Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,101 through 3,150 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning/evening all

    Hi Happy,

    It depends on whose house you’re going to ๐Ÿ˜‰

    If you aren’t going to be served much in the way of things you really want to eat you won’t have a good time so it is probably a good idea to take a few things that you’ll really enjoy and offer them as a contribution to the feast ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I watched Mary Berry’s Christmas show last night and she made some little tarts that I really want to try. Filo pastry filled with roasted onion and squash, a small amount of savoury custard, cranberry sauce and topped with brie, then baked.
    I would be tempted to omit the cranberry sauce as the squash is sweet, and it could always be served on the side.

    I’m not hungry at all this morning and am going to see if I can get through to dinner without eating anything.
    I’m not feeling particularly wonderful either as I think I’m getting a cold. I shall be very unhappy if I do as my NY was scuppered last time by a cold virus.

    Fingers crossed it doesn’t develop into anything horrible.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Mmm..Amazon. Mr P stayed up watching Mary Berry the other night and didn’t mention those tarts. They sound yum. When yhe cool change comes (38 here today) I’ll look them up.
    Take some of your own food, Happy and model how good it can taste. But enjoy your host’s offerings too. You can afford to. Hopefully the break will relieve your stress. Enjoy. P

    Itโ€™s a nice idea P, but my food wouldnโ€™t taste good to those whoโ€™s diets still features refined carbs and added sugar several times a day! And itโ€™s that time of year when people practically try and force feed you mince pies, cake and chocolates. People who merrily stuff their faces over Christmas with everything on offer rarely understand that refusing to gorge oneself isnโ€™t necessarily an act of deprivation or self-inflicted torture!

    I will be travelling with kefir, yoghurt, raw nuts and seeds, cheese, ingredients for hummus, oat milk and green tea…!

    Sounds a good plan Happy .
    My Christmas treat is iced tea made with a fancy “Xmas flavoured” loose leaf tea I bought in a boutique teashop. Delicious in our boiling weather and calorie free!! Win. Win. P

    Thanks for your help.
    In fact I was so tired that I decided to break the fast 30 minutes ago.
    I ate a fresh persimmon, 6 almonds and a few spoons of yoghurt.
    Still the fast was nearly 120 hours, so that’s enough.
    I can feel the body using energy to kick start my digestion.
    This morning I weighed myself and yes the promised 500g per day came off, though I’m not naive enough to know it will stay off.
    The next fast is for the first week of January and I will try 5 days again.
    Thanks for your help and support.
    Your tarts sound wonderful, Amazon, and I agree with you about the cranberry sauce as a side dish.
    Wiwi Wearily.

    Well done Wiwi,

    and whilst I would like to take credit for the tarts they belong to Mary Berry ๐Ÿ™‚

    I forced myself out of the door and went to the gym and I feel a whole lot better than when I got up this morning.

    The local food bank have been asking for treats such as mince pies, chocolate etc as they have a good stock of staples and they want to give their recipients a few treats for Christmas so I bought some chocolates.
    As I said on another thread it also reminded me that I shouldn’t be over-eating when there are people in my area struggling to put food on the table.
    I am going to try to keep that in mind over the next couple of weeks.

    I was ravenoue when I cam out of the gym so I treated myself to an onion seed bagel which was very tasty toasted and topped with a smear of butter and some Vegemite.
    That’ll keep me going until dinner!

    Good to see you eating the real thing Amazon. (Vegemite ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰)
    We had 39 deg during the day yesterday and 29 when we went to bed and when we arose this morning. 35 already today (10am). Too bl***y hot. A cool change is due tomorrow. Bring it on. High humidity and high heat are intolerable, especially at night. At least we don’t feel like eating ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    Eww, Vegemite…

    I’m actually buying a small pot of MARMITE to take away with me ๐Ÿ˜€

    Morning/evening all,


    It wouldn’t do for us all to like the same things, life would be so boring.

    Mild and damp here this morning.

    I had a really good NFD yesterday and am fasting again today.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well, Happy, you’d better not visit Australia! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Hi Wi firstly congratulations on 120 hour really is a fantastic achievement do not under value that I think if you worried or concerned about extended fasting and re-feeding you can adjust to suit yourself or simply just stop whenever you want there has been some great comments around extended fasting and Amazon nailed it for me personally in that from the family farm 3 eggs with a splash of thick heavy cream lightly scrambled with smoked salmon chopped chives fresh cracked black pepper and dollop of sour cream (full fat of course) now I have suggested many times be your own evidence before and be on your own study of one and continue to be a self-experimenter. Find what works for you that is find youโ€™re doable and keep on keeping on. Everyone has their thing I eat bugger all fruit at any time and I have read many articles suggesting and recommending fruit or melon to start off reintroducing food into the system but that is not for me. Dr M off a 4 day fast broke his with porridge. I can live quite happily as a carnivore for the rest of my life whereas Happy is eating less and less for her own personal reasons, what I will say however is that.
    a) The need to re-feed for me is not through hunger firstly and secondly
    b) The first meal again for me is not that amazing and actually I feel disappointed when the fasting cycle has been broken for what I consider just an average eating experience.
    I do not have a pass port and I have never left Australia in fact it was only 6 or 7 years ago that I had my first commercial flight from Adelaide to Melbourne as I recall and that experience left thinking and wondering what all the who-haa was about as in my mind this was going to be a significant and memorable moment much the same as being present at the birth of each of my 5 sons ๐Ÿ˜† how wrong I was completely under whelmed and to be frank disappointed in the experience.
    โ€œall that has been promised about the fast is true except daily weight lossโ€ this is very interesting to me because in general terms I average .5kg loss the longest recorded fast is 382 days and this guy averaged 0.72 pounds loss a day fascinating stuff a good read and great article here.

    โ€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedโ€

    Peace RT.

    Hi RT,

    I had forgetten about the cream and smoked salmon…….

    I used to eat a lot of fruit but when I gave up work I found I was throwing most of it out. I stopped buying bananas and started buying one or two apples and some berries, or a couple of peaches or a few cherries but only when I wanted them.
    I’ve been eating lots of veggies for many years so I figured it wouldn’t matter too much if I ate less fruit.

    I find it interesting that there are many people across the world who are fit and healthy despite their daily diet being far from what is recommended by so called experts. I’m not talking about those who live on fizzy pop, burgers and cheap fried chicken but people whose diets are restricted due to lack of availability of various foods.

    I intend to kick start the New Year with an extended fast. I’ve done 4 days without too much trouble but I was drinking tea and coffee with a splash of milk. I am as yet undecided on whether I’ll try milk free or not.

    I went food shopping today and it was not a pleasant experience. I felt the urge to tap people on the shoulder and remind them that the shops are only closed for 2 days and that it isn’t the end of the world if they have to buy tangerines rather then clementines as most people won’t know the difference and the remainder will be too drunk to care ๐Ÿ˜‰

    At least I won’t need anything apart from milk for the next couple of weeks so won’t have to take my life in my hands by entering a shop.

    Morning/evening all,

    My FD went awry yesterday, and having a cold didn’t help. I’ve already done a couple of fasts this week and am planning another one either tomorrow or Saturday so I gave in gracefully and ate sensibly.

    I’m going out this evening and will try not to eat before then but when I have a cold I am always ravenous the whole time so I’ll need to be really strong.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Ditto Amazon. We had unexpected guests and, being Christmas, we had to celebrate. C’est la vie! We’ve put in the hard yards, so must be able to let go occasionally ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. What do you call a girl with only one leg? -ilene
    2.What do you call a man with no legs or arms on your front porch? -Matt
    3.What do you call a man with no legs or arms that is in your pool? -Bob
    4.Why did the fish get kicked out of school? -he was caught with seaweed
    5.A man got in fight with his wife when she asked what was on TV and he said dust.
    6.Boys are like parking spaces, the good ones are always taken.
    7.If a turtle doesn’t have a shell is it naked or homeless?
    8.Why was the energizer bunny arrested? It was charged with battery.
    Merry Christmas Fast Trackers Enjoy Your Day and

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Even Mr P laughed at No. 5. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    Excellent work mate. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Thanks RT ๐Ÿ˜†

    I went to Christmas at Kew last night which was fab. Beautiful light displays, music, some of their huge and becautiful trees lit from the ground with lights that slowly change colour, and one that was completely covered in tiny white lights. The grand finale was a laser and light show projected across the lake towards one of the huge glass houses.
    They had pop-up stall selling mulled wine, mulled cider and rum punch to keep us warm on the way round and various foods on offer. We had some wine but waited to eat until afterwards when we strolled down to Kew Green and went into one of the pubs that serves really good food.There were several groups of people there celebrating Christmas, wearing party hats, exchanging gifts etc and it was a really nice atmosphere. The food was good too.

    I’m aiming to fast today but visiting my niece this afternoon and I’m not sure if I’m expected to stay for dinner. If I do, I’ll fast tomorrow instead.

    The virus hasn’t developed into a cold but has gone straight to my chest and I have a cough but I don’t feel unwell which is the important thing.
    When I got to my friends house yesterday their two boys were on the sofas under blankets. One is just getting over a nasty cold virus and the other one is suffering with a fever and feeling very poorly. They are usually so full of energy and it was a shock to see them both so subdued, but at least they should both be fighting fit by Monday.

    Hvae a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽ„


    I have to admit that if I was to do an extended fast, and wanted to break it with fruit, then it would probably be with cucumber, tomatoes, peppers. I haven’t eaten ‘pudding’ fruit on a daily or regular basis since I started 5:2.

    Re: eating less meat for personal reasons…personal AND planetary please ๐Ÿ˜€ You’ll be pleased to know though that I’m living amongst confirmed carnivores this Christmas and have gone native….!

    OMG Happy you can cross over to the dark side ๐Ÿ˜† the force is strong in this one
    ๐Ÿ˜‰ Bless you Happy Merry Christmas

    Morning/evening all,

    I didn’t fast yesterday but only ate dinner and went to bed early as I wasn’t feeling too good.
    I’ve woken up this morning feeling great and the virus appears to have left to make someone elses Christmas miserable……..

    Happy Christmas everyone, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we fast
    ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜† ๐ŸŽ„โญ ๐ŸŽ„โญ ๐ŸŽ„โญ ๐Ÿฅ‚

    Hi all,

    Amazon your visit to Kew sounds magical! I am so pleased your lurgy departed without ruining your Christmas, obviously your immune system is working well.

    I am with you on the dark side RT, I am one of Happy’s committed carnivores. I definitely eat less these days, but that is probably because I eat less of everything! I attempted 3 days straight water only this week, but only made it through two properly. Undid the excesses of last weekend away at least! I am a slow learner – it was impossible (for me) to fast whilst in the kitchen most of the day. It was healthy – making salads for the first of the family xmas lunches tomorrow (today now, just after midnight here)and nibbled on carrots, celery (thought of you Amazon!) etc, but once the fast was wrecked I caved and had a small piece of christmas cake for tea! I really need to plan fasts for days away from the kitchen!

    I want to wish all the regular visitors here (as RT would say – you know who you are!) a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year. As our society steadily becomes more obsessed with material things and people become busier and busier chasing whatever it is they are chasing, friendship is really something to treasure. We may be cyber friends, but I believe we are still real friends. So many of you have provided just the right ‘pearl’ of wisdom at just the right moment, giving me the encouragement to follow my instincts and make fasting a permanent part of my life. So Thankyou one and all!๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ„

    I am no longer a commited carnivore.

    I love meat but like Happy have grave concerns about the standards of animal husbandry and believe that the planet needs less domestic animals being reared and more edible plants.

    I have been following a vegetarian diet at home and only eating meat when I go out. It then dawned on me that the origins of the meat on my restaurant plate are not always printed on the menu. It’s not easy to make the right decision which is much more difficult than I anticipated and I can honestly say that I never expected that I would come to a point in my life when I questioned eating meat but I’m here and trying to work out the best way forward for me through a field of options that is also littered with mines and not making decisions that I can’t live with ie becoming a miserable and reluctant vegetarian.

    I decided that as much as I love it I really couldn’t cope with eating turkey for days on end then filling the freezer with turkey curry/casserole/soup so I’ve opted for some rare breed high welfare pork shoulder which will be slow roasted and very much enjoyed.

    I haven’t missed out on my dose of turkey as I opted for a turkey burger on Thursday which consisted of two very fat slices (hunks?) of chargrilled turkey breast, pigs in blankets, cranberry sauce and raw brussel sprout slaw which was delicious as were the big fat crispy chips served alongside ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    I’m nowhere nearer my goal than I was at the start of the year but at least I’ve not gained any more weight or thrown in the towel, mostly due to the support from you guys and partly due to a stubborn streak.
    The long and winding road seems to be my path to goal, but I’ll stay on it.

    hello everyone . just popped in to say to you all to have a brilliant Christmas .
    I am still maintaining but wont be on Christmas day it is only one day after all . WELL!! maybe 2 days . I think most of you know Ross was rushed into hospital last week with a suspected heart attack BUT IT WASN@T Thank God . brought a lot of bad memories back when Jim had his . Anyway he is trying hard not to get stressed and he has been cracking jokes today and that’s him being normal . he stayed here a couple of days but I think I was spoiling him too much and he needed to get back to his own space .He lives exactly 5 mins car ride from us so if or when he needs us we will be there in 5 minute A year last month since we lost my lovely Dad and my Mams Birthday would be Christmas BUT they would want us to have a good Christmas and they will be remembered at the table too . Just remember this is A Way Of Life and not a diet AWOL . I always find IF I want to try something and try not to have it I end up binging so have a wee bit of what you fancy . Take care all of you . I haven’t been on here much but I still think of you all as special friends .

    Lots of love
    Wee xx

    hello everyone . just popped in to say to you all to have a brilliant Christmas .
    I am still maintaining but wont be on Christmas day it is only one day after all . WELL!! maybe 2 days . I think most of you know Ross was rushed into hospital last week with a suspected heart attack BUT IT WASN@T Thank God . brought a lot of bad memories back when Jim had his . Anyway he is trying hard not to get stressed and he has been cracking jokes today and that’s him being normal . he stayed here a couple of days but I think I was spoiling him too much and he needed to get back to his own space .He lives exactly 5 mins car ride from us so if or when he needs us we will be there in 5 minute A year last month since we lost my lovely Dad and my Mams Birthday would be Christmas BUT they would want us to have a good Christmas and they will be remembered at the table too . Just remember this is A Way Of Life and not a diet AWOL . I always find IF I want to try something and try not to have it I end up binging so have a wee bit of what you fancy . Take care all of you . I haven’t been on here much but I still think of you all as special friends .

    Lots of love
    Wee xx

    Absolutely Wee. All things in moderation.
    The lives of our 5:2 mob have taken many twists and turns in the years we’ve been chatting. As Nama says,real friendships have developed as a result of this amazing forum.
    I’ve not given up meat, but eat mostly fish or vegatarian these days. I think carefully about the sources of any protein (my son is a vegan) but still eat meat occasionally. This Christmas I cooked corned beef and a duck (we celebrated early) Strangely we both felt the need for fish after eating land based meat. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Thanks for all your witty comments, wisdom and plain common sense. 2017 has been another good year of maintaining.
    All the best for continued health. P โ˜บ

    Santa has been, bubbles are open, and Christmas croissants with camembert are warming. Best of the season to all my dear friends on the thread. You are a source of inspiration and joy.

    Have the NHers planned the search party for Jo yet? It’s been quite a while since our leader popped in, and concerns are mounting for her safety. Talk to us, Jo.


    So glad Rossโ€™s heart is OK. I hope you have a happy Christmas. Those youโ€™ve lost are part of you and live on through you. Physically gone, but always with you.


    Well itโ€™s Christmas Eve here, just enjoyed baked Camembert as a starter… it is Christmas after all…! Too full for pudding thankfully ๐Ÿ˜€

    There will be bubbly tomorrow. Xmas lunch at friends. Perfect, stress-free, and a clean house to come back to!

    Enjoy your day.


    Christmas lunch will be a beef roast. Iโ€™ll be thinking of you ๐Ÿ˜€


    I hope everythingโ€™s OK.

    Happy Christmas, one and all.

    Morning/evening all,

    Happy Christmas everyone ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿ˜Š

    Merry Christmas all you lovely people . I am not here much but I still consider you all good friends . Have a lovely lovely day all

    Wee xx

    Merry Christmas Everyone,

    I am alive and kicking, very busy as usual and finally back on the internet. Santa brought me a new Ipad and iphone, both of which I have been without ‘forever’. My phone was lost and my iPad died. My son loaned me his old one which also died after 8 hours of living with me. I took this as a hint that I should enjoy a ‘break’ from the cyber world. Also I was financially embarrassed after many vet bills recently. Both dogs are ok but wearing the battle scars of age and surgery. I am very worried about them these days, they are really tired. They still walk daily but they are really slow.

    As you can imagine I have a considerable number of emails to read and the thread to catch up on. Hopefully you are all doing well. I haven’t been fasting regularly but I continue to eat a healthy pescatarian diet. Lots of meals out this Christmas lead up but the socialising has been fun. Still avoiding puddings. Lobster for my lunch today, weird for Christmas lunch but hey ‘why conform? ‘. Boys having beef and daughter Halloumi. Lots of veg and Yorkshire puddin, yummy! My daughter is home for a month so it’s all happy family time. I have had lots of adventures since I last posted but first I will read about yours. Looking forward to a good catch up.

    Missed you all lots
    Back to fasting from 27 th Dec and looking forward to it.

    Welcome back pal and a Merry Christmas xx

    Glad to see you are back, Jo, and enjoying the celebrations and family time of the season.

    Yay! I have just emptied 25mm from the rain gauge. Our dry spell (lasting nearly six weeks) has ended, and no doubt when we get home in 12 days from visiting the children and grandies in Sydney the garden will be a-riot with weeds! Everything was getting so brown, so that’s good news.

    We will get to have another Christmas tomorrow with the distant family.

    Stay safe, everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Yes it is very good to see you Jojo back on the forum all the best for the festive season and 2018.
    Peace RT

    Good morning fast trackers,
    I have just been catching up with your news.
    Nama – I hope your little one is fully recovered from Meninghitus, what a scare!
    Wee – I hope Ross is fully recovered.
    RT- thanks for the funnies and reminder that ‘fasting’ won’t kill me and could actually do me some good.
    I have been very preoccupied with hobbies and sport so my diet has been on the back burner. Not a good idea!
    My retirement club Launch was a great success! As a ‘Strictly Contestant’ doing the foxtrot, it was terrifying!!! We had an audience of 100 guests and hopefully future members of the new club. I was a ‘man’ for my partnership and my partner had not danced for 40 years. We had 2 hours practise. Nerves kicked so we forgot some steps but kept moving, it was an experience, not to be repeated.

    I took part in a 6 week weekly 2 hour Drama class which was fun and I now find myself in a ‘Murder mystery’ fund raising event for my Retirement group. It’s only a reading but promises a large audience. Will I be the corpse? Who knows!

    I am now seriously into Ballroom /Latin dance classes (4 per week) and dragging my husband along to private classes in January, get him started( his knee is still on the mend after 6 months), but starting slow ones. I am still playing bridge(a lot) and improving gradually, quite fearless now!
    Haven’t done much swimming lately, missing it, no time left but still walking daily, average 10,000 steps at present.

    My husband has bought tons of sweet stuff this Christmas which is annoying but I am being strong so far.

    We ended up with a ‘drama situation here’ yesterday afternoon, rescuing a friend who had been assaulted by a family member. Christmas brings out the worst in some people, police were called as serious incident but no charges were pressed as fear of repercussions. So sad! It makes me appreciate how good my family life has been.

    RT – I have done several short 3-5 day fasts successfully in the past p but regained the lost weight very quickly so it’s not for me. Might try a really long one though ( like you I love a challenge) I am thinking about 30 days. Perhaps when the weather is warmer, I already feel the cold on fast days.

    New Fasters- I suffered terribly from irritability and headaches(I was drinking enough and had salt) in my first three months fasting. I put it down to ‘withdrawal from sugar’ those found in carbs as I don’t really crave sweet foods. Like Nama ‘bread’ any type and pastry on savoury foods were my ‘treats’. Mostly ‘white carb’ free these days but the occasional potato slips onto my plate about once per week. Christmas Day meal included potato, parsnip and Yorkshire pudding. Like Wee I took a day off from restrictions.

    Sun is shining today but it’s pretty cold. May need to spend more winters in the Southern Hemisphere.

    Apart from ‘tech communication gifts’ this year I got a ‘shooting target’ for my new hobby. It’s has a target and pellet collector. I guess we will now find out how accurate my FIL’s old air riffle is! Don’t think I will be getting archery gear though, expensive.
    I tried shooting and archery whilst on holiday in October, loved both sports. These new activities won’t replace my bowling but it’s good to have more variety.

    I am also doing embroidery in the evenings again, keeping my hands busy keeps me from thinking about snacking. I am trying out ‘Netflix’ again as TV Chanels here are so dull at the moment. I am reading lots too, my winter past time.

    I am very jealous of the good weather in NZ and OZ but pleased for them too. NZ has never had it do good although the lack of rain has been an issue I believe.

    HBC – Are you Ok?

    Wiwi – are you visiting the UK soon? Can we meet up? I will be in Paris in August, sing at Notre Dame and Disney with my Rock Choir. We do get around! I do hope your ankle is healed up completely now.

    Keep fasting – 2018 approaches quickly, time really flies – 4 years fasting and still not at goal. HELP!

    Happy New Year All – Any Resolutions?
    I am going for a new one each month-should be fun! Jan is ‘green tea only’ no coffee or Black tea.

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Hi Jojo there is a school of thought that suggests extreme intervention (long fast) may well be the trigger for permanent weight loss rather than intermittent fasting over time if we consider that after the 3rd day hunger is no longer a debilitating condition and you do not in fact die ๐Ÿ˜‰ then be your own experiment. Fasting has a number of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced cancer risk, gene repair, increased longevity, and dementia prevention.
    โ€œThere is nothing else you can do to your body that is as powerful as fastingโ€
    Peace RT.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s cold, wet and windy here this morning.
    I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season.

    I haven’t done much at all over the last few days as my cold virus decided it wasn’t done with me and I’ve been feeling sorry for myself but as usual when I have a cold, I’ve been very hungry.
    I’ve eaten too much but much less than any other Christmas, and I’ve had much less alcohol. I have been making an effort not to go too mad for example, Christmas Day’s brunch was salted nuts with champagne and yesterday’s was Christmas cake and a Singapore sling, so I’m getting my treats but using them as meal replacements ๐Ÿ˜€

    As for longer fasts, 3-5 days isn’t really enough to lose a significant amount of fat. Yes the scales tell us we weigh less but it is mostly fluid and food in transit and fasting for 3 days only creates a deficit sufficient to lose a couple of pounds of fat at the very most. It’s about realistic expectations and reminding us that the scales are a only a guide.

    I only ever make one resolution which I keep to myself and I usually achieve, so I’m not going to change things for 2018. When I used to make lots of resolutions I always set myself up to fail so as SAMM used to say, I do what’s doable ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽ„

    Well Iโ€™ve managed to gain nothing over the festive period…so far…so Iโ€™m pleased with that. Iโ€™ve eaten well, but more mindfully than I would have done a few years ago. Can it finally be true that my eyes are NOT bigger than my stomach…? ๐Ÿ˜€

    And I am now entering a period of pescatarianism… first stop this evening, kale and butter bean pie (OH is away…obviously!). (Sorry RT ๐Ÿ˜Š)


    I hope your cold clears up soon. I know thereโ€™s never a good time to have a cold…but some times are worse than others.


    As I said to my best friend today, having a cold when I’m at home for a few days with no plans is actually the best time if there is such a thing.
    I’m feeling so much better than I did this time yesterday and am looking forward to getting out in the fresh air tomorrow. The forecast is for sunshine and 4C which sounds good to me for a bracing walk in the fresh air.

    A friend of mine was very pleased his boys had recovered from their colds but was so poorly himself on Christmas Day he wasn’t up to cooking the usual celebratory meal. Fortunately they had lots of delicious leftovers plus some seasonal treats to keep them going and will enjoy their special meal later this week.

    Well done on maintaining. I’m sure I would weigh more due to the amount consumed in the past few days (despite being under the weather) but I’m not going to weigh myself until I’ve done a B2B fast Fri/Sat and I’m fairly confident that I won’t weigh any more than I did last week..

    I’m going a step further than pescatarian in the New Year and plan on starting with a celebratory plant based meal on NYE and attempt to eat a meat free diet until my trip to South America in February.

    Watch this space………..

    I find it endlessly interesting that there is so much difference and so much evidence for the pros and cons of any way of life or the composition of what in general is deemed to be a healthy diet and lifestyle.
    I stumbled upon this guy Dr John McDougall whoโ€™s central food is starch yes you read correct eating ,Beans ,Corn ,Pasta ,Potatoes and Rice add to that vegetables and fruits but does not contain any animal foods or vegetable oils he has a colour picture book and a free pdf file which is here
    Obviously Happy I was thinking of you immediately I do hope the โ€œKale and Butter bean pieโ€ hit the spot but this is mind blowing stuff this YouTube video with a Dr Anthony Lim who is a disciple of Dr John McDougall featuring whole food and a plant based diet some extraordinary transformations is contained in this here
    Put that up against the complete opposite here and the meat eaters rejoice
    And this lady Kelly Hogan Williams is just as remarkable
    And then we have the Ketogenic eating styles like Butter Bob and Go Keto with Casey all good stuff here.

    Now these guys are all about getting 75/80% of their calories from fat again the complete opposite to Dr John McDougall Dr Alan Goldhamer and Dr Anthony Lim who are big on whole foods and a plant based diet who I would imagine have bugger all in common with the likes of Dr Jeff Volek and Dr Stephen Phinney and Dr Tim Noakes or Dr Eric Westman

    And I havenโ€™t even touched on the fasting guruโ€™s as we all here know who they are and what thatโ€™s all about but 4 completely different strategies all achieving so much good I find really really interesting thatโ€™s some Thursday Thoughts.
    Amazon meat free and a pescatarian diet WOW I wish you every and continued success
    Enjoy your day fast trackers.
    Peace RT


    One size definitely doesnโ€™t fit all, thatโ€™s for sure.

    I had already come across McDougall, as heโ€™s one of those that still buys into the cholesterol myth โ˜น๏ธ I canโ€™t think his diet is healthy either, and unless youโ€™re lean and massively active it looks to me like a recipe for T2 diabetes. It occurs to me that he might be related to the McDougall purveyors of flour and cake/bread mixes ๐Ÿ˜€

    …………or a distant cousin of McDonald ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a lovely morning but I’ve had to cancel my walk as I’m still not feeling well. I had less than 3 hours sleep last night which hasn’t helped ๐Ÿคฌ so have decided to stay home and look at the sunshine from the sofa.

    Anyone who still thinks eating lots of carbs/sugar and little fat is the way to go should either get back inside their cave or go to the library and do some serious research.

    So there! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽ„

    Snake oil anyone…?!

    Hi All,
    Itโ€™s so true, so many diets, results can be misleading as they depend upon the questions
    asked. Not all are Scientifically researched.
    But we have โ€˜health and longevityโ€™ priorities not just weight loss. I admit it was my first interest when I started Fasting but healing factors are
    More important to me now.
    Off the see โ€˜The Greatest Showmanโ€™ looks great in the preview.
    Happy- good luck with Pescatarian plan.
    Amazon- get well soon.

    Thanks Jo,

    I am now coughing like someone with a 40 a day habit so I know the end is near. I might treat myself to a bottle of Benylin tomorrow…………

    Awww Amazon I hope you feel better soon pal . I was just bragging yesterday that I haven’t had a cold since I started 5.2 / Guess what? I have an itchy throat itchy eyes runny nose and sore teeth . Jim is away to bed with a runny nose and a cough . Glad it waited until after Christmas though . Take care everyone .

    Wee xx

    Morning All,
    Sorry to hear about your cough Amazon and your cold Wee, they are always a nuisance especially at night. I recovered from sore throat/cough mid December, just in time for Xmas. I preferred Alcohol medication route, jagermeister really does the trick, numbs that throat and stops coughing, not a whole bottle just a couple of drams. Obviously not a medically approved route but effective. Like you Wee I am usually healthy these days which I put down to good immune system now, thank you daily dose of Kefir. I had missed Kefir a few day’s before I got hit by virus, needs constant top up, vigilance!

    The film (The Greatest Showman-musical) with Hugh Jackman (Barnum)was great, romance, singing and dancing, loved it.

    Enjoying a chilled holiday period, no classes and just a little casual bowls. Now planning NYE get up, sequins or diamantรฉ? Such choices! 60’s and 70’s PARTY and LOTS OF DANCING, it’s the only way to see out the old year. Hope you all have some fun too!

    The Scales await on NY morning so fasting today, not sure it will undo much of the damage but ‘no regrets’ it’s been a great Christmas.


    Hi everyone,

    I’m feeling much better today ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am fasting today and it is my first FD since Christmas. The urge to eat is driving me mad especially as I am not hungry but am being called by the Christmas cake, the unopened chocolates, the cheeseboard and even the cocktail cabinet.
    I think it’s called withdrawal ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My FD food for the day is a fresh fruit salad made from apple, pear, mandarin, orange, grapes, pomegranate and leftover sanguinello juice. It is really refreshing after eating richer food for several days.

    I’ve done well this past week as despite eating and drinking very well, I’ve not gone overboard. I’ve had Christmas pud, cake and mince pies but not all on the same day, and I’ve had lots of lovely meals that have been carefully planned to make the most out of what I bought without wasting anything.
    There isn’t anything left that I can’t face looking at/eating again and nothing that needs to be thrown out either which is very pleasing.

    I’m now on the countdown to my holiday, 6 weeks and 6 days to ensure my summer clothes fit so there will be lots of fasting going on!

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽ„

    Hi Amazon,
    Suffering with you, that christmas food is everywhere. Also we have my daughter’s friend is staying so there are lots of meals to prepare. Luckily she has quite healthy eating tastes. I am drinking gallons of water and green tea to keep on the straight and narrow. Prawn stir fry with zero noodles for dinner tonight, roll on 6 pm.
    My husband hit the sales today, rather him than me. He has just tried on all his new clothes and decided a diet is necessary. I wonder if he will limit the pork pies and cheese.
    It was Mild and bright today so I walked the dogs along the beach and stopped for a cupper. It was lovely to sit outside in the sunshine watching the children enjoying the beach.

    Happy New Year Fast Trackers
    All the best for 2018
    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Happy New Year to all you dear fasting friends from sunny Canberra. We are off to dinner shortly, then probably an early night! We have seen a few midnight countdowns over our 46 years together, and since I have had three bad nights out of the last four, am starting to fade…

    One of the great lessons from 5:2 is that we can happily miss breakfast while on holiday (especially as our room has nothing more than cups and glasses and jug (kettle) for hot drinks.) So two meals a day. Back to Sydney on Tuesday, with a detour to have brunch with Bay and her OH before we leave the country’s capital. 13,000 steps so far today, and still to walk to dinner.

    Jo, my cold preventative is brandy! I can now announce that I have not had a cold in 2017 – but neither has our son, who does not do 5:2! So what am I saying? Stay well, you sufferers. ๐Ÿ™‚

    May 2018 be the best for us all !! ๐Ÿ™‚

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