Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,051 through 2,100 (of 7,283 total)

  • Hi Wiwi!
    I am still here, it is midnight and I have just finished some cooking that took longer than planned. We had a very busy weekend, a surprise 60th party Saturday nignt then a family lunch here Sun, for 10 plus grandaughter plus fur grandson – full house and lots of fun. Son and DIL then stayed a couple of nights as they live an hours drive away and this meant some baby free time for them and lots of hands-on cuddles etc for me. It is so lovely to have a little one in the house!

    Also lots of stroller pushing up and down the neighbourhood hills and a very easy (distracted) fast on Monday. Undid the scones, jam and cream from Sunday! I dont know what I would do without fasting, I would probably have undone all my good work!

    Last night I was craving cake, probably as a result of the carb fest on the weekend. So I decided to make one of those microwave ‘cake in a mug’ numbers all the keto sites talk about. Figured I could not do too much damage… It was disgusting. I followed the recipe exactly – butter, egg, almond and coconut flour, cocoa and splendour sweetener. 75 secs in the microwave. Good portion size, looked great, even a “cakey” texture. But the artificial sweetener was evil, I dont know how anyone can eat that stuff. Fixed the craving -yuk!

    I hope everyone is ok, especially Tilly Jojo, your silence is worrying me. A sick elderley dog is not a good thing. Thinking of you.

    Mark me off the roll book also please , currently enjoying short caravaning break yfee myself with the dog 😯 seek progress not perfection.
    Peace RT

    Good to know you are out there RT and Nama.

    Hope all in the UK are taking a BReak and not BRexit.
    Sunny cool day in Wellington with the only noises around are from native Tuis and Kakas
    An Up day for me and two fast days to follow.


    Hi Wiwi,

    I’m still here! I haven’t had anything to report, and no time for a nil return 😁

    Doing another two fast day week, still trying to properly reset appetite and portion size on non-fast days.

    We’re enjoying a lovely spell of spring weather, temps in the mid to high teens and wall to wall sunshine. Could do with some rain though…!

    Morning All,

    Lost my post yesterday, had internet issues here. Fasting today as I failed my fast yesterday. Fasted up to 1.30 pm with a ferocious headache and poor energy levels before I relented to cancelling fast. I had been drinking all morning so it wasn’t dehydration. I went to a talk about William Morris, fascinating, he was so creative, architect, designer, poet and philosopher.

    Tuesday night I went to the theatre to see ‘Funny Girl’ excellent production, the main singers were brilliant. Hard to match Streisand but the lead was definitely West End performance level. Unfortunately my headache was pretty vile throughout the show.

    I had my Well Woman check yesterday too, blood pressure 116/87 so all good, I am a bit of a white coat syndrome person when these reading are taken. Fat arms, well hidden veins lead to very painful experience when blood pressure taken. Lost 4 klgms in weight since last check so they were pleased but still a ‘work in progress’ as still obese. She was very pleased with fasting and exercise levels but especially with sleep levels which are generally good. Apparently lack of sleep is becoming more of an issue with retirees, just her personal experience of doing these checks. I asked her if she felt most of her clients got enough physical exercise. She said ‘definitely not’ in this area compared to other areas of Kent. Very low percentage meet target of 3 hours per week even moderate walking. Toning tables are becoming very popular though, seriously? I can’t say they tempt me. I know several ladies who attend twice or three times per week.

    Nordic Walking and outdoor bowls match today, possibly in the rain but hopefully I can stick to my fast today. Stir fry prawns with zero noodles and peppers for dinner tonight.

    Have a great day everyone, bring on the summer please!

    Well done! This is amazing and I’m happy that I can become a member of this thread!

    Morning/evening all,

    I’m here, but it isn’t a good week for me for various reasons so I don’t have anything to say.

    I’m still fasting though πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi all, another FD done and dusted. I had started the day with 30 minutes of boxing !!! Agh I was breathless….trainer asked was I remembering to breathe … which I replied I can’t seem to do more than one thing at the time !!! Day was pretty good tho a few issues at work….I’d like to vent but shall not!!!
    Had news of my father…would you believe on the second day in port Moresby he was introduced to the PNG Prime Minister!! He is now up in the mountains and seems happy despite the fact he left his diabetic needles in PM. I hope he has replacements by now…..
    I need to work on my NFD better but the FD are getting easier. Thanks for your comments re my Dad…it is hardπŸ˜€

    Oh jo what is a toning table?

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent.
    2. It’s not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn’t have the balls to do it.
    3. There was once a cross-eyed teacher who couldn’t control his pupils.
    4. The one who invented the door knocker got a No-bell prize.
    5. He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
    6. Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I’ll show you A-flat minor.
    7. A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.
    8. Some people’s noses and feet are built backwards: their feet smell and their noses run.
    9. Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed.
    10. What is the difference between a nicely dressed man on a tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? A tire.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Ha ha RT πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜…
    Sitting in the sun up in the New England at a Celtic Festival. Plenty of great perfomers in town and the full spectrum of visitors. What a great way to get communities together.
    Check out the Australian Standing Stones at Glen Innes. ☺☺ P

    Glorious autumn day in the world’s best city, according to Deutsche Bank. Shame I was working – but the weekend looks good too.

    Great offerings this week, RT. Lots of chuckles, even when they come around again. You can’t beat a good reception. Enjoy your break πŸ™‚ .

    I hope your week does not consist of anything you can’t get past, Amazon, and that the light is shining at the end of the tunnel. We miss your contribution to the conversation.

    Welcome, Jenny. Great group, great support, great friends.

    Morning/evening all,

    We finally have a warm, sunny but breezy day after a very cold, damp and overcast week with a bitterly cold wind. It was so cold I’ve had the heating on again!

    I’m taking advantage of the weather by doing the laundry and I am also in the situation where I open the wardrobe and can’t find what I want to wear as it is in the ironing pile, so I guess I’ll be doing that later. There is some tennis on TV to distract me so it won’t be too onerous πŸ˜‰

    Barata, thanks for your kind words, the memory of lost loved ones has been overwhelming this week along with attending the hospital with a friend who was given the news we all dread and that stirred up many emotions, sadness, compassion, fear, relief that it’s not me (not something everyone is able to admit to) and numerous other less than positive thoughts.
    I did go out with my best friend on Wednesday who cheered me up immensely with her wise counsel and sense of fun.
    I’m out of the tunnel now and ready to keep on keeping on πŸ™‚

    I’m fasting today so keeping busy is on the agenda and there is plenty more cleaning and tidying to do. I’ve no idea who makes all this mess………..

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜


    I hope your fast went well today, and all your clothes are back in the wardrobe! I must admit I’m in the school of stretch and fold it as it comes out of the dryer/ off the line… if anything is massively creased I put it back through the wash and make sure I get it out the instant the programme finishes 😊

    Sorry to hear you’ve had an emotional rollercoaster of a week, but good to hear you’ve weathered it,

    In a bizarre change round, we appear to have had better weather up north this week! It’s been wall to wall sunshine from sunrise to sunset, with temperatures in the mid to high teens, pretty windy but mostly quite mild. We need rain!!!

    I’ve fasted twice this week, to try and tame the non-fast day hungry worm. The first fast was hard! I very nearly caved, I even got some soda bread out of the freezer at lunchtime…and then put it back in and carried on πŸ˜‡ The second day was easy, phew.

    My back is much much better than it was. It’s been over 3 weeks now since I last ‘put it out’. It feels much more stable now, and this week all of a sudden there’s been a big reduction in pain/aches.

    Jo, I hope your back is OK again now? And Tilly?

    Morning/evening all,


    For once the north/south divide in the weather has been in your favour. It is getting warmer by the day here with 17C forecast today but tempered by a stiff breeze and too many clouds that are just getting in the way of the sun. I wouldn’t mind if they dropped some rain as we’ve had far too little so far this spring. It is more like March weather than May and the cold snap which brought frost last week has ruined a large proportion of what would have been the 2017 English grape harvest which is a big blow for the supply of an increasingly popular beverage.

    I get the iron out less than once a month as I only have a few long sleeved shirts that need its attention. If I’ve got something to watch on TV or I put some lively music on I hardly notice I’m doing it πŸ˜‰

    Fasting has been OK this week but NFDs have been more of a challenge. Now I’m in a much better frame of mind all should be well.

    NFD today and I’m going to break my fast with some buckwheat and kefir pancakes with English strawberries. I’ll cook all the batter and freeze the leftovers for another weekend brunch πŸ™‚

    Have you noticed that any problem with food supply to supermarkets is now a crisis? A month or so ago it was the courgette crisis, followed by the iceberg lettuce crisis (does anyone really eat such tasteless stuff, and lettuce in the winter….) and now we have the hummus crisis due to imported Canadian chickpeas giving it a metallic taste.

    Who buys hummus when homemade takes no more than 5 minutes to make and has a far superior flavour…….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Iceberg lettuce is not food!!

    And yep, I had to laugh about the hummus crisis! If I’m virtuous I cook my own chickpeas, if I’m lazy I use tinned. I can’t remember when I last bought some, why would you?!

    I’m puzzled by “reduced fat hummus” as the only fat is the sesame oil in the tahini.
    Olive oil should be drizzled on top not added to the ingredients.

    I used to buy dips occasionally but I don’t bother now as I’ve always got the ingredients for something, guacamole, hummus, tomato, ricotta with herbs and garlic. They are perfect for a light lunch with carrots and cucumber.

    I use tinned chick peas as I so rarely make a large amount and they are perfect for spur of the moment decisions or the occasional unexpected guest.
    I also have a recurring memory of staying with a friend (many years ago) when one evening she put some chick peas on to cook and opened a flagon of cider.
    The result was burnt chick peas. She insisted the hummus would be fine.
    I still have recurring nightmares where I can taste it πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

    I was reminded this morning why I seldom make pancakes. It always takes a couple of disasters before I get them right. My brother used to make a batch every Saturday for his children and they were always perfect.
    Maybe I should make them more often but that probably wouldn’t help the waistline…….

    They were very tasty. I’m out of buckwheat flour now so I’ll try something else next time.

    You girls make me smile, lettuce snobbery! I like iceberg lettuce finely shredded in a curried egg sandwich…and it is food Happy! Years ago when I was at uni, our bioscience tutor demonstrated rising blood glucose by having a few volunteers eat certain foods and have half hourly finger prick/blood glucose monitoring. One person munched her way through an iceberg lettuce and her BSL did actually rise! Not much but still…. So my argument now rests on whether the sugars that were measured were actually food!

    Just back from an hours lovely walk in the rain, very invigorating..having a quiet cuppa before the children and bub arrive for an overnight stay…they quite like a sleep in past 6am when grandma is handy to take over for a few hours. Grandma loves it too! The other two have a few things on this week, so I have also been asked to mind the fur-grandson for a week. It will be fun in the morning, Jack (poodle) has not had much to do with little people!

    RT we wont mention the footy this week! I hope your holiday is going well.

    Amazon I am glad you have your smile back. Nothing like a good friend to talk to at such times. I agree re pancakes, I dont have your brother’s skill either, the first few are always duds. I dont bother as I eat too many!

    Morning/evening all,

    Another overcast morning.

    Nama, it’s not about snobbery it’s about flavour! I find iceberg lettuce tasteless.

    I am trying to motivate myself to get out of the house for some fresh air but this sofa is soooo comfortable.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Sorry Nama! No offence intended. I suspect a nice fresh crisp homegrown iceberg would be…better…! But I’m basing my aversion on tasteless shop-boughy offerings, and the sad salad garnishes of my youth!

    I wish I lived closer to yours…I’d be round for cuddles…With Jack! I’m working up slowly to owning a dog again. Quite tempted by a labradoodle.


    We’ve stolen your sun, again! It’s glorious here 😁 I’ll be busy in the garden today, potting up tomatoes and chillies, sowing carrot, beetroot, spinach and planting out lettuce. I’ve​ got beans and onions ready to go out, but a bit worried about late frosts.

    Happy, the forecast from now on is looking very good so even in the frozen North a frost is unlikely………

    I’ve been to the newsagent and it is warmer than it looks so I’m off to Kew for some fresh air. I might have to have a look in the garden centre too as my Cape daisy has expired.

    Good Morning Fasters,

    Another cold dull day here, really fed up with it. I had a plant Swap here yesterday so had to set up seating indoors, but at least it didn’t rain on us so we could tour my weed patch.

    Happy I am growing hot peppers for the first time this year, apparently they like tomato feed, yes?

    I like iceburg lettuce, I like the crunch of them but mixed up with peppery leaves ‘rocket’ too.

    My dog is going in for surgery tomorrow so it’s still a tense time here, I am trying to have positive thoughts but I am aware that it depends what they find. I am prepared for all eventualities.

    Playing my first match as a Skip this afternoon, promoted at bowls. They have given me two quite interesting players in my team, one new player and one guy with 40 years experience but new to the club. Should be fun, fingers crossed it doesn’t rain this afternoon.

    Fasting has been a disaster this week, concentration and focus is very poor. Try again next week. I am eating healthily 90 % of the time though that will have to do. Bread has been creeping back, especially Garlic Wraps, but they have had healthy filling. Luckily I haven’t gained weight but neither have I lost any for a while. One week before my holiday, most of next week I will be dog sitting.

    Wifi- how is your fasting going?

    Wee- are you back from your cruise yet?

    RT- hope you are having a lovely break?

    Nama- sounds like you have a full time job now Grandparenting.

    Amazon- I am one of the guilty parties that buys hummus.

    Barrata- my daughter reports fine weather. She is enjoying her mobility even if the car is orange. She especially like having it for food shopping now.

    PVE- I have just book tickets for ‘the Spooky Brothers Chorale’ loved their show last year(or was it the year before?) Kiwi and Australian group, it’s a sell out. I am not volunteering for Folk Week this year but I will be attending lots of gigs. My other half retires end of July so we thought we would have a leisurely week wandering around the festival.

    Hi Jo,

    Yes, I feed my chilli peppers in pretty much the same way as the tomatoes and they certainly crop well. They like to be warm, as do cucumbers, whereas tomatoes don’t mind colder overnight temperatures. So the tomatoes are already in the glasshouse whereas chillies and cucumbers get carried out daily at the moment! I’m looking forward to a couple of weeks time, when everything’s planted out, no more watering small pots, or covering things overnight, and I can sit back and relax…. oh no, that’s just a dream I had πŸ˜€

    Fingers crossed it all goes well with surgery tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you. I know what I’m like with my animals when they’re ill, old mother hen! When I found a lump on my favourite ever cat a few years ago (potentially a death sentence, but luckily responded to treatment) my OH asked if I was going to cry every day until he (the cat!) died. All I could was blub, yes probably!

    Good luck with bowls!

    Happy I hope you get a pooch soon and absolutely any breed crossed with poodle! Jack is placid, super intelligent and does not moult ONE single hair! Our last dog was a pomeranian cross and very sweet but the hair was a nightmare so now the contrast with a poodle is really noticeable.

    Jo I really hope Tilly comes thru her surgery ok. Of course you cant fast easily at the moment, far too much anxiety with a sick dog.

    Hi again,

    I’m just back from a lovely walk. I walked to Kew Gardens which takes 15 minutes, had a stroll along the towpath and then went into the Gardens.
    It was much warmer than the dull dark clouds suggest and the sun put in an appearance too.

    The bluebells were beautiful as were the other wildflowers in bloom in the Oak wood that borders the Thames.Rhododendron Dell was glorious with so many of them plus Azaleas and numerous other spring flowers in full bloom but the most beautiful thing I saw this morning was a mother duck with 10 of the smallest ducklings I’ve ever seen. They can’t have been more than a couple of days old πŸ¦†πŸ£πŸ€πŸ₯
    I also saw some very small Egyptian goose goslings and some larger Canada goose goslings but no cygnets yet.

    The whole place is so green now, with all the trees in leaf and some in bloom, plus everything else growing away despite the wintry weather. I was also pleased to see how busy it was so early on a Sunday morning.

    There was a once a month Sunday market near the station and some of the profits go to local charities so I thought I would go and have a look.
    I bought some enormous duck eggs (yes I know……..) and some fabulous looking rose veal and a sourdough loaf most of which will be going into the freezer to keep the remaining soda bread company πŸ˜‰
    Brunch was a duck egg sarnie πŸ™‚

    Hello World,
    We arrived last night!
    It took me roughly one week to close the other house. The house is cleaner than when we arrived and the freezer and fridge is empty.
    Now here! Lot’s to do inside and out. There was some constriction while we were away. It isn’t finished and I hope it doesn’t take long.
    I am glad to hear everyone is doing well. RT with his good jokes, Wee is for sure still talking about her vacation, all the gardners are making me jealous specially Happy with her eatable one.
    Jo I hope all is good with your doggy! Our little Sasha is the center of our life. I know all you pet owners feelings. A kitty is missing in our house tough.
    Boston lettuce is not my favorite either but a nice Cobb salad can’t have any other type of lettuce. It is the crispness I guess.
    Soon Nama will start talking about her lamb roast as the weather is turning the opposite from ours.
    The weather is so beautiful and different here from Florida. This morning the birds were going wild and the Canadian geese announcing their return is precious.
    Be good folks and enjoy the rest of the weekend for those on this side and good week to the other side πŸ’‹πŸŒΊ

    Hi All there is a lot to like about having freedom and flexibility with in a frame work of no time table or schedule. So with destination unknown we are just bumming around really and loving it !! What also is being confirmed to me / us is the absolute need to adapt the fasting into a permanent way of life that slips seamlessly into any location and occasion so that routines remain in place that work. Each and every one of us will have our own methodology which has been modified to suit our lives. Eating window fast days non fast days TDEE exercise to snack or not to snack so I really do not make any change if on a short break or at home and at work and that I think is the key it is life style that never ends after getting to goal as it does not have to, just switch the focus from weight loss to long term health benefits and acknowledgement that in simple terms I ate and drank too much when I was not hungry and was not thirsty just pass me another beer please πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT.

    Great post RT.
    We are also freewheeling around the countryside. We seemed to fall into a pattern of skipping breakfasts and eating good portions of veg as a maintenance policy on trips. Monday fast will simply go until we decide it is time (and there is something worth having 😊)
    Enjoy your travels. P

    Very busy and beautiful day here and therefore eating when hungry for the sake of health. Good!
    The neighbor comes by and speaks to my husband:
    “You look so good! You’ve lost lots of weight.”
    I go food shopping, cook, cleanup after cooking and else and eat less of the samething cooking food made by me for him. πŸ™„πŸ€‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€
    Must be the genes.
    RT – did you retire? Have fun 🍺You are a good example and inspiration πŸ™
    Have a good week folks πŸ†’
    Tomorrow is another day 😷

    Morning All,
    My dog had surgery yesterday. They did a biopsy and removed only one lump. Vet is not optimistic about tumour results. She has made a good recovery here and I am relieved she made it through. She is only painkillers and antibiotics again but she is eating and drinking so all well.
    I can focus on my fasting again now.

    Off to play bowls in the sunshine, yippee. Gardening planned this afternoon if weather holds.

    Hope everyone is well and happy

    Good news, Jo. I hope there are no further issues, if vet is not optimistic.

    All good here, happy that when I woke at 4am, I was only awake for half an hour, then went back to sleep – yay, really hope that old bogey of being awake for two hours has been put to bed – pun intended πŸ™‚

    Yes. Good news Jo. I hope Tilly is comfortable and recovers well. P

    Well I finally accepted that my weight loss is really going to take some time!!! I was impatient with the amount I’ve lost these past two weeks when I grasped the fact that I am going down and whilst I should theoretically be losing more my body is grudgingly letting go… I’m working out at the gym and evenn managed to get there this morning at 6:20 am. My workload is crazy so I don’t get home until 7 and then I really need to put in another two hours so I just have to commit to early morning routines. Bloody exhausted however!
    My very funny exercise moment was when adjusting the treadmill I accidentally put it on 8.8 Km an hour!!! I can jog a little at 6.2 km but that’s it…. So with my legs running as fast as I could , one hand on the support I tried to reduce the speed….I so was not going to call out to the three muscly men that I studiously avoid eye contact with most of the time to come to my aid I think it took me 20 seconds to get it under control…my heart beat was 155, agh…I’m not sure this was what Moseley meant by hIIT…. My staff later that day were most amused with my recount and yes there is an emergency stop but in my haste to stay upright, that fact escaped meπŸ˜€πŸƒπŸΌ

    Jo I am so pleased for you that Tilly is ok, so far. I hope the vet is wrong.

    Oh Emel, that is a very funny word picture! I actually had a similar experience yesterday where my legs could not keep up, I thought I was going to become airborne! I was walking my sons (large) poodle, freshly showered and hair dried in anticipation of lunch out,(me, not Jack) when the blue skies suddenly clouded over and the rain started to fall hard….in an attempt to keep dry, I started to jog slowly. Unfortunately Jack took this as a signal to break into a gallop and he is such a big dog I got pulled along too, way too fast for my legs to carry me, it was not pretty! I am glad you didn’t fall off the treadmill!

    Hi everyone,

    Another dull and cool day here, but wall to wall sunshine is forecast tomorrow.

    Emel, I’ve been going to the gym since Jan 2015 and every time I step on the treadmill I say to myself “today I’m going to try running” and every day I chicken out, so well done for doing it.

    I’m sure that once your body gets used to the early morning routine you’ll feel much better. I know it took me a while for my body to feel better rather than worse after a workout and I don’t have a full time job!

    I spent the whole morning at the gym yesterday and really pushed myself. I was really pleased with the amount of work I was able to do and even more pleased when I got up this morning with no stiffness or aching anywhere.

    I struggled through a FD yesterday and ended up having 700 calories so will be exercising restraint today to compensate. As for weight loss, all I can say is I’ve cracked maintenance but it’s a bit premature as I’m not at goal yet……

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Emel remember weight loss is dependent on eating less and healthier food, reducing carbs and fasting. Exercise is for toning and mental health,it is not crutial to losing your excess.
    Concentrate on the eating/fasting side and leave the gym until you can fit it into your life or, better still, just incorporate more movement in your daily activities.
    Forcing yourself to go to a gym seems to be adding a stress that will not help you reach your weightloss goal.
    (Appologies to all the gym junkies, but it is unfair to promte gym workouts as a weightloss mechamism. A quick look at calories burned for various workouts will show that it is very hard to lose much weight exercising. You would have no time at all to work.)
    Do basic 5:2, eating to the level of your GOAL healthy weight on the other 5 days. You WILL reach your goal and still have a life. P

    I agree with PVE that weight loss is 90% about the fasting and healthy eating(low carb and low sugar if possible). If getting to the gym is adding to the stress in your life of full time work it probably isn’t worth it. When I worked full time I also did early morning gym or swim but I did it for stress relief not weight loss. I found it set me up for the day even though it meant an earlier start. It also felt like my only ‘me’ time in a working day. I also like the toning and firming that exercise brings. I have also done what you did on the treadmill, it was a tense moment but proved I could run and not just walk.
    Amazon- I do jog on the treadmill but only on level 7, bearing in mind I do a warm up walk on level 5.
    It was lovely playing bowls in the sunshine today even though I was demolished in a Pairs game by two excellent players. Another two days of matches to come this week. Roll on summer.

    Afraid long term situation for my dog not looking good but she seems well and happy at the moment. So just like fasting it’s one day at a time, so long as she is eating, enjoying her outings and not in pain. She won’t be sharing my bed tonight though, I was awake half of the night making sure she didn’t open up her stitching.

    Amazon- my scales showed an increase today, I have been lazy about fasting and definitely eating the wrong foods this last week. Comfort eating still an issue. Fast going well today though. Hopefully a couple of good fasts will redress the damage.

    Who is promoting gym workouts as a weight loss aid……….

    I’m not and have never done so.
    Having said that, it is a FACT that regular exercise in the form of cardio-vascular work and muscle strengthening is recommended for all adults in order to improve general health and fitness. That is without considering the mental health benefits.

    5:2 is a way of life and it means making changes to how we live. It makes perfect sense to incorporate exercise into our lives at the same time, and for those who have a demanding and time consuming job, an early morning workout is an excellent idea. I wish I’d done it when I was working as arriving at work feeling the way I do when I leave the gym would have made every working day a whole lot better.


    It isn’t easy and straightforward for everyone, and what works for some may not work for others, and sometimes what was working stops being so effective for no apparent reason. We just have to keep trying and we’ll get there eventually.

    Sorry to hear that it’s not good news for Tilly, but at least you’ll be able to do something for her when she shows signs of suffering. We are kinder to our animals than each other as terminally ill people are made to suffer.

    Yes we can put man on the moon and have all sorts of amazing pictures from Mars but we cannot have a mobile phone service and or WiFi everywhere within Australia the black hole still exists people 😯 BEWARE !!!!
    HCB I am just taking a short break from work and following the sun in my caravan and twin cab 4wd with Yfee and our white fluff ball Ollie but back to my plant on Monday to work. I really enjoy working and my job so that is a definite bonus I will only be 54 next birthday it is my intention to work until 70 so I have plenty of work in front of me yet. And I look forward to it. Emel of course I have seen many youtube examples and funny home videos of your experience taken in your stride again I am sensing progress not perfection now for you well your dog walking slash jog was hell funny what with Melbourne weather turning pear and the quip β€œit was not pretty β€œ outstanding πŸ˜† Nama my sons all bombed out badly in their footy tips a high of 3 was the norm the crows was an extraordinary game giving away a 10 goal head start to zero in the first term unheard of, so let’s not speak of this evil again πŸ˜‰ and look forward to this weekend round of matches… Including vision from Jianwan Sports Stadium. Shanghai China. And supporters are going there to watch and be apart of History now that’s dedication right there.

    Hey, sometimes when I re read my messages I realize that people could misunderstand my message/ narrative. I am going to the gym because I am basically sitting all day up to twelve hours at a time so getting to the gym is the only exercise I get… I dont go more than three to four times a week….and I generally find I sleep better if I do some exercise…the stress of my job is that if I get 6 hours sleep I am lucky!!! Well the job and hormones!!! Amazon I am only running in short spurts , when I was in my twenties I regularly jogged and liked it but I can’t do that anymore. I try 30 mins on a bike… Oh I do understand that exercise contributes little to weight loss…. i just know I am more likely to be mindful of what I eat if I am more active … But small steps across both aspects…

    I understand Emel.
    I gather from the past posts that you are the boss? Can you rethink your work space. ..a standing desk?, make sure you have to walk from your office to the other staff to discuss things?, make exursions around the full campus a regular part of overseeing the success of your management? Park a short distance away, not in the staff carpark, so that you have to walk? Go out for a walk at lunchtime? Introduce ‘pause gymnastics’ for all office staff?
    And lastly, try to work within set times so that you get some Emel time. I know it’s easier said than done.😊😊
    Create strict rules when to stop work and incorporate activity in your day. Everyone at work will benefit from your rolemodelling. Cheers P

    Morning/evening all,

    A lovely sunny morning here and it feels warm.
    I’m really looking forward to a morning at the gym and an afternoon strolling in the sunshine, both of which should help my FD fly by!

    Emel, I know that running isn’t something I’ll be taking up but I would like to be able to do a few minutes on the treadmill occasionally. One of these days I’ll be brave enough to try πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well we should all be running! So set that treadmill faster than you can walk!

    A recent review of evidence published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Disease (and reported in The Guardian) apparently found that runners live three years longer than non-runners. You can smoke, drink and be overweight, but reduce your risk of dying early by running (by up to 40%). Running is more effective at prolonging life than walking, cycling or swimming. A previous study also found that found that running as little as 5-10 minutes a day, at less than 6mph (10kph), reduced the risk of heart disease (and early death from any cause).

    So forget two hours in the gym. Do a bit of interval training to build up to running (jogging) 10 minutes a day. Jobs a good’un πŸ˜€


    I was pleased to read that Tilly had recovered from surgery, but sorry that you don’t yet have a definitive prognosis. Fingers crossed that she has more healthy happy years in her yet.

    So Happy, I’m right on the money? I alway run to cross at traffic lights or to catch trains (love those stairs ☺) and jog in the lounge during ad breaks on tv. All free exercise ☺☺ P

    Ok for you youngsters Happy, if I took up running I would soon need bilateral hip AND knee replacements! I will stick to swimming thanks….

    Nama, you’re clearly let off because you have bad knees. But there are plenty of older people who can, and do, and should still be able to run!

    And, knees apart (πŸ˜‰) if you can’t break into a run for a bus (or train. P!) then I think you probably can’t claim to be very fit?

    Oi Nama, I’m older than you and love running! 😊 I’m more likely to fall over when I’m barely moving. P

    Good for you Purple! I have always had dodgy hips, probably if I was born more recently I would have been diagnosed with congenital hip dysplasia and put into one of those broomstick plasters! They used to ache when I drove a low sportscar years ago. The knees are just arthritic and worn out, though much happier without the 20+ kilos I used to carry around…..age has nothing to do with it, some people are just not built to run (without doing damage) Sorry Happy AND Purple….I am sure Amazon will back me here….

    Morning All,
    I love jogging and agree that adrenaline wise it seems to have more feel good factor that swimming. Swimming definitely easier on the joints if not hair and nails, chorine wrecks mine.
    I so look forward to being slim so that I have less pressure on my knees and hips when jogging. Occasionally I break into a run in the park, on grass, just for the hell of it. It’s my Hiit exercise but my lungs dont last long. My old dogs still run most days either to chase a bird or catch up with me in the park when they have been off sniffing in the woods. If they can still do it in their 90’s (equivalent human age) I feel I should try.

    I know several mature ladies who run, one has just done the London Marathon. She is in my dance class and her fitness is evident, never breaks a sweat while the rest of us leave in a pool of it.

    Sunny day here and off to walk the dogs, Tilly on the lead, she is not happy about that. Surgery healing very well though and she is very happy.

    Playing in a competitive bowls match this afternoon so I hope it stays sunny.

    Fast perfect yesterday, back on track, again.

    Horses for courses Nama. I run, but was never able to cartwheel. I sew, but HATE knitting 😊

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