Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,901 through 2,950 (of 7,283 total)

  • Kerry Ann,

    I’ve been going to the gym, usually several times a week for nearly 3 years.
    I always exercise in a fasted state and have never had any issues with doing so. I do 45 minutes of cardio, some resistance work and some stretching and unless the pool is crowded I follow it up with a swim.
    I’ve never had any issues and if you read Michael Mosley’s book he refers to the fact that research has shown women do well if they exercise in a fasted state and in fact do better than men.

    Barata, your weekend sounds great 🙂

    I will confess that by 7am I caved and had some muesli – rolled oats and nuts with blueberries and kiwifruit, so not too much harm done.

    Excitement this afternoon as the All Whites (NZ’s football team) take on Peru here in Wellington for a place in next year’s World Cup!

    Hey, Kerry Ann, forgot to say welcome. Stick at it, know that not all of your victories will be on the scales, you will succeed as so many of us have. 🙂

    G’day, P. OH is trying to go low-carb, as 5:2 hasn’t worked for him 🙁 But he dislikes so many foods – how do you increase fats when he won’t eat avocados? I am now looking at low/no carb bread recipes, see some baking might be in my future.

    ☺☺ Mr P got up early to watch our team in the soccer. Now the house smells of toast. He loves to indulge with 2 tiny slices of homemade sourdough on eating days. The aroma through the house is overwhelming….the crack cocaine of food 😑 The homemade sourdough doesn’t spike his bloodsugars.
    Good luck with your OH and giving up carbs 😃😃😃P

    So sourdough would have the same benefit as no / low carb? Perhaps I will revive Topsy.

    We have only got as far as this, P, because we are no longer in the same group as Australia. It’s not likely to be a happy result for us, as our team is rated about 100 places below Peru. But there’s always a chance. Well done on your win !

    Put Kapiti on your wish-list, Amazon. . Highly recommended 🙂

    The tent in the picture is the one we slept in – probably the most comfortable bed we have ever had! And the food was great. Fortunately it had no effect on the scales. We were lucky to see a kiwi scavenging on our night expedition, the first time we have seen one in the wild.

    Our nil all result today keeps us alive apparently. Pity about your Tongan ex Kiwi players.
    Yes revive Topsie. Easy to manage. It might help. P

    I think I must have looked at the score of the wrong game, P. OH’s Plan A is to find a commercial non-carb option, then we will look at Plan B (giving me more work…)

    Nil all for us too. Reverse match in Peru, where 25,000 tickets were sold before they had even found a venue! Shame about the league.

    Hi everyone,

    Where did the day go?

    It has been a beautiful if cold day here today. Sunshine all the way but only 7C. I was out all morning and came home absolutely frozen. As it is a FD I was unable to get warm until I had something to eat, despite being busy all afternoon.

    I’ve just had wild mushroom risotto which was filling, comforting, warming and delicious and I’m very pleased to have 4 more portions cooling before they are stashed in the freezer.

    I have a busy week ahead and am hoping I can continue to stay on track. Every time I’m tempted I remind myself that the silly season is around the corner AND that I need to ensure I can get into all my clothes by the time I go on holiday.

    Mentioning my holiday reminds me of a weird dream I had last night. I was going on holiday and on the way to the airport I had been surprised at how light my suitcase felt. When I arrived at my destination, I opened it and all it contained was my soap bag and a pair of trainers………. EEK!!!!!!

    I hope you were going somewhere warm 😎😎😎

    I agree. Is your dream, Amazon, the equivalent for adults of finding oneself in the playground just wearing a tee shirt?
    Here it’s blizzard conditions and a lot of snow on the ground and road. We are off to Lucca tomorrow to look after the grandies. We are planning to go under the Alps and to Torino.
    I just hope the road from here is passable. The road drops 250m in 3 km.
    Fingers crossed.
    xx Wiwi

    Oh Wiwi. We did that route when we drove from Rome to Paris….beautiful! I particularly loved Lucca. Enjoy the grandies.
    We are finally enjoying a fabulous late spring. 23 and sunny every day this week. Ideal for some really long walks…pity about my sore feet. 😣

    Late spring Purple Gee it will be 40deg here today its 35deg now at 9am enjoy the cool day Summer is heading your way id assume… 🙂

    RT, the weekend before last was the coldest recorded Nov weekend for decades. I just hope we don’t instantly shift into a horror heatwave like last summer. 😑 Keep cool down there! 🙄P

    Aaaaagh!! 🙁

    I lost my post before i hit submit…I went back to the previous page to look at Purple Veg’s post so I could reply….I had already typed a big reply to Amazon and now it’s goooooooone.

    Okay so really quick….your post is great Purple veg. I completely agree about the eating times being habits. Sadly, I just explained to Amazon how my breakfast habit came to be…and now it’s all gone…..

    Amazon, I always workout in a fasted state too. I have for many years. It’s the immediate afterwards where I usually eat because of years of training my body in a body builder style diet. In other words, never go longer than 2-3 hours and always eat within one hour of rising and with one hour of working out. The only rule I didn’t follow was the “within one hour of rising” I always work out first.

    It’s a lot of brain washing I have to undo. And, my body does definitely need some time to adjust.

    Fortunately i tend to eat a somewhat low carb diet naturally so I don’t generally have to deal with lots of blood sugar swings. Due to allergy induced gastritis I do fear hunger. But I have the allergy under control now so I can tolerate being hungry! That is an exciting development for me!

    This weekend I did great with waiting until much later to eat my first meal. It’s definitely getting easier.

    So…I think the long and short is conditioning, like purple veg says. I have to retrain my stomach and my brain both.

    You guys/gals are an incredibly helpful and inspiring bunch!!! Thank you so much for your feedback.

    I’m excited about having a fast day again tomorrow! Last week was not as stellar as week one and I don’t think I lost anything. If I did lose anything I probably undid that success over the weekend. We had two special dinners and I did overindulge. Throughout the day I was fine but at dinner times I went a little crazy.

    Today has been an excellent controlled day though, so I’m feeling back on track!

    Thanks again to everyone for the feed back and support. I really appreciate all of it!!!

    Kerry Ann, something I found interesting . . . I used to get dreadful stomach pains if I waited too long to eat. Since starting 5:2, I’ve discovered I only experience this (after a 24 hour fast) if I eat any white carbs. A girlfriend found the same. It is the carbs on an empty stomach that cause gas. Eat protein, fat and leafy veg and it doesn’t happen. P

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s grey and dull but a little warmer than yesterday.
    FD went well so I’m doing it again today :biggrin:

    It is only mid November and I’m already over all the Christmas ads on the TV. 90% are supermarket ads featuring tables groaning with enough food to feed 100 people, the centrepiece being a turkey that is so large it wouldn’t fit inside most ovens…….. I never used to notice but for some reason I’ve startd looking at what is on the table and thinking NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆

    I’ve obviously come much further on my journey than I thought 😎

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I’ve noticed the Xmas music in shops and decorations. A few Xmas puddings for sale, too.
    This year, I’m not doing any Christmas cooking…just business as usual. Why do we think we gave to eat more in December /January and regret it the rest if the year? P

    I’ve made a cake and I’ll cook something special on the day but that’s it. No turkey, no stuffing or bread sauce, no Christmas pudding, no Stollen, no chocolate. There will be a few raw mince pies in the freezer (a tinful of cooked is too much of a temptation), a nice cheeseboard (no crackers) and of course some good wine and a G&T or two. That’ll do for me 😀

    Once again, I’ve asked those who buy me a present not to get anything edible.

    Now I’m off to polish my halo, I’ll be needing it 😉

    I’m lucky…for the first time in many many years I won’t be hosting. I’m sticking to making cards and decorations with the grandies. Fun and slimming 😊
    I lost my halo years ago, but don’t miss it 😉😉

    Purple….interesting about the white carbs and stomach pains!

    Today started out a FD. I was so excited about it that I forgot that today is my youngest sons birthday! The original plan was to feed the family leftovers but I really want to make him his choice of favorite birthday dinner and I’m not going to force myself to resist. There won’t be cake until Saturday for his party.

    I will fast until dinner. And then make up my full FD tomorrow.

    Our weather is crazy windy. It’s hard to do anything outside.

    I will definitely be doing traditional Christmas dinner and baking cookies to decorate with the grand kids. I don’t think we’ll go crazy with baking this year but I do want them to have those memories.

    And then we’ll do some cards!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

    Kerry Ann..
    I think you are really doing very well in such a short amount of time to get the basics correct and applied is awesome. I really think the majority of new people tend to over think the process and over complicate things for something that basically is a very simple “the less you eat the more you lose” and “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop once started” I will also like to add to these “Begin with the end in mind” so if your Goal weight is *** I will put mine in to demonstrate what I am on about here. Using the BMI Calculator here
    My details are
    Gives the following details so when I was 96kg I followed this structure and in the beginning would have 25% of my TDEE on a fast day 500cal rounded-up and up to TDEE on feed days.

    Your BMI is: 21.6
    Your BMR is: 6527 kJ / 1560 calories
    Your TDEE is: 7832 kJ / 1872 calories
    I designed a much more intensive personal program within 8 weeks of starting 5-2 including fasting ADF M-W-F went from having lunch/dinner to saving the calories up for the evening meal to having zero calorie fast days liquid only black coffee , green tea and a shed load of water.

    Excellent data RT. Thanks.
    Watching the excitement re the Yes Vote on Marriage Equality. Lots of happiness around the country. ❤💘❤💘

    How can you call yourself sedentary, RT, with all the steps you report?

    Well done, Australia!

    And I second RT’s comments, Kerry Ann. I didn’t join this forum until I was at goal, but love the support and friendships.

    I always recommend people enter “sedentary ” in the calculator to give yourself maximum benefit. RT couldn’t possibly be actually sedentary. …he’s up pacing the streets before dawn most days. ☺

    I know, hence my remark. But sedentary works.

    Purple & Barata well played ladies I do not factor in the calories suggested burned through walking either to allow more calories in and I did get the sedentary tip from P as well as this gem.
    “Remember that reserve of fat you have on your body already and realise you actually don’t need food, you just want it.”
    Peace RT.

    Thanks RT. Good to have my own words to remind me!
    4pm. Fast Day. I’ll think of the fat, not the wants. 😊😊 P

    Morning/evening all,

    I had a fabulous evening last night attending an event entitled “Wild Night Out”
    It was hosted by Chris Packham, naturalist, photographer, TV presenter and conservationist, who has also written a fascinating autobiography and recently presented a programme about his life with Autism, AND Paul Goldstein, photographer, tour leader, conservationist.
    They’ve known each other for over 20 years and co-led photography based trips to places such as Antarctica. Paul has spent many years in East Africa particularly Kenya, photographing wild life and travelled all over the world with his work but his all consuming passion is the tiger. He runds the London Marathon every year in a tiger costume and does lots of fund raising for other worthy causes.

    They each presented a series of their own photographs with stories to go with them which was accompanied by interjections from whoever wasn’t presenting along with lots of witty banter and techy information about the photograph being shown.
    At the end they showed a film about a charity in East Africa led by a Masaai woman who is trying to eradicate FGM and they are doing it by educating the young men. It is working well as the approach is not telling people why FGM is wrong but why ceasing such a (barbaric) practice is good.
    They had an auction afterwards which included blown up framed photographs, signed books, binoculars and a couple of holidays. They raised over £30,000 😲
    Unfortunately I didn’t have a spare £11,000 on me or I could have gone on a tailor made trip to India or Africa……………..

    On arrival we were offered a glass of fizz and it would have been rude to say no 😉 so I’m fasting today instead. There was also wine at half time 😀
    While I was waiting to go in I bumped into a friend who I’ve not seen for ages so we had a nice catch-up.

    It was a fabulous evening and I only knew about it because it was organised by the company I travel with who sent me an email. I’m so pleased they did.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks for the encouragement RT! I think I’m getting the hang of it. And thanks for the calculator! I do need to pay a little better attention to my NFDs and my TDEE.

    Hunger is just fat leaving the body! Ha! my new mantra.

    Very busy day today. Will have to report more later.

    Hope you are all having a great day…or sleep 🙂 whichever the case may be!

    Amazon, i did want to say, that sounds like a really lovely evening!

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    These are from a book called “Disorder in the American Courts”, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.
    ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
    WITNESS: He said, “Where am I, Cathy?”
    ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
    WITNESS: My name is Susan!
    ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
    WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
    ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
    WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
    ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
    WITNESS: Yes.
    ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
    WITNESS: I forget.
    ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
    ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?
    WITNESS: We both do.
    ATTORNEY: Voodoo?
    WITNESS: We do.
    ATTORNEY: You do?
    WITNESS: Yes, voodoo.
    ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
    WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
    ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?
    WITNESS: Uh, he’s twenty.
    ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
    WITNESS: Are you shittin’ me?
    ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
    WITNESS: Yes.
    ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
    WITNESS: Uh…. I was gettin’ laid!
    ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
    WITNESS: Yes.
    ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
    WITNESS: None.
    ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
    WITNESS: Are you shittin’ me? Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
    ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
    WITNESS: By death.
    ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
    WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?
    ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
    WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
    ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
    WITNESS: Guess.
    ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
    WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
    ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
    WITNESS: All my autopsies are performed on dead people. Would you like to rephrase that?
    ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
    WITNESS: Oral.
    ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
    WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
    ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
    WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him!
    ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
    WITNESS: Huh….are you qualified to ask that question?
    ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
    WITNESS: No.
    ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
    WITNESS: No.
    ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
    WITNESS: No.
    ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
    WITNESS: No.
    ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
    WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
    ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
    WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT


    Thanks, they are great.

    I really like:

    ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
    WITNESS: Oral.


    Up to standard, thanks, RT! I especially enjoy the autopsy ones – dead giveaways of stupidity 🙂 (Pun deliberate)

    It sounds like a great evening, Amazon. Tempting your travel buds?

    Morning all.
    Thanks RT, the mind boggles!
    I am just back from an early swim, first time in 2 weeks I did not feel like I needed an oxygen cylinder whilst swimming….the nasty bug my grandaughter gave me really was horrible! Makes one appreciate being well again!
    Jo a while back you asked me if regular swimming affected my nails….funny you should ask that as I started taking a collagen supplement a couple of months ago for them as they have always been weak, too soon for any effect to be seen yet. I dont think swimming has made them any worse, its more harsh on my hair! Cant seem to find a cap that doesnt leak!
    Fasting been a bit hit and miss this week but will start again properly on Monday…I have been coughing too much to focus on anything else!
    At least our winter seems to be finally gone, fasting definitely much harder when its cold!

    Hi Nama,

    I was just thinking the other day that I’ve not had a single bug since I started taking kefir, despite having regualr contact with several children who seem to be walking miniature bug factories.

    Swimming doesn’t affect my hair or my nails. I think it has more to do with the chemistry of the pool than anything else.

    My week hasn’t gone as well as I would like fasting wise, but there is still time to remedy that and I’m planning on fasting Saturday and Sunday.

    I went out today to do some seasonal shopping which was successful despite the fact that I went to a particular shopping centre in order to visit a shop and when I arrived I found it was closed for refurbishment.

    I’m off to Kew Garden tomorrow to catch the last of the autumn colour before the leaves all hit the ground.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Hi Amazon,
    My nails have been weak all my life, I just decided maybe I have been lowish on collagen all my life! Time will tell.

    We have our kefir every single day, but this must have been a particularly nasty lurgy that swept thru the whole family, even my son who rarely succumbs ended up with asthma..bub got off the lightest!
    I would not be surprised if it was actually influenza, though none of us officially diagnosed! Perhaps we would have been even worse without the kefir!
    I hope you survive Londons winter without any colds/flu, that will test the kefir theory!
    Enjoy Kew, how gorgeous, I love autumn!

    RT! Those are hilarious! Where do you find this stuff??!!

    This has not been a great week as far as fast days have gone. It was mainly due to poor planning on my part around certain social obligations. Mostly I just forgot about them until they were upon me!

    So, I’ve done some intermittent fasting to try and salvage some of the week. I had made cabbage soup on Sunday so I’ve been trying to have my coffee for breakfast,some cabbage soup at lunch (cabbage, onions, carrots, and broth) and then normal dinner. Until today. Today is kind of an all-out-eating-more-than-i-should day.

    I will regroup this weekend and plan on a partial FD on Saturday and a full one on Sunday.

    Nama, I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better!

    Barata, you said you were at maintenance? how long have you been at maintenance? Do you maintain with 5:2?

    I think I may have lost a pound this week but it’s hard to tell for sure. Tomorrow I’ll be able to tell.

    My best to all!

    Kerry Ann, I started 5:2 in September 2013, as soon as we had come back from a European trip which was just after I had seen the original documentary here on NZ TV. I got to maintenance in about April 2015 and have been maintaining with 5:2 ever since. However, about a year ago the weight crept up by a couple of kgs, and has refused to drop. I have not changed anything, so am disappointed that the regime has not proved the ongoing miracle I was hoping for, and concerned that there might be yearly creep. In fact I am eating less carbs, and skipping more morning meals, than before. 🙁

    I’m not unhappy with the current weight, but my expectations have been set! So I am looking at longer fasts, extending my Monday FD into Tuesday, and even Wednesday.

    When my OH started 5:2 two years ago he made good progress, but that has stalled and reversed, even though for him also nothing in the diet has changed. Must be something in the air here. He is likely to have metabolic issues which will be part of the problem, does not believe in drinking water, and cannot be weaned off artificial sweeteners.

    Morning/evening all,


    My nails have never been strong either and what you and I have in common is the occupational hazard of washing our hands upwards of 30 times per day when we were working.

    I had influenza once when I was in my early 20s and I was bedbound for several days.I never want to catch it again. I used to have a vaccination when I was working but I’m too young to qualify for it on the NHS and I’m not paying for it.

    It does sound that whatever you and the family had was particularly horrible whether it was flu or not.

    People tend to use the word now when they have a heavy cold. When I was younger and we used to get colds they would last 3 or 4 days. Modern viruses have evolved to inhabit our bodies for weeks.

    I am always amazed when I get on the bus and every window is closed despite being steamed up. No wonder viruses spread like widlfire with everyone breathing the same stale and germ ridden air!

    We’ve had an overnight frost and this morning we have blue sky and sunshine. My walk will be wonderful 🙂

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Great idea to start this one)

    Barata, thank you for sharing. I’m sorry to hear that a little weight has crept back up. Maybe just age? Related to muscle loss and metabolism slowing? It sounds frustrating to be doing something that has been so successful and then have it stop working. At some point doesn’t adding in additional fasting sort of become a starvation diet? The idea of that scares me a little.

    It certainly doesn’t reflect on your self discipline!! Your weight loss and maintenance, both are inspiring to me!

    My husband is an artificial sweetener user too. It drives me crazy because I believe it’s so toxic to our bodies.

    Amazon, that description of being on a crowded, closed up bus with steamy windows almost made me gag :/ EEK. It gives me a chill up my spine every time I think about it!!!

    I’ve had a pretty unsuccessful week as far as meeting the objectives that will get me to my goal of a 20 pound weight loss.

    I only got up to exercise ONE day this week. I did two other ballet classes, but those aren’t included in my “workouts”. They are excellent for my flexibility, balance, agility but they don’t burn many calories.

    I did not complete ANY FDs. And, I ate a jello salad that was full of things I am allergic to and am now feeling the consequences of.

    I’m pretty disappointed in how my week turned out…however! Next week will be much better! I will come at the week with a clear plan and be more strict with myself about getting to bed on time so I can get up and do my workouts in the morning! And I will plan and mentally prepare for my FDs better than I did this week. I will definitely avoid allergens.

    I hope you had a lovely walk Amazon!

    We have a beautiful day too. Crisp and cold but clear and sunny! I would love to be out walking instead of stuck behind a desk but I am grateful for my job.

    I definitely need to contemplate ways to get more steps in every day.

    Hope you all are having a lovely day.

    Where fore out thou Jojo and Happy?? Trust all is ok 💡

    Going all Shakespearian on us RT?
    I guess the girls are busy. Miss you.

    I had a friend ask how on earth she can convince her husband to go low carb. I wrote tonight’s dinner recipe down and thought I’d share with this mob 😊

    A low carb meal:
    Tonight I made pasta free lasagne…
    Onion, garlic, oregano, sugar free passata and 250gm pork and veal mince cooked to a meat sauce
    Layer with thin slices of sweet potato (microwave to soften), sliced eggplant, parmesan cheese, spinach and basil leaves.
    Bake for 40 minutes.
    Serve with finely sliced leafy cole slaw style veg mixed with coarsely grated red apple (incl skin) and mayonnaise.
    Makes 4 serves, so I label and freeze 2!
    The trick is to make the doubters think they are still eating carbs. Lots of bulk and flavour and full fat dairy to satiate.

    Cheers P

    Hi all,
    Kerry Ann it sounds to me as if you are setting too many goals at once, then being cross with yourself for not meeting targets. Many of us following 5:2 successfully have made it a way of life and only attempt what is realistically ‘doable’ for us individually. Lots of us exercise but recognise that exercise is only for flexibility and ‘feel good’ factors, it wont have a significant impact on reaching your weightloss goal. If you really want to succeed with fasting, then focus on that for now – aim for one or two good fast days a week and dont stress about all the other stuff. Obviously you dont want to ‘undo’ all that good work on non fast days, but start slowly and let fasting become a habit before you try to completely reinvent yourself. It takes a while for your liver to adapt to switching to burning fat for energy, but persist and you will find it easier. You wont feel as hungry if you avoid carbs, thats a golden rule too.. When I started 3 years ago, the mere thought of exercise was enough to make me panic and I never, ever would have believed I could change my eating habits and food choices so radically. I simply focused on getting through each fast day. Then as the scales rewarded me, it was easy to push a bit harder – I even found an exercise to suit me (swimming) and shocked all my friends and family with my committment to it. I gave up breakfast as I realized I simply could not eat three meals a day and not gain weight. But if anyone had told me I would do all this I would have laughed at them. So be patient with yourself, one step at a time!

    Purple that ‘pasta’ sounds yum. I have been meaning to try ‘toast’ made with thin lengthways slices of sweet potato, saw a video of it and it looks good. I have had to stop the bread creeping back into my diet again – I blame little grandaughter and her love of fruit toast! Thought of you when I got the mandolin out today – back to coleslaw season – look out fingers!!

    Very warm and humid week in Melbourne, feels like Sydney weather at present! Back to the garden watering ritual. I enjoy this but the mosquitoes are such a pain on these hot nights, they feast on me, if only I was organized enough to water in the mornings!

    Hi everyone,

    The lasagne sounds good Purple. It can also be made by slicing leeks halfway through lengthwise, then opening out and blanching the leaves before using them instead of sheets of pasta.

    I agree that it is better just to cook something healthy and satisfying rather than telling anyone it is low carb and/or healthy and using full fat dairy is great for satiety and flavour.

    I’ve just spent a pleasant hour in the kitchen making a lentil bake which is basically a veggie version of shepherds pie.
    Onion, garlic, leek, carrots, sweet pepper, mushroom, parsnip, tomatoes, lentils, herbs etc topped with mash made from a small potato, lots of butternut squash and topped with cheese.
    1800 calories in total and makes 6 portions.

    It’s the second time I’ve made it as I enjoyed the first one so much. I saw a recipe that had twice the amount of lentils and I decided to substitute half of them with mixed veggies. I can use whatever is in season, and the same for the topping.

    I’ve stopped making bread for the time being as it is far too easy to stick a couple of frozen slices into the toaster, and it isn’t just the bread that is the problem but what gets piled on top!

    Our weather is interesting, we have one day when it is cold and frosty followed by warm and wet then repeat. Today is warm and damp!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello Everyone,

    Apologies for long absence but I was literally ‘cut off’. My iPad died and I lost my phone. The good news is I have a new iPad, my son’s old one which has been updated from the ‘cloud’. My phone has not turned up yet which is a bit sad but I haven’t given up hope, it isn’t insured and it’s on contract. I have reported it so I will not get stung for usage.

    I have loads to read since my last entry so I will do it tonight. Hope everyone is well and getting ready for Christmas. I have loads of functions to attend but have pre ordered fish at them all. I shall try to avoid puddings entirely.

    Pretty cold here but mainly dry so not complaining.

    Missed you all.

    Hi Jo ☺
    The lentil pie sounds yum Amazon. P

    Good Morning/Evening!

    It is Monday morning 11:16 am. here. I know that some of you are already done with your day!

    This weekend was lovely. We had my youngest son’s 15th birthday party on Saturday and dinner at my Dad’s on Sunday.

    Today is a FD and doing well so far. Had a really wonderful, fun workout this morning!

    Since Thanksgiving is Thursday and I have Friday off of work, I’ll do my second fast day on Wed.

    Nama, I agree completely with your philosophy of focusing on one goal at a time. I am trying to do that. That was how I started out and then in the third week I got overly ambitious but now realize that I’m not ready to tackle any big dietary changes besides getting these two solid fast days in every week.

    That is a tendency I have. I get excited and want to do more and more. I am taking your advice to heart though and really just focusing on fast days. I will know when it’s time to make another change. Right now the thing that gives me anxiety is the thought of counting calories on NFD. So, I’m not doing it. 🙂

    Exercise is not a new goal for me though. I am a life long exerciser. I love to workout and have been getting up early to workout before I go to work for many years. The main reason I couldn’t get up more than once last week is because I’ve been staying up too late! Usually watching videos of ballet classes on my ipad!

    I’m feeling headachey today but I don’t think it’s related to the fast day. I can’t even remember the last time I had a headache. This feels like a hormone related one.
    And it feels like it’s going to be a doozey.

    Hope all is well for all of you. 🙂

    Goodness me Nama what a headline 😯
    Melbourne sweating through one of its hottest weeks in 155 years as nation swelters
    Stay Hydrated

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