Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Amazon,

    Have you considered reporting your neighbours to the police for mental torture?!

    The cat doesn’t just talk to me, he talks to the hens too (I’m not sure they know what he’s on about either), and sometimes when I’m working I can hear him outside by himself just singing a song… He’s only 5, I dread to think what he’ll be like at 15 🙀

    So fasting didn’t happen yet again today, which wouldn’t be so bad if I could stop eating once I’d started. I need to get to a happy place again for both of those things to go right….

    Indeed!!!! 😥☹☹😉


    I love the sound of your cat, 95% of them are quiet the majority of the time so having a chatty one is very special.

    Or maybe he’s bonkers 😆

    I’m actually feeling rather pleased with myself for getting through a FD despite being tortured by the neighbours……

    I might try for B2B FDs tomorrow depending on how I feel when I wake up.

    Her cat IS bonkers, but in a very bewitching way!
    Well done on the fast, Amazon. P

    Well today was a successful fast day, after a few failed attempts over the last couple of weeks. Tomorrow will be another fast day as I’ll be driving down to Wales for the weekend, although it might not come in under 800 calories as my Dad will be attempting to feed me up tomorrow night!

    Hi everyone,

    Well done Happy,

    enjoy your time with your Dad.

    I’ve managed one good FD and 2 sensible non FDs which is good news for me. I’m going for B2B FDs tomorrow and Friday.

    I went to Osterley House yesterday which was very enjoyable and today I visited Syon House and gardens which was even better and I’m already planning my next visit in order to do a guided tour of the house and further explore the extensive gardens.

    Tomorrow I’m meeting my nice and her two little ones age almost 4 and 6 months.
    Can’t wait 💕

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    He’ll love “fattening you up”, Happy 😄😄😊
    No fasts here, I’m afraid. With a brand new granddaughter, there are too many celebratory occassions, and I’m having to drink for both of us until Mr P is a bit better. 😱👍👍😉🙄🍷P

    Morning All,
    Congrats to Mr and Mrs P on new granddaughter. Celebrating compulsory.
    My new grand daughter came to see her Nanny sing yesterday. Rock Choir performed at Margate, Cancer Charity – Race for Life – supporting the runners and walkers and at a local seaside town Festival – Westgate. Great day but exhausted beyond belief. Recorded 15,895 steps, in sweltering heat.

    Well done Happy and Amazon on your Fasting success. I am struggling with maintaining what with emotional turmoil of last week. However Charlie (my dog)has significantly improved last two days, he has stopped collapsing daily and ate well today, he also coped with his 5000 step walk with two stops for 5 mins each time. So I am feeling pretty happy today, maybe medicine working? Sending him positive vibes constantly. We are still taking turns at staying with him daily and he is sleeping in my room (first time in his life), not a big fan as I am a very light sleeper. He is my shadow these days.
    Amazon- park visits sound wonderful as does cafe food – yum! We have 2 new Vegan Cafe’s opening up in town this month. Can’t wait to try them?
    I also have a neighbour that is an excellent cook and delicious smells emanate daily. Very noticeable in summerwhen windows and door are open. But I am not going to complain because she often feeds us. Old fashioned cooking but very tasty and always prepared from scratch. She never cooks spicy food which is just as well because that might have me jumping the fence, not wise at my age, with dodgy hips.

    Happy – I love the idea of a talking cat, having had many cats in my life (6 I think?)I have not been lucky with them, very short lifespans – 1 disappeared and rest got run over by cars. Do you have a Siamese? I looked after one once, very chatty, bit nasty to strangers though, spitting and hissing. I may have to consider getting a cat as we haven’t owned one since being at the coast. Nice quiet area and it might be nice for Charlie, he is lonely without Tilly. Not my other half would be keen for me to get another pet? I just can’t imagine life without pets!

    RT – thanks for the message, it helps. I can be tough when it’s need but mostly I am a softy especially where children and pets are concerned.

    Barata – if you are still around at Xmas I have a friend staying at My daughter’s place, I think you will like her, we should arrange a meet up, she will be there one month while my daughter is here. Possibly Wiwi there at that time too I guess?

    Weather fabulous here, enjoying lots of salad.

    Have a good week everyone.

    Jo, we won’t be at this end of the island by Christmas. The trip north at the weekend didn’t result in our finding our ideal new home, but if nothing turns up over the next few months we will rent in Kerikeri. So this house goes on the market in the next couple of weeks. We stayed in my brother’s cottage in Mangonui, but this won’t be practical if we have to spend some time househunting. OH and I will both be working, and it’s not really big enough for four adults when they return from Florida in September.

    So invitations offered to visit us in our new location, all my dear fasting friends 🙂

    Good news that Charlie has perked up. Long may that continue!

    Morning All,
    Hope Everyone is well?

    So we got Boris for PM, no surprise there, many resignation will doubtless follow. Fed up with political scene but we are still lucky compared to many countries.

    Over 20,000 steps logged yesterday so catching up on my backlog of non active days. I met a lady last night who has just started her second ‘million steps’ also doing this for Diabetes UK. She is in her 80’s. She averages 20k daily, she must sleep well, I was exhausted yesterday as temperatures very high at the moment. I envy my granddaughter in her nice airy shady pram. Bowling yesterday was a mission in full sun, 50 factor applied liberally. It is supposed to reach 40’s on Thursday, unheard of in these parts, sadly I will be playing a ladies league match, probably badly.

    Barata – sounds like exciting times ahead. If I am up North in NZ I will certainly let you know. No plans yet. I have so many places on my ‘Wish List’ and I am very aware that I need to get on with my planning before my health becomes an issue. Living healthily is not always enough.

    My son’s partner has already had enough of London working combined with motherhood(after 6 weeks) so is planning to quit and work from home. Less babysitting for me, well at least no more 7.30am starts (early starting came as a blow after being retired for 5 years). Although to be fair I usually walk my dog quite early when it is cooler and less busy. I am pleased for her, I did similar (worked from home) but not until I was pregnant with number 2. Having been a working mum I understand where she is coming from, it’s definitely not ideal. Hopefully my son will be able to get a better paid job so they can pay their huge mortgage, if not they will need to downsize. Home ownership is not easy for young couples these days but they spent years renting at exorbitant rates in London.
    Charlie (dog) continues to make good progress so I am very happy.
    Had a bad night at Bridge last night, my partner and I were not on the same wavelength, shockingly bad bidding, we came last but we had some laughs.

    My ukulele group continues to grow (now 20 of us) and we can play 40 songs mostly from 60’s and 70’s plus we are preparing for our first Christmas concert. It’s great to learn a new skill, it will be something I can pass on to grandchildren in future. There is a big movement in UK of teaching ukulele to all ages including primary children. We have several groups amongst retirees locally too. Longer term I am considering guitar next.
    My hair is being chopped off today, probably a shaggy bob, so time to get moving.

    Fasting today and tomorrow as I have over indulged this week so far.

    Have a great ‘bump day or evening everyone’

    Morning All,
    Some powerful storms this week after intense heat. Sales of fans going through the roof as very rare to have air conditioning in UK homes. Windows and doors have been open but constantly catching butterflies and some huge moths for release. Raining today so planned BBQ cancelled.
    It’s been a depressing few days, lots of IT problems which can’t be resolved easily. Finding Fasting impossible as self control has taken a holiday. Dealing with lots of irritable ‘hot’people not helping my mood, us Brits don’t do 30+ degrees very often.

    Finally caught up on steps (mostly walking in shady woods, better for dog paws and my sanity) so now need to maintain 11,000 per day until end of September.
    My hair cut a success, much cooler.

    Booked into 10 week beginners guitar plucking course so I need to look out for a 3/4 size version. Tried full size but I don’t have sufficient span or speed to change chords. Practise, practise, practise!

    Sorting out my mess of an office today, converting to a nursery as not needed for paperwork anymore. It will take days, lots of rubbish dumped in this room. Boring but necessary. Cot already set up ready for more overnight stays by my grand daughter who is now finally sleeping through the night at 6 months.

    Have a good weekend everyone

    Hi Jo
    I think you are going to learn to get used to heatwaves. It was the same when we were there last year. Number one problem is the number of places that don’t even have opening windows! At least the sunset is earlier here in the summer, so we get some relief from the sun.
    I find the extremely hot days make it easier to fast. You can just drink and, when you do eat, you really only need a light salad. Makes it easy to avoid calorie dense foods.
    Meanwhile, Aussies are experiencing record breaking low minimums. Cold nights, but sunny, dry days. Very good for long walks. 👍
    Keep cool and hydrated. P

    Hi fasters
    The last heatwave was a bit much, but it’s almost cold now. We will only have 10 days left of high summer before the rains come and the light will go golden again.

    After 3 weeks of family and friends visiting, we are only 2 at home again.
    We had our grandson alone for a week, and taking him halfway home was a trip to the Ligurian coast of Italy about 30km past Monaco. The Italian coastal resorts are a lot less upmarket than the French ones, and we had a lovely family meetup with our wee man going back to his parents, and a day at the beach.

    My ankle will be repaired soon, with an operation in September of a rogue vein. Not very serious, but life restricting rather than life threatening.
    I am back on an extended vegan fast until after the weekend.

    I hope you are all in good heart.
    xx Wiwi

    It will be a great relief to get the ankle fixed, Wi.
    I filled in my Fast Day with a visit to my youngest grandie. Lots of delicious cuddles 🤗🤗 Didn’t even think about food, until I arrived home. 👍😉😉

    Cogratulations on the newest addition, Purple.

    Yes it will be a relief to have a healed ankle.
    I notice after two days fasting ( Not zero, but 500 days) that the inflammation around the wound is lower.

    The side benefits of fasting are innumerable, Wi 😉

    Morning All,
    Wiwi- great news that you have discovered source of your long term problem and hopefully operation will be a permanent fix. I wish you well.
    Charlie(dog) is doing very well and we can now leave him unsupervised again. He is also back to waking my up at 6am, little devil. My dog/house sitter won’t be too thrilled with his early starts.

    PVE – you are right about getting used to hot weather. Luckily we have lots of windows and doors to keep open although through draft can be an issue. Found a neck band mounted fan which is hands free and rechargeable. Just the job for bowls and Bridge games.

    11,000 steps daily now habitual and enjoyable and not causing hip pain at night. One month under my belt and on target for Million Step Chalenge which ends at the end of September. Travelling up to Scotland soon so I will need to get ahead to cover long car travel days. Rehearsal for our Fringe Performance on Monday, excited!
    Today I am going to a Mary Poppins Choir Event. We learn the songs from the new film for 3 hours then watch the film in a singalong performance, should be fun!

    It’s been a bad week for Fasting and healthy eating generally. I have given myself a good talking to. Luckily it hasn’t translated on to the scales but neither have they moved in the right direction. FRUSTRATED with myself again. Ice cream has been a real temptation on these hot days. As you say meals are mostly salad based or snacks, cooking low on the agenda. Bread has been creeping back into diet which is a bad thing both in terms of calories and bloat.

    Took my grand daughter swimming this week, managed quite a few lengths pushing her in her inflatable swim ring, she loved it. Family changing room was good at my gym, everything you need to cope with young baby. I had forgotten how much stuff you need with you – pram, changing bag, swim gear for both of us, food and toys – challenging compared to swimming alone. It took three of us to get her out of the specially designed swim ring once her water swollen nappy had expanded to capacity under her special swim pants, she was stuck fast. Nearly dunked her in the process but she just laughed.

    Off to do my Coastal dog walk and then Ballroom/Latin aerobic dance class this morning so my target steps completed before lunchtime. I met an 87 year old lady this week who walks 2 hours everyday, she is one fit lean woman. She also takes in foreign students all year around, enjoys looking after them, she is a widow and enjoys the company and cooking for them. She also runs a local WI Branch. Honestly she looked no more than mid 60’s. Impressive.

    Good weekend everyone.

    The 87 year old sounds inspirational, Jo!
    Fast day here, so we went on another public transport adventure to check out the new driverless Metro. It ends in the middle of nowhere, so we stayed on to return to somewhere where we could walk. The weather is absolutely glorious, 22 and sunny. We are desperate for rain, but I DO love these sunny winter days.
    My fasts no longer drop mt weight, despite careful eating on normal days. I don’t dare to stop fasting though as I can’t imagine how quickly I would gain!!! At least it keeps me healthy. P

    It’s so funny P that your sunny winter days are the same as our sunny summer days! I’m so glad I don’t have to experience your summers!

    I thought of you yesterday when I popped into a shop in town. It’s long and narrow, in a terrace of shops, the only windows are the shop front. It was stifling as the upper floors are being refurbished and the aircon has been disabled. Two shop assistants, one a slightly portly English lady, looking seriously overheated and who couldn’t think straight with the heat, the other a slim Australian who was cool and thought it was ‘just nice’ 😂

    I’m fasting today. Got a wedding at the weekend so I’d like a good week in the run up. I might have to fast every day to nip the overeating on non-fast days in the bud though ☹️

    Afternoon all,

    I had a lovely time with my friends in Herefordshire and the weather was fab, although everyone could have done without the day it was over 35C. We actually did a 2 hour walk in Wales near the River Usk on that day. We decided we needed to be finished by 12.30 at the latest as it was going to be so hot. The walk was delightful, through wooded areas, along the river bank, across wheatfields and through meadows. 60% of the time we were in shade so it wasn’t too demanding or difficult and we finished just after 12, perfect timing for a brunch of iced coffee and cake 🤣
    We saw a kestrel, several buzzards, rabbits,various water fowl,lots of farm animals including a herd of beef cattle standing in the river having a cool down and a drink. We also saw lots of insect life including damselflies, dragonflies and in the 5 days I was there, more butterflies than I’ve seen in the UK in the past 5 years. (I rarely see butterflies in my little garden but I’ve just been out to bring the washing in and a Painted Lady fluttered past 😲 Apparently it’s a good year for butterflies which is great news.)

    We did a lot of walking while I was away and it was made more enjoyable by having such lovely weather. The cake and the ice cream also helped 😆
    There was rather a lot of both and too much wine (if there is such a thing….. 😉 )

    We found some great gardens not too far from where my friends live that we’d not visited before, plus we returned to an old favourite as there was a sculpture exhibition by post grad students from the local art college in a garden on the bank of the River Wye. The gardens looked fabulous, there was lots of wildlife and the artwork very good.
    We also did couple of other long walks, one of which was a route through parts of Ross-on-Wye which was really good. We’ve not walked there beofre and were trying one of 5 walks from a book my friend had been given. We are both keen to dothe other 4 as it was very enjoyable.
    We visited castle ruins, pretty little villages, had lovely drives through the countryside, went to Ludlow which is one of my favourite towns for a stroll and lunch.
    I came home feeling uplifted and at peace with the world. I’ve been back a week and have no idea where the last 7 days went!

    It’s just under 14 weeks until my holiday and the realisation has kick started my determinationto get a grip and lose some weight.
    I am back on the fasting wagon with a vengeance, I’ve made some ready meals for the freezer so I don’t need to cook every day, plus I’m enjoying salad days.

    My friend gave me a dozen fresh eggs, some veg from the greenhouse and I also came home with nuts and a few other items from a wholefoods BYO containers store which was cheaper than London.

    I also purchased a shampoo bar as I’m trying to eliminate some of the plastic in my life.

    So far so good and I discovered today that one of the local stores is now stocking it along with other items I’m keen to try, and it is offering a refill service for eco laundry and cleaning liquids.


    I’m still struggling with non FDs as once I start eating I don’t want to stop but I’m determined to overcome it.

    I’ve hung the swimming costume on the hall cupboard door which should help to keep me out of the kitchen.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    Your trip away sounds great, in a lovely bit of the UK.

    I’m thinking rather than just looking at your swimsuit, you should perhaps wear it round the house on a daily basis… I might try it tomorrow and see if it keeps my snout out of the cupboards 😂

    It’s the end of a good fast today here. I’m out tomorrow so if I can just avoid eating before I leave I might manage a back to back fast. I’m going to have a bit of a pamper session in the afternoon, which will hopefully keep my mind off food for a bit longer!

    I’ve got a shampoo bar waiting for me to finish off a plastic bottle first. I did try a bar a few years ago but didn’t really get on with it. Fingers crossed this time round!

    Hi Happy,

    Wearing the swimsuit wouldn’t help as there’s no-one to tell me how bad I look in it!
    I am wearing a skirt that is feeling rather more snug than last time it came out of the wardrobe and it has prevented me from eating in no particular order, a spoonful (or two) of peanut butter, a hunk of cheese, a handful of almonds and a bowl of muesli. It’s the most difficult FD I’ve done for a very long time, mainly because I’ve actually stuck to 500 calories 😬

    I’ll be having an early night and sleep like a log safe in the knowledge that when I get up in the morning I won’t be hungry.

    The shampoo bar sometimes takes a while to get used to but my short fine hair looks and feels good even without conditioner (so I’ve been wasting money on that for decades…..)

    Ah yes, conditioner! My hairdresser was appalled when I said having short hair was saving me a fortune in conditioner. Apparently, even if you find your hair doesn’t really need it you should use it…!

    You obviously need more mirrors! Or you could order yourself something for home delivery every day and answer the door in your swimsuit?

    I’m glad you are all making the most of your delightful summer weather. Were you describing the shop we had coffee in, with you, Happy? Lovely old place. I do find heatwaves in the UK are a lot harder to take than the same temp here. Part of the difference is the length of your days. We get relief as the sun sets much earlier.

    You DO know there is no such thing as ‘too much wine’, Amazon. 🍷🍷 I’m so pleased the trip lifted your spirits.

    My fast went well yesterday, but ended with ‘wee’ trips every 2 hours all night. The main thing I hate about fasts 😟…along with having to wear a ski jacket while watching tv last night as I was so cold! 🤕😰

    I have been enjoying picking the produce from my little veg patch and throwing it together into tasty dishes. Poor Mr P still can’t eat much of it, so I have to cook 2 separate meals. Oven roasted tomatoes, onion, shallots, chives, beans, peas, broccolini, parsley, oregano, kale, spinach, carrot, cauliflower, steamed together and topped with a little prosciutto and blue cheese. Easy and tasty. For Mr P, chicken or turkey with a range of suitable veg, made into soups or passata sauce. I make big batches and freeze them in single serve, compostable bags.

    Re shampoos, a friend accidently bought a huge pump action bottle that will probably last me for a couple of years! Even with thick, shoulder length hair, I only need to wash it once a week. For laundry, I use soap berries in little reusable canvas bags. No plastic.

    Keep up the fasting motivation, folk. P

    What you need is full length mirrors in places you can’t avoid, like the hallway. At least it reminds you to suck your tummy muscles in! 😟😕😉

    Btw, it’s 4deg now, at 7am. The temps really drop overnight…waiting for the sun, but you are quite correct, Amazon, I am never hungry the morning after a fast day. Strange, isn’t it? P

    Yes, the downside of fasting! Sleeplessness and a weak bladder ☹

    I’m feeling positive this week, partly I think because I’m getting more exercise (between 6-12km walk/run every day) so fingers crossed I can start to (re)form better eating habits. I had got into the habit last summer of eating an early breakfast (ha ha, in the days when I was struggling to keep weight on..!), but now I think I’ll have to go back to fasting through to lunchtime and see if 16:8 helps with appetite and portion control.

    P, it wasn’t the coffee shop, but on the same street so a similar long narrow layout. I’m still chuckling about the contrast between the visibly wilting english lady and the cool energised Australian 😁

    Yes, the downside of fasting! Sleeplessness and a weak bladder ☹

    I’m feeling positive this week, partly I think because I’m getting more exercise (between 6-12km walk/run every day) so fingers crossed I can start to (re)form better eating habits. I had got into the habit last summer of eating an early breakfast (ha ha, in the days when I was struggling to keep weight on..!), but now I think I’ll have to go back to fasting through to lunchtime and see if 16:8 helps with appetite and portion control.

    P, it wasn’t the coffee shop, but on the same street so a similar long narrow layout. I’m still chuckling about the contrast between the visibly wilting english lady and the cool energised Australian 😁

    For the Australian, it is probably a short term job, the poor suffering Englishwoman was in for the longrun?
    I will say, when I’m “over there” in summer, I’m always wearing a sunhat. Often I’m the only one with headwear.

    I might add, that despite the low overnight temp last night, I had no heating on. We just don’t believe winter gets cold here, just as Brits don’t expect heat in summer. Bloody minded, humans, aren’t we? 🤭🤭

    Hi everyone,

    I don’t find I need extra nocturnal loo trips after a FD but last night I had to get up 4 times!. I went straight back to sleep on every occasion though and woke up feeling refreshed and not the slightest bit hungry or interested in food.

    I went shopping this morning for a couple of cushions and got two which match my sofas perfectly in the first shop I visited 😁

    I’ve broken my fast early with some melon that needs to be eaten before it walks itself into the compost bin and the sugar rush will see me through until dinner 😆


    I’ve never owned a full length mirror but walking past my dressing table gives a belly view which I’m avoidng at present. I am feeling very determined and motivated so it’s B2B FDs.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Oh I think I’d rather a full length mirror than one that only shows me my belly!

    I had a good day today too. I wasn’t ravenously hungry and I’ve eaten very little. Why can’t everyday be like that?!

    I’m off for a super-early (for me) night. I’m worn out after lying down in a darkened room for an hour this afternoon having a facial!

    Hi everyone,

    Even quieter than usual around here. Where is RT? Is he away again or has he tired of being the only man in town 😆

    I had notions of a 3rd FD today but I was hungry at 10am so decided against it. I’ve had just over 800 calories which is a FD for some.
    Back to 500 tomorrow.

    I went to my local farm shop this morning and once again came home with a huge bag of very fresh veggies. They had fresh corn which I love so I bought a couple of cobs and roasted them. I’ve made a really nice summer dish a cross between salad and salsa and it’s very good.
    I also made HF-W’s roasted carrot hummus which I had for lunch served on Romaine lettuce.

    I think it might be a late one tonight as the tennis schedule in Canada is looking very interesting 😃


    I guess RT is hunkered down for winter. His typing fingers are probably frozen.
    These days, with the increased production in all regions across the land, we get lovely corn all year. I pop it, in the husk, in the microwave for 2 minutes, peel and cut the niblets off. I use it in my slaw. I have a slaw “on the go” always in the fridge (red cabbage, kale, spinach, corn, grated carrot, red capsicum, seeds, fresh herbs – no dressing). I use it as a salad or tossed in to a pan with other foods, a quick steam, and, voila, a hot meal.
    Fast day here today. Time to get busy. 😏😏 P

    Hi everyone,

    I spent the morning strolling through Osterley Park and Gardens. I explored paths I’ve not used before and at one point found myself in a field with the Osterley cows who studiously ignored me and contined eating.
    It’s a nice day today, a fair amount of sunshine and not too hot at 23C, perfect walking weather 😃

    I had to give myself a good talking to in order to avoid the wonderful fresh scones served with jam and clotted cream in the café as I could smell baking when in the kitchen garden. I went in aiming to have coffee and the aroma of baking hit me again as soon as I walked through the door. The queue was long and the thought of standing in line beside the trays of freshly baked goods was too much so I made a quick exit and continued with my walk.

    I got home, made coffee then took a few minutes to polish my halo 😉
    The point is I wasn’t hungry, it was the knowledge of how good the scones are. I’m sure they bake very small batches all day long in order to entice people through the door and into temptation 😆

    Second set of B2B FDs today and tomorrow,
    strike while the iron’s hot!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Sounds lovely, Amazon. Both the gardens, and the shiny halo! 🙂

    We have the first open home on Sunday. The for sale sign went up on Monday, so we are well under way on the sale process. Lots of last-minute tidying will be required on Sunday morning – after all, we are living here too.

    Otherwise it’s all quiet on the local front, just trudging through the final winter month before spring arrives. At least the days are perceptibly getting longer.

    Have a great weekend, all. 🙂

    Make sure the house is warm and the blinds open to let in the northerly sun but also revealing the best vistas, Barata.
    The house next door to us was for sale recently. They had all the windows open, on a very chilly day, and the blinds angled to stare in at neighbours, not up at the trees. Estate agents have no idea!
    All the best!
    We have a freezing Antarctic blast hitting us today. Very strong winds, snow down to 500m. Classic August, just when the blossims are on the fruit trees! 🤕 P

    Yes, I will do house airing in the morning, P, then close up and put the heating on. The timing is to get the best of the sun, although the forecast isn’t so good. The question I now have is, is it okay to have my roast in the oven. I slow-cook it from midday on Sunday.

    Our agent has taken some great photos, makes the place look terrific – all we need to do now is to present it in the same fashion! He didn’t re-touch the photos, although some filtering might have taken place 🙂 I’ll post the link if you want a virtual walk-through.

    There are a couple of places that have come on the market in BoI over the last couple of days, and I am crying out for some decent pics that actually show the layout, size of section etc.

    Definitely…the roast is perfect.
    I’ve just bought a Kiwi low D Irish whistle and am enjoying sitting in the sun, inside, trying to master it. Never too late to learn something new. 🤭🤭

    Never heard of it – enjoy. Right, paths are swept, doorframes wiped, anything else can be left for tomorrow. Mr B is taking a load to Trash Palace, a wonderful recycling centre by the tip, just over the hill. I think his return home might be via the pub, though, he’s strangely delayed. 🙁

    The years that I served up tough roast beef, following the 1/2 hour per lb, plus 1/2 hour! The slow cooking makes it sooooo tender. 🙂

    Sounds yum.
    Google low d whistle and have a listen. They are lovely. P

    No, I did him wrong – he was hunting through the treasure trove that is Trash Palace 🙂

    To bring more “treasures” home? 😕

    Just following your southern chat, Purple and Barata.
    Good luck with the house, Barata.
    Snow to 500m in Oz, Purple. Amazing.
    Not much happening for us, though on the fasting front plenty or not depending on how you see things.
    I am on countdown for this vein op in September, and it brings home just how heavy medicating is here in France. I have 2 weeks of antibiotics, and what is worse 10 days of Cortisone. I intend to do a 5 day fast before the op, but I was reading the side effects of cortisone, and realise I will need to eat very little now as cortisone has weight gaining effects.

    We are off for a holiday in the UK. Just in case foreigners are not allowed in after 31 October. We are going to visit family in Cornwall though not sure that driving our French car on Cornish roads will be so easy.
    So a fast day just beginning for me.
    Happy Days,

    Oh, that WILL be fun, Wi…steering wheel on the wrong side AND all those “hedges”!! It’s the HUGE trucks squeezing through, forcing you to reverse, we found the most exciting.
    Yes, get in before November. The UK will be shut down after that. 🤭🤭
    Annoying side effect of cortisone. Still, your leg is the important thing. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Please don’t say the UK will be shut down in Novemeber, even in jest. You have no idea how awful it is sitting watching the current governement tearing everything to shreds in the name of a fantasy that even they don’t believe in!

    We’ve had heavy rain overnight which and it is now brightening up and the sun is peeping through the clouds.

    Last FD of the week for me. I’ve decided not to put myself through the ups and downs of daily weighing so will be keeping the scales out of sight until the end of August when hopefully the difference will be sufficient to spur me on.


    Have a fab time in Cornwall. Maybe you should dip that ankle of yours in the sea!

    Have a fab weekend everyone 😜

    Sorry Amazon. We get saturating coverage on yours, and US politics. Sadly they aren’t just ruining their own futures.😫

    It’s OK Purple, I’m very concerned about our future which is in the hand of a group of very rich, egotisitical incompetents who are only interested in themselves, and anyone who thought Theresa May was dreadful, it has just become far worse than we could possibly have imagined.

    Anyone who thinks the UK is better off not being part of the huge trading bloc that is the EU, and thinks we will be regaining what they insist on referring to as “sovereignty” has little or no understanding of how the EU works and/or what the UK government have been doing (or failed to do) in recent years. and it beggars belief that so many people think what the Tories are telling us is anywhere near the truth.

    There is a light at the end of the tunnel in that the government has a majority of one, but we are living in very uncertain times and I despair for the future if we leave the EU.

    Yes, A. Totally crazy to reject the EU.
    Our current govt is in the hold of far right wing nutters and climate denying miners…fabulous!
    Our state govt spent 2 weeks listening to morons trying to stop the decriminalization of abortion. It had passed, late lasy night, in the lower house, finally, but we’ll have another bunfight in the upper house. The world is being controlled by selfish people who want to go back to the past..a very dark place indeed. P

    Sorry, Amazon. I feel sad too that a country which has such a long history of being reasonable is in such a situation. I can tell you though that the treatment I get coming into the UK on a non-European passport is not always very nice. I am told I can’t live off your social security, I am allowed to stay only 6 months. People on British passports coming into NZ don’t get that treatment. Once at Calais, I was subjected to 10 minutes of what I couldn’t do or have. So the fortress mentality has been there a long time. NZers, Canadians, Australians and S Africans are easy target at
    your borders as we speak English. Yes, the Australian govt looks pretty primitive. We had years of a similar sort in NZ, and France is governed by another president who thinks he’s Napolean. We can’t win.
    I worry about my daughter who now has leave to stay in the UK, but with multiple nationalities has a lot of choices, and worry even more about my step daughters who don’t have these choices.
    I didn’t put my ankle into the Med Sea last week while we were in San Remo, but the Cornish water is probably cleaner. I might just do that.
    The Cortisone is making me feel sick, but not hungry, so I will stick to very low rations. Very hot here with a wind from the south which could drive us mad.
    I am in tidying mood so will get on with it.

    Hi Wiwi,

    What you say regarding border control is hardly surprising considering before she became PM, Theresa May was Home Secretary and it was her who instigated the “hostile environment” including vehicles with signs on the sides telling illegal immigrants to leave.

    She was also (I believe) Home Secretary when the decision to destroy all the records of Windrush immigrants was made, something that made life hell for hundreds of people who had problems proving they had a right to remian in the UK. Some were deported and others have lost everything, jobs, homes etc. IMO it is unforgiveable as people were invited to migrate from the Caribbean in order to aid Britain’s economic recovery after WWII.

    I have travelled all over the world and never had issues entering a country apart from a rather self-important man at a border post in Africa who though he could boss a woman and be as rude as he liked.Fortunately the tour leader told him to stop asking questions that weren’t on the immigration form and get on with his job 😆

    I also had a minor issue with someone in India as I didn’t know the name of the hotel I would be staying at (I was on a tour). The man behind me said, don’t worry, just write anything, they won’t check as it’s all petty beurocracy, so I wrote Marigold Hotel (as in the film) and he stamped my passport and allowed me in. 🤣

    I am appalled that visitors are not given a polite welcome. They should be informed regarding permitted length of stay etc but there is no need for the third degree treatment.

    I need to do something to cheer myself up before I resort to comfort eating 😬 especially as things are going so well this week.

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