Hi RT:
I posted this video of an interview with Phinney and Volek about three years ago. It probably has more information you may be interested in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFD2q5iqevY
This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by fitfast 3 months, 4 weeks ago.
Hi RT:
I posted this video of an interview with Phinney and Volek about three years ago. It probably has more information you may be interested in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFD2q5iqevY
Morning/evening all,
Hi Kerry Ann and welcome.
Second FD of the week today and I m craving all things that are off the list starting with bread and ending with cake π¬
I’ve plenty to keep me occupied today so hopefully I’ll be able to ignore it.
I decided that something comforting is in order for dinner so it’s the low carb option of mac and cheese using veg rather than pasta.
Have a good one everybody π
How would we get through a FD without β
Hello Tribe,
Welcome Kelly Ann.
Sorry for being away from you guys! I was never down like this on my entire life.
I totally Stopped past week. I gues it was worth doing it. I do feel much better. When I touch my calf muscle I still feel some soreness. I am walking by careful and slow. You are right Jo it takes a long time to heal a muscle/tendon whatever is going on.
That period I ate things that normally I don’t even have in the house such as muffins and cinnamon raisin toast with butter or peanut butter. Plus other things π
My brain is much better today. I went to scale mysel. I am down but still up from my goal.
It’s so cold here! Toooons of leaves to deal with outside but this year we’ll hire someone.
Tomorrow I’ll intend to take a Pilates class, Friday a yoga class followed by a sauna.
I’ll be doing a mix bean sou later! That makes me full and happy.
Be good everyone π
Hello and thanks everyone for the warm welcome.
Yesterday was my first FD and it was amazing. I was so happy with how I did and how I felt and, most especially, how I did not die!
My husband is very supportive and I had plenty of energy, slept well, was able to get up and exercise no problem this morning and am excited to eat a normal dinner tonight.
I can tell from reading many of your posts that it might not always be as easy as it was yesterday. Knowing that it was just for the two days a week with two days break in between really makes an enormous difference in my self control!!! I’m bubbling over with newbie excitement because I am so certain this is going to work for me in a way no other diet ever has!!
That’s why I keep using so many exclamation points!!! It’s just excitement:D !!!
Yesterday morning i did a low impact cardio workout so that i wouldn’t make myself too hungry later in the day. It was perfect for a FD.
This morning I did a ballet style balance and flexibility workout, again, because I didn’t know how much energy I would have after a FD plus tonight I have a dance class. Not a huge calorie burn since I spend a lot of time just standing there with a confused look on my face trying to pick up the choreography!!
Healthcoach B – I’m so sorry to hear you’re having such a hard time with some kind of injury. That is sooooo frustrating and can be scary too. Keep taking good care of it though, like you said, it’s worth it in the long run to not injure it further.
Cinnamon toast with butter sounds sooooo good!!! TGIANFD!
Thanks again everyone! Tomorrow will be my second FD of the week. I’m debating how long to wait til I weigh myself….must. be. patient….gasp….step away from the scale….
Have a lovely night! See you all tomorrow π
Hi Kerry Ann and welcome congratulations on your 1st successful fast day.You have made a positive start by joining in the conversation here. My top4 things to do.
1. Certainly buy the fast diet book and read it front to back ASAP.
2. Watch the doco Eat Fast & Live Longer here
3. Read all you can about the fast diet here.
This is a must read IMO
4. Jason Fung 26 chapters of information on fasting.
βIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedβ
Peace RT
Morning/evening all,
Jo, it isn’t that cold here. I.m now wearing a jacket or my lightweight fleece if I’m going to the gym. The daytime temperature is in double figures and we’ve had a fair amount of sunshine over the past week or so.
I’m off to the London Wetlands Centre later with my niece and great nephew. He thinks every waterfowl he sees is a duck so we’ll attempt to educate him but will bear in mind he is only two! π¦π¦π¦ I’m hoping we get there in time for otter feeding as it is such a joy to watch them. They must be some of the most playful creatures on the planet.
I’m going to the Natural History Museum at the weekend as we’ve got tickets for the Wildlige Photography exhibition and I’m really looking forward to see the whale π³
Have a good one everybody π
Good Morning!
Today is my second FD for the week. So this week it turns out to be Tuesday and Thursday, which feels a little difficult. Only because I think having two days in between will be easier than one. Normally, I intend for it to be Monday and Thursday, however, since I started on Tuesday on the spur of the moment and I don’t want to have a FD over the weekend, it’s got to be today!
I skipped dance class last night. I was oddly exhausted when I got home from work.
I did not binge at all but I did enjoy quite a bit of spaghetti with meatballs and garlic toast so I gained 2 lbs. of water, literally overnight. I really should just stay away from wheat in general but every now then I just cave.
Another thing…I have no idea if this has to do with the FD or not being as it was a night later but I slept for 7 hours straight last night. ????? I can’t even tell you the last time that happened! I didn’t even get up to go to the bathroom. I would love it if that trend were to continue!!
RogueTrader, thank you for the awesome information! I will look at all those links you sent. I have ordered the book from Amazon.com, I think I managed to get the right one, the most updated. I’m really looking forward to reading it. I probably should have just bought the kindle version π maybe I will since the paper one was so cheap! Then I’ll have both.
Jojo, I had to google Turnbridge Wells. Looks amazing! I would love to visit a place like that! Sorry the show was a disappointment though. Thank you for the encouragement. Transformation is what I’m looking for!
Amazon, sounds like you have an amazing day planned as well! I love two year olds! it’s one of my favorite ages, in spite of the reputation they have for being “terrible”. Enjoy your day!
We are having amazing weather here in Kodiak. Completely uncharacteristic for November. Crisp, cold, clear, sunny, just beautiful. We’ve even had a couple of 50 F degree days this week, which i guess is 10 C. That’s summer weather for us. Normal weather would be side ways rain and winds gusting to 30!
So let’s talk motivation! I desperately need to overhaul my wardrobe!! I have been wearing so many of the same clothes for way too long. I have far too much black in my work wardrobe and I’m almost ready to, literally, empty my closet and start from scratch!
And I was just about to do just that until I started this WOL. Now, however, I’m so excited and convinced that I will actually be able to reach and maintain my ideal weight I’ve decided to hold off for a bit.
I think I need to wait and see what kind of success i have losing weight before i buy clothes that will, hopefully, end up too big!
Alright, I’d better get busy on my day.
Have a good one all!
Hi Fasters,
Good to have you on board, Kerry Ann. I am in the south of France and it is unseasonably warm here too.Your enthusiasm for this WOL is great. We know that it’s easier to fast when we are participating in this thread.
Good to hear fasting aids sleeping. I do not always sleep well on down days, and tonight is a full moon or nearly which disturbs my sleep too.
I do RT’s homework assignments too. Very interesting.
Good to have your news, Jojo and Amazon.
I am being very disciplined with food at present and still trying to lose 2-2.5 kgs a month. I am still 2 kgs above my target for October, but doing Up, down, down days now, with the 400cals on down days. After watching your youtube discussion, RT, I decided to go under 25g carb limit a day, and give up milk until I reach my goal for November. Milk is 24g carb/100ml. I see why you put butter in your coffee like the Tibetans(I guess not yak’s milk for you). Let’s see if that helps to lose weight.
So I have to lose nearly 4 kg this month, which may be well nigh impossible.
4×7700= 30k cal deficit which is 1000 cal deficit a day. I will try.
There is a film floating around on the Dr Fong FB page of an autopsy of a very obese
woman and the fat around her organs. It is quite frightening and for me a good motivation. I could not watch the film, but just the trailer was enough.
Off to play an hour of pingpong. I am so much enjoying this game.
xx Wiwi
Hi all and a big welcome Kerry Ann,
Many of us on this thread have been here a long time and I can tell you from personal experience that fasting has been the first long term weight control solution I have found – and I have struggled with my weight for nearly 50 years. I first dieted at 16, now 64 and the last 3 years has been such a relief to find something that works for me! As a youngster it was all about vanity, but of course now its about staying active and healthy! Fasting is a skill we learn and use it when we need to – no longer on or off a ‘diet’ and feeling either great or a failure! But give it time, your body takes a while to learn to burn fat as its fuel of choice. Most of us find that keeping well away from carbs is half the battle – the chain reaction of carbs/insulin release/hunger is much better avoided if possible. If you get a headache on a fast day, have some salt and lots of water. Exercise is for feeling good, it wont make much difference to your weight loss, just make you hungrier! I have dodgy knees so I swim laps and am enjoying exercise for the first time in my life.
What is really interesting is you (Kerry Ann) addressing RT as RogueTrader!! Many newbies think RT is a make up consultant, because he inadvertently introduced himself as Rouge Trader, when he intended to be Rogue Trader all along……you are either psychic or very perceptive!
Buying new clothes is the best part! I have gone down 4 sizes, and often it is just the goal of staying comfortable in the size 12 jeans that motivates me! Dont buy too many, they will be falling off you before you know it.
Jo I did laugh at the thought of you partnering the bridge teacher – you are one brave woman! And I did laugh at your son still enjoying Halloween! We hide on Halloween night and dont answer the doorbell – cant bring myself to give kids all those lollies! This year we went out for dinner!
Planning a picnic in the park with little grandaughter tomorrow (sat) while her parents go house-hunting – great relief their place sold in 3 weeks! They wont know themselves in a bigger place – a Queen sized bed in the lounge is not a good look! (The baby got the only bedroom!) So today I need to boil some eggs and think creatively….Chloe eats anything but it will need to be finger food without a high-chair.
Also starting the plum puddings today, where has this year gone? Before I retired, I always made them in September! I am also going to make a Sri Lankan “Love Cake”, a gorgeous combination of semolina, rosewater and honey…..maybe that will be on a non fast day! I have finally figured out its far safer to stay out of the kitchen (the sweet corner of it!) on fast days!!
Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) π
Why, Why, Why,
Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are almost dead?
Why do banks charge a fee on ‘insufficient funds’ when they already know there is not enough money?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars; but have to check when you say the paint is still wet?
Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Whose idea was it to put an ‘S’ in the word ‘lisp’?
If people evolved from apes, why are there still ape s?
Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?
Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?
How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?
When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, ‘It’s all right?’ Well, it isn’t all right, so why don’t we say, ‘That really hurt, why don’t you watch where you’re goin g?’
Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that’s falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?
In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?
How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?
And my FAVORITE…… The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends — if they’re okay, then it’s you.
Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers π
Peace RT
@nama – Thank you for sharing so much! Your story is what I’m hoping for as well. You are so right about the carbs. It was not very smart to load up on spaghetti and bread last night but I figured since I’m just starting out I have to make a few changes at a time. Decreasing over all carb intake will soon be part of my plan! 4 sizes down! amazing and so inspiring! I am being patient and giving my body time to catch up to the new WOL. This forum is so helpful!
You know, I didn’t even notice that RT’s name was spelled Rouge. That’s funny..I probably typed Rogue because Rogue Trader makes sense to my brain and Rouge Trader doesn’t so my brain, in its infinite wisdom, switched the letters around for me!
@wiwi – I would love to visit the south of France! I laughed when I read you call RT’s list “homework”! Funny!
Well, I’m about half way through this 2nd FD of the week. Doing well so far. I’m thinking about food and wine more than I did the 1st day. It’s like I’m forgetting that I’m fasting and start looking forward to what I’ll eat/drink when I get home and then I remember..”oh wait! That’s for tomorrow!”
I can do it though. Tomorrow is Friday!! Thank Goodness!
Well said Nama and yes agreed that I would have blindly continued on and none the wiser π― thinking what a bloody super cool pseudonym with reference to share markets racing & sports markets If you hadnβt helped me out originally and Kerry Ann thanks for putting 2 and 2 together and drawing a straight line between the dotsβ¦ π well played.
Peace RT.
Hi Kerry Ann
My philosophy, when I started 5:2 4 1/2 years ago, was to make the changes quickly, lose weight quickly and get on with my new life. We cut out most white carbs and processed foods immediately. We very quickly learnt totally new, much healthier, ways to eat. We both lost weight very quickly, having to replace our wardrobes twice in a year π We reached our healthy goal weights, as planned, at exactly 12 months (a total of 60kg combined…that’s a whole me!) and have kept it off.
So great were our changes in eating habits, I actually can’t remember what we used to eat!
My experience on this forum seems to indicate that the people who reach their goal quickly seem to be the ones who manage to stick with their new regime.
Jump in with 2 feet….reinvent yourself. It is fabulous! π P
Happy Friday All!
I just can’t express how happy it makes me to know that it’s the weekend.
Yesterday’s FD was a success but definitely more difficult than the first one. I found myself wanting to go to bed at 7:30 pm just so I would quit thinking about food! That feeling went away though.
My energy levels are amazing and I slept like a rock last night, again. My mood is ridiculous too. I noticed that even before I read the chapter in the book that was discussing how IF works on your mood and feelings of well being. Wow….it’s real.
Even when I wanted to wring the neck of my youngest son this morning for ..yet again…running us out of hot water before i could take a shower for work. Even while I was hurriedly rinsing the shampoo out of my hair with ice cold water plotting his demise…i still felt great.
Don’t worry though, it will never happen again. He’s lost his morning shower rights. Back to taking them at night before bed for him.
@rt…you crack me up!
@purple Veg….that is a great philosophy! an immediate overhaul. Reinvent myself! That is great advice. It makes sense. Act like this is who I already am and it is who i will be!
As far as food goes, I don’t usually eat processed, junk, or fast foods. My food choices are very, very clean due primarily to having an annoying corn allergy. As I’m sure you know, corn, in a million forms, is in almost everything….even healthy stuff. I do however have a problem with portion control and “cheat day” mentality and with fear of hunger because for many years hunger was painful due to the inflammation in my stomach caused by the allergy.
The allergy is under control now but the deeply rooted subconscious beliefs are what I really have to work on now.
With this WOL I’m already finding it incredibly easy to NOT binge on my NFD. I did notice this morning that I woke up in diet mode….it’s such a habit, to calculate every calorie in my breakfast to make sure I have enough for a decent sized dinner. The diet mentality is strong in my psyche. But the awareness that I am developing for what is going on inside my head that I’ve never even noticed before is amazing.
I did a Hiit workout this morning. 27 minutes. it felt perfect.
@jojo58 – I hope you had fun singing and dancing! I do a lot of that too…usually, in my kitchen with a glass of wine while cooking dinner. π Although, I am now taking an adult ballet class which i love, love, love!!!
Big plans for this weekend include getting outside and enjoying this weather! I think a little hike up a mountain and taking my dog for some good long walks are in order.
And maybe I’ll get a start on that closet! π
Morning/evening all,
Jo, it is rarely anything other than milder in London at this time of year compared to anywhere on the coast of the UK. It is wet this morning but due to dry up soon, hopefully before I go out.
I’ve had a good week so far, two good FDs and stayed in control on non FDs.
I’m eating out today but am fasting until then and will have one course and some wine.
My aim for November is not to eat bread, cake or dessert which led to declining a slice of birthday cake yesterday and my halo strangled me all the way home π
My fridge is full of fruit soaking in alcohol for Christmas cakes. I made mine last weekend and will be making two more in the next few days, then I’m done until time comes to decorate them.
No Christmas pud this year, I’m going for something lighter that doesn’t beg to be covered in rum sauce and cream.
I’m not making any more edible gifts this year either as I always have leftovers and we all know what happens to them……
Time to get moving, I can’t go out in my dressing gown!
Have a good one everybody π
Good Morning!
It’s been a great week. Two successful fast days and then dinner out last night with friends.
I’m really looking forward to my next fast day already!
@jojo – it does sound like you have a very full life. Lots of activities! I would love to take another dance class. The studio has swing dance lessons, I’d love to get my husband to. Speaking of my dear husband. He’s difficult to control my food intake around. He has an enormous sweet toothe and LOVES to watch food porn TV. He’s always showing my ooey gooey concoctions on the tv. It kills me.
I’m a sun person too. Well, I really love all the kinds of weather we get here but htere’s just too much rain and gloom sometimes. Our summers are very short and our winters tend to be more wet than cold and crisp. It’s very foggy and if we get more than three days without rain it’s a record. Vacations save my life!
I really really should be walking my dog daily! He has a very big, fenced back yard where he can run a lot so I get lazy about taking him to walk. And he’s difficult to control. He’s a Siberain Husky. They are difficult to train and are born to run and pull so he loves to lunge!!
Even though you haven’t reached your final weight loss goal at least you haven’t gained any back!!! That alone is something to be excited about! Maintainence is the dream.
Do you find the kefir helps with anything in particular? I’ve bought a bottle several times and usual end up not finishing it! I should be better about it. Do you just take a shot a day? Drink it like milk? Mix it with fruit?
I know it’s supposed to be great for a healthy gut, which I should definitely be focusing on after years of inflammation.
And definitely need to get off grains. Oh so many goals…it gets a little overwhelming!
@amazon…now, after reading your post, I’ve decided to bake a rum cake!!!
And now…I must get up OFF the couch! It’s 12:30. My coffee is gone and the day isn’t getting any younger!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I’m off to enjoy my day!
Hi all,
Public holiday in Melbourne today for a HORSE RACE!! There a lot of women hoping for some sunshine as the fashion is a close second to the horses and much planning and spending goes into many outfits! Typical spring weather though, sunny one minute, raining the next!
Amazon thinking of you today as I finally assemble and boil my plum puddings for xmas. I have a rotten cold at present (thanks grandaughter!) so hopefully wont be tempted to nibble the fruit – taste buds and smell completely gone at present. Its amazing what a difference this has made the last couple of days, food tastes like cardboard! Even my strong brewed coffee this morning was tasteless.
Jo the 4 day fast last weekend was a success thanks. I got rid of 3 kilos and they have remained off….I expected at least one to bounce back but it has not, so I am pleased about that. I found the second day tricky, but by 3rd and 4th days I had lost all appetite. I did plan it around 4 days with no social plans or other committments, I think that helped. I spent most of it in the garden and kept well away from the kitchen. It was a reset after a few months of too many ‘treats’ and creeping numbers on the scales, well worth the discipline. I dont want to use this strategy more than every 3-6 months though, because I think for me that would just lead to making excuses to eat badly and kidding myself I could ‘fix’ it with a longer fast. I think its more important to concentrate on keeping good habits with regular 5:2 or 4:3
Well done on starting your fasts so well Kerry Ann, just keep going and it will become a habit! Your dog sounds like he does need a lot of exercise – good for you both. It sounds like he is the perfect dog for your climate! I see from your profile you have four sons, I thought two were a lot to feed! You need one more to keep up with RT though – he has his own football team!
Hi Nama the race that stops the nation please π if your interested that is π― yfee could care less 2nd born announced to the family his desire to have his 30th at the Cup next year just the family and spouses he was actually born on cup day in 1988 so some history etc etc.
I am having something on these today
7-9-13-15-17 and 22 also I also have max dynamite in the sweep at work enjoy the day folks.
Winners are Grinner’s
Peace RT
Morning/evening all,
RT, I’m sure you’ve had a great day π
Nama, well done on the four day fast. That is a lot of weight to shift. I know if I over indulge and bread and cake are involved I feel very bloated and I’m sure it take me longer to digest them plus I retain fluid, so I guess it was a combination of that plus a kg or so of unwanted (whispers) fat. I agree regarding long fasts,I don’t think it is a good idea to do them more than 3 or 4 times per year. This is a good time of year to do one in order to reset and give the body a break, so you’ve timed it perfectly.
Hi Jo,
There is no cure for the common cold, not even kefir.
I wouldn’t say that I’m addicted to food. I think addiction is an over-used word which has come to mean something between a bad habit and lack of self control.
I had a very busy FD yesterday including time in the kitchen baking the third Christmas cake and making a batch of mixed veg chilli.
The cakes are all done now and are wrapped up until it is time to decorate them.
I had a portion of the chilli for my FD dinner with some leftover guacamole and it was perfect comfort food, warming, filling and tasty. 4 portions stashed in the freezer.
I’m out with some of my ex-collegues this evening and am fasting until then. I’m off to the gym this morning and have a list of things to do this afternoon to keep me busy.
I bought some winter flowering plants yesterday to cheer up the front of the house as the Geraniums were past their best and the Impatiens didn’t survive the frost (no surprise there). I now have a splash of colour with deep red Cyclamen peeping out between beautiful white Hellebores. I’ve also bought some winter savoury which will survive the cold weather on my sheltered back step. If cooked with pulses it is supposed to prevent flatulence. Watch this space…………….. π
Have a good one everybody π
I am up! It’s 5:30 am, getting ready to do my morning workout. Had my first FD of the week yesterday. It was harder than last week! I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep last night because I was thinking about food! It was kind of funny really. Si I have lost exactly one pound this past week. Not bad considering I didn’t control my NFDs at all! Just imagine what I can lose if I do! I will be curious to see if the one pound a week is consistent or if it’s just beginners luck! π I’ll have more time later today to catch up on everyone’s posts and comment. See you all soon!
Thanks for the lik Amazon. The key quote is:
“They are all keen to point out, however, that no matter how repetitive the advice, and difficult to achieve in the west, a varied diet rich in fresh vegetables and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, along with exercise and stress management, is the route to sustained gut (and general) health.”
(Nodding head) βΊ
I just don’t seem to be able to find the time for an update!
@nama….yes, the boys do try to eat me out of house and home but they are sure a lot of fun! I miss them all being at home together. But the freedom is nice too!
Okay, I will definitely make time to post tomorrow night.
@purple veg….i did make my own sauerkraut not too long ago. it wasn’t too bad but I still favor the stuff in the can for sheer tanginess! I do try to drink kombucha and eat a good active yogurt daily.
Keep up the awesome work and the great posts everybody! You are keeping me going!!!
Hi everyone,
Hope all are well.
It’s a nice day here in London, much better than I expected after reading the weather forecast.
Socialising with my ex-colleagues was great. We’ve not seen each other since March so we had a lot to catch up on.
I went to the cinema yesterday to see the Death of Stalin which was very entertaining and was pondering over the last time I went out two evenings in a row apart from when on holiday, and it is so long ago I can’t remember π
My weight is slowly but surely moving in the right direction and stepping onto the scales this morning made me very happy and has spurred me to continue to work hard at reaching my goal.
I went shopping this morning and came home with a huge bagful of seasonal UK grown veg and am looking forward to dinner π
Have a good one everybody π
Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) π
An Englishman stops Paddy for directions… “Excuse me pal, what’s the quickest way to Dublin?”
Paddy says “Are you on foot or in the car?”
The Englishman says “In the car.”
Paddy replies “That’s the quickest!”
O’Shaughnessy Needs Time Off – Irish Humour at its Best
Soon after O’Shaughnessy clocked in for work, the foreman called him over and told him that he had a phone call in the front office.
When O’Shaughnessy returned, he had a mournful expression on his face and his head hung low. His foreman noticed and asked if it was bad news.’ To be shure it was, Boss, ‘he replied, ‘I just found out from Ireland that my mother died earlier this morning.’
‘Gosh, that’s awful, ‘replied the foreman, ‘Do you want the rest of the day off?’
‘No, ‘replied O’Shaughnessy. ‘ I’ll finish the day out.’
About an hour later, the foreman returned to inform him that there was another phone call for him in the office. This time when O’Shaughnessy returned he looked twice as glum, and the foreman asked if everything was alright.
‘Bejeezuz Boss, its even worse news. That was my brother, and his mother died today too!’
How are you feeling?
An Irish bloke goes to the doctor and says “Dactor, it’s me ahrse. I’d loik ya ta teyhk a look, if ya wood”.
So the doctor gets him to drop his pants and takes a look. “Incredible,” he says, “there is a Β£20 note lodged up here”. Tentatively he eases the twenty out of the man’s bottom, only to see another Β£10 note appear. “This is amazing” exclaims the Doctor “What do you want me to do?.
“Well fur gadness sake teyhk it out man” shrieks the patient. The doctor pulls out the tenner and another twenty appears, and another and another and so on…Finally the last note comes out and no more appear. “Ah Dactor, tank ya koindly, dat’s moch batter, how moch is dare den? The Doctor counts the pile of cash. “Β£1990 exactly.”
“Ah, dat’d be roit.” says Paddy ” I knew I wasn’t feeling two grand.”
Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers π
Peace RT
Thanks Purple,
I think it’s a combination of several things.
It’s 3 months until my holiday and I really need to be as fit as possible, and along with trying out a whole new way of eating it has helped me to focus and re-gain my self control.
Despite continuing to fast and even losing a couple of pounds here and there (which then went back on faster than it was lost) my weight was still going up, but I’ve lost 5lbs in the last 3 weeks and am determined that it isn’t going to be yet another false dawn. This morning was the first time I’d weighed for 3 weeks and I couldn’t believe that I had lost so much. I was beginning to think I was never going to get to goal and it has really cheered me up and strengthened my resolve.
It was the non FDs that were the problem so I’ve set myself a few rules and so far so good. I am really enjoying trying out new recipes along with some of my old favourites.
I had fish when I was out on Tuesday and I’m not ruling out eating meat if I want to but for now I’m concentrating on lots of lovely veggies, pulses, dairy, nuts, a few grains and the occasional glass of wine π
It’s a FD today and it’s a really tough one for me. I’ve already gone over 500 and it’s only 2 pm. I’m going to have to allow myself to go up to about 650. I think if I stay at 650 I can still consider it a successful day.
Purple Veg – what do you mean when you say “regular reinventing”?
RT!!! Too funny !!!
Kerry Ann, even if you go over, think of it as a half fast, don’t just drop it βΊβΊ
By reinventing, I mean totally changing what, how much and when you eat. Begin without any of your old habits. Work out a menu of food choices that are healthy, low carb, low cal, full fat, very leafy, with lots of colour, texture and taste. Throw out anything you should no longer eat. Stock your cupboards with the makings of your new recipes so that you can quickly and easily prepare nutritious food with no temptation to snack.
Take up eating at different times. Try not eating ever before 10:30am. Try only 2 meals a day. Only eat when you genuinely need to and only ever eat the best food you can. When in doubt, have a glass of water!
Go for it! P ππ
Morning/evening all,
Kerry Ann, the later you start eating on a FD the easier it is to succeed. I started off trying to divide 500 calories into 3 meals which wasn’t working for me so I decided to give up breakfast which made it easier. Eventually I decided to only eat dinner on a FD and have been doing that ever since. I often have a tricky time around 2.30pm which is when I start to feel hungry. I have a couple of glasses of water, a pinch of salt (prevents me getting a headache when I’ve not eaten) and a hot drink, tea, coffee or broth.
I follow 16:8 on non FDs and rarely eat before 12.00. An 8 hour window makes it harder (but unfortunately not impossible) to over-eat and it has made me realise that we don’t need breakfast, we have plenty of energy from last nights dinner and won’t collapse weak and exhausted if we don’t eat a bowl of cereal or some other breakfast food that is little more than thinly disguised sugar.
Hunger comes in waves and in the beginning of a fasting journey it isn’t hunger but craving for the addictive substances in the fooods we eat eg sugar.
You have to tell yourself you will not starve if you don’t eat for another couple of hours and find yourself something to do, take the dog for a walk, tidy a cupboard.
It takes many years to develop bad eating habits and gain weight and it stands to reasion it takes a while to re-educate our brain and our stomach and develop healthier habits. Be patient and keep trying.
You can do this π
The sun has just peeped out from behind the clouds and I’m going out for some fresh air, then I have a huge pile of ironing to keep me busy until dinner time.
Have a good one everybody π
That’s also the way I started four years ago, Amazon, spreading the 500 calories over the day, and ending up with a single meal on FDs – soup on Mondays and chicken salad on Thursdays. This way I can add bulk for the men in the house, and keep everyone happy. And now that I have used up the last of the home-made muesli breakfasts are history!
I have been awake since 4am, and am now watching the cloudless sky lighten to the east in a glory of pastels. The birds are all up and at their breakfasts.
Last week my three brothers and wives were in Wellington from around the world. It was the first time we four had been together in fifteen years, since our sister’s funeral, and the first time ever for the eight of us. One brother is in London, and one in the US. On Friday we all went across to a local nature reserve island, Kapiti, where we stayed the night. The island is predator-free, and regenerating with native bush and bird life. OH and I slept in a tent – ‘glamping’, and were woken by the dawn chorus in full voice. It was a wonderful experience, the food was great, we walked many steps (20,000 on the Friday, 16,000 on Saturday), and had a great time together.
I agree with Purple Veggie Eater!
Brilliant post Amazon. Thank you so much! That is great advice and makes so much sense. I will definitely be patient. I haven’t lost faith in this process! I’m still certain that this 5:2 lifestyle is good for me. I’m still excited about the changes I’m already starting to feel.
I’m going to give the OMAD a try. Saving up til dinner. Right now, I’m going to continue focusing on the 2 FD each week and eliminating all junk and excess on the other days. I’m not sure yet about skipping breakfast entirely everyday, only because I exercise pretty strenuously first thing in the morning on most days. That leaves me pretty hungry. On FDs though I will just take the morning off or do something very light that doesn’t cause the aftermath of hunger.
Barta – your camping trip sounds absolutely amazing.
I am so glad it’s Friday!!!
Have a lovely day all!
Actually Kerry Ann you will find exercise is perfect for fast days. Keeps you occupied and is more effective on an empty stomach. It is hydration you’ll need, not food. As Amazon says, low salt in the afternoon is the only thing sometimes needed other than liquid.
It takes a while to break the breakfast habit. While you are, make sure it is not white carb based. They only make you hungry. Try tomatoes or mushroom or asparagus on a single egg omolette or berries and plain full fat yohurt. Don’t eat until you’ve been up for a while and have finished any morning activities. You’ll soon discover you were so busy, you might as well wait for an early lunch. Just keep pushing it out. Eating at set times is habit, not real hunger. If you are overweight, you definitely don’t actually need to eat to survive. Your body is simply acting like a spoilt child…demanding food ππ
Morning Barata. Beautiful sunrise here too. Gosh that sun is rising early these days! The cockatoos are screeching at 4:30am. No way I can sleep in at this time of year. P
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5:37 am
1 Nov 17