Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,101 through 2,150 (of 7,283 total)

  • Ha ha Purple, I do like to think of myself as a thoroughbred filly! Funnily enough though this thoroughbred can jump but she cant run! I actually won the high jump at the combined school sports when I was about 15!

    I knew it! I can’t jump for quids 😊😊

    I too loved high jump and long jump at school plus javelin and shot put. My running was strictly short dash variety. I wasn’t too good at tennis either yet I was great at badminton, go figure? As the Americans would say.

    Hi again,

    Just home from a good workout at the gym.


    I read the article about how beneficial running is and was surprised that it is so much better than walking or cycling. I hope it encourages people to try as all they need is a decent pair of shoes and can be done any time, any place, anywhere πŸ˜‰
    I was running on the spot in the kitchen last night while waiting for the kettle to boil……..

    I can’t run on roads etc due to knackered knees and a dodgy hip but I am sure my body could cope with a few minutes on the treadmill. My greatest fear is doing what Emel did the other day so I’ll need to choose a quiet moment in the gym so there’s no-one there to laugh πŸ˜‰

    I can and do run for the bus and my great nephew is so fast that walking isn’t quick enough to catch him when he’s on a mission to mischief πŸ˜†

    I use the rowing machine and cross trainer as they work upper and lower body and I managed 15K on my virtual bike ride today so I’m feeling very pleased with myself.
    I didn’t use the treadmill as Kew Gardens is on the agenda and walking in the fresh air is much more fun 😎

    It is so nice to finally be warm without either having the heating on or dressing up like Nanouk of the North!

    Well I know I shouldn’t be squeamish if I’m going to eat meat…but I was a little put off to find that the piece of belly pork I just bought includes a row of nipples β˜ΉοΈπŸ–πŸ–


    Yep. You should be squeamish🐷 πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ Even worse than wool on a piece of lamb πŸ‘ or feathers on chicken legs πŸ₯

    I guess it’s the risk you take when you buy meat with the skin on! But still…. I’ve decided not to serve the teats to guests πŸ˜€


    I’m sure they would make very crispy crackling…..

    Morning/evening all,

    I’m surprised I can still move today after the gym and a very big walk. 25,000 steps yesterday.

    The weather was glorious and Kew Gardens was beautiful. The lake was very busy with nesting birds and protective parents chasing away anything that got too near to their babies, apart from a family of Egyptian geese who led their 4 goslings out of the water and right to our feet (we were sitting on a bench) where the goslings all sat down and proceeded to preen.
    It is such a nice place for a quick walk or to spend a day and well worth the annual fee which also supports the Conservation work they do.

    FD went out of the window as sitting outside the pub overlooking Kew green as the sun set with a cold beer to refresh us was too nice an idea to resist and that led to dinner so I’m fasting today.

    Purple, how long do you keep your kefir in the fridge before you drink it?

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Up to a week 😊

    Thanks πŸ™‚

    Sorry about the short reply, Amazon. I was on the way out to dinner. Thai. Unfortunately I mistook a green chilli for a green bean. Chewed enthusiastically, then nearly died ☺☺☺ Mint lollies are the best antedote, I discovered πŸ™„
    We’ve been away for a week. The kefir grains sat hybernating in the freezer and were happily producing again after 36 hours, frozen to thick kefir. Clever little gremlins. P

    I love hot chillies and often regret eating them so I feel your pain!

    I’m considering different options for when I go away next weekend. I’ve already got some grains in the freezer and am considering leaving some in the fridge plus a bottle of kefir for drinking when I get home.
    Trial and error methinks πŸ™‚

    Good evening all,

    I am away for 5 days but I was just going to leave my Kefir in the fridge in a good quantity of full cream milk. I will get someone to check it half way through the time, refresh milk if necessary. Many of my friends are now using it so it’s all good.

    PVE- the chilli situation happened to me once, I was choking and my eyes were streaming. I think they gave me milk. I can’t remember that it helped much. I love Thai food but am much more careful these days. Once bitten!

    We had sunshine today for our game of bowls, it was great, first warm game this year and a great win.

    I will make sure to visit Kew on my next trip to London. I also plan on going to the William Morris Museum in Walthamstow. Anyone been there?

    Wee- Are you back yet? How was the trip? Hope you didn’t lose your man overboard after too many wee drams. Just joking I know you are tea total.

    My fasting has gone well this week and no. Fast days have been good too. My ‘no sugar’ is going better than ‘no carb’ but progress is being made on my will power.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    A wife complains to her husband: β€œJust look at that couple down the road, Roger, how lovely they are. He keeps holding her hand, kissing her, holding the door for her … Why can’t you do the same?”

    β€œAre you mad? I barely know the woman!!

    Terrorism strikes no fear in my heart. I’ve been married for years.

    It’s been raining for days now and my husband seems very depressed by it.

    He keeps standing by the window, staring. If it continues, I’m going to have to let him in.

    An elderly couple talk in the evening:
    β€œHoney, I’m so sorry that I let out my anger at you so often. How do you manage to stay so calm with my foul moods?”
    β€œI always go and clean the toilet when that happens.”
    β€œAnd that helps?”
    β€œYes, because I’m using your toothbrush.”

    I got lost!

    Where are you?

    In the car.

    Dear audience, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my wife!
    I went through an expensive and painful procedure yesterday, having had my spine and both testicles removed. Still, some of the wedding presents were fantastic.

    A little boy looks at his mum at a wedding and says, β€œMummy, why is the girl dressed all in white?”
    His mum answers, β€œThe girls is called a bride and she is in white because she’s very happy and this is the happiest day of her life.”

    The boy nods and then says, β€œOK, and why is the boy all in black?”

    β€œHoney what do you love most about me? My honed body or my charming face?”
    β€œYour sense of humor.”

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Just seen Michael Moseley’s programme on insomnia. Fascinating.

    He was able to get an extra 2 hours sleep by taking a prebiotic, basically a fibre additive to a late night drink. The additive is basically equivalent to eating chickpeas, butter beans and lentils but far more concentrated. The additive is a fertiliser for our good bacteria.

    I sleep well most nights but there were quite a few tips that I could adopt.

    Luckily I get enough fresh air and exercise plus enough fibre. They actually promoted cooler and lighter bedrooms. Adding light seems odd since most of us do the opposite by using dark curtains which we close at night.

    Other aids were mindfulness, hot bath an hour before bed and eating two kiwi fruit each evening. The guinea pigs(sleep deprived volunteers) trying these methods reported improved sleep.

    Interesting that there are strong links with obesity and sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep leads to increased appetite and the desire to eat sugary foods.

    What do you think? Have you tried any techniques to improve your sleep?

    Top jokes RT. Thanks.
    Jo, I had a bowl of homemade veg soup late (9pm) twice when we were away and I definitely slept better. Mind you, the room was pitch dark (out on a farm) and we had about 20 blankets on the bed, so that doesn’t line up with Dr M’s research 😊
    Freezing the kefir grains is by far the simplest Jo and they revive straight away. They will be asleep then they won’t be fretting 😊😊😊P

    As ever grateful for the laughs. I need them at the moment.

    Scales were kind this morning so feeling more cheerful. Sun shining always helps.

    Just watched an Australia Video which advocates ‘daily eggs’ as healthy option. So we have gone full circle again on nutritional advice. Good news, not new, but glad it’s getting out there, I love them in all forms. They are a blessing for non meat eaters too. I cooked one in a 2 cm slice of red bell pepper for breakfast yesterday. Yummy.

    PVE- I had a milky coffee before bed last night, I just felt the need for some comforting drink. Slept well so all good. I did keep my dark curtains closed though.
    I can’t sleep under heavy covers so lots of blankets not a good option for me. I quite like a cold bedroom at night but not when I wake up so I heat up the room for one hour at 6 am. I like the pre bedtime soup idea, maybe we should try lentil version? Trouble is I like it with Indian spices, not sure if that would counteract the benefits. I seem to recall vivid dreams after spices food late at night. That may just be me. I know lots of people say the same about cheese.

    Dr M said he gave up being a medical doctor because of the sleep deprivation, he just couldn’t deal with it. He was researching how body clocks have been put out of sync due to today’s modern living. Some people are in a permanent state of ‘jet lag’. I am feelining quite fortunate now. Glad he found the supplement helpful, obviously better than sleeping pills.

    I will try freezing my Kefir grains on Sunday, fingers crossed.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Off to enjoy the sunshine and Friday Fast.

    Morning/evening all,

    Thanks for the Friday funnies RT 🀣

    I didn’t see the Mosley programme.

    I have the radiatior in my bedroom on the lowest setting in the winter and the window open most of the time so it is always cool. The window blind is cream and lets in a fair amount of light. Since I replaced my mattress I sleep very well unless I’m sick, in pain or have something on my mind.

    Mindfulness is another one of those stupid words that has replaced another perfectly good word just because it sounds clever :rolls eyes:
    All it means is taking a few minutes to RELAX.
    Falling into bed stressed and anxious is never an aid to a good nights sleep. It doesn’t matter how late I get home, I always sit on the sofa for a while and relax often with the aid of a cuppa before going to bed. I’ve always done it and always slept well.

    We had a good amount of rain overnight and now we have sunshine. It is so nice to be warm πŸ™‚

    Another FD went t*ts up yesterday, I’m definitely in the wrong frame of mind at the moment. I’ll just try again today, and it might be easier now that the bread I didn’t eat is in the bin!

    I’ve not been away since last October which is a long time for me and I’m feeling in need of a break. I don’t have any problems but am surrounded by those who do which is making life a bit tricky. I’m hoping my few days away at the end of the month will do the trick and I come home refreshed and re-motivated.
    Either that or have my jaw wired………..

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    We have the opposite problem, Amazon… we are hardly home at present. ☺ We haven’t done a proper fast for weeks, but skipping breakfast every day, no snacks and only one biggish meal a day has resulted in comfortable maintenance and good blood sugars. So, don’t fret if you aren’t always managing 2 fasts a week, but don’t overeat on other days. We can all be flexible if we keep an eye on our healthy goal and keep the big picture on mind . 😊 P

    After holidaying with some overweight folk, I was thinking in the shower this morning (I often do πŸ˜‰) about how important it is for all of us to eat as if we are in our heathy weight range always, even if we are heavier.

    When I was 80kg, and obese, calculators say I had a BMI of 30.9 and my TDEE was 1815 calories.

    At 70kg (and overweight) my BMI was 27 and my TDEE 1678 calories.

    Now, at 58kg and in the healthy range, my BMI is 22.5 and my TDEE is 1513 calories.

    It would be SO easy to continue eating that extra 300 cals a day, as I clearly used to do πŸ™„, but the simple trick of fasting regularly and choosing foods wisely means I CAN stay in the lower range.

    Work out YOUR ideal healthy weight, everyone, and try to eat at that level always. You do not have to eat more BECAUSE you are bigger. You are bigger BECAUSE you eat more.
    My thoughts for today 😊😊 P

    Hi Guys,
    Oh dear my cholesterol is 7.2, higher than last year. I have been asked to make an appointment with the nurse. I wonder what she will have to say about full fat milk in Kefir and yogurt. Apart from one teaspoon of butter for cooking fish my diet cannot be held as the guilty party. I suspect medication will be suggested.
    But other blood test results normal so not pre diebetic.


    I read a report on a multi-centre and multi-national study yesterday that concluded that the fat in dairy has no effect on cholesterol levels. If your nurse brings out that tired old line she needs to get up to speed with modern thinking as do many other health care professionals.

    If your cholesterol is that high and in light of the fact that you rarely eat meat or meat products, processed food etc, medication is worth considering.

    The jury is still out on whether statins are necessary for everyone but as someone who has familial hypercholesterolaemia I’ll be taking them until I drop!

    Hi Amazon,
    Yes I don’t think it can be diet or exercise related in my case. I eat salmon and eggs as a disproportionate part of my diet which in the past was deemed a problem but are now discounted. I think I have also read about the dairy link being discounted. I will be doing some research before I attend my appointment.
    My father who was very, very slim died of a heart attack at age 57 so there is a hereditary risk factor too.

    Tilly (dog) still doing well, full of beans and passed her post op. Exam with flying colours today.

    It is really warm here this afternoon, heaven.

    My father had hypertension and died from a heart attack at 61. They didn’t talk about cholesterol back then but he undoubtedly had the high cholesterol gene, which I’ve inherited along with the hypertension both of which are well controlled.

    It’s been very nice here this afternoon with lots of sunshine.

    Sorry to hear your test results Jo. I’m totally in agreement with Amazon and might add that it may be necessary to retest after a month to see if it is temporary.
    There are many references regarding the saturated fat issue. Here’s Dr Mercola’s:

    Your health clinic could well be still following the advice my dad had in the 1960s. It made his life hell giving up butter etc (he HAD been raised on a dairy farm) and died at 72 of bowel cancer, not CV issues.

    Mothers Day here tomorrow. We are hoping the rain we’ve all been waiting for holds off until Monday now so that we can enjoy the great outdoors. P

    Interesting article I will summarise salient points to take to the nurse. I may be lucky and get someone who actually is up to date on current research.

    At least my blood pressure is good at 116/78 so that limits risk factor. My diet does not include any processed food so trans fats are not a factor. I suspect it’s the heretary factor that is the issue. My father was a very slim, active man with a healthy diet (it did include meat and two veg but all homegrown veg) he ate a little fruit but was a smoker, roll ups so no filter. He only had 5 per day but he smoked all his life. Mind you he did have the worry of raising five children on a very small income. He had 3 heart attacks before the final one at age 57.

    For now I will keep to my fasting and current healthy eating plan. Having the occasional healthy breakfast these days if I have a busy day planned where dinner is very late. Now we have some heat it’s lots of salads, love them.

    I have been getting a lot of headaches lately which is unusual for me, I am putting it down to stress over my dog but I am trying to add a bit more relaxation into my schedule. Time to read a good book, any suggestions?

    I am enjoying my Kiwi Mothers Day tomorrow, card arrived today and gift of a new watch on its way, there are some advantages to spreading your kids around the world. How many mother’s days do you get Wiwi?

    Morning All,
    Another dull cloudy day here, windy and chilly.
    Barata-did you go to Wellingtons Festival of light? My daughter said it was great.
    Weight is up again today, food in transit situation I hope. Up and down 3 lbs this week.
    Still focussed and avoiding sugar and carbs.
    Holiday tomorrow for 5 days but I will make good choices.

    Same here, weatherwise, Jo. After weeks of sunshine, we have had a cold miserable Mothers’ Day, including torrential rain that put paid to our planned family outing.
    I’ll have to have a proper fast tomorrow after an excellent eatfest today ☺☺
    Happy Mothers’ Day to the Aussie and Kiwi mums. ☺ P

    Hi, Jo. No, we didn’t make it into town this weekend. Days off are special for winding down, especially as we had to make a trip out of town to pick up our New Car! (Had the old one 11 years, and will give it to daughter-in-law once we have it checked over.) On the list for next year, though.

    Is the offer of milk kefir grains from your daughter still on? I think I might have moved to a frame of mind when this might be possible. I have just had to deal with all the excess feijoas, so more jars preserved, and some in chutney. Plus another yoghurt made, but not sure of the taste πŸ™ .

    I still have those two kgs to shift, going to go a bit lower in carbs I think.

    No problem, I will send her your address. She has very healthy Kefir it doubles weekly. Hopefully it will be OK in the post.
    PVE- we really need rain, we have had very little for two months. Hosepipe ban on its way.

    Off to play bowls.

    I’ve posted frozen kefir grains often. They survive slow delivery in a very hot Aussie summer!
    We need the rain too, but today??? P

    It’s been a lovely Mother’s Day (sans two thirds of the children) with Skype playing a connecting role. Washing dry, a walk with OH, and enjoying the company and conversation with older son. Even the D-I-L-from-Hell send a greeting. She must be hoping we don’t change our minds about the car !!

    Thanks, Jo. I could have collected them..

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    The beauty and simplicity of fasting is one of the key advantages of IF. After 2 weeks of travelling the scale is ok I am not one to have a travel scale like Purple but recognise through wriggle room where I am at and I see no reason at all that when on a short break 10.000 steps a day 2 days of fasting and a restricted eating window with lunch and dinner the preferred option is not doable and so the way of life continues I will sneak in a 4-3 in week now that I am back at work. Find your doable and make it your way of life be your own evidence….The study of one is so important. Brilliant info here fast trackers

    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    I’m with you on short trip maintenance RT, but extended overseas trips DO require monitoring.
    Mr P, of a scientific nature, has recorded bloodsugar and weight daily for over 4 years now. Great information to share with the GP or anyone else who needs data re diabetes reversal 😊😊😊
    Enjoy getting back to work. P

    Well I’ve just had a weekend away, with copious quantities of food (and alcohol) available and being pressed on me! Extended fasting periods, and avoidance of carbs and sugars during the day, together with daily activity, allowed me to enjoy a three course meal every night (pudding included!). I was pleased that I didn’t get swept along into overeating by other people’s habits! I know in the past the ‘I’m on holiday’ mentality has often kicked in, but I was nicely in control this time. First time for everything I guess 😁

    Some interesting research being publicised in the press today, apparently dispelling the myth that you can be fat (obese) and healthy. In general, being obese apparently increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes, even if you appear metabolically healthy.

    Morning All,
    On my way to visit Sandringham. It’s a wet and miserable day sadly so not sure we will see much of the gardens. Had a bad nights sleep last night, noisy neighbours and dripping gutter outside my window.
    I am not going into breakfast and sticking to sensible choices from menu. No sweet stuff. It is hard as my fellow travellers are a greedy bunch, most are too big and their mobility limited. I think we all need to keep our brains and bodies at optimum if we want a long and healthy life. Positive attitude essential, moaners are such a drain.
    Glad to hear you have had a nice weekend Happy.
    I have had a couple of gin and slimline tonics each day plus lots of water and tea.

    Hi Jo,

    I hope you enjoy the trip, despite the weather!

    I find it much harder when everyone else around me is merrily stuffing their faces. So tempting to overeat…

    Morning/evening all

    It is very warm and damp here with high humidity. We’ve had a lot of rain overnight but it is getting brighter by the minute.

    Life is complicated at the moment and after my failures of last week I decided not to even think about fasting as I had other things to deal with.
    Things have calmed down again now and I have a few days to myself before I go away on Sunday. I’m feeling very positive today and have decided to fast and am feeling confident that I can get through it. I’m going to try food free as once I start eating all resolve seems to go out of the window. I’ve deliberately put on a pair of trousers that are a bit tight.

    My holiday mentality always used to be to eat and drink as much of everything and anything but since 5:2 it has changed for the better. My last few holidays have been with my slender best friend and I aim to eat no more than she does which has worked very well and as we are going to Hull together I’m fairly confident I won’t overdo it.

    Most of my friends are good at not pressing me to eat if I say no thanks which is a blessing althought there is still the occasional raised eyebrow when I say that I don’t eat breakfast.

    I am hoping these few days with time to concentrate on myself and not others will help me to get back into the right frame of mind, and that the few days away will lift my spirits and I can return ready for anything.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi all,

    It would seem we have all ‘done a Wiwi’ and managed some short/slightly longer breaks! Even our hard working RT had a few weeks off!

    We are just back from a short break in the Australian Alps – thought we would get in before the snow season brings the crowds. I found a lovely cosy cottage and between walks in the fresh air, yummy home made food was eaten and schnapps sampled in front of the wood fire. I always allow myself a lot of ‘leeway’ on such trips, now I have the confidence that excess is easy to ‘fast off’ when I get home. I dont have your willpower Happy, I would rather suffer later on!

    Great reminder from the Jason Fung post RT, oh how I wish the Obesity Epidemic could be curtailed with his principles. Not sure if any Aussies saw the first of a new series “Ask the Doctor” on TV last night – so depressing! Initially I thought there was about to be a breakthru, but no, more ‘research’ into a pill for weight loss! The ‘obesity specialist’ interviewed actually talked about the difficulty some fat people have in losing weight, he even mentioned the “set weight” that Fung talks about. They interviewed a ‘successful’ woman who had lost a lot of weight on Biggest Loser and has managed to keep her weight off by doing 3 HOURS of exercise EVERY day! Her body is trying to return to its (obese) set weight! Next, they interviewed a prof at Monash Uni, who has made a discovery – we all have some deposits of Brown Fat (previously only thought to be found on babies) and this type of fat is metabolically ‘active’ and can help us lose weight if we can activate it! The volunteer had his activated by being chilled to a low temperature….so the plan is, develop a pill that mimics this, hey presto, easy weight loss! I was yelling at the TV “what about fasting?” so loudly, husband thought I was watching football!! Obviously, there is no money to be made with fasting!!

    I have had a ‘water/coffee’ only fast today, just about to tuck into my coleslaw, topped with a little feta and olives – excuse me…..

    Hi Amazon, our posts crossed… I have a slender friend too, am having lunch with her tomorrow actually, to hear all about her recent trip to the UK! She is slender but she is able to eat like a horse! Have noticed that she doesnt snack between meals though…

    Sorry to hear you are still struggling Amazon. I hope life gets sunny again soon.
    I had to laugh at your image Nama! I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets passionate about all this ‘health revolution ‘ rubbish that involves someone making money.
    We are spending a few days in a crazy Victorian era hotel in the Blue Mountains. We had to eat in the dining room…nothing else for many many miles. They serve old English style meat, mash and overcooked veg. My mother would have recognized the menu! We have retreated to our funny old room with an antiquated heater and ski jackets on. 😊😊 Marvellous. The bushwalks during the day had better make up for this. At least the stodgey food will keep us warm. P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Subject: The Barber…

    A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks “Hey, Buddy! how long before I can get a haircut?”

    The barber look around the shop and says “about 2 hours,” and the guy leaves.

    A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks…”how long before I can get a haircut?”

    Again, the barber looks around at shop full of customers and says “about 2 hours.” The guy leaves.

    A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks “how long before I can get a haircut?” The barber looks around the shop and says “about an hour and a half”. The guy leaves.

    The barber looks over at a friend in the shop and says “Hey, Joey, I’ll give you a free cut if you follow that guy and see where he goes.”

    In a little while, Joey comes back into the shop laughing hysterically. The barber says, “this must be good, where did he go when he left here?”

    Joey says, “To your house!”

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Ha ha, love it RT! Lucky the barber did not say 5 minutes!
    Happy weekend everyone, wherever you are! I am busy browsing on line planning our next little getaway……
    PS Amazon, I hope your time away does the trick and you come home refreshed.

    Thanks RT
    Nama, we are enjoying a log fire in a grand old hotel in the mountains with soft rain falling outside. Cosy πŸ”₯
    Have a great weekend fts. P 😊

    How gorgeous Purple! Our last Blue Mtns stay we treated ourselves to Lilianfels, the rooms were beautiful but I agree, an open fire is essential for a really relaxing time away. I am looking at Broken Hill, not been there for a few years.
    Enjoy your break!

    Broken Hill is a fabulous trip mid winter. Such wonderful colours and lots of art. Don’t miss Silverton nearby.

    We have nother cave tour this morning before we head off for more adventures. The autumn colours are beautiful up here, with lyrebirds and crimson rosellas adding to the effect. 😊P

    Yes last time we went mid winter, freezing nights and glorious days. Lunched at Silverton Pub too, I wonder if those 2 donkeys still roam the main street?
    The mountains sound beautiful, enjoy!

    So easy to skip breakfast, light picnic lunch and entres only for dinner. 😊

    I must report my tactics for dealing with those two kgs I am sure I have mentioned previously πŸ™‚ It’s been one light evening meal a day for the last four, so near enough to four FDs in a row. And so easy! It seems to have put paid to one of those pesky two, but the main thing is that I have more confidence now that I can deal with any increase – always knew it would take a change in eating habits, but I have now proved it to myself. Strange thing, my jeans seem to be looser, so there might have been something else besides the scales happening.

    I broke my fast today with a midday meal of blueberries, feijoas, home-made muesli and home-made yoghurt (thanks, P πŸ™‚ )

    Thanks for the laugh, RT. Always look forward to your Friday chuckles.

    It has cleared to a beautiful sunny cool day, but the southerlies (with snow to 600m – not us here!) approaching over the next few days.

    Enjoy your tripping, ladies. Just off now for a cuppa with Wiwi and her OH.

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