Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,551 through 1,600 (of 7,283 total)

  • Have fun at Abbey Road Jo 😊😊

    Hi everyone,

    It’s a nice spring day here with lots of sunshine 🌞

    Jo, I’ve had a quick countries visited count up and it is 32 not including Scotland and Wales. Some of those places have been visited more than once eg USA (3)Australia (4) India (3) Tunisia (3) Italy (2) Spain (6)

    I don’t have anything booked at the moment as I can’t make up my mind where to go but I’ve got a couple of UK trips organised to look forward to πŸ™‚

    I don’t mind long haul flights as it is an ideal time to relax and do nothing. I rarely read, listen to music or watch TV on such flights, I just idle away the time and sleep if I can.

    I’ve made some bread and had it warm from the oven with some home made marrow and ginger jam.
    I have a very light dinner planned and am looking forward to my weekend vino 🍷

    I must slice and freeze the bread before I’m tempted to have seconds.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Such a brilliant day in London, Rockies are the best company. Took lots of photographs. Recorded two songs which will be released on utube, Halo and Don’t stop me now. Very, very tired now,

    Good Morning,
    Well I really needed that sleep and lay in, I am rarely exhausted but yesterday was a very long day. The rehearsal and recording really took it out of us. Met some great people though and enjoyed being in London. There were road works just down the road from the studios so it was easy to get photographs without holding up the traffic, it was already held up. No risk to safety. Tourists from all over the world doing the same iconic photograph on the zebra crossing. Some too young to have known the Beatles music in their lifetime.
    Ate far too much food though, avoided sugar which was not easy as surrounded by people eating nothing but cakes and chocolate.
    Amazon- 32 countries is an impressive number. Yes I did not include GB countries. I do love Ireland in particular, shame about the rain. It’s nice here today so I am looking forward to a walk, feeling very jaded after yesterday.
    My daughter is exhausted too, Dragon boating regatta yesterday, 2 nd place, in one race, they were very pleased. She was a pace drummer for one race but they don’t get a drum, weird!

    Morning/evening all,

    The forecast overnight rain didn’t happen but it has just started now, thwarting my plan for a walk although it is looking bright overhead so maybe it won’t last.

    Jo I included the Republic of Ireland as it isn’t part of GB.
    I have a huge list of countries I want to visit and it gets longer every time I go on holiday as other travellers on the group tours are often well travelled and past experiences always get shared. My current problem is that those at the top of my wish list are expensive trips and after having 5 holidays last year, two of them long haul it is time to visit somewhere less costly and allow the holiday fund to grow.
    I’ve got 2 UK trips to look forward to before the end of May and I’ll have a serious think about where next once they are over.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning
    Beautiful day here! It’s just that acwoke up on a lazy mood. My kayaking girls wants to go out there but o promised my husband I was going to church with him this morning. If they wait a little I might go.
    My husband isn’t that adventurous in terms of traveling. I am always ready to go.
    I’ve been to 33 American states out of the 50.
    Most of my traveling abroad has been to Europe I guess 10 countries. Not counting Lichtenstein/Malta, so small. The Caribbean many small countries there as well.
    Brazil is also very big! I haven’t visited my neighbors down there.
    Yesterday I also a travel agent I guess is in England who organizes the bike tours. I would love to do that. I still looking into that River Cruise vacation. Because is in high demand is ridiculous expensive. Out last one with Viking Cruises we had that cabine at the bottom with the little window because the others were sold out.
    I am very excited about you Wee! Next year I will take my Mom on a cruise vacation. My Mom had a very hard life. Vacation was never an option for her.
    Enjoy your day β˜€οΈ

    Morning All,
    Just returned from walking along the coast(sleeveless) its like a summers day out there today. Cancelled my gym class in favour of car washing and planting my pots. May be risky but sometimes you have to take chances. I will plant up some plugs in my greenhouse too. Must have some colour.
    The classical concert was good (my friends daughter did a clarinet solo) followed by a meal together, fish fillets on a bed of mash( so much for the no potatoes) totally forgot when ordering, didn’t even look at the veg option on the fish courses. Left most of the potato, it wasn’t great mash anyway, not enough butter.
    Everyone was having dessert and no cheese and biscuits on offer so I had curried cauliflower soup, bit thin but good flavour. Soup for pudding, that’s a first.
    Fasting today until tonight as I am out again for a friend’s birthday. Light seafood meal then seeing ‘Hidden Figures’ at the cinema.
    Some serious fasting to do this week after several weekends of socialising. May do a calorie free day Wednesday and Friday this week.
    Waist down one inch in two weeks from daily exercise but doubt much weight lost, been galavanting far too much.
    Have a great day everyone.

    Hi everyone,

    What a glorious day 🌞

    I’ve been busy all day. I cleaned the flay yesterday and did all the washing knowing that the sun was going to shine all day today, so I started my day by hanging it out in the fresh air.

    I then did a grocery shopwhich was swiftly unpacked and put away so I could get out into the sunshine.

    I had a fabulous walk in Kew Gardens, marvelling at how much it has changeD in the 3 weeks since my last visit. So many bulbs in bloom along with other early flOwering plants. The camelia border is beautiful. I also walked the new woodland boardwalk which was very interesting, lots of new information about the trees, plants and wildlife plus a couple of tall shelters for various insects and a new pond.

    I was also pleased to see so many people including a sizeable number of tourists visiting the gardens.

    I went into the plant shop and bought some plants. I had a perennial wallflower that was ailing throughout the spring and summer before it gave up, plus I plan to move a few things which will create some space and justifies buying a couple more new flowering perennials πŸ˜‰

    I’ve been fasting today and didn’t think about food or hunger once until I began to prepare dinner which is basically a vegetarian cottage pie. The base is puy lentils cooked with onions, garlic, leek, carrot, herbs, tinned tomatoes and a few spices. The recipe uses sweet potato mash for the top but I’ve used a mixture of some celeriac and swede that desperately needed using plus some parsnip and potato. I’ll get 4 dinners out of a half quantity of the recipe. I’m going to cook some greens to serve with it.

    I got on the scales yesterday morning after a Saturday when I ate two doorsteps of bread covered with butter and jam 😏 a sizeable dinner and had far too much wine due to an unplanned catch-up with a friend and I’ve lost weight.
    Plateau over 😎

    Dinner is in the oven and smelling delicious.

    I’m hungry now………

    Hi all,

    Well I like your style Jo – cauli soup for dessert! You might start a trend!

    So pleased you have moved on from the plateau Amazon, despite the bread ‘fix’, hopefully you wont crave it again for a while! I had a vanilla slice on Sunday and loved every mouthful, wont need another one for a few months at least! It did taste VERY sweet.

    Lovely to read of your Northern Spring, especially bulbs popping up! Our Summer seems to be going on for ever, with another week in the 30s this week. At least Autumn has arrived with the nights being cooler.

    Clearing out Jamieson has given us the taste and husband has been going mad here in Melbourne the past few weeks. Even been into his storage space in the garage ceiling space and pulling out unbelievable stuff – like lambswool car seat covers from a Triumph TR3 that I drove 40 years ago! And he says he isnt a hoarder! Have booked a council rubbish removal (we get 2 a year for our rates) for next week, so this week is a final frenzy of clearing out! Anybody need anything? I mean anything! Maybe a bit worn/rusty/dusty, but I bet Steptoe has one!

    Barely time to log on and read the posts lately, at least I am finding fasting second nature these days…

    Well done you, great result and deserved. Veg food sounds wonderful.

    I saw Hidden Figures last night, great film. Just had a starter at my friend’s birthday meal, Calamari another favourite of mine, no pudding, just coffee.

    Nama- can you and hubby help me declutter here, it’s a disaster. 20 ft square garage full to the rafters, attic similar!

    Chat tomorrow, be strong!

    Morning/evening all,

    Thanks Nama and Jo, but it is just what I hope is the beginning of the final push to goal.
    When I was doing Weigthtwatchers I often found that I would get on the scales to discover that I hadn’t lost and then go off and eat too much only to find the next time I got on the scales that my weight had dropped. I also noticed that if I had a week when I didn’t stick to the plan I would still lose weight but the following week my weight would stall.
    In other words, IMO there’s a delay between calorie deficit and fat loss and despite knowing this, I still become disheartened. The loss on the scales after a FD is down to less food in transit and the fat loss comes afterwards. Well that’s my theory and it makes sense to me πŸ™‚

    Anyways, social plans have changed so I’m fasting again today rather than tomorrow as if I delay it until later in the week it might not happen….

    Jo, I’m going to see Hidden Figures tomorrow. We saw a trailer last time we were at the cinema and decided it looked good. We’ll be going out to eat afterwards which means vegetarian option for me but we are probably going for a pizza which makes things very easy.

    Time to leave for the gym,

    Where is RT this week?

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning,
    Big blizzard in New England . I am so happy to be here in FL.
    Amazon congratulations there. Your theory makes sense. For sure there’s a delay on melting that fat.
    Mana most all man I know, specially the older ones have a hard on letting go of their stuff.
    Having two houses makes it double trouble. Mine here makes me upset because he is not too good consolidating his stuff. The other day I meant to organize his mess and he was so worry I was going to throw things in the garbage. I problabky would e he would not even realize🀣🀣🀣🀣
    Nervous week here getting everything ready 🌻.
    See you!

    Hi Everyone,
    Wow America is certainly catching some bad weather. It’s a summers day here, crazy!

    Amazon- all we can do is keeping plugging away at this fasting lark until we get to goal, no choice, no alternative. I think I have hit another plateau but as not weighing until end of March I won’t know for sure. Waist is going down though and my Hula hooping is a bit better. I am not changing anything, 3 fasts of 500 ish cals is doable and it will move when my body has decided I am not starving to death. It seems to have a six month cycle of stop/ start programme. Learning to be patient, finally.
    Enjoy the film!

    Enjoying the fresh just having a break from gardening.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Ps – Tried Ayran (salty yogurt drink-probiotic) too salty for me. Yuk!

    Morning /evening all
    I’ve been sitting slightly higher for a few weeks, despite 2 fasts a week. Yesterday I carefully recorded every calorie I ate on a non fast day. And yes, it is portion size that is the issue. It is exceptionally hard, after 4 years, to not gradually increase what I think is a “normal” amount of food. I ate 200 cals more than I had expended, but did not gain weight. The reality is, at a realistic healthy goal weight, at my age, no matter how much activity I do, I simply don’t need much food.

    Regarding kefirs and yoghurts. Homemade milk kefir has up to 30 different bacteria. Water kefir has 10-15. Many yoghurts have very few. As the purpose of having kefir is to expose your gut with a wider range of bacteria, homemade milk kefir is the clear choice.

    Miserable British weather here at present…we are having to carry an umbrella with us all the time!! 🌧πŸŒͺ🌦 Keep at it everyone…this is a lifetime committment. P

    Hi P, how annoying, but at least you know now why you’re a little heavier! I guess the lesson is that a very small overeat each day WILL catch up eventually ☹️

    Jo, I hope you’re not going to regret not weighing yourself for a whole month. You eat out so much there’s no way you can accurately count calories?

    On the subject of milk kefir, mine is consistent now, and the grains are multiplying. At the moment I’ve been giving the excess to a poorly hen – she’s been on antibiotics so needs a big dose of healthy bacteria, but I must freeze some as a backup. The process sounds like a bit of a pfaff though.

    Jo, did you try different milks to see if you got a better flavour? I’ve used two different milks this week, and one was far superior, the other was verging on not very nice ☹️

    Like everything else, Happy. ..rubbish in, rubbish out. The same kefir grains give widely varied results depending on the milk used.
    It IS a case of ongoing vigilance with food intake. A little more here and there will end up as a long term increase in weight and loss of health. P☺

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been out today, saw Hidden Figures at the cinema which was the best film I’ve seen for a while, not that there was anything wrong with the others but this is based on a true story of events that occurred in the 60s so very interesting and pertinent, and it was well made and beautifully acted.

    We went out for dinner afterwards and I had a really nice vegetarian pizza called the Kew Garden Graze πŸ˜‡
    I don’t think I’ll be eating too much tomorrow….

    It has been another lovely spring day today, long may it continue πŸ™‚

    I have so many kefir grains I don’t know what to do with them. I’ll definitely freeze some before Easter as I’m going away for a few days.

    Purple, it has taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I don’t need anywhere near as much food as I would like to eat but I’ve finally got my head round only eating when I’m hungry and although I still have the capacity to overeat it makes me feel so awful I tend not to do it anymore.
    Choosing the healthy option is a work in progress πŸ˜‰

    Hello PVE,
    There is no going back that’s for sure, we need to be vigilant.
    I am still fasting 3 days per week and only having one meal, large salad with prawns or salmon fillet so not worried about calories.

    I finally got a reply from Happy Kombucha. Firstly they say the product should be ‘cheek suckingly sour’ ( their words not mine). The say that fermentation at this time of year in the U.K. Should be about 24-48 hours and exposed to temperature level of 20-25 degrees. (mine was 16.4). Also they say as I now have one tablespoon from getting one teaspoon a month ago that this is an acceptable growth considering the temperature issue. Ration is one teaspoon of grains to 250 ml of whole milk. They suggested I starve them to re-balance them. So they will be fasting too, poor things.
    I am sticking to whole milk but now add unfermented milk to strained milk if too it’s too sour to be enjoyable. Still drinking it daily and my dogs are doing very well on it.

    We have a result on my pigeon guests too, seems they are racing pigeons and the owner is coming to collect them tomorrow. Been missing months. My neighbour noticed they were tagged and caught one, just went up to it and picked it up, now staying a big cage, 5 star service meals. It’s friends are hanging around the caged one for company, all in my carport now.

    Happy- I am enjoying not weighing now, it’s a relief. If I stick to my fasts it should be OK. Still doing 23/1 everyday. Probably eating too much on NFD’s in terms of TDEE but that’s why I am doing 3 fasts, but everything I eat is healthy these days, no sugar, low carb. Still aiming for 1 lb per week which is a realistic goal. Still doing lots of exercise. This afternoon I finished my garden pots, it’s so good to see some colour. Put in frost resistant primroses and hardy cyclamen. The weather is so amazing, sleeveless again all day, bliss.

    If this month doesn’t realise 4 lb off I will go back to weekly weighing, but I am definitely not going back to daily weighing.

    Amazon- yes the film was excellent but the book was heavy. Seeing Viceroy next, have you seen it?

    Hi Jo,

    I thoroughly enjoyed the film and it took me back to my first trip to the USA when I visited the space museum in Washington where I saw the space capsule John Glenn orbitted the earth in plus the spacesuit Neil Armstrong wore for his moon walk.

    I’ve read quite a few bad reviews about Viceroy plus a good firsthand review from a friend who has seen it. To be honest I’m not really that interested is seeing another story about Indian independence.

    It is getting to the time of year when the cinema gets left behind in favour of pastimes undertaken out in the fesh air πŸ™‚

    Admittedly I wasn’t sure about it after seeing a review but two friends said they loved it. We have special Senior Citizen viewing which includes a cuppa, only Β£3.00, bargain deal.

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo, most cinemas have such deals for seniors but in London they are usually in the mornings which isn’t the right time of day for us.
    I belong to the Odeon club so receive loyalty points every time I purchase tickets which I redeem for tickets as soon as I have enough for two. We usually go early-mid afternoon and then go out for drinks/food afterwards.

    I’m meeting a friend for coffee today. We are going to a new coffee shop and I’m hoping the cakes on offer are not very inspiring. If they are, it’ll be a small salad for dinner.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    It’s a glorious day here in Wellington, so happy to be taking a day off from the bustle of work. I have lots of cleaning to do, now that the painter has finished the hallway and stairs, but the garden beckons too. We have visitors for dinner tomorrow, so it’s good that the house is in a finished state (for this stage – next the major one, the kitchen – not looking forward to the disruption there).

    Happy St Paddy’s Day, all. πŸ™‚

    Indeed. Happy Paddy’s Day everyone ☘☘☘☘P

    Morning All,
    Another bright day and very busy schedule. Back twinging a bit from gardening, nothing serious, probably cause by heaving bags of compost and big pots around, but I am very pleased with the colourful result.

    Fast day today, planning a calamari salad tonight. I found a source of pre cooked calamari in oil and vinegar in Aldi. Perfect size for one person and no cooking, excellent. May need to buy a bulk supply, makes a change from salmon.

    My yogurt making kit has been dispatched so I await it with excitement. I love yogurt so it will be good to make my own. Anyone recommend good flavours to make? I always have blueberries, strawberries and raspberries in the fridge. I will grow some strawberries and redcurrants too. Not planning on growing much veg this year, just tomatoes. Too much house decorating planned for this summer, we are working our way through every room starting in April with bedrooms.

    Hope everyone is well, happy and in control. Barata- How is the fasting going, beaten that 2 kilo into submission?

    I’m afraid the gardening took second place to housework today πŸ™ And only the front portion completed, what with interruptions. Downstairs (visible portion) tomorrow, for when visitors will be here, bedrooms on Sunday. Aren’t weekends lovely?

    No, Jo. But I’m not going to worry about it for now. I would rather have a few nights’ good sleep under my belt, and focus on the weight when work eases off. Still 5:2 religiously, though.

    Barata, sounds like a plan, as you say it’s probably stress. I was hoping that maintenance long term might be 6-1 but it sounds like 5-2 is more likely. Currently doing 3 days and finding it quite easy and routine so no worries. Who would have thought I would be saying that? Ha Ha I really have changed my relationship with food, not before time!
    Have you seen Wiwi? Is she still in NZ?
    My daughter will be celebrating her 30th soon, sad not to be seeing her, if only she was a bit closer? Ah well we have FaceTime, thank goodness.
    My best friends daughter lives in Melbourne and has just announced that she is pregnant. So sad that my friend will be a cyber Granny especially as it’s her only child. But hopefully she can afford an annual visit. This sucks particularly because she is terrified of flying, has to take tranquillisers.

    Current plans are to catch up with Wiwi next Friday. Although she’s being pretty quiet about her plans, is very busy.

    Long distance grandparenthood goes against nature. We should be there, offering support and love. {Sob, sob} Skype doesn’t quite feel the same as cuddles.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another fine morning πŸ™‚

    Jo, what do you mean by yoghurt kit, have you bought a yoghurt maker of one of those kits with flavoured sachets?

    I have a yoghurt maker that I bought from Lakeland and I make natural yoghurt using whole organic milk. I never flavour it with anything as I used Yeo valley natural yoghurt to start it and then use the remaining couple of spoonfuls for the next batch. It is smooth and creamy and in my opinion doesn’t need anything to change the flavour
    I use it in cooking, to make raitas to go with spicy food, as dressing for coleslaw and just to eat as it is or with berries and/or nuts and/or seeds. On the now rare occasions I have Bircher muesli I put some on top.

    It will keep longer in its natural state so adding flavour when you are about to eat it is the best option πŸ™‚

    Another FD today which is going to be tough as I ate too many bread carbs yesterday.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I’ve awake since 4:30 😑
    We are leave to Brazil today so it’s been a week filled with little details.
    My sister still has some of the kefir grains I gave her last year. I need to nourish it and see if is alive. She sent me a pic but I have to see it.
    i am glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy ❀
    See you later.

    Happy St. Patrick’s πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

    Yes a yogurt maker, no not arficial flavours to be added.

    Just fruits, possibly honey?

    HCB- Have a good trip to Brazil, warm weather, yum

    Barata- give my best to Wiwi, she seems to have deserted us temporarily, probably because she is busy.

    I have a man on the roof at present, blocked nesting areas, now the pigeons have been collected I am going to discourage further visitors. Dogs have been fine lately I would like to keep it that way.


    If you like the flavour of natural unsweetened yoghurt, why do you want to adulterate/ sweeten it with fruit sugars or honey (that is pure sugar too you know!).

    Hi Happy,

    I agree regarding yoghurt. If I put anything on it these days it is much more likely to be seeds and occasionally a few nuts. There are no berries in season apart from imported blueberries and I stopped buying them a while ago.

    I’ve just spent 3 and 1/2 hours in the garden digging, lifting, dividing and re-planting current perennials, planting new ones, weeding, evicting at least 500 snails and poisoning ivy roots 😈
    There are huge expanses of bare earth at the moment but as everything has shoots and/or buds it’ll be filled in soon enough and I just might go to the garden centre tomorrow for a few more small plants to fill in some of the gaps.

    FD is flying by πŸ˜€

    I totally agree regarding the taste of natural yoghurt and kefir. No point in adding sugar, in any form. I know many of us have found IF has changed our taste buds. Sweet foods just don’t appeal. A few nuts and cinnamon can add pizzazz to create a treat. Keep in mind that as good as kefir and yoghurt are, they need to be but a small part of your balanced diet. All things in moderation. πŸ™‚
    The rain has been so heavy here, we may be evacuating to the boat soon. πŸ˜‘ Have a good, sensible weekend gang. P

    Happy sailing Purple! Will you be loading the Ark with pairs of animals too?!
    Hopefully our last hot day in the 30’s today, we could really do with some more rain down here.
    Amazon and Jo, your gardens sound lovely. My pots will soon be turned over to all the bulbs I brought home from Jamieson, need to eat all the baby lettuces that are in the pots first! I am looking forward to some cooler weather so I can spend more time outside, March has been unusually hot and jut too hot for gardening.
    I tried a new recipe from a LCHF website yesterday, a chicken dish with pesto, cream, olives and fetta. Very yummy but way too rich, even served with lots of greens to ‘dilute’ it! Today I am making cauliflower mash as I have been missing potatoes lately. I saw a recipe which also includes some cream and some sharp cheese, sounds yum. Then tomorrow off to meet a country friend at a winery half way between us both… a Tapas menu, sounds promising.
    I think I will stay inside with the sewing machine today – I found some gorgeous fabric I had bought to make cushion covers(and never used!) which is perfect for a quilt cover for the cot that has found its way to a spare bedroom!
    Wishing everyone a great weekend, hoping RT has not been abducted by aliens!

    You have some great plans Nama!
    I had a cauliflower mash with pork and fennel sausages in an Irish pub yesterday. Excellent comfort food in teeming rain. 😊 I thought a lamb tagine tonight would match the weather too.
    As the cat is our solo pet these days, I can’t see an ark full of pairs. My little lettuce and spinach seeds, that I popped in last weekend, will be ready to eat by the end of the week with this much water. 😊
    Missing a few regulars. Hope you are all going ok. P

    Don’t forget the unicorns in the Ark, P. πŸ™‚

    Everything is slowing down in the garden now, with the cooler nights and shorter days.

    Perhaps the protein-only diet caught up with RT?

    Good morning, well evening really but past midnight.

    I am revved up after a brilliant day packed with so many activities and I enjoyed everyone of them. It’s great to have so much energy but not so good when you are not tired by midnight. Catching up on threads and writing a manual appointments calendar as back up for my iPad/phone.

    PVE, Amazon and Happy- I am happy to have some fruit or honey in my yogurt on non fast days. I have made so many healthy changes and feel that having fruit is a positive thing. My three apples a day habit has been kicked in favour of blueberries, raspberries and blackcurrants on NFD’s. I really look forward to them now. They should be good added to yogurt but I may try other things too. I love the taste of lemon, Ginger and rhubarb. Remember I don’t eat sugar and on very low carb plan these days. It’s not easy to be vigilant all the time but I feel I have really cracked the sugar monster. My friends never offer me cakes, biscuits or sweets now they have got used to me refusing. It’s a relief!

    My Kefir is now being starved per instructions from Happy Kombucha, to weaken the flavour. Not sure how I am going to find a cupboard that is the recommended temperature, yet is not too hot. Guess I will need to put a thermostat in each cupboard for a day and record temperatures. I have a cupboard over a radiator which might be good for part of the time. The one near my cooker (used for Kefir now) is 10 degrees too low, hence lack of growth of grains.. Our heating is only on from 6-10 pm so it won’t be a constant exposure to 25 degrees.

    Nama- Sewing sounds fun, I really enjoy dressmaking. Recipe’s sound good too. Thankfully I have had a fast day which includes a big salmon salad tonight.
    I have lots more gardening planned this weekend, weather perfect for it this week. I think rain is forecast for Sunday. Like you I really miss potatoes, may need to include them on Sundays only.
    RT- Where are you, we miss you! Hope you and yours are well?

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Hi All not really much more I can add or contribute right now, As my dad took a nasty fall in the bathroom and has been in hospital the past week or so and we have allowed this situation to trigger a change now so he has been home until this incident but he will now reside in an aged care facility specializing in dementia and Alzheimer’s there has been a lot of soul searching and agonizing over this decision but I feel it’s the best for him now I will be lurking fasting friends.

    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    Jo, my kefir sits happily on the kitchen benchtop in all weather….from 8deg in winter to nearly 40 in summer. It survives and thrives. The grains are surprisingly hardy. The only rider to that is, I am very fussy to wash all implements thoroughly to avoid cross contamination. All are washed and rinsed daily. I wash the muslin that covers it about once a week.

    Regarding sugar and carb consumption, remember you are talking to the crew who have all changed our diets too. None of us would be where we are today if we hadn’t made these radical changes. You have come a long way. So have we all.

    Last night, we watched a fellow at a nearby table in the Irish bar we were in. Over a period of 3 hours, he drank pint after pint of Guiness and beer and injected himself in the stomach twice with insulin. Needless to say he ate only hot chips and was fat. He was probably in his 40s. I found the whole thing terribly upsetting. He and his doctor are killing him.

    We crossed posts RT.
    Sorry to hear about your dad. It is a very trying time watching your parent decline. Take care. P

    My commiserations, I went through the same thing with my mother. Just to let you know that she had 10 very happy years in her Retirement home.

    PVE- I guess the point that Happy Konbucha made about my Kefir is that it is never exposed to high enough heat. Cool kitchen.

    I am fully aware how much you have all changed your eating habits and your success in reaching goal is testament to your changed habits and tastes. You are all my heroes/heroins and I thank you for your support and inspiration. Just saying that I would like to keep the few pleasures I have left, some berries.

    I agree that it is very upsetting to see people who eat and drink to excess and ruin their health. I was in a bowls match this evening with two grossly overweight men who drank beer or wine throughout the match. The couldn’t do ‘measures’ (bending to floor level to measure which bowls are nearest the Jack) when these were required because they would not be able to get down to use the measure. (I offered to do it)They both had to sit down between turns and were very tired by 10 pm when the game finished. Both these men were in their 50’s, you would have thought they were in their 80’s.


    Jo, I don’t think any of us were suggesting that you shouldn’t eat fruit, just querying why you would want to make flavoured yoghurt if you like the flavour of plain yoghurt. I eat nuts/ seeds/fruit with mine, but I enjoy being able to taste the yoghurt. Also, if you are eating honey on non-fast days then you aren’t sugar-free. Personally I wouldn’t want to add a spoonful of sugar to my yoghurt, but again it’s your choice.

    You did ask for suggestions/ comment, sorry you don’t like what came back 😁

    Re: kefir. My house never gets to 25 degrees! The central heating is only on for a couple of hours and the thermostat is set to 15. The cupboard temperature is roughly 16 degrees. My kefir is quite happy and has more than doubled in size. Hopefully starving the grains will sort yours out but I wouldn’t be too worried by your house temperature.

    RT, so sorry to hear about your Dad. It’s hard watching those you love becoming aged and infirm.

    Morning/evening all,

    RT, sorry to hear your Dad had a fall and also that you’ve had to make a tough decision, but you are doing what is best for him. Don’t forget to look after yourself while you are coming to terms with it.

    Jo, my kitchen is cold and mostly unheated even in the middle of winter. It has never been anywhere near the recommended temperature and my kefir grains have been growing like crazy.
    I don’t measure anything either, just put all of the grains in the jar and add some milk. I’ve actually had to get rid of some grains as I had so many and I’m going to freeze some when I get round to it.

    I am also in the less is more camp so far as washing the jar is concerned and it gets a rinse under the hot tap a couple of times per week and then cooled down under the cold tap before the grains go back in. The sieve and plastic spatula get the same treatment although they did go into the dishwasher for the first time yesterday as I knocked a pot containing some cold coffee over and it went everywhere!

    This just goes to show that kefir grains are very hardy and can survive and grow in many different environments and range of temperatures.

    And as Happy said, you asked for comments……….

    Nama, my garden is tiny, only 3m x 7m but with space for lots of plants and there is enough room on my small patio for my fancy reclining chair and my baby Weber 😎
    The quilt sounds like an excellent idea as I get the feeling that cot will be well used in the coming years πŸ™‚

    We had rain overnight which was perfectly timed after my moving shrubs and planting new ones.

    I slept really well last night and am surprised that nothing hurts after my efforts wrestling with enormous ivy plants that are growing like triffids in the alleyway and lifting heavy shrubs. This gym lark must be working πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Grey day here hope you are all having better weather. Probably won’t be spending time in the garden after all, biting wind. Woke up feeling positively skinny today, so I measured waist, no change, ah well!

    Happy- as I do 23/1 everyday I am not concerned with effect of one teaspoon in a yogurt after a meal on a non fast day. I believe in the health properties of Manuka Honey especially for energy level and helps with sleep. I will take all your advice on board though, natural is best especially on fast days. How long are you fermenting your Kefir? You have the same temperature as me, what ratio are you using of grains to milk? Is you cover muslin? Tea towel? J Cloth?

    PVE- I am putting my jars, strainers through the dish washer daily too. I don’t want to contaminate the good bacteria. Milk residue is difficult to shift.

    Have a good day fasters. Hugs to RT and family.

    For the first couple of weeks I didn’t have a cover on my kefir. It was in a kilner jar with the lid left unfastened and then the sun started to shine and a bluebottle appeared as soon as I opened the window so I decided I’d better start using a piece of muslin 😫

    Jo, if you like to eat honey etc that’s fine, go for it. I have no intention whatsoever of giving up sugar but my tastes have changed and I’m less inclined to eat sweet things as often as before. I’ve also started to notice the natural sweetness in things such as yoghurt, almonds etc. Fasting definitely gives ones taste buds a kick!

    I eat much less fruit but I’ll not be giving it up although I’ve gone off bananas, and as apples and pears are two of the best fruits to eat as they contain so much fibre, they’ll be staying near the top of my list. I won’t be giving up jam, marmalade, honey or maple syrup either but they are all consigned to the shelf marked occasional.

    I made some buckwheat pancakes using kefir for brunch. They were light and fluffy and delicious with a drizzle of maple syrup and a topping of yoghurt and fresh figs πŸ™‚

    23/1 has gone out of the window at weekends and I am finding that I’m less likely to overdo it if I have brunch and a small dinner.

    It looks miserable outside as it is overcast and quite breezy but it is much warmer than it looks and the sun is peeping out occasionally.
    I’ve just been to the garden centre and bought some alpines and perennials which went straight into the ground when I got home.
    It still looks a bit sparse out there but in a few weeks it’ll be lovely (fingers crossed)


    I bought the ‘kit’ from Happy Kombucha, grains plus jar with cloth top plus plastic sieve. I think they overcharged for the jar and sieve, but I didn’t have ready access to a kitchen shop at the time so it seemed easier. I have since seen the jars in Morrisons – wide necked cookie jars for Β£1 ☹️

    I’m on a 24 hour ferment, and have fed excess grains to the hens.

    I haven’t put the jar through the dishwasher, but I do give it a wash out every night before I put the new milk in. Do you think you could be getting traces of detergent/ rinse aid from the dishwasher?


    Funny you say you’ve gone off bananas. I have too. I used to eat one every day, but now it’s very occasional. I eat a lot of vegetables, and salad fruit, but not much pudding fruit these days.

    When I was working there was a standing joke regarding the “10.30 banana” as nearly everyone had one as a mid morning snack! I never ate one at the weekend and when I first gave up work I kept wondering why they were going brown in the fruit bowl. I always used to freeze them when they were too ripe as they are great for banana bread and in muffins.
    I can’t say I miss them.
    I used to eat at least three pieces of fruit on workdays, usually in the form of homemade fruit salad plus the narna and would usually have a fruit based pud at the weekend.

    I like to add fruit to salads and savoury dishes but I’ve not worked out which goes best with lentils πŸ˜‰

    Thanks everyone very grateful to my cyber family support.
    Peace Love and Happiness

    Good Evening Everyone,

    Just finished making my first two pots of yogurt, lemon and ginger flavour, should be nice. I didn’t realise milk needed to be heated and cooled before the 8 hour yogurt making process begins.

    I have never been keen on bananas, oranges are my favourite but I used to eat lots of apples because they were convenient to have in my bag as a snack alternative to biscuits. These days I go without. When I have a dessert it is usually berries with natural yogurt. Finally stopped having apple crumble or bread pudding at bowls. That has been a long battle but I have overcome it now. I think that foods that give you happy memories are far more ifficult to give up because of the emotional responses to the sight, smell of these comfort foods.

    Feeling tired tonight after hectic day which included bowls match, table tennis(my back hand needs lots of attention)and a nice long walk.

    Restarting my milk Kefir tomorrow, 1 tsp to 250 ml whole milk. Starvation has helped as it doesn’t smell as strong.

    Happy Sunday Folks

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