Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,601 through 1,650 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning All,
    Good nights sleep. Woken up to another grey day.
    Out to lunch today to celebrate a friend’s engagement so bringing my 23/1 forward. I find this more difficult so I will make a veg soup this morning, just in case I weaken later. Of course I have my yogurt to try, hope it’s good. RT is so right, once you wake up the appetite life gets more difficult. Planning is key!

    Mostly eating salads these days I find the chewing of raw food more satisfying and filling.

    Have a good week everyone

    Morning UK mob.
    Sunday night here…delicious pork, beans and corn tacos for dinner before our Monday fast. Yum!
    I’m pleased to hear you slept well Jo. It is SO important to health. ☺
    One thing I’m confused about. ..If you are eating only one meal a day(23/1), does that mean you have 1200-1300 cals in one sitting 4 to 5 times a week? That seems a lot of food or calorie rich foods. Otherwise, are you calorie restricting every day? That has been shown to be problematic with the slowing of the metabolism.
    Just wondering…

    Morning/evening all,

    Another overcast and breezy March morning.

    Lazy Sunday here today,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi PVE,
    I have 2 courses on NFD, soup and veggie meal or fish. I don’t count calories so no idea of count, I just got sick of counting, it’s a relief not to worry about it anymore, same with weighing. I put what ever I like in the salad, sometimes 2 proteins, so it will be quite high calorie, add olive oil liberally and balsamic vinegar. My NFD large bowls of soup are quite often rich, cream may be added depending on flavour. Added butter cooked mushrooms into mushroom soup yesterday, yummy. My drinks on NFD’s will often have more calories too, it’s only the solid food I restrict to one hour. If I need a snack, rare now, I eat one handful of nuts. Fast days I have thinner soup and one protein in my meal, egg or fish, occasionally cheese.

    Doing 23/1 has really helped me cope with fasting and I have not had any significant gains that have hung around. I don’t know how my weight loss will be this month after fantastic 8 lb loss last month but hoping for 4 lbs which I think is reasonable. I think I have accepted that I need three fast days to compensate 4 nfd’s. As you know I eat out quite a lot. I have been able to control sweet urges much better lately, the last couple of months has been good, no puddings or cakes, my frustration levels are right down which must be good for me. I know this plan isn’t for everyone but I feel it’s right for me. I don’t like eating at lunchtime though, even though ultimately this should probably be my goal for improved weight loss. It’s a long evening when you have no food on the agenda from 2 pm and it’s not good for sleeping soundly. Because I am so busy from 8 am until 5 pm daily I don’t really notice fasting, drink loads of course.

    I don’t often feel hungry these days so I doubt that I am restricting calories, also I feel great, happy, very energetic and healthy so all is good. Thank you for worrying about me though. Hopefully it’s all downhill from here. Just need some sun now, can’t wait to get outside and take in the warm sun on my face.

    Yogurt was a disaster, I forgot to press the start button twice, its on now, idiot that I am!

    Thanks for your detailed reply Jo.
    While it is great that your system is working for you, and I agree, it works well with sleep eating at night, I’m concerned that for your long term maintenance you need to learn to eat smaller meals. At your current weight, even if you are losing, you would require more food than I do just to maintain my current (goal) weight. I know how little food I need on non fast days. By eating 2 smaller meals a day instead of one larger, your body learns to adjust to much smaller portion sizes and teaches you to choose foods that will fill you up, but not cause fat storage.
    23/1, with no calories at all, other than water, is great for fast days, but really needs to be balanced with more regular eating on other days.
    Of course, you could opt to do alternate day fasting and eat whatever you like on the other days, but I don’t think that is the aim.
    I don’t count calories, but worked out some time ago what foods are definitely too calorie dense or will cause blood sugar spikes. They are kept to a minimum. I have cut nothing particular out of my diet, but I avoid trigger foods or situations that I know will encourage me to overeat. I also only eat food I know I will thoroughly enjoy and not regret consuming. πŸ™„ Becoming self aware is the key. You seem to be developing self awareness Jo. Well done.

    Regarding yoghurt…as it doesn’t have as many bacteria as kefir, the milk has to be heated first to reduce the bugs. Even factory pasteurisation only kills 98% of bugs. Time, temperature and agitation all allow them to grow again easily. I used to run a goat dairy and am very particular about handling of milk products. I’ve never had a problem with contamination of my Kefir without heating it first. I am still using the progeny of my original all grains from years ago.
    Hope your batch sets. Cheers P

    Hi PVE,
    Thanks for such a prompt reply. Guess it’s nearly bedtime for you? I have just returned from dog walking and food shopping. No jars of Calamari left, boohoo.
    Guess it isn’t that popular in Ramsgate, I might need to get some from the wet fish shop. Never cooked it myself before, guess I will have to check out recipes.

    I saw a yogurt called rhubarb and fiery ginger- now that is a good option for me to try out if it can be made without adding sugar.

    You are probably right about portion size, it’s probably why I like 23/1, huge salads. When I get to the last stone I will start adapting to 2 small meals. At least everything I eat now is healthy, that’s a plus. I eat very small meals at restaurants, rarely feel full these days.

    My daughter is making Kefir now and hers is growing rapidly. Barata- I told her to put aside some for you. Shall I give her you address to post it. She is also going to suggest growing it at the SPCA for the poorly animals, nice healthy treat. She is doing brilliantly on her animal handling course, hopefully this might lead to a change of job into animal welfare one day. She really should have trained as a vet.

    That’s so funny! I was wondering whether you were actually eating enough too Jo! Turns out you have a slightly different definition of what constitutes 23/1, and actually it sounds like you’ll be consuming plenty of calories and not just within a one hour window.

    If it works though, all power to you!

    When I refer to 23/1 I mean a single meal rather than being calorie free for 23 hours. I have no intention of giving up milk in my tea and coffee as it is something I very much enjoy and it helps me get through the day without eating. I’ve cut the number of teas and coffees and the amount of milk they contain and that is as far as it is going.
    The kefir is a recent addition, and I did think about drinking it at bedtime but I think the probiotic effects might be better and quicker if it spends some time in an otherwise empty stomach rather than fight for attention when my dinner is being digested.

    I’ve had a lovely day pottering around in the kitchen. I’ve made squash puree, beetroot puree/dip and prepped some veg for roasting later.
    I’ve also made a cake which is in the oven and filling the flat with a delicious. It is a fruit cake that improves with keeping and I’ve made it to take with me when I visit some relatives at Easter.

    I’ve also taken stock of what is in the veg drawer and am planning a menu for the week ahead. Wild mushroom and leek risotto, and a celeriac and cauliflower gratin are at the top of the list.

    I cannot believe how enjoyable I’m finding it following a vegetarian diet 😎

    All this talk of food is making me hungry but I can’t cook my dinner until the cake is done………..

    Well I think it just goes to show that we all bring our own interpretation to these things/ what we read. And practising 23/1 on a fast day (negligible calories for 23 hours, one 500 calorie meal) is potentially very different to on a non-fast day when you might just be avoiding solids for 23 hours but could then theoretically eat a lot in the one hour and also consume a lot of liquid calories in the 23…a latte here, a glass of wine there etc. I guess whatever protocol you follow, it still requires a lot of mindfulness/vigilance to ensure you don’t slip into overconsumption.

    Your food sounds great as always Amazon! It’s been pouring with rain all weekend here and I’ve got another cold so I’m feeling unmotivated, but have started my vegetable seed sowings today. It’s been too dark and cold to get started earlier, but I’m hopeful spring will break properly soon and certainly before my tomato seedlings get too etiolated!

    Fast Days are true to form, zero cals and one low cal controlled portion meal. More flexible on non fast days- splash of milk in tea(x3) per day and lots of water. If out I might have a g & slimline tonic or a latte within the 1 hour eating window. I have Kefir on non fast days too. According to my leaflet Kefir should be taken 30 minutes before eating in the morning or minimum of 2 hours after dinner in the evening. If I lose my desired 4 lbs this month I will consider having Kefir on fast days too even though it will break my 23 hour zero cal fast. I am certain my stomach is happier when I drink it.

    At the end of the day it’s about getting results and doing whats doable especially if you are looking and feeling as good as I do at the moment.

    Lunch was devine, smoked salmon then cod fillet with veg, both tiny portions plus a G and T. It was great listening to our friend’s wedding plans, they are very excited and planning a great occasion at the hotel where we had lunch today. I was very impressed with food and service.

    Happy, sorry to hear you are poorly. Colds make us so miserable, I hope you recover soon.

    For me, 23/1 means not eating. I wouldn’t have something calorific to drink such as a milk shake or alcohol but a splash of milk in my tea and coffee is what helps me cope without eating.

    It is this time of year that I miss my allotment as it used to be a very busy time getting everything ready and sowing seeds. Having said that, I don’t miss those cold winter days struggling to get things done with freezing fingers!

    I’ve always loved cooking (and eating) and I’m really keen to try so many AJ and HF-W recipes but I’m also trying to eat seasonal produce along with foods that don’t grow here such as avocado and am enjoying the challenge of coming home with a bag full of veggies and adapting recipes both old and new to what I’ve bought.
    I would not be able to lose weight if I wasn’t eating tasty and satisfying food so there is no alternative. My weight is reducing slowly and that is fine by me as it is at last moving in the right direction and I’m doing it while still able to enjoy a meal out, an occasional indulgent dessert, a glass of wine or a G&T. SAMM where are you, I’m doing what’s doable!

    Amazon- I admire your control. If I start on sugar it’s a downward slope so it is best I avoid it. The friend I was having lunch with has given up alcohol for lent, she is not a happy bunny. I kept her company through the meal by going on to sparkling water.

    There are only two things I have given up which caused me real hardship, bread and milk in tea. Still not having bread (my gut is thrilled about that) it’s also reduced the amount of fat I had as I liked it thickly spread with butter. I took up milk in tea again as I felt quite depressed without it( I cut to 3 cups per day on non fast days) other times I have green tea or water. As we have both said, it has to be doable.

    I often wonder about Samm, he was a real machine with his experimental complex schemes. Remember his skipping in car parks? The volume of steps he did in his job! I hope he is well, wherever he is now! I like to think of him on his boat, fishing.

    Jo, for me it’s a balance between losing weight and keeping it off without feeling miserable and deprived.
    I am not prepared to give up milk in my tea and coffee and that isn’t negotiable.
    I’m not actively cutting out or down on any fruit or vegetables, if I want something I’ll have it but as discussed yesterday I eat much less fruit these days.
    Foods such as pasta, rice and other grains, bread and cake are now all occasional foods.
    As for sugar, I’m not addicted to it and although like everyone else if I have some I want more, I’ve learned that nothing terrible will happen if I don’t have more and that like tummy rumbles it’ll pass.

    That is what seems to be doable for me so I’m going to continue with it and see where it takes me.

    Sounds like a plan

    Morning /evening
    Sorry to hear you are not 100% Happy. Spring colds are really annoying.
    I wasn’t suggesting anyone give up anything Amazon. I was simply trying to get my head around Jo’s method.
    I was lucky to come to the realisation, and acceptance, that in order to reach my goal of “below 60 kg”, I had to eat as if I was that weight from the beginning and forever. As the amount of food needed is not very much, eating only 1 meal on 2 days (fast days), 2 meals on 2 days and maybe 3 on 2 days a week works for me. I have followed this regime for 4 years….while losing weight for the first year and for the 3 years since in maintenance.
    This system meant a rapid drop to my goal, a total relearn on how much, how often and what to eat, and has trained me for how I must eat for the rest of my life.
    Losing weight is only a reset. Maintenance requires every bit as much vigilance. You don’t eat more once you are at goal weight. That would totally undermine the whole point of losing.

    I continue fasting twice a week for 3 reasons:
    The health benefits of IF (and Mr P’s health proves that to me)
    To get a couple of appetite reset days every week and the benefits of the ups and downs of IF
    To allow me to eat slightly larger meals on occassion (I make a mental tally of how much I’ve eaten over a week and weigh night and day to monitor)

    As IF is for life, the method that will work long term for each of us needs to be developed and adopted from the beginning.

    Keep going gang “You’re all doing very well.” (Young Mr Grace)

    Happy fasting MondayP ☺

    Hi Purple,

    I wasn’t referring to anything anyone has said on here recently, just talking about where I’m at right now so far as my 5:2 journey is concerned in response to Jo’s comments πŸ™‚



    “Amazon- I admire your control. If I start on sugar it’s a downward slope so it is best I avoid it.”

    Is it wise then to be eating honey on non-fast days?

    Happy, it was a suggestion only, I used Ginger and rhubarb as flavouring in the yogurt in the end, tasted one spoonful, quite ‘tart’ but interesting. I may have Honey once per week if I fancy a treat. If it leads to eating more sugary foods I won’t do it again. When I was talking to Amazon I was referring to cake, biscuits or sweets. We have a box of After Eights in my fridge from my husbands party, luckily still sealed. In the bad old days I would have eaten 3 every time I went to the fridge until the box was empty. It’s crazy really because I have never been a chocoholic, prefer savoury food by choice. What drives these urges? There is mention in one of my books (GUT by Giulia Enders) that it is your gut sending messages to your brain to get a quick easily digested fix. The devil within!

    PVE- the yogurt set thanks, I was a bit worried about food poisoning though, as I left it out overnight in the machine without turning it on properly. Let’s hope I survive it?

    Happy- Hope you are feeling a bit better? Do you think you caught a chill doing your planting? I stay out of my garden when it’s windy, I often underestimate wind chill factor. I may check out the spider family in my greenhouse today though, get some
    pots filled.

    My Kefir improved after its rest and I have just done a 30 hour batch which is quite pleasant. It doesn’t taste like milk and vinegar.

    Hi Jo,

    Glad to hear your kefir is finally behaving itself!

    Re: after eights in the fridge. I’m not a massive fan of mint, but an open packet of something sweet would likely be too much temptation even now! ‘I’ll just have one’ never works for me where sugar is involved. Best not to wake those particular gut bacteria! I read this weekend that Dr M says willpower is overrated!

    My plantings were carried out indoors (after a lovely few days, the end of the week and weekend reverted to cold, wet and windy). I suspect I may have picked up the germs at an external meeting in the week although no one was obviously ill πŸ™ I’m wondering if a downside of working at home more is lack of exposure to germs and not building up immunity? I’ve certainly had more colds this last 6 months than I’ve had in the last 10 years.

    I really need the weather (and now my health!) to improve. My outdoor vegetable patches (6 x 8m) need digging, the polytunnel beds too (although they are undercover 😁), the glasshouse needs a wash inside and out, etc etc. And it’s nearly April. Eek. I think I’ll have to take some leave when the weather picks up.

    Good luck with your spiders!

    It’s funny how we perceive ourselves. I think of myself as having a ‘very strong’ will power. Always stick to New Year Resolutions, I like to challenge myself. My friends would also say that about me, she makes a decision and sticks to it. Then how did I get 8 stone overweight in the first place? Obviously my portion size was seriously out of whack and it’s still a ‘work in progress’. I think being impatient is not a virtue that works well with weight control. Low boredom threshold probably adds to my burdens. Finally I was not happy in my marriage yet committed to ‘stick it out’ to provide security for my kids.
    On the good side I am mostly upbeat, very energetic and willing to try anything to succeed. I love to learn new skills. I really should learn to cook, I will book some classes today. You all seem to get so much pleasure from cooking. Mind you I do have a really useless hob and oven, original to my shabby kitchen. One hotplate fuses the electrical circuit frequently and the oven only seems to have one setting that works and results in black food on the outside and raw in the middle. Hence I use hotplate mostly.
    Your immune system obviously needs a boost. I have noticed that you get lots of colds, annoying. I seem to avoid them yet I mix with lots of bowlers who insist on playing when they are sneezing non stop or coughing their last breath. Guess my immune system is better than I thought. I am amazed I didn’t get sick after long haul flights to NZ, the coughing on that plane was non stop.
    Get well soon, dare I mention ‘A stiff drink, usually works for me’ or ‘honey and lemon in hot water’. I think Dr M recommended Chicken Soup! Yummy

    Morning/evening all,

    So Dr M says willpower is overrated does he? That’s not very helpful is it……
    He fasted for medical reasons as part of a scientific experiment and the weight loss was a side effect of fasting. I doubt he has ever had the need to go on a weight reducing diet in his life so he has no knowledge of what it is like to be overweight or obese and unhappy about it.

    A dull and damp Monday here which is a good reason to stay home and keep myself busy with some chores and keep my mind off eating.

    I’ve been reading the instructions for drying/freezing kefir grains

    “a freshly laundered tea towel that has been ironed for several minutes with a very hot iron”

    I won’t find one of those in this house so it’ll have to be greaseproof paper.

    Happy fasting everyone 😜

    Amazon, I just spoon spare kefir grains into a plastic bag, label and toss in the freezer. I experimented, originally, with freezing in a little milk or rinsing with pure water. They survive beautifully in the freezer for months, no matter what I do ☺☺ I even posted them to several forum posters and they survived days in the mail too. Tough little gremlins.
    I believe in willpower, but I also believe in removing temptations. No point in unnecessary stress. I’d chuck those chocolate biscuits out rather than have them pleading to be eaten.
    Get well Happy.
    P 😊😊 I have not had time to watch this yet Amazon, have not mustered enough willpower to do so! I am with you, Doc M does not get it from a (dare I say this) female perspective! I am sticking my neck out here, but really think women struggle more sometimes as they are often the one at the coalface, buying, preparing and serving food all the time. I know this issue is much more complex, but as the only cook in my family, it has certainly affected me.

    Yes RT I know you are head cook at your place, but I think my demographic and generation differ. I was so sorry to read about your dear Dad too, a very hard time for you all. I hope he recovers from his fall and settles into his new accommodation very quickly.

    thanks for that, I shall just stick some in a bag in the freezer and see what happens. I’m going away for a few daya at Easter so thought it might be an idea to freeze some grains. I plan on putting the remainder in the fridge with a big drink of milk as it’s the only way of working out how well they’ll cope in my kitchen/fridge environment and being ignored for a few days.

    Nama, there is much more pressure on women who are overweight/obese than men. Every case of “fat shaming” I’ve seen has been regarding a woman, usually an actress/singer/TV personality.
    I also agree regarding the constant temptation so far as feeding and shopping for the family is concerned.

    I watched the video and it is very interesting. Definitely worth 54 minutes of my time, thanks for posting it.

    Those After Eights wouldn’t be touched in my house. I don’t like the combination of chocolate and peppermint.

    FD going well but I’m looking forward to my dinner!

    Hello Cyber Friends,
    RT- I am happy to know your Dad have a good son like you to think for him on this challenging time. You take care of yourself πŸ™
    Happy – hope you are better by now.
    Jo – how did you starve/reset your milk kefir grains.
    Yougurt makers – how is that method with powdered milk to turn the yougurt creamier?

    Here I am in Brazil with my husband. He obviously loves how warm, vibrant and happy people are here despite endless recession.
    We come from a country that everyone have so much and people have no idea what being homeless and hungry is.
    We are at my sister’s house and next to it I can have as much as raw milk as we want. I really need the good stuff. My sister had that bariΓ‘tri surgery and milk passes through her sustΓ©m. She also has calcium deficit.
    My 9 year old niece looks like has lactose intolerance and is very slim.
    I am enjoying my folks.
    Sending good vibes to you all πŸ₯πŸŒ·πŸ’πŸŒΊ

    Hi HCB
    I’m pleased to hear you are enjoying your time with your family in Brazil. It must be quite different to when you are in the US…if only the weather 😊

    I always add a tablespoon of powdered milk when I make yoghurt. It does make it creamier. These days we eat bought yoghurt (and quite an effort to buy sugar free full fat, but it does exist) as we don’t have very much. Kefir is used as our probiotic.

    Amazon, I don’t bother keeping the kefir if I’m away for more than 2 days. I make enough bottles to have ready on our return in the frige and freeze the grains. They start up again straight away. Use slightly less milk the first day back, and it may be slightly runnier, but it picks up quickly. They will also sit happily for a couple days in a small amount of milk in the fridge. As you know, cold sends them into hybernation, just like sourdough starter.

    Morning after a fast here. I went to bed hungry, but drew on my willpower. 😊 I dreamt of food (specifically corn and zucchini fritters) all night, but am happy to skip breakfast again.

    Nama, I’m in agreement with you. I have spent most of my adult life as the caterer for a family of 6. I’m always planning, purchasing, growing, preparing and serving food. I love cooking, but it does make it much harder to avoid thinking about it when fasting. Mr P rarely thinks about a meal until it is on the table in front of him. πŸ˜‘ P

    I’m going to freeze some grains tomorrow and see how it goes. I have to say I did think the method for freezing them seemed rather drawn out and complicated.
    I’ll make sure I have plenty of kefir made and bottled in the fridge before I go away too πŸ™‚

    I have an electric yoghurt maker and once it is ready I pour off the whey which leaves it thick and creamy. I’m making half the usual amount as I’m not eating so much now I’m drinking kefir but I do prefer it to most of what is on offer in the shops. I’ve never heard of adding powdered milk.

    Hi HCB, I’m jealous as I’ve always wanted to visit Brazil but not made it yet.

    My FD has gone well today, and I’ve now tidied another drawer and another cupboard!

    It seems it’s another spinoff from fasting Amazon….we all have tidier houses.πŸ˜‰ I even repaired a belt that has needed fixing for ages yesterday. Anything to not think of food. All the best with the rest of your evening. P

    Amazon I was a lucky recipient of Purple’s posted kefir grains and they have been wonderful. Whenever we go away I leave them in the fridge in a small amount of milk, plus any excess that grows I put in a small ziplock bag and freeze to give away. Even our financial advisor has been gifted some, so Purple your kindness has spread far and wide!

    How true about the cleaner houses!! I was just thinking the same myself yesterday as I ‘did a Bay’ and fasted and vaccuumed! Housework is so boring but it certainly keeps one out of the kitchen.

    We have Qld/Sydney weather at present, very steamy. Bit of a thunderstorm overnight but not the ripper I was hoping for. We are away for a few days this weekend to a beach location, hopefully the weather will improve. But the cottage we have booked looks cosy so maybe some reading instead.

    Purple and yougurt makers please confirm if the method is correct with one liter of raw milk.
    – boil the milk and wait until it is warm
    – add Greek yougurt or any plain yougurt
    – wrap it on a blanket for about 4/5 hours
    – store it in the fridge
    Thanks πŸ„

    I heat 1 litre of milk gently to 82deg C (just below boiling) then allow it to cool to 60C. I then add 1 tablespoon of good plain yoghurt (I look for ones with lots of live cultures listed). I also stir in a tablesoon of powdered milk. I like to sieve it into the pot to avoid any lumps.
    Wrap in a towel and stand on the kitchen bench overnight. Refrigerate the next morning. Cheers P

    Morning/evening all

    Blue sky and sunshine, a beautiful morning on the first day of Spring πŸ™‚

    I’m fasting again today to fit in with social arrangements this week and am off to the gym shortly.I might go for a walk later as it is such a lovely day and the rest of the week doesn’tlook very promising.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    As you say Amazon, great weather for a walk. Lots to do in the garden too.

    As a new yogurt maker I am loath to give advice, I just follow the guidance on the instructions from the yogurt manufacturers guide sheet. Boil milk, reduce to 42 degrees, add live yogurt, whisk and put in jars in preheated yogurt maker for 8 hours. Sets solid, you can turn it upside down, which of course I did. I am adding flavours after, just stirring in a little Ginger and tinned rhubarb. I will try a different flavour each non fast day. I got 14 jars with my kit so will only need to make it twice per week (apparently it only keeps three days in the fridge)for me and hubby who really enjoyed the homemade versions. He won’t drink the pondwater(Water Kefir) or offmilk(milk Kefir) but actually he has a healthy gut bacteria from eating cheeses daily. Never gets an upset tummy and pretty resistant to colds. No real health issues or joint problems, lucky him. A little overweight but he is addicted to sugar and determined to eat cake and chocolate forever. He has cut down on pork pie now but replaced it with sausage rolls so not a great improvement. He eats out a lot too, mostly meat roasts.

    PVE- next month .I will try three small meals per NFD day, non insulin spike variety, see how it goes. I was thinking- yogurt for breakfast with nuts, veg soup for lunch with cloud bread(made from eggs) and fish/seafood with veg for dinner served on a tea plate. What do you think? I am happy to give it a try! There will be sugar spikes but hopefully nothing dramatic.

    Morning Jo
    We have a thunderstorm and hwavy rain again after 2 dry days.
    On our way down, Mr P and I ate 3 tiny meals on non fast days. He still has a couple of small pieces of homemade toast for breakfast. I skip breakfast. We have a light lunch and a larger, low carb dinner including a “dessert” of berries, yoghurt and nuts. Learning to eat tiny meals and sticking to it is a skill. Fasting regularly helps as it seems to reset the appetite. I am a firm believer (as is Jason Fung) that it is the eating in between fasts that allows them to work. It means your metabolism does not drop. But, and this is important, you need to only eat what is reasonanle for your GOAL HEALTHY WEIGHT in total, on non fast days. Obviously ensuring the foods you choose also need to keep your bloodsugars steady is vital.
    Let me know how you go.
    Cheers P

    Beautiful warm day here with cooler nights. Autumn is here but still lots of rain showers.
    It’s impossible to Fast but I am trying not to eat all at once, low carbs and plenty greens.
    Amazon this country is huge! In one trip you can’t see much. This country suits all tastes but any skiing. Now snow πŸ‘
    Yougurt – wouldn’t be best if I just heat the “rawmilk” isnted of boiling and cooling down.
    I would like to keep that good bacteria alive or it doesn’t matter raw or boiled.
    I understand that while cooking we are also killing existing bad bacteria. Thoughts?
    My doctor asked for an x-rays in regards to my joint situation.
    I am happy for my loser friends.
    Talk to you later πŸ˜‰πŸŒΈπŸŒΉπŸŒ»

    Hi all,

    I am really tired (and happy) after a very lengthy and hard workout.
    I don’t know why but if someone else gets on one of the rowing machines I have to go faster than them so I did 15 minutes racing against a man who is younger and fitter than me and who was oblivious to what I was doing πŸ˜†
    This was after 15 minutes on the bike. I then did some strengthening and toning, sit-ups, crunches etc and while doing that decided I should give the cross-trainer another go as I really struggle with it.
    I managed 10 minutes and was very pleased with myself and then pushed myself with 20 minutes on the treadmill…..
    No swim today, just a nice hot shower followed by a detour to the supermarket as these kefir grains are very thirsty and need more milk πŸ˜‰

    The result is that my pedometer which usually measures around 8000 steps after a trip to the gym says 13000 and I’m sitting here with a smug grin on my face 😎

    I did lots of stretching when I finished so hopefully won’t suffer from any stiffness and it’ll be interesting to see if I can do as much tomorrow.

    I’ve decided against a walk this afternoon 🀣🀣🀣

    HCB, I’ve been told that the milk for yoghurt making should be taken off the heat before it comes to the boil. I use a thermometer and take it off at 90C and when it is below 45C I put it in the machine.If you don’t have a thermomemter take it off as soon as a few bubbles appear aroud the edge.

    I know that Brazil is huge. The first place I want to visit is the Pantanal closely followed by Iguaçu Falls

    Jo my yoghurt keeps for at least two weeks so I’ve no idea why yours should only keep for 3 days.

    I’ve frozen half of my kefir grains and will defrost them in a couple of weeks to reasssure myself that it works πŸ˜‰ before freezing more immediately before I go away at Easter.

    Just checked my instructions, definitely says bring milk to the boil and 4 days use by date but they are probably being over cautious. It’s why I bought extra jars. I put leaflets on Facebook.

    Just off to the vet, Charlie needs his claws clipped, heaven help them, he hates it.

    Sunny and warm here.

    I’m sure instructions vary greatly but people have been making yoghurt for years without thermometers and fancy machines so it must be fairly forgiving as to whether the milk is boiled or not. I have to say I’ve turned my back once or twice when heating the milk and looked just in time to prevent it boiling over and the resulting yoghurt has always been fine.

    We’ll be using the famous thermofinger to adjust the temperature. I would like to keep that raw bacteria alive.
    There’s not many fancy tools here! My family are very simple.
    Meanwhile I am trying to resuscitate those kefir grains I brought here 3 years ago.
    Right now my husband is making a zopf Swiss bread 🍞
    Thanks everyone for the feedback

    thermofinger 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    Well my yogurt is lovely and I am sure everyone else’s is too. I guess it’s all about health and safety rules when selling yogurt makers to the general public.

    I checked out cookery classes yesterday, I hoped to find Indian or Asian Cookery Courses. Unfortunately the only local courses were cake decorating or bakery. May need to do a full time course for a week. Sounds like fun!

    The vet was really impressed with my dogs health she noticed an improvement in his fur condition and claw quality. She has tended him for years so knows him well. I admitted that I have been giving them Kefir and she has recorded his improvement and will watch his progress with interest. He was given dog version probiotic tablets years ago for 6 months which had no positive effect so she is a little surprised. He even behaved at claw clipping time(unusual) which denotes less inflammation.

    My other dog has put on some weight too which pleased her, Tilly was beginning to get that old age scrawniness but she is up 2 lbs so in normal range for her build. She certainly has more energy these days.

    Amazon- I usually ignore ‘use by’ dates, trusting my sense of smell and taste. I am planning to 4 per week and my other half will probably eat the other 3.

    I haven’t been in the gym for ages, preferring classes and swimming, sounds like you had a good workout. I do like to compete against men at bowls though.

    Have a good evening everyone

    Time to make a nice big salad.

    Hi Jo,

    Yes I agree that manufacturers are covering their backs with the information they give. I remember watching Hugh F-W making yoghurt. He heated the milk until the bubbles started to appear, cooled it, mixed it with some yoghurt and left it somewhere warm overnight. If I had a nice warm kitchen heated by an Aga I would do the same.
    I have to say that electric yoghurt makers are almost foolproof if you remember to turn them on πŸ˜‰

    I made a 400 calorie pizza for my dinner and it was delicious, homemade dough, homemade tomato sauce, red onions and hard goats cheese with rocket sprinkled on top when it came out of the oven. I’ve had nearer to 600 than 500 today but I’m not going to worry too much as I’m doing 3 FDs every week and if I lose a 1lb per week I’ll be happy.

    I’m thinking of trying the Pure Stretch class but keep forgetting what days it is held. I’ll get there eventually.
    I’ve not done much swimming this year but started again a couple of weeks ago as it is a great way to stretch the muscles and wind down after using the cardio equipment.
    I’m trying to concentrate on strengthening my core muscles as I’ve been suffering with back pain and sciatica on and off for several months. It has started to improve which motivates me to keep going. I’m aiming to do sit-ups etc every day, it’s definitely worth the effort.

    Yes I swim after dance class or before Yoga, mostly outside depending upon heating of the pool. We don’t have a pure stretch class, sounds good. I really need to do more core work, maybe I should start a belly dancing class?

    My kitchen is chilly too because it doesn’t get any sun.

    Glad you are enjoying your vegetarian food.

    A friend of mine did belly dancing for a couple of years and absolutely loved it.

    I’ve got a routine worked out which is a mix of core strengthening including the Plank 😡😬 stretching and some Pilates. I’ve included some spine and hip stretches that I got from my physio, plus a few other bits and pieces from various workouts.

    HCB, I’m with Amazon and Hugh F-W. The reason you heat to 80ish (just below boiling) is to kill potential bad bacteria (or most of them). The good cultures that you need are in the yogurt that you add when the milk has cooled off again. 😊 Handled carefully, yogurt keeps for weeks.
    I pulled my Wii back out during our heavy rain to get some indoor exercise and pulled my shoulder πŸ˜‘ Must do those moves more often!!! P

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    This period of personal adjustment has flagged some unexpected concerns and considerations from friends and family with Dad now a permanent resident in an aged care facility in with a mix of people of age groups couples certainly varying stages of the disease with some poor beggars slumped in a chair in front the telly to being completely bed ridden and yet others who in Australian speak aren’t too bad in my opinion who can shower shave and dress themselves find the dining room go on bus excursions get their activities on draw paint make things with wood under supervision work in the communal garden or watch films all sorts of things. The Grandkids get spooked when they see other elderly folk talking to themselves or looking after a doll as a baby heaps of challenges I did not consider some of his friends being pissed at me for him being there in the first case and some long distant relative very quick to pass out plenty of advice also πŸ˜‰ for Dads part he has settled in well has a great routine with excellent care I am happy he is happy that works for me.
    Very interesting discussions on this page for a fasting regime Nama that guy you put me onto Butter Bob he has some frank and fresh advice suggesting that we need to remember no food that we eat will help us lose weight it’s the not eating that creates the fasting and all the health benefits and weight loss. Jason Fungs still correct guys.
    β€œMy #1 Hack for Weight Loss
    Just don’t eat. In other words, intermittent fasting. It’s natural. It’s free. It’s simple. You can do it anytime, anywhere. You can do it for as long as you want. Does it work? Of course. If you don’t eat, you’ll lose weight. Guaranteed.”

    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    Hi RT
    It is so sad how many people are traumatised by a quick look into an aged care facility and run. I spent 10 years visiting my mum daily in one. She was safe and her quality of life, despite dementia and Parkinsons, was the best you could expect. These facilities do smell. Some folk have behaviours many find confronting. But if they have family, like you, they know they are loved and cared for. Much better than leaving people to fall or become fatally ill in their own home, alone.
    You have done the right thing. And your dad know it.
    Peace P πŸ™‚

    Thanks Purple your a legend…

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