Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • Great to hear you had such a good trip Amazon, we are fortunate with the weather at the moment that is for sure. I have never been to Hull, I will put it on the list.

    My Kefir is doing ok now, warmer climate has helped, last lot really creamy. I didnt freeze mine in milk, in fact I rinsed it with mineral water and put it in an airtight ziplock bag before freezing it. Same with water Kefir. Both have recovered well but first batch was worrying.

    Barata- your Kefir will be in the post this weekend according to my daughter. She got her ‘offer’ to apply for residency yesterday so things are moving. Of course there is no guarantee that she will be accepted. Several of her friends, mixed bunch from several countries including the UK have been refused and are heading home. She is prepared for that eventuality but obviously would not be happy about it. She loves NZ and already calls it home.

    PVE- I will try to remember to read back before ‘submitting’ stage on thread. Spell check errors are amusing sometimes though, I wouldn’t mind food preaching to me, telling me of their nutritional benefits and calorie content. Ha Ha


    Good job there were so many hostelries with local ales to give you a break from all that history and culture! You’d have been fair worn out with all that walking otherwise…


    Restarting your kefir from frozen will be like starting for the first time, i.e. it will take a few batches until the grains settle again. Good to hear that they survived the freezer though.


    Talking of restarts, good work! Now you just need to keep some momentum going (ahem, enough said, Jo!!).

    Well it’s a scorching 25 or so degrees here. I’m wilting! Looking forward to cooling off with a glass of red wine in the garden this evening ๐Ÿ˜€

    Fasting-wise, just the one required for maintenance this week. A couple of weeks of two 24 hour fasts seem to have got me back on track. And I think summer, and increased activity, and less comfort food, definitely make loss/maintenance easier for me.

    I’ve got another long gardening weekend planned. Just peas and swede to sow outside now; kale, sprouting broccoli, leeks, Brussels sprouts and chard to plant out; successional sowing of salad leaves; the last few jalapeรฑo and Thai chillies to pot up, together with some herbs; then on to the herbaceous borders! Perhaps I should start offering gardening breaks to city dwellers…. ๐Ÿ˜€


    If you do can I be first on the list. I would be a reliable and hardworking assistant……. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It was thirsty work doing all that walking in the heat and the beer was much needed ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I took my pedometer and we did 17,00-18,000 every day which surprised me as Hull is quite a small place and nothing was more than 15 minutes walk from the hotel.

    FD has been postponed due to an unrefusable offer but that works out well as I was planning on doing ADF from Monday and I can start tomorrow instead.

    It’s only been 28ยฐC here today……..

    We were watching your progress in Hull, Amazon, and wishing we were following you… Sounds like you had a great time ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the update on the kefir, Jo. I will need instructions when I get it. Good luck to your daughter with her application. If she needs a local to put a good word in for her, let me know.

    The kilogram lost the previous week had bounced back, so it looks as though I will need to take more concerted action. However, I am still more than happy with where I am, and the great news, I have now had eight good sleeps in a row ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    We had dinner last night with Wiwi and her OH and friends, lovely social time thanks Wi. Sorry to leave you with the washing up.

    Dull drizzly late autumn day here, 14 degrees, so inside work I think.

    Barata, I will send you info via email for Kefir. Much simpler than water Kefir. I wrecked my last batch of water Kefir, left it too long to ferment, the grains turned to mush. Luckily I have loads of spare grains. I have noticed the difference in fermentation now it’s warmer. May need to find a colder room than my kitchen in summer.

    Sorry about the weight gain. Frustrating business. I had a really good fast day on 23/1 (500 cals) it’s a winning formula for me if I can keep to it. My self destruct button has been too frequent lately. RT is so right, it’s better to delay starting to eat than stop once started. I just keep drinking water and herb tea all day, I don’t get hungry if I keep busy.

    The outdoor pool was glorious today, life is good.

    I have been watching the Chelsea Flower Show every night, glorious gardens, really inspiring. I really want a huge pond now but it won’t happen, too much work and expense. It must be a wonderful job designing gardens.

    Dance class, swimming and gardening planned tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend all.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I made a crockpot of chicken broth actually I call it chicken stock but broth seems the in word I cooked it right out for 24 hours and will be very much looking forward to all the miracles that should happen as a direct result ๐Ÿ˜‰ Having an extra fast this week M_W_F with the above mentioned broth the menu of choice. I have some friends staying for the upcoming weekend and a birthday tea at the local hotel where we take advantage of tight arse Tuesday ๐Ÿ˜† 2 for one meal deal paying for the most expensive of the two.
    10245 steps in the bank so.
    Lets get our fast on People.

    โ€œItโ€™s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedโ€
    Peace RT

    Morning all from a wet, miserable Melbourne – its almost 8am and I have taken coffee back to my warm bed!

    I hope your Monday fast with chicken stock went well RT. I often fast mon/wed/fri to compensate for the weekend at either end, though the purists would not consider mine a “real” fast as it is more a one meal a day. I try to keep the meal really low, either a salad or a bowl of soup. Its sort of yoyo dieting on a really small scale I guess! But this routine suits me, allowing me to be completely relaxed with a piece of cake or two, or a piece of toast or two on the weekends. As so many on here have said, the Monday discipline resets everything. I find I sometimes slip up by the friday fast, but still probably eat far less than otherwize.

    I made some chicken stock in the crockpot recently when I saw a pack of 5 fresh chicken carcasses for one dollar, couldnt resist. It was a beautiful base for some lamb shank and barley soup (for grandaughter!),but I think I prefer to cook beef bones until they almost dissolve and you can stand a spoon up in the gelatinous stock. The farm I buy my beef from also sells grass-fed bones (if you are placing a bulk order), so I always make my own stock for soup bases now. These are the little things I find time for now I dont go to work!

    Have a great day/evening all x

    Hi Nama
    4 deg and sunny here this morning. I’m up, in hat and ski jacket, as I’m on grandma duty early.
    I’m totally with you on your eating regime. It seems to be a good maintenance procedure. Allows for little indulgences and regular resets.
    I fasted yesterday and am happy to skip breakfast this morning….as long as I’m warm ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
    I bought a large ham hock, cheap, last week and made a huge pot of veg and ham soup. 1/2 gone. 1/2 in the freezer. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Keep warm southern hemisphere folk. P

    Last meal was done by 7pm Sunday evening I broke fast at 1pm today with 3 hard boiled eggs smashed with curry and homemade mayo yummo a 42 hour fast completed with only water green tea black tea and black coffee and a mug of chicken bone broth last night it was rich and strong although my hair did not grow back and shine nor my teeth whiten nor did my finger nails become stronger and more beautiful ๐Ÿ˜† the ability to switch on voluntarily the feast and famine button has been one of the many benefitโ€™s to me of fasting to fit into my doable and sustainable long term way of life Nama no purists here I wouldn’t think you are on a study of one to be your own evidence ๐Ÿ˜‰ The 4-3 is indeed a powerful model regardless of the methodology adapted to it and you can slide the eating window and swap days as needed or required itโ€™s not what you do itโ€™s not what you eat itโ€™s what you do not do and that friends is eat. Very interesting article here for those interested much to like in it IMO.
    Keep on Keeping On.
    Peace RT

    Good Morning RT,
    Well done RT,
    Are you doing long fasts for health only or to redress gains?
    That Scottish guy did very well too. I wonder what exercise he did during his year fasting? And vacation from work. Interesting that he chose to eat egg and bread in his first meal, not surprised he was full.
    It’s strange but some meals are ‘mentally’ filling, is that just me. Hot food always seems to leave you feeling fuller. Mostly I eat salads in summer, I just prefer them but they always leave me wanting more. Fast days I don’t give in to it but non fast days I have a yogurt, berries and nuts or fresh fruit.

    Sounds like a plan to change his lifestyle, I wonder if he will ever eat fish and chips again? They rarely taste as good as they smell. I remove batter and only eat a few chips (about 6, it’s always enough as the fish is large even in a small portion version) so I have it occasionally, my dogs love the left overs. I have never had the curry sauce or ketchup with it which is popular in some areas, yuk!

    Nama- Whatever works for you, go for it? I have tried to follow advice from other people but in the end you need to find what ‘you’ can do and what gets results for you or at least doesn’t cause you to gain weight. My red light foods still taunt me, bread, cereal and crisps, I manage them as best as can by not buying them, if they are in the house I will eat them at some low point.

    I am back to doing 23/1 weekdays now, 500 cals Monday, Wed and Friday and 1200 on Tuesday and Thursday. I don’t count calories but I know that 3 oz portion of fish with veg is fine in fast days. I have two different proteins on non fast days but still keep portions control. Weekends include a couple of treats but nothing dramatic, maybe a gin and tonic or latte, something cooked in pastry! Yum but only if I am out and about so I just buy one.

    I am really tempted by long term ‘water only’ fasts and I know I can do them as I previously did 5 days but I regained within 2 weeks, so I don’t see the point.

    If I could do it for three months and get to goal it would be ideal but I don’t think I could manage it without family and medical support. Maybe I should try one month? I have no trips planned this summer so timing ideal. I wouldn’t do zero cal though because I rely on 100 ml of milk Kefir daily and love to drink one cuppa with semi skim milk even on fast days.

    I am about to start my County Games(bowls)and Choir Performances so life is about to get very hectic. Not much free time to get bored. At least I am getting 7- 8 hours good sleep most nights these days even when fasting. Still maintaining drinking lots of water, minimum 1500 mls per day plus hot drinks, mostly green tea, usually 6 per day.

    My health good at the moment, occasional back twinges but manageable. My daughter reports her health much improved since she has been taking Kefir. She is the only teacher at school not plagued with colds and stomach bugs caught from the little ones in their care. RESULT! Last year she went from one cold to the next.

    Watched a good TV programme last night where a Doctor goes to live with families to solve ‘long term health problems’. One young boy was obese even though eating healthily(by normal standards) and another girl had an eating disorder, fear of new foods, she only ate 7 foods, no fruit and veg, mostly processed foods. He worked with the whole family and got terrific results. The boy was insulin resistant and had poor gut bacterial so his diet was changed dramatically to carb and sugar free. He lost 1.8 stones in 2 months. The girl increased her food group to about 20 but more importantly was less stressed because her family and friends began to understand how her food fears affected her. Her repulsion to new food was like normal eaters being asked to eat bugs.

    Time to get on, dogs are keen to get to the park. Weather here warm and sunny. The storm on Sunday night was a doozy though, thunder, lightning, high winds and lashings of rain to fill our water butts. 2 hours of hell then peace returned.

    Hope everyone else is well and enjoying moderate weather.

    Ha RT, I like the expression “switching on the fast or feast button! Thats what it is, simple as that….and intermittent fasting for these past few years has enabled that.

    Jo keep going, look at the changes you have already made! I think its 8 weeks to create each new habit. I know my lifestyle works for me now, as it is the first time in almost 50 years (first dieted at 15) that I have managed to lose a substantial amount of weight and keep it ALL OFF! I previously had the willpower to lose the weight, but would always slowly, slowly, bit by bit, put it back on again. So demoralising and so frustrating, blaming myself all along, believing the current ‘calories in/calories out’ dogma. I believe some of us are more susceptible to carbs (and more attracted to them!) and I have finally learned to control them. I know if I did not fast every week those 23 kilos would be back, with interest, within 6 months. Simple choice really, especially now I have found that magic switch. I like wearing size 12 jeans too much and I love not having swollen, painful knees and being able to walk all day and even swim 40 laps of the pool.

    No kidding Nama it is a struggle! I strongly believe that switch on/off it’s not really the problem. Yes! Some days are easier than other but NFD are filled with traps. I haven’t given up yet. Consistency also plays a big role I am not obeying.

    We are experiencing a very wet and cold spring. I bought some salad seeds but I am concerned they will rot. It’s my first time doing this any way and for fun as well.
    The have some flowers pot done but they are not directly outside.

    I’ve been saving all my veggie scraps in the freezer and last week I made for the first time broth. Of course I’d rather have bone or chicken broth … I’ll get there someday when I find some good carcases ๐Ÿ‘

    Stay cool or warm whenever you are๐Ÿ’‹

    There is no choice but to carry on really, advice given on any other scheme hasn’t kept up with the science. I am along way from a size 12 yet, a comfortable 14 would do me. I just can’t maintain focus, it’s been so long, this journey and too much of it in the wrong direction. Goal weight seems an impossible dream at the moment. But on the positive side I am very fit and healthy which is the priority. Not sure what the plans are to reduce Cholesterol level still waiting to speak to a nurse.
    Keep on keeping on as Sam used to say. Wonder what happened to him? Hope he kept the weight off.

    Fasting today, very busy day planned.

    Have a great day or evening everyone

    HCB, whenever you have any form of meat that includes bones, save and freeze them until you have enough for a boil-up. Lamb, beef, chicken, pork, they are all good. Then cook them all day with onion, celery, carrot, bay leaves and herbs, cool, strain and freeze in portions for the basis of casseroles, soups etc.

    Those two dratted kilograms are sticking around, so I am now planning three FDs a week. B*&^%$r them! So disappointing. ๐Ÿ™

    We are having quite a mild autumn, not too much wind at the moment. Winter strikes gently tomorrow.

    Kia kaha, Jo.

    As long as you maintain your gains so far Jo. It’s when you slide back for a month, you know you need to take a different approach.
    I’m still a great believer in doing it quickly. But we are all individuals.

    Freezing here so Mr P has been dishing up mulled wine, pre-dinner, in front of the fire. Reminds me of our Christmas in the UK!

    Cling onto your mild weather, Barata. Good advice re the broth. It really is easy, HCB, and you can freeze portions to use in soups later. P

    I think you mean maintain losses or control gains but I get the picture.

    Just had a discussion with a friend about cholesterol, hers is higher than mine, she is a confessed chocoholic. Sugar is her lifeline from a pretty terrible life spent supporting her irresponsible grown up sons and daughters and their families. Her daughter swans off to the gym every night while she babysits. Crazy. She has been told to stop eating ‘all’ dairy and eggs. Seriously! I thought that old chestnut was out of date. Cholesterol and eggs link I mean, plus good fat, bad fat not even discussed. She has lots of processed foods. I suggested she do her own research. Not sure how she will survive without her lattes.
    I on the other hand eat very little cheese and only have milk in yogurt ( limited to one on non fast days now with nuts and berries), 1 tea with semi skim milk on fast days and several on non fast days.
    Time to go

    Jo! I don’t even consider getting heavy as a “gain”! I was talking about the massive gains you have made, already, with 5:2…learning how to live without eating all the time, learning how to choose appropriate foods, feeling proud of your new slimmer self, feeling the confidence that comes with achieving something you did yourself. …the list is endless..and they are all gains! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hi everyone,

    I fasted yesterday rather than today as I’m going out later but I’m fasting until then.

    High levels of LDL type B (small and dense)increase risk of heart disease and it is linked to carbs (no surprise there) The whole thing about reducing fats other than transfats has been disproved but those that have been telling us so for years are reluctant to admit that previous “evidence” was incorrect. And don’t get me started on the egg nonsense as many years ago, probably when I was a child there was an advert on TV with the slogan “go to work on an egg” When eggs were labelled Devil’s spawn everyone started eating cereal and we all know where that led…..
    There are numerous recent studies that indicate dairy foods such as cheese, yoghurt etc in moderation do not raise cholesterol and I find it very frustrating that “experts” are still spouting the same old nonsense including too low dietary fat allowances.

    Jo, you need to find out more about your cholesterol level ie is it diet related or familial. If it is familial you’ll need to take statins. I speak from experience as I stopped taking them for 4 months after losing 68lbs and then had a blood test to discover it had risen from 8.4 to 8.7.

    Purple, we’d all like to do it quickly but some of us can’t ๐Ÿ˜• so we just keep on trying.

    I agree that what we learn on the way are gains that we keep forever and (eventually….) make us much more content ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi JOJO no just longevity in good health with anything that I can do to dodge the Alzheimerโ€™s bullet to ensure old age with a healthy brain as well as body and I just like the challenge of Continuous Improvement and testing myself for example I am very keen to see how long I can go fasting certainly not 382 days but just start at day one and see what happens and learning new things all of the time I hope I donโ€™t ever stop that. The 42 hour fast is doable a good article here. And chapter 6

    RT, I hope you watched the last of the ABC series, “You Can’t Ask That”, which has just aired tonight. They asked questions of half a dozen people who were all over 100. Totally inspiring to see how incredibly well some people “age”. P

    morning Purple,no I did not thats my sort of program though so iview here I come, have a groovy day off on my morning walk BRRR….

    Morning RT…
    You’d better run….โ˜ƒโ›„โ›‡

    Purple I did catch up on iView the centenarians show gosh what a beautiful thing that was good for the heart and soul thanks for the heads up bloody awesome. I loved the dancer and her moves in the chair so graceful and beautiful also the 2nd husband was not il all the time 2 days before he died ๐Ÿ˜‰ and moved to tears when they speak of the loss of their wives brilliant powerful stuff. Grandson taking Great Pa for a spin on the back of a Harly inspiring.
    I did not break into a run trot or canter real brass monkey weather ๐Ÿ˜† gently gentlyโ€ฆI cant help myself
    This is a MUST watch fast trackers

    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Good morning All, another glorious day here.

    RT- you have reminded me of my trip to Uluru(Aires Rock) Australia on the back of a Harley. A truely memorable experience, I went at dawn to see the sun rise. The driver was shorter than me and the passenger seat is in a higher position, it really gave me neck ache, those G forces as the speed increased but it was still great. I dare not ask the driver what speed we did but I gripped the back rest of the seat for dear life especially when cornering. We had the road to ourselves thank goodness. I sent my children pictures of me in leathers posing as rider, backdrop Uluru, hysterical. I have surprised my kids a few times by doing the unexpected over the age of 60. Living the dream it is the way to go. What next I wonder, parachute jump?

    My team won their First Ladies ‘Fours’ County Game last night 21/17, it was a great game although a little chilly in the evening and lots of midges around. I have two more County games this week, triples tonight and Pairs tomorrow, both evening games. We got a ‘hot shot’ early on, a great achievement, all our bowls (8) were nearest the jack, these are very rare.

    Fast day went well yesterday. I can control eating to a large degree and am very pleased with this achievement but food is still my ‘go to’ when .I am bored, sad or happy. Not sure how I change this long term habit. I have to fight this battle daily.
    PVE- yes I appreciate health gains but weight loss failure frustration plagues my life.

    Cholesterol- I would like to decrease this high level by diet only if possible but since carbs, processed food and sugar are virtually non existent in my diet I have to assume my high level is congenital. My Kefir is made with full fat milk but minimal qty daily, 100 ml. I cook fish in 1 tsp butter but drain it off.

    My father had several heart attacks from the age 50, died at 57. He was very thin and a real worry wart but very physically fit, walked miles daily at an impressive speed. My cholesterol was ‘under 5’ when I switched back to non meat eating, 3 years ago, but it has averaged 7 over the last 10 years. There is a lot of talk about statins not being a good decision due to side effects. I am still investigating issues.

    Have a good day everyone.

    The milk kefir grains have arrived today, Jo. Please thank your daughter for me. I have put them in the fridge for the night, and will introduce them to milk in the morning. As it’s only me that will be eating / drinking? them, I think 200 ml milk with a tablespoon of grain? Happy to be advised.

    I have just been reading back through the thread to get all your wonderful advice, and am looking forward to reporting progress. My water kefir is still the same as when purchased in the summer – about half a cup of them.

    Well done on the bowls win ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Barata
    I am really surprised your water Kefir has not grown, mine doubles weekly. I have given so much away. Have you used the sugar, lemon, ginger and sultanas as ingredients. I use brown sugar, it loves it.

    Milk Kefir, I mix 250 ml with 1 teaspoon of grains. I am reducing fermentation time now as it is warmer.

    I never measure grains or milk, just do it by eye and it seems to be working just fine. And I only rinse the jar out with warm water once a week.
    The grains are increasing so fast I could start my own business ๐Ÿ˜„

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it.
    ๏ฟฝ Venison for dinner again? Oh deer!
    ๏ฟฝ A cartoonist was found dead in his home. Details are sketchy.
    ๏ฟฝ I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.
    ๏ฟฝ Haunted French pancakes give me the cr๏ฟฝpes.
    ๏ฟฝ England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
    ๏ฟฝ I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
    ๏ฟฝ They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Typo.
    ๏ฟฝ I changed my iPod’s name to Titanic. It’s syncing now.
    ๏ฟฝ Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
    ๏ฟฝ I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time.
    ๏ฟฝ I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
    ๏ฟฝ This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I’d never met herbivore.
    ๏ฟฝ When chemists die, they barium.
    ๏ฟฝ I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.
    ๏ฟฝ I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
    ๏ฟฝ Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
    ๏ฟฝ I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.
    ๏ฟฝ Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control her pupils?
    ๏ฟฝ When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.
    ๏ฟฝ Broken pencils are pointless.
    ๏ฟฝ What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
    ๏ฟฝ I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx.
    ๏ฟฝ All the toilets in New York’s police stations have been stolen. The police have nothing to go on.
    ๏ฟฝ I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
    ๏ฟฝ Velcro – what a rip off!
    ๏ฟฝ Don’t worry about old age; it doesn’t last.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thank you RT! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    I wake up on Friday mornings, post fast, looking forward to your funnies. A good belly laugh is so much better for us than food.
    Have a good weekend P ๐Ÿ˜Ž (pretending it’s warm)

    Morning/evening all,

    Thanks RT ๐Ÿคฃ

    Another lovely day here, and I’m going out with my niece and great nephew ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Have a good weekend everyone ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Milk kefir straight into milk, sitting on the bench, and I talk to it each time I go past as I am sure you all do ๐Ÿ™‚ . Smells like changes are happening, but I cannot see any fermentation?

    I have no insight into my water kefir, Jo. They are keeping their growth secrets (or lack of them) to themselves.

    We all enjoyed this morning’s chuckles, RT, thank you.

    Barata, each time I start my kefir again, after a holiday in the freezer, I use a smaller quantity of milk. Often splitting it between 2 jars. Gradually build up. With our current very chilly weather it needs to be in less milk. During the summer, it can “breed” on much more milk. The thickness also depends on good creamy milk and squeezing as much as possible out of the grains when sieving.P ๐Ÿ˜Š

    P, I used all the grains that Jo’s daughter sent, probably not more than a tablespoon, in 200ml milk. I have just said goodnight to them, no change from earlier in the day. Full cream milk. Will report am. Zzzzz

    I sieve them every day, even if I am doing a startup. They reactivate quicker getting fresh milk and a bit of a stir, rather than leaving them longer. 1 tbs in 200ml is a good ratio to start with. Funnily enough they don’t like being overcrowded either. Discard excess grains regularly. Sleep well B. P

    This jokes are something ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚!
    Looks like the rain is away for now. The lettuce seeds are in the ground plus zucchini, cucumbers, basil, rosemary and parsley plants.
    We celebrated one of the Girls b-day last night. What a lovely place with a fire in the middle of our chairs just for us. We only order appertizers and the wine as very good.
    Yesterday I learnt how to make kimchi. My neighbor from Corea showed how it is made.
    Now I can handle sauerkraut, milk kefir, kombucha and kimchi. All good healthy sutuff.
    Not dealing with kombucha and kefir right now. Milk kefir I’ll order some grains. Kombucha o prefer to buy when I feel like.
    Be well there and enjoy the weekend ๐ŸŒบ

    Hello all,
    3 fantastic wins at County Bowls but it left me with terrible neck spasms. I couldn’t move it yesterday, very painful. I am going to need to change my bowls delivery position to put less strain on my arthritic neck joints.

    Fasting has not been on the agenda but I have been eating salad as it’s very warm here still.

    HCB- please share the recipe for Kimchi- I know it is highly favoured in Korea and has great health benefits. What does it taste like?

    I am going to a Rick Wakeman concert, can’t wait!

    My dog Tilly is continuing to make good progress but she is finding the hot weather a bit tiresome, lots of panting. I use my house plant mister on her, she loves it. She is quite keen on going under the hose spray too while I am watering the tubs. My 4 water butts are empty again, not much rain in the last week. Sadly my young plants cannot be left to fend for themselves yet.

    I have had a day of running into old friends not seen for years. They are all very complimentary about how I am looking these days. I am putting my current health and fitness down to my weekly lifestyle which includes 3 days fasting, 3 hours dance workout, 7 hours Nordic Walking, 3 hours swimming, 2 hours weekly choral singing, 6 hours bridge playing and 12 hours social and domestic bowling. Of course that doesn’t leave much time for housework and gardening but I manage a little. I don’t think I planned to be this busy in retirement but I love it.

    RT-Thanks for the jokes, you are a gem.

    Have a wonderful weekend all.

    Barata-the milk and water Kefir is not supposed to be in the light, try it in a cupboard.

    Milk kefir should be out of direct sunlight but does not need to be kept in the dark. Mine sits on top of the fridge freezer out of draughts and is very happy indeed.

    The water kefir is in a corner of the pantry, but the milk is sitting on the bench (no sunlight) and seems quite happy. But I will try it in with the water, see if there is any difference. There’s not been any increase in the number of grains yet, but the grains themselves are clumping together and the bulk has grown a little. The result is not very thick after straining, but quite palatable.

    So sorry to hear about your neck, Jo. Definitely some changes in technique and position in the offing. I hope it comes right quickly.

    Mine lives happily on the kitchen benchtop, out of direct sunlight. Has done for years. Being visible, I can give it a bit of a stir with a chopstick if it appears to be separating or slow to activate.
    We eat kimchi regularly at Korean restaurants and have occasionally bought it, but my only attempt to make ended almost as soon as I started. Lots of Koreans in our district, so we have a wide range of Korean bbq places and providors.
    Keeping out of the kitchen this morning to avoid eating breakfast. I don’t need it, but the cold weather is weakening my resolve ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ P

    Morning/evening all,

    I got up in a good mood then heard the news. I am deeply saddened and concerned at yet another group of radicalised young men going on a killing spree and willingly offering themselves up in the mistaken belief that they are doing it for their god and will go to paradise for killing innocent people out enjoying themselves on a warm Saturday night.

    What next?

    I first heard the news from my daughter in NZ. She had seen it on an account from a UK friend on Facebook. I was out enjoying an evening with friends at a pub last night while these tragic events took place. My first thought was check on my son who lives in London, then my sister, both OK thank goodness. My sister has already decided that she won’t be going into town at night, she lives in South London but regularly walked around town with her husband in the evenings. She enjoyed the ‘buzz’ atmosphere. My son says he refuses to be intimidated and change his Central London Lifestyle, it’s the main reason he lives there, to enjoy evening events. I guess no big city is safe at the moment. I can’t understand how these young men get brainwashed into becoming suicidal killers, are they drugged? It’s terrifying!

    PVE- so much easier to fast when the temperature is warm.

    My neck is very much better thanks and I am very excited for the third round of Ladies bowls competition. I will be taking muscle relaxants for the duration of the competition but only before I go to bed as they make you drowsy and driving not recommended. Most games are afternoon or evening.

    Now I need to get in the garden as there is much weeding to be done.

    Keep safe everyone

    We attended a literary lunch today where Dr M was promoting his latest book, The Clever Gut Diet.
    He actively promoted losing weight quickly in order to keep it off long term, eating full fat unsweetened yoghurt (your gut bacteria loves it) and eating a very wide range of fibre filled and fermented foods to promote your gut bacteria. There was much discussion about faeces and how individual our gut bacteria is, and needs to be. It is a fascinating area and really indicates how far we are moving away from relying on traditional Western medicine, which often destroys our natural gut flora, and towards eating our way to health instead.
    As usual, he is making big waves within the medical fraternity, but someone needs to.
    Keep up the good work, Dr M! P

    Morning/evening all

    Interesting that Dr M is actively promoting losing weight quickly only a few weeks after suggesting that calorie allowance on 5:2 could be increased to 800 on FDs.

    It is absolutely pouring down here. I think we are going to get one month’s rainfall in a day.
    It is so heavy that I’ve cancelled my trip to the gym as I would be soaked to the skin walking to the bus stop!

    I planted some flowering annuals and a new lavender yesterday. I won’t need to water them ๐Ÿ˜†

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi Amazon….feels like snow here! โ›„โ˜ƒ
    Dr M was saying it was one of the big myths about losing weight that has been busted. Traditionally people were told to lose weight gradually, but the evidence shows losing it quickly effects the long term maintenance of the loss. 800 calorie fasting twice a week is very different to a small reduction of food every day. Daily Calorie Restriction, we all know, is not a long term, sustainable health alternative.
    His 800 calorie 8 week diet was only ever meant to be short term…..8 weeks and then revert to 5:2. P

    Filthy weather here too but garden appreciates it.

    I have three County matches this week so hope weather improves.

    PVE- I think the gut bacteria is a very important issue. I can link my weight problems to long term use of antibiotics and anti histamine. If I had known about Kefir then I think life could have been very different. I was also using medication for Asthma.

    Obviously I am not blaming medication entirely I was always a carb addict.

    I would love to have a test to see how good my gut bacteria is now after daily use if Kefir and full cream milk yogurt.

    My Doctor has just recommended I change my milk to skimmed due to my 7.2 Chesterol reading. If I reach level 10 she wants me to go in statins. She said my diet and active lifestyle do compensate for my genetic link to heart disease but who really knows? I would be happier if I could get it under 5.

    Amazon- I think daily 800 cals would be considered a quick weight loss regime. Bearing in mind we always thought that 1000 was harsh.


    Did you mis-read my post?

    800 calories on 2 days per week is not a quick weight loss regime. We already know that for women 500 calories on FDs leads to a loss of around 1lb per week and an extra 600 calories per week would slow it down.
    800 calories EVERY day would be considered quick.


    Thanks for explaining what Dr M said, I only saw a post on Twitter that was a single sentence plus your earlier post.

    I am actually thinking about trying 800 calories LCHF every day for a few weeks because I’m going nowhere fast weight loss wise at the moment and maybe a complete change of habit will help. I don’t have any social arrangements that involve eating out in the next few weeks so it is a good time to give it a go for 3 or 4 weeks, and this time of year is great for new season vegetables and berries, particularly English strawberries so I would have a huge variety of low calorie fruit and veg to choose from.

    Looking out of the window reminds me of when I arrived in Monteverde (Costa Rica) and the rain appeared to be falling in sheets ๐Ÿ˜ฒโ˜”โ˜”โ˜”โ˜”

    Certainly worth a try Amazon๐Ÿ˜Š
    I find the same, I have to regularly reassess what I’m doing. I also think I have a very low bordom level.๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ถ
    Luckily I have lots of homemade veg soup in the freezer, so dinner on these freezing nights is simple, and healthy. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hi Amazon,
    Yes I was referring to 8 week daily 800 cal diet. I am with you on daily low cal as I am still not progressing. Let’s go for it.

    Bowls is an issue as foods stodgy. But I usually take fruit and walnuts. Apparently apples and walnuts are good for lowering cholesterol. Other foods are berries, garlic, porridge, egg yolks(mixed reviews), beans, lentils, fish, asparagus, strawberries, avocado. Since these foods are 90% of my diet my cholesterol count should be low.

    Has anyone used Psyllium? Fibre which cleanses bile of cholesterol and prevent absorption?

    I might buy some at the Health Food Shop

    Why not just eat cruciferous veggies? You really cant beat mother nature.

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