Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • Morning/evening all,

    RT, it takes a while for visitors to get used to going to a care home but eventually they stop looking around and pay attention the the person they are visiting and see that they are being well looked after. As for those who are quick to give advice from afar, what do they know?
    Rise above it and keep reminding yourself that your Dad needs the care and attention than can only be given in a residential environment and that he has settled in and is happy.
    Like Purple, I have personal experience as my Grandpa spent his last years in care and he was very happy and given the best care possible.

    It’s a cold windy overcast morning here with rain forecast later. Apparently spring will return at the weekend πŸ˜‰

    After B2B FDs I’m looking forward to having lunch and dinner today but first I have a morning at the gym which never fails to put all thoughts of food right out of my mind.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I looked afte my mother for 10 years at home before her dementia became too much for me to handle. Frankly it was her or me that needed respite. My family, four brothers and sisters visited occasionally, once a month for some, once a year for others. So daily support was not ideal. I had two you d children and a part time job plus I was studying. Even with all this going on it broke my heart putting her into a home. I felt guilty and cruel but I couldn’t see another way forward.she had nearly burnt the house down twice and let strangers in the house when I was out. I had to put my children first. It was a local home and I visited daily for the first year. After this I moved to the coast but continued to visit every week, a three hour round trip. She lived in the home 10 years until 90 years old. She loved it and considered it home. She even had an admirer to have lunch with occasionally. I stopped worrying about her every minute I was not there but I never stopped caring.
    As children and parents we can only make decisions based on what we can do at the time. I hope your Dad is as happy as my Mum was in her final 10 years. She never failed to recognise me or my kids, that was my reward(although every other family member suffered this fate). I put on all my excess weight during this time she was not living with me, that’s guilt. She always commented on it when I arrived, she was always honest and forthright, straight talker. It’s one of the reasons I can deal with ‘less than sensitive’ people on this earth, she taught me well.
    Thinking of you and sending big hugs at this difficult transition period in your life. Thankfully it seems you have good support too.

    Good morning,
    RT – you did the right thing! Here in Brazil there are not that sort care to the elderly. They either end up in somebody’s house or homeless. Very sad. The ones with more means $$$ have the best. I am sure your Dad will be safe there πŸ™

    The yougurt experiment – what a hassle looking for the right plain yougurt. They really don’t label food the way it should. The one I bought it sounded the least ingredientes.
    The final product was really delicious but not as consistent in texture. Very smooth and silky. Really delicious. Their yougurt here isn’t as think as our there. I’ll keep trying.
    Beautiful sunny day! Taking husband for a car ride later.
    Enjoy your day 🐝

    HCB if you use a little of your homemade yoghurt for the next batch and continue that way the texture will gradually improve.

    So it has poured with rain here all morning apart from during my journeys to and from the gym πŸ™‚

    After my workout I had a lovely swim in an almost empty pool then had the jacuzzi all to myself.
    It must be my lucky day πŸ˜‰

    ……..where’s that lottery ticket? πŸ˜†

    I broke my fast with mashed avocado on toast sprinkled with some finely chopped fresh chilli and savoured every mouthful πŸ™‚

    Time to relax before preparing my celeriac and cauliflower gratin, and the sun has just poked out from between the clouds β˜€

    Terrorist attack in Westminster in London, 4 dead and 20 injured.
    One policeman killed and the terrorist dead.
    Shocking News

    Hi Fasters
    I am back. So much to catch up on.
    Sorry, RT, for your difficult moment with your father. I loved the replies.
    My parents died within 3 months of each other so I have no experience.
    I have been on constant move for the last 5 weeks, and not done enough fasting. I can see the damage!!!!
    I am on a 2 day fast to get back into the rhythm, before we move again in the South Island again next week for a few days. But the night here has been a bit disturbed as my daughter works in Victoria St near Westminster. Lots of to-ing and fro-ing with her.
    She is pretty shaken, but could get home eventually.
    It’s early still here in NZ, but my head is in tune with a fast. Next food is tomorrow evening.
    So glad to be back.
    xx Wiwi

    Morning All,
    Glad to hear from you Wiwi. Yes it’s a worry having children working in Central London when there is a terrorist attack. I was really concerned there might be other attacks following. Those poor people, whata shocking thing to see, innocent people being mowed down by a car. 40 injured and 5 dead. I just can’t think about trivialities at a time like this.

    Taking a few days break from the thread guys, speak in April.

    Morning/evening all,

    Cold damp and very windy this morning, typical March weather.

    Hi Wiwi, what a busy woman you are, welcome back and I hope you FD is going well.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    Have a nice break, whatever you’re up to! Are you going anywhere nice? Looks like you should have some nice spring weather anyway.


    Good luck with getting back on the fasting wagon/ back in the saddle! You’ve done it before, you’ll be fine.


    Well we’ve had a change round in the weather! It was cold wet and windy yesterday, but sunny and milder today. Buds are bursting on the trees, springs coming… 😁

    Happy, pleased to hear your weather has improved, it’s done so here too πŸ™‚

    I’ve spent the afternoon in Kew Gardens with my niece and 17 month old great nephew for company. He thoroughly enjoyed himself and only broke one stem on a single plant πŸ˜²πŸ˜–

    The wind is cold but the sun came out and Kew is glorious at the moment with trees in blossom and/or bud, daffodils, tulips and many other spring bulbs in bloom along with lots of other early flowering plants and shrubs.

    The River Thames borders one side of the Gardens and there is a huge long stretch of grass planted with snowdrops, daffodils, snakes head fritillaries and bluebells with paths mown in the middle so you can walk amongst them.
    The snowdrops are gone but the last of the daffodils and the first fritillaries are in bloom under the shade of the oak trees. I look forward to the bluebells in a month or so.

    In another area the lilacs are just starting to bloom so I need to go back next week as I love them and their perfume is fabulous.

    I had a good walk before my niece arrived and we walked much further than we anticipated as we thought having the little one would mean we didn’t go far, but he was full of energy and enthusiasm for everything he saw so we all had a lovely time and got to stretch our legs.


    That sounds like a near perfect day, Kew does sound beautiful in most seasons though!

    It really does lift the spirits when the sun shines. Despite the cool breeze, the sun has real warmth in it…finally! I was sat at the computer this afternoon, as usual wrapped up in my winter layers, when an odd sensation came over me… it took me a minute, but I realised my hands and feet weren’t cold…and I was actually a little bit too warm 😊

    Kew is beautiful every day and also different every day and I never tire of it. I am very fortunate to live close by and be able to visit whenever I want 😎

    The sun definitely has more warmth in it, an excellent sign.
    I’m going out walking on Saturday as the forecast looks very good whith sunshine all day and much less wind. We are trying to decide where to go but neither of us have the heart to go into town ☹

    That’s perfectly understandable, Amazon.

    The probability of getting caught up in a terrorist attack in a place like London is pretty small, more chance of getting killed on the road by a non-terrorist, but it takes time to forget such an atrocity and must take the pleasure out of visiting the area for a while at least.

    Yes, I said to my friend that it is probably safer to go on Saturday but we wouldn’t enjoy it.
    I think a trip to Richmond Park or Hampton might be in order. It is a fabulous walk along the towpath from Hampton Court back towards home.

    Well they’re the walks I’d choose over going into the city anytime!

    There are lots of large parks and green places in the middle of London, and top of our list for another visit is Regents Park, but I quite like the idea of somewhere not too crowded so the towpath would be ideal and we can end our walk with some nice ale and dinner in one of the numerous hostelries there are to choose from.
    Of course I shall be having the vegetarian option which reminds me, the celeriac, leek and cauliflower gratin I made yesterday was delicious and I’ve two portions left πŸ™‚

    Day 2 and feeling good. I ate a few nuts yesterday as zero wasn’t working.
    I love that tow path walk from Regents Park to Camden. We often do that when in London and I always chose a drinking place overlooking the lock there- It’s so interesting looking into the houses facing onto the canal.

    I am off for a coffee with Barata today. It will be great to speak English!

    I love celeriac, Amazon. In France it is usually grated finely for a salad with carrot often, but is good in purΓ©e as well.

    I am having my first piano lesson today and so excited about that.
    I will hold tight till this evening before eating.

    xx Wiwi

    Hi Wiwi,

    I first had celeriac in a purΓ©e with garlic and potato and for quite a while didn’t know what else to do with it but now I roast it, mix it with other veg in curries etc, use it as a topping instead of mashed potato and love it raw either in coleslaw or as remoulade. I made coleslaw with it last week and it makes a nice change from shredded cabbage. I’m thinking of trying in rosti as it mixes well with potato.

    I am very jealous, I’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano but although I have the time I don’t have a piano to practice.

    Hi Amazon,
    Yes good ideas for celeriac. In fact the first time I had cooked celeriac was in a chic/shabby restaurant in Melbourne with Nama- I had celeriac purΓ©e with black kale and poached eggs on sour dough bread and as Nama knows, I was ultra impressed.
    I was wondering about the GI of celeriac as compared to sweet potato. Another good substitute to potato.

    I have keyboards and not upright pianos in France and NZ. I put the one here away if I need more space as we live in 50 sq metres in NZ. Keyboards are fun and versatile.
    I play the flute and have done so since the age of 13. I record the piano and play along with myself. At present I am learning the song Walking on air from the Snowman animated film on the piano to do a duet performance for my grandsons who love the movie.
    Today the mind must be kept away from food. Coffee with Barata will be good therapy.

    In fact I tend to float on Day2 of fasts, almost like drinking too much alcohol. I have never heard anyone else say that. Day 2 is always easier than Day 1, and euphoric.

    Only 10 hours till break- fast.
    xx Wiwi

    Must be something in the Kiwi water, Wi? ☺☺
    Enjoy your euphoria Px

    I have a keyboard too. I will be inheriting mum’s piano, but it’s sat in Dad’s living room and I’m unlikely to get it until Dad moves. On the basis that a lot of the family are quite long-lived I realised I could be in my dotage before Dad releases it to me and might then have spent most of my adult life piano-less. The keyboard isn’t the same as a piano (duh), but it has weighted keys and great sound quality (and it never goes out of tune!) and cost considerably less than a good piano would’ve.

    My mum’s piano moved into my house 40 years ago. It has come with us everywhere…even in a filled in carport we lived in temporarily in the bush. It takes up room, but is SO much nicer to play than the various keybiards I’ve had.
    All the kids and grandkids have played it. We have almost an orchestra full of other instruments too, so a jam session is easy to organise. …even if they annoy the neighbours.
    Can’t live without music. 😊😊🎡🎢🎢

    Everyday is a sunny day here! It gets hot in the afternoon and chances of the last summer showers.
    Yesterday I took my husband together with my niece to a country car ride. Still so nice and green. There’s always something different. We have in this region lot’s pasture for cattle and farmland.
    At the end of the day, very late for me we took Mom to a nice dinner in one of the better restaurants which the price didn’t justified the food and service.
    Meanwhile I am on my third session of acupuncture for the first time. The knee seems to be better but the shoulder not yet. Doing imaging tomorrow just in case.
    Kiwi – glad to see you back! Good luck with your Fast and enjoy coffee with Barata.
    Amazon – I think I was at Regent’s Park. Isn’t that the one with so many roses and another one on the center of London. It’s nice to walk when you see all that green thus the great smell of spring flowers.
    I am so tired today! Just translated back and fourth and talking all day makes exhausted.
    I wonder if I could squeeze one Fast next Monday 😳
    Good night πŸ¦‹

    Great catch-up with Wiwi today, but I will keep it short as I have sliced a small bit off the top of my finger. Pretty sure there’s none of me in the coleslaw, but typing one-fingered. English was spoken πŸ™‚

    Oh Barata! We call that “doing a Nama”. I hope it heals quickly. Add some capsicum to cover the blood πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    There’s a history there? You will have to remind me (memory is sieve-like). Taped up now – I hope the worms are getting the off-cuts πŸ™‚

    Wiwi inspires me – piano lessons! Another activity for retirement (whenever that will be). Our piano dates from when then teenaged daughter wanted to learn. She lasted two terms, then wouldn’t go back. (gets her stubbornness from OH, of course.) So piano has followed us on most of our moves (not to UK, though). Shame about daughter. She has talent.


    Nama has a whole host of malevolent inanimate and sharp objects, all lying in wait…From garden shears/secateurs to, if memory serves me right, a mandolin now under ‘cupboard arrest’ following a series of unprovoked and bloody attacks upon Nama’s person… Of course there’s two sides to every story…The mandolin maintains that it didn’t mean to hurt her, it was only struggling as she held it down and forced yet another large carrot into its open mouth…

    Yep. Happy has described what I understand pretty vividly 😊
    Wine will help B. It IS Friday night! 🍷🍷

    Morning/evening all

    Spring was promised today but so far grey and miserable looking but I’m hopeful of some sunshine later.

    Had a terrible night and seemed to be awake more than asleep for most of it.
    I don’t feel tired though which is the good news πŸ™‚

    Barata, I hope your finger is OK. I prescribe a glass of wine for the shock πŸ˜‰

    Friday already and only a week of March left 😱

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    I have to admit, there’s history with secateurs here, too πŸ™ Half a bottle of Shiraz later, Amazon, I’m off to bed (will take a sleeping tablet to aid the process though, with my recent history). Just broken up a catfight from under the lounge window, my Merlin (tried to post a photo on FB but technology defeated me) has returned unscathed. Begorrah, the typos with handicap are almost worth leaving for your enjoyment (and puzzlement). ‘night, all. xx

    Why corrupt history? We can talk about you for years? Hope the anesthesia worked πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Sleep well B.

    Sorry Barata about your accident to your finger.

    Great spending time with you today.
    xxx Wiwi

    Tearing myself away from an exciting football match to defend myself….Miss Purple, talk about the pot calling the kettle black! No recent incidents with the mandolin as we now have a mutual respect (and not as sharp as when it was new!), but I dont want to jinx myself as planning to make coleslaw tomorrow…

    Sorry to read about your partial amputation Barata, fingers take so long to heal,they keep getting in the way! I have been thinking of you and Wiwi lately as a cousin is touring NZ and posting lots of great pics on FB.

    Enjoyed a lovely swim this morning and am feeling pretty pleased as have managed to string a whole week of sugarless days together. Amazing how that feeling of “I deserve a treat” can sneak back in when we are not paying attention. I have managed with a small handful of almonds when feeling really hungry, or my old standby of a spoon of peanut butter! Have a great weekend all.

    Get Mr Nama to do the shredding 😁😁😁
    I swam Weds. Fire on last night. Crazy.
    Sleep well. P

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Got my walk on early today 10681 steps in the bank was a fantastic match last night of AFL Friday night footy on the big stage and today the Grand Final of the Women’s this afternoon good luck to all the girls and go crows I am heading to Adelaide this morning to stay with my sister we have court on Monday and would very much like to wrap this bitter process up have a great weekend fast friends keep on keeping on
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    I hope it ends in peaceful resolution RT. πŸ™‚
    Have a good weekend everyone P

    Good luck RT

    A picture of my finger will not be posted on FB!

    Families can be difficult things, can’t they, RT? Best of luck in court. I know your father will be happy in his new environment. My brother-in-law advises us not to leave it too late to book our place in a retirement village, to get in while we can still enjoy all the communal activities. Not sure if it’s what we want for us, though.

    Well done, Nama. I am down half a kg (no, I didn’t chop that much off πŸ™‚ ) after a NFD, so am reconsidering the bag of chips (crisps) that I had planned for when the boys go to the pub later.

    I had a great night’s sleep – nine hours! And have decided to use the sleeping tablets as a tool rather than a last resort, at least in the meantime. Never on consecutive nights, though, I have a horror of addiction.

    Morning/evening all,

    A glorious spring day here. Blue sky, sunshine forecast all day and a stiff breeze to dry the washing πŸ˜‰

    My walk has been postponed until Monday so I’ve decided to bring my Monday FD forward to today.

    RT, I hope all goes smoothly on Monday πŸ™‚

    Barata, a packet of crisps has less than 200 calories unless you’ve bought a large pack…………..

    Have a good weekend everybody, ours is an hour shorter as BST starts tomorrow which means lighter evenings 😎😜

    Well it was a beautiful day here too, really warm (by northern England standards!) and sunny. It reached a tropical 26 in the polytunnel, too hot for me!

    We went out for a meal tonight, to a Thai restaurant that scores quite highly on review websites, but sadly it was really disappointing. Overpriced, measly portions, oversweet (that’s the savoury dishes, we didn’t have pudding) and nothing that I couldn’t produce better at home for a fifth of the price….

    very quiet here today, hopefully a sign of everyone just coasting along with fasting/ mindful non-fast days!

    Hi Happy,
    I get you re your meal out, so disappointing, especially when you pay a lot. I find I am much fussier these days and often disappointed! We are presently on the road (10am Sun) for a few nights away and I have a car fridge full of fresh, simple food for picnics/barbeques, much easier than hunting out eateries thqt often disappoint! We are staying near the beach, so there maybe some fish and chips at some point though! We will be staying at a place called Fish Creek, close to Wilsons Promontory, the southern most point of Australias mainland. Looking forward to some ocean and bush walks! And Queensland is battening down for a tropical cyclone, hope its not a bad one..
    Good luck with your day in court tomorrow RT, I do hope justice prevails. Well done to your girls winning the inaugural AFLW grand final!

    Amazon, it was a large packet, I ate too much but the remainder has been tossed. No ill-effects on the scales this morning.

    I understand what you are saying, Happy. It’s such a let-down when you are paying for the privilege of not having to prepare a meal yourself, only to find that the product falls so short.

    I have put on a batch of yoghurt (thanks, P πŸ™‚ ) and report back with the result.

    We are currently being plagued by a mass of small house flies. I have vacuumed up more than 100 over the weekend, with more to despatch!

    Dull, still weather with showers, but warm which might account for the flies. 21 today.

    RT – Sending positive vibes your way.
    Happy we took Mom out and the money spent didn’t justified neither the food nor the service.
    The reason we go out sometimes it’s just to take a break from the kitchen. My husband always have a complain of some sort. I know what he likes to eat.
    Nama I wish I had a little car fridge as well. Enjoy your trip.
    Have a good week folks πŸ„

    I forgot to mention I used the failsafe thermofinger method of temperature control for the yoghurt πŸ™‚

    I hope the thermofinger isn’t the one that’s now shorter Barata πŸ˜‘
    We are off to the beach for a few days too full of fresh food, for yummy homemade meals, and glorious sunshine after the wettest March since the 1940s.
    I hope you enjoy Wilson’s Prom and that marvellous squeaky white sand. 🌈 P

    Ha, the perfect “digital” device!


    Hi RT

    Thinking of you and your sister. Hoping it all goes well.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Don’t worry, Nama. I get it. Enjoy your travels, girls πŸ™‚ Back to work for me tomorrow.

    RT !

    Morning/evening all,

    Another sunny morning but there are a few cloud swhich are apparently going to disappear in the next hour or so 😎

    Happy, that is so disappointing isn’t it? It’s always worse when you go somewhere that is highly recommended but I guess we all have different expectations.

    I’ve not been to a Thai restaurant for ages as now I’ve nailed what is IMO the perfect green curry paste and can produce a mean Pad Thai so I don’t feel the need. I’m also mindful of the fact that having been to Cambodiathe food might not taste quite so good.

    At least the spring has arrived πŸ™‚

    I eat out 2 or 3 times a month and it is mostly pub food and I’m rarely disappointed. I hope I can say the same tomorrow evening after having the vegetarian option wherever we decide to eat after our walk…….

    All this talk of road trips with cars full of food and walks by the ocean is making me want to book a holiday.

    MY FD went well yesterday and today will be another FD to compensate for too much wine which led to hot cross buns on Friday night 😬

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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