Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,601 through 5,650 (of 7,283 total)

  • Good Evening everyone,
    As usual I have been rushed off my feet. Glad to read all the chatter and serious political debate going on.

    Amazon – I know Hereford and areas nearby well. Used to holiday there annually to visit my In Laws. Lovely place especially when weather good. Quite often rain and floods when we visited, you have been lucky.
    Wiwi – weird having antibiotics before your operation? You will need lots of Kefir to boost your immunity again. Good Luck with that and your trip. I love the South West.
    Barrata- good luck with the house sale – make coffee and bread on open day – heavenly aroma sells houses.
    PVE – it never ceases to amaze me how many ‘seriously fit/active’ 60/70/80/90 year olds there are around me. It really is an inspiration to keep moving and keep learning new skills, it’s the way to preserve physical fitness and metal agility. Of course we have our own team of successful faster on here too, take some applause👏🏽
    RT – Wherever you are we wish you well and miss you, especially your Friday funnies.

    The weather today was truly vile, very, very windy and I was bowling (well trying to) but my woods were far too light for the weather conditions. All the equipment was blown around too, madness. I am exhausted from the effort and hope I never have to play in strong wind again.
    I have been getting ready for my concert at the Fringe in Edinburgh, need to be word perfect as concert sold out. Hope my voice holds out.

    My grand daughter is keeping me very busy too, I take her swimming, she loves it.
    She is on solid food already so I am busy preparing veg dinners for the freezer, takes me back to preparing meals for my kids. I used ice cube trays. She is also having finger food, very keen to eat anything and everything, like her Nanna.

    My fasts have been a disaster lately, no control at all. I must not let the side down, I will try to do better. You all seem very focussed at the moment. Whereas I have had Ice cream and even chocolate this last week – seriously! Why do I go into self destruct so frequently?

    My step count is up to date though, averaging 12,000 per day now(Million Step Challenge – ends Sept 30th)I have to admit that I feel great after 6 weeks. Sleeping like the dead and my back problem is much improved, who knew I needed to walk more? I have always considered myself very active. I hope to keep this average going after the challenge is over.

    Charlie(dog) is doing OK but still having odd days of lethargy and odd behaviour. He is eating normally so I am trying to be positive. He is very clingy too, we are not leaving him for long.

    Just booked a cruise – May 2021 – my retirement group are heading off to the Norwegian ffiords, another tick on my bucket list. Still so many places to visit.

    It’s Folk Week here so our town fit to bursting. I hope to catch some bands this week but my schedule is pretty busy, Bowling everyday as competitions season is in full swing. My new club not doing so well but I like the people better, less politics and bitching. I am through to the Ladies final and hope to qualify for other finals like pairs and triples plus 100 Up, mostly mixed teams.

    Keep up the good work everyone

    Nothing weird about taking antibiotics prior to surgery. It means that there’s little possibility of a previously undiagnosed underlying infection causing any issues when the surgery is performed.
    One course of anti biotics should not be an issue in an otherwise healthy person and I would imagine Wiwi’s diet is good enough to ensure diverse gut bacteria.
    Kefir is not a miracle cure, if it was it would be available on prescription and widely prescribed.

    I was not “lucky” with the weather in Herefordshire as it is usually good at this time of year albeit a couple of degrees cooler than London. I’ve been visiting for over 30 years and the worst weather was always in October, rain, gales and inevitably power cuts.

    Apart from the strong wind and a heavy shower late this morning, the weather has been much better than the doom mongers AKA weather forecasters suggested. And why do they always talk of rain as if it is a bad thing. We’d all die without water!

    I’ve had a really good week fasting wise and I’m hoping I can keep it up. I feel I’ve eaten too much today but it’s because I’ve eaten so little the rest of the week 😆

    There’s nothing wrong with ice cream and chocolate but it needs to be a treat, and eaten instead of something eg lunch, rather than as a supplementary extra 😉

    Jo, the smell of my roast beef wafting through the house did the trick. We had 12 groups through, 40 people, and they were pushing through the door before we could leave the house! Several are seriously interested, but we will continue with the next two open homes (unless some one makes a ridiculously high offer 🙂 ).

    Best of luck with the op, Wi. Son’s ex-FIL has – finally, we hope – got a diagnosis on his leg. It seems it relates to some tropical disease he picked up while with the army in Malaya back in the 60s, so maybe they can start treating him with the correct medication. He’s in such pain, and worst case would need the leg removed. I had him on the phone in tears this morning with pain and lack of sleep, but this afternoon after a drug-induced sleep he’s in better shape, no more suicidal talk!

    OH is home after a minor accident with the car, so no more work for him until the panel-beating can be done 🙁

    Happy hump day, all.

    Wow, the open house went well, but with the city so short of houses, Barata, not surprising. That’s great! There’s also a drop in interest rates in NZ I heard, so it’s all in your favour.
    Hope you are still around on 3 October to give you a farewell hug.
    Yes an op on 4 Sept, and all such an enormous big deal.
    You realise that the way health systems are organized is culturally based and this big tra la la is getting me down. So looking forward to 2 weeks in the UK as from Friday.
    In France, Jojo, they suggest brewers yeast to lessen effects of antibiotics.
    I am fine however and need neither that or kefir.

    Barata, we still have a car if you need one for OH. Just let me know,

    Summer has passed its prime here and the golden days have returned. I love late summer. Today the Alps were purple at sunrise. Yesterday I watched the day arrive with the meteor shower. Only 100 her hour so not as spectacular as sometimes.
    But, Barata, I saw Matariki, as the Plaedes costellation was conspicuous.
    Our village is organizing a pizza night tonight.
    We have one of those stone bread ovens, and use it 2 or 3 times a year. It takes 24 hours to get it to temperature.
    Back to open end fast tomorrow.
    XXX Wiwi

    Thanks, Wi, but the car he’s driving is a Corporate Cab – needs a certain panache and youth! I struggle to see Matariki in the eastern sky when I go out for the newspaper in the dark am. Not sure if we will still be in Welly by the beginning of October, though. You may have to follow us north for our hugs 🙂 . And OCR down to 1%!

    Hi everyone,

    It’s a wet one here in London and the rain is most welcome to water plants, clean roads and pavements and freshen up everything.

    great news on the interest in your house. Fingers crossed you get a sale soon and also find a new abode soon.

    the pizza night sounds like fun, enjoy 🍕🍷

    I did B2B FDs M/Tu so today is a non FD but I’m aiming for one meal in order to keep the calorie count down. The FDs have been going well but last weekend didn’t go to well and I’m hoping aiming for a single meal ie an early dinner will work.

    The weather was warm and sunny M/Tu and I went out walking on both days to nearby places I’m not too familiar with. It never ceases to amaze me how many green spaces there are in London. I went to a nearby house and gardens on Monday that I’ve visited a few times and I’m trying to familiarise myself with all the different paths and routes.
    Yesterday I went to another local park that I used to visit every year for firework displays but have only walked in once or twice and not recently. It is an ordinary local park which has excellent facilities, hoops for basketball, several tennis courts, lots of green spaces some of which are cordoned off for dog exercise or as dog free zones, a playground, a paddling pool, organised summer activites for children, a peaceful walled garden and lots of benches under the shade of beautiful mature trees.

    There is a small garden centre near one of the exits alongside the railway arches that carry the tube trains and I went in on my way home as I’m looking for something tofill a space in the garden and to my surprise I discoverd a fabulous little café under the arches that serves excellent coffee, The outside seating is in the garden centre which has permantly planted areas with huge palms and other plants and it is like sitting in a tropical garden.
    It’s now on my list of places to stop for coffee.

    Time to get back to the kitchen to finish assembling dinner. I’m making melanzane parmiggiana 🍆🍅🧅🧄🧀

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Going to have to make some serious reviews of lifestyle. Fasting and controlling food intake has dropped off the radar and we all know that means the scales will be telling me bad news. Giving myself a good talking to as my holiday starts on Saturday. Let’s hope Scotland can provide some summer because it’s been pretty wet and cold here.
    I had to go out in boots and winter coat yesterday afternoon, seriously – in August! Folk week has been pretty grim, Tent areas very muddy. Shame. Pubs are still full to bursting though as there are live bands playing all day and evening. I was amongst the crowd yesterday seeing my friend who plays in a blues band.

    I think I have spent too much time worrying about my dog lately, he is doing fine so I must get on with life and focus on my diet again. My grand daughter is keeping me pretty busy too. When I am not babysitting I am in charge of making up freezer portions of food. She seems to eat everything which makes it easy. I am preparing vegetarian/fruit and yogurt dishes but small amounts meat and fish are added later. She is also very keen on finger food.

    Wiwi – sounds like things are going well, I will be thinking of you on the 4th.
    Barata- wow 40 house buyers in one day, incredible! It’s a lovely house though, sure to sell quickly. Sorry to hear about car accident, assume it wasn’t his fault.
    Amazon-park sounds lovely, it’s great to visit a variety of places. I can get stuck in a rut sometimes. Dog walk now include a different coastline near my son’s home. Several nice cafe’s on route, we break for rest at half way point. It would be good to explore parks near their house too. I have to walk down a really busy road to get to beach, be great to avoid that route.

    Well done to fasters, I must try harder as I am feeling and looking very fat at the moment especially around the stomach.

    Morning All,
    Quiet on here at the moment. Hoping everyone is in good health. Busy time of year for all I guess.
    Off to Solihull then Scotland – really excited.
    Who knows who I might meet up with?
    Looking forward to Rock Choir performance at the Fringe, concert a sell out. Some of our Scottish counterparts will join our choir for the show.
    My friend moving in here to carefor my dog. He seems well at the moment but I hope he doesn’t miss us too much.
    I will endeavour to keep on the straight and narrow this week sticking to Fish and veg.
    Chat next week.

    All the best at the Festival, Jo. It’s a wonderful time to visit Edinburgh. Choose low gi foods. 🤭😉😉 P

    Enjoy Edinburgh Jo!

    I’m at home this weekend. We’re entertaining a friend/colleague of the OHs, who I really struggle to warm to, so I’ll be pleased when the working week starts again…!

    I’m doing a 24 hour fast today. Having fasted twice this week, I’ve overcompensated on non-fast days 🐖 So perhaps the only way to stop overeating (except for stopping being depressed of course 😥) is not to start eating?! I don’t want to go OMAD on a permanent basis, but I need something to kickstart me into good eating habits again.

    It’s a lovely, if breezy, day here today so fresh air and exercise should help take my mind off my stomach.

    Hi Happy,
    With Spring around the corner, and absolutely no excuse to carry extra, I’ve taken myself in hand with a new regimin…very strictly eating only twice a day, every day, roughly 18:6. No 24 hour fasts, but very low carb, high in low GI veg meals. Absolutely no with carbs or between meal eating. 1 glass of red wine every day. So far, the results are reaping benefits and my hunger levels have dropped right off again. I need to feel satiated, but not full, and to not feel deprived. I find I go to bed feeling hungry, but am learning, again, that it doesn’t build and I not only survive until morning, but until at least 12. I can even eat out by ordering, for example, a poached egg with spinach, tomato and avocado. Still enjoy the social occasion, but don’t add to my weight.
    As all of us have found over the years, it is important to reassess, and alter, our eating habits regularly to keep on top of it. All the best with your reset. P 😊

    Greetings, all, on this cold and dull Friday.

    No luck with selling the house yet, although we did sign one agreement only to have the buyer use the condition to back out. Our agent is working tirelessly with other interested parties from the open homes, so we are hopeful. I am sure we will have a positive result, even if we need to hold the third open home on Sunday.

    Good luck with all your endeavours, girls. Missing the Friday funnies, RT.

    I miss RT’s humour, and the weekly reminder that it is Friday morning again 😥
    Come back RT. Life’s not the same without you. 🤭🤭
    Have a happy, healthy, weekend folk. P

    So so quiet on the thread as another week rolls around. Is everyone hibernating (SH) or enjoying the last of the summer (NH)? It’s a balmy spring-like day here, high of 15 and a soft breeze. I have plans to get out in the garden later.

    The second purchase offer for the house has been withdrawn, with the purchaser, who was very keen on the place, getting a negative report from his building inspector. Apparently this bloke is very tough – when our agent heard who was to do the work he did not anticipate a happy outcome. So after a week’s break we will be re-starting the Sunday open homes next week. It’s just as well we haven’t fallen in love with a property in the North yet. So I will be in town to greet your arrival after all, Wi. 🙂

    Have a great weekend, all.

    Hi Barata,

    Sorry to hear about your ‘nearly’ purchasers. We haven’t yet reached the point of putting ours on the market, but I’m really not looking forward to it.

    Meanwhile, life plods along!

    Last weekend was a bank holiday, which is usually a cue for rain, but this time the sun shone and it was hot (by our standards 😁). Since then temperatures have dropped back and dull skies have taken over. Its breezy too, so feeling quite autumnal all of a sudden.

    It’s been a terrible growing year in the veg patch and under cover. Big temperature variations, storms, and August was too humid. The chillies and cucumber have done well, but the tomato crop is poor. The peas have been blown down and whipped by the wind. The beetroot failed. A mole went through my onions on several occasions and they didn’t appreciate being chucked up above ground and replanted… Thank god for the supermarket!

    Fasting has been going well and I’ve managed to be more disciplined on non-fast days too. As a result, I’ve made a bit of a dent in my extra weight. I had been complacent about it and not really putting in the effort, but hopefully am finally in the right place mentally to get a proper grip!

    Anyway, it is the start of another work day here so I’d best get to it. At least having too much to do distracts me from eating…!

    Hi Barata
    Don’t the potential buyers even make a “silly” offer, allowing for the negative building report? That’s what happens here.
    I’d presumed the quiet thread was because everyone had reached their desired goals, or dropped off the wagon completely 😏
    I’m making inroads into the excess I gained after the family stress. Eating 16/8 every day, (2 meals, 1 glass wine), very low carbs, mostly raw veg. The weight is dropping steadily off. I’ll keep this regimen up.
    We’ve had steady, torrential rain for the past few days. Our first in months but sadly, west of the mountains, the farming land, is getting none. Top of 12 here today. 😱
    Have a great weekend, anyone who is still there. 😊😧🤭🤭P


    I’m still here but got tired of talking to myself so I’ve been quietly getting on with fasting. Almost 4 weeks in and although there were a few ups and downs in the first couple of weeks, I’m getting better at staying in control on non FDs. My weight is moving in the right direction but not as fast as I would like and I’m hoping that will happen as my self control continues to improve.
    One of the things I’ve been doing is eating more fish and meat as I realised I wasn’t getting sufficient protein. I’ve also quit (for the time being) making or buying bread.
    It is peak season for so many UK fruits and veggies there is a wealth of choice of fresh tasty and healthy foods on offer.

    I’ve been busy socially over the past 2 weeks, out and about the various parks and gardens on my doorstop and slightly further afield.

    I went to the ballet last Thursday and saw a modern Matthew Bourne production of Romeo and Juliet set to the original music. No big stars, all young dancers plus what the company call young associates both on and off stage working alongside the company members.
    It was excellent and the dancing of a very high standard. They were awarded a much deserved standing ovation.

    I met Wiwi and Mr W for lunch last weekend when they made a whirlwind visit to hot and sunny London, which was lovely 😊

    This week I’ve been working on increasing the amount of exercise I’m doing and it is going well. The weather is good, it was very hot (for the UK) at the weekend with temperatures over 30C but it’s now back to a more seasonal low 20s which is much more condusive to walking.
    I had an early stroll in Kew Gardens yesterday as I realised there’s only another 2 months before the early opening ends for the season. It is so different at 8:30am, everything is quiet, the water fowl are still half asleep, the other birds are all singing and there is the opportunity to see other wildlife such as field mice, which hide away during the day when there are many more people about.

    It’s the last day of the school holidays here, so it’ll be a bit quieter everywhere during the day from next week but there are still plenty of tourists here from Europe enjoying what we have to offer while it’s still easy for them to visit, plus a good exchange rate courtey of the UK governement…..


    Sorry to hear the veg garden has been suffering. My garden was looking absolutely stunning in June but the crazy weather has had it’s effect.
    Annuals that flower right through until October are struggling, if still alive and many plants are leggy and hanging listlessly down the sides of pots and containers rather than being upright and looking helathy, despite regular watering and the occasional feed.
    Fortunately the majority of my perennials have survived and some are looking very good, so the garden still looks OK and cheers me up every morning when I look out of the kitchen door.

    Another FD for me, a prawn and avocado salad is planned for today followed by excellent English plums. Perfect warm weather food.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Hi Amazon
    Glad to hear your vigilance is also paying off. I decided to drop full 24 hour fasts as the weather just makes me cold and miserable. Skipping breakfast and eating super tasty veg seems to work.
    Your garden sounds like mine in the summer…limp and leggy plants. No amount of handwatering replaces a good soaking downpour. I’m looking forward to green instead of brown lawns after this week. 😊😊P

    Brief response, Sandman calls. My niece in the Hunter Valley is doing a happy dance, P, with the rain that is falling there. The potential purchaser was so keen on our house I cannot understand why he didn’t try to negotiate with us. Finance was mentioned as an issue, and the Chinese are different!

    We are fortunate not to have mammals interfering with our gardening endeavours, Happy. Our only mammal is a bat – not a garden threat. But my winter lettuce have been decimated by the sparrows, not a leaf to be plucked!

    No gains (losses) on the scales here, all I can do is plan on decisive action once life becomes normalised again.

    Hi Purple,

    Good to hear you’ve found a way to get things moving again. Changing things round and then giving the new regime a chance to work is the way forward.

    I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself as that is when I go out and buy a cake or bake bread, and working on preventing something I’m an expert at, setting myself up to fail. 😬

    I’m feeling very motivated at the moment but if I need any more impetus there are the holiday trousers. I have 10 weeks (no pressure………..)

    Oh yes, and wearing my new swimsuit in public 😆

    I’ve been invited for dinner tomorrow by one of my neighbours for whom I cat-sit. I’ve no idea what I’m likely to be served so the plan is to fast until I get there so I don’t wake upon Sunday morning annoyed with myself for over indulging.

    Hello, all my fellow fasters. Another Friday rolls around, and winter has returned to Wellington – cold and wet and windy!

    There’s been no progress on the house sale, and we re-start the open homes on Sunday.

    Apart from that there is little to report. The scales continue on their upward climb. 🙁

    Will you be posting a pic of your new swimsuit, Amazon? It might be inspirational for us to buckle down.

    Stay safe, everyone. 🙂

    Hi B
    Right on cue, on Sept 1, Spring hit here. Topped 28deg here, then massive, bushfire producing winds this afternoon. It’s going to be a bad fire season.
    My new regemin is paying off, with a slight weight loss every day over the last few weeks. Long may it last! I’m not missing breakfast or carbs as my 2 meals a day are such tasty vegetables. Easy. P

    Hmm P, you’ve stolen our summer! Its breezy, showery and cool at least here in Cumbria ☹ And mornings and evenings are getting noticeably darker…

    Glad to hear you’re seeing some downward movement on the scales.

    Barata, sorry to hear that you’re seeing movement upwards….

    I’m fasting today, although Friday is not an ideal day as there is no way that I will not have a couple of G&Ts on a Friday night. I’ll just have to forego food 😁

    My weight is on a slow creep down. It’s been a bad year for me emotionally though, so I’m not going to beat myself up about being a couple of kilos heavier than I want to be.

    Anyway, to work! For me at least…!

    Morning/evening all,

    Friday already, where does the time go?

    The weather has remained fine here in London, with a couple of beautiful days and the others a mix of cloud and sunshine. There is an autumnal chill early in the mornings but it soon warms up although today it is rather breezy.

    All going well on the fasting and exercise front. My weight continues to move in the right direction but not as fast as I would like so I’m moving towards a stricter LCHF regime to see if it speeds things up.

    This time last year I was preparing for my trip to Africa but I’ve another couple of months until this year’s big adventure. It (and the swimsuit; no photos 😳 ) are proving to be excellent motivation.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    I need your secret, P. Low carb, two meals a day are not cutting it at the moment.

    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry I have been offline.
    I returned from wonderful Scotland to be struck down along with hubby, son and girlfriend plus baby with stomach virus. We were all pretty ill. During the worst of it I also lost my dog Charlie so you can imagine how low I am at the moment. Still off dairy, living on bananas,rice, apple and toast(not bad actually), still nausea attacks though, day 7.

    Hope everyone else well.
    I hate this house without dogs – it’s really tough.
    Arranged to babysit a friends dog next week, quite a challenging 11 year old Spanish Water dog, Ball mad.

    Actually, Happy, you wouldn’t wish for what we are copping tonight. Terrifyingly strong winds …we are surrounded by very large trees! Who said we can expect extremes of weather behaviour? Certainly not our politicians. You wonder what we all did to deserve them!
    If you can, join the world wide School Chilidrens’ Strike for Climate Action on Sept 20.
    Glad to hear you can eschew food fir a Friday night G and T…that’s choosing wisely! Have a good weekend folk. P


    So sorry to hear about Charlie. There’s never a good time to lose a pal, but I can only imagine how hard it must be to have lost both yours within such a short space of time.

    My cats drive me mad on a regular basis, but for me a house isn’t a home without my animals (obviously the OH can leave as soon as he likes… 😂)

    Well I made it through my fast day. I was cold though. Hot shower and an early night methinks.

    So sorry to hear yoy’ve now also lost poor Charlie, Jo. (I missed your post 😕)
    We have been without pets for a couple of years now. The first time in my life. I still often think I hear a little meow greeting when we arrive home. I cannot justify getting another with us both retired and often not home. It isn’t fair on an animal.
    I hope you all regain your health and happiness soon. P

    Oh, what a shame about Charlie, Jo. You will be feeling the empty house with both of them gone now. And all of you being laid low like that! Glad you enjoyed Scotland, though.

    I agree about further pets, P. Not that we are yet retired, but that day will come soon. 🙂

    Morning/evening all,


    Sorry to hear about Charlie. I found it much harder when my second cat died.
    I had to talk myself out of rushing into getting another and I’m glad I succeeded as despite occasionally missing the company, I don’t miss the responsibility and having to find someone I can trust to look after them.
    One of my cat-sitters helped herself to and drank all my wine then told everyone that I provided wine for her……….🤬 She wasn’t even staying at my flat, just coming in to feed the cats!

    I’ve managed to lose 7 of my regained pounds and I’m very pleased with myself. As I said the other day, I’m now keen to get the weight dropping at a faster rate and am busy planning tasty, satisfying low carb meals for the coming days and weeks.
    This time of year offers up a bounty of fresh veggies so I shouldn’t suffer food boredom. If I can keep away from bread I’m onto a winner. The good news is I’ve run out of yeast so there’s no possibility of impromptu loaf baking.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I agree, Amazon. As tempting as it is every time Mr P has toast in front of me, I’ve been resisting and reaping the rewards. 😊😊 I ate too many carbs when he was ill and the weight went straight on. 😧P

    Wow, Amazon, you were lucky the wine was all your cat sitter took! You could have gifted her some artwork or jewellery in gratitude!

    Great to hear you’ve shifted half a stone. I need some of your discipline! Although I do think I’m moving towards a better frame of mind generally though, so hopefully I can get a grip on non-fast days. Bread isn’t a problem for me, but I’ve discovered that I like granola a bit too much! And while it is a reasonably healthy option (oats, spelt, nuts), there is honey and calories…

    It’s a lovely autumnal morning here, bright and chilly. I’ve done the hens and now back under the duvet for half an hour with a cup of tea while the sun warms up a bit 😊


    If I’d had more discipline it would have been 10lbs, there is always room for improvement. It has given me the impetus to try harder and persevere and I’m also increasing my daily exercise which has a twofold benefit, getting out into the fresh air for a couple of hours or so AND keeping me away from the kitchen.

    We have clear blue sky and sunshine here today but with an unmistakeable autumnal nip in the air.

    Funny you should mention granola. I used to make it and when I first did 5:2 a sneaky handful was what kept me going until dinner (now superceded by peanut butter 😆 ) and I was considering making some for the first time in a while, then came to my senses and dismissed it as madness!

    Well done Happy, Barata, PVE and Amazon – Fasting doesn’t get easier does it. I am now totally hooked on bread again, but no butter.

    Thank you for your kind words concerning my loss. I am not planning to get further pets as I travel frequently. Even with good pet sitters who do not drink my wine I can’t justify leaving my pets for 6 weeks every other year when I visit NZ. However I suspect Aunty Jo will end up looking after other people’s pets while they are on holiday. I am considering volunteering at a sanctuary too, we have several close to home. I definitely need a pet fix at least weekly. I am on the Volunteer Sitters List for infirm/hospitalised elderly people. This service used to be run by Cinnamen Trust (National)but now another local Agency has taken over pet care locally.

    I have had an incredible week of Bowling, winning all the major competitions at my club including beating the men’s champion – girl power! So exciting a day that I am still awake at 2.30pm. It’s so good to win when you were deemed the underdog. Really tight, tense games right up to the last ends.

    I have also purchased a convertible car, bit late for summer but I don’t care. My son’s friend received one as a gift from his mum but he sold it to me so he could buy a van. It’s an old ‘04’ puetgoet 206 in silver blue. I love it! However I need to get used to manual driving again. It’s very low mileage so I hope it will be reliable, passed its MOT on Thursday last week so good news. So my birthday treat is sorted and I am now looking forward to a holiday in the Isle of Wight.

    I also started pottery class last Thursday, it’s just a 2 hour introductory weekly course for 4 weeks. We learnt to centre the clay on the wheel and begin making a bowl, it was great fun. I loved it.

    Fasting has not been a focus as my stomach still not fully recovered. BRAT diet continues, everyone else has made a full recovery. My grand daughter now babbling Da da which is cute(7 mths). She is hard work though, rarely has a nap during the day(doesn’t appreciate that her aged grand parents need a break in their 6 hour stint each. She does sleep at night though albeit cot and parents bed rota.

    Weather has been Autumnal generally but we had a nice hot afternoon today.

    Never a dull moment, Jo? Welcome to the convertible club. Over here, I can have the roof down all year, except when it’s raining..which it never does. 😥
    Jo, remember it’s the bread that is the problem, not the butter! Fat satiates, so you eat less. Fill yourself up with tasty, low gi alternatives and you CAN avoid white catbs. You’ll reap benefits straight away. P 😊

    Congrats on the bowling triumphs Jo!

    Well I had 2 slices from a white bloomer loaf yesterday and spent the day bloated and flabby. It was supposed to be a weekend treat… Won’t be eating that brand of bread again!

    A had a boyfriend pre-university who drove a Triumph Spitfire. Played havoc with my (waist length) hair. I spent every journey hanging on tightly to a bun to try and protect it from the ravages of the wind. I never arrived anywhere looking like Audrey Hepburn 🤣

    So, the weekend! And the sun is shining. It was a chilly 8 degrees when I got up this morning, but should be pleasantly warm later.

    Two fasts this week have seen a teensy drop on the scales. Never mind, I’m feeling more positive than I have done for several months and it will all come right in the end.

    Just in town, drinking coffee for one…practicing being single. Sad to say, its actually less lonely than drinking coffee with a man who’d rather read the paper or his phone than talk to me… Bizarrely though, having ignored me for years, he is very bitter that it’s over!?

    Anyway, best get on. I hope you’re all still alive…!


    Well done on getting the scales moving in the right direction and I’m glad to hear you’re feeling more positive 😊

    Being single does have advantages and going out and drinking coffee for one is great although there are sadly still a few issues with lone eating due to Neanderthal waiters who want to seat lone women adjacent to the toilets and occasionally bar staff who serve every man at the bar whilst seemingly unable to see you.

    Having said that, doing something about it always gets you noticed 😆

    I am roasting some beetroot and the less than appetising smell could be offputting if I didn’t know how fab they’ll taste.

    I’ve not been on the scales yet this week as I’ve just had 3 busy social days and this weekend is B2B fasts.

    I’ve also been busy filling the store cupboard. I now have mincemeat, courgette chutney, beetroot and orange chutney, chilli jam and marrow and ginger jam which didn’t set as I misread the recipe and used 1kg of jam sugar when it should have been 1.8kg. I had to go to the supermarket and buy pectin and re-boil it, adding more lemon juice for good measure.
    I am pleased to say it set perfectly and the resulting tang from omitting almost half the sugar is very pleasing.

    I was out late last night, had too much wine which led to indiscriminate late night snacking when not the remotest bit hungry. I woke up very early with a headache and craving carbs.

    One would think I’d know better at my age…….

    We went to Kew to see the Dale Chihuly exhibits lit up. They looked incredible and every one of them more beautiful for being viewed lit up with the backdrop of Kew in the dark and a clear sky with a beautiful moon. It wasn’t crowded so we had the opportunity to stroll along in the dark and pay attention to how amazing the huge trees looked and how almost eerily quiet it was.
    We decided to eschew the overpriced wine and food on offer in the Gardens and go to the pub and I’ve already told you how that ended 🤣

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Snap, Happy. 8 deg this morning, predicted mid 20s during the day. The pool is warming up in expecation of summer, but a quick test, when I was cleaning the surrounds yesterday, ended at thigh height. Sometimes it is just not quite worth getting wet hair.😕
    Your preps, foodwise, sound yummy, Amazon. It’s always good to have readily accessible, tasty food. I try to have a healthy slaw mix, avocadoes and basil pesto-roasted tomatoes in the fridge. Easy to grab a meal quickly.🤗
    I broke my weeks of no white carbs when I ate bruschetta while out on Friday night. A very unwise choice, resulting in a terrible bloated tummy. Poisonous stuff and instant weight gain and lingering hunger.
    Enjoy your weekends, choosing activities YOU want to do. 😉😉 P (2:30am)

    Hi Purple,

    It’s the first time I’ve made anything other than chilli jam for 3 years and the shelf contained only empty jars. I really enjoyed it and am now itching to make something else.

    I love having the cupboard full of chutney and jam. A jar of something homemade is a great gift and a spoonful of the right one can often liven up a dish that didn’t turn out as tasty as hoped, or a sauce that is a bit lacking in something but I’m unsure exactly what. And of course they are great with cold cuts, cheeses and numerous other dishes.

    The chutneys and marrow jam were made using locally grown produce from Osterley farm shop, really fresh and much cheaper than anywhere else.

    I’m not sure where the time has gone today, but I did some chores this morning to stop myself from eating anything and take my mind off my headache, and had a short walk in the sunshine so I’ve not been idle.
    The plan for tomorrow is an early walk in Kew Gardens as I want to make the most of this fine weather and the extended summer opening hours for members.

    I’m now going to find something to take my mind off the thought of a G&T……….

    Well, I’m still awake at 4pm and busying myself booking theatre tickets online 🙄 It’s a long time until eating at lunchtime…I guess a lie in, then washing winter bedding and cleaning windows will do the trick. I’m really missing cooking sessions with so little food consumed around here 😥😥 P

    Ha ha, Amazon, you’ll be OK post-no deal Brexit then! We’ll be banging on your door by the end of November 🤣

    I haven’t made much…yet…this year. It’s not been the best few months and I’ve been unmotivated. The greengrocers in town had some lovely damsons today though, so I bought 1kg and 2l of gin 😀

    I’m thinking of making some tomato chutney. And I’ll get round to some chillililli at some point. Oh, and I did make rhubarb and ginger jam earlier in the year.

    P, I know how you feel! I really enjoy baking, but we don’t eat puddings or cakes. I have to get my baking fix when we have guests 😊

    It’s been a lovely day here, warm enough for a long walk this afternoon in a T-shirt. I’m hoping to sleep well after 23000 steps.

    You’ll all be heading to bed by now…hope you sleep..I finally drifted off listening to a podcast on the development of cinema. 😂😂
    We are expecting a large group of house guests, family, shortly. I’ll get a chance to cook, but with so many different needs (!!), it will be more stress than pleasure. I’ll keep it simple to enjoy the company…muffins, pizzas, baking sessions with kids. 😊😊 I am happy to cook and not eat the produce. It feels as if I’ve already eaten. P

    Morning/evening all,

    So I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. There will be a walk but Joe Public will also be there……

    Damson gin sounds good.
    I was considering what else to make and I keep thinking about the raspberry vodka a friend of mine was telling me about as it sounds wonderful but not to be consumed if one wishes to do anything else later that day 😆

    I really miss baking. I used to make somehing every couple of weeks and take it to work for my wonderful staff. I used to bake muffins when I got up and take them to work still warm or have a weekend baking session, they were very fond of my courgette loaf which is actually a cake just baked in a loaf tin. I was fond of it too as it was another way to use up the courgettes of my nightmares.
    Why can we never resist planting an extra seedling in case one of the plants dies…..

    It’s a beautuful morning, I must get a move on and get out into the fresh air.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I’ve just made fish skewers to bbq tonight…swordfish cubes, zucchini, eggplant, capsicum and onion cubes, (Mr P’s has potato) soaked in a mix of soy sauce, fish sauce, lemon juice, peanut butter, ginger and 5 spice powder. The veg suck up the marinade and become delicious when seared on the barbie. I have to turn my talents to low carb dishes.😏
    I had my first swim for the season…delightful. The days are getting longer,the birds are all making “hay” and the spring flowers are glorious. A lovely time of year. P

    Hello again after an unintended silence.
    I managed to unsubscribe myself without meaning to and only after talking to Barata on Messenger yesterday did I learn. I just thought the thread was quiet.

    Sorry to hear about Charlie, Jojo. Dogs are a part of our village life here in France. They mainly consider us as sheep who need to be rounded up and led away.
    Fasting is very present for me at the moment.
    I had my vein op 10 days ago and it was a lot more challenging to the surgeon than anticipated ( I was awake during it all with a local anaesthetic only). I was impressed as there was not a lot of swearing going on.
    I am taking a long time to recover in spite of a strict fasting regime.
    I fasted for 4 days before, and I realized that recovering was taking a lot of energy. I fasted another 3 days after with a food break. Nevermind, I look wonderful with a elastic bandaged leg.
    I see the surgeon on Tuesday and hopefully he will let me fly to NZ on 1 October.
    I am not 100% optimistic, though the ankle split does seem to be recovering, which was the objective.
    What is great in France is the travelling nurse system. They come every day and check and dress and inject and bind up my leg with the bandage. Their greatest role however is reassurance.
    Your meal and swim sound wonderful, Purple, I so miss the water with this stupid ankle.
    xx Wiwi

    Poor you, Wi. Hopefully the op will solve your long term ankle issue and you are released to fly south for the winter. Take care, mate. P


    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your flight! I hope this finally resolves your wound. I did think of you when I saw an article in the news a few weeks ago about the increase in chronic wounds in the UK. Apparently some 2m people and £5b/year cost to to the NHS. I hadn’t appreciated it was such a common problem.


    You shamed me into making tomato chutney yesterday too. Best to have something other than alcohol in the store cupboard 🤣


    I’m jealous of your swimming! We’re having some nice autumn days, but not that nice!

    I’m (planning on) fasting today. I normally do Tuesdays, as I’m travelling, but I’m home all week so aim to kickstart the week this week.

    Morning/evening all,


    Sorry to hear your ankle is taking it’s time but as it’s been an issue for many months it may take a while to heal. Fingers crossed you can travel next month.


    I have a separate cupboard for alcohol 😆

    I used to make green and red tomato chutney when I grew them and they were always delicious.
    I’m considering buying some ripe tomatoes and making a batch.

    I didn’t fast yesterday but am doing so today. The holiday trousers are hanging on the cupboard door.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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