Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful day here so the gym has been sidelined in favour of a walk.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    Sorry to hear that your Dad has left you. You can’t have life without death, but it’s always hard for those left behind.


    It’s a beautiful morning here too, no frost overnight but it went down to 2 degrees!! I wish I’d put a pair of gloves on, my hands are numb from being outside.

    I’m fasting today, atoning for a bit of overindulgence with the weekend guests 😊

    Morning All,
    Nice day here too. I had a ‘lay in’ this morning just because I could. Love retirement. Still not bowling at the moment, not taking chances with my neck which still doesn’t have full flexibility yet.

    Amazon- I think I will extend my dog walk today and head into the next town to have a coffee overlooking the harbour at Ramsgate.

    Still no news on my husbands knee and he is still using crutches. He is really fed up. Last Doctor said it is not ‘housemaids knee’ but no other suggestions to offer, complex array of problems. Still swollen.

    We are improving our skills at Bridge though and reading lots of books. Just reading Christy Brown’s ‘My left Foot’ to compare it with the film I saw last week. We are concentrating on autobiography’s in my ‘Film Group’.

    Fasted yesterday and controlling non fast days well at present. Switched to green tea again as we were drinking far too much tea with milk whilst convalescing from our injuries. Ate a few biscuits(gifted to us)too but these have gone now. Back to basics again. At least no gains on the scales which is s miracle.


    I wore my lightweight fleece and proper shoes (as opposed to sandals) when I went out this morning and was glad I did as I would have been cold and the grass was wet from a substantial amount of rain overnight.
    I also changed the bed linen and made the decision to put the winter quilt on as I’ve been waking up in the night feeling cold.
    Cue the arrival of Indian Summer………

    My walk in Kew was exhilarating, sunshine with a nip in the air, leaves turning gold, orange, red and brown, birds singing,squirrels doing double shifts burying acorns, parakeets screeching, and I saw two Chinese Golden pheasants having a scrap πŸ˜†
    I also saw a dog 😲 I thought my eyes were deceiving me and it was one of the resident foxes but I looked again and there was a dog racing across the grass. They are not permitted in the Botanical Gardens and it appeared to be unaccompanied so it must have found a hole in a fence somewhere.
    The geese were making a terrible racket and if the dog had any sense it will have kept well away!
    It is so nice to be able to go before the gates are open to the general public as all the wildlife is in full view and it is so quiet and peaceful when there is so little human traffic.
    As I made my way round I noticed some new statues have been installed so I’ll take a look at them on my next visit.
    I’m making the most of it as early opening is over at the end of September.

    My knee is much better. I forgot to wear my support when I went to the gym yesterday and it was fine so I didn’t bother when I went out this morning and all is well (until next time).

    Morning All,
    Busy time here and looking forward to mini heatwave this weekend, lots of gardening to do.
    Life has been very relaxed with no bowling, quite enjoying it. Yesterday I did a new fitness class and Yoga, avoiding anything exercises might strain my neck which is not quite healed yet.

    Fasting going well at the moment, fingers crossed for a loss this week.

    I have a new Bridge teacher, she is amazing and I am really looking forward to making some real progress. I try to practise for an hour per day now. So much to learn. The little grey cells are certainly working at full capacity.

    Amazon- the Gardens sound wonderful, bit more exotic than my daily tramp around our local park.

    My old dog is having trouble with her back legs again so I need to get her back to the vet today. It’s probably arthritis but hopefully she can get some pain relief. She is still keen to walk daily and eating well so she is coping.

    My partner started physio yesterday, he said it was hell. Still no prognosis.

    My Rock Choir begins again today after summer break, really looking forward to it.

    Blue skies here but chilly and windy.

    Thinking of you RT, 🌼🌼🌼

    How is everyone ? Barata, Amazon, Wiwi, Wee, Nama, Happy, HCB and anyone I may have missed at this early hour of the morning.
    Keep Fasting!

    Hi all,

    RT has been on my mind all week too, hoping you are ok RT. You are of course excused from Friday funnies – someone else will have to volunteer this week! And hopefully your dear Dad will pull some strings for you for the big final this weekend!

    Lovely balmy weather here at present, great for gardening and fasting. Finally managed to get back into the saddle this week, bit of a struggle after a break. Failed Mondays fast but succeeded on Wed. Bad habits are very happy to rear their heads! I did ‘an Amazon’ and bought every veggie possible so its a nice big stir fry tonight. Your walks in the gardens sound gorgeous Amazon – Autumn is a special time in the garden isn’t it? Our Spring is finally getting going and its actually pleasant to be out there today.

    Jo I am impressed with your bridge playing – I am way too lazy for any type of card game! My evenings have been spent ‘binge watching’ a new (to me) series we found on Netflix – an English show “Last Tango in Halifax”. Well I like it, husband a bit over it now. Says too many characters are really stupid, maybe due to having a female writer, female director and female producer! I just think its like most soaps, an exaggerated version of real life!

    Better start slicing, way too relaxed today after a lovely massage this morning…

    Greetings, Jo. Glad to hear your neck is improving, you must be doing the right things by it.

    Exciting times here with the election on Saturday, although it looks as though the lying right will swing the shallow-thinkers among us. πŸ™ Our dear leader has taken a leaf from the Trump book – keep repeating a line and some will believe it must be true.

    I’m off to the WOW show tomorrow night – the best show in town! Fabulous creative costumes and wonderful choreography.

    Morning Barata,

    I saw a show like that in London and Australia, if you can take photos I would love to see some of the designer clothing. They make clothing out of anything. I saw a dress made of straws and another made of grass, unwearable but very creative.

    Elections sound predictable but you never know? There were a few surprises here in recent years, some not quite so good, others interesting. Crazy people are attracted to politics sadly, the voice of reason and deep thought go unheard.

    Nama- if only my memory matched my enthusiasm life would be sweet. My Uke playing isn’t going too well either, trying to persevere though. I can be lazy too.
    I remember the series you are watching, I liked it even though it got a bit crazy.

    Have you watched ‘Game of Thrones yet’?

    Well I’ve not seen even one episode of Game of Thrones, and it seems highly unlikely I will. We don’t have Netflix, or satellite, and don’t even get the full set of freeview channels here. But then I don’t get time to sit down and watch telly anyway, so probably just as well!

    I’m pleased to hear you’re on the mend now Jo. Now you need to focus on avoiding these repeated injuries! Says she who succumbed to back injury two winters in a row…!

    Amazon, I have pre-ordered Hugh F-W’s latest vegetable cookbook. The price was just too tempting!

    I’ve not totally given up flesh, but my consumption continues to decline and I’m going to be far more selective and hopefully more ethical in future. I know too much to go back… There was another nail in the meat coffin at the weekend when I saw our local farmer moving livestock (bullocks, the byproduct of dairy farming) indoors. They’re not yet a year old, spent this summer in the fields, and he told me will now never see grass again. After this winter in a shed, they’ll go to the finishing units (feed yards/lots) where the aim will be to get them as heavy as possible by 24-30 months, at which point they’ll head to the abbatoir to be slaughtered. If they’re lucky they’ll be at least unconscious before they’re butchered. Having watched them this summer (as they were inquisitively watching us!), well it breaks my heart to think of what the remainder of their short lives (and their industrial production line deaths) will now be.

    Happy Friday!

    Hi Everyone,
    Bright and sunny this morning, looking forward to my walk then trial coaching exam today. After this I really need to get some tidying done and sorting out. Two rooms are a disaster of papers and clothes. Charity shop and paper recycling bin should be a bit fuller by the end of the day.

    Happy- it would be great to avoid injuries but I don’t think it will happen. My friend broke a bone in her ankle at my dance class last week from a slight trip and she is a marathon runner, very fit girl. At least I won’t be lifting the dog anymore as she has finally accepted using the caravan steps to get in the car. Her back legs are not doing well at all and the pain relief is slowing her up but she still hates lead walks so park or beach are best options.

    All my exercise classes start with warm ups and stretches including dance. Gardening is probably the risky one for me but I have hurt my back enptying a washing machine before. My neck injury was done in bed and relates to a previous road traffic whiplash so not much I can do about that one. I never play bowls twice in one day anymore and have adapted my delivery to avoid neck stress. I should probably do 30 mins yoga every morning but I choose to be lazy and read my book in bed.

    On the whole I am fit and strong and eat healthily, keep my brain active so I think I am doing my bit to lengthen my lifespan. Of course fasting and weight loss will help.
    Met some new choralists yesterday, one Italian translator and one Spanish mother, they were quite young for our choir which makes a change, both under 40. It will be great to add a bit of age and cultural diversity. They were very impressed that we all know the songs and dance moves by heart. It was great to be singing again after the summer break.

    Happy- it’s a very sad reality that livestock lead such miserable lives. I think even my poor old salmon are restrictbjjted to sea water farms, slightly better but not ideal. I only buy wild or sea farm fish, the taste is so much better than those from pool farms which are full of chemicals. River fish tend to be good too and most seafood.

    I can’t see my partner giving up meat, especially pork pies and sausage rolls. I am not tempted by these products at all. But he does eat lots of cheese, I prefer eggs (not caged of course). I would love to find a source of raw milk but not available within 30 mile radius.

    Sugar products have been creeping into the house this last month especially as my partner is very fed up with his knee injury preventing him from walking much. I am avoiding most but have occasional lapses. I really thought I had conquered sugar and bread cravings. Well we never buy bread so it’s progress.

    Have a good Friday and weekend faster so, keep the faith and keep well.

    Morning/evening all,

    I’ve got a very sore hip and am feeling sorry for myself πŸ™

    Happy, I’ve ordered the book too which is timely as meat is on the verge of being permanently pushed off my plate.


    I think we all develop less than perfect habits over time in the way we walk and move, and this spreads into our exercise despite efforts to keep technique perfect. For example, it is impossible for a teacher taking a class, to demonstrate the move, do it properly AND watch what everyone else is doing, so we all develop little imperfections and our bodies adapt to it but that doesn’t mean it does not cause damage in the long term.
    I would say that 90% of the population have poor posture and many of us move incorrectly eg not getting close enough and positioning ourselves properly before lifting something, regardless of whether the object is heavy (a big dog) or light ( a mug of tea ) and all these seemingly small imperfect actions lead eventually to pain and/or weakness.

    I’m trying to work on such things, I’ve stopped carrying a shoulder bag which I discovered was causing low back pain on the side without the bag and I use a backpack with the straps adjust so the load isn’t taken by my back. I’m also working on standing up straight and “walking tall”
    My back is so much better that in recents months I can’t remember a single day where it was painful, and the exercises have helped it become more flexible and these days it is rarely stiff when I get up in the morning.

    Have you considered the fact that you might be doing too much exercise?

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Friends thanks Nama it has been a long week so far my Dad’s funeral is Monday at 11am fantastic day weather wise here yesterday and what a great Preliminary Final win last night i favor GWS to win today. Thanks everyone you have all helped me keep my boat afloat that said however i have completely fallen of the fasting wagon and will need a reset and hit the restart button next week.

    Jo, look at the attached for some WOW snippets. The show was great as usual, maybe not quite as spectacular as previous ones. The supreme winner was the third photo down in the article, a bit disappointing visually but must have impressed the judges.

    Happy, those poor beasties are going to be filled with grains, will have high insulin, not a pleasant thought.

    Amazon, I gave up a backpack and have moved to a large handbag. I used to stuff the small handbag into the backpack – doh! Love having the space for library book, umbrella, bottle of wine (that’s a reminder for the next time I go to WOW – will be easy to sneak in among all the other drinks that the audience was buying).

    I had to work yesterday, missed my Friday off πŸ™ Have a great weekend, all!

    Morning/evening all,

    Barata, I have a selection of across body bags and a couple of handbags as even a shoulder bag was causing problems. I use a pack for the gym or if I have a lot to carry.

    Overcast but mild here this morning and sunshine has been promised……

    I managed a food free FD yesterday after bad couple of days of eating too much due to pain, self pity, boredom and a smattering of self sabotage. My hip is much improved and I’m in a better frame of mind today so another FD has started but this one will have 500 calories included.

    Hi RT,
    Good to hear from you, and I’m not surprised that fasting hasn’t been possible.
    Once Monday is over, you can think about getting back on the wagon, you know you can and we all know you will.

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Although a nice morning yesterday it was quite a chilly afternoon. I decided last minute to go to the cinema to see Victoria and Abdul. It wasn’t a patch on the John Brown version even though it was Judy Dench again. Not sure why? Too slow I think and very sad!

    I tend to carry very small shoulder hand bags, very light, sometimes crossed over shoulder, just essentials, phone, keys and money plus lipstick, purfume and hairbrush. My gym bag is a different prospect as is my bowls bag, both have wheels which are essential, four bowls are very heavy. If I swim only (rare)I take a small carry gym bag, I like 2 towels.
    My back seats of my car tends to be my ‘fitness wardrobe’ and ‘weather precautions’ area, fleece, rainwear, brolly, hats, scarf, boots, gloves, permanently a mess. I hate giving lifts to friends because it’s a major clear and clean out to remove ‘hair and odour de doggets’

    Amazon- years of Yoga (30 +) do tend to dictate a good posture Stand tall, straight back)but using a computer excessively for study over the years have definitely not helped my neck hump. (iPads have been a godsend for me). I have switched from 2 to 1 pillow at night which helps ny neck stiffness post whiplash injury. I definitely try to walk through my whole foot using good length strides. If you remember I had long term bursitis which was finally alleviated by acupuncture but it does give me twinges occasionally. I swear the use of walking poles has been beneficial to my posture and lessened stress on knees and hips. I certainly agree that many fitness teachers are not ensuring their pupils correctly copy their own techniques. The lady in front of me at Yoga last week had very poor technique, none of which was addressed by the instructor. Who knows whether she has physical limitations though, difficult to know. Some teachers are better than others, many just seem to use it as their own workout.

    RT- food is deeply embedded as consolation and comfort, hard to overcome when you feel low. Give yourself time. We are all here to support you when you feel ready to take on the hunger dragon through fasting. I had an ‘off day’ myself yesterday, for no good reason at all. Back on the wagon today. Let’s be kind to ourselves, we cannot be vigilant 24/7. I find writing a great healer at heart breaking times. I kept a journal after my mother died, it helped me deal with each day, vent my feelings without distressing others in the family. I also took sleeping pills at night for the first month as sleep seemed to be impossible and I was exhausted. These days I would probably have used exercise as an aid instead. I was working full time then and needed to get some sleep to face the day ahead teaching pre-schoolers.

    Barata-thanks for the link, incredible pictures. It’s certainly a memorable exhibit. Encouraging ‘thinking outside the box’ often leads to wonderful inventions.

    Have a good weekend everyone, quiet one for me, no socialising just some walking, swimming and my first ‘roll up’ (bowls practice) for 10 days. Neck seems fine today thank goodness. Hope your hip is better Amazon.

    As for ‘too much exercise’ it’s all relative I guess. I average 2-3 hours per day 6 days per week. My exercise is moderate on the whole, not intense so I feel it’s appropriate for my size, strength and age e.g. Nordic Walking, swimming, dance classes, yoga, over 60’s fitness class. My hobbies are embroidery, playing bridge, sketching and reading so I compensate with rest activities up to 3 hours per day. Gardening and housework are usually less than 1 hour per day (cutting grass much longer but only bi weekly now)and cookery 30 minutes only(lots of salad)which of course need to be squeezed in between social engagements.

    I probably eat out once per week but it’s always fish dish if available. Avoiding coffee meet up’s these days. Still drinking green tea, water and some black tea with milk. Kefir still a daily must, homemade yogurt too when I have got round to making it( not for 3 weeks).

    It’s been a while away from the group! I know. I missed the Fasting WOL.
    RT – I am sorry about your loss! Really I have no words in stances like this. I know the good memories remain but it’s painful.😒
    Jo also what a joke for your husband’s retirement. That’s not fair 😑
    Vacation in Europe was wonderful as always. I don’t want to disclose how much eating and drinking happened. Over now… back to real life.
    The best news right now is that with that Hurricane Irma our house stood still. Lots of yard debris all over.
    My heart goes out for so many people at the Carrebian and now Costa Rica.
    I managed to Fast today and forgot what a good feeling that brings πŸ™
    Hope everyone is well and healthy 🌺

    Sounds like an amazing trip, good news about your property not being damaged in the storm. It was a horror, so many homeless as a result of it.

    I had a good if quiet birthday yesterday. Sadly my oldest dog has torn her knee ligaments so is on pain killers and rest. Virtually the same injury as my partner. He is still on the mend slowly.

    Luckily my other dog Charlie is in good health as am I, so we are sprinting around the park, it’s great to move quicker. The weather is still warm which is lovely.

    I am enjoying being back at Rock Choir, I miss it terribly in the summer.

    I am beginning to make progress at Bridge, joint first last Monday, it’s a miracle. I was partnering my instructor but I was the declarer so I was doing the hard work. I love the game but some of the players are old miseries and very argumentative with their partners. It can be embarrassing and delays the game. I don’t know why they can’t accept that everyone makes mistakes and accept it. It ruins the game.

    Hope everyone is well and coping with their problems and special hugs to RT.
    Missing you.

    Fasting not going well this week, birthday cake with three different groups of friends. All carrot cake so I am sure that is one of my five per day. Lots of salad too.

    Back to my revision now, coaching exam on Saturday, wish me luck!

    Keep fasting, or in my case start again. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

    Jo – one of the most rewarding moments lately has been walking with Sasha in the forest after the Vet told she had that cracked hip. She is better than before.
    My husband however didn’t see a root sticking out (there several) and fell down. He’s no longer going there. Walking on flat surface only. He’s fine tough.

    I could manage my second Fast this week. This morning I had to go for a Fasting chrolesterol test so here I was without my fuel (coffee) until 11:30. With that a had a terrible headache but is over now.
    It’s not easy to resist at all temptations and attend social events.
    We’ll get there!
    Also Tuesday I went back to some German classes. Trying to keep the brain busy… perhaps bridge would be good too lol.
    Physical Therapy is scheduled for 10/11 to deal with that shoulder pain (bursitis) that came back.
    The weather is gorgeous here. A bit warm for this time of the year. I love autumn πŸπŸ‚
    Stay well everyone πŸ’‹β€οΈ

    Hi Everyone I am slowly getting through the process of accepting that now both Mum and Dad have left this world in the last 18 months is very strange.
    Crows in today Grand Final we won back to back in 97/98
    positive vibes for the lads today
    have a good weekend everyone
    Peace RT

    RT – glad to see you back! Have a restful weekend. You and your loved ones πŸ™

    Hi RT,
    Of course I want the Victorian team to win, but I think your team deserves to!
    Listening to the “Couldabeens” on the ABC this morning, there seems to be a lot of people in Melbourne at present with disjointed bodies…their heart says Tiges but their head says Crows!
    Give yourself time, its a big thing to adjust to being the eldest surviving generation. Certainly puts one in touch with their own mortality.
    Enjoy the game, lets hope it doesnt rain!

    Morning/evening all, and a special hi to RT,

    Awake early this morning and am now sitting on the sofa nursing a mug of tea deciding what to do with my day. It’s the last early opening of Kew Gardens for members until next spring so my mind says take advantage of it and my body says no, sit on the sofa and watch tennis all day πŸ˜†

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Good Morning All,
    RT- time is the healer, we all know it but it goes very slowly when you are suffering grief. I hope your team do well, Crows is such a ferocious name, tenacious birds, lets hope your team are too. Good luck to them and hugs to you.

    I am joining you on the sofa Amazon, life has been too fraught lately, even for me. I am planning a week of rest and recuperation, no physical exertion except a bit of swimming and walking. No dancing, fitness classes or bowling. My neck is playing up again today but not as bad as before, obviously it wasn’t fully healed after 2 weeks rest from bowls. I passed my bowls coaching exam yesterday and then celebrated by joining my Outdoor Bowls team for the last roll up of the season, big mistake even though I enjoyed it. Last night I had a blinding headache(probably stress induced)and sore neck started so I set off to bed with a heat pack. Headache gone this morning but my neck still sore and stiff.

    My ‘other half’ continues to make a slow recovery from his knee injury, still undiagnosed but he is using a support now. My dog is resting from her similar hind leg knee injury, suspected torn ligaments, which may result in surgery. This household is falling apart healthwise but minor injuries in the whole scheme of things, we could definitely be worse off.

    The all electric car is going well, we think it is about Β£5.00 per charge which is currently weekly so a big saving on fuel costs. It’s so quiet to drive and zero emissions, all good. The more slowly and smoothly you drive the more it recharges as you drive. We are challenging ourselves to do short trips without dropping any mileage usage, it is possible. Not as healthy as cycling but preferable in Autumn/Winter.

    Foodwise it’s been an unhealthy time of it lately, far too much cake, more focus needed, my resistance is at an all time low. I am joining Stoptober Campaign, no alcohol this month, donations to MacMillan Trust. A whole group of us are doing it. Not much of a problem for me except when I am on holiday but I think I will survive.

    Nama-how is your weather now? I have a friend in Ballarat visiting her new Grandson, last report was pretty grim, lots of rain. My daughter is heading over to Melbourne next Wednesday for a one week holiday, she could do with some sunshine.

    HCB-bursitis is the devil to deal with, good luck. I tried learning German but didn’t enjoy it much. I really prefer Latin based languages because I started learning these as a child so it is easier. But my daughter and son studied German for three years at school, they enjoyed learning it. Exposure to languages at a young age is so important. I have several friends who are learning Spanish and German, they are in their 60’s, must be good for the brain, keep it functioning.

    I feel like giving up Bridge at least once per week, so many conventions, it is similar to learning a new language. I am not a natural, neither logical not mathematical bent but I am persistent. I both love and hate the game in equal measures. The company you play with makes a huge difference. Not keen on the silent time limit game at the bridge club. Arguing couples are quite an embarrassment too.

    Have a good Sunday everyone. Fasting tomorrow, determined to get back on track-again.

    I start a sketching, short course, tomorrow, nice relaxing pursuit.

    Hi ALL Monday and is it really October already? Youngest son on school holidays 4th born turns 21 on the 10/10 big shindig in Adelaide for that. I have been very very very bad and enjoyed a little too much I fear every bad carb πŸ˜† So I have been following a young couple on YouTube who have a running blog or daily diary I really enjoy the connection young people have with healthy weight healthy lifestyle options and not waiting to fix weight issue diabetes issues or BMI much power to the young people. Stumbled upon this guy in my home state of SA and not far from Nikki and AO remember those posters? Check him out apparently fat does not make you fat beyond fat phobia WOW β€œWho Knew”

    Anyway a fast day today the first in 3 weeks I will be tackling the all week fast so let’s get our fast on. Seems the Grand Final was won by a Victorian team v SA πŸ˜‰ very quiet weekend for me the phone was flat with advise from all my Non Crow Supporters we fell short not good enough congratulations Richmond and ALL of Victoria who won.
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,
    Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed every mouthful of those bad, bad carbs! I am sure your halo is back in place by now though, keep us posted how your long fast progresses. Not sure what happened on Saturday, that was not the Crows that starred all year…. I am missing the footy already!

    Glad to hear you are planning some relaxatiion Jo, you exhaust me just reading about all your activities. Glorious spring weather today, I hope it lasts for your daughters visit to Melbourne. The worst of the cold seems to have gone for this year, but one never knows in this town.

    I hope you got to the Gardens Amazon, Autumn is so beautiful in established gardens. All my deciduous trees are waking up with the Spring sunshine and the wet winter seems to have done them all good.

    I started a Monday fast today, but it fell over when I took grandaughter to the park to feed the ducks, then stopped for coffee on the way back – we shared some raisin toast! Ah well, it will be a Tuesday fast instead! Need to reset after the birthday lunch yesterday (and the birthday cake!)

    Morning/evening all,

    Good luck with the long fast RT. not that you’ll need it as you are a master of such feats πŸ™‚

    I went to Kew last Thursday and will be there again this week. I didn’t go on Saturday, I’ve spent the weekend at home, watching tennis, doing a few chores, reading “The Art and Science of Low Carb Living” which is light on art and heavy on science, but very interesting regarding how the body copes with different diets.

    It’s a lovely morning here, blue sky and sunshine but with a nip of autumn in the air.
    FD and gym day for me.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Beautiful crisp weather with blue skies today here. I think still pretty warm for this time of the year.
    My brain is on Fast mode since yesterday. There’s some broth handy to cheat my hunger and a little piece of chicken breast that goes for dinner with salad and asparagus.
    The items I brought for church breakfast yesterday were a hit including the chiken salad that had celery (Amazon’s worst foodl), Greek yougurt, onions and kefir. I didn’t tell them about the kefir part 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
    In a couple of minutes I’ll head to the gym and take a spin class since I don’t know what to do with upper body part yet.
    Jo really scared me with this bursitis … will see what PT can do.
    I’ll try to use my legs more then πŸ‘
    Have a good day or night everyone 🌺

    Morning All,
    HCB-hopefully your bursitis will clear up quicker, I didn’t see my Doctor for a long time after it started in my hip, assuming arthritic pain, it therefore went on for a long time. It was especially painful at night, throbbing. I changed my mattress to memory foam which helped. Anti inflammatory drugs and steroid injections were ineffective but acupuncture and physio exercises sorted it out, it took 10 treatments. Good luck with your shoulder treatment. Sadly it’s a very common problem.

    Fast went very well yesterday but sticking to 500 cals for Autumn and Winter not zero fast. Keeping it doable. Also just 2 fasts per week and healthy eating in between. As carbs and sugar I take virtually non existent in my plan I am hoping this will work. Back to 5:2 basics +

    Sketching class was great, very chilled. We did some still life -a wooden spoon and box of matches to start then some headphones and an odd shaped container. Finally we finished by sketching a pair of brogue shoes, very difficult angles. Mine shoes looked like 2 dead rats Ha Ha. It can only get better (I hope). I think we may use measuring grids next time. My bridge playing last night was also a disaster, can’t win them all.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone – I have my retirement club today so more sitting about.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious sunny day here but the wind is cold.
    My FD went well yesterday and I’m aiming to fast again today.
    No after effects from my gym workout which was the hardest and lengthiest I’ve managed all year. I was keen to go again today but decided to give my body a day off and go tomorrow instead. I’ll do some stretching and go out for a walk later.

    I’m sure your PT will be able to find way to get your shoulder healthy again. Don’t worry about it, just be patient as it might take a while to settle down.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello fasters,
    I’ve been AWOL again.
    I’m sorry RT to read about your Dad. You sound as if you have a wonderful family and can mourn without regrets. It’s an advantage of keeping parents until an advanced age.
    There is no “unfinished business” which takes some of the sting out of losing them.

    I see you, JoJo and HCB, are having a few niggly health problems. I hope things are improving. I have had a few problems too on the sole of one foot. However fasting helped.
    We have just come home after 2 weeks in Italy, of which we spent a week in Sardinia.
    I hardly came out of the warm clear blue seawater and the swimming helped my feet and general well-being. The September temperatures were ideal and the beaches relatively empty. It’s a beautiful island.

    Now I have goals for weight loss and the holiday in Italy was not conducive to reaching them. I am on a fast until Friday to reach the 30 September goal. I have a headache but a bit of salt will help.
    We are going to a family reunion in Normandy at the weekend, so need to prepare for a French food weekend. So family are coming from Italy, the Netherlands, Reunion island and us from France. It’s ironic that the French side are all outside France, and the foreigners inside.

    Autumn is here with lovely colours. I will put a few pics on FB when the sun comes out again.

    Does any of you notice that body aches and pains disappear after fasting? I am coming to the conclusion that food is a poison for me. I wonder if it’s the hidden pesticides and hormones in them. We have given up eating meat mainly, and buy organic where available. I also now find that I need to fast 4/7 to lose weight, plus the end of month extended fast.

    Happy fasting,

    Hi 😑😑😑😑
    I am furious! Really furious but treating my mind to heal myself.
    My day started perfect and gorgeous yesterday. Coffee, spin class, lots of water, a delicious clear broth and my mood was good too.
    Around 3pm I lifted a couch which I believe my posture was wrong I torned a calf muscle (I guess). I actually heard a sound like tearing a piece of cloth.
    Since then I am in bed, put ice on it. Today I took a pill Aleeve and slowly moving around. I can’t put my hell down 😑😑😑😑
    I need to have patience.
    Wiwi I would love to be part of that party 🀣🀣🀣 dreaming about that delicious food and wine.
    Stay well Fasters πŸ™

    Oh dear HCB,
    What a nightmare but moving couch on your own sounds risky. Sounds like those injuries I get in my garden. Hope recovery is quick. Hugs.
    Yes there are definitely muscular issues at the moment. Never know from one day to the next what I might do. Trying daily stretches but nothing too strenuous.
    I agree more effort and less weight loss, it’s a trial. With all your travelling I would find it impossible. Sounds like a nice reunion though.

    Amazon- well done on the extended work out.

    Be safe and well everyone


    You never seem to stay in one place for long. I can never keep up with where in the world you are πŸ˜†


    You poor thing. Take care of yourself and I hope your leg feels better soon.

    I think aches and pains disappear with fasting because in the absence of food waiting to be digested our bodies are busy repairing and healing. I have no doubt that some foods or more likely hitchhiking substances cause issues but it is difficult to completely avoid such things unless we are self sufficient.

    I was struggling with my FD late morning so I took myself out for some retail therapy.

    I got home feeling ravenous with the beginnings of a headache but was restored by a big glass of water, some salt and a mug of tea.
    I made it safely through to dinner, chorizo and chick pea stew.

    I’ve also made a huge pot of a cross between dhal and veg curry which will be stashed in the freezer.
    It’s the time of year for comfort food so I’m making sure I’ve always got something suitable that can be ready in minutes.

    Yes Wiwi thanks Dad lived a full life with no regrets a mate of mine asked me yesterday how I was getting along and feeling etc and I said to me personally nothing really has changed for he still lives on in my heart soul and spirit he is with me every day now, I like that I have learnt some things about some things just sayin…Jojo the original 5-2 of 500 cal for woman 600 cal for men twice a week is what brought us all together and then with all the skills of a Uni student eat frugally what you already know you can and avoid what you already know shouldn’t nothing changes if nothing changes. I am travelling along on the fast track freeway enjoying a little full fat cream in my coffee this time around a Tablespoon has made this extended fast very smooth approx. 50 cal a tablespoon so 200cal a day plus a shed load of water and green tea (leaves) day 4 all is well I have not increased the steps at all still a tick over 10000 a day we have changed to daylight saving time here in SA longer days of beautiful sunshine blue skies and a general vibe of happiness and contentment.
    We Love Life
    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Hi all
    Back from a couple of overseas trips and facing the washing, cleaning and the 1 kilo weight gain with the first full fast in weeks.
    I have had little time to read online, so was sorry to read about your dear old dad’s passing RT. He had become one of the characters in our pantheon of 5:2 friends. Thank you for sharing some of his stories. He will always remain there beside you. P

    Morning All,
    I have been sleeping very well lately, deeply with no more than one interruption in the night but every morning I wake with aching legs and hips. Dissapears as soon as I move around so not complaining but it is curious.

    Very restful day yesterday, just dog walk then doing washing and paperwork, then bridge last night, far too much sitting for my liking. I remember when my mum used to ‘do’ the washing it was a whole mornings hard work. We had a twin tub and large family, 8 including Granny who was an invalid. It took a whole day of ironing the next day too. How times have changed? I am thankful. My mother had no social life until she hit her 70’s when she started going to her retirement club every Wednesday. They also put on coach trips to the seaside towns mainly, we lived in a country town then just outside London. The activity she had on offer was ‘bingo’ but now many Retirement clubs offer Zumba, Keep Fit, Walks, Darts, Kurling and interesting talks, must be an improvement for health to keep active. What will the next generation have on offer – Spin classes, marathon running, Olympic events?

    I found out last night that our oldest bridge player is 104 and one of the students began to learn bridge at 98 travelling 12 miles three times per week by rail and bus to do so. Seriously! I am very impressed.

    HBC- how is the leg? Have you got a support? My husband is managing short walks now with the aid of his support, long way from ideal but he at least is getting out now.

    PVE-I am sure that kilo will be gone within a week. Glad you had a good trip. We are going into Autumn and I and already missing the wonderful warm days. Actuall had to wear a coat yesterday.

    Amazon- since the bowling has ceased I completely forget to drink enough water. I need to get a new routine sorted. I find if I am inactive I don’t focus on drinking.

    Out to lunch today so fasting tomorrow. Have a good day everyone.

    Morning/evening all,

    Hi Purple, welcome home πŸ™‚

    RT, I guess the long fast is nearly done and you are probably feeling great1

    We are having crazy weather day, very windy, and we’ve just had a really heavy shower that soaked everything in under 10 minutes and now the sun is doing its best to creep out from behind the clouds.

    I’m having a good week so far, 2 FDs done and another under way today plus 2 trips to the gym with no sign of knee or hip problems.
    Long may it continue πŸ˜€

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Purple and welcome back yes Dad was the man no doubt about that and he was a big fella as well at his peak and half that man in a nappy at the end never a real choice quality over quantity of life booze is my drug of choice not food y-fee on the other hand however is your cake lady ice-cream cake birthday cake engagement cake wedding cake funeral cake chocolate cake cheese cake confirmation cake eat my cake and your cake as well etc etc I am sure you get the idea sugar addict πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

    We all have our crutches RT. It’s keeping them under control that’s the trick.
    Sorry to hear of all the injuries…
    Jo, Amazon, HCB AND Wiwi. Not a good advertisement for our lifestyle πŸ˜‘
    Wiwi, we did 21500 steps on Monday (and sore calves to prove it) tramping around your SH hometown. No wonder you keep fit!!
    Another fast day bites the dust… hitting the sack early as my clock is still away. πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi fasters
    Interesting summary of a way of life, RT.
    Glad you explored Wellywood, Purple. There are more than 300 walks in the area. Welly legs are a must to be there. The extra kilo you have gained is from muscles.Maybe?
    It’s cloudless here, warm with golden light. We have a visiting rodent which comes through the floor. I am not sure what it is in English( perhaps a dormouse), about the size of a red squirrel, with a bushy tail, pretty little face with black markings.
    It eats mouse poison without ill effects. I am trying to secure the floor, but not sure I will win!
    I had a day off fasting yesterday and back on till Saturday lunchtime.
    All aches and pains gone, dry air, golden weather, fasting, sleeping well and feeling happy. Does life get any better?


    Dormice are very tiny, you could fit a couple in the palm of your hand, and at that size and with a bushy tail it is definitely not a mouse!

    I don’t have any injuries as such as my joint problems are longstanding and flare up occasionally.
    I have a knee joint that has no cartilage after two surgeries 30 and 20 years ago that will never be the same again and an arthritic hip which is resisting attempts to strengthen the muscles around the joint.
    Thankfully they’ve both settled down and apart from sore thumb joints I am feeling great.
    I’ve had no issues with my back for several months which means the stretches and strengthening exercises are finally paying off.

    It has turned into a lovely if breezy day. I’ve been to the market for some fresh veggies to go into my parcel of steamed fish with ginger, chilli and garlic.
    I tasted the chilli to see how hot it is and burnt my lip πŸ˜†

    Since my trip to Herefordshire in August I’ve been making kefir with semi-skimmed organic milk. It took a few weeks for the grains to get used to the change, but they are now multiplying like mad and the kefir is thick and creamy but not as rich as when made with whole milk.
    I wanted to go back to semi-skimmed as I just cannot get on with whole milk in my tea.
    I’m still buying it when I make yoghurt though.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Dear Abby, A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid twenties. These two women go everywhere together and I’ve never seen a man go into or leave their apartment. Do you think they could be Lebanese?
    Dear Abby, What can I do about all the Sex, Nudity, Fowl Language and Violence on My VCR?
    Dear Abby, I have a man I can’t trust. He cheats so much, I’m not even sure the baby I’m carrying is his.
    Dear Abby, I am a twenty-three year old liberated woman who has been on the pill for two years. It’s getting expensive and I think my boyfriend should share half the cost, but I don’t know him well enough to discuss money with him.
    Dear Abby, I’ve suspected that my husband has been fooling around, and when confronted with the evidence, he denied everything and said it would never happen again.
    Dear Abby, Our son writes that he is taking Judo. Why would a boy who was raised in a good Christian home turn against his own?
    Dear Abby, I joined the Navy to see the world. I’ve seen it. Now how do I get out?
    Dear Abby, My forty year old son has been paying a psychiatrist $50.00 an hour every week for two and a half years. He must be crazy.
    Dear Abby, I was married to Bill for three months and I didn’t know he drank until one night he came home sober.
    Dear Abby, My mother is mean and short tempered I think she is going through mental pause.
    Dear Abby, You told some woman whose husband had lost all interest in sex to send him to a doctor. Well, my husband lost all interest in sex and he is a doctor. Now what do I do?
    Remember these people can vote!!
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ
    It’s so exciting to wake up at home, look on the phone, and discover it is Friday! Well and truly up to standard.
    Have a peaceful weekend mate. P

    Oh, joy, Friday funnies! A lovely offering today, thanks, RT πŸ™‚ We all need a mental pause (we women, that is…)

    Wi, we are finally off to dinner tonight, thank you! Your visitor is definitely not a dormouse, but I have just been hearing about the giant tree rats that live on islands in western Samoa (numbers declining as the trees where they live are felled by the Chinese). So glad to hear your aches have evaporated. πŸ™‚ When do we see you again?

    We had a lovely day on Sunday, taking P and her OH over to the Wairarapa to sample some of the lovely wines, pub lunch and visit Stonehenge Aotearoa. A great day, and they brought some beautiful weather with them πŸ™‚

    It was a brilliant day. Great company, wine and food. The weather held and Mr B kindly drove us. Very generous of you both. We have had the wine. 😊😊🍷🍷

    I agree that the visitor is not what we know as dormouse, but it does sound like an edible dormouse (Glis glis).

    I like the idea of a mental pause too πŸ˜€

    Morning/evening all,

    Thanks for the Friday funnies 🀣


    I’ve been wondering about the rodent. I have a European bird book and was wishing I had the equivalent for mammals.

    It’s another fine, sunny morning but I think a fleece will be in order when I go out walking later.

    This week has flown by and I’m pleased to report 3 successful FDs, Now there is just the non FDs to negotiate……

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜


    The Mammal Society website lists our UK mammals, but doesn’t describe them all

    But they have produced publications e.g.

    Also see the following

    And the Field Studies Council produce nice foldout laminated guides, e.g.

    Thank you πŸ˜€

    We did check to see if the wine had been left on the car floor, P, but no… It was nice, wasn’t it? πŸ™‚

    Well done on three FDs, Amazon. Stay strong.

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