Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months, 4 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,001 through 2,050 (of 7,283 total)

  • Hi Fasters

    Great you are back, Emel. I have not been that present lately, but am back on track now ( for the past week)
    Sorry about the wee doggy, Jo. I hope she will be better after the op.
    The problems you expressed about keeping on track are mine too, though my OH is very supportive. I had a book from the library about the Med rΓ©gime. I remember Purple talking about this a year or so back. My staple meal is Frittata with veges olives and egg. I dislike pastry now (good thing), so I don’t care for quiches.
    Amazon, I liked your comment about being happier now. I feel this too. Fasting evens my ups and downs.
    Purple dear, you are an INSPIRATION.
    I had a strange incident yesterday which is a lesson to me. As Barata has said, it was a perfect Wellington day, and we decided with friends to do a walk involving 800 steps (FYI, Barata the Paekakariki Escarpment Track) It was a fast day for me so not much fuel on board, but about 750 ml of water.
    I went into fat burning mode, and as it was hot and we had drunk most of the water, I lost all energy, and as this walk is on a nearly sheer cliff over the sea, the consequences of fainting could have been nasty. Fortunately the friend went off to get water, and the incident passed. I think the lesson learnt was that probably a walk like that which is tough (10km and several ascents and descents of 200m by steep steps) is not compatible with a complete fast and the water question was plain idiotic on our part. I have the shakes this morning still.
    My lovely physio strapped my damaged tendon so that was not an issue, but I’m getting tired of this tendon problem.

    I have noticed however that on fast days the inflammation is less and I have less pain with this tendon ( and all my joints too)
    Up day today and FD tomorrow. I find ADF easier to maintain than 4:3, and can anticipate social events with back to back.
    Glad to be back on track and have my energy levels rising again.

    I have visitors tonight. The menu is pork fillet, and a salad made with crotons, Halloumi, sundried tomatoes, mesclun and a vinagrette, followed by a low sugar banana cake.

    Happy day/night.
    xx Wiwi

    That incident sounds nasty Wi. πŸ˜‘ Have you considered it was related to bloodpressure due to dehydration rather than lack of fuel? Our bodies do have plenty and your’s knows how to access it, but dehydration can have a massive effect.
    Our dear mate Ply knows what happened to Mr P in Boston when he was dehydrated. Very frightening.
    The other benefit of ensuring you carry plenty of water is the extra workout you get lugging it around.
    Glad you are back into the swing again. I hope you feel better today. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the link Amazon. As the research shows, 1/2 an hour a day of MODERATE exercise shows lots of health benefits, but Dr Moseley’s research indicates excessive exercise stress can cause damage to heart tissue (“Trust Me I’m a Doctor”). Brisk walking, including slopes and stairs, carrying a bottle of water, rather than marathons or triathlons. ☺☺

    Have a good one everybody. P

    I agree with you Wiwi that it sounds like lack of fuel, you’d used up glycogen but hadn’t started using fat stores efficiently. Burning fat on a fast day and being fully adapted to use fat as your main source of energy are not the same thing. It takes time (not one day), and very low carbohydrates, for your body to make the switch.

    Endurance athletes (and those non-athletes who cycle long distances!) refer to this as ‘The bonk’ (Google it for full explanation).

    I do a lot of walking now, 6-10km flat or rolling is fine on an empty stomach​, but I can’t fuel/ enjoy a proper mountain walk without keeping glycogen stores topped up.

    Morning/evening all,

    It looks like spring with all the flowers and blossom everywhere and feels like winter at 6C with a bitterly cold wind.

    Wiwi, what you describe is classic dehydration made worse by the fact that you hadn’t eaten if you bear in mind we get 80% of the fluid we need from our food.
    I wouldn’t worry about exercise when fasting it’s all about getting enough fluids on board.
    I had similar problems in the gym when I first joined and after nearly fainting in the shower post workout for the second time I suddenly realised what the problem was and I now drink two mugs of tea and two glasses of water beforehand and around 1.5 litres during every workout. I also ensure Ikeep up the fluids when I get home.

    Sorry to hear you are still having problems with your damaged tendon, they can take an age to heal and it can be very frustrating.

    I’m back to ADF too as I think it might help me stay in control, and as you do I can mange social events with the occasional B2B.

    Another FD beckons and I have to say that after a really strict FD on Monday and eating mindfully yesterday I feel different, I hesitate to say lighter but that is the word that comes to mind. Fingers crossed the scales give me good news on weigh-in day.
    I wanted to go to the gym again this morning but decided not to tempt fate and give my knee a proper rest.

    Purple, it proves that moderate exercise has an effect on our physical and mental health. I know that every time I leave the gym I have a smile on my face because I feel so good.
    Interesting you should mention exercise stress causing heart damage. Many years ago when before Arnie became a film str and politican he was a professional bodybuilder and won Mr Universe seven (I think…..) times. One of his rivals developed pericarditis which is an inflammation of the heart cause by pumping iron which tears muscles and when they repair themselves they become bigger and stronger.

    I won’t be taking up weightlifting or marathon running (or any kind of running)any time soon πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Hi WiWi, good to hear from you again. That sounds like a good walk. But what a scare though, why push yourself so hard on a fast day? Please be careful. The only hard workout I do is dance class and it’s only an hour, 3 x per week. We definitely get a sweat on. When I first started going I used to feel sick and giddy doing the Viennese Waltz dance, so many spins but my body has adapted now and I can spin quite a lot without ill effects. Clever old body. Still knackers me though as very fast routine. I drink a whole 1/2 litre bottle of water each class. Hydration is definitely key. After class I always swim, bliss for a hot sweaty body and a good stretch and relax too.

    I am visiting a local garden project today, it is set up for people with ‘additional needs’ especially teenagers. They grow food to sell or eat. They also grow flowers from seeds. They have a huge pizza oven to feed guests to the garden. They run art and gardening courses too. They also make bags of firewood from donated crates and palettes to fund project. It’s a very worthwhile project, hope it survives in the cut backs happening locally.

    Time to get walking, very windy here but sunny, have a great day everyone. Fasting today so no pizza for me, not a real hardship as I have never been a fan of pizza, even vegetarian.

    Have a great day folks

    Ha ha!
    Happy and me crossed posts and I’ve completely contradicted her πŸ˜†


    I suspect we may both be right… if Wiwi is not used to that level of exertion in a fasted state.

    I can only go by personal experience (cycling up to 100 miles a day, 15 mile walks taking in a mountain along the way), and both dehydration and running out of glycogen will play a part.

    Of course if it is dehydration proper, then something to restore electrolytes other than plain water would be necessary…

    Actually the ambos in Boston only suggested 4 glasses of water to overcome dehydration. It worked!
    I’m glad you aren’t into marathons, Amazon. The lift we get from exercise IS adictive, isn’t it? I LOVE bursting into a run on a beach or to cross a green light. Exhilarating! 😊
    Our stunning weather finally came to a crashing end this afternoon. Thank goodness for red wine, a warm jumper and a fire. P 🍷πŸ”₯

    Well then I guess we can assume that Mr P was water depleted but not salt depleted. When exercising hard, and sweating a lot, you’ll be losing salt too….

    Good point Happy 😊

    Hi all. Well sitting in the Adelaide airport waiting for my flight to Canberra. Today i decided to fast again as i thought it might be easier than fitting it in the three days that i am with my sister and father. I can’t believe ive done it. I did not sleep well last night and had a hard day with a staff member and then drove into Adelaide. Normally i would have succumbed to the fatigue but i decided to wait until Canberra for a small dinner. So a black chai tea was my choice of beverage and all is well. Of course i spent fifteen minute s trying to work out my password as am using my new phone . Exercise is something i love but i go through phases when i do anything not to workout. Wiwi after my trip to new Zealand i stand in awe of those who walk there. Best go .

    Well done Emel! Proud of you!!!!

    Hi again,

    Happy, I guess we are probably both right πŸ™‚

    Well done emel, you’ve just reminded yourself that you CAN do it and you’ll be so pleased with yourself tomorrow 😎

    It is so cold outside. I just walked down to the local supermarket for milk and came back with a huge bag of fresh veg including some beautiful looking English asparagus.
    FD dinner tonight will be an AJ burger (180 calories) with roasted asparagus and tomatoes and steamed spring cabbage.
    I love this time of year with all the lovely new season veggies.

    Veery hot here 🌞
    Where did everybody go?
    For two days I’ve been busy going through every drawer, corner, cabinets… same old story. One little crumb left behind can be someone’s food.
    The fridge is 90% empty. We are eating what we have or every two days I go to the store and get lettuce and veggies.
    Going out toning with out neighbors. Gotta behave. Their choice was Italian this time,
    Stay well kids 🌺

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    I went to the cemetery yesterday to lay some flowers on a grave.
    As I was standing there I noticed 4 grave diggers walking about with a coffin.
    3 hours later and they’re still walking about with it.
    I thought to myself, they’ve lost the plot!!

    My daughter asked me for a pet spider for her birthday,
    so I went to our local pet shop and they were Β£70!!!
    Blow this, I thought, I can get one cheaper off the web.

    Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not Happy.

    My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning, can you believe that 2:30am?!
    Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes.

    The wife has been missing a week now.
    Police said to prepare for the worst.
    So I have been to the charity shop to get all her clothes back.

    Sat opposite an Indian lady on the train today, she shut her eyes and stopped breathing.
    I thought she was dead, until I saw the red spot on her forehead and realised she was just on standby.

    When I was in the pub I heard a couple of plonkers saying that they wouldn’t feel safe on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was a woman.
    What a pair of sexists.
    I mean, it’s not as if she’d have to reverse the bloody thing!

    Local Police hunting the ‘knitting needle nutter’,
    who has stabbed six people in the rear in the last 48 hours,
    believe the attacker could be following some kind of pattern.

    Just got back from my mate’s funeral.
    He died after being hit on the head with a tennis ball.
    It was a lovely service.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    You keep Fridays bright, RT. Sorry about the other six dwarfs (statistically speaking, that is) πŸ™‚

    Has anyone else noticed we’ve lost all our UK mob? Is this what Brexit meant? πŸ˜‰ P


    Thanks RT, Hilarious, made my day.

    Ok so it’s not only heavy gardening I should be avoiding. I moved all the furniture out of my lounge to clean the carpet. Big mistake, my back is the worst it has ever been, every movement is hell. Slept well last night with two heat packs but really need to take it slow today. Pottering mode plus some long overdue ironing.

    Dog situation not improving much so it’s unlikely the will do the surgery next week at this rate.

    Sun shining here.

    Fast day planned. Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend everyone.

    Welcome back Britain 😁😁


    We crossed posts, not going anywhere.

    You are stuck with me for quite a while yet.

    Could really do with some warmer weather her now, fed up with wearing layers.

    Well Jo, despite sunny days, we are now starting to feel winter. …on go the layers. Digging out hats, gloves and scarves 😊
    Had a good fast yesterday, but another rubbish night. It HAS to be doing good 😊
    All the best with your fast. P

    Morning/evening all,

    I’m fed up with winter weather too, when I was out yesterday evening I was wishing I had picked up my gloves as my hands were frozen!

    We’ve had some more much needed rain overnight and it feels warmer this morning, not that I’ve been outside yet.

    Thanks for the funnies RT 🀣

    I had a busy day yesterday which culminated in an evening in the pub with a friend who is going back to work next week after several years of being a full time Mum. She is so excited and can hardly wait.
    We went to a pub that is situated in a quiet road behind a church next to a small block of flats where my paternal grandparents lived. It is also situated very close to the primary school that we both went to, as did my Mum. My parents got married in the church, and my Dad went to the same school that my friends two boys attend.
    My parents were both born in the borough. The pub was full of old black and white photographs of the church and the surrounding area and it was fascinating to walk around and take a look at them many of which were taken in the days when there were trams and horse driven transport.
    It was a really nice pub and very busy for a Thursday evening and the thing I liked the most was that I didn’t feel like the grandmother of all the other patrons. We’ll be going there again πŸ™‚

    I’m going to the steam museum today with my niece and great nephew. It’s only a 10 minute walk from here and despite having lived here since 1984 I’ve never been there before and am really looking forward to it.

    I’m fasting again today

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Yes yes! I’m still here too. A depressing cold week, and back to work. I haven’t had any popping my back out incidents for over two weeks now, so hopefully I’m on the mend, but it’s stiff and sore and hasn’t really appreciated the sitting down all week πŸ™

    I had to attend a all day meeting yesterday. I’d decided to do two 24 hour fasts again this week to try and retrain my appetite. I spent six hours of yesterday’s fast sat at a round table, the ‘centrepiece’ of which was pan au chocolat and Danish pastries in the morning, and then a selection of deluxe biscuits for morning and afternoon breaks! I stayed strong 😁

    I’m glad the UK is still being represented by such strong minded, yet busy folk. Well done girls. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Hi Happy,

    I wouldn’t have had a problem with the biscuits, but the pain au chocolat would have been my undoing………….

    I was on the go most of the day yesterday and as a result didn’t sit down to a meal and ate too many carbs culminating in sharing garlic bread and chips in the pub last night!

    My small glass of kefir satisfied my growling stomach and I just need to get through the next 2 hours then I’ll be toddler chasing for the afternoon.
    I’m going for a super strict roasted asparagus with a poached egg for dinner tonight.

    I’m glad to hear that your back is improving albeit not a speedily as you would like but hopefully it’ll continue to improve.

    My back is behaving itself at the moment which is fabulous. I always expect to be stiff and sore when I get out of bed and unable to reach the floor until I’ve done some stretches but it has been fine for nearly 3 weeks which is nothing short of a miracle. My knee has also settled down.

    Jo, when are you going to learn that your back is weak and you need to do some core exercises for several months in order to strengthen it before you sustain a serious injury and are really incapacitated. Maybe you should swap one of your classes for Pilates.
    Mine has improved so much and it is defintely down to the exercises as I’ve not changed anything else.


    I still do Yoga weekly but I could try Pilates, many of the routine exercises seem very similar. I have three stretch exercises for my back that I do every morning, these were given to me by the Physio two years ago. What I really need to do is avoid lifting and pulling heavy weights on my own. I have left all the furniture in the other room for my other half to put back. I have now cleaned the lounge carpet three times with the machine. Still got dog hair out of it on the last wash. Just shows how useless my Dyson really is with dog hair. You would never know it was vacuumed daily. I always do lounge and hall daily to keep dog smell to a minimum. They don’t use other rooms which keeps the cleaning time down.

    I find that early morning and late evening is the worst when you have back strain. I can cope with Walking during the day and sleeping at night but sitting still and standing still are uncomfortable and sneezing is hell. Bowling is probably very bad for backs as it’s so one sided, although you tend to support weight of lift by leaning on other knee. Nordic Walking is very doable even when it’s at its worst.

    Happy- Glad your back is getting better. Good effort resisting the goodies at work. I failed resisting the fresh made pizza at the gardens visit on Wednesday, should have left early. I refused the first offer then was offered again a second and third time by a student telling me she had made the dough herself and all the veg was grown in the garden. Self control left the building and I ate 2 quarter slices, luckily super thin and minimal cheese with lots of asparagus and rocket. Resisted the fruit cake afterwards though, progress for me. Cut my protein with my evening salad that night so not too harmful.

    Off for a walk in the park, make the most of the sunshine.

    Amazon- I haven’t been to a pub for the evening for ages.

    Jo, the stretch exercises are probably good for keeping you flexible but you need something to improve muscle strength.
    I am doing sets of crunches, sit-ups, pelvic curls etc plus some Pilates moves 4-5 times per week to build up strength followed by a series of stretches and it has taken a couple of months for me to notice any difference but it is working. I shall continue it indefinitely as I rather like being pain and stiffness free.

    I go to the pub quite often with my best friend as we love pub dinners but it isn’t the same as “going out for a drink” which I’ve done a few times this year and enjoyed it so much I intend to make it a habit πŸ˜‰

    Nooo! Not sit ups! They put a huge compression load on the lower spine. Really bad!

    Jo, you don’t need to avoid lifting, but you do need to do it properly, and lift an appropriate weight. The 60 year old you can only cope with 2/3 of you at 20; and at any age, a woman should attempt only 2/3 of what a man (sane age and weight) can lift. I expect we’ve all been too busy trying to prove our independence to allow for the gender (and age!) difference.

    And don’t attempt lifting immediately upon standing from a stooped or seated position. Stand up straight and move around for a few minutes first.

    And don’t teist and lift, lift straight. And use aids if possible, like bracing the weight against your thigh, to spare your back.

    Amazon, ditto! I haven’t eaten pan or chocolat for maybe 3 years, but used to live it. That cane closest to being my undoing yesterday!

    Evening all,

    I’ve had a lovely time at the steam museum.
    We were there in time for the man who comes and plays his guitar, sings songs and tells stories to a very enthusiastic group of pre-schoolers and my great-nephew was mesmerised by the whole thing. We then went round the museum which was very interesting and I shall be returning without toddler in order to give the exhibits the attention they deserve….
    We also went outside and played with miniature models of pumps etc and lots of very cold water πŸ˜†

    I watched everyone else eat lunch and cake while I drank my coffee πŸ˜‡
    I’ve just had my roasted asparagus, mushrooms and tomatoes with poached egg.
    I’m very pleased with the way this week has gone and hope I can keep it up.

    Hi Amazon,

    I’m not particularly child-friendly, but when they’re not griping and interested/ engaged…well, I could almost wish I’d had one.,. But then you reminded me why not πŸ˜€

    You’ve done ADF this week? And the ADNF have been OK?

    I’ve done two fasts. The day after the first fast I could have eaten the contents of…the bin! The day after the second… I’ve been less hungry and eaten very light. I’m thinking, even though I don’t necessarily need two full low cal fasts for maintenance, I might be better off fasting perhaps every fourth day to keep appetite/ portion size in check,


    I’m sorry to hear your old girl isn’t improving for surgery. We had a similar experience with our old girl (19 year old cat). A UTI was suspected, but didn’t respond to antibiotics, and it then transpired it was early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. Have the vets done a blood test on Tilly? Might be a thought?

    Hi Happy,

    Yes I’ve done ADF this week. NFDs have been OK although I ate too many carbs yesterday and was starving all day today AND I didn’t get to eat until a couple of hours later than is usual for me on a FD as on my way home from the museum I visited a friend who is poorly.
    I am really pleased I managed to avoid eating at the museum although I was force fed a pasta twirl by an insistent toddler and in the interest of world peace it was easier to eat it πŸ˜†

    Eating later than usual will actually work in my favour as I won’t be hungry again by bedtime πŸ™‚

    I’m going to stick to ADF until I go to Hull at the end of May and if it works out I’ll continue when I get home.

    Good evening/morning all 😊
    With the night time temps plummeting, I made a big pot of veg soup in the pressure cooker and a loaf of polenta bread. It has chopped capsicum in it. A lovely tasty Saturday night dinner.
    Keep well and enjoy your weekend wherever you are. P 😊

    Mmm, soup and bread, lovely!

    I’ve just made spelt soda bread with excess kefir. Ready in half an hour. Someone needs to take it off me…. 😊

    😊 We ate 2 slices each and I’ve frozen the rest. The crust was SO crunchy…

    Yes, the soda bread crust is crunchy….and the middle is soft and moist…. as soon as the rest is cool it will have to go in the freezer! But I’ll know it’s there….!!!

    Hi everyone,

    I made kefir soda bread last weekend and it is delicious. It has been calling me all week from the freezer……..

    I had a couple of slices with grilled halloumi, rocket and chilli jam for brunch πŸ™‚

    It is warmer this today and was lovely in the morning sun which has now disappeared for a siesta. Hopefully the rest of the BH weekend will be fair.


    That sounds like a fine brunch. I might have to steal that for tomorrow!:

    It was very fine indeed and thankfully there is no more halloumi or I might have been tempted into seconds…..

    Hello All,
    Lovely sunshine today so I have spent the day in the garden. Just light weeding and doing cuttings. This afternoon we took the dog to the vet again, she has had a full set of blood tests done. No blood in the urine any more but protein found and suspicious strength which the vet suspects may be kidney issues. It it also possible that she has a brain tumour which may have caused the nasal problem. She really is in the wars. Her surgery is cancelled until she is in better shape and we get results of blood tests. It’s a depressing time but she still has a good appetite and I keen to go out so I am not giving up on her recovery.
    Amazon- I often have Halloumi, it is great when you need that salty urge. I love it with buttery button mushrooms and green beans. Aldi have been selling a range of Superfood Salads- really good, tried three different types, one with beans, one with quinoa and other with green beans, nuts and seeds. They are just a temporary stock item to see how they sell. I hope they sell well.
    Happy- Booked Pilates class on Friday, hopefully I will be fit by then.
    PVE- That bread sounds delicious.

    Hi Jo,

    Sorry to hear you still don’t know where you are with your poorly old girl. It’s such a shame they can’t tell us where it hurts!

    It does sound like kidneys though. Our old cat was similarly losing a lot of protein in her urine. She’s now on a drug (semintra) which seems to be reducing protein loss. She won’t eat kidney formulation diet food (I gather it isn’t very palatable, which results in animals with CKD starving to death rather than succumbing to the disease itself!), but we’re supporting her kidney function by avoiding dry biscuits and adding extra water to her wet food. Six months on from diagnosis of chronic kidney disease, she’s maintaining her weight and shows no further decline.

    It’s hard I know, but hopefully you’ll feel better when you know what you’re dealing with.

    I’ve not investigated pilates yet, I want to be a bit better yet. I’ll be interested to know how you get on though. My back isn’t getting worse, and I think is improving, but I’m scared to test it! And I’m not happy to trust it completely to anyone else yet!

    Good morning… Returned from Canberra yesterday… Up at 4 awake over half an hour before, then we took our dad to the airport for his venture to PNG for the next three years. We do not really expect him to return,,,, his Hope actually…so it has been a fairly arduous time…dad is 81, trim and fairly fit for a man his age however type two diabetic, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat and his cognitive capacity somewhat diminished,… He is off to set up a community garden in the highlands… Mmmm long story and it is not romantic but since his bleed on the brain 6 years ago, he has done some outrageous things and we thought him outrageous before !! Anyway, we can’t do anything now and it will be his last story…..I did manage to have a fairly positive time, tho following one incident with him I did resort to a cherry ripe!! Anyway this week I won’t be traveling across the country so two fast days are planned . I was pleased that my fast days put me into a pretty good place for my visit.,, I actually think my mojo is returning…

    There are worse ways to spend your time than setting up a community garden, sounds like a worthwhile pursuit. Of course the family will miss him if he is away. I recently visited a community garden, it was a place of peace and beauty and its students were mostly severely autistic, trapped in worlds of their own imagining. But they related to planting and growing, they talked of their garden job with happiness.

    Glad you have found your mojo, I have temporarily lost mine. Same 2 lbs up and down and focus is lost. My back is on the mend though which is a relief. More gardening and wooden furniture painting planned today. Looks sunny but still quite chilly windy.

    Salmon with hot veg for dinner tonight and soup for lunch.

    Have a good day folks.

    What an interesting choice of activity Emel. I presume he knows PNG and wants to make a difference. Don’t underrate him ..he may have many health issues, but I know plenty of 81 year olds doing their own thing despite chronic illnesses.
    Be proud that he wants to give his time to others instead of just sitting watching tv.
    Glad you now feel on the path back yourself and good on you for seeing him onto the plane. Have a good fasting week. P

    Morning/evening all,

    It took a few minutes to work out what PNG stands for but my excuse is that I’m only out of bed a few minutes…….

    My mojo has come back but appears to be looking for the exit and I had a bit of a fight with it yesterday. I’m fasting today which makes things simpler.

    We have wall to wall sunshine here and it feels much warmer which makes me very happy.

    Have a good one everybody😜

    I am so glad that it’s 5pm in NZ. The fast is soon to be broken.
    Sorry about the wee dog, Jojo. Hopefully she is recovering with the treatment.

    Thanks for advice received about my brush with dehydration last week. It took a few days to recover from that. Fortunately the tendon problem is over.

    With my 2 children and my ex, I spent nearly 3 years working in the PNG Highlands(volunteer high school teachers). I wonder where your father is going to work, Emel. The experience was amazing for us all as the transition from stone age to computer age was less than 50 years. In our area, they waged war with bows and arrows, and resorted to magic when things were going wrong.My own father aged 80 came to visit us while we were there. It’s a very dirty place and hygiene was essential. Where is he going exactly, Emel? We were in Tari at the end of the Highland Highway.
    The trouble with that PNG experience is that no other travelling would ever be so knife- edge exciting as that. It still blows my mind when I think about it. I had the chance of visiting students in several African countries on Aid projects about 15 years ago, but would never have swapped my experience for theirs.

    I will be interested to hear about your Dad’s experience.
    Remembering those years has got me through to break-fast time- the usual broccoli fritatta.

    xx Wiwi

    Morning All,
    Another dull day but I have woken up in a more positive mood. The plus side of having a painful back is cancelling all my usual outings in favour of being home and getting simple chores done. Even managed some clearing out for the charity shop and tip. Today I am doing some more weeding(never ending in this garden) cleaning the carpet in the dining room and doing some ironing. All jobs that had needed doing for quite awhile. i am hosting a Plant Swap next Saturday in aid of the Community Garden I visited last week. Just tea, cake and swapping of plants, seed, unused equipment etc. Last year I swapped 12 home grown geraniums for 12 assorted shrubs and tomato plants. This year I have potted up 12 Euphorbias, popular here as soil often dry.
    I am going to try my dance class today but taking it easy, nice gentle swim afterwards.
    I have a Well Woman check and an Over 60’s check this week, both NHS appt’ s on the same day. Apparently both have different focus but I bet they both cover weight, lifestyle. I am fasting 8 hours to enable blood tests to be done. It will be interesting to check sugar levels and cholesterol. Although these days far less emphasis being placed on cholesterol levels unless very high. Full fat milk and butter play much bigger role in my diet these days what with yogurt and Kefir. We shall see!
    Enjoy Bank Holiday or normal Monday Eve friends

    Hi Wiwi Yes,Dad knows PNG from the fifties when he traversed the highlands undertaking surveys. Colonialism was alive and well in those days!!! He is however, a soil scientist and a reputable one at that! He is going to a village an hour and a half outside Mt Hagen,. There is no electricity in the village as the warring tribes cut the power lines. There is a generator that runs for a few hours each evening! He visited in November last year and travelled to Ponpendetta , a few years earlier. I forgot to mention he is practically deaf so struggles with communication. A cantankerous fellow, I worry that he will offend all and sundry( no different to our experience of him in Australia) it is a long story…my sister who works as a senior official in the dept of environment was talking to the High commissioner in PNG the other day for work at the end of her work conversation she requested that she speak on a personal matter. The HC was astounded with my father’s decision so our concerns are not without reason..anyway he set off with happiness and whilst he could barely get his tickets out of his folder and did not understand anything that the attendant asked him…( we translated!!!) he has gone. Not sure what communiques we will receive..but we will see…I do have a very difficult relationship with him, but my heart was broken as I watched him leave….tears still flowing!

    From reading the entry above I recognise the character, my father in law was a cantankerous old goat who made everyone’s lives a misery, selfish and dominating, everything was his way or no way. However he was an intelligent and skilful man and talented musician. He could be very kind on occasion and loved his kids in his own way, he provided for them and kept them safe. He died several years ago but has left a big gap in our lives. He was of a different era where equality and polital correctness did not exist. He had prejudices against many people yet he learned other languages in order to communicate and was very interested in other cultures. I respected his talents but had difficulty with his attitudes. Life has its challenges but it is good to feel useful at any age.
    Be kind to yourself, he has chosen his path, it’s difficult when loved ones leave.

    I understand your worry, Emel. It’s a remote and extremely challenging area. Is your Dad known in the area he is going to? Yes, it’s the wish to be useful and his skills will be so useful. The slash and burn policy of the land has impoverished the soils, I believe. I know that the aged are treated with a lot of respect. My own 80 year old father during his weeks with us was tended to so lovingly by the locals in Tari (400 km after Mt Hagen) and went to some extremely remote places. We were given news of him by runners, as we had to work and could not go with him.
    In fact my father had already spent some short periods in PNG too in the 70’s around Ialibu looking at the forest as a botanist.
    What ensured our security during our time in PNG was being adopted into the local “tribe” and we were passed from hand to hand as we travelled around. We had no idea of this, but the students told us we were constantly under surveillance. ( I have to add that the same people had taken nearly everything we owned).
    I guess Jojo has expressed very well what I would also like to say, he has a “mission” and needs to carry it out. I am a just little envious of him doing that.
    xx Wiwi

    Hello World

    Where are you?

    xx Wiwi

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