Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,151 through 2,200 (of 7,283 total)

  • Barata, Good to hear you might finally be shifting your unwanted 2kg. You say you knew it would involve a change in eating habits, but don’t explain further. Had you been slipping back into bad habits on non-fast/ fast days? Or was it just that the quantity/ type of food you had been eating were no longer allowing you to maintain your weight?

    P, your break sounds quirky and fun. But I’m not in a rush to get back to roaring fires and thermals!

    RT, I don’t usually think I’m slow…But I had to think about that joke! My first thought was that he was a burglar…😊

    Morning/evening all,

    Barata, you always knew it was about eating less, something none of us want to contemplate as we love our food so much. You must be very pleased and I’m sure that other kilo will disappear soon πŸ™‚

    Happy, can you give me an example of an RT Friday Funnie that is about anything else………. πŸ˜‰

    I woke up on Wednesday morning and thought enough, you’ve got to stop eating or you’ll be buying larger clothes again.
    I’ve succeeded in B2B 500 calorie FDs and I’m feeling very pleased and relieved. It was easy too which is a reminder how clever and often unfathomable the human brain is.
    I’m going to aim to keep the next couple of days low calorie and 23/1.
    When I’m away it’ll be lunch and dinner only, I deliberately booked room only rather than B&B and there appears to be a lot on offer foodwise in Hull and in particular lots of lovely fresh fish.

    We’ve got tickets for Richard III at the Hull Truck Theatre on Tuesday which has had some excellent reviews and I am very excited at the prospect of the Aquarium which has a restaurant where you can sit and eat and watch the fish swim by 😎 🐟🐑🐠🦈
    I’ve Aquaria them since I visited Darling Harbour (in Sydney for you NHers)in the late 80s and was taken to the fabulous Sea Life Aquarium.
    I’m also fond of Maritime Museums so will be calling in there along with as much else as can be fitted in without encroaching on our sitting with a cold beer watching the world go by time πŸ˜‰

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜


    We very busy doing what we do here every ear when back.
    The last two days we had a terrible heatwave but that is to end today and back to rain and a bit cooler.
    Based on that thought that I won’t be buying biger clothes, yesterday and today serious Fast here. I have no idea what’s my weight and I don want to know. My scale is broken anyway.
    I know what I do wrong. When little by little I slip into stupid old habits. I admire those of you who can be strong and have will power and self discipline.
    Our vacation this year will be a Danube River Cruise which I am looking forward.
    Great jokes, purple enjoy your trip, barata πŸ‘,
    everybody else enjoy the weekend

    Do you eat fish while you watch the fish Amazon? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Glad you are back in the fasting swing. You’ll be fine on the trip. Skip breakfast and minimise carbs on the other meals.
    Where are you now HCB? I guess home? I haven’t been following Nth American weather. Hope it cools a bit …says the girl in a motel bed with an electric blanket on 😊😊😊P

    I was researching places to eat and the Aquarium in-house restaurant was highly recommended so we’ll take a look at the menu when we visit. I like the idea of being able to watch the fish as we eat and I would have no qualms in eating some while doing so πŸ˜ˆπŸ¦€

    I don’t need to skip breakfast as I rarely eat it and if I do it’s brunch. I cannot eat first thing in the morning which is a blessing as far as I’m concerned πŸ˜ƒ
    As for carbs, I’m aiming to avoid bread based lunches. Dinner will be whatever I fancy and I usually opt for something I wouldn’t make for myself which makes it a real treat.

    We have decided to buy food at Kings Cross station so we can eat lunch on the train and I was very happy to discover that there is a sushi outlet.
    Since my vegetarian Lent experiment I’ve been craving fish so it’ll be a nice way to start the trip πŸ™‚

    Thanks, folks. Unfortunately I had made no changes to my eating – except fewer carbs, more skipped breakfasts, lighter lunches, less ice-cream… So it was very annoying that all of that resulted in an increase. It may have been the four days of one meal a day this last week, but I am also considering the reduction of stress at work as being one of the factors, after a really horrible year-and-a-month-and-a-week which finished two weeks ago. πŸ™‚

    Good catch-up with Wiwi yesterday, and dinner together planned for next week. πŸ™‚

    Our rhododendron bloomed like a Fast movie from last night to today. Was probably the heat wave. The two look gorgeous!
    Thank God a much cooler night today and the rest of the week.
    Back in Connecticut Purple! We only change address the to-do list is the same.
    The back to back 2FD was well done! Let’s see if I can remind myself everyday why am I doing this.
    See you later 😴

    Good Morning Fasters,
    I had a lovely time in Norfolk and the weather was good when it needed to be, like on our trip on the Broads on a paddle steamer, our visit to Summerleyton House and a quick look around the gardens of Sandringham. We also visited Southwood where we had hot sun for an hour then freezing sea fog for an hour. One poor lady on our trip was woken in the night as the heavy rain had leaked through her bedroom ceiling on to her bed.
    Most people in the group were eating cooked breakfast, cooked lunch and a three course evening meal. They were interspersing this with cream teas and cheese scones at the various visit points. Yet they all complained about feeling too full. Several couldn’t walk far mainly due to their size.
    My indulgence this week was one ‘Turkish delight’ice cream (not that great) and one tea cake plus one apple crumble. I didn’t fast at all but I didn’t go in for breakfast and I had a small dressed crab in its shell for lunch, yummy, freshly caught that morning. Otherwise I stuck to ordering fish and veg and fruit salad. I did have a few latte coffees which I enjoyed. I also had a couple of gin and tonics on three nights. The entertainment was lively on 2 nights so we enjoyed a dance, other times we played cards or did a quiz. All in all a good trip but too much sitting still time on a coach, I read 4 books and did 30 crosswords. No more coach trips for me.
    Glad to get home to my walking, dancing and bowling and swimming. Dogs were very glad to see me so I took them out as soon as I got home. Going to the Vet later to get results and stitches removed but Tilly is looking great, full of energy, even jumped in the car without her steps last night.
    Barrata- great to hear you have sorted those 2 kilos. I am weighing tomorrow and expect an increase as no fast this week but doing some damage limitation today 500 calls only.

    It’s always good to get home again, isn’t it, Jo. I hope your scales are kind in the morning. And good news with Tilly, so full of energy she must be on the mend πŸ™‚

    I cannot claim to have sorted those 2 kgs completely, but at least I know I can comfortably deal to them!

    Not sure about the seasons here – I was digging out wild onion bulbs today that normally sprout in spring. After our horrible summer the autumn has been fairly mild. But snow on the Orongorongas overnight with the first real southerly blast of the winter πŸ™


    I watched The Truth about Sleep last night… then had the worst night’s sleep! Four hours, then woken by stomach ache (the joy of hormones!).

    It was an interesting programme. I knew that being tired made you more likely to crave carbs and sugars. I didn’t know that sleep deprivation resulted in elevated blood sugar (even if you don’t give in to the carb craving!). Also fascinating that our gut bacteria are more efficient in extracting nutrients from food when we’re tired.

    I didn’t think the programme was saying we should sleep in light rooms (although the last 5 minutes didn’t record, so maybe it did!). But that we should aim to expose ourselves to natural daylight first thing in the morning to reset our body clock every day.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed the trip. The problem with going away is the time spent travelling, sitting down for hours on end is rubbish isn’t it? And good news that Tilly is doing so well!

    I had a bad night after that programme too, how weird is that?

    I think the whole idea about the glass house he slept in was re-tuning his body clock to real time. When we artificially darken rooms our bodies are tricked into night time sleep mode. I know I sleep longer and better in dark room so I don’t think I will be giving this up anytime soon.

    Just killing time before the vet appointment, very on edge about the results. Her nostril is still swollen inside so the second lot of medication hasn’t resolved the issue.

    I have been coaching prospective players today. I saw a man observing me but I though he was just picking up tips. He came up to me afterwards and asked me to train as a coach for Kent, he said he was very impressed with my skills and friendly approach to the new comers. How lovely to be appreciated, so I signed up.

    Then I beat my husband 21/9 so it has been a good day, he is a bit grumpy about it though. Ha Ha- what did he expect? He hasn’t played for two years. Honestly!

    Now to defrost my water and milk Kefir, fingers crossed!

    Barrata- Speaking to my daughter tomorrow, she should have some Kefir ready for you by now. Sunny but windy day here but so good to be out in the fresh air all day, heaven.

    Fast didn’t quite work out today, bread pudding freshly cooked at bowls club- oh dear!
    No breakfast or lunch though and only scrambled egg for dinner. Probably still over 500 cals though.

    Hi everyone,

    Unless we are suffering from sleep issues I don’t think it makes a ha’porth of difference whether we sleep in a light or dark room. I have discovered over the years that I sleep better in a cool room, and I prefer not to be in complete darkness as I don’t turn lights on when I get up in the night and want to be able to see where I’m going.
    Having said that, I can sleep anywhere from in a tent on a camp bed to a hammock to a luxurious room with a king sized bed. I guess I’m lucky πŸ™‚

    Mushroom risotto for dinner tonight made with pearl barley which IMO is much nicer than rice. The cupboard is now officially bare!

    Well a large proportion of the population is not getting enough sleep,with potentially serious health repercussions (obesity and type 2 diabetes), and we aren’t taking the issue seriously enough.

    You’re very lucky Amazon that you’re such a good sleeper, but many of us aren’t. I’ve been spoiled by my pocket-sprung memory foam mattress, and living rurally with no noise or light pollution. I get a terrible night’s sleep just about anywhere else now!

    Jo, I know it’s probably a bit childish, but it’s always satisfying to beat my OH at something πŸ˜€ Fingers crossed for Tilly’s results.

    Apparently I was sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old.

    I was very surprised to hear that so many people have problems getting enough sleep, and when you think about it there are a myriad of reasons that could be causing it which means it is a hugely difficult issue to tackle, and where to start?????

    I blame having to work for a living πŸ˜€

    So OH is away this week. I’ve had fish, veggie chilli and tonight it will be a really hungry burger. Funnily enough I wasn’t actually hungry at all until I started frying the portobello mushrooms and thyme. I am now!

    OH had to fend for himself when I was away last weekend. He is a good cook, but last weekend he was just very good at getting things out of the freezer. Bless, I hadn’t thought to explain what the label ‘AJ chilli’ meant. He assumed he was getting meat. All he could say was ‘It had quinoa in it’! Ah well, all the more for me!

    I have one portion of AJ chilli left and I ate the last burger earlier in the week.

    I think there might be a big cooking session when I get back from Hull as the freezer is almost bare along with the fridge and the cupboards. I’ve deliberately run things down so I can re-stock with the staples of my new more healthy diet.

    I was thinking about Jo winning at bowls and what you said about enjoying beating Mr HN at something and I remembered an ex who sulked all evening because I beat him at darts πŸ˜†
    I used to play for my local pub team and he challenged me to a game when we were out one evening. I tried very hard to get out of playing citing not having my own darts etc but he insisted so I thrashed him 🀣🀣🀣
    He dug himself even deeper by suggesting best of 3……….. πŸ˜‰

    I suppose I should do my packing, see you all next weekend πŸ‘‹

    Fantastic news

    Tilly does not have a tumour, just an infection which could have been caused by allergy or foreign body. The lump removed was also not malignant. Hoorah!

    She does have possible kidney issues as denoted by weak urine and high cholesterol but as yet still undiagnosed but we are going to check weight, urine and blood again in a month. She is bouncing around like a puppy so I suspect it’s nothing too serious.

    We are a very happy family this evening.

    I have lots of friends who suffer insomnia, I personally usually sleep well. I put my good sleeping down to being very active. Saying that hip pain (joint inflammation) caused me serious sleep issues in the past. A good mattress makes a huge difference, hard beds are hell for me. I also like a cool room and usually leave my feet out of the covers, weirdly they have been hot at night since my first pregnancy over 30 years ago. Prior to that they were always cold( madness or what?). My gums also never recovered their former health post pregnancy. It’s one thing I had hoped that Kefir may address but not yet.

    Talking about Kefir, it looked very sad after its first ferment, stuck at the bottom of the jar. Refreshed the milk, fingers crossed!

    Have a good trip Amazon. No more trips for me this summer, vet bill put pay to that.

    Have a great trip Amazon!

    Love the story πŸ˜€ My OH won’t come out for a run with me anymore. A few years ago we’d go out together, but he would never go at my pace or wait. I worked hard at the gym to increase my speed, then showed him what is was like to trail in someone’s wake… funnily enough he liked it as little as I had!

    Sadly we are both quite (!) competitive. I’m not sure it makes for marital harmony, I’ve never been any good at massaging his ego!


    Great news re: Tilly!

    A great day of Australian Rules Football yesterday with the Swans Pies and Crows winning so a very happy Nama Purple and RT.
    Happy Sunday Folks.

    Yep. I’d call that a win, win, win RT ☺☺
    Experiment of 1:
    Stay in an isolated hotel for 3 days
    Skip breakfasts
    Eat minimally (stuck with eating only stodgy food that was available)
    Exercise extensively
    Forget to take your travel scales
    Craving carbs and gained almost a kilo. ..right up to my trigger point πŸ˜‘
    Monitor daily
    Eat more fish and leafy veg
    Ban carbs for the time being
    3 fasts this week
    All doable ☺☺

    Wow Amazon! Barley mushroom risotto. I wonder if that would be possible to produce here. I make Italian style risotto here at least once a week. Is it too al dente?
    Enjoy your vacation πŸ‘

    I fall asleep but wake up and can’t fall asleep again. Eventually I go back after tossing and turning. Then it’s time to get up.
    My brain can’t shut up or off.
    At this present moment I am taking some herbal supplements and 3mg of melatonin.
    It is helping.
    I prefer total darkness, no noise and cool for the best night

    Jo isn’t that good news for Tilley?
    Last night our neighbor lost his miniature Por Bear. We all went to bed very sad.
    The little creature was wondering at the next door neighbors pool. She brought it back thank God but the news we found out this morning.

    Have a good Sunday 🌺

    Hi all,
    I am so pleased for you re Tilley’s diagnosis Jo, wonderful news. Great work on the bowls too! I don’t think I am very competitive, growing up with brothers then husband and sons – I think its a male trait. (sorry Happy!) Years ago I managed to win a game of Scrabble, playing with two husbands and wives. My friends husband was so incensed at being beaten by a woman, he insisted on an immmediate rematch… it was well after midnight, so I let him win the second time!

    I hope you have a lovely time away Amazon, blow the cobwebs away…. The pearl barley risotto sounds lovely. I have been making my grandaughter the old fashioned soup with lamb shanks, veggies and pearl barley and she loves it. Husband complained that I give it all away and he misses out!

    Isn’t it amazing how carbs are so bad for us Purple? Says she who has just returned from a local farmer’s market with beautiful sourdough bread in hand!
    Obviously the hotel you stayed at has not been invaded by yuppies yet – no smashed avocado even??

    Yes RT, I was particularly happy with the footy this weekend, especially as it looked as though the Hawks were going to thrash us. Finally my son and DIL went to a Pies/Hawks match and ‘we’ won. DIL and her twin not happy! Son said the noise at the G was unbelievable (and he is a drummer, so used to loud noise!)

    HCB what is a Por Bear? I am totally lost by that one….and did the poor thing drown in the pool? I really hope not!
    Have a lovely Sunday all!

    Good Morning,
    What’s nice cool night and gorgeous day today.
    Living in this house for 22 years I never hear such crazy noise/noises lately and last night was the worst. I sent a text to the neighbor and she said that is coyotes and I believe with babies. Maybe day are searching for baby dear as well.

    Mana my writing is mediocre and auto spelling sometimes does not help. Poo Bear is the name of the doggy. It was brought back safely to the owner.
    Give me some of that soup 🍡.

    HCB Coyotes! Where are you in the USA? Do they comes into towns or live in the forest.

    It’s quite quiet on the thread.
    We have been on the move for the last couple of weeks, but had a good chat with Barata the other day.
    I tried to fast today, and marginally successful, but not feeling too great today after an overload of activities.
    It’s cold here and I am not used to cold now and don’t have clothes for winter.
    Glad Tilley is better, Jojo.
    I remember a post card I found once which says:
    Dog missing- blind, only 3 legs and virually with no teeth left, answers to the name of Lucky.
    Your Tilley is a lucky dog in spite of her ailments.

    xx Wiwi

    Hi Wi
    I’m sorry you are feeling the cold. Never conducive to a good fast.
    I made a huge pot of veg soup this morning. It has been bubbling away on the stove all day, filling our fasting house with wonderful aromas.
    I’ve hidden myself in front of a fire with a book, trying to make it through until the 24 hours are up…20 minutes left until a warm bowl of soup.
    Keep warm fellow faster. P
    PS RT, the Roosters won their match this week too! ☺☺☺

    Morning All,
    Having a very busy time which never seems to be good for my fasting regime. My son and his girlfriend visited yesterday which was great. My dog Tilly was doing well but when the painkillers stopped she started having lots of collapsing issues again, especially yesterday. Poor old girl. Sadly the vet said she can’t carry on with painkillers tablets because of kidney problems. What to do! It’s a dilemma!

    I have eaten bread this weekend and paid for it with stomach cramps and constipation. My system can’t hack bread anymore I need to take the hint. Fasting today ‘post holiday’ Weight was up 4 lbs yesterday. It should shift quickly, salad every night this week except Wednesday when attending an anniversary dinner.
    Lovely sunny warm day yesterday. Ate lunch in the garden and improved my suntan quite a bit. I will be bowling most days now until September, lots of matches booked.
    I hope everyone is fit and well and having good weather too. Getting cold in NZ I hear, gloves and hats weather. My daughter is so thrilled that she has a car now.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    3 months now since Dad went into care and his rapid declined has now plateaued and he really does seem very peaceful happy and tranquil there. As there are only 26 residence in the facility the level of one on one care is inspiring stuff. He no longer lives in our world but the world he is in which sadly does not include me although from time to time he says my name and refers to yfee as your wife and the kids πŸ˜† He loves singing who knew?? Listening to stories being read and movies and he is also the master of sharpening the pencils for the many many colouring books they all seem to have use and love so much with Thomas the Tank Engine his favourite 😯 the meals are very good but I sneak in a local bakery Apricot Slice a sticky yummy gooey mess that has the vibe of a weapon of mass destruction when in the wrong hands πŸ˜‰ but at 83 I will risk it.
    Alzheimers is a terrible sad stage to end of life but the information and studies around plus fasting as Dr Mark Mattson recommends can help us all keep this away.. Here is a good information story fast trackers.

    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    RT, a beautiful description of life for a happy dementia sufferer. My mum had a very similar experience. Once in a safe, caring environment they can embrace the simpler pleasures of life. It is so important to accept everyone at the stage they are at and give them appropriate activities and pleasures. Discovering singing is not uncommon. Music brings so much natural joy.
    Treasure all your time with him.P


    You paint a bittersweet picture of your Dad. So comforting that he’s happy and well cared for, but sad that this phase of his life takes the old Dad from you. You come across as someone who’s well-adapted though, able to go with the flow and focus on him as he is now, rather than on you and what you might perceive you have lost.

    Thanks for the link. A good reminder and further confirmation (if we needed it!) that fasting and low refined carbs/sugar is a powerful yet simple health intervention.

    I had been wondering if I was going to fast today. You’ve made my mind up for me!

    Hello All,
    Reeling yet again from the shock of this latest terrorist attack in Manchester. I feel sick to the stomach, it’s just evil that innocent people are not safe. I know everyone says that we must carry on as usual but I just dont know how we can do this. I don’t know any of the victims involved but I feel it deeply, especially when I know primary age children are involved.
    Praying that no more attacks happen anywhere..

    Morning All,
    Summer is here at last. Sadly I am attending a funeral today, a friend’s husband. In contrast tonight I am going to an anniversary dinner. The Restaurant has sensible portion sizes so shouldn’t be too bad.
    Wishing everyone health and happiness. Hope your fasts are going well. I am still getting back on track after my holiday.

    Keep on Keeping On Fast Trackers..Find your doable and do it !!
    I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan
    Peace RT

    ‘Morning, Jo. Dreadful events in Manchester yesterday. Evil(or brainwashed misguidedness) will never win, though – love is stronger. And of course life must go on as usual.

    Interesting article, RT. I believe my OH has insulin resistance, and certainly his memory is fading πŸ™ . Next time he visits his doctor I will be there, suggesting an insulin test. His other markers are not too bad, but I gather memory is an early indicator of Alzheimers. Suggestions for low-carb lunches on the run, please.

    Good Morning All,

    Lovely meal out last night, asparagus with preached egg and holladaise sauce starter then sea bass, yummy. One gin and slimline tonic and half a glass of red wine, no pudding. I then sat back and observed the other three people get drunk and eat so much they felt ill. It’s frustrating to watch, not very enjoyable, no restraint at all.
    I think I will need to refuse attending social events with heavy drinkers. At lease we walked home which was nice.

    Sun is out to play again today and so am I, bowls this afternoon, ladies match.

    Happy Thursday Folks, I will be fasting. Salad with cottage cheese tonight.

    Preached egg Jo? Interesting images of a dog collar and a pulpit 😊
    Just eaten my smoked salmon and salad after a good Thursday 24 hr fast. Gorgeous sunny weather (23 deg) and lots of walking (including running 2 stairs at a time up the railway station stairs. ..wonderwomanπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰)
    All the best with your fast. P

    Huevo Homily !

    No fast today – but no breakfast, and usual FD dinner (with wine!).

    I’d LOVE a wine tonight 🍷

    Always beautiful and encouraging words coming from RT. Very nice!
    I really can’t catch-up with food trends. Preaching eggs for sure must be something interesting.
    We are having more rain than usual. Today I’ll be planting the cucumbers, zucchini and the seeds from lettuce and carrots. Feeling very optimistic with it.
    The politics here and in Brazil is just horrible. Very sad with what happened in Manchester. I am not sure we can find an answer for terrorism yet.
    Have a good one Folks.

    We’ve had non stop news on Manchester and the coronor’s report on the seige in Sydney, which took place in 2014, was released yesterday. Basically the police decided someone needed to die before they stormed the cafe. Tough call. Drradful world we live in, or is it the 24 hour news cycle that causes the distress?

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Q: Why do so few men end up in Heaven?
    A: They never stop to ask directions

    Q: Why did God create man first?
    A: Because he needed a rough working model before creating the perfect specimen of the species

    Q: How can you tell if a man is lying?
    A: You can see his lips moving

    Q: What do you call a handcuffed man?
    A: Trustworthy

    Q: Why do men need sports action replays 30 seconds after the event?
    A: Because they’ve forgotten what happened.

    Q: Why do men whistle when they’re sitting on the toilet?
    A: Because it helps them remember which end they need to wipe

    Q: How does a man show that he’s planning for the future?
    A: He buys two cases of beer instead of one

    Q: How did the man add some spice to his marriage?
    A: He left home

    Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.

    Q: What’s the difference between a smart man and a stupid man?
    A: Nothing, they both think they know everything

    Q: Why are married women heavier than single women?
    A: When single women come home they go to see what’s in the fridge then go to bed. A married woman comes home, sees what’s in bed then goes to the fridge.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Absolutely wonderful RT. Thanks. Mr P and I had a great giggle….we needed it.
    I wait all week for your funnies 😁😁

    Hi one and all…it has been a fortnight since I’ve posted….. Contracted a virus that knocked me about for a good ten days…lost my voice at one stage!!! One of my teachers lost hers. Had a day to recover…not enough time and her response was iIm ok except when I talk,… I did remind her that was her job….she looked at me….yup I got the message…I’d dragged myself to work similarly affected and did not take time off at all…
    This journey is so slow..but I figure I’ve mucked around for so long my body just goes into hibernation but I’m going down,.. 2.6 kilos this month and am fasting twice a week.
    Next week is shaping up to be quite busy with a school camp and I have to drive to and back from Adelaide hills to Clare as I have meetings to attend to at the same time we are meant to e at camp..
    Divine autumn weather here at the moment….going up to stirling this weekend to the markets and to catch up with friends…
    Trust all are traveling well. Best get into the shower and then off to work!

    Well done Emel. You’ve made a great start. Stick with it 😊
    How about getting a Speech Pathologist in to talk to the staff as part of your staff development budget? Teachers abuse their voices constantly. It can be avoided with a little knowledge. I’m speaking from experience πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ P

    Emel wow hard to not be super impressed with that 2.6kg down in a month there is alot more to be gained here than just the numbers I think you undervalue the achievement.
    You have proved to yourself you can fast.
    You have proved to your self that you can do it.
    You have proved to yourself that you know exactly what to do next.
    You have empowered yourself by seeking progress and not perfection by rejoining with the fast trackers.
    You will succeed because of this….

    Absolutely! !

    What he said πŸ™‚

    Well done Emel!

    Emel, what a star you are, well done. All my good intentions are travelling out the window at the moment. I need to get a grip as no progress here since February. My OH is away this weekend so I have no excuses or plans except a three day fast. Here goes!
    Have a great long weekend everyone! Gardening and bowls for me.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a glorious morning, clear blue sky, sunshine and hot already 🌞

    We got back from Hull yesterday afternoon knowing that the tube line we both use had severe delays and part of it was suspended so took an alternative route. I said goodbye to my friend and got off to change to another route only to discover that wasn’t running either so ended up on the bus πŸ˜†

    We had a really good time, the hotel we stayed in was originally called the Station Hotel and there was a rear entrance from the station concourse so no dragging bags through town. It would have been perfect had it not been for the worlds most uncomfortable beds…….

    The weather was fabulous the whole time we were there which was an unexpected bonus.
    We visited several museums, a couple of galleries and the aquarium. There were also several temporary exhibitions and exhibits including some fabulous photographs which were entries in the travel photo of the year competition.
    There are lots of interesting and beautiful old buildings in the city so we spent a lot of time walking the streets looking and going inside if possible. We visited the Holy Trinity Church which is the oldest building in the city, built by Edward I in the early 14th century. It is being restored at the moment. I’m not really interested in chuches but it was such a beautiful old building and of significant historic importance so it was good to see restoration in progress.

    There is also a fish trail around the city with either small fish made of metal embedded in the pavement or fish shaped flagstones in various parts of the city. I took some photos and I’ll post them on FB for those of you who are interestes.

    There is a modern Marina near the area where there used to be a huge fruit market and there is much regeneration work going on all over the city.
    As any of you who’ve been following me on FB will know there are plenty of pubs πŸ˜‰
    There are so many tiny little pubs, some of them smaller than my flat. Some have a traditional pub front, some look like a tiny shop, some are only identified by a hanging sign and are hidden down a narrow alleyway behind the other building. We had a great time visiting them, talking to the ever friendly bar staff and the locals, listening to live music and trying some of the excellent (and mostly) locally made ales. We were very choosy and only had half a pint or we would have been pie-eyed the whole time 🀣🀣🀣
    It’s the only time I’ve ever been anywhere and on asking about the beers on sale being offered the chance of trying before deciding which one to have!

    The food was very good and a huge variety on offer. The first evening we had Yorkshire Wagyu beef which was excellent.
    Hull is only 25 miles from the sea and similar distance from Grimsby which for those of you who are not from the UK, is a huge fishing port. There was a lot of very fresh fish and seafood available and I had done some research before we went and found a fish restaurant a 15 minute walk away from the city centre which we tried and it was fabulous. We stuck to lunch and dinner every day but one when we had coffee and cake sitting outside a hotel on the foreshore by the Humber Bridge.
    We saw Richard III at the Hull Truck Theatre and it was excellent. We were surprised at the interval to discover that 90 minutes had passed as we were so gripped with the performance.

    It was such a nice few days and we did a lot but also had plenty of time to sit with a coffee or a beer in the sunshine, relaxing and watching the world go by. It was a really nice break and now all I need to do is plan the next one 😎

    Emel, well done 2.6 kgs is impressive. Keep it up πŸ™‚

    I’m fasting today. I dumped my bag and went straight to the local supermarket yesterday afternoon and picked up a few things for the weekend. Prawns, avocado and lots of salad on the menu for the next few days.
    My kefir came out of the freezer yesterday and I had some this morning. It is thin but tastes good. I froze it enough milk to cover the grains and it worked just fine πŸ™‚

    It is a BH weekend in the UK,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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