Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,801 through 2,850 (of 7,283 total)

  • Hello,
    My calf is still sore! Thursday I could finally put my heel on the floor. My walking is slow and very short steps. I really don’t want to reinjury it.
    Meanwhile I am not really hungry! Most of the time I am in bed or with the leg up. Reading, watching TV. I stopped with that Aleeve pill.
    Dear Abby 🤣🤣🤣 I didn’t know she existed anywhere besides here 🤣🤣🤣
    The weather looks weir. There’s another hurricane approaching Florida. Here’s it’s cloudy and foggy.
    I switched to 2% milk about 4 months ago. I occasionally eat cheese, butter, nuts andolive oils as source of fat. My kefir is creamy as well but not as rich like you said Amazon.
    Have a good weekend everyone 👍

    Morning All,
    In London with my son exploring Art Galleries and exhibits. Walked my feet off yesterday. I was lucky to avoid the car accident outside the Science Museum. Literally had been in that spot 20 minutes earlier. A friend of my son’s currently in Denmark rang him in London to check he was ok as he had seen a Facebook posting that my son had put out while we were having a coffee at the V&A. We of course knew nothing about the accident and were wandering through Holland Park enjoying the sunshine, Kyoto garden and assorted wildlife, peacocks, squirrels and Koi Carp. So many people and pigeons, I had quite forgotten.

    My daughter is enjoying Melbourne, without flies, this visit. Tomorrow she is running down the side of a 7 storey building, hopefully attached to a harness. Rap Walking. The girl is insane.

    My son has given me his bed overnight but the mattress is really hard. It’s also very noisy here on Walthamstow High Street. On the plus side I have managed to read almost an entire book.

    Visiting the William Morris Museum today then heading somewhere fun for lunch. We ate at Mildred’s last night, famous Vegan and Vegetarian restaurant. Really Good food and vibe. Loved my sweet potato Thai Curry.

    @jojo58 , haha you are are funny jojo. 🙂

    Hi everyone, I’ve recently made the decision to jump on the fasting bandwagon 🙂 over the past two years I’ve put on quite a bit of weight and am now the heaviest I’ve ever been at 12.5 stone. Looking to get down to 10 stone someday. Planning to take it easy/slowly so that creating the fasting habit will be more enjoyable. Fast days are Monday and Thursday for me!

    Look forward to getting to know you guys, any advice you have would be much appreciated!

    Z x

    Jo I didn’t hear anything about that accident here in the US. I am glad to hear you are okay and having lots of fun.
    Please give more details about that sweet potato Thai curry. Is it spicy?
    Happy we are thinking of you 🙏
    I think yesterday I walked a little too much. Actually I am dragging myself around … not so good today.
    I am bored 😡


    It was a road accident that received far more attention than it warranted due to the heightened security situation, and in normal circumstances it wouldn’t make the headlines.

    The problem with injuries is that as soon as they feel a bit better we do too much. Take it easy and try not to rush.

    Sorry I can’t help with the boredom.

    Welcome Zoe(for short),
    I too am Fasting Monday and Thursday. This weekend has included some healthy and some not so healthy choices so my fast will be necessary tomorrow.
    Good Luck!
    Amazon-I enjoyed the Design Exhibition and the William Morris Gallery, especially the tea room balcony overlooking the park. Lovely day. I can’t say I enjoyed the travel, packed trains, hot sardine tube rides. Very glad to be home to the peace and quiet of my seaside town.

    HCB-as Amazon said the car crash in London sounds as if it was an accident, pretty horrific though. There was also someone arrested in my train on the way home, bundled off at a station on route to other police waiting and the police re-boarded. No idea what was going on?

    Morning All,
    Well despite my daughters crazy Adrenalin Junky habits NZ have seen fit to offer her residency. She is very, very happy, to put it mildly. The Rap Walking (Walking, running and jumping down the side of a 5-7 story building using a harness) was good too apparently. I wouldn’t even look over the side from the roof.
    Good Luck with your fasts today everyone.
    Sketching and bridge on the Agenda today plus a bit of tidying. Weather here a bit overcast but not too cold.

    Great news Jo, although, you’ll have to keep travelling over this way to see her.
    We have flitted off for a birthday treat, so no breakfasts, but no real fasts again this week. We had dropped the lasy holiday excess already from some alternate day fasts and careful low carb eating.

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo, if you are going to visit London it isn’t appropriate to complain about all the visitors……

    FD here too 🙂

    My non fasting weekend went well apart from one over indulgent dessert so I’m pleased with that.
    I cooked a ham hock and I used the stock to make a big pot of soup for FD dinners this week. I practically emptied the veg drawer from the fridge, onion, mushrooms, courgette, spinach, chard, parsley and some of the ham. I tastes good and should be very filling and warming for a distinctly autumnal day.

    I’m waiting in for a couple of deliveries today so need to keep myself occupied and looking at the mantelpiece I think some dusting might be in order……..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning/Evening Fasters,

    Since I blocked the entry points, the little furry beastie has gone. The French word for the animal is “LOIR” and the English translation is as Happy found “edible dormouse” (The Romans loved eating them, so I guess they only live in Southern Europe)
    The lingering summer is causing premature autumn here. The ground is bone dry. We haven’t had to cut the grass since we arrived back 2 and a half months ago
    The birds have been stripping the grape vine of all its grapes, presumably there is nothing wet for them.

    Fasting now for 2 days after last weekend’s trip to green Normandy.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    The School Answering Machine
    This is hilarious – no wonder some people were offended!
    This is the message that the Maroochydore High School Queensland, staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine.
    This is the actual answering machine message for the school.
    This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children’s absences and missing homework.
    The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children’s failing grades changed to passing grades – even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes.
    The outgoing message:
    Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection:
    To lie about why your child is absent – Press 1
    To make excuses for why your child did not do his work – Press 2
    To complain about what we do – Press 3
    To swear at staff members – Press 4
    To ask why you didn’t get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you – Press 5
    If you want us to raise your child – Press 6
    If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone – Press 7
    To request another teacher, for the third time this year – Press 8
    To complain about bus transportation – Press 9
    To complain about school lunches – Press 0
    If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behaviour, class work, homework and that it’s not the teachers’ fault for your child’s lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!
    If you want this in another language, move to a country that speaks it.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Love it! Individual responsibility seems to be a disappearing art – hence the current increase in our road death toll, for one. And never complain about speed cameras – your fine is a voluntary tax, thanks for your contribution 🙂 Now NZ schools (and Aussie ones) are going to be asked to teach life skills. Hey parents, where are you?

    Hope it rains for you soon, Wi. We have plenty to share.

    The main role of teaching has always been to guide the development of life skills…some call it socialisation…using the key learning areas as the vehicles.
    I think the “joke” was actually a bit of Queensland bashing. What most schools experience, but wouldn’t ever say.

    Glorious sunshine here and spring is in full swing with flowers and birdsong everywhere. Very easy to avoid eating. ☺☺
    Have a good weekend. P

    Afternoon all,

    Another week has flown by!
    I’ve been busy socially this week so only one FD so far, guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow……
    Having said that I’ve stuck to my plan this week and avoided temptation.

    I made AJ’s beetroot bourgignon yesterday which is very tasty and filling and the calorie count is low enough for it to be a FD dinner which is an excellent result 🙂

    I’ve been to the gym this morning and am off to the cinema later. Now the weather is cooling and becoming less reliable there will be more indoor pursuits, and I find that the better films (IMO) tend to be released over the winter so usually find a film to see most weeks.

    RT, thanks for the weekly giggle, I would imagine many a teacher occasionally feels that way in the modern world.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Hi everyone (anyone………?????)

    Unseasonably warm here due to the tail of hurricane Ophelia which is unfortunately causing damage and loss of life in Ireland.

    I’m fasting today and all is going well. I’ve made a huge lentil bake which looks and smells very good and I’m looking forward to dinner!

    Hope everyone is OK.


    Hi Amazon yes the hot weather has really arrived down under 36 deg today I love it I have been doing some self experimentation this past week (sounds way more intriguing than it really is 😉 ) with the amount of fat i can have in a day to get me through a fast day that is mainly butter and coconut oil I have not bothered with MCT oil darn expensive over $26 AU for 500ml here with regards to continuing on with the extended fast i am borrowing some points from the “Beyond fat Phobia” concept i put up a few weeks back its really interesting stuff hope you are well and keep on keeping on keep shining bright like a diamond.
    Peace RT

    36 RT? Jeepers! It’s mild here on the east coast.
    We are testing the eat a lot, fast, theory. It’s an eat a lot today. Mmmmm….😊

    30 in Melbourne but cools to 18 tomorrow, 2 hot days in a row and I am wishing I had your pool Purple! And I assume your workplace is airconditioned RT, at least I hope it is!
    Busy here with a one year old whose Mum had 4 wisdom teeth out under GA this morning. All those crusts and bits of stray toddler meals that are attracted to my magnetic mouth, not even attempting a fast today. Add in the jelly and custard that I made for DIL, not one of my better days. But tomorrow we fast!!

    The pool is crystal clear, waiting for warmer weather, Nama. 😑
    You’ll get better at fasting with grandies around. I often do cooking with them and serve afternoon tea while fasting. Funnily, it is the days I don’t really plan to fast that are the hardest.
    Summer’s coming, I doubt a bikini is appropriate, but I do like to look good on a one piece. 😊😊 P

    18 ain’t cool, Nama. 14 with wind chill today. Fortunately it’s going to warm up later in the week, but this only reinforces my desperate need to move further north. Roll on retirement.

    Or west perhaps Barata? 😉😉

    Yes Purple the last 3 days all over 33+ deg and last night was the hottest night in SA for October in 30 years Nama no issues with the heat the workplace boning room must always be under 10deg to process beef 😯
    Peace RT

    Nah, P, we would forego our state pensions. And cannot afford a house in Sydney 🙁 Thanks for the invitation, though. Family in the north.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s been unseasonally warm here due to the tail end of hurricane Ophelia bit it’s settles into more autumnal weather today. It’s cool and wet and I’m hoping it dires up by the time I go out to meet the “girls” for lunch.

    I don’t mind the cold weather, it’s the wet stuff that gets me down ☔🙁

    2 FDs done and dusted this week and I am looking forward to a nice lunch and a glass or two of 🍷 before I fast again tomorrow.
    I’m back to what I was doing before I joined this website and was losing 2lbs most weeks. Fingers crossed I can stick to it.

    RT, I’m re-reading Volek and Phinney’s “The art and science of low carbohydrate living” It is heavy on the science but hugely informative and explains to everyone (who didn’t already know) that dietary fat is not the devil in disguise.

    There is a lot in the news at the moment regarding eggs. 28 years ago Edwina Currie MP commented on eggs and inferred that they were a major source of salmonella and since then soft cooked or raw eggs have supposedly been unsafe for the pregnant, very young, elderly and/or infirm.
    Those of us who know better and have always bought the best quality eggs, studiously ignored this and continued to eat them without harm…………..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    We’ll take some of your rain Amazon. We’ve had no rain to speak of for many many months. Long term plants in my garden have dropped dead. Hibiscus seem to be particularly vulnerable, despite regular watering. They need a good soaking rainfall.
    It’s always good to get back to basics. I will have to also now that the celebration period is finished 😑😑 P

    We haven’t had much rain here recently but I suspect it is a different story further north.
    I had to water the tubs and pots yesterday because everything was wilting.
    Today we have that fine rain that looks to be nothing but before you know it you are soaked!

    I’ve been going round in circles weight-wise for so long I stopped and took a long hard look at what I am eating now and what really worked for me before and I’m trying it again with a few tweaks towards a more plant based diet.

    Fingers crossed 🙂

    Yep. Fingers crossed ☺

    Hello fasters

    Amazon, I too am finding a plant-based eating regime works best for me. We have reduced our meat intake to almost zero, but nuts figure more. We eat fish and eggs though. The eggs are local and I agree that quality in eggs is a necessity.

    I have lost 3 kg since August, which is pleasing but still 3 kg above October goal.
    I have a 5 day fast planned next week. This will artifically get me to near goal.

    What about that government, Barata? Is there one? I see Purple is suggesting you move to West Island. They do have a government there at present. I see Tony Abbot has been talking about the climate change myth in our neck of the woods. The ‘Guardian’ was not very polite about him.
    It looks like rain today today, but too late for the grass to grow before winter. We are in France btw with no holidays planned for 4 weeks.

    The wee furry squirrel like beast is obliged to come through the door now, so we see him less.

    Happy fasting.

    Can you keep Abbott over there please Wi? Thinking Aussies do not want him here.
    The NZ election situation is certainly dragging.
    We also eat less and less meat. Fish, eggs and nuts rain supreme here too. P

    Hello All,
    As you probably guessed I have been ‘off line’ and on holiday. I am having an amazing time, swimming, playing bowls(won 1/3 games) doing archery (scored 190/250)and rifle shooting(scored 49/50) Not sure what adventures tomorrow hold, I love this holiday resort, so much on offer. I have met some really nice people and enjoyed some very late nights dancing. It’s good to be alive and full of energy. Eating far too much of course but trying to make good healthy pescatarian or vegetarian choices. Been drinking water mostly but the occasional Gin or Baileys has been guzzled.
    My friend won £700 on the bingo on the first night so she is having a great trip. Even for such a good win I can’t bring myself to join the crowd fro bingo or quiz events. I just find them dull, I would rather play cards.
    Wiwi-Sounds like a good plan, well done! I wish our grass would stop growing!
    Amazon- Good Luck, hope your plan works.
    Barata-What is happening over there? Are the elections over now?
    PVE-We haven’t had our usual share of rain this month, still watering pots, still getting tomatoes ripening, crazy.
    Speak at the weekend when wifi signal restored, it’s been very intermittent here, just struck lucky tonight.
    I will be fasting Sat and Sun

    It’s been wet here today but still very warm.

    Hi jojo no i didnt think you where on another holiday gee whiz i cant wait to retire roll on the next 16 years 😆
    Amazon i watch a heap YouTube lecturers from those cool guys really interesting challenging stuff indeed..

    Well, it looks as though we have a government, as of this evening. There are still final details to be decided, but I think the future will be brighter for the environment, housing, schooling, mentally ill people… We have a divided household – glum OH so I can’t cheer too much 🙂

    I don’t think I want the Aussie government, thanks, Wi. You can’t yet get married if you’re gay, which is good for NZ tourism.

    Sounds like you have been having a wonderful time, Jo. Where were you?

    It was a FD today, but a workmate had been baking all night to bring us a Diwali feast so I felt obliged to help out… So then I had to have a celebratory glass of wine (or two). Working tomorrow, so I will skip breakfast.

    Sounds like Winston made the right decision Barata.😊 Now fingers crossed for our marriage equality “survey”.
    Very poor fast today. C’est la vie 😶 P

    Morning/evening all

    As you guys made a conversation out of my plant based comment I may as well tell you that I’ve made the decision to be a vegetarian at home. By that I mean no meat or fish which are now classed as occasional treats to be eaten only when out for dinner or special occasions if I wish to do so.
    I really like meat and love fish and seafood but eat it less and less and I realised that I eat meat at home when I can’t decide what to have rather than choosing it, so have decided to elevate it to treat status and only opt for the very best quality on the occasions I eat it.
    When I’m on holiday and especially if I’m near the coast I’ll be eating fish and seafood.

    I had a 3 bean burger when out for lunch and yesterday which was very good and I had a great time with my friends.

    I’ve been busy using up the meat and fish in the freezer and the last piece of chicken and a cooking chorizo will be used this weekend and I have a committed carnivore coming to dinner next week so that will be the last meat at home until 25th December as I’m going to be cooking some pork for C*******s dinner.

    I’ve been batch cooking and freezing vegetarian calorie counted dinners and I have the choice of veg and lentil curry, beetroot bourgignon, Andean style squash casserole (delish!) and a lentil bake which is a vegetarian shepherds pie.
    All of them have few enough calories for a FD dinner or can have sides added for non FDs. The idea is to always have a healthy meal only minutes away and prevent poor eating choices as unplanned dinners always seem to carry a huge calorie load because I nibble and pick until I’ve decided what to have and eat twice as much as I need.

    I have a huge list of vegetarian recipes waiting to be tried and am really looking forward to idoing so.

    I love eggs and have always eaten a lot of them. My weekend brunch treat at the moment is a slice of toast topped with mashed avocado and a poached egg and I cannot get enough of it 🙂
    Sometimes I just use avocado with a little lemon or lime juice and others I make guacamole which for me comes without coriander and with chilli.
    My friend in Herefordshire gave me a couple of chilli plants which were surplus to her requirements and they’ve been sitting on the front room window sill taking in the sun since then. I’m now picking them. I nibbled the end of the first one to see how hot they were and burnt my lips 😆

    It is definitely cooler here but still mild enough not to need more than a light jacket and it is dry today although I think more rain is on the way at the weekend.

    I worked so hard at the gym on Tuesday that my upper legs and gluteal muscles are really sore despite a 15 minute swim and lots of stretching post workout. I guess what I’m doing is effective and I’ll be really pleased once it stops hurting 😉

    Where is HCB, I hope she is OK and not still suffering with her injured calf muscle.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Yes, Barata, Yeah………. Winston made the good decision.
    Sorry about OH not agreeing.

    Second fast day- going well.

    Thanks, Amazon, for your vegetarian preferences. Food for thought and nice things to eat.

    Hi Wiwi,

    So many nice veggies in season at this time of year I’m spoilt for choice.
    I’m really enjoying using them in new/different ways rather than merely as a side dish.

    Hello Cyber Fasters,
    Yesterday was my second shoulder therapy. I haven’t felt any improvement however my calf hurts. My PT told me to speak with a doctor so the next available appointment is on 11/8. That’ll 5 weeks since it all happened.
    Looks like serious intervention it’s coming.
    The mother of my husband’s kids was at the hospital for 3, survived 2 surgeries last week then someone while bathing her in bed dropped her yesterday (I don’t know the story well) or she fell off the bed, hit the head on the floor and the died actually of this accident.
    Horrible how this happen.
    I couldn’t sleep last night because early this morning I went to pickup her son at the airport.
    The daughters are handling everything and looks like the funeral will be monday.
    My head is full and heavy.
    I’ll get back to myself hopefully soon
    I have no reason why I am not Fasting😡
    Be well Jo, Barata, RT, Amazon, Happy, Wee, Purple, Manna, 💋💋💋


    What a sad story regarding your husband’s ex.

    You are having a tough time at the moment and I am not surprised that you aren’t able to fast. Be kind to yourself. I hope both the shoulder and the calf get better soon.
    Big hugs from the UK 💕

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    The ‘Middle Wife’ by an Anonymous 2nd grade teacher
    I’ve been teaching now for about fifteen years. I have two kids myself, but the best birth story I know is the one I saw in my own second grade classroom a few years back.
    When I was a kid, I loved show-and-tell So I always have a few sessions with my students. It helps them get over shyness and usually, show-and-tell is pretty tame. Kids bring in pet turtles, model airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like that. And I never, ever place any boundaries or limitations on them. If they want to lug it in to school and talk about it, they’re welcome.
    Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright, very outgoing kid, takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater.
    She holds up a snapshot of an infant. ‘This is
    Luke, my baby brother, and I’m going to tell you about his birthday’
    ‘First, Mom and Dad made him as a symbol of their love, and then Dad put a seed in my Mom’s stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for nine months through an umbrella cord.’
    She’s standing there with her hands on the pillow, and I’m trying not to laugh and wishing I had my
    camcorder with me. The kids are watching her in amazement.
    ‘Then, about two Saturdays ago, my Mom starts saying and going, ‘Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!’ Erica puts a hand behind her back and groans. ‘She walked around the house for, like an hour, ‘Oh, oh, oh!’ (Now this kid is doing a hysterical duck walk and groaning.)
    ‘My Dad called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn’t have a sign on the car like
    the Domino’s man. They got my Mom to lie down in bed like this.’ (Then Erica lies down with her back against the wall.)
    ‘And then, pop!
    My Mom had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!’ (This kid has her
    legs spread with her little hands miming water flowing away. It was too much!)
    ‘Then the middle wife starts saying ‘push, push,’ and ‘breathe, breathe. They started counting, but never even got past ten. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff that they all said it was from Mom’s play-center, (placenta) so there must be a lot of toys inside there.’
    Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat. I’m sure I applauded the loudest. Ever since then, when it’s show-and-tell day, I bring my camcorder, just in case another ‘Middle Wife’ comes along.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    😃😃😃 Morning RT 😂😂😂
    Have a great weekend. P 😂

    Hello Everyone,

    My 5 day bowling break was great. In particular I enjoyed Archery and Shooting, first for me but won’t be the last. Far too much food on offer though, skipped breakfast everyday and had salad lunch but indulged in dinner every night and drinks a plenty.

    Apologies for my absence but life has been fraught with activity since my return, I have been swamped in preparations to ‘start’ a new retirement club ‘active lifestyles for retired people’. What with setting up a committee and organising so much paperwork I haven’t had a minute to myself. We are launching in December with a Christmas Strictly Special – spoof event but hopefully fun.

    HCB – what a terrible story about your husband’s ex, it sounds like negligence. Surely side safety bars are used when patients are being rolled over in beds. What a terrible shock for the family. My sympathies to you all, so sad, especially after going through surgeries. I do hope your own injuries recover soon, muscle and tendon damage can take a while.

    RT- thank you for the lovely ‘Show and Tell’ story. As a former teacher of pre-School children I heard many a tale from home that made me laugh. Not sure I could ever have made a connection between ‘placenta’ and ‘Play Centre’ but it will be with me forever now.

    On the fasting front life is good, my holiday did some damage but back on track now and losing. It’s a good feeling, being in control.

    I am giving a small talk to a group of ladies, encouraging them to make and take ‘Kefir’. They all suffer from an immunity problem called ‘Sjogren’s’ which has ‘no cure’ or effective treatment. It causes dry eyes and salty taste in the mouth amongst other more serious side effects. A friend is a sufferer. Three month’s ago I suggested she try Kefir and she has noticed ‘a big improvement’ in her condition. She had been using eye drops hourly but now is using them much less. More importantly she is also sleeping much better. I am merely going to demonstrate how to make it, let them taste the milk and give them all grains. Hopefully some others will notice relief too. Obviously they will need to check with their doctors before starting to use it as many immunity issues don’t tolerate milk. I guess they could try water Kefir.

    Amazon- Have you been to ‘Mildred’s’, a vegetarian/vegan restaurant at Kingscross? It’s really good. I went there with my son when I was in London a couple of weeks ago. The sweet potato curry was great but it was a huge portion, I managed about half of it, my son finished it off.

    Wet and dull here today but yesterday was like a summers day, not bad for end of October. Outdoor bowls clubs close at the end of September, really miss playing in the fresh air. We had a win ‘indoors’ yesterday, really good opponents which included two England Players. My team beat them by one point in the last end of the last match playing, other 5 teams all watching, pressure or What? It was fun but nerve racking.

    I do hope everyone is well, hugs to all.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Four Worms and a lesson to be learned
    A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon.
    Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
    The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.
    At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:
    The first worm in alcohol -Dead.
    The second worm in cigarette smoke – Dead
    Third worm in chocolate syrup -Dead
    Fourth worm in good clean soil -Alive.
    So the Minister asked the congregation –
    What did you learn from this demonstration?
    Maxine was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said,
    ‘As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have worms!’
    That pretty much ended the service —

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Oh RT as a gardener I feel sorry for those poor worms….they are my friends in my terrible clay soil that I have spent 28 years trying to improve! Very funny though!

    Glorious day in Melbourne, perfect for gardening and fasting. I am presently half way thru a 4 day water/coffee only fast, feeling fantastic. Spring in the garden is wonderful after all the winter rain, so I thought it timely to spring clean myself…..too many toasted raisin breads with grandaughter, that slippery slope of carbs raises its head if I am not vigilant! Food is so addictive, but finding this fast very doable, hoping to tame those sugar demons yet again.

    Jo it sounds like you are very busy….even your holidays make me exhausted! We just had 3 days along the Great Ocean Road, stayed at a delightful place called Port Fairy, with the most effort being long beach walks!

    Morning All,
    I had a very restful day yesterday making my son a Halloween costume, zombie, not pretty. It was certainly effective though. I also spent 2 hours opening anonline bank account for my retirement club which included several very long conversations with their help line. It was the worst online form I have ever experienced, it couldn’t detect any of it’s own local banks even though there are 3 within 4 miles. We had to keep overiding the system due to it freezing at different stages. No choice but to press on as nearest commercial bank 10 miles away. Ridiculous!

    Actually I had to cancel gym and dance and bridge plans yesterday because I had stomach pains. I suspect it was the beans I added to my chicken stew. Luckily it didn’t get any worse, my good bacterial did it’s job. Busy day today bowls, then a talk about Kefir and finally bridge tonight.

    I was expecting a weight loss this morning as I fasted yesterday but it was not to be, hopefully tomorrow.

    Nama -I often fancy carbs, more so than sugary treats, it remains an addiction. I still try to avoid bread but occasionally have a few cracker biscuits or cereal to quench my addiction (still sugar though, just a different guise). It doesn’t get any easier, does it?

    Our weather is windy and wild today so the beach is not an attractive proposition. My oldest dog is still limping from a torn knee injury so she is still on pain relief and short walks. My husband is still in recovery from his knee injury but walking better. I am still getting intermittent back problems but do daily exercises to stretch and strengthen. More weight loss should help.

    Have a great day everyone, good luck Nama with your 4 day fast.

    The flexibility of our WOL is such a powerful and positive lever well done Nama on the 4 day fast a few weeks back I was adding a tablespoon of butter to my black coffee and blending it with a stab blender to froth it was such a smooth luxurious mouth feel and it did tame the hungry dragon really well I have bought a blood and ketone meter bloody rookie error I was silly enough to think the start-up box would have everything I needed in it nup.!!! So I am waiting on the measuring strips and lancets to arrive then I will have some fun with my numbers Spring is in the air Melbourne cup next Tuesday its all happening in Melbourne.
    Have a good week efficient fat burners
    Peace RT

    Thanks Jo and RT. Smooth sailing here, anticipating another productive day in the garden…saving so much time not being in the kitchen.

    I do have cream in my coffee RT, (less sugar than milk) and really enjoy it. I tried butter and coconut oil (not together!) once but it was a bit rich for me.

    Fancy our country boy being so “alternative”! I gather you are swinging towards keto combined with fasting….good luck and keep us posted.
    I find as one who enjoys food so much, I need a certain amount of carbs, the trick is to limit them. As Jo says, they can be addictive! My sweet tooth has definitely been tamed, but bread glorious bread…..

    Evening All,
    Last two days have been distinctly chilly, brrrhhhhh, dragged out hat and gloves and stepping up my Nordic Walking speed.

    Fasting is much harder when you are cold, I have been craving toast and spicy food.

    RT-Let us know how it goes on the Keto plan. I know one lady locally who has lost 4 stones by using plan but I don’t really know what is involved. How are the strips used?

    Nama- no more time in the garden for me but my pot plats are still providing some colour because it has been mild until now.

    This year has gone so fast, I can’t believe it, planning Christmas activities and New Year.

    Happy Fasting Folks

    Hello everyone!
    Would it be okay if I join your thread? I’m brand new to 5:2, although I read about it a year ago or more, got very excited about it and then never followed through. I’ve started today and am about half way through my first FD. So far so good. I think this method is about perfect for me!!!

    When I think back to the times in my life when I’ve lost weight I can see that it always happened through intermittent fasting purely by accident. Usually during times of huge stress or great excitement! Then when unhappiness or boredom would set in the roller coaster would start.

    Anyway!! I don’t have much time to introduce myself thoroughly, it’s Halloween and I have to run down town to watch the grandkids trick or treat and watch a flash mob dance to “Thriller”! Then run back to work…which is where I am and shouldn’t be on typing personal stuff anyway.

    but briefly…I am 50, post menopausal YAY!! ( is that TMI???) sorry if it is!! I’m in Kodiak, Alaska, USA.

    I thought it would be fun to join your group because you all seem so friendly and I can identify with so much of what you have posted!

    Hope to get to know you all soon!

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Hi Jojo the strips connect to the Ketone meter and a blood sample taken and applied to indicate the ketone numbers certainly the fasting went well with the LCHF in the past like most things there has been a name change and the Keto lifestyle and foods seem to be very Metro 😆 OMG how hip I am 😉 that said Nama I find it very natural so I don’t really think that much about it. I am continuing to be self-experimenting and on a study of one. I did 30 days of meat with butter and salt at the start of the year it suited me and after re reading Dr Phinney and Dr Volek work in its purest form the study of Vilhjalmur Stefansson who was eating 80% of his calories from fat and 20% protein. 200grams of fat each day which is a 250gram block of butter added to the daily food. I am interested enough to further explore and research IF & Keto.
    Good information here.
    Welcome Kerry Ann you will find much information on this very site and indeed this forum a good crew.
    Yes Efficient Fat Burners.
    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

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