Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,701 through 2,750 (of 7,283 total)

  • Amazon,

    Your friend’s experience with her husband mirrors my own. Bizarre really when I am chief in charge of shopping and cooking that it is his food preferences that take priority.

    I’m looking forward to OH’s absence…new recipes only of course! But probably need him away for longer, seeing as I have two new books πŸ˜€

    Re: cutting carbs. As some of you may remember, my Dad has been doing (his own version of!) 5:2 for a few years now. He dropped back from just touching obese to top end normal BMI. Sadly overeating has crept back in (he lives alone so no one to keep him true) and he put 12lbs back on this year, still doing 2 24 hour fasts but eating too much on non-fast days. About a month ago he decided to reduce carbs and has lost 7lbs. I’m not sure he appreciates that it isn’t all about the bread though! The calorie saving from the jam/marmalade/honey on 3 slices of toast must be huge – I’ve seen him layering it on with a trowel…

    Jo, we haven’t quite got your roasting temperatures, but it’s warm and dry so I’m happy.

    Morning/evening all,

    I’m in full domestic goddess mode this morning. Floors washed, laundry, sofa covers and kitchen mat on the line drying in the glorious sunshine and the living room rug which just about fits into the washing machine is now getting it’s biannual bath πŸ˜†

    I am very bad at putting too much on top of a slice of bread/toast so I’ve adopted to my brother’s rule of butter or something else but never both.
    I just need a smaller trowel…………..

    As for what to cook and eat at mealtimes, there are some pluses to living alone πŸ˜‰
    I’m using HF-Ws celery (yuck) gratin recipe today but substituting chard stalks and courgette.
    I’m going to use the leaves for his spouffle recipe which is great as I can use kefir for the bechamel and swap the pasta for half a can of beans.

    I took my friend some kefir grains, enough to produce sufficient for both of us and then on my last day she froze somein case she forgets about it (yes, really…..).

    One of her chickens was poorly and I mentioned that you give kefir to your girls so she’s going to feed them the excess. Sadly her girl succumbed to what was most likely old age.
    She still has 11 plus 3 ducks one of whom never stops talking, and she has the school Indian Running ducks staying for the holidays 😎

    After all my talking regarding vegetarian eating I’m having a bacon sarnie for brunch (no butter) 😁

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi fasters

    Is someone out there? I like your term “flexitarian”, Amazon. We learn to be too in the country. Substitution of raw materials is our everyday situation.

    As I said, I was not as careful of fasting as I should have been during the first half of the year and I have picked up a few kgs again. I am back on a strict ADF regime again. Two kg loss a month and if I have not achieved it by 28th of each month, I will fast for the last 3 or 4 days. I doubt whether I can achieve a 4kg loss as I did 2 years ago when I started this WOE.
    I am halfway through a water only 5 day fast, and feeling great. Instead of meals, we have readings from Jason Fung’s Intensive Dietary Management blogs.
    It’s still hot here and I am continuing to swim my kilometre in the local swimming pool. They are emptying it on Thursday and the temperature will be dropping radically anyway. We have a ping pong table arriving and the ground floor of this house will be a sports area.

    We are going away in September. We did intend to drive to Sweden, but the autumn is probably best in the South, so we are planning to go the the south of Portugal to go camping and swimming. It’s 1700 km from here, so quite a hike.

    So here goes Day 3 of the fast, and feeling strong and extremely well without any aches and pains. My OH is doing it partially too, so easy to stick to. I reached my goal weight this morning but still no reason to stop.

    Happy Day

    Morning/evening all,


    Happy used the word flexitarian and I decided it describes my current diet ie mainly vegetarian with the occasional additon of meat or fish.

    I hope the rest of your 5 day fast goes well. When I tried an extended fast I found day 2 the most difficult and then it was easy so long as I kept myself occupied.

    Due to social arrangements I’m not fasting again until Friday but will only be eating dinner today and tomorrow and aiming for the healthiest options.

    It has been very hot and humid here for the past week or so but it cooled down dramaticially yesterday evening with a lovely cool breeze. We had some rain overnight and more is forecast today which means I won’t have to water the garden πŸ™‚

    It has been so warm my kefir grains have trebled in a week!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned a couple of kittens which ended up in our place. The neighbours started feeding them and then the parents went away and the boys seemed not to be looking after them.
    Three days ago one kitten disappeared, and then the second. The circling buzzard took one apparently, and then the other got taken by an owl( we heard the altercation without realising the kitten was involved)
    They are no longer with us.
    Sad for the wee kittens.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    The Mexican maid asked for a pay increase
    The wife was very upset about this, and decided to talk to her about the raise.
    She asked: “Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?”

    Maria: “Well, SeΓ±ora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increase.”
    “The first is that I iron better than you.”
    Wife: “Who said you iron better than me?”
    Maria: “Jor huzban he say so.”
    Wife: “Oh yeah?”

    Maria: “The second reason eez that I am a better cook than you.”
    Wife: “Nonsense, who said you were a better cook than me?”
    Maria: “Jor hozban did.”
    Wife, increasingly agitated: “Oh he did, did he?”

    Maria: “The third reason is that I am better at sex than you in the bed.”
    Wife, really boiling now and through gritted teeth.
    Wife: “And did my husband say that as well?”
    Maria: “No SeΓ±ora….the gardener did.”

    Wife: “So, how much did you want?”

    During this type of pay dispute you must consider all of the facts.
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks for the Friday jokes,RT, even if it’s Thursday here.

    I am almost 72 hours into the 100 hour fast.I can feel I am fatburning. Never again am I going to let myself go over my maintenance weight!

    Just did a fast 2 km on the treadmill as the temperature outside is 16Β° only and it’s raining, but I won’t miss out on my swim either as I have a wet suit. They are emptying the waterhole later today so sad that outdoor swimming is over. A trip tothe sea might be necessary.

    I hope you are all in good form.
    Where are you, Purple? Barata? Nama? HCB? Jojo? Happy?
    Amazon, I know you are there.

    xx Wiwi

    Morning/evening all,

    I still here Wiwi πŸ™‚

    It’s a beautiful morning here, clear blue sky and sunshine but only 15C heading for the dizzy heights of 19C. I’m not sorry to say goodbye to the humidity but I wouldn’t mind another few degrees of heat.
    I’m taking a morning off from the gym as this week is the first time for ages I’ve been on consecutive days and I thought I third day might be a workout too far. I’ve not been to the gym as often this year and I’m keen to step it up a bit and also get to grips with some of the equipment I’ve rarely/never used in order to increase strength and flexibility but I don’t want to overdo it and injure myself so I’m trying to rein in my enthusiasm.

    I’ve booked a trip to Ecuador early next year. I’ve been doing some research and discovered that being at altitude raises blood pressure which eventually stabilises but it can take a few weeks. I suffer from hypertension so I’ve decided that I should try to lower my BP between now and then to minimise the chances of any adverse side effects. It has already gone down a fair amount as I’ve lost weight so hopefully that will continue and bearing this in mind will increase my compliance on non FDs.

    Wiwi, isn’t it amazing how not eating for a few days makes you feel so much better. I’m considering a 3 day fast over the weekend.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well spotted Wi yes i am in Adelaide for work so I got the jump on the funnies this week i wish everyone all the best the fast life is a good life
    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Yes, still lurking, Wi. Struggling to keep warm. It might be spring, but we have just got into double figures with today’s temperature – brrrrrrr… πŸ™

    We are in the throes of a general election campaign, and what was going to be a sleepwalk for the National Party into a fourth term in office has been thrown on its head with the recent election of a young woman as leader of the Labour Party. At 37 Jacinda has changed everything, and now has Labour ahead in the polls for the first time in a decade. Voting in three weeks. Jacindamania, Jacinderella, the media are in a frenzy with a real competition on their hands. It’s certainly made the election interesting, and we may end up with a woman prime minister again.

    Lucky gardener, RT πŸ™‚

    Morning everyone,

    Sorry for the absence, just very busy socially and of course bowls. But good news, not about weight sadly, that remains the same, but I have won Β£500 on the Premium Bonds. I have bought some monthly since my 50’s as a savings plan but until now winnings have never exceeded Β£50, so I was thrilled this morning. It has served me better than a Bank Savings Scheme over the years.

    Barrata- Sounds promising politically, a change is as good as a rest. My daughter is very happy at the moment because they have adopted school pets, guinea pigs, she loves her creatures. She has qualified in her SPCA work, quite a robust course taken over one year, they have to learn the anatomy and behaviour of huge range of creatures plus hygiene and medical procedures to become an ‘animal carer’ and loves her volunteer work there. It’s a great set up and they have lots of support workers at her local shelter.

    Amazon and Wiwi- sounds like you are both ‘on your game’ enjoy your exercise. The table tennis is a great idea.

    RT- thanks for the jokes, loved this weeks.
    What are you up too ‘fasting wise’ at present.

    Nama- how is your weather now? My friend’s daughter in Melbourne is about to have her first child, hope it’s warming up so she can enjoy some pramulating. I love walking with a pram, preferable an old silver cross, lots of springs.

    Happy-does your Dad get out to retirement clubs, sounds like he is getting bored at home and eating. Easily done!

    Fast Day today as I was out for a meal yesterday to celebrate my friends 60 th, although she brazenly admits to age 32, which has now celebrated 28 times.

    My husband still functioning on one leg. His ‘Housemaids Knee’ has been a real problem, unable to walk more than 30 feet even with a stick. He has taken a course of anti inflamatories without any improvement and he applies local cream, also offering no benefit. His doctor is very busy and can’t see him for 2 weeks but I suspect this injury is worse than diagnosed. I am concerned about thrombosis but will he listen? No!. He has always had good health and vitality, it’s a really bad start to his retirement.

    I am statring Level 2 of my Bowls Coaching Course today, really enjoying it. Can’t wait to ‘get started’ initially ‘indoors’.

    Have a great weekend faster so, more power to your ‘willpower’.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another beautiful morning here 😎
    We’ve had a great summer in this part of the country and I am tired of hearing people moaning every time it rains. I want to remind them that this is Northern Europe not the Costa Brava, and that they have a lot of rain in the tropics!

    Jo, if your husband has had a sore knee for this much time he’ll have either torn a cartilage or tweaked a tendon. It is unlikely to be DVT which affects the whole lower leg causing pain and swelling of the whole area. He should keep the leg elevated when not walking and try ice packs.
    This website is really good for working out what is wrong and what can be done to improve it

    We had a lovely walk around the wetlands centre yesterday, sae lots of birdlife plus a few other creatures, a lizard, a vole and the otters who had come out because it was their afternoon feeding time and no-one had told them it had been cancelled!

    It was a very warm day so we decided a cold beer was in order which was followed by fish and chips and more beer.

    I am really pleased to be fasting today as I feel bloated and uncomfortable after a week of socialising and eating more carbs than usual. I’m definitely doing B2B and I might extend it by a day or two. I’ll see how I feel on Monday.

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Hi Jo,

    No, it’s not boredom eating with Dad. He’s not a grazer or evening snacker, just portion creep at meal times. Easily done! He is very definitely a host to visitors also, and seems to have a pathological fear of guests going hungry. He always over caters!

    He seems to be back on top of the weight again now though. He also has a dodgy knee and gaining, and now losing, half a stone has made him realise (or remember!) the benefits of losing weight.


    We have NOT had a great summer in the north west. I appreciate we can’t expect the temperatures you get in the south east, and do get higher rainfall, but August was really disappointing. Too many overcast days, and 14 degrees without the sun, is rubbish even by our standards ☹️ We’re now getting significantly cooler nights, and it’s getting very autumnal. We seem to have gone from spring to autumn without really having a summer. So I’m going to keep moaning, thank you very much πŸ˜€

    I was talking about people I meet locally, who live in London eg my neighbours. I know the summer hasn’t been good for everyone which is why I specified “this part of the country” in my post.
    It’s rather unlike you to jump to the wrong conclusion, I thought that was my area of expertise…….. πŸ˜‰

    Amazon, I knew you were being south east centric with your comments. But it was still a hook to let me complain πŸ˜€

    Every time I talk to my Dad we have to compare weather, and he frequently disagrees with me when I say it hasn’t been nice. I live nearly 300 miles north and 600 feet higher!

    Having said that, today is now lovely! Sunny and really quite hot in the sun. I’m gardening and thinking about what I’m going to eat tonight…. 😊

    Ha ha!

    Why are us Brits so obsessed with the weather?

    It was beautiful here this morning so I sat in my little garden with coffee and the newspaper, listening to the birds singing and the bees buzzing 😎🌻πŸ₯€πŸŒΌπŸ¦‰πŸ₯πŸ•ŠπŸπŸŒž

    Jo, how is your daughter getting on with her immigration application? Are we going to allow her to stay?

    Our cat used to start shedding in July. Last year I noted it was in August, and we then had a horrible summer. It’s now September and he’s still hanging onto his (matted, knotted) fur. I just hope it’s because he is aging, and not that we are facing another dreadful summer. πŸ™ It’s not just the Brits, Amazon.

    Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

    Barata, we have a long-haired boy too, similarly matted and knotted! Our previous long-haired cats have been black and white, and very fastidious about their tuxedos. This one, tabby, is lazy and wears his knots (and cling ons 😡) as badges of honour. None of them has had an obvious moult. Is a yearly shed a Maine coon thing?

    Definitely a Merlin thing, don’t know about the breed, Happy. He loses a great deal each year, becomes half the cat! And if I try to groom him he lashes out. I think he was taken from his mother too young, doesn’t have the grooming instinct. His idea of drying off after having to venture out in the rain for ablutions is to stretch out on the duvet and let nature take its course.

    Hello – I am here, I am here πŸ™‹
    Hi guys! Everything is going so fast lately in my life since July. No complains it’s just no energy to even say hi here.
    Right now we are heading back from our Danube cruise to where we started Passau/Germany. Sleeping at the nephew’s tomorrow and afterwords some sightseeing and visiting couple of friends around there.
    This was a beautiful vacation I’m telling you. Vienna, Budapest and Brastslava are beautiful. I can’t help myself to pay attention how quality of life is different here. Everything you eat taste like food lol. In the US that rat race is killing us.
    I could watch what I ate! Every night after dinner I could help myself to avoid all those beautiful cheeses. The upcoming week not much food around that’s be sure.
    Talking about weather! The only bad day was today with rain otherwise perfect everyday.
    I don’t know why there are jokes about gardeners. I never saw a good looking one. Lucky her πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
    Glad to know everybody is well and still trying to be healthy πŸ’‹
    Have a good week πŸ‘

    Hi Jo I really haven’t done that much different at all from the blueprint that is
    10000 steps a day
    Never have breakfast usually except for yesterday it was Father’s Day with a plate of bacon and eggs mushroom and tomatoes’
    As a general comment 2 meals with no snacks each day
    Intermittent Fasting with a 6 hour daily eating window from 1pm and 7pm a slight change to 18/6 from 19/5 with a LCHF menu
    Fast MWF with water black coffee and green tea I still do a 5 day fast every 3 months.

    Morning All,
    Grey day here today but not complaining. All in all we have had a really good summer with enough rain to avoid constant watering of pots and veggie plot.

    My other half is now on crutches. We had to resort to a hospital visit on Saturday evening as the swelling and knee inflamation spread to thigh and calf. The 10 days of anti inflamatories has failed completely as has ‘resting’ it. He is now so desperate he has started drinking Kefir every morning. He normally rejects the ‘off milk’ with dismay. He is also using an ice pack and rests it on cushions so it is raised. Thankfully no thrombosis found but he is having to watch a varicous vein which has become swollen in his calf. Honestly it’s incredible what damage can be done in a one hour thought less gardening session kneeling on a board instead of a padded kneeler. BE WARNED!

    RT- so like me you are doing 3 fast days to maintain weight. I also exceed 10,000 steps daily what with dog walk, dance class and bowls most days. Similar choices, no breakfast and healthy eating, no snacks.
    Far too much tea now my husband home so switching to green tea on non fast days too.
    He also enjoyed Father’s Day brunch of fry up as my daughter insists he celebrate English and Kiwi versions, he is not complaining.
    My son is enjoying a holiday poolside in Turkey at present. Distressing from London Life.
    I used to enjoy that type of holiday. It now I prefer more activity, walking holiday or sightseeing. Still planning India trip, possibly next year. I tried Masala tea yesterday prepared in a saucepan by my flat tenants, they are Punjabi. They also insisted we try some lentil curry with salad a yogurt, delicious. Very nice family.

    HCB- glad you had a good trip. Avoided American storms.

    So much danger from Political War mongering and terrorism at present, keep safe everyone.

    Barata- my daughter has done all the paperwork and paid many dollars to your government and now awaits a decision. No date or clues whether she will get residency. She has more than enough points but the so have many others. Time will tell. She loves it there and would be broken hearted to leave but she is realistic.

    Fingers crossed for her, Jo. And give our sympathy to OH, in his suffering.

    Hi all,
    Jo its very cold in Melbourne at present, babies need rugging up well! I hope your friends daughter is doing well and all goes smoothly. Hopefully the weather will pick up soon, we are so fed up with icy conditions! Husband usually has hayfever by this time of the year, but its week after week of 14-16 thru the day with cold wind and lots of rain!

    We are off beachside for a short break on Sunday, so doing some early baking for grandaughters first birthday (Yes, she is one shortly!). Very proud of myself for making a sponge this morning (to freeze) and NOT licking the bowl or the beaters – has to be a first! But its a fast day today and tomorrow and I am determined not to wake the ‘sweet tooth’ up and sabotage the fast! Its hard enough with this cold weather!

    Oh dear, sorry to hear that it is cold. Unfortunately I bought and posted thin clothing I bought for the new baby yesterday. Avoided the nice warm things we would appreciate. Still summer is in its way for you. I think we have been keeping all the sun over our side. Still mostly warm here with a few showers.

    Off to Chartwell today, looking forward to a nice day out.

    Weight went up yesterday, I am definitely retaining water, no idea why, swollen ankles and feeling bloated so fasting today anyway, hope it helps. Only had egg for lunch yesterday and salmon salad for dinner. Did lots of shopping and walking yesterday but rested with feet up last night.

    Have a good day everyone

    Worrying statistics indeed.

    Well I did lots of walking yesterday around the house and grounds if Chartwell in Westerham then shopping in the small village. I took a salad with me so avoided most temptation. Gave in to a latte on arrival after 2 hour coach trip though.

    Winston Churchill loved his home and I could fully appreciate why. Wasn’t a big fan of his paintings though but he painted as a pastime.

    RT- I am doing a 5 day fast from Monday to prepare for my brothers wedding on Sat, I would like to feel thinner if not look much thinner in my outfit.

    Sun is shining today but I won’t be getting up to much as I pulled a muscle in my shoulder yesterday. I think I did it lifting my dog into the car. I really need to train her to use steps but it isn’t easy, she scrabbled about like an eel.
    So I had a painfull night with hot water bottles to ease the pain. At 4 am I took pain killers which knocked me out. It’s not as bad this morning but I won’t be bowling or dancing today, just a slow walk on the agenda.

    At least the fluid retention has stopped, back to usual if depressing weight level. Roll on fast today as out and about tomorrow and Saturday.

    I am in s bowls club final Sat afternoon, let’s hope I am fitter by then.

    We pick up new all electric lease car tomorrow, exciting! It runs very quietly.

    Wee- that last photo on Facebook is gorgeous.

    Hope everyone is fit and well xxx

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    There is nothing worse than a Doctor’s Receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients.
    I know most of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.
    A 65-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk.
    The Receptionist said, ‘Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?’
    ‘There’s something wrong with my dick’, he replied.
    The receptionist became irritated and said, ‘You shouldn’t come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that. ‘
    ‘Why not, you asked me what was wrong and I told you,’ he said.
    The Receptionist replied; ‘Now you’ve caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the Doctor in private.’
    The man replied, ‘You shouldn’t ask people questions in a roomful of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone. The man walked out, waited several minutes, and then re-entered.
    The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, ‘Yes??’
    ‘There’s something wrong with my ear,’ he stated.
    The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice.. ‘And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?’
    ‘I can’t piss out of it,’ he replied.
    The waiting room erupted in laughter…
    Mess with seniors, and you’re going to lose
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks RT, that’s one of the best and says it all about the doctor’s receptionist. They are a special breed and found all over the world πŸ˜†

    A couple of them have strayed into my local pharmacy so I’ve taken my custom elsewhere.

    Nothing to report here apart from continuing knee problems which may need intervention from the quack. I’m doing all the right things and hoping it settles down soon, especially as it is interfering with my exercise regime.

    Due to lots of socialising I’ve not lost any weight in the past few weeks but things have quietened down now. I’m doing ADF and working hard at keeping the carbs low and the calories within TDEE on non FDs so there should be some progress soon.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Morning All,
    Feeling very sorry for myself today, torn muscle in my shoulder which is putting me out of my Finals game at bowls today. The pain started on Wednesday when I was out on my coach trip to Chartwell, no idea how it happened, suspected it may Ave been lifting the dog into their on Tuesday. It was painful Thursday too but seemed OK yesterday but I continued to rest it. Obviously didn’t help because it is excruciating today. Hot waterottles at the ready and total rest necessary. Very dissapointing day but I have to be sensible. Guess I will be doing some long overdue paperwork today.

    At least the sun is shining.
    What with my husband still being on crutches we are not setting a great example for healthy active retirees.

    Hope everyone is in good health and has a wonderful weekend. Can’t laugh at the funnies RT, too painful, but thanks anyway.

    Oh, Jo, what a sad pair of crocks. I hope you both bounce back quickly, but in the meantime you are doing the right thing.

    We’ve just had the plumber making emergency repairs to some piping that was leaking inside a wall. 5pm on Sunday… πŸ™

    Hi Barata,
    Yes we really are a sad pair. The dogs are complaining too as I can barely move and Tony not up to hobbling around the park. He spent some time throwing the ball down the garden for them instead. They seemed to enjoy it but it’s not the same as getting out. I got some sleep last night with the aid of pain killers. Arising from horizontal to vertical is a truely vile period and bending or reaching deeply unpleasant. My hubby feels he has made some progress but still needs the crutches to go beyond 6 feet. We feel very decrepit. On the plus side I did get lots of paperwork done yesterday and read an entire book. But I am not a fan of sitting still so my frustration level is through the roof.

    Water in the wall sounds pretty unpleasant. Are they brick or wood walls? Could be an expensive call out on a Sunday.

    I am staying in bed for a while this morning because it’s more comfortable. I may start a new embroidery project.

    The new all electric πŸš— is so quiet, you can’t hear the engine at all, I was unnerved, had to put the radio on, ha ha. It recharges itself if you go downhill or drive at low speeds, excellent planning.

    The plumber will be back tomorrow for a more permanent fix. The problem is just under the kitchen sink. Unfortunate, as we are renovating the kitchen (in our usual really speedy way, it should be organised this year!) and it’s a shame to do remedial work when sink and taps will be replaced. So the bill hasn’t arrived yet πŸ™ Weatherboard, the plumber removed a panel to access the problem, and an easy repair when finished.

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been re-reading The Obesity Code for some much needed inspiration and it has been a timely reminder of a few things I had forgotten.

    Fasting causes the release of Adrenalin which kicks in at around 24 hours. 48 hours of fasting increases metabolic rate by 3.6% and a four day fast increases resting energy expenditure up to 14%

    ADF is very effective in reducing insulin resistance

    Eating once per day is also very effective.

    It also endorses the perceived benefits of cider vinegar which I don’t remember reading before (must have been suffering from information overloadlast time I read it)

    FD nearly over πŸ™‚

    Hi Amazon it is interesting that when something old suddenly becomes new again or re packaged and up cycled then we go oh yeah that’s right πŸ˜† which ever way we recognize ‘that nothing changes if nothing changes’ you have my full encouragement and keep on keeping on could you image how utterly dull our lives would be if one size actually fits all?
    So mix it up shaken not stirred and then rework the schedule reset and go again.
    apple cider Vinegar vodka lime and soda
    ADF LCHF dont mind if I do πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

    Hi everyone,

    I’m just home from a good day out in town. We went back to the Museum of London which is near St Paul’s Cathedral as we only manged half of it last time because there is so much to see. We then walked down to the Bank of England and visited their museum which was fascinating. From there we crossed the river to the South Bank via London Bridge and had a nice stroll to a Mexican restaurant where I broke my fast. I wanted to have a dessert but was so full after a main course I couldn’t contemplate another mouthful.
    Pre 5:2 I would have had a cocktail, a starter, three courses, wine and coffee and hunger or satiety wouldn’t have been in the equation!

    I think I’ve had my carb allowance for the week in one course but as my house is a bread, cake and potato free zone I’ll not be tempted.

    My knee continues to be an issue and it was unhappy with all the steps up and down involved in today’s journey.
    Strangely it doesn’t hurt when I climb the stairs to my flat……..

    As they say in the USA, go figure πŸ˜†

    my 5:2 journey hasn’t been as straightforward as some and I’ve fallen into the trap of changing things that don’t need changing rather than sticking firmly to the plan and doing what worked perfectly well before. I’ve come full circle and reading Jason Fung yesterday reminded me how simple and effective IF is if we do it properly.

    I was hungry when I got up this morning and tempted to eat before going out but gave myself a talking to and managed just fine without eating until 6pm. We had a couple of cooffes while we were out and on both occasions when standing at the counter ordering our coffee the sugary smell of the cakes and pastries on offer was most uninviting!

    Another FD beckons tomorrow.

    I will get there eventually 😜

    Morning All,
    No focus on fasting at all at present but eating healthily. My shoulder pain turned into severe neck and back pain which has virtually immobilised me since Sunday. My poor husband is still hobbling around on crutches too. He has now had a different diagnosis, X-rays done and is now awaiting an MRI Scan. We are feeling really miserable, even dog walks have been short and agony, I can’t drive and my husband can walk far. I am now on muscle relaxants as painkillers have been ineffective. Stuck at home unable to do much of anything for long. Phone calls, reading and paperwork are really the limit. I am planning to open a new Active retirement group in a January, at least I have made some progress with that, booked hall, contacted speakers.

    Hopefully I will recover sufficiently to attend my brothers wedding this weekend.
    Amazon- Your day out sounds good. I am supposed to be coming up to London for a weekend with my son soon but I really need to be fit first.

    The weather here has been very stormy, we had to tie down the garden furniture last night. Still blowy but at least the rain has stopped.

    Enjoying a lay in this morning, only comfortable place for my neck at the moment.

    Happy ‘bump’ day UK and Thursday for SH. Keep Fasting! Hope you are all healthier than me!

    Hi everyone,

    The worst of the winds have passed but it is still very blustery with lots of showers. However, when the sun comes out it is beautiful.
    I took my chilli plants in from the windowsill last night and having seen the damage elsewhere today it was a smart move. I saw several tree braches and a whole tree in the road on my journey to the gym. It never ceases to amaze me the stupid places people plant trees, this one was in a narrow raised bed side a boundary wall, so no space whatsoever for it to put down sufficient roots to anchor it and of course the wall is also damaged.

    I wore a knee support during my workout and my knee feels good so I’m going to wear it every time I go to the gym for the foreseeable future as I need to get my knee into as good shape as possible, which means continuing to exercise and strengthen it.

    FD today and all going well πŸ™‚

    Jo, you seem to get a lot of strains and sprains, for all your exercise it doesn’t seem to be helping your body. Maybe you should consider some exercise options that will get your muscles into better shape. Regular Pilates maybe?

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Saying The Right Thing
    Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company’s Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn’t taste like alcohol at all. He didn’t even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong.
    Jack had to force himself to open his eyes and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in Lipstick:
    “Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! Love, Jillian”
    He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steaming hot coffee and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, “Son… What happened last night?”
    “Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door.
    Confused, he asked his son, “So, why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me??”
    His son replies, “Oh THAT! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, “Leave me alone, I’m married!!”
    Broken Coffee Table: $239.99. Hot Breakfast: $4.20. Two Aspirins: $.38. Saying the right thing, at the right time. . . PRICELESS!!!

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    Oh, thank you, RT. Such a good tonic on a gloomy day with rain and gales approaching, and I’m feeling under the weather with an unidentified lurgy.

    Glands, head, weakness – I am putting it down to too many nights’ poor sleep, plus the gap between two crowns filling up with food every mealtime and the gum punctured with prodding to remove same. My dentist will replace one crown, and another on the other side, and we have agreed to an appointment in eight weeks’ time! I can’t commit to being free on a Friday in October (busiest month at work), plus he’s away some of the time. In the meantime my whole mouth is sore (not sure how that works) so I will be on soft food for a while. This can only be good for my weight, as I still have those two kgs to remove that have crept up over the last year. I refuse to adjust my set-point!

    Friday sleep-in this morning – 6.30 πŸ™ So a day relaxing on the sofa I think.

    Fantastic joke, laughed till it hurt too much.

    Amazon- I do Yoga and swimming three times per week which should strengthen my muscles. It seems it doesn’t prepare me for lifting squirming dogs or sleeping badly which brings back effects of a whiplash injury 30 years ago sadly. I agree bowling is not great on my neck so I am working on a new technique to watch the shoulder line rather that the end ditch focus. Less trauma to the neck and repetitive strain. We will see how it goes.

    I have been forced to rest now for 6 days so I am climbing the walls. I have hobbled around the park with the dogs most days but that has been my sole outing. Really missing my gym, dance and bowls but it can’t be helped. I will try a swim on Sunday.

    At least I have got all the plans in hand to start my new Active Retirement group from December. Any ideas for a party theme other than tradition stuff. I really want to get it off to an original start.

    Barrata- I think you can buy a temporary cover for your tooth from the chemist, it might stop the food aggravating it. Poor you, toothache is the worst.

    Amazon- my husband has also bought an adjustable knee support. He is combining this with using a crutch, cold and hot alternating packs to reduce swelling and pain.
    You sound like you have it under control but I hope you have full recovery soon.

    I will attempt to fast next week, I have found fasting and pills are not a good match, fibre is very much a necessity.

    Another beautiful sunny day here. My son visiting this weekend is cheering me up.

    Nama – my friend’s new baby in Melbourne is gorgeous and loved his summery giraffe patterned clothes I sent even though it’s still a bit chilly there.

    Let’s all get on the mend guys

    Hi everyone,

    I’m upset over the latest terror incident on a tube train in the middle of the rush hour. Fortunately no-one was killed. 18 injured mostly with flash burns, some of them serious, and a few injuries from the crush to get out of the station.

    It was a lovely sunny Friday morning, I got up early, did the grocery shop then went to the gym in good spirits and as I walked into the changing room I heard someone say “there’s been an explosion on the tube”.

    It is very fortunate that the train was about to leave the station rather than being along the track, and that the device went off while the train was on the overground section.
    As usual our poor beleaguered,overworked and underpaid emergency services responded magnificently.

    Nothing else to say apart from I hope none of the injuries are too serious and that everyone makes a swift recovery.

    Yes, dreadful news, Amazon. But as you say, could have been much worse, and luckily no fatalities.

    I’m with you on the mending curve, Jo (wishing for !). I will ask the chemist about tooth covers – haven’t heard of them before.

    Spring is in the air today, in short sleeves for the first time this season and will be into the garden shortly – over-doing it, no doubt, so have the sofa booked for this afternoon. πŸ™‚

    It’s with a heavy heart and sadness that I inform my fast friends of Dads passing on Friday night Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. RIP Dad.

    So sorry to hear this, RT. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.

    RT I am so very sorry to read your post. You have talked so fondly of your Dad, I know he must have been a lovely man as well as a special Dad. Sending a big hug a this sad time.

    To the rest of the gang, hi and I hope all the ailments are settling down.
    We got back from our short beach break in time to celebrate our little granddaughter’s first birthday, a very special time!
    Back to fasting today and finally a lovely sunny day in Melbourne, makes the hunger so much easier!

    RT, thinking of you in this sad time for you and your family. Hang together. Bay 🌺🌺🌺


    So sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you and your family. Big hugs from London.

    Just returned from my brothers wedding this weeken to hear your very sad news. My condolences to you and your family. It’s a terrible thing losing a parent, they always remain in your thoughts, which is a blessing. I lost my father when I was age 11 so didn’t enjoy his wisdom in my adult life which I probably needed. My mother lived to 90 years old and was a blessing everyday even when she had dementia. She was a very loving and energetic person and it gave me strength. It would have been her birthday tomorrow, she would have been 100 years old. It was good to spend time with my two sisters and brother this weekend. Family memories are so important, even the silly moments.
    Thinking of you and your family. Love and hugs πŸ’‹

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