Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,601 through 2,650 (of 7,283 total)

  • Amazon, I think we are leaning towards brunches, depending on what we have planned for the day (not much, I hope). The freedom from having to eat at set times is wonderful. I hope we get good weather, and can sleeeeeeeeep!! Best of luck with the statins. I believe they have no great value given side effects etc. Keep us posted.

    Femme, I remember you contributing from times gone by. What is your current position, starting point, and goals? Good to know you are going to linger on this thread, which is the support of so many successful losers, and those who still struggle with what life has thrown at them.

    Here’s an interesting read, although on this thread it is preaching to the converted πŸ˜‰

    Peace RT
    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Actual Label Instructions.
    In case you needed further proof that the Human Race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer products:
    1. On a blanket from Taiwan – NOT TO BE USED AS PROTECTION FROM A TORNADO.
    2. On a helmet mounted mirror used by US cyclists – REMEMBER, OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE ACTUALLY BEHIND YOU.
    3. On a Taiwanese shampoo – USE REPEATEDLY FOR SEVERE DAMAGE.
    4. On the bottle-top of a (UK) flavoured milk drink – AFTER OPENING, KEEP UPRIGHT.
    5. On a New Zealand insect spray – THIS PRODUCT NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS.
    6. In a US guide to setting up a new computer – TO AVOID CONDENSATION FORMING, ALLOW THE BOXES TO WARM UP TO ROOM TEMPERATURE BEFORE OPENING. (Sensible, but the instruction was INSIDE the box.)
    8. In some countries, on the bottom of Coke bottles – OPEN OTHER END.
    10. On a Sears hairdryer – DO NOT USE WHILE SLEEPING.
    11. On a bag of Frito’s – YOU COULD BE A WINNER! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. DETAILS INSIDE. (The shoplifter special?!?)
    12. On a bar of Dial soap – DIRECTIONS – USE LIKE REGULAR SOAP. (And that would be how?)
    13. On Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom of the box) – DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN. (Too late! You lose!)
    14. On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding – PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING. (Are you sure? Let’s experiment.)
    15. On a Korean kitchen knife – WARNING: KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN. (Dammit! Who are they to tell me what to do with my kids?)
    16. On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights – FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR USE ONLY. (As opposed to what?…use in outer space?)
    17. On a Japanese food processor – NOT TO BE USED FOR THE OTHER USE. (Now I’m curious.)
    18. On Sainsbury’s peanuts – WARNING – CONTAINS NUTS. (Really? Peanuts contain nuts?)
    19. On an American Airlines packet of nuts INSTRUCTIONS – OPEN PACKET, EAT NUTS. (I’m glad they cleared that up.)
    20. On a Swedish chainsaw – DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STOP CHAIN WITH YOUR HANDS OR GENITALS. (What kind of consumer phone-call led to this warning?)
    21. On a child’s superman costume – WEARING OF THIS GARMENT DOES NOT ENABLE YOU TO FLY. (That’s right, destroy a universal childhood fantasy!)
    22. On some frozen dinners: SERVING SUGGESTION: DEFROST. ( OK lets eat it frozen!!!)
    23. On a hotel provided shower cap in a box: FITS ONE HEAD.
    24. On packaging for a Rowenta iron: DO NOT IRON CLOTHES ON BODY.
    25. On Boot’s “Children’s” cough medicine: DO NOT DRIVE CAR OR OPERATE MACHINERY.(Kids no more driving)
    26. On Nightly sleep aid: WARNING: MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS. (Duh!)
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Oh, RT, I think that’s the best collection yet! Loved no.20 – the mind boggles πŸ™‚ . It’s a bit worrying about no.5 – are they sure it works?


    Yep, they’re priceless. Thanks!

    Well, my weekend plans fell through, but I think I’m still going to take today off. The weather isn’t brilliant, so haven’t quite decided what to do with the day.

    I’m a happy bunny though because the longer fasting period with very low calories has paid dividends. Having seen a kg over my upper maintenance limit recently, this morning I’m a kg below (and yesterday was an eating day!). It’s an experiment of one I know (although Barata has recorded similar), but it does confirm for me that if what you are doing isn’t working then you need to change what you do.

    Morning/evening all,

    Thanks RT nothing like a giggle to start the weekend πŸ™‚

    No 13 is a gem, especially in light of the fact that the barcode is sometimes on the top of the box…………


    I am also a happy bunny as I’ve done 3 food free fasts this week and the scales tell me I’m 4lbs lighter. At this point I don’t care if it’s water, food in transit or fat loss because the direction of the little needle on the scales is now going in the right direction!

    I had considered another fast today but I’ve decided to eat today and fast again tomorrow.
    I’m so glad I persevered with trying food free FDs after failing last week. I knew I could do it as I’ve done a 4 day fast before.

    Sorry to hear your plans have fallen through but I’m sure you’ll find something to amuse yourself.
    The weather has been very changeable here for the past week or so and we’ve had a lot of rain but such is summer in the UK.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜


    Great news on the drop this week! A proper reward for your efforts. Eating today sounds like a good plan, the body needs variation to keep it on its toes. I must admit I was surprised to see another drop on the scales today, as I did slightly (over) indulge in white baguette last night (suggested accompaniment for last night’s pork belly and black bean casserole πŸ˜€). Feast and famine, as P would say!

    I’m in a dilemma today, not only because the weather doesn’t lend itself to outdoor pursuits, but also because living on the edge of the Lake District combined with summer holidays tends to mean that rainy day activities will be overrun with tourists! I don’t want to mooch and waste the day though…

    Morning All,
    Well done Barrata, Amazon and Happy. Great results, I am very happy for you.

    Sadly I am still stuck fast but I did have a really bad day yesterday, not only fast cancelled but I even ate a bag of malteasers at the cinema last night whilst watching Dunkirk. I don’t know what go into me. I usually avoid chocolate like the plague. Very tense film but I am glad I went. It felt more like a documentary in parts.

    Now reading ‘the clever guts diet’ by Dr M. See if it sheds any light on my digestive system from hell. Importantly the apple cider drinkers have reduced cholesterol levels by 10 % in 8 weeks, so I must adopt that habit immediately. Drink 2 tablespoons before each meal. Good to know something works.

    I will be trying out recipes for whole of August and September. Completed change of foods, just what the doctor ordered.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Thanks for the laughs RT. Off to walk in the rain.

    I want to get back to what was working before, a combination of 4:3 (which was always 2 x B2B) and 3:4 which was why I considered another FD today but I’ve decided that it’s too much too soon after such a long time not sticking to or with anything.
    AND I’m going out to dinner and the theatre on Monday which would have meant three NFDs in succession which is not a good move at this point.

    We are going to the Globe to see Much Ado About Nothing which I’ve not seen before and am very much looking forward to. The RSC rarely set the plays in Elizabethan times and for this production we travel to 18th century Mexico πŸ™‚

    I’m certain that the reason why I’m ravenous this morning is the knowledge that I’m going to be breaking my fast in an hour or so………

    TR – this Friday’s jokes were the funniest!
    Also the articles about fermentation and, taking statins makes me think because my husband is complaining quite awhile he’s so tired and no one can’t explain why after so many tests. He’s off Lipitor for 2 weeks now and he tells me he feels pretty good.

    I am in Brazil for my niece’s wedding. The temp is cold for them but for me beautiful. The only problem is extremely low humidity (20%) right now I have a cold I as well. The kefir grains I brought is 4x bigger. It’s very easy to find raw milk here.
    Never leave your children home alone – meanwhile back home my husband had a car accident. He didn’t have a scratch, very lucky btw, Sasha ended-up in a hospital over night las Friday with a fractured hip and the car is totaled. It was tough for me the past couple days.
    Happy dance for the girls who are losing and maintaining and for the rest of us we’ll get there. Most of us are healthy to begin with.
    Returning home Monday arriving Tuesday.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    Amazon 4lbs is quite brilliant and food free fasts awesome a massive congratulations and a big well done to you.
    “Nothing succeeds like success.”

    Morning/evening all,


    It must be worrying for you away from home finding out husband and Sasha had an accident. Thank goodness your husband is OK and I hope Sasha makes a good recovery.

    Thanks RT,

    I think I’ve finally found the right track again by using a similar fasting pattern to what worked so well before but food free rather than trying to stick with 500 calories.
    4th FD of the week today.

    Yesterday was a non FD and for the first time in about 3 years I baked a loaf of bread and only ate two slices. Nothing short of a miracle…….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Ah HCB, how horrible for you. Thank god they are OK. I hope you can still enjoy the wedding, although I guess you’d rather be at home.

    Amazon, great that you’re back in the groove (I was going to say on a roll 😁). And well done on the bread, nice restraint. I’m going to make another spelt soda loaf today, I’ve normally got a bit too much kefir by the weekend so put it to good use.

    On the subject of kefir, we have a hen on antibiotics at the moment. OH said this morning that we’ll soon have to start giving her some of that ‘disgusting white stuff’… It took me a moment!

    I didn’t do anything interesting yesterday after all! I’ve been having nightmares with my mobile phone provider for several weeks now, culminating yesterday in a trip to town to pick up my repaired phone (it only took them 3 weeks). They hadn’t charged it, so it wasn’t until I got home and got it on charge that I discovered they’d removed the sim. A second hour and a half round trip to town to get a sim pretty much did for the day 😫

    That’s an annoying waste of a day isn’t it. At least you’ve now got working phone.

    I always have too much kefir as it is very difficult to make a small amount so I put the excess in a bottle and add to it every day. Once it is full the grains go into the fridge in a milk bath until I’ve drunk or used the contents of the bottle. I usually add some to bread regardless of whether I’m using yeast or not but the baking was a spur of the moment thing yesterday and for once I didn’t have any kefir! πŸ˜†

    I hope that once the hen feels better she’ll stop taking the anti-biotics……..

    I also use kefir for pancakes but I’m out of buckwheat and spelt flour (which is probably a good thing) and won’t be buying any until I go away in a couple of weeks for my annual trip to the country. I go to a wholefoods warehouse in Herefordshire which is much cheaper than London and usually spend around Β£120, Most of what I buy lasts a year and when I once compared local prices it worked out at a saving of over Β£50. Coincidentally the owner grew up literally just around the corner from me!
    The only problem is having a store cupboard stuffed with nuts, seeds and dried fruit………

    The friend I stay with always finds somewhere interesting to visit (us girls go out EVERY day) so that we go past the warehouse on our way home and she always spends a few pennies on things she didn’t know she needed πŸ˜‰

    It’s a warm day here and I’ve got doors and windows open which is not condusive to fasting as there seems to be a lot of weekend cooking going on ☹

    Well it’s cool (14 degrees!!) and showery here. Summer has departed for now…

    Amazon, I have had that conversation with the hen. The trouble with hens is that they are adept at hiding signs of illness until they feel really really bad, so if she improves she is likely to start pretending she’s OK before she really is. I suspect we’ll finish the course, on the basis that her testimony is unreliable.


    well Nama what an amAzing game of AFL football the pies had us on toast at the G but the lads turned a 40+ turnaround to salvage a draw and dare I say it a near miraculous victory..Monday is a fast day i wish everyone power and health to mind body and soul
    Eat Fast & Live Longer

    Hi RT, great relief for you I am sure, what an amazing game it was, much yelling and cheering at the TV in this house….husband took himself on a bike ride to get some peace!
    I will be fasting tomorrow as socializing today…have decided lunch with a good friend is the best way to start the week, tomorrow I balance the ledger!
    Have a great week all.

    Very sorry to hear about the car accident and injury to Sacha. I hope recovery is quick. Luckily your husband was not injured in the accident apart from his pride probably. We have just chosen a new car, Nissan Leaf, leased version, it’s all electric, less impact on the environment and savings on the cost of petrol. Batteries can be a big expense so my husband decided to lease for two years. Getting an electric car does interest me, they are very quiet to drive too. You are limited by charging points but this will only improve as time goes on. My daughter told me that all car parks have charging points in New Zealand. We rarely exceed 120 miles without a stop and they can be charged in 30 minutes at a fast charge point. We shall see how it goes!

    Amazon- Well done on the 4 pounds, you have found an effective formulae, stick with it. I am still reading Clever Guts diet by Michael. I think you would like some of the recipes, he has a website referring to this book with the recipes listed. I will put a couple of pictures on Facebook, they look yummy meals.

    Last retirement party for my husband yesterday, he does his last day at work today, so I am looking forward to a quiet and restful August with very little entertaining. Next special event will be my brothers wedding(3rd) in September.

    I will be continuing with meditteranean diet and 3 days zero fast indefinitely but adding in apple cider vinegar daily before meals(diluted). This is to benefit my cholesterol level but it also reduces insulin spikes. Along with Kefir I think it’s proven scientifically. I will continue to make yogurt too to improve gut bacteria. I also plan to increase consumption of strong cheese replacing some fish and eggs in my diet. Trying to add a bit more variety, aiming a a minimum of 7 veg per day and occasionally including chicken as another protein choice.. Still avoiding red meat and processed meats though.

    The other change I am making is less ‘sitting down’ in the evening, I am going to add an hour evening walk if weather reasonable or spend time on my cross trainer. Usually I collapse into a chair at 6 until 11 and so some sendentary activity like sewing or paperwork whilst watching TV. Even my Uke and bridge classes are seated but I could walk to these in future.

    I will be adding more ‘high intensive training’ into my daily routine. Currently ‘only’ my dance class is aerobic enough to qualify as ‘intensive exercise’.
    Gardening, playing bowls and Nordic Walking daily never leave me breathless but at lease they give me a healthy dose of fresh air and I enjoy these activities for their social benefits too.

    Hopefully these combination of changes will get me on the right track too.

    Have a good week everyone

    What a result, our Ladies Football team are through to the semi finals. What with the success of the Ladies Cricket Team things are beginning to change on the Sports Scene. Go Girls!
    p.s. Sorry we knocked out the French Ladies Wiwi. Hope you are enjoying being back in summer!

    Hello fasters
    Back in France 30Β°, dry, and already two fasts under the belt, and a long walk today before the heat arrived.Swimming a km later in the day will cool the blood.
    We got back 3 days ago after a detour via Lucca/Pisa in Italy to see family and collect our car.
    I feel so much better after two fasts.
    I can see that the kilos I took in NZ are having a negative effect coupled with this heat. Best I get rid of them asap
    I am glad you beat the French team, Jojo. That will put them in their place, but if it was a NZ team……….

    I am ADFing, and no deviations into 0 fasts or 3 day fasts until the pattern is reestablished. It’s been less difficult than I thought.

    We have no garden this year but organic eggs and veges available from the local farmer.

    Someone has dumped two kittens, about 3 months old. They don’t look in great condition in fact. What should we do with them? The most likely outcome is that a fox or a raptor takes them. We can’t look after them with our nomadic life.

    Happy Fasting.

    Hi everyone,

    Hi Wiwi, welcome back to Europe and well done on getting straight back into ADF. Doing what works is the way to go. I’m doing what worked for me with the addition of food free FDs as I was having problems with compliance, ie. once I started eating I didn’t want to stop and I was also overeating on non FDs. As Happy discovered, I’ve found that I’m less hungry and I’m enjoying being liberated from thinking about dinner from the moment I get out of bed on a FD.

    We had a great time at Shakespeare’s Globe last night. There was a minor hiccup as I had inadvertently purchased tickets for Twelfth Night rather than Much Ado About Nothing (which deosn’t start until mid August……. ) and it caused a bit of confusion at the beginning of the play πŸ˜†
    Having said that, it was a lively, entertaining and hilarious production and we enjoyed every minute.
    We went for a pre theatre meal in an Anatolian restaurant which was a new experience for both of us.

    We shared an appetiser of a smoked aubergine dip which was very good and is my favourite way of eating aubergines, and we both opted for the house speciality called a pide, which is a cross between pastry and pizza dough piled with a variety of different ingredients (there were numerous options) and the edges folded in so it resembles an open tart. It is cooked in a wood oven similar to a pizza oven. It was served sliced with some pickled cabbage and yoghurt with dill, mint and garlic.
    I chose one filled with diced lamb, herbs, and walnuts and it was very good.
    We also had some very good Turkish wine.

    We decided that we want to go back and explore the menu further as we enjoyed the food and the service, and every dish that went past looked and smelled delicious.

    FD today πŸ™‚

    I’ve spent the morning at a very quiet gym. Holiday season is upon us.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hiya everyone . I really enjoy reading all the posts and the Jokes πŸ™‚ . It is less than a month now to our granddaughters wedding . I think I told you I had my outfit . I feel so posh in it lol . I have managed again to get 5 pounds below what I call my fighting weight . I can usually do the no food days but lately I have just gone back to the 2 fast days .The last twice I tried the all day fasts I ate all day the next day . I blame the bad weather . I find it much easier in the summer days . We have had a terrible summer this year in Scotland . We should be used to it by now though lol.
    We did have 2 gorgeous days in the last couple of weeks and I sat outside and got a wee bit of a tan for the wedding :).
    Jim went for a wee refreshment ( the chemist ) purple knows what I mean lol . When he came home he had with him a wee present from a friend . 2 gorgeous fairy cakes all decorated with flowers and butterfly’s . Look beautiful but I feel so positive right now so I won’t eat them .
    I don’t know about you but it seems harder when you want to loose for a special occasion .
    I am going to get a spiralizer from Lidl on Thursday and have so much fun with it . I love to try new things . I would appreciate any recipe ideas for it please . I looked up the internet but they all have so many spices etc added to them :(.
    I am off upstairs now to try my dress on again . I hope it isn’t too big wink wink lol

    Wee xxx


    Good idea on upping your exercise, why not try some HIIT rather than just walking? Or do something weight-bearing to build muscle?

    I’m intrigued as to why your Nordic walking doesn’t leave you breathless. I can only assume you’re taking it too easy! Try walking faster πŸ˜€


    That food sounds fantastic. I’d join you going back if I lived closer!


    If it were me, I’d be looking for an animal shelter for those kittens, rather than just let them starve or get eaten. They’re only babies. I know I couldn’t stand by and do nothing for any animal in need.

    Hello Happy,
    I do go as fast as I can but I have 2 dogs ‘off lead’ with me and they like a good sniff around. I am a responsible dog owner so need to keep them in site to clear up any poo. Also I have been Nordic Walking daily for almost a year now so I am pretty fit at a good walking pace. Running or cross trainer and Hiit is definitely the next stage.
    I managed 30 minutes on my cross trainer last night which was certainly a good work out. I do need to get back to my kettlebell lifting too but need to be careful of back injury, still my weak spot.
    Wifi- definitely rescue the kittens or report them to the local ‘animal rescue service’, seems cruel to let them defend themselves in the wild.
    Wee- impressed with your 5 lb under fighting weight, you are an inspiration. Hope the wedding is fun, I am sure you will look gorgeous. I use my spiralliser for salads mostly.
    Went to see Spooky Men Chorale last night (Aussie/Kiwi) group of singers. Brilliant performance as always. We all had a sing and dance along too, great night.
    Treating a friend to a Birthday Lunch today at a Seafood Restaurant, it’s new so it will be good to try it out. Overlooks Ramsgate Harbour.
    I am starting a new dance class tomorrow evening- learning the Tango, should be fun.
    I also start my coaching course on Saturday for 8 weeks. So much for a quiet August!
    Ha Ha!
    Just off to pick some wild blackcurrants, yummy!

    Have a good day everyone

    I will see if there is a cat shelter somewhere,Happy and Jojo. The neighbours are back and the kittens are invisible this morning. Maybe they found themselves a home. I will go and see. What astonishes me is that the wee kittens already understand that proximity to humans is part of survival. That makes me wonder if they already have had human contact.
    What a pace you live at, Jojo! Walking in 30Β° tempertures is an evening activity today after the swim.

    I am doing a course on natural history illustration, which involves a lot of looking, but not much moving.

    I have a problem today. I forget to buy coffee and have got withdrawal symptoms. The supermarket is 20 km and there is a cafΓ© 6 km away. I find fasting without coffee well nigh impossible.

    Sorry about your Scottish summer, Wee. Sounds like what our NZ winter was like.
    But one compensation for you is that your nature looks fresh and green while ours looks wilted and tired.

    So meal planning is in my head. An egg, a small piece of smoked salmon, and a big carrot and red beet salad. All in the heat of the day between 2 and 3pm.

    Happy Fasting.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another FD done and dusted and I’m fasting again today which is made easier by an almost empty fridge. Food free is definitely working well for me.
    I’ve gone back to semi skimmed milk for teas and coffees in order to keep the calories down and am having 75ml of kefir on FDs and around 100 on NFDs.

    Talking of coffee, Wiwi if I were you I’d be in the car on my way to the supermarket! I struggle on FDs without coffee.
    Would the neighbours lend you some?

    Jo, are there any personal trainers at the gym? Maybe you could do a couple of sessions with one of them to ensure you are lifting and moving the kettlebell properly as it is very hard to know if you are unless someone watches your technique.
    I’ve never used mine, they are gathering dust in the back of a cupboard……..

    I’m gradually building up the time I work on the cross trainer as I’m determined to be able to do 20 minutes at a fairly good pace so I’m out really out of breath and in need of a minute to recover which is how I am when I get off the bike or the rowing machine.

    It’s a miserable day here, dark,dull and damp with fine rain that is somewhere between mist and drizzle…….
    I think my planned walk is on hold.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    You’re right, if those kittens are friendly and without fear of humans then they’ve had a home/ been in contact with people. Cats need contact with humans in the first four months of life otherwise they will just be feral. They are far closer to their wild ancestors than are dogs! Fingers crossed your neighbours take them on!

    I hope you resolved your coffee disaster! I’ve always got two spare packets in. Our nearest shop/ cafe is 11km away and I’d struggle to justify the drive for one item…even if it was coffee ☹️


    Sorry, I hadn’t realised your Nordic walk was your dog walk. Now I understand, I know from spending time with Dad and his pottering and sniffing dogs that it isn’t what I consider a walk!

    Luckily the dogs usually deposit in the first five minutes of my constitutional so I can speed up after that but I definitely have to stop every five minutes to wait for them or call them back. My husband joined me yesterday, now he is retired he plans to get a bit more exercise. He was unable to keep up with me which quite surprised him as he is usually a fast walker. But it will be good to do a ‘non stop’ walk in the evening without the mutts. Torrential rain last night so I used the cross trainer again.
    Chilly but bright day here today, ladies bowls game this afternoon, hope it keeps fine.
    Fasting today as I had lunch out yesterday, fish restaurant was good. I chose calamari and jumbo prawns with salad. View of harbour in Ramsgate was spectacular with the weather playing its part, beautiful sunshine through to a storm all in the space of 90 minutes.

    Wiwi – sounds like a happy ending for the kittens, good news.

    Happy, I once walked with Jojo and her dogs and I can assure you she is a TGV.
    No sign of the kittens, but I haven’t seen that neighbour either. There are a lot of stray cats here. I guess people dump them.
    Happy outcome for coffee, drank it with the other neighbours yesterday morning, and just drove to get some more in 35Β° temperatures, and swam my kilometre.
    In fact I was considering buying a machine and dosettes from Amazon on Prime and having them delivered today. Shows a level of desperation.
    Three French fasts over now.
    Energy and happiness levels higher already.
    Today I have to submit my flower drawing, so that means a trip up to the mountains behind us to look for the rare lily growing there. It will be cooler up there at nearly 2000metres.
    Good thing.
    Up day, but remembering Amazon’s don’t overdo it advice.
    Bonne journΓ©e/Bonne nuit.

    Wiwi, I’m not questioning that Jo can walk fast. Perhaps she just isn’t pushing hard or long enough to get out of breath. I walk fast, and often, and I’m pretty fit, but I get out of breath/ break a sweat when I go out for a walk. Maybe it’s just too flat where Jo walks πŸ˜€

    Afternoon all,

    I’ve just broken my 66 hour food free fast with an omelette and savoured every morsel πŸ™‚

    I was up very early this morning in order to do the supermarket shop before the gym. I’m also in domestic goddess mode and have lots of washing drying in the stiff breeze and intermittent scorching sunshine.

    When I walk alone I aim to be out of breath and I find it really exhilerating. There are lots of little slopes, dips and steps in Kew Gardens which makes it a perfect walking route especially as I’m surrounded by so much beauty in the form of plant and animal life πŸ™‚

    I have noticed since losing weight and going to the gym I have to walk faster and further in order to get out of breath, and I can do steep hills and steps without gasping after 20 seconds πŸ˜†

    I’ve bought squid, scallops and prawns for dinner this evening and am going to make seafood linguine. There will be leftover prawns which will do nicely for Saturday brunch with some avocado.
    I’m taking my own advice and taking care with portions today so there’ll only be a small amount of pasta along with some carrot strips

    When I got to the gym I really struggled. The only thing I can think of is B2B food free fasting as I don’t feel tired and I had a rest day yesterday. I guess my body will get used to them soon but for the next few weeks I’ll aim to go to the gym after just one FD or post NFD as it wasn’t as enjoyable as usual and I couldn’t do as much as I wanted.

    Wiwi, I’m glad to hear you got your caffeine fix yesterday πŸ˜‰

    Jo, your lunch sounds good. I could eat seafood every day πŸ¦‘πŸ¦€

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, And every year Morris would say, ‘Esther,I’d like to ride in that helicopter.’ ; Esther always replied, ‘I know Morris, but that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, And fifty dollars is fifty dollars’
    One year Esther and Morris went to the fair, and Morris said, ‘Esther, I’m 85 years old. If I don’t ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance.’ To this, Esther replied, ‘Morris that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars.’
    The pilot overheard the couple and said, ‘Folks I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and don’t say a word I won’t charge you a penny! But if you say one word it’s fifty dollars.’
    Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, But still not a word.
    When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, ‘By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn’t. I’m impressed!’
    Morris replied, ‘Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Esther fell out, But you know, fifty dollars is fifty dollars!

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    I’ve just broken my 66 hour food free fast with an omelette and savoured every morsel πŸ™‚
    Amazon that is inspiring stuff congratulations no wrestle with the hungry dragon??
    My latest research suggest that a 70kg man ie me still has 12.6kg of fat on the body which is enough to run the body for 70 days im not keen to prove that however i am interested enough in a study of one to challenge myself to see how many days with a definite cut-off point in mind

    Oh RT, poor Esther!!

    On the subject of fast duration, I am amazed at what we experienced fasters can now achieve.
    I knew I had social stuff (involving eating) both Mon and Fri this week, so decided to experiment with water/coffee only Tues,Wed,Thur. Pleased to report that it was far easier than I expected. I felt a tiny bit light headed on morning of 2nd day, but decided I was probably a bit dehydrated. Sure enough, lots of water and a coffee and I felt fine. I swam on two mornings, walked fur grandchild a couple of kms yesterday, and grandaughter was pushed up and down several hills for at least 4kms the day before. Absolutely minimal hunger. A bit challenging serving hot dinners to husband, but not actual hunger, just thinking ‘that curry smells yum’ etc, more ‘desire’ than hunger. Also spent quite a few hours yesterday making chicken pies for the freezer and needed to bin the pastry scraps quickly.

    Melbourne had a maximum temp of 11C yesterday, so more of a kitchen day than a gardening day, but probably not ideal for the third consecutive fast day. Noted for next time!

    It really is much easier for me to fast completely than to eat a small meal. What a revelation this has been, jeans almost falling off this morning!! And to think, when I began 5:2, I would never have believed I could ever even skip breakfast!

    Have a great weekend all!

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Having been along for the ride Nama and knowing the 4/3 was such a battle for you to now read your post what a privilege it is and a few years ago I wrote this and you have once again confirmed my theory that
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Good Morning All,
    Finally dropped 2 lbs, I think this is down to changing diet, more variety. Using ‘Clever Guts’ diet by MM. fingers crossed it continues to work. Fasting today but thinking of doing a 3 day too Nama, mid week like you. I like the idea of 4 days non fast, long weekend. Can’t do black coffee though, yuk, stick with green tea.

    I loved my new Dance class last night, w did the Jive. This will be a regular for me, may even do beginners and intermediate groups as I know quite a few steps from my aerobic dance class. I learnt the man’s part in a jive. I plan to alternate weekly. I think it will be useful to learn both parts, so few men at our socials.

    Wiwi – I see you are headed for 40 degrees! What is TGV walker ? – sounds interesting!

    Happy – I have a very steep hill to negotiate both to and from both of my routine walks, park and beach. Flat in the middle section though. Promise I will keep pushing myself. Yesterday I decided to ‘walk on the spot’ whilst waiting for my turn on the bowls green. Just stopping when another bowler on the mat, can’t distract them. May help even if it looks a bit odd.

    RT- bless you for Friday Jokes

    JoJo, TGV train de grande vitesse. I wanted to say you walk fast.

    Poor Esther, RT- difinitely not the way to treat a Jewish matriarch, if the name is any clue.

    We have been out walking at 1500m a few kilometres away and it was 21Β° when we started and 29Β° when we got back home. Now 4 hours away from the sun and heat before we go swimming. The max temperature here will be 35Β°. Still a bit high, but 80cm thickness of stone keeps the house at 27Β°.

    Fast day again. Good to hear, Nama and Amazon, about your extended fasts.
    I am on French fast 4 now and need to set patterns again before doing extended ones.
    Two coffees already and mushrooms and onions in a couple of hours.

    Till then, I will continue with my flower drawing and painting.

    Happy fasting to all those joining me today.
    xx Wiwi

    Morning/evening all,

    Poor Esther indeed 🀣

    RT, I didn’t have problems with hunger, it was more of a wrestle with denying myself the joy of eating. The second day is much easier.

    Having read Nama’s post I’m now thinking I might have been a bit dehydrated yesterday which made the gym so tough. I usually have a glass of water and two mugs of tea first thing and because I was going to the supermarket I just had one tea and on reflection I didn’t drink enough on Wednesday.

    Nama, well done on the 3 day fast, I don’t know how I would cope if I was cooking for someone, it doesn’t bear thinking about. And you are right about how our concept of what is possible changes with 5:2 as we have all come to realise that the advice given by people we have always viewed as experts is often incorrect and not an accurate up to date reflection of how the body functions according to what is eaten rather a reflection of research studies often funded by the food/drug industry undertaken decades ago.
    The best thing about fasting (apart from the fact that it works!!!) is that we can do it any time we like without any special tools and switch things around to fit in with our lives.
    I am not the obese, tired, unfit person that gave up work nearly five years ago. 5:2 has been like walking through a door and discovering a new life πŸ™‚

    I’ve decided to do another B2B sat /Sun so I’m having my prawn with avocado πŸ₯‘πŸ¦ brunch today. I’m making a burger for dinner with a cod steak briefly marinaded in tandoori paste. I saw the recipe by chance on the BBC website and for those in the UK it is written by Nadiya Hussain (who won Bake Off) I think it’s from her new book πŸ”πŸ₯—

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Very early morning All,

    It’s overcast here, summer is having a break but not complaining, garden recovering from drought. Tomatoes are ripe now and delicious. Apples are beginning g to fall off my tree so I will need to pick them today. Problem is that there is no room in the freezer. I can store some in the garage though. They are very sharp so not idea for eaters but not officially cookers. Any apple recipe ideas?

    Quiet weekend here and thrilled at the prospect. Just playing bowls and doing my embroidery.

    I have just finished building a website for my retirement club, a first for me but fun. These systems are much more user friendly these days.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Baked rainbow ratatouille planned for dinner tonight.
    Has anyone tried ‘miracle berries’ Synsepalum dulcificum. They make sweet foods taste sweeter.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful morning here, clear blue sky and sunshine 🌞

    The burger was very good but would be just as good without the bun and served with a big salad or vegetables.
    I made a quick cucumber pickle to go with it which was delicious.

    FD today and I have the World Athletics Championships to watch to keep me occupied.
    A fabulous start for GB yesterday when Mo Farah got the home nation off to a great start by winning an incredibly tough 10,000 metres and defending his title against opponents who ganged up on him to try to break him but even collectively they weren’t good enough.
    I expect the neighbours heard me yelling at the tv as they came round the final bend!

    I’ll be there next Saturday when he attempts to defend his 5,000 metres title and I’ll also see the 100m relay finals which should include GB and Jamaica so I’ll get to see Bolt’s final run πŸ˜€

    Welcome home Purple 😊

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Happy Now –

    just a brief observation – I note that you question Jojo’s efforts she puts into walking; I also note that you are 45 and guess that Jojo has around 20 years on you as she mentions she is retired. Wait until you hit the menopause, and you will be surprised how your body changes, and how sometimes whatever you do can have little effect or certainly takes much longer to achieve any changes.

    I think you are an inspiration Jojo and would be interested to learn more about your retirement club website.

    Thank you Femme Anglaise,
    I do try my best at both exercise, fasting and certainly always keen to learn new skills.I believe we all have that constant battle with food consumption and it’s not easy whatever age you are at. I certainly don’t get quick results these days, my system is very sluggish. Initially I lost most of my excess pounds in my first 6 months of fasting, I was working full time then. I will admit to being very irritable during sugar withdrawal stage. The headaches were vile too. These days fasting and food control much easier. Last year I managed a five day fast but I regained the lost weight very quickly. Now I do three fasts per week and usually just maintain. I have just switched from a ‘mainly fish’ Mediterranean diet to cheese based one which surprisingly is helping. Same amount of protein in each meal, weird isn’t it? Today I am making yogurt but only for non fast days. I think I may have been drinking too much tea with milk on non fast days, switching to green tea everyday. Just need to keep changing things to get results. Kefir making and taking has been a godsend for my general health-long live probiotics.

    Send me a personal message through the system and I will give you the web address, it’s not on line yet, going through checking stages. Hope to release it next month.
    Amazon- what a shame about Bolt last night but he seemed OK about bronze medal. Mo of course was amazing! I have really been enjoying the games whilst doing embroidery. Loved my Coaching Course yesterday. I think I will enjoy teaching new bowlers. Life is good.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious morning here 🌞

    I had a feeling Bolt wasn’t going to win after watching the semi final.
    I was very surprised at the response Justin Gatlin received every time he stepped onto the track, but it sends a powerful message to the authoroities that dpoers should not be allowed to return to the sport but receive a lifetime ban.
    It has dominated the news and taken away the focus from it being Bolt’s last individual race and the first World level medal for Christian Coleman who is a very talented young athlete.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    Yes I agree but I guess everyone makes mistakes and I think he paid the price. He has been unable to beat Bolt who is s clean athlete so the lesson is out there. I thought the dramatic bow was a bit stupid, a hand shake would have been more appropriate.

    I agree that other athletes didn’t get the attention they deserved. Coleman was superb.
    Young Reece did very well to get through to the final, bodes well for his future in the Sport.

    Great entertainment, lucky you being there live.

    The point about doping is that no-one knows if the benefit is temporary or permanent and if it is permanent then serving a ban means nothing as the athlete comes back and still has the benefits. Gatlin served two doping bans. One can be forgiven as there are a lot of young athletes out there being manipulated by unscrupulous agents and coaches who are never sanctioned if one of their athletes is caught cheating (something else that needs to be dealt with). Two offences tells me that an athlete has little respect for their sport and is only interested in winning and reaping the benefits that come with success.
    I don’t agree with booing him but the public are saying that they think stricter measures should be in place to make athletics a clean sport.
    As someone who has watched athletics for many years, I cheered Dwayne Chambers and one or two others who turned out to be cheats.
    The rules allow Gatlin to compete so he should be treated the same as any other competitor but he really shouldn’t be there and it doesn’t say much about the integrity of USA athletics who have such a wealth of talent that they don’t need someone with a tarnished reputation representing them.

    Yes you have made good points, I didn’t realise he had had 2 bans. I agree that coaches and agents are getting away with murder as many athletes reported that the pressure to take drugs was coming from their teams.

    Hopefully all sports will be clean in the future. I noticed that a Russian Long Jumper was entered independently. He didn’t have areas result, difficult without support from your country.

    Heard Gatling speaking on the radio this morning, he said he didn’t care about the booing from the crowd. Bolt also spoke up for him saying he thought he was a great competitor. I guess if he is happy about him competing we can’t really argue the case. He didn’t have to give him such a positive recommendation.

    At least there isn’t much drug abuse in bowls, unless you count tea and a lot of sugar!

    Usain Bolt is much too smart to say anything contraversial about Gatlin, especially as they’ll be racing against each other in the relay next Saturday and Bolt’s teammate Yohan Blake who’ll be in the relay squad has also served a ban, which makes his silence on the matter in the middle of the championships unsurprising.
    However he has spoken out against doping on many occasions.

    KJ-T had a good long jump and is doing well in the javelin so she may well be wearing a medal later on especially as she is the best 800m runner in the field πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    FD went well yesterday although a mid afternoon tussle with the hunger dragon couldn’t be avoided but I won πŸ™‚

    It’s cool and overcast with showers forecast. Summer seems to be having a break……

    I’m off for some culture this afternoon, modern art which is a bit of a mystery to me but I’m working on it πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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