Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,651 through 2,700 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning All,
    Lucky you Amazon, my favourite art form, so thought inspiring and often lifts the spirits even when it’s a mystery to you.

    I am chilling in bed at 10.15 am, reading a Bridge Guide. Giving myself a restful ‘fast day’. Yesterday was full on and my bridge club last night culminated in a doozy of a headache which actually prevented me getting to sleep. Also dealing with a bad sting to my wrist, very swollen and red, possibly done by a flying ant at an away bowls game Sunday. I thought they were harmless but locals said they are devils. Certainly worked a number on me but I hope my improved immune system will overcome. before long. I have had worse bites.

    Summer has turned to Winter here, very grey and wet but glad I am not suffering over 50 degrees like a friend on holiday in Turkey. Crazy weather.

    Another friend just back from Spain where she had to spend her time either in the pool or in the hotel, shade areas were too hot.

    I think some cleaning and tidying are on the Agenda today and I need to time the dog walk between heavy showers, not a huge fan of welly boot and trench coat escapades. Lucky I live in the South East much less rain on the whole we seem to have a microclimate here, avoid the worst.

    Have a good day all. Time for water, need to quieten my grumbling tummy. Might be s long day.

    Hello from cool rainy France
    It’s dropped to a pleasant 20Β°. Heaven for energy levels.

    Your bites sound nasty, Jojo.

    Beautiful full moon last night with its eclipse bite. The last day of the summit of summer. We are off for a long weekend in the Pyrenees this weekend. It’s the night of the meteor shower on Saturday, so I hope we have a clear view.

    We just bought our fresh produce from the farmer next to us – 0 kilometres and organic and so cheap. We will make a courgette omelette and potatoes for lunch soon.
    Yesterday’s fast went fairly well and it’s great to have coolness to do the 7k steps today. Tomorrow it will be easy with so many delicious veges.
    I am finishing my art course today and getting back to the music again.
    We have a friend with us at present and we are having a great time, she with her photos and me with my natural history illustration.
    Enjoy your art, Amazon.


    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Fasting: Awakening the Rejuvenation from Within | Valter Longo
    Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant
    Health Benefit’s Fast Trackers
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Good Morning All,
    Another pound off today, not exactly speedy loss but going in the right direction.

    I am now doing 10 minutes Hiit Exercise every morning on my cross trainer at home and eating meals from ‘the clever Guts diet’ by MM. luckily these fit very well with my vegetarian food preference. I just replace red meat meals with squash. They are yummy especially Goan Fish Curry and Asian Coleslaw with chicken. I eat at least 7 veg per day on non fast days. I have doubled my Kefir portion to 1 full cup and taking it morning and night now even on fast days. It’s helping to fight inflammation in joints and anti histime over reaction to insect bites. I am prepared to live with the calorie count even on fast days, health is more important at the moment. I am enjoying the variety in my menu although it has still remained mainly meditteranean. Body need a change obviously, woman cannot live by salmon salad alone it seems. Food predation and shopping time is a chore in my busy life but I am learning to live with it.

    My poor other half now has knee problems, limping badly. He cannot comfortably join me on my daily walk. He is going to try alternate days. I think it started off because he was kneeling too long on a board doing some weeding. Should have used a proper kneeler. You have to protect your knees, easily offended.

    RT- I may not be the Queen of weight loss but I can certainly confirm that fasting has improved my health and vitality. I feel great, life is good. Imagine how great I will feel when at goal weight and exercise becomes easier. I do hope my memory improves too, I rely heavily on electronic reminders in my phone. I am learning bridge to counter aging brain deterioration. I can see that ‘aging players’ at the club have very impressive memory skills. They openly discuss what cards have been laid in what round at the end of the game. I can’t remember what card I laid in the last round…not good.

    I have never got to grips with Suduko but I quite enjoy crosswords.

    To All – What do you do to keep the little grey cells active?

    Amazon- I have been watching the Athletics, so many close shaves at 4 th!

    Wiwi- I am never as happy as when doing a creative project- still making my second embroidered bridge cloth. Cloth itself is red, big mistake, Murder on the eyesight in the evening. The corgette omelette sounds great, what seasoning did you add?

    Happy- hope you are Ok? Guess you are just very busy.

    Wee- Hope the weather has been kinder to you than us. How is the knitting going?

    Femme Anglaise- how are you getting on? What are your favourite foods?

    Nama- how is the dog and baby sitting going? Are you getting any time off for ‘date night’ with hubby? Ha Ha !

    Morning/evening all,

    Another monsoon has arrived but apparently dry weather starts tomorrow………..

    Have you tried a zapper for insect bites? They are little gadgets that give a small piezo-electric shock when applied to insect bites. It disperses the sting which naturally reduces inflammation and itchiness. I have been using one for years. They last for several thousand applications, no sticky cream is involved, you can carry them in hand luggage and they are much cheaper than creams and certainly quicker and easier to use. They are sold in many outlets including Boots.

    As for dodgy knees, buy your husband a couple of knee supports and get him walking every day. The sooner he does the stronger his leg muscles will become.

    I’ve been watching the athletics but I’m more than a little annoyed with the BBC in particular Gabby Logan and the studio guests stirring up a situation and trying to turn it into a conspiracy because an athlete who was a medal favourite has made a fuss about being excluded due to having been affected by a highly contagious gastro-intestinal virus. There may well have been a communciation problem between the officals and the athlete and his team but the way they all badgered the official who is in charge of the health and wellbeing of ALL athletes, who came into the studio voluntarily to explain what had happened was disgusting, and I don’t know how she managed to maintain her composure.

    Have a good one everybody πŸ˜œβ˜”β˜”β˜”β˜”

    I agree, it was a shocking situation.
    Gabby Logan was totally out of order, that poor official was bullied when she was just trying to do her job. I suspect it was a case of an athlete telling lies in order to do his race, shame that so many people got involved in the scenario. His coach and physio didn’t help matters either, before they went public they should have checked all the facts.

    I have tried zappers before but I didn’t find they helped a great deal. Sting is on the mend now and my body is dealing better with reaction than it used to due to improved immunity. At one time a bite or sting would be dinner plate size with hours and I would need to be on anti-histamine and occasionally antibiotics for days. So I am not complaining. Good to see progress thanks to Kefir.

    Other half is hobbling badly today and not keen to ‘walk it off’. I tried to get him to use poles but he thinks they are silly. What can you do! His problem not mine. He will use knee pads in the garden next time.

    Bowls this afternoon, hope it stays dry, sunny and warm at present…hoorah!

    I agree regarding the poles. They are great for trekking and hill walking but OTT for dog walking IMHO.

    What really irritated me regarding the sick athlete was that no consideration was taken regarding the fact that details were not made public due to patient confidentiality and Dr Venning was forced to make details of a medical consultation public in order to defend the correct decision being taken regarding him needing to be in quarantine which he ignored, risking infecting others. If the athlete/patient had been honest with his team none of it would have happened and while I understand he must be terribly disappointed, he isn’t doing himself or anyone else any favours by not being absolutely honest. Other athletes have since commented that he was unwell earlier in the week so it is obvious he’s not been telling the truth.

    Hi JO Yes it will be interesting to see how we all personally feel about keeping dementia and alchizmers risk at bay I have my health markers as my main consideration that I can directly control for example minimal sugar no spare tyre around the waist no diabetes no weight issues now although having trimmed down from obese to healthy a non-smoker was a boozer and now minimal I actively and passionately fast 3 days a week now I love it usually 42 hours each day now. I have a numbers job and not a physical job so my mind is fully active most of the time although my brain is not necessarily in gear however πŸ˜† numbers also dominate my non work time with the finance sector the share market sports and horse race betting both with pen and paper plus computer smart phone laptop and tablet. Touch wood so far so good.
    Information is not knowledge but this is well worth keeping in mind..A good read
    In Conclusion
    The simple fact that the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease has increased so dramatically in recent years highlights the fact that it is largely a diet and lifestyle disease. We are not hapless victims in the face of a brain-sapping onslaught. There is a clear course of action we can adopt to reduce our risks. I trust that you may be motivated to make a few simple changes to help us move toward a future where age brings wisdom rather than confusion.

    Hi Jo,

    I’m still here, but no broadband this week and trying to minimise mobile data use. Well done on getting the scales moving again, you’ve obviously made some good changes recently.


    Thanks for the recent links. They’ll have to wait though until I’ve got internet access again!

    Hi all,
    Ha ha RT, can just picture you in a comfy chair on the weekend with TV and radio on, shuffling the form guide and scanning the ASX! Hopefully just a few beers and not a fridge full waiting to be drained!
    I think all of us that hang around here are pretty responsible re our health these days…
    I dont do anything as a deliberate measure to keep my brain sharp, but I think lots of fresh air and exercise – swimming, walking and gardening, a love of reading, a very healthy diet with almost everything made from scratch, lots of interactions with stimulating friends and good luck with the genetics will all go a long way. Fasting is an added bonus of course, hopefully Walter Vongo is right about that too!
    My dear Dad had read every book in his local library by 89 and was memorising long passages of poetry at 90, as he felt he was getting a bit forgetful! I am very like him and his sisters in physical appearance, hopefully I have a similar brain! They were all fit and active into their 90s.
    Having nursed oldies with dementia, I like to think I would be one of the ‘happy’ ones (like Weemam’s dad), but I am an incurable optomist! Should it ever happen, my kids have strict instructions to nudge my wheelchair off the end of a pier, they know that withholding food wont work after observing my fasting!
    Dont worry about me missing out on ‘date nights’ with husband Jo, as empty nesters, they can be ‘date weeks’ if we wish! (Oh how he wishes!)

    Nama, good to hear that you have the possibility of ‘date weeks’, sounds fun. My husband has only been retired a week and he is driving me mad. He has hardly left the house and is getting annoyingly tidy. Arrggh.
    I think I will be going out even more.
    My game of bowls was rained off again today
    , very heavy rain all afternoon.

    Glad to hear you are OK. We all seem to go through the odd spell of ‘no wifi’, probably good for us.
    One day at a time for me, never gets easier.

    I spent 2 hours cleaning my car interior today, dog hair and car carpets are not a match made in heaven. I do have a rubber mat in the boot and dog blanket but they still manage to milt everywhere.

    Athletics quite sad again tonight. We seem doomed to come 4 th, no more medals yet.
    America are doing very well though. I particularly liked the long jump and pole vault.
    I don’t enjoy hurdles, it’s always so tense, plus I hated racing it myself at school. My favourites were 100 Mtr sprint and javelin.

    Keep Fasting

    OMG Nama so looking forward to Retirement
    Date Weeks ??? Wow that sounds like Facebook official to me
    Mr Nama did choose well all those years ago. πŸ˜‰

    Morning/evening all,

    Blue sky and sunshine, the monsoon is over πŸ˜‰

    The majority of the GB team simply aren’t world class athletes but many of them are young and promising.
    The British public expect too much after the incredibly successful London 2012 when the fact is that the only real medal prospect is Mo Farah and none of the others have world leading times, throws, jumps etc so it is no surprise that they aren’t finishing in the top 3.
    What is good is that the crowds have turned out and filled the stadium every night and cheered not just the GB team but everyone else on and the athletes all love coming to London because of the welcome and support they receive.

    Interesting how long it has taken for experts to tell us that our lifestyle affects our health, did their grannies never tell them “you are what you eat”……..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello Tribe,

    I have to admit that this hasn’t been a very hot summer. We had I guess more rain but it’s beautiful.
    Our little veggie garden is supplying us plenty of leves, herbs, zucchini and cucumbers. The aren’t ready yet. I am thinking they’ll be ready while we are in Europe.
    I am still buying romaine lettuce and mixing it with the garden one. My husband’s says it’s to peppery. Must be the arugula.

    One of the happiest days of my life was when I arrived and saw my husband and the doggy smiling at me. As you know the car is smashed and he is very lucky to be alive or not seriously injured.
    The little doggy isn’t the same. She is most of the time quiet or sleeping. She doesn’t have the same pep anymore. Still not walking well.

    Great video from Dr Longo. On my side still watching portions and not eating before 12pm.
    Yesterday I stepped at the scale and gained 1lb. I am happy after the trip … could’ve been worst. Next week I’ll do better.
    Also Tuesday I am going to do yard work in Florida. It’s a big job!

    RT – how come the US stock market is doing so well wth so much turmoil around the world and with this horrible president?

    Stay well everyone πŸ™


    1lb up is very little, and not necessarily fat gain, so you did well while away!

    Poor Sasha had the worst of that accident. It’s no wonder she’s not fully better yet. Rest and sleep will hopefully heal her bumps and breaks and restore her spirits.

    What’s the yard work in Florida?

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Top 10 Retirement Jokes
    1. Oops!
    An elderly couple was attending church services. About halfway through she leans over and says to her husband. β€œI just let out a silent fart. What do you think I should do?” He replies, β€œPut a new battery in your hearing aid.”
    2. Wrong Way!
    An old guy in his Volvo is driving home from work when his wife rings him on his carphone. β€œHoney”, she says in a worried voice, β€œbe careful. There was a bit on the news just now, some lunatic is driving the wrong way down the freeway”. β€œIt’s worse than that”, he replies, β€œthere are hundreds of them!”
    3. Which Restaurant?
    A retired couple had dinner at their friends’ house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went to the kitchen.
    The two men were talking and one said, β€œWe’ve been going to a new restaurant and it’s really great. I’d recommend it very highly.”
    The other man asked, β€œWhat’s the name of the place?”
    The first man thought awhile and finally said, β€œWhat are those flowers you send a woman you love? The ones with red petals and thorns?”
    β€œYou must mean roses,” he replied.
    β€œThat’s it,” said the man. He yelled to his wife, β€œRose, what’s the name of the new restaurant we like?”
    4. It hurts all over!
    The retired guy goes to the doctor and says, β€œDoc, I ache all over. Everywhere I touch it hurts.”
    The doctor replies, β€œOK. Touch your elbow.” The guy touches his elbow and winces in genuine pain.
    The doctor, surprised, then states, β€œTouch your head.”
    The guy touches his head and jumps in agony. The doctor asks him to touch his knee and the same thing happens. Everywhere the guy touches he hurts a lot.
    The doctor is stumped and orders a complete examination with X-rays, etc. He tells the guy to come back in two days.
    Two days later the guy comes back and the doctor declares, β€œWe’ve found your problem.”
    β€œOh yeah? What is it?” asks the retiree.
    β€œYou’ve broken your finger!”
    5. Getting Better
    A retired lady needed some extra cash, so she got a guitar and took some lessons. Then she learned some of her generation’s favorite oldies.
    Then she got herself hired by a nursing home to sing for patients by their bedsides.
    After serenading one bedridden older lady, she got up to leave and said, β€œI hope you get better soon.”
    The patient replied, β€œI hope you get better too!”
    6. Retirement Study
    I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older. Then it dawned on me … they were cramming for their finals.
    7. What’s In A Name?
    Four retired ladies are playing bridge.
    One of them looks across at her partner and says, β€œI know we’ve been playing bridge every week for two years, but I can’t remember your name. Could you please tell me again?”
    Her partner looks at her for a long moment and finally replies, β€œHow soon do you need to know?”
    8. Boarder
    A retired man went to a doctor for a general check-up. The doctor told the retiree that everything was fine and that, in fact, he was”in real good shape for a man of 93.”
    β€œThat’s good to know because I’m getting married in two weeks,” said the retiree.
    β€œGetting married! That’s wonderful! Who’s the lucky bride?” asked the doctor. The retiree replied, β€œShe’s a 27-year-old bar maid I met at the local pub.”
    β€œOnly 27!” The doctor paused before he advised, β€œThen you will need some Viagra.” The man replied, β€œNo way, I never take drugs of any type. It’s against my principles.”
    The doctor took some more time before he responded with: β€œYou are in good shape, but nevertheless you are 93. May I suggest that you and your wife take in a boarder?”
    β€œWhy a boarder?” asked the retiree.
    β€œWell, you know, at your age,” winked the doctor, β€œyou may not be able to do all the things a young woman would like a husband to do around the house. A boarder will be able to help.”
    The retiree shrugged and said, β€œI guess you are right,” as he walked out of the office. A year later, the retiree, now 94, came back to the doctor for another checkup.
    β€œHow’s married life?” asked the doctor. β€œAmazing, it couldn’t be better. I should have remarried years ago.”
    β€œHow’s your wife?” asked the doctor.
    β€œShe’s doing fine,” announced the retiree, β€œand she’s pregnant.”
    β€œPregnant!” exclaimed the doctor. β€œI take it that you took in a boarder who has fit in quite well?”
    β€œβ€˜Yes, and she’s pregnant too,” grinned the retiree.
    9. What Really Matters
    A retiree said to his 80 year old friend, β€œIt it true you’re getting married?”
    -β€œSure is.”
    -β€œHave I met her?”
    -β€œI don’t think so.
    -β€œIs she attractive?”
    -β€œWon’t win any beauty contests.”
    -β€œCan she cook?”
    -β€œCan’t even boil an egg.”
    -β€œIs she rich?”
    -β€œRich? Heck, she’s so poor she can’t even pay attention.”
    -β€œShe must be great in the sack then?”
    -β€œI haven’t actually found out.”
    -β€œMy God, man, why are you marrying her?”
    -β€œShe can still drive.”
    10. How Do You Feel?
    Two old guys from a senior center were sipping lemonade on the porch.
    One asks the other, β€œRalph, I’m 92 years old and even my aches have pains. You must be close to my age. How are you feeling?”
    Ralph says, β€œLike a brand new baby.”
    β€œNo kidding! Like a brand new baby?
    β€œYep. No teeth, no hair, and wet diapers.”
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Thanks RT! I forwarded them to some older relatives who were very amused!

    On the subject of aging, I know some people for whom it is a convenient excuse not to do things or to try and justify why they can’t do things. I know that doesn’t apply to most retirees here, but wow! Look at these people!

    Hi everyone,

    Happy, that is a fascinating and uplifting article. I’ve never been able to jump a high hurdle and I would hazard a guess that I couldn’t manage more than a few metres in the shot put.

    RT, thanks for the Friday Funnies πŸ˜†

    The weather has improved beyond measure since Wednesday and I spent yesterday afternoon at a local park in the playground and sandpit with my great nephew and his Mum. It was a lovely experience as the playground was full of children and their parents/grandparents as was the older childrens playground next door. There were also lots of families having picnics, playing ball games or just walking/running around in the fresh air 😎
    My great nephew will be 2 in two weeks time and I don’t know where the time has gone….

    Yesterday evening I met up with a friend in a local pub and to our surprise and delight there was a small band playing jazz. We asked the manager if the music was a regular occurrence and he said that they had tried out several groups/bands over a few months and the jazz was by far the most popular so they are now playing every week. I’ll definitely be going back πŸ™‚

    I’m fasting today and looking forward to breaking my fast tomorrow at one of the restaurants near the Queen Elizabeth stadium before the athletics starts πŸ₯‡πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‰ :excited:

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Great photos and news, what brace souls. You would think they would be worried about hip replacements at that age. I am doing my Sporting bit, won my bowls game 35/8 today. My friend bowled in an England game yesterday, and next year I am partnering her. Exciting!

    I admit I really fancy trying some tennis next year but I would be happy to do shot put or javelin if there was the chance. I just love throwing things. Mind you with 2 dogs I do get lots of practise.

    We had a little sunshine here today which is a good start to a Folk Week. Not volunteering this year so I will miss the music in the performance tent. I will be heading to the pubs for live music instead.

    I got tripped up last night in my dance class, the floor was very crowded and a woman backed stepped into me. I came down hard and have some bruising but no bones broken. Didn’t realise the Samba was so dangerous!

    Thanks for the jokes RT, I feel young now.
    Have a great weekend everyone

    Thanks Happy I love your work that link is just awesome so much good stuff in that.I now have my
    template for retirement secure πŸ’‘ RT

    RT, you and me, we’re the old people of the future! By the time we’re there, old people will rule the world!
    I’m aiming to be a fit old bird with my marbles intact πŸ˜€

    An inspirational article, Happy πŸ™‚ The World Masters Games were held here earlier in the year, and the country fell in love with a +100-year-old woman who competed in seven or eight events, and won every one! She was the only competitor πŸ™‚

    It is spring-like today, so outside has been tempting me, and I have overdone it in the garden. Lettuce and spring onions planted in my tiny shady veggie garden, and broad bean seeds sown (the packet says use til 2014, so I will report back on the strike rate).

    I’m just working on the kg or two that snuck on while we were in Queensland last week. The arthritis flared up, but is easing off (apart from with too much gardening), probably with being back on a sensible diet and milk kefir.

    Glad you are okay, Jo.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious day in London which is especially good for the walkers and spectators.

    I had a fab time at the athletics, lots of great sport, shocks and surprises including success for both GB relay teams. It was wonderful to see the GB men take gold and set a new record, but disappointing for Usain Bolt to pull up injured in his final race.It was a shame Mo Farah only got silver but the Ethiopians worked togther to tire him out and prevent the win. Mo was also still tired from the 10,000m and I guess the emotion of the whole thing must have made it tough for him. He said afterwards he gave everything and he couldn’t have tried harder.

    The womens hurdles final was an unexpected highlight. Sally Pearson (Australia) has won before but after injury she was so surprised to have run so well and won and the American Dawn Harper Nelson who came second spent the next 15 minutes literally jumping for joy. The two of them have raced against each other many times and there were lots of hugs and cameraderie after the race.

    It was a very late night but my journey was easy.
    I’m watching the final day from my sofa!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi all,
    just popping in to say hello! No news, just noticing that regular fasting is a way of life now and I think I would miss it if I stopped! I love that I can change the days around to fit in with life (as in this week) and I love having ‘food free days’ when I dont have to bother about anything in the kitchen. Husband now fasts one day a week with me and he has embraced it as a healthy practice. He needs to refeed afterwards as he cant afford to lose any weight!

    We are heading North on Friday for a short break, desperate for a bit of sun after very little for the past few months. We have booked a lovely apartment on the coast north of Sydney, so hopefully it will be warmer than Melbourne! I was grocery shopping today and realized that I didn’t need to buy any ‘treats’ for the 10 hour drive or any part of the holiday – they really just dont appeal as much now. That was a bit of a shock. I bought some nice fruit, some yoghurt, some coffee beans and fresh nuts (almonds and brazils) but walked past the chocolates with ease. This may be normal for some of you, but as a ‘recovering sugar addict’ is a new experience for me. Starting to believe I have actually changed after almost three years!

    The hotel pool looks gorgeous, it will be nice to swim my laps out in the fresh air! Be good folks!

    Hi, I was a member a year or 2 ago and took part in your look 2 lbs conversation – i doubt anyone remembers me lol
    Anyway I stopped the 5:2 after becoming quite ill (you know how it is, get sad and can’t deal with fasting)

    I had previously hit my target but I’ve put a bit more on again now, inactivity and lack of counting calories when I was in and out of hospitals I think.

    Ive started up again today and have been trying to do the maths to get to loose 2 lbs a week again, but I am unsure, I think it will be too much of a cut


    2lbs a week is a very ambitious target, particularly for people who aren’t very overweight and/or are quite small.

    In my opinion it’s better to just get into good habits – 2 fast days and 5 sensible non-fast days, when you eat healthily and don’t overeat. This is about forming good habits for life, not just losing weight quickly and reverting to old habits.


    Something to hopefully motivate you! Another nail in the coffin of the ‘fat and healthy’ myth….

    Good afternoon Everyone and welcome back Heavens Hazzard, sorry to hear about your health problems. Hopefully you will get weight loss success. Don’t concern yourself with a 2 lb per week goal just aim for a decrease and fasting success accepting health benefits it will give you. Plenty of research out there now that fasting is the way to go for long term health benefits.

    I have made lots of changes to my food plan and continue to do so to find a more successful weight loss approach. Still a work in progress. My health has improved in every respect and I am still fighting the weight loss battle through fish, dairy Mediterranean diet and fasting 3 days per week. Progress is very slow but I am sticking with this method as it has the best research support.

    Nama- have a great trip. Treats for me are always a piece of fruit, useful when you are tempted by sugar or savoury treats when bored.

    Amazon- really enjoyed the athletics coverage. Relay team win was great. Shame about Mo but he did his best in difficult circumstances.

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been very busy socially lately so FDs have been damage limitation rather than weight loss tools. I’m away for a week from tomorrow staying with friends. They have been very supportive regarding my weight loss and will offer something once and if I say no thanks they don’t have a problem. I’ll probably be eating cake for lunch and there will be wine πŸ˜‰

    The forecast looks promising and I’m looking forward to the peace and quiet of the countryside 😎

    And I’ve at last found a home for some of my excess kefir grains. I’ll be donating some for making kefir and some for stashing in the freezer.

    Jo, the relay squadS are all doing very well and most of them are young with room for improvement so hopefully there will be more success.
    Christian Malcolm who was a very fine 200m runner is now the relay coach and IMHO he’s doing an excellent job πŸ™‚

    Aussie faster’s the original Doco Eat Fast and Live Longer is on SBS at 8.35pm

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    The Stella Awards
    It’s time once again to review the winners of the Annual “Stella Awards.” The Stella Awards are named after 81 year-old Stella Liebeck of New Mexico who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonald’s. That case inspired the Stella awards for the most frivolous, ridiculous, successful lawsuits in the United States. Here are this year’s winners:
    7th Place: Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson’s son.
    6th Place: 19-year-old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn’t notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor’s hubcaps.
    5th Place: Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania, was leaving a house he had just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn’t re-enter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation, and Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner’s insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of $500,000.
    4th Place: Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas, was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbor’s beagle. The beagle was on a chain in its owner’s fenced yard. The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams, who had climbed over the fence into the yard and was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun.
    3rd Place: A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.
    2nd Place: Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a night club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms.Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.
    1st Place: This year’s runaway winner was Mrs. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mrs. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, (from an OU football game), having driven onto the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back & make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the RV left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mrs.Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising her in the owner’s manual that she couldn’t actually do this. The jury awarded her $1,750,000 plus a new motor home. The company actually changed their manuals on the basis of this suit, just in case there were any other complete morons around.
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    It’s absolutely staggering that any of those suits was successful. And the insurance premiums go up and up. Guess who won with Obama-care? It provided everyone with – not access to free medical treatments but medical insurance. πŸ™

    Morning All I hope everyone is ok πŸ‘Œ
    Rember to keep on keeping on
    Believe you can and your halfway there

    Hi RT,
    All great here just too busy beachcombing at present… We are staying just north of Sydney for a week, fed up with Melbournes winter!
    Not fasting but staying with 2 meals a day and hoping all the walking and laps of the hotel pool do the trick!
    I think you get left out of what we are all up to as you are not on Facebook! πŸ˜€
    Amazon also away this week, not sure where Jo is hiding?
    Happy Sunday!

    Morning All,
    Not hiding just enjoying ‘Folk Week’ in my local town, listening to great music and dancing till I drop. Also been bowling, walking, dancing classes and playing bridge ALOT.

    I am exhausted and I have a pile of washing and housework to do but it will wait, today I am enjoying a peaceful day at home with a book. Of course I do need to walk the dogs and mow the grass which takes 3 hours but I don’t mind. At least I won’t be rushing around from one event to another without a moment to myself.
    I am doing my coaching exam next Saturday so wish me luck. Looking forward to initiating lots more retirees into the game.

    Fasting has not been a priority this week and I have tried a few specialist beers and cheeses. But mainly I have eaten salads because the weather has been mostly good and my cooking time very limited.

    Nama- sounds like you are having a great time, romantic break with hubby. I haven’t swum in 2 weeks I will get back to it tomorrow. My hubby still very incapacitated with ‘house maids knee’ but he is at least taking anti inflamatories now. He can’t walk far at all, hobbling badly. Not an auspicious start to his retirement.

    RT-back on the fasting wagon tomorrow.

    Amazon-Hope you are enjoying your trip.

    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Ah gee goodness gracious me how on earth did we get through our days before Facebook
    Social Media
    Like YouTube is part of our daily lives
    Good on ya Jojo I will be with you
    Power to the people

    We have been away for a while- in the Pyrenee mountains. Just so beautiful. It’s been easy to maintain fasting, though it’s the Non fast days that are difficult.
    We did lots of walking, and my daughter and OH paraglided off the famous (from Tour de France) Tourmalet Col at 2115metres. I was the photographer.

    Just organizing today’s meal (FD for me) smoked salmon, beans, carrots and a very small quantity of local potatoes.


    It’s been awhile but sometimes I am to tired even to type anything.
    I am in FL checking on our house! There was so much rain here this year that our plants grew too big. Plus weeds that I’ve never seen before.
    The good part is I have some girlfriends to go out for lunch and catch-up with a little. I am working outside mornings and early evening. Noon is too hot.
    RT – inbeliavable the law suits we have here. My favorite is that selfdrive Winabago.
    The other day I bought a set of sautΓ©e pans and on the wrapping said “vegetables not included”. That was one of your previous jokes.
    Barata – yes! Everyone here should be able to have health insurance but not everyone is getting the benefit of it.
    Amazon – enjoy your getaway.
    Nama – enjoy your romantic beach getaway.
    Jo – I am always jealous about your energy levels. Three hours to cut the grass is a lot.
    Wiwi – I would love to see the photos.
    Wee, Purple and Happy – hi.
    Well, well – I keep trying on keep trying.
    Flying back home tomorrow and Friday we’ll go to that romantic Danube River Cruise.
    I will be very busy this week.
    Be well my Folks.

    HCB πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    Glad I got the gardening done yesterday as very Autumnal today and more rain expected. I have 1/3 acre, mostly lawn but it’s the edges that take the time. Did some weeding but my compost bin full now.

    I grew some chilli pepper this year, black ones, can’t wait to try them, they look perfect now. My tomatoes have done much better than my dissapointing strawberries.

    The river cruise sounds wonderful. My travels are all in the UK for the rest of this year as I had a lot of expense with vet bills. All worth it of course, Tilly is still doing well.

    Fasting today and tomorrow as visit London and Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, it will be great to see some sights.

    Now off for dog walk, then dancing, then swimming. Sadly the afternoon will be dull, more housework to do. I would really like to clean a few windows today, not my favourite job.

    Hope everyone has a good week, healthy and happy.😘

    Excellent article by Jason Fung

    Happy Hump Day = happy fast day πŸ˜‰

    Peace RT

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    You don’t have to own a cat to appreciate this one! You don’t even have to like ’em!
    We were dressed and ready to go out for the New Years Eve Party. We turned on a night light, turned the answering machine on, covered our pet parakeet and put the cat in the backyard. We phoned the local cab company and requested a taxi. The taxi arrived and we opened the front door to leave the house. The cat we put out in the back yard, scoots back into the front door.
    We didn’t want the cat shut in the house because she always tries to eat the bird. My wife goes out to the taxi, while I went inside to get the cat. The cat runs upstairs, with me in hot pursuit.
    Waiting in the cab, my wife doesn’t want the driver to know that the house will be empty for the night. So, she explains to the taxi driver that I will be out soon, ‘He’s just going upstairs to say Goodbye to my mother.’
    A few minutes later, I get into the cab. ‘Sorry I took so long,’ I said, as we drove away. ‘That stupid bitch was hiding under the bed. I had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out! She tried to take off, so I grabbed her by the neck. Then, I had to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from scratching me. But it worked! I hauled her fat ass downstairs and threw her out into the back yard!
    The cab driver hit a parked car.
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    Oh RT thanks for the giggle! Now please pop over here and clean up the spilt coffee, laughing so much I tripped over the dog!
    Happy weekend all!

    Bahaha good times glad you got the good intention
    Will Buckley coach next year?

    Who knows RT! Coaches certainly get blamed for a lot…I think there is a lot of politics going on within the club!

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful morning here, sunshine and blue sky. August BH weekend so fingers crossed the sun continues to shine.

    I don’t know where this week has gone……………..

    I had a lovely few days away with my friends in rural Herefordshire. We had lots of fun and laughs, went out every day to beautiful gardens, a working water powered mill, craft shops, galleries and a Sunday morning walk in the peace, quiet and sunshine along the Wye in the city of Hereford.

    My friends kitchen garden is very productive so we utilised as much as we could in our cooking, a chicken and sausage Jambalaya with beans, kohl rabi and courgettes, the same three ingredients in a veg curry to accompany several other dishes in an Indian meal I cooked on Saturday, and freshly dug spuds alongside cabbage and more beans with our Sunday dinner.
    We also made a dessert that used 10 eggs as the chickens and ducks don’t take a rest during school holidays and the eggs are usually sold at school to pay for their feed..

    All meals provided lunch leftovers for hungry grown-up children and their friends.

    The weather was kind to us and the only time it rained during the day when we were out was as we were ordering a coffee so by the time we were done the sun was shining again 😎

    I came home on Monday with a car full of goodies. I always go to a wholefood warehouse near where my friends live and stock up on nuts, seeds, dried fruit and various other dried goods as they are much cheaper than London.
    I also had 2 chilli plants that my friend didn’t need, two other flowering plants that she had propogated from her garden, two plants that I bought in a nursery and of course some tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes from the garden plus 6 duck and 6 chicken eggs.
    I am so lucky to have such generous friends 😊

    There might also have been a rather nice pair of earrings from a local gallery……..

    One of the courgettes had ambitions to be a marrow and weighed in at 1.3Kg so yesterday I turned it into chutney. I also filled the freezer with some home made ready meals, dhal with spinach and veg curry and I made a batch of mincemeat which is earlier than usual but I can’t find it in the shops and I want some for a cake I want to make for someone. I also made Bara Brith which was swiflty sliced and frozen to stop me eating the whole loaf!

    I fasted on my drive home on Monday and today is my 3rd FD this week. Hopefully I’ve undone any damage from my trip, there was a lot of 🍷 and 🍰 and I can now think about losing more weight.

    Have a great weekend everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Sorry I haven’t been on line much but I have been preparing for my bowls coach exam, I passed today, so very happy. I have also

    I am still Fasting but non fast days are obviously still a problem as no weight lost recently.. I need to focus more.

    I am really enjoying a new dance class I have started, the male instructor is excellent, it’s great to dance with him as lead. So far I have done the Jive, Samba, Rumba and Social Foxtrot. Next week we start Waltz and Cha Cha. Should be A-amazing- Darling

    Bowls competitions are going well, in three finals next month- exciting!

    Really enjoyed my trip to Buckingham Palace this week and now looking forward to Chartwell very soon. So you see it’s all go here.

    Hope everyone is well and happy and the weather is being kind. It’s boiling here!

    Amazon- Glad you had a great trip and bought lots of goodies. Do you do any fermenting apart from Kefir, it’s getting to be all the rage down here. Fermenting eggs, salmon, veg!

    I just met a young lady today who has lost 6 stone since May, on a CARB FREE Diet. Very strict but effective. It’s the whole Ketosis program. What concerned me is that she is not doing any exercise, sits at work and at home. She has a cleaner and gardener so she doesn’t even get active doing chores. She just admits to being plain lazy. I guess it takes all sorts.

    Hi Jo,

    No I don’t ferment anything other than kefir and to be honest I’m not really that interested in it. Talking of kefir I’m trying semi skimmed organic milk and it works just as well which is good as it means more calories for the rest of the day πŸ™‚

    My goddaughter who is a vegetarian cooked brunch for me and her parents last weekend. She doesn’t do too much in the way of cooking but this is her go to meal at the moment.
    A slice of toast topped with mashed avocado, a poached egg and the smallest amount of grated cheese so that it melts on top of the egg. A tangy cheddar works very well.
    It was delicious and I enjoyed it so much I had it for brunch today using one of the duck eggs they gave me.

    I used the other half of the avocado for some guacamole which I had for dinner with some of AJ’s chilli.
    I’m doing ADF a the moment but will do a B2B midweeks to fit in with social plans. Fingers crossed I can stick to it for a while.

    I bought some chard and was looking for a recipe to use it in and was reading the Ottolenghi recipes in the newspaper supplement this morning to find a recipe for roasted courgettes and chard with chorizo so I’m going to try it on Monday with a tomato salad.

    6 stones in such a short time is a lot of weight but carb free is hard work.
    I cannot understand why some people care so little about their health that they can’t be bothered to exercise…..


    I’ve been thinking of you! I’ve just bought another couple of cookbooks – A Lebanese Feast of Vegetables, Pulses Herbs and Spices and The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook. I know you’re not vegetarian, but your food influences include the middle east. OH is away for a week next week, so I’m looking forward to indulging in what I want, and no flesh.

    I’ve been recently introduced to a new word ‘flexitarian’, which is definitely the future for me – someone who is primarily vegetarian but occasionally eats meat or fish.

    I definitely don’t feel the need to eat meat every day. And living on a farm is actively putting me off eating meat! Calves taken from dairy cows at a day or so old is putting me off milk, and the farmer is just now separating this year’s lambs from their mums. The lambs are only four months old and, while they are eating grass, they still run to mum to suckle when afraid/ for comfort . The ewes that have had their lambs, not yet fully weaned, removed forcibly are clearly distressed. They spend the first 24-36 hours baaing themselves hoarse, roaming round the field calling for their lambs. After that, every time they hear the quad bike/tractor they run baaing in that direction.

    These are sentient beings, with the same maternal instincts that humans have. It’s completely unnatural to rip offspring from mum/ the herd/ flock before they are weaned. We wouldn’t dream of doing this to humans yet we find it acceptable treatment of animals that we eat.

    Some say ‘well, they wouldn’t have had a life if we didn’t eat meat’. I say the life of a dairy cow, or ewe, that has it’s offspring ripped from her every year at a day or even a few months old but always before its weaned is stressful and pretty horrific. And as for the calf or the lamb? Reared without its mum, or with its mum for a few months, and forcibly separated before facing the horror of the abattoir… is that a life worth living that justifies our lust to eat flesh?

    Sorry! But I’m not in a happy place at the moment! Surrounded by distressed farm animals..,,


    My friend in Herefordshire used to be a vegetarian and her daughter became one about 5 years ago.
    We had a lengthy discussion about eating meat (not forthe first time…..)and I found myself saying to her that I could see myself becoming a vegetarian and she said she would do so if it were not for her husband being a committed carnivore, although he does tolerate meat free meals a couple of times a week.

    I think flexitarian describes me as I’m eating meat and fish less often these days. I’ve not had any meat since Sunday although that isn’t long considering I’ve done 3 food free FDs πŸ˜†

    Your books sound interesting and I’m sure you’ll have fun experimenting. I’m looking forward to hearing about what you make.

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