the grains have gone into the freezer in a milk bath.

    I’ve spent this morning checking out the holiday wardrobe. Everything I want to take fits and I’ve checked hems, seams, buttons and zips, polished sandals, washed laces etc. I’m leaving the ironing until after the final cull……..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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