Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,301 through 2,350 (of 7,283 total)

  • Nothing like freshly picked new season veg. I used to love the first tiny courgettes and yellow squashes, broad beans and peas that used to hit the pan almost as soon as I got through the door. And as for home grown strawberries…….
    I used to make strawberry ice cream and strawberry flans or cook them with apple for pie filling……………. πŸ™

    Amazon, now I’m salivating!

    I’ve got a veg patch full of beans (broad, runner, climbing, borlotti) and peas. They’ll be a few weeks yet though. At least the rain we’ve had here has saved me watering them in!

    The polytunnel is full now. Chard, sprouting broccoli, spinach, broadbeans, sweetcorn, shallots, lettuce, rocket, beetroot, carrots, courgette, cabbage, squash, tomatoes and chillies.

    The glasshouse is full of tomatoes (5 varieties), cucumber, and chillies (5 varieties).

    I have a small amount of outdoor space left for swede and broccoli.

    However, the downside is that I’m a dull girl (middle-aged woman!), I don’t have time for anything else at the moment…

    A young girl who grows all those lovely veg in frocks and wellies (gum boots) is hardly dull Happy. It could only be more exciting if you dressed as our neighbour did in the 70s (way out in the bush!)…hat and gumboots only! You wouldn’t want your face to get sunburnt! 😢
    I’m relieved it’s finally morning after a shocker of a night with my cold. Sitting up with 3 pillows to try to breathe. Hopefully the worst is over. P

    Oh P, that sounds dreadful. Fingers crossed you’ve seen off the worst!

    Hmm, hat and gum boots only… I AM tempted, but although we have no neighbours our land does border the west coast mainline (London to Edinburgh/ Glasgow)… Perhaps beekeeper’s hat and gum boots for anonymity πŸ˜€

    It might get more people on public transport Happy! πŸ˜‰
    I had to look up charred lettice, Amazon. Seems a strange idea, but then I don’t eat Romaine lettuce. Maybe it needs charring? P

    P, romaine does not need to be charred, depends on the lettuce, and I suspect you can char any tight headed lettuce. I’ve certainly done it with little gem.

    Hmm, I’m not sure travellers are ready for the sight of my upturned bum as I’m weeding the veg patch!

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ One of our sons even took a sketch he had done of the neighbour to school … representing his “local neighbourhood”! The teacher was horrified 😊

    Morning/evening all,

    Another fine morning with blue sky and sunshine 😎

    Naked gardening sounds dangerous to me 😲

    Purple, I hope your cold improves soon.

    The salad I made yesterday was a cross between a warm summer veg salad and the classic lettuce with peas where the veg are braised with a small amount of stock so it wasn’t truly charred, just dry fried. As Happy mentioned it needs to be a tight headed lettuce. I only did it because the lettuce was looking a bit tired and needed to be used πŸ˜†

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning Amazon. Thanks, I’m still fighting the cold, but found the fast today really easy. ADF makes it simple to fast as it becomes such a habit. We’ll keep it up until next Friday.

    It’s marvellous the new ways you can find when you need to use some food up, isn’t it?

    I’m planning to use the last of a red cabbage as a Bayleaf style slaw (grated apple, cabbage and mayo) to eat with fennel and orange and lettuce, topped with a few lumps of smoked salmon. 24 hours, pas de nourriture, is almost up.

    Have a good Sunday UK folk. P

    Happy what a mental trip I had now with your vegetable garden. I am jealous. We have a one acre property with lots of trees and also uneven and rocky. It’s not easy to star a vegetable garden but this year I adventured out with zucchini, lettuce, tomato and cucumbers.
    Do you start your garden in a green house and when you start it?
    Chrared lettuce I only saw it being mad on TV. Something also new to try like steam fish. I am tired of boring broiled salmon.
    The tempture today will reach 91 and tomorrow 95. Tooo hot.
    It’s a beautiful day anyway 😍

    I missed two posts!
    Happy’s bums – hey it’s in here right now. We Brazilians take pride of that. I heard J.Lo (I care less for her) has her insured 😁
    Purple I hope you are feeling better. Isn’t that why we are into all kind of fermented foods to begin with! πŸ‘
    I would’ve been terrified if I would be your son’s teacher as well. 😱😱😱
    Our strange neighbor mow her law with bank robbers masks and the body completely converted. She’s a weirdo … one of this days we’ll see something Hollywood style happening.

    Mowing with a bank robber’s mask, HBC? Now THAT is weird.
    I’m hitting the fermented foods and very carefully choosing healthy, fibre filled foods to try to knock this viral infection on the head. I probably picked it up from a guy who coughed and sneezed all over everyone for 1/2 hour in a train last week. Unfortunately people don’t seem to understand any more that you shouldn’t “soldier on”, busily spreading bugs.
    Staying home, warm, rested and well hydrated is the best option. Not drugs. 😊
    Enjoy your heatwave. 🌞🌑
    Refeed day again today. I’m enjoying this ADF. Mr P is concerned I’ll make it permanent. ☺☺ P


    We’ve got roughly an acre too. It’s an old property (oldest bit of the house is 1700s) so there’s a long history of cultivation. We inherited a veg patch, fruit trees and orchard, but have added more beds, a bigger glasshouse and a polytunnel. I do start a lot off inside (propagators and house windowsills, glasshouse). It helps extend our growing season.

    And ha ha! J Lo’s bum! I wish πŸ˜€

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Hi Purple yes the ADF is a great WOL do you take the weekend off so MWF also what time is your first meal after a fast day ? Keep on keeping on.

    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Hi RT
    No. I’m doing 2 week’s of genuine ADF. Fasted yesterday. I’m eating a small low carb meal at 7pm after 24 hours food free, then again at about 9am. I normally don’t eat breakfast, but on this regime I’m having a small 40gm porridge and nuts (barely cooked), then a late decent sized lunch and fruit and yoghurt dessert, homemade soup for dinner. Tonight’s will be with polenta and capsicum bread. Everything we are eating is made from scratch (no, I don’t hand pick the pepper and cinnamon πŸ˜‰).
    I’ve dropped back to the lowest I’ve been in months after only 1 week.
    We have a couple of o/s trips coming up, so I thought I’d gain a bit of wriggle room and prove to myself I can still do it easily 😊😊
    I hope you are getting sunshine like we are today. P

    Great post Purple I think that some of the lurkers will benefit from the detail I think take the opportunity as it presents an extra fast day a week does make a difference if only to reassure your minds eye that you are in control and enjoy the way of life I have no issues with compliance my issues come about by inquisitive people who know everything about health continually poo pooing the fast life, I will borrow this phrase from the The Big Freeze at the G which is on again for MND Neale Daniher that after all is said and done more is said than done πŸ˜‰ sorry Nama go Dees.

    Indeed RT.
    The interesting thing, I had forgotten, until I questioned Dr M about it this week, is how much fasting changes your cravings. He puts it down to the change in gut biome. Sounds reasonable to me.
    So, it’s simple. ..if you start overeating or craving unacceptable foods, fast to reset. P 😊😊
    PS Good wins for the Roosters and the Blues.😊

    Just reread my original post…I only eat 30 gm porridge ever. …typo! !

    Morning All,
    I am fasting today. I had a calorie controlled day yesterday. Lunch was salad with salmon poached over pak choy garlic and ginger. Yogurt and walnuts for pudding. Dinner was a wrap with left over salmon and salad, carb urge controlled but not defeated. Salmon recipe very nice Amazon.

    It was tough day, three hours gardening in the morning, friendly bowls match in the afternoon with the usual plate of cakes a biscuits at the interval. I ate an apple and drank tap water.

    I will be walking, dancing and swimming this morning then gardening again this afternoon. So much weeding to do.

    It’s very sunny but windy here, my violas and Cala lilies are getting a bashing. Eating my strawberries as they ripen, yummy. Sorry yours are not ripe yet Happy. Mine are the last in my group of friends as being right on the coast its colder than my non coastal chums, I only have three plants, planted in old chimney containers. Just getting the odd couple per day. Some insect has been eating my pepper in my greenhouse but I can’t find the culprit. I may need to bring it in to observe it. Not growing much this year. Too much time required to care for produce. Time spent bowling or at other activities. Like cooking duties I do gardening because it has to be done not because I am really keen on it. I do love to see lots of flowers though and be out in the fresh air. I don’t like to see a messy, weedy garden with long grass and no colour.

    PVE- well done on the ADF, good to be in control.
    Amazon- good luck on the 800 calories, I will join you after my County bowls matches are over, just focussed on healthy eating at the moment, no time for calories counting. Hope it works for you.

    Nama- how is life with you, Granny duties taking up much time?

    Wee- have you recovered from your jaunt on the high seas or will it be the beginning of some more travel adventures? My son is taking me on a walking trip to Scotland this summer, not sure where yet or when.

    RT- what is the longest fast you would consider? I think I could do 7 days on water only and may try this in September before my birthday. Just as an experiment, I coped well with 5 days last year. The problem is regain of weight but I think the health benefits need to be the focus not the weight.

    Barata-can I assume all is well with the milk Kefir now? My friend has now put hers in her garage, it has really slowed down the fermentation so she can leave it 24 hours.
    I am going to do the same today as it’s far too warm in my kitchen now.

    Jo, even at 44 deg in the summer here, the kefir is fine on the kitchen benchtop. Just use more milk, fewer grains, in summer.
    If you are gong to the beautiful Scottish Highlands, get hold of some Avon Skin So Soft first. It is very effective at keeping the midgies away. 😊😊

    Hi Jo, my kefir sits for 24 hours, regardless, has to fit in with my day. The grains might be changing slightly, still globby though. I find the flavour a bit sour – does this change?

    I won’t join you with ADF, P. OH and I fast Mondays and Thursdays, and that would put me out of synch with him, and son, who doesn’t fast. A couple of weeks ago I did four OMADs, just eating in the evening what the others had on NFDs to keep the calories low. Hasn’t had any weight benefits unfortunately. Hope your cold is on the mend. πŸ™‚

    We were having dinner with Wiwi and her OH recently, and discovered as the conversation wended that her niece is married to my cousin’s son! I know Wellington is a small town, but really! So we are connected. πŸ™‚

    I love the talk of the gardeners’ outfits – probably wouldn’t do here with neighbours close on either side.

    Yesterday I bought a Fitbit – as a belated birthday gift to myself – so now need to work out how to operate it. I haven’t been able to click the band onto my wrist yet. We walked a newly opened hike yesterday, the one Wiwi did a few weeks’ back. Very challenging, especially for OH. At one point there were a series of steps that numbered 411! And we were going up! Back to work to recover today. πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone,

    I went to the gym this morning after missing last week due to straining my back moving plant containers around last Monday. I swapped one at the front of the house for one at the back which involved carrying them up one lot of stairs and down the other twice. I also had a crate of wine delivered which I carried up the stairs……
    I then visited a friend who is poorly and sat on a dining chair all evening. When I stood up to go home my back felt a bit stiff but I didn’t think anything of it as the chair wasn’t that comfy.
    The next morning I had to get out of bed on the other side as when I tried to sit up and turn to my right I couldn’t because it hurt so much 😒
    I used heat packs, ibuprofen gel and hot baths and as soon as I could, some stretching but wasn’t pain free until Friday.

    Anyway, it was great to get back to the gym after a week of no exercise. It was deserted when I arrived at 9.15 and heaving when I left at 10.45. I got my timing right and managed to avoid a crowded changing room πŸ˜€

    Jo, it’s the 3rd day of 800 calories and going OK but it’s early days. I’ve had a couple of olives and a tiny piece of cheese so far and dinner will be roasted asparagus and tomatoes with a poached duck egg and I have cherries and strawberries in the fridge if I fancy something sweet.

    I’m going out for the day on Wednesday so I’m going to do 500 calorie FDs tomorrow and Thursday because I know I’ll go over 800 calories when I’m out but will be opting to go somewhere I can make a lowish calorie choice ie not our usual pub meal.
    I’m not going to decline social invitations that involve eating so I’ll need to be flexible and stick in a couple of traditional FD as required.

    It’s going to be 24C and sunshine all day so we are going to Hampstead Heath. Sunscreen and water will be needed.

    Jo, I’m so used to calorie counting it takes little time and it is really good for learning portion control. I went to the local wholefood store today and bought some very nice organic produce, mushrooms, rocket, spinach, chillies plus some really nice marinaded olives, goat milk Gouda and some Oxford Blue cheese. I also treated myself to some Cornish crabmeat for tomorrow, it’ll make a lovely salad with some avocado and a yoghurt based dressing.
    I hadn’t intended to buy food as I only went there because I needed some toiletires but thought I would just have a walk round while I was there! At least I managed to avoid the sourdough and the huge pile of different types of nuts, seeds and other snacks πŸ˜†

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning, Night
    Hot, hot and hot! Wednesday should cool down a bit.

    Oh Amazon – isn’t that good when we can be painless and able to do the things we want to do? There’s a huge pot in our living room with a palm tree of some sort. I won’t attempt to move that outside by myself. I have done it before. Those days are over! I have learnt it the hard way now.
    I believe finally I am getting right with portions sizes and calories. I normally eyeball everything. Guess what! I have big hungry eyes. Wednesday is scale day πŸ‘
    Be well and healthy everyone

    The trouble I find is, I can’t predict when I will injure myself until it’s too late 😐😐

    Hi Amazon I must have missed your updated strategy am I right here are you on two tracks now FD day 500cal 5-2 and NFD 800cal as per the BSD fascinating stuff this is I have been reading through the BSD forum and steeling recipes etc I have a new pizza cauliflower base which is sensational from there all the best with this go well.
    Hi JO yes you have tumbled onto my fast bucket list thoughts here I really would like to be able to tick off a series of 4 boxes 7/14/21/30 days so as a study of one I will be my own evidence the health benefits are the main driver for me.
    Hi Purple I will re-feed today but I will wait until 1pm which gives me a 42 hours fast from 7pm Sunday night I am 4-3 MWF not strictly ADF like you and Mr P more OS travel how wonderful that is very foggy and gloomy here this morning but the Sun is doing its best to try and poke through.

    Peace RT

    That’s the advantage of retirement RT. We can shoot through to warmer parts when we are over the cold. And I am today…despite sunshine…this fasting girl is feeling the chill today. 3 more hours until some fresh salmon and leafy salad. Yum…

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a beautiful morning here, warm and clear blue sky. I can’t wait to get outside 😎

    RT, my plan is otherwise known as desperate measures as I’ve tried so many times to get back on track and got more frustrated as the months tick by. I’m not using BSD recipe plan just avoiding carbs and going for lots of veg, some protein and fat. I’m drinking my kefir every morning as usual, having no more than 150 calories (if required) at lunchtime and then a FD sized dinner and a glass of wine and/or some yoghurt with berries depending on if I’ve had lunch.
    I have a recipe for cauliflower pizza but as with most recipes, it is for more than one person so I’m doing my own thing which should be fine if I have a plan, so I go shopping, buy what looks good and then come home and write a menu plan for the week.

    This week it involves asparagus, peas, broad beans, spring cabbage, spinach, berries and cherries along with eggs, meat or fish.
    I used to cook an Atkins recipe which is basically a quiche without any pastry and I’m thinking about making it for lunches and having a slice with a small salad.

    Time to get moving, have a good one everybody 😜

    I hope the regime proves fruitful for you Amazon. ☺☺P

    Or veggie-ful? Like the hungry eyes, HCB. πŸ™‚ Good luck with the scales tomorrow.

    All of my quiches have no pastry, Amazon. Oil the dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese, then fill to your desires. Naturally the blokes are not happy, but that’s not the name of the game.

    Morning All,
    Sunny and warm today and plans to do some gardening.
    My other half is planning to do a veg patch, retirement hobby, 8 ft by 12 ft ground cleared yesterday and horse manure ordered. I think it may be too late to grow from seed but will start researching what to put in the ground now. Maybe buy some young plants and transfer my potted tomatoes and strawberries. I thought we should surround it with boards or sleepers so we can add to the depth of the soil, we are on chalk here. Suggestions? I know we have experts here.

    Amazon- fish and veggies for me but the occasional seeded wrap when I have that carb urge that won’t go away. I fill it with veg and prawns or poached egg.

    Stable weight at present but that is due to no sugar and low fat, working on getting my cholesterol down. Semi skim milk was fine for a Kefir, trying skimmed next.

    The large veg garden will be great Jo.
    I haven’t made a quiche with a base on years. No breadcrumbs either.
    Just eatena small piece of crispy skinned salmon, sauerkraut, carrot, capsicum and a salad of fennel, lettuce, rocket and orange segments with a dressing of orange juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Excellent after a 24 hour fast. 😊 P

    Sounds yummy PVE
    I have been just using balsamic vinegar as salad dressing, avoiding oil but it’s a bit harsh on the back of the throat.

    I rarely use dressing Jo. I like the freshness of unadulterated salad, but I had 1/2 an orange and with the fennel and fish it was delicious. I used ACV as it was on the bench top. …I’ve been having it for my sore throat on eat days.

    I scatter the breadcrumbs on the base, P, to make it easier to lift out. But will try without, perhaps on Friday with the last of the Christmas ham. Olive oil is the only dressing I use on salads.

    Hi guys I started the fast diet in Jan this year and in three months lost almost a stone… Then at the end of March had a death in the family and ended up putting all the weight back on and just can’t seem to get back to it. Need some motivation and help.

    Hi Little Me
    I’m sorry you have been struggling.
    My suggestion would be to read The Fast Diet book and start simple. ..2 days a week of eating about 500 calories. Limit your white carbs and increase your leafy veg. (They fill you up but don’t leave you wanting more) Drink plenty and go as long as possible without food on a fast day. Train yourself to not snack and set yourself little, achievable goals
    Don’t eat before 10am. Then, tell yourself you can make it until 12:30 etc. It is amazing what distraction can do.
    Most of all, embrace all the wonderful healthy foods that are out there. Never settle for second best. 😊
    You can do it. Fast and feast. Keep us posted. PVE

    Hi purple veggie lover thanks for the response, I eat a lot of chick peas and lentils just wondering if that’s OK? I mean I’ll have like one tin of chick peas a day but I’ll mix it in all the meals on fast days like I’ll just have a some fruit for breakfast then some chick peas with salad and then the remainder by themselves later. I’m wheat and dairy and gluten intolerant so not much I can eat as I don’t eat fish maybe chicken from time to time.

    I’d suggest you have a look at the calorie and GI levels of foods you eat so that you get a feel for which ones make suitable choices. The aim is to not feel hungry,(satiated ) but to eat minimal foods (especially those that cause bloodsugar spikes.) Salads and a small amount of protein works well.
    It is easy to list all the things you plan to eat, including quantity, then check online what their calorific and gi values are. After a while you will understand what to eat and what to avoid.
    Particularly avoid white carbs (sugar, in any form, including artificial sweetners, bread, white flour, potatoes, pasta and rice) Choose berries as your fruit of choice and eat full fat yoghurt,and other milk products. They satiate, reducing your hunger for unhealthy foods. P

    Thank you

    Hello Little Me,
    Firstly Welcome to our thread.
    There is a wealth of experience on this thread, many of us have been here years. Some have reached their goals whilst others continue to battle with success. We celebrate healthy changes to our eating regimes, that is the priority. My own food choices are very healthy these days and as as result I am happy albeit I have a long way to go still.
    Chick peas and lentil are a great choice, I like these in veg curry with cauliflower rice. I avoid sugar totally but carbs creep in now and then in the form of a wrap, roast potato and slice of good bread but only on special occasions, not daily.
    Drinking water is essential and will prevent hunger. Hot drinks like fruit or her. Teas are great too. I make my own yogurt but due to high cholesterol level I have switched to semi skimmed milk, still filling, great pudding with berries and walnuts.
    Fasting 2 days per week should lose you one pound per week minimum if you don’t over eat on the other 5 days. You might like to try super foods salad with quinoa.
    Good Luck and keep in touch

    Afternoon all,

    It has been a beautiful day so far.
    I went to the gym this morning and had a short swim afterwards, then did my stretches in the jacuzzi πŸ˜€

    I decided I wanted a sleeveless summer dress so went shopping. I was very naughty as I bought four 😲 There were so many nice ones to choose from I couldn’t help myself and if all of those I liked had been available in my size goodness knows how many I would have come home with πŸ˜†
    One of them is fitted and is quite snug at the moment which should provide some extra incentive πŸ˜‰

    It’s going to be scorching tomorrow so I shall wear one for my day out and keep cool 😎

    I’m starving so I think it’s time to prepare my crab and avocado salad πŸ₯‘πŸ¦€

    Welcome to the thread Little Me.
    Our little veggie and flowers had their water, I did some weeding, walked Sasha and back inside now. It’s unbearable to be out.
    It’s not even 11am and almost 2 liters of water is gone.
    I had a beautiful breakfast. Omelette w/ 1 egg, 3 tbsp of egg white, sautΓ©ed mushroom and 28gr of Brie. My cheese portion in the past was 3x that before.
    Good for you Amazon πŸ‘—
    Relax for now 🌞

    Another London disaster with a 24 floor tower block fire. It’s shattering and so scary, those poor people were trapped, many residents threw themselves from the windows rather than be killed by smoke inhalation. The Fire service did their best but the fire spread so quickly.

    The community are pulling together to help these poor families that have lost everything. There really should be sprinkler systems in place.

    The fire service are still at the scene as the fire is still burning. It can be seen for miles and when we came home from Hampstead we could see the burnt shell of the block with a plume of smoke as it continues to burn.
    There are many people unaccounted for so the death toll which is at 12 will rise.

    It isn’t just the local community who are helping as someone has set up a just giving page for people to donate.

    It is one of five or six blocks and the others will all undergo urgent safety checks as the Mayor of London has intervened and involved the government.
    Unfortunately there are allegations of negligence as far as safety is concerned and on the residents committee website there is an article posted last November suggesting that a large fire would have to take place before the landlords etc address residents concerns.

    We had a lovely day, the weather was glorious and we walked and walked and walked!
    I’ve had a pizza and half a bottle of wine but I didn’t eat anything else today so I’m happy with that 😎

    Awful heart-rending scenes from London.


    I’ve got raised and unraised beds. Raised are easier to manage, and it can give you a better depth of soil. If your existing soil is very poor or very alkaline, raised beds also allow you to bring in topsoil, etc for optimal growing conditions.

    With any manure, it really needs to be well-rotted before you use it. So if it’s fresh you may just want to dig it in and leave it for next year anyway. Most vegetables should do OK in it, but not root crops like carrots and parsnip.

    The advice on tomatoes is that you shouldn’t transplant them once they’ve started flowering. I guess yours will be flowering if not fruiting already?

    It is getting a bit late to sow a lot of crops from seed, but you could certainly do salad like lettuce, spring onion and radish, French beans, maincrop peas, beetroot, swedes and turnip, spring cabbage.

    Garden centres now stock a lot of vegetables in modules, so you could get other things like sweeetcorn, squashes, etc.


    I am hoping I may get the chance to wear at least one of my new dresses this weekend! Ooh, but which one?! Perhaps I’ll change half way through the day πŸ˜€

    I’ve fasted once this week, may do another. I had an unfortunate encounter with a crusty baton (not a proper baguette) on Sunday. Dear me, I had bloating and discomfort in the night, on Monday I was shattered and could barely stay awake, and my weight was 1.5kg up!! Not good….

    The effect on our digestive system of a hit of carbs is staggering Happy, isn’t it?
    I think I’ll move my dresses to the spare wardrobe. My only dressing choice is which jumper, scarf or coat to choose 😊
    We have raised garden beds, as our soil is non existent. We have solid clay. As they have 1 metre high sides, I’ve found they took huge quantities of hay, compost and soil to fill initially and compost down very quickly. This becomes problematic when I have some perennial plants in the bed, so can’t just dig it all up and top up.
    Thursday fast day now,the sixth fast in 11 days. Feels quite normal doing ADF now.
    There are calls here for enquiries into cheap, uncertified building cladding imported from China. People lose their lives because someone wants to make a quick buck. Tragic.

    Hello all,
    Not Grannie duties Jo, we have been away for five days and I hate typing on phone key pad! Lovely break but lovely to be home as always!
    I feel so sad for London, yet another terrible story filling our screens. Looking at the pictures, its amazing there were not hundreds killed. The firemen are such heroes, I would run the other way. Such a dreadful way for those poor people to perish and its much worse if the building was substandard. One almost expects it in places like Bangladesh, but how can it happen in a city like London?
    Well done on the ADF Purple. I am with RT, prefer M/W/F if needing some extra fasts. I have tried ADF but felt like I was fasting all the time!
    I enjoyed a ‘reset’fast yesterday after being pretty relaxed for 5 days. I chose not to eat at all and I find this gets easier and easier. I usually spend Wednesdays with my little grandaughter, so fasting is easy as her smiles are such a distraction I dont think about food! Today, on the other hand, I have the fur grandchild who has so far managed to eat one of husbands favourite small torches (he uses it to read the tv remote!), dig a big hole in one of the garden beds (hence needing a paw wash before coming inside) and slobber all over my pj bottoms which he managed to steal while I was in the shower! Sometimes I think Jack is more work than Chloe!
    Now I am about to try my hand at Sauerkraut, recipe looks simple….

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious day with wall to wall sunshine 😎😎😎

    My legs are protesting from my long walk on uneven paths and hilly ground so a lazy day in the garden with a good book is on my agenda and will start as soon as I can remember where I put my shorts………

    Happy, changing your outfit during the day is an excellent idea, you could wear one dress for brunch and then change for dinner πŸ˜‰

    I have to say I was much cooler yesterday in my linen dress than I would have been in trousers and a top but it wouldn’t have been very practical for walking in a less cultivated area!

    Do you think the quality of the bread was something to do with the after effects?
    Someone gave me toast made from sliced bread a couple of weeks ago and it played havoc with my digestive system. If I eat really good quality or homemade bread I’m OK if I don’t eat too much.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello fellow fasters
    Sorry about being AWOL.
    It’s all a bit hectic in Aotearoa, but soon the slow life in France.
    Fasting is ok, but social life getting in the way a bit.

    I WILL be back.
    xx Wiwi

    I agree Amazon. My homemade sourdough or my polenta bread does not seem to cause stomach aches.
    Glad you have surfaced from your grandies for a breath Nama. I am doing ADF mostly to prove to myself that I can. So I am staggered how it is much easier than only 2 days a week. We seem to eat far less on eat days, with no cravings for carbs or extras. Seems to shrink the stomach (I wish).
    A little veg soup and salmon tonight. 😊
    PS Hi Wi…we crossed over. ☺☺

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