Beautiful program last night i really enjoyed it.Gee the oxygen and life from the forum has certainly disappeared i trust all is well for everyone.
This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by fitfast 4 months ago.
We saw a similar decline on the Maintenance thread a while ago. Contributors drop off, no new recruits, and all of a sudden you’re below critical mass! And those left have already discussed everything! The few of us left made a deliberate effort to keep the thread ticking over, and we’ve been rewarded by a number of new joiners who have brought oxygen and life back to that thread.
Jo’s thread (despite it’s aspirational title!) has similarly dwindled in numbers, with most that do bother posting regularly being in maintenance, and Jo herself currently maintaining (despite not yet being at goal). There’s a lot of social, but not much fasting. I can’t remember the last time someone new joined and stayed? For whatever reason new fasters are not encouraged to join in here.
If you want oxygen and life, instead of terminal decline, then you’ll need to keep pumping it in đ
Hi everyone,
Norfolk was great and we were blessed with good weather.
I’m now back with my nose to the grindstone fasting wise. I only ate once a day while I was away with the exception of a scone on Saturday at lunchtime and am pleased with my self control. I have decided that the only way to stick to fasting is not eat anything on FDs so that is the plan for this week.
I’ve been trying to keep this thread alive by posting every day but half of the time I’m talking to myself. That’s the way of internet forums and I shall continue to post but not every day.
Have a good one everybody đ
I am here! I am here đ
To busy with house chores. The same old story.
I am going to Home Monday for my niece’s wedding and a have a big list of things to be done as but not limited to freezing husband’s meals and else.
Out bathroom remodel is already looking good and I hope done soon. Many little details.
Always eternal vigilance! A little falling here and there but always willing to go back on wagon again.
I am glad everyone is doing well đ
Hi Amazon,
Good to hear you had a nice break in Norfolk. I’ve not been over that way for quite a few years now, but I did spend quite a bit of time there in my 20s.
When you say ‘not eat anything on FDs’, do you mean no food for 36 hours? I’m still on a 24 hour cycle, but thinking of extending it this week. OH is away, so it would be relatively easy to skip the evening meal. It will be a bit of a mental jump though, not having the evening meal to look forward to!
Thanks! I was a little confused there for a while, as I had thought I’d just been stating facts đ
Hi Jo,
If you are referring to what motivates me to keep fasting, its very simple. I KNOW if I didn’t, I would quickly slip back into bad habits and slowly but surely put all my weight back on – I enjoy food too much! I am motivated to keep my arthritic knees pain free and to be able to enjoy wearing size 12 jeans. No way am I going back to size 18!! Some days I really dont want to fast but I know myself too well, its a very slippery slope. And who knows, if all the other health benefits are there, thats a bonus.
Glad you had a good break Amazon, I am sure you are enjoying the tennis too!
What motivates me is maintaining a slim and healthy body, as nature intended.
For me there is no such thing as ‘fat and happy’ because I don’t believe you can be truly fat and fit. I have no intention of lugging around an extra two stone when I’m running, on my bike, on the fells. I’ve been there, it puts unnecessary strain on joints, it changes centre of gravity/ affects balance and agility, it weighs you down, it wears you out, saps strength and stamina.
And I’ll have a far better chance of a healthy old age for maintaining a healthy weight. No diseases associated with body fat. Less cancer risk.
And as my physiotherapist and podiatrist both point out, being slim means my spine and joints aren’t being pulled out of alignment by the weight of fat, and my feet aren’t being flattened and splayed out.
And on a shallow superficial note, I love having a flat stomach, no muffin top for me. No unsightly fat deposits to try and hide. No problem getting up in the morning, wondering what I’ll wear. Everything fits, everything looks good. No thighs rubbing together raw in summer in dresses and skirts.
Fasting is now second nature. This isn’t a chore, it’s a choice. I know it’s good for me because if I don’t fast I miss it!
Good Morning,
Happy what you said is just my vision for being slim. There are several obese people in my family. They claim they are happy and healthy. I just won’t touch that subject. They are all adults.
Being here with the group is a great motivator factor. Later is my scale day. Since 4th of July I’ve been a bit out of control.
Thanks everyone for reminding us the benefits of Fasting đ
See you later
Afternoon all,
I had a wonderful weekend (thanks to all for asking) and have returned feeling refreshed and determined.
I am enjoying the tennis very much and hope I continue to enjoy it until Sunday evening đ
I mean food free eg from Sunday evening until Tuesday lunchtime. I’ll still be drinking a small glass of kefir and having a dash of milk in my tea and coffee. I am absolutely fine until I start eating and then I don’t want to stop so I’ve decided it’s food free on FDs, and dinner only on the majority of other days with calorie counting until I reach goal or I’ll never get there. If I am going out to eat then I’ll not worry about counting calories but stick to a single meal. I’ll need that because I’ll not cope without an occasional treat.
I’ve been driving myself mad for months and months going round in circles, losing a few pounds and then re-gaining them and I HAVE to get my act together.
I set myself the target of not overdoing it while I was away and I succeeded, saying no to buttered toast at breakfast time, biscuits, chocolate stuffed with nuts and “another” glass of wine (that was the most difficult) and if I can do it when I’m away I can do it at home.
I went out this morning and bought lots of veg, some fruit, salmon, chicken, cheese and nuts and everything will be weighed an measured before going into my mouth.
I am also going to go out every morning. If I don’t go to the gym I shall go for a long walk. My pedometer has miraculously survived a trip round the washing machine đ and from now on I’ll be wearing it every day and working hard at keeping moving.
I’m not expecting it to help with my weight loss, but it’ll keep me busy and make me feel better.
I’m going away in 5 weeks and have set myself a mini goal.
I am going to do this đ
Have a good one everybody đ
Hi Fast Trackers
Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) đ
My Motivation is Fasting for these health benefit
1. Intermittent Fasting Changes The Function of Cells, Genes and Hormones
2. Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat
3. Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Insulin Resistance, Lowering Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
4. Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in The Body
5. Intermittent Fasting May be Beneficial For Heart Health
6. Intermittent Fasting Induces Various Cellular Repair Processes
7. Intermittent Fasting May Help Prevent Cancer
8. Intermittent Fasting is Good For Your Brain
9. Intermittent Fasting May Help Prevent Alzheimerâs Disease
10. Intermittent Fasting May Extend Your Lifespan, Helping You Live Longer
I came across this 60 second ad on YouTube over the weekend that puts pictures to words and made a big impression on me I know which version I intend to be check it out here what will your last 10 years look like? You will not be disappointed.
âItâs is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedâ
Peace RT
RT – thanks for sharing this video and also remind us the benefits of intermittent.
To be honest I don’t consider myself a pro yet. I can Fast with that 500 cal and the other days I don’t eat before 12.
Sharing bad news – I gained 2 lbs! Picking up the pieces and moving forward. Looking at the big picture 5lbs down.
Yes! It easier not to even start đ
Stay healthy everyone.
Thanks, that’s a nice illustration of what I want from my last years…to do everything I did when I was younger, albeit a bit slower!
When I was in my mid 30s I was cycling up a long fairly steep hill. I got a good run at it and passed an old guy at the bottom. Not far from the top the hill kicks again and I had to stop. The old guy came past me and said I’d given up too soon. If I’d had any breathe left I’d have shouted after him ”It’s OK for you retired b**gers, you get to spend all day out cycling; I’m still working, I only get weekends!’
Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) đ
First love is a kind of vaccination which saves man from catching the complaint the second time. ~ Honore de Balzac
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt. ~ Charles Schulz
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ~ Oscar Wilde
A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished. ~ Zsa Zsa Gabor
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. ~ Groucho Marx
My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on. ~ Joan Rivers
Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. ~ Jules Renard
Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener. ~ Pauline Thomason
Love is the same as like except you feel sexier. ~ Judith Viorst
A guy knows he’s in love when he loses interest in his car for a couple of days. ~ Tim Allen
Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed. ~ Albert Einstein
You canât buy love, but you can pay heavily for it. ~ Henry Youngman
Love is the answer, but while youâre waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions. ~ Woody Allen
Men always want to be a woman’s first love – women like to be a man’s last romance. ~ Oscar Wilde
When you’re in love, it’s the most glorious two-and-a-half days of your life. ~ Richard Lewis
A youth with his first cigar makes himself sick. A youth with his first girl makes everybody sick. ~ Mary Wilson
A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted. ~ Helen Rowland
I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox. ~ Woody Allen
Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. ~ Oscar Wilde
Marry a man your own age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. ~ Phyllis Diller
Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. ~ Franklin P. Jones
Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage. ~ Ambrose Bierce
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. ~ Joan Crawford
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species. ~ W. Somerset Maugham
A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
No matter how love-sick a woman is, she shouldn’t take the first pill that comes along. ~ Joyce Brothers
Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are. ~ Will Ferrell
Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, youâre in. ~ Richard Jeni
Love is a sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock. ~ Jewish Proverb
If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question? ~ Lily Tomlin
Love is much nicer to be in than an automobile accident, a tight girdle, a higher tax bracket or a holding pattern over Philadelphia. ~ Judith Viorst
Love thy neighbor – and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier. ~ Mae West
When a couple of young people strongly devoted to each other commence to eat onions, it is safe to pronounce them engaged. ~ James Montgomery Bailey
Only time can heal your broken heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs. ~ Miss Piggy
Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it. ~ George Carlin
A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one. ~ Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know itâs there. ~ George Burns
Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers đ
Peace RT
Morning/evening all,
My vegetarian Lent taught me that tasty, interesting and healthy meals can be created by using vegetables as the main event and not a side show, but it also reminded me how much I like meat. My aim is to eat it occasionally and when buying it is to choose the best quality meat from animals that have been looked after properly during their lives because it’s better for them, for me and the planet.
Did I show you guys my new soapbox? Well, when I say new, it’s actually recycled…….
Dull and overcast here with a few showers on the horizon. I’m not complaining as we need more rain.
Have a good weekend everybody đ
Well yes, we eat free range outdoor animals. But that’s a very small part of the process.
Only female chickens are reared for meat. What happens to male chicks? They’re gassed or macerated at a day old.
And while a happy healthy outdoor life is great, end of life ‘care’ for animals that are reared for meat can be pretty grim. We all get outraged by dogs being skinned and gutted alive in China. Meanwhile there are chickens and pigs being boiled alive in abattoirs as a result of failures in process. And animals freeze and suffocate to death in transit. Not to mention cruel treatment by some abattoir workers.
Dead flesh is leaving a nasty aftertaste these days. Will I go totally vegetarian or just hope that the animals I eat were the lucky ones who were treated with kindness at the end and died quickly….
Most of us eat meat and don’t think about the process of rearing an animal, killing it and turning it into something that we put on our plates. The majority of people don’t care, some do but don’t think about it. I know it isn’t perfect because as with anything else it’s all about profit margins, and there are always those who drop their standards in order to cut corners and hope to get away with it.
I don’t feel strongly enough about it to give up eating meat.
I didn’t know that only female chicks are reared for meat and I’m surprised that the sex of the chick makes that much difference to the quality/flavour of the meat.
Well I guess most people don’t feel strongly enough, or don’t actually know/think, about the way their food is produced to give up meat. And I haven’t given up meat…yet… Although I was vegetarian for a while as an early teenager, but only because I didn’t actually like the texture or taste of flesh.
But I would hope that most people who are aware would find the idea of any living sentient animal dying a horrible death to put meat on our plates at least a little morally abhorrent….
It isn’t allowed for domesticated animals reared for meat but that doesn’t necessarily prevent it from happening.
I doubt that most give such things any thought. I’m sure we’ve all heard about 5 year olds thinking milk comes from Tesco and not having a clue that it is produced by cows.
Far too many people are completely soft about their pets, treating them like children but don’t give a though to the piece of chicken or slice of beef on their plate. They are probably deeply upset about dogs being eaten in China and Korea etc but not concerned in the slightest about the quality of life (or death)of farm animals whose meat for their own consumption.
Having said that, we are kinder to our pets than to each other. If our pet is terminally ill and suffering, euthanasia is employed……….
It’s a crazy world.
When I was off sick waiting for back surgery, many years ago, and daytime telly was my friend… I remember seeing a programme about Chatsworth House. They showed a school trip to the home farm, where a little lad was petting pigs, he was at first incredulous when told that was where his bacon came from, then disgusted because the pig was dirty…and swore off bacon.
Again a few years ago, I saw some interesting comparative stats. In France, 25% of people were urban, 75% rural, so most urban dwellers still had roots/relatives/connections to farming. In the UK, 75% were urban, 25% rural, so for a lot of people that connection to farming/ where your shrink wrapped food comes from has been lost.
I agree, in terms of our domestic animals, end of life care is far nicer than it is for humans. Having sat with my Mum every day during her last few weeks, watching cancer eat away at her, I wonder why we can’t extend the same kindness to people.
Anyway, on a lighter note! Just the one fast for me this week. I was planning on a 36 hour no food fast, but OH came home early and I crumbled đ I do need to be a bit stricter because I’ve been running a kilo heavier than I like. I know, it’s not much, but I don’t want it to be the start of a slippery slope! Tonight though, it’s the weekend and I’m enjoying my first (ahem, or third or…) glass of wine since last weekend đ
I had a similar experience with my brother a couple of years ago and it still haunts me. I find it very distressing that we treat pets better than our loved ones in such circumstances.
As for people not knowing where their food comes from, the ignorance of some beggars belief!
I wish I could say I was running a kilo heavier than I would like but it is rather more than that đ Never mind, as SAMM would say, I’ll keep on keepin’ on and I’ll get there eventually.
I’ve had a frustrating week. I had to return my new glasses to the optician as the frames were misaligned and I couldn’t read when wearing them. Thankfully it was easily remedied but I could have done without two trips to the opticians in one day!
It has also been a week of last minute changes to social arrangements which has been a bit of a pain but hardly the end of the world!
All minor issues but irritating nonetheless. I’m thinking of auditioning for the next series of Grumpy Old Women đ
Peace and normality will return tomorrow đ
We’re definitely on the same page, although I would rephrase your ‘I find it very distressing that we treat pets better than our loved ones…’ to ‘I find it very distressing that we don’t treat humans as well as we treat pets…’
Ha ha, I’ll be joining you on Grumpy Old Women! We’ve been having appliance annoyances, and I’ve been having courier delivery hassle âšī¸ I’m ranting for Britain!
Hi everyone,
you and I both want too much too soon and if we are to succeed we need to lower our expectations and accept that weight loss is slow and we must be patient.
I have no intention of getting on the scales until I’ve been following my new plan for a month. I am not going to be influenced by the daily ups and downs of my body. When I get closer to maintenance I shall weigh daily and record the results to use as a tool to maintain my weight.
There is no such thing as a superfood, it is just another word that draws in the gullible rather like detox diets which are nonsense as our liver, kidneys and gut spend most of their time ridding our bodies of anything we don’t need. Some foods contain more vitamins and minerals than others but that doesn’t mean our bodies are able to utilise them.
As we should all know by now, LCHF with lots of veg, less fruit, a healthy dose of the right kind of fat and a small amount of protein is the way to go, plus some exercise to keep us moving and release those happy endorphins. And we all need an occasional treat whatever that means to the individual.
I read a great article the other day that destroyed the theory it is possible to be fat and healthy. It said that physical fitness doesn’t make us healthy and it seems to me that many people don’t know there is a difference between being fit and being healthy. We should be educating schoolchildren from an early age about how their bodies work, including the role that dietary intake and exercise have. It doesn’t need to be complicated, just straightforward and honest.
I also read an article by a journalist who has just undergone a triple bypass and had his Damascus moment regarding his diabetic status and the amount of sugar he was consuming. He’s cut out sugar and most carbs, lost several kilos and is now keen to lose more and keep himself fit and in his case, alive.
The article should be on the front page of every newspaper in the land!
My recycled soapbox is getting a lot of use, I just need to learn to take my own advice and all will be well……
Have a good one everybody đ
Good afternoon everyone . I am sorry to have been AWOL for so long . I read the posts twice a week and still love seeing what you are all up to . The summer has been horrible here and whenever I get a chance I have been painting fences and power washing slabs .
I am still maintaining well I am still the weight I was when we went on the cruise . ( I wish I could live like that all the time lol ) .
I am still trying new things . I have never liked courgettes and have often thought of buying a spyralizer but wondered if it would be a waste of time BUT I bough courgette spaghetti the other day and I loved it lol .
I will try anything once lol .
We are all kitted out for the wedding . I felt ever so posh when I tried my outfit on . I thought it was too posh but was assured by my lovely daughter in law and youngest granddaughter that it was ” amazing” so I will trust them . Jim and Ross both have new suits ,new everything lol even down to pants socks and hankies lol .
When we were shopping I kept saying how much my lovely Mam would have enjoyed it . When I got home and looked at the box my fascinator was in I saw it was called JESSEE . My Mam was Jess . I like to think she was telling me she WAS with us .
The girls kept telling me to get something fitted ( I did) and kept saying how lovely it was that I could pick anything I liked to try on and not just look for size 22/24 . It felt amazing as I usually wear trousers and like to be smart/casual .
Thank you again all of you lovely people for all the support you have given me and not just for the WOL . I appreciate it more than you will ever know xxxx
I’m tired of all the nonsense, clean eating, bullet proof coffee, superfoods, detox, suplements etc. It’s all BS and people are swallowing it (literally) and the only think they lose is money! None of these faddy diets are sustainable in the long term and we all know that what keeps weight of is changing our old habits and being able to live with the new ones.
No-one has mentioned salad apart from you. I said there is no such thing as a superfood and in my opinion the word is as pointless as detox diet.
The main difference between quinoa, chick peas, seeds and lentils is that along with more nutrients and less water they contain far more calories than lettuce cucumber and tomato.
I eat more or less what I want . I LOVE to try new things . Bread and pasta I stopped when I did low Carb but when I tried them lately I felt quite ill afterwards . I still love my ice cream and still have it but not nearly as much as I used to . I love salads to but they don’t fill me up . I have what I want BUT not as much as I used to either . I find If I crave for something and try to do without I want it more so I just have a small bit . I find it easier to fast if I keep busy .I do though love stuffed peppers and stuffed mushrooms .
Wee xx
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9:48 pm
10 Jul 17